The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 12, 1923, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12th, 1923




I" a 1 @
a wl LET
. : )
Extra Big Flour§Sale
. For This Week-end @nly!
Again we prove to you that Your Money @#lways Goes the
Furthest Where Quality Counts. - 5)
rein miai — - i vss dR ©
GOLD SEAL FLOUR 1 2Ii§bag 43c
98 1b BAG (7 bbl), $3.2
The highest, grade family flour milled#§ The best flour
for all baking purposes. It will pay you to Jy in a supply at
this special price. 2
ASCO BAKING POWDER, can 3§, 10c, 20c
{ Choice POTATOES * pk (8% lbs 15¢
Peck (15 Ibs), 60c
Big, dry, mealy potatoes. Sold by Wight only
One Pound 29c¢ ]
® | both |
© and ))
One 79¢ Aluminum for ¢
© Coffee Percolator |
@ These percolators are made of heavy gauge aluminum,
® guaranteed to be 99% aluminum—black h@¢dwood handles,
® and ig the Asco Coffee combination, is a bd rain you should
Crisco... i.e. ih: can 22c WEEK-END!
Snowdrift Shortening can 21c Marshmallo@§ Creams Ib 32c
Seeded Raisins pkg 12¢ | Cocoa, Taff§ Bars 21c
® Seedless Raisins pkg 12c Chocolate aps pkg Sc
® Vadilla Extract Bt 12 Cream Mings IE Ib 28¢
ne xirac o c ocolate aws | in 39¢
® Asco Oleomargarine lb 25c Sweethome a 1b Pie 39¢
ASCO TEAS *% Ib pkg 14c, Ib pkg 55¢
A tea for every taste—Orange Pekoe, I@ia Ceylon, Old
Country Style, Plain Black, Mixed. 3
Pride of Ki
ride of Kilarney Tea Ib tig 65¢
For the folks who prefer a heavy drin bo Tea
® . Ee
Gold Seal Rolled Oats pkg 9cE: pks 25¢
Big, White Flakes. Cook Quicld
Asco Pork 3 cans | CANNED VEGETABLES
y ® and Beans ...25c New Crop—Big Values
. Asco Sugar Peas /& ..can 17c
Rich Creamy Ascoc Sifted Peas ¢hn 19c, 25¢
Cheese 1b -33¢ | Choice Tender Pe ag can. .15c
—" Fine Cut String Bedhs can 13c
® Gold Seal 3 pkgs. | Choice Lima Beansikan...12c
@ Macaroni ....25c { Asco Calif. Aspara ps can 23c
NC As pure as home-made. Theres health in evefly crumb ®@


1010 TH
] =


“Velie 58 loaded
times in high
ie-built Motor.
“Velie 68 takes Ligonier Mountain in high gear.”
with passengers climbs Shelburne Mountain
gear.” “Just finshed 72 hour non-stop run with
1,818 miles with 87 gallons gasoline, 2 quarts oil,
Nearly 21 miles per gallon gasoline, over 900 mile
running continually 3 days and nights, averaging 25
“L. D. Eldridge, Trenton, N. J., completed a 2,600 mil:
58, crossing 350 miles of mountains, averaging 24 mil
To the remarkable Velie-Built Motor are added
the finish—the Quality all through—that make the
standing value of all sixes. Five models open and c
R. D. Elizabethtown, Penna.
TT 1

i512 ET OO
0 Tn li



3 | evening.


