5 PAGE EIGHT EAST MAIN STREET, Starts Friday Morning---Ca THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. 00000000000 Y | \ : \ 5 ©0000 000000 0000E00E0EEHOEOOEOOOOOOO 0000000000000 Buy These Turkish Towels By the Dozen OEE White Turkish Towels at about half the regular price. There are big opportunities to save money in this sale. For in- stance, here’s the biggest towel value you’ll find anywhere. Large size best bleached Turkish, very absorbent, double terry. Priced for EEE this sale only 2 for 42c. © -— My Se tg Children’s Mercerized ' Socks > . An exceptional value, full mercerized, wear resisting, 2 ply, 300 yarn. Double roll cuff, ribbed top, choice of white or colors. Just compare this value, Pair 25c. A Better Gingham For The Money A quality Dress Gingham in the popular small fancy plaid pat- terms of blue, yellow and brown. A big variety of Scotch, Plaids also. 27 and 32 inches wide. All priced specially at 25¢c a yard. 000000000 Ine Children’s Play Suits Romper style, made of strong drill, patch pockets. An ideal sum- / J i — mer play suit. Each 98c. Here Are Two Big Bargains 39 inch Unbleached Sheeting Muslin, Extra care given to con- struction. Round thread from carefully selected cotton, will bleach easily. 39 inches wide. 5 Yards 98c. 42 inch Bleached Pillow Tubing. Seamless Tubing, finest quality An exceptional opportunity to save money on a desirable household necessity. 42 inch Tubing, yard 39c. BIG BROOM SALE Our regular 75c¢ high grade four sewed brooms, all go on sale as a special opportunity to save money. Regular 75¢ Each 68c or 2 for $1.35. Notions and Small Wares Grand Opera Hair Nets made of first quality human hair. Extra full size cap shape. Each 9¢ or 3 for 25c¢. Best Brass Safety Pins, regular 10c value. No Stickeri Edging any color, 3 yards 9c. est Spool Cotton in Black or White, 150 yard spools. 65c dozen. alm Olive Soap, 3 bars for 20c. Mluoid Hair Pins, high grade, perfect finish. 9c box. s Talcum Powder, 2 cans for 39c. q oth Paste, regular 50¢ size, large tube 29c. > Pro©000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 3 cards 20c. % LLY INVITE YOU ITO OLR STORE 4 LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES. YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND OURSTORE A PLEASANT PLACE TO BUY IN. ROCCE 06S609800000000000089000NETeRIrIIeD PPReEOOO® 000000000000000000¢ y / © ing 1 tion mal = F : go © RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME TO BU MEN! HERE’S YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO S£ MONEY BUNGALOW APRONS FINE GRADE CHECKED ,NAINSO#K ATHLETHUNION SUITS oo Better and stronger cloth thad is found in omary garments. © We could price them higher—they would sil be bar} ins Cut in full sizes, wide leg, knitted bac Asert, doulf stitched scams, ‘© dn But this is our opportunity days sale and we will make itfgne Sizes 34 to 44. ‘Suit 89c./ © Sha you will long remember. These aprons are fashioned f bm ad ©) 0 fine Gingham and in the selection of styles and colors yeu whe are sure to find several you want. Specially priced at 98c. Hy of T » kite! ™ Oy 1 4% ® the “— in Mothers! % attr: 4. Si Notice These Values ih Becoming Dresses “= ry ] assis 3 seric GIRLS WARM WEATHER DRESSES A ob There is nothing daintier for the little Miss than a crispy laundered Gingham or Linene Dress in stripes, plaids or sol¥ o og colors. Here is an opportunity to choose new styles at ¥W % © dam prices. Sizes 7 to 14 years $1.49. 5 ® 2 J 7 J) use | ® © was % : = the Pri 4 Full cut work ‘shirts, large and roomy. Large pockets, finished > evi A Summer 1Ce 36%nches long. Sizes 14% to 17. Our 'price during this sale is 98c. S ed B 2 fox $1.89. 2 is oat % a 3) ol BS FIRE Summer Article 5 MENS Qveoalis 8 Dehim, detachable suspender back, double stitched felled seams, Ay 2 seam legs, just a few of the features that mark this a wonderful bar- @ first ; gain. Sage money at this price. Each $1.98. © a Woman's Step-ins and Bloomers, x without extra charge. © parte popular | garments in fancy weave, oe 2 ber b elastic waist, comfortable full sizes. THREE BIG HOSIERY VALUES © A © from Blooners Each 59. 3 For Opportunity Days a ) Men's Soft ¥arn Work Hose. A light weight full seamless spliced The Stepins Each 48c. heel and toe. Elggtic ribbed top. Very special 2 Pairs 25c. ter, W Men’s Black N ercerized half Hose, a light weight 2 ply mer- ( Tus % YO ’ ON FINE QUALITY cerized body hose. An exceptional value made for long wear. Pair 29¢ f of 8-7 U CAN SAVE oN x Q Our Special 50c Men’s Hose, a fine gauge Stocking that has been 4 oo LONG a leader in our men’$ urnishing department. This stocking comes and e Chamois finish velvety Long Cloth is noted for its strength in a good range of colorggand is famous for wear and appearance. Ee and uniformity. Selected yarns, fine weave, snow white hi Bro bleached and finish. Especially made for fine sewing such as = toca - 3 : : ; COMFORTABLE DRESS SHIRTS Lingerie, Dresses, Skirts and general uses. 36 inches wide we The yard 18c. 10 yards $1.69. k Sheph will gi - n Fri Many VALUES HOUSE KEEPERS WILL WELCOME lh we Bleached Sheets of Close Woven Cloth with a plain hem. hn Buy as many as you want at our low price of each $1.25. a 42 inch Pillow Cases 36 inches long. Each 28c or 4 for ; $1.00 ra wT { estiva . 1 {. fSaturd AND HERE IS A FACE CLOTH BARGAIN ~ ¥ Lo Initial face cloth size 12x12 inches; 2 ply twisted soft # __ ot | f Se absorbent yarns. Each 9c. \ § oF i . 4 You'll want to wear one of these comfortalie 2 rey shirts t ors he cost only $1.00. inaw o BOLSTER CASES These Shirts come in a dainty line of pattern and are a The B Size 42x75 inches made of high grade seamless tubing one-half more than ‘this special ‘opportunity price. Sou wil)! Each 75c. several when you see them. Sizes 14% to 17. All a .00( The Boro C 5 XOOOC EE day eve ANYTIME, BUT ESPECIALLY DURING THIS SPECIAL EVENT. THESE ARE NOT ONLY SEASONABLE SPECIALS, BUT ARE OFFEXE ; present held on 4 i A 3 i -