Well, we're up against it. If this
column gets too
| turn to the next page please. Does-
'n’t amount to much this week but
! we had to fill the apace.
| rmeirrens
| A very levelheaded Mount Joy
| township farmer told me that the
| farm population will keep dwindling
just as long as the city has a momo-
poly of high wages.
Our Safety Committee here in Mt.
Joy has sent out a warning to all
ladies visiting the country in short
skirts to keep out of the cow pastures
The reason for said warning is that
strange calves often excite a cow's
"anger and there are sure some very
strange ones.
Many a man rides away from a
rented home in a mortgaged automo-
bile to a job he’s not sure he'll have
tomorrow, and then wonders why he
can’t get ahead.
Here's a married man who should
be pitied. A woman on New Haven
street says there's no good reason
why men can’t be taught to wash
dishes. They can develop photo-
graphic plates.
Some of our subscribers should
| sing this, using the air of Auld L&
If a body owe a body,
And fail to get prompt pay,
May a body ask a body,
Please remit today?
Most business men spend a lot of
money ior advertising but think of
the vast amount of advertising Hen-
ry Ford gets for nothing.
A man stepped on a worm which
| Beside the house:
{ A little later he was bawled
Out by his spouse,
My, what a tonguc
If 1 were he, and hac
I’d be a worm.
-and such a
my choice,
| A fellow and his wife had an ar-
| gument. Finally he threw the dic
| tionary ai her and remarked: “You
| tell her dictionary, the words aren’t
in me.” Ie said he would have used
his oaths instead but he used them
so ofter. on previous occasions that
{ he was tired hearing them.
One of our local preachers told
me yesterday that s» many people
cannot see the sermon in stones but
everybody can feel the argument in

An East Donegal street man and
his wife were engaged in an argu-
ment on Prohibition when she said:
“Aw shut up. I used to think booze
made you talkative but mercy me, so
does Prohibition. Go make your
wine and kcep quiet.”
A fellow in town who wants to be
a real sport, lost his position and
went out to Donegal to get a job on
a farm. He said to the farmer: “Do
you think I'll make an agriculturist?”
“Dunno! Reckon you’d make a hit
with the crows standing round kinda
i natural like in a corn field.”

A curio collector called at a cer-
, tain home on last Main street, rang
| the bell and the man of the house
| answered. “Have you any old-fash-
ioned things in your home?” he in-
quired. “Only my wife,” was the
reply. She heard the conversation
and he’s poardiag at ¢ hotel since.
There was a knock at my door last
I opened and inquired:
“Who's vher:?” *‘ Mista Carr,” re-
plied a colored gentleman. I said:
“What the deuce ‘oo I care if you
missed a car Wait an hour and 2-t
the next one.”
A lady went to the Union National
bank and inquired:: “How much
money does my husband have in the
bank?” Carl Krall answered: “We
are not permitted to tell you that
madam.” She said: “Why I thought
that’s what you’re here for. Aren't
you the teller.”

I told my wife yesterday that I
i am just like a hen. She couldn’t see
\ the similarity and asked me why? I
said: “I seldom find anything where
i I'laid it yesterday.” Even after that
i I am still getting my meals at home.
I asked a fellow at Florin if he
{ has a wireless. He said: “Well we
have a broadcaster and a receiver.
| My wife does the broadcasting and I
do the receiving.”
een) eee
| Good E. Donegal Farm
i _ If anyone wants a real good East
| Donegal township farm, along the
i Donegal creek, with the best of lime-
{ stone soil, here’s your chance. 107
| acres, seven acres of which is good
! meadow. Farm divided into 6 fields.
| New barn, 40x90, 8-room brick house
| summer house, shedding for 10 acres
of tobacco, running water at barn
| and house. Buildings in exceptional
t Jacob M. Greider, Salunga; Andrew
monotonous, just .
shape, farm is convenient to markets, }
iis an excellent producer and can be
bought at $180 an acre.
If interest-
ed call, phone or write Jno. .
Schroll, Realtor, Mount Joy. tf

(Continued from page 2)
G. Frey, Lancaster; C. Emerson
{ Rohrer, Manheim; Miss Myrtle Grei-
der, Mt. Joy; Mrs. J. Lloyd Harnish,
Lancaster, R. F. D. No. 7; Mrs, Bar-
bara G. Bauseman, Millersville; Mrs.
Emma Landis, Florin; Mrs. Margie
Rhoads, Quarryville; 8S. S. Greider,
Columbia R. F. D. No. 1; P. G. Bren-
neman, Columbia; Clarence Emig
Hellam; Mrs. Mazie Propst, Colum-
The morning program delivered
was as follows: America; devotional
exercises, in charge of Jacob M.
Greider, of Salunga; address, Cap-
tain C. E. Emig, on forming a per-
manent organization of the Greider
family. The members voted to do
this and elected the above officers.
Afternoon program: “All Hail the
Power of Jesus Name”; address of
We'come, Charles A. Greider; recita-
tion, Helen Hostetter, of Millersville
recitation, Emma Catharine Madiera
of Harrisburg; address by Captain
C. E. Emig; five minute talks by An-
drew J. Fry and Mrs. Sue Bowers.
j Jacob M. Greider gave an account of
the settlement of the first members
of the Greider family in America.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Greider
M$. and Mrs. Nissly Greider, Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Greider, Christian
Greider, Benjamin Greider, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Tyson, Norman Tyson
Jr.; Charles Tyson, Leona Tyson, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Hilt, Katharine Hilt
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bender, Bertha
G. Erb, Robert G. Erb, Mr. and Mrs
B. Roy Bender, Pauline G. Bender
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Greider, Myrtle
M. Greider, John F. Greider, J. Roy
Greider, J. Roy Greider Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Greider, Mr. and Mrs
J. Clarence Reist, Martha Jane Reist
Warren F. Reist, Mr. and Mrs. B. F
Greider, Clarence Greider, Elizabeth
Greider Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Rohrer
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Breneman, all of
Mt. Joy, R. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus
y L. Bowers

G. Frey, Mr. and Mrs. D
Raymond Garber. Mr and Mrs. Amo:
M. Greider, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ed
wards. Dorothy Edwards, Mr. and
Mrs. Amos G. Breneman, Henry
Breneman, Martha Breneman, Mrs.
A. B. Herr, Amos R. Herr Jr, Mrs
Annie C 8. Hershey, Mrs. Annie B
Greider, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob G. Ha
becker. Martha M. Habecker, all of |
Landisville; Mr. and Mr David B.|
Landis, Florin; Jacob M Greider
Salunea; Mr. and Mrs. Abraham B |
Earhart. Mr. and Mrs. Milton H
Martzall, Ruth G. Martzell, My. and
Mrs. Harvey Spangler, Ruth Spang
ler: Bellerma Spangler Mr. and Mrs
Harry Rohrer, Anna Rohrer, Ruth |
Rohrer, Esther Rol , Harry Rohrer
Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Spang ex
Walter W. Spangler, Mary B. Roh
rer, C. Emerson Rohrer, all of Man
heim R. D.;: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Baus
man, Elizabeth Tager, Mary A M.
Breneman, Christian Breneman
Mary E. Herr, Mrs. Catharine H
Hostetter, Catharine D. Hostetter
David Tager, Helen E. Hostetter, al
of Millersville; Harry Heidlauf, Mr
and Mrs. P. G. Breneman, Anna y
Breneman, Eveline H. Breneman
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Greider, Mr. and
Mrs Benjamin G. Bushong, Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin E. Greider, Howard
Greider, Samuel Greider Jr., Martin
Greider, Harry G. Rohrer, Marth:
Wertz, Esther Greider, Anna Greide:
all of Columbia; Mary C. Wiker
Samuel Wiker, Mr. and Mrs. Abram
Rhoads, Mrs. L. H. Rhoads, Mr. and
Mrs. Abram Rhoads Jr., Benjamin F.
Rhoads, Mr. and Mrs. Evan L. Shoe-
maker, Leandrew Shoemaker, Ervin
C. Rhoades, D. B. Stoner, H. S. Herr
Abram R. Herr, Edgar M. Herr and
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Herr, all of
Quarryville; Mr. and Mrs. Martin E.
Funk, Marion Funk and Alice Funk
all of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. L
C. Bucher, of New Holland; Mrs
Adah Herr Dean, of Plainfield, N. J.
Mrs. Francis Shellenberger, of Stras-
burg; Mrs. Clara Emig, Mrs. Henry
Emig, Morgan B. Emig, Mr. and Mrs
Clarence Emig, Robert Emig, Glady:
Emig, Frank Sultzbach and Mr. and
Mrs. Claire H. Emig, al! of Hellam,
Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Shenk, Ruth
H. Shenk, Mr and Mrs. Aaron Kaylo»
and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Eby, all o’
Lititz; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith and
children, Mrs. B. H. Greider, Marthe
Greider, Alida Greider, of Rheems
Mr. and Mrs. Anna M. Musser, Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Musser, Mr. and Mrs
E. H. Gish, Evelyn Gish, Lillian Gish
Barbara Gish, Amanda Gish, Edwin
Gish Jr., and Barbar G. Musser, all
of Elizabethtown; Mary McCune Nis-
sley, Elizabeth Sander, John G. San-
der, Robert Sander, John W. Sander
Catharine E. Sander, Harry H. Grei.
der, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd Harnish
Mrs. Lizzie Huber, Mr and Mrs
Jacob B. Newcomer, Mrs. W. K
Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin E. Grei-
der, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Royer.
Mrs. James Gromling, J. Russel
Gromling, Mrs. C. Chester Hoover
Elverta T. Funk, Estella B. Funk
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Rhoades
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Frey and
Annie McCune, all of Lancaster; My
and Mrs. David R. Nissley and Reba
Nissley, of Lancaster Junction; Mr
and Mrs. George M. Stoll, Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Madiera, Emma Cathar-
in Madiera and Mrs. Elizabeth Grei-
der Owens, all of Harrisburg; Mr.
and Mrs. Abram Heistand, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Heistand, Mrs. D. S.
Johns, Edward, Gladys, Anna Johns
all of Neffsville; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Funk, Mr. and Mrs. Christ G. Gar-
ber, Maude K. Garber and Mrs.
Mary Downs, all of Mountville; Su-
san G. Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Peirce, Harry Peirce Jr., all of Mal.
vern; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley L. Grei-
der, Eva Greider and Gladys Greider
all of Holtwood; Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Kemp, Robert Kemp, Allan Kemp
Pearl Kemp, Lois Kemp, of Balti-
more; Captain Clayton E. Emig, of
Washington, D. C.; Mr. and Mrs. R
M. Sherer, Mary Sherer, Catharine
Shere, al! of Mt. Joy; Mr. and Mus.
Harry B. Herr, Esther, Ethel and

May Herr, all of Talmage; A. L. Mus-
ser, Milton Kepner, Harry Rohrer |
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Root, Bertha’
Root, Mr. and Mrs, Howard G. Grei-
der, Ruth E. Greider, Samuel Fink-
biner, Christian Finkbiner, and Lena
Finkbiner, allof Lancaster R. D. 5:
W. P. Blake, Luella G. Blake, Hyatts
ville, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Funk,
Mountville, Pa.; Mrs. Ella V. Way-
land, Chicago, Ill.; Mrs. E. C. Davis,
Eagle Rock, Va.; W. S. Armentrout,
Mrs. W. S. Armentrout, M. S. Rat-
cliff, J. W. Funk, Susan Funk Whis-
sen, Ida Shoemaker, E. M. Bowman,
Mrs. E. M. Bowman, C. W. Dove,
Mrs. C. W. Dove, J. F. Shoemaker. |
Linville, Va.; Silas Miller, Sarah F.
Miller, Bridgewater, Va.; G. J. Pen-
nypacker, Licna, Ohio; D. Adams.
Bridgewater, Va.; Minnie Bear Slan
Frankfort, Ind.; Betrice B. Lowman, |
Anacortes, Wash.; William J. Blake
Jr., Mrs. William J. Blake Jr.,!
Hyattsville, Md.; Walter L. Miller,
Bridgewater, Va.; Annie E. Diffen- |
bauch, May E. Diffenbauch, Staun-|
ton, Va.; Nasom Neff, Louise Neff, |
Broadway, Va.; J. R. Swank, Cleve. |

“Price Redug
“Effective September F irst,
Motor Company announce
ing prices’ ---



“Superior Roadster
Superior Touring 3

Superior Sedan .
Superior Comme

land, Ohio; J. H. Shank, Mt. Craw-
ford, Va.; D. P. Shank, North Rivers.
Va.; Betty Cabell, Waynesboro, Va.
Oscar F. Funk, Lancaster, Pa.; Mrs.
E. W. Kerwin, Terrence Bransford, |
T. H. Bransford, Newport News, Va. !
Mary E. Swank, New York, N. Y.; J. |
W. Grum, Mrs. J. W, Grum, Timbern !
ville, Va.; Alice Funk, Moors Store
Vr.; John Acker, Mrs. John Acker
Virginia Acker, Sidney Acker, Billy
F. Acker, Travis Acker Jr.; Eelom i
Va.; Mrs. John Bray, Stonardsville |
Va.; Mrs. P. H. Donovan, Singer's |
Glen, Va.; W. Y. Andrews, Mrs. W |
L. Andrews, Lther R. Andrews, Carl
M. Andrews, Edward M. Andrews, o'
Roanoke, Va.
1) |
ing of America; two selections by
Mrs. B. F. L. Swarr, Lancaster. Mil-
ton Swarr, East Petersburg, present-
ed plans for a general reunion of the
family to be held in the Landisville

“These very lo
sible through larg
and are in confd¥
policy of providig
lar value in Ech
9” &

i prices are made pos-
volume production

(Continued from Page



camp grove on the second Saturday
in August, 1924. The Rev. H. S *
| Hershey and Harry H. Swarr, Lan- FECODO0000000000000C

| caster, were elected to serve on the ——————
| committee representing their respect fos v
{ive families. Mrs. Irving Heines, New 200000000000O0C000OCOO000 QOCO000 SOOO00000000000000 +
York, explained the family tree. Mas 8 x
ter John and Miss Marie Jower © 2
plaved a violin and piano duet, 8 x
| Luncheon was served on the lawn & %
[ The oldest member present was Mrs 8 :
| Eliza Swarr, Hershey, 97 years old, ©
| and the youngest member was Mary 8 8
{ Sune Brubaker, not yet eight months $ :
old. Both received prizes. Susa: 8 ore &
| Swarr, of Hershey, who®is in her & > :
| 89th year, was also present. & .
| List of Attendants é 4
i The following persons registered: & 4
| Susan T. Hershey, Landisville; Eliza & €6 A Ii A d 2 2 ” y
| T. Hershey, Landisville; Irving C. & al £3 vertisine 18 v8
| “3 :
Swarr, Mrs. Irving Swarr, Mrs. H. J:
| Stambaugh, all of Mt Joy: Elmer H.
Swarr, Ada B. Swarr, J. Nelson, Al-
jvin H., Ruth Elizabeth and Marian
May Swarr, all of Lancaster, R. F.
D. No. 2; Howard Swarr, Mt. Joy:
Sarah A. Root, Lititz R. F. D. No. 3:
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bowers, Marie
and John S. Bowers, all of Lancaster
R. F. D. No. 1; Bertha S. Gochen-
auer, Edna S. and Mrs. D. H. Goch-
nauer, all of East Petersburg; Clara
M. Habecker, Lancaster R. F. D. No.
1; Anna Ruth Forney, East Peters-
burg; Mr. and Mrs. Phares Swarr
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Swarr, all of
East Petersburg; Christian F. Swarr
Oreville Home; Mr. and Mrs. Harry
H. Swarr, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S..
Forry, Lancaster; the Rev. John W.
Swarr, East Petersburg; Mr. and
Mrs. Levi G. Swarr, Lizzie Swarr. |
Quarryville; Mr. and Mrs. C. S.!
Wenger, Brownstown; Dr. and Mrs.
B. F. L. Swarr, Lancaster; Mr. and]
Mrs. C. F. Hupper, R. R. and C. R.|
Hupper, Jr., all of Bareville.
Mrs. John Laird, Carlisle; the Rev. |
and Mrs. John Moseman, Lancaster; *
Mrs. Janet Buch Brubaker, John F. Y
Brubaker, Mary Sue Brubaker, all of | 000000000000000000000C00C0C0CO00C0C0OCCOO000000000000
Lititz; Hiram M. Swarr, Philadelphia | “——
Mrs. J. M. Swarr, Landisville; Miss i
Mary Rise, Reading; Russel L. Swarr | en LT El
Philadelphia; N. Stephanoff, Phila-!g
Retail and Local”
“All advertising is retail and local in the &hd no
matter where printed or by whom paid for”, writes
James H. Collins, business expert.
Every merchant, manufacturer or distributor who
advertises should tack that sentence over his desk and
read it over before he decides upon his advertising
Unless your message is retail and local, it misses
the mark, for final sales are both retail and local.
The newspaper, being essentially local, and the
great mouthpiece for the retailers, is obviously the
medium for the thoughtful who are looking for sales.

ielphia; E a Adele Heikes, 7 A
York; Buma Bowers, Lancaster i NOT TAKE CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL
arvey H. Swarr, i hia; Her-
man Long, Levit: joe v. ADJUSTMENTS FOR HEALTH?
Lichty, Lancaster; Susan Swarr)


—Because the existencce of Chiropractic is based
hire being upon the nerves is the cause of disease.
BD That a peculiar thrust given by a trained
Chiropracto®takes the pressure off of the nerve, and restores
the nerve ce to that particular organ or tissue of the
Lichty, Mrs. A. Blanche Lichty, all
of Lancaster; H. E. Long, Mr. and '®
Mrs. H. M. Swarr, all of Landisville;
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Swarr, Wye-|
brook,; P. W. Baker, Landisville;
Mr. and Mrs. J. Urban Baker, Lan-
caster; Miss M. A. Russel, Haverford
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel V. Swarr, Lan-
disville; Anna Barbara Swarr, Sam- =
uel V. Jr, G. H. Virginia Swarr, |=
Mrs. P. W. Baker, all of Landisville. ®
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Buck, Lititz: ®
J. Lehman Swarr, Mt. Joy; Mrs. Ella
Hershey Roland, Lititz; Mrs. Anna
May Enck, J. Alvin, John Jacob Enck
all of Lititz; the Rev. and Mrs. Mil-
ton G. Forney, East Petersburg; Mr.
and Mrs. S. C. Bear, Scranton; Mr. |
kcause, in twenty-eight years it has grown to
gucless health profession, on what the other
Health professionfleft it to grow on.
FOURTH-—-B&¢ause members of the largest, but not great
est health profesiongkin the world, study, teach, practice, and
take Chiropractic ad§gstments for their health.
#many of the business men in Mount
ster County, Pennsylvania, and the

> mentally and Spiritually well we
1 to keep physically well there is
SIXTH-—Because to
must be physically well,


and Mrs. T. S. Shaub, Betty K | Chiropractic Spinal adjustmite,
Shaub, Scranton; Alice S. Wenger | Yours RT Health
Lancaster; Mrs. Anna Hershey 3
ke TS ; Y |E 3 3 3
Greider, Landisville; Mrs. W. R. J. Ss. KUHN? Chiropractor
Styer, Mr. and Mrs. D. 8S. Forry

and by Appointment
76 R2
Hours 7:15 to 8:30 P. ]
Bell Phon
Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Menno P.
Swarr, East Petersburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Smoker
Me and Mrs. Harry Heise, Dorot] =
{eise, all of Columbia; Mrs. John en \ ii rT
Fabre, John Swarr Fabre, Lancasti Se
Amanda S. Forry, Lancaster; Mrs. |
Erla Buch Stultz, Ella Guthrie and
May Belle Janet Stultz, all of Lititz:
Mary Trout Baker, Mary Elizabeth |
Baker, Ruth Baker, Landisville: Le- |
titiz Swarr, Philadelphia; Mr. and]
Mrs. D. M. Fry and family, Philadel-|
phia; Howard S. Swarr, Mt. Joy; R.j
R. D. No. 2; Nelson Swarr, Alvin!
Swarr, Lancaster R F. D. No. 2; Mr. |
and Mrs. William Habecker, Landis-
ville; Mr. and Mrs. John .S. Forry
Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel]
Root, the Rev. and Mrs. H. S. Her-
shey, Landisville; Miss Ella Nissley.
Lancaster; Miss Fannie Sanders
19 East Main Street MOUNT JOY, PA.


11 EF