The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 25, 1923, Image 2

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| e—
MOUNT JOY, PA. . | C. B. Conley, of Ashley, Pa., spent
J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro ¥! savers] days in the home of A. H

| Degler.
{ Mr. and Mrs. John B. Weidman
{ spent Sunday at Hershey with Mr
Single Copies land Mrs. Walter Lefevre. :
Three Months. ...40 Cents Amos Derstler, of Mountville, is
Six Months 75 Cents spending a few days in the home of
his son, Howard Derstler. 3
cred at the post offics at Mount Joy -) Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Miller and
lass mail matieto daughter, Anna, spent Sunday in the
! 3 .¢ their son, C. S. Miller.
apd Mrs. Elmer Brandt and
Ray Elwood, were tors on
of Mr, and Mrs. Jonas Waltz
Subscription Price $1.50 Year
Sample Copies
. bara Stauffer, f East o 1 Ty . NOD TD
burg, i spending a few week lg HE STUDEBAKER pleased to announce to
01 3 no 5 HA . : tet rr Be 2 es 1 .
Its customers, friend 10) S complete line of new
£2 &
924 Mod aker Cars
obile advertisements, the
Patbaeiaamn 1 Corporation desires to fa erning these cars and the
ia, of Mt. Joy of reasons why the public
of Mr. and Mrs
red and Mr co i LIE ATC : iti i i
1d, of York a § ER UAE acturing conditions. In our judgment, it
» and Mrs. W. R. eatest value and the closest approach to
In design, quality of material
D1 1a0e] durability, refi ts, per : freador on in moderate priced cars yet produced.
2ohrer, daugh rability, periorime .0 >
o 1
nent Sundax +3 y ne tu D I “a €1l Lars «< ~
of My ‘, . . ~ hy RE £ 9 Jini Yh 'Y
of My { eatest intrinsic th ornoratior 5 ey AUB eS 0INIi NS VY A
1 $45,000,000 invested
vere visitors | { verified by en tests is embodied 11 r has ample physical facilities to manufac-
Haller at |

lus Gibble and
air services | ; EF RIC S ky : : : nization of manufacturing executives, en~
he Uni 13 : : 3 , chemists, ins; | skilled mechanics
1 practice
oblems faced by an
financing, operation
of :ndustrial and
ng enterprises.
1e laboring man who has is cap- \ NY I's SAT, HB Reo : aluminu 13S it one-thil the tonals stvernctl of
tied up ir bank. a sawmill, a|Mrs. Samuel Lindemuth at Mt. Joy THE SPECIAL-SIX LINK co: 3 four models mounte: 1e-tiird the tensiie strength of
. Mrs. Herma Yineri 1 5h. 3 o1 lebaks: uses sh staal 1
gold mine, a shoe factory or ¢ I. 1 Mrs. Herman Gi ngrich on the standard 1 19-inch chasst&with \ke: uses sheet steel i
lie utility plant will be pretty and Mrs. Nelson Gingrich and as n 1 r129 2 r Y '
t aan ni te rest in maintaining | , of East Petersburg, spent Sun i 2-passenger Roadster - 1325% 5-passenger Coupe - $1975 1 tl :
y take a nterest nate ng : ad i : oo i : 1 : wy 7 airs El I LE ; 5
in both |day with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Sump i 5-passenger Touring Car - $1350 Ҥ-passenger Sedan - $2050 and the machini assembling and finishing of motors, axles,
man, 6 all prices f. 0. b. faclogy frames, transmissions, bodies, tops, eic., and the consequent
» maniifact £ : : 3
manuiacture of drop forgings, castings, stampings
safe and sound conditions
state and nation, in order that the
. | mer K: ff an on Wavne and 3 . . - ¢ % 1 . =
=nnariv mav pav a fair rate of Te- I'mer Kauffman, n, Wayne, a ; 2 . : ; elimindtion of middleteh’s ¢ Sp
property may pay a fai Te Wire ak ¥ has wd B Radiator, hood, cowl, and body changes have been made i middlemen's profits, coupled with lower oyer-
turn on his money invested, which Mrs. C'lemenda Kauffman, of Lancas A ’ é y ges e been made in I {
to him, the same as to any other in- | ter, were guests of Mr. and Mrs id the Special-Six, with minor mechanical changes and refine- 1 ial
y NC Se il ’ " | Charlos ywaert at A 4 “1 i 8 . . ~ . . - . 0 “on 21a pense udebcker’ :
vestor, represents years of toil and Charles Reppert at Mt. Hope, on 4 ments in the chassis. The Special-Six has for five successive w commercial expenses, Studebcker's costs are K\t at an
i { Sunday 4B NTS AT : ynomica sind oss bis of nita ‘
saving. [Sanaay 4 years added luster to the name STUDEBAKER. It is one of economically low point possible of attainment only by Yanufac-
, safeguard of the nation lies] Mrs. Emma Hershey, son, Ralph g ] . oi 5 TET
One safeguard {and Miss Dorothy Richardson, of j the most satisfactory and finest cars on the market. It is as turers with vast physical and financial resources,
in educating our workmen to take gjand 5 > 3 ; : vo Yoo
greater interest in, and becomes own- Reading, spent a week in the homes 5 EN good in every respect as the Big-Six, except that it is smaller,
ers of, the securities of our various of J. L. Kauffman and Howard Ders-
industrial undertakings. tler. Oliver Richardson, of Reading J iN :
1dustrial Ry hes plore ‘ The Light-Si The bodies of Studebaker cars are not excelled in quality of
Doing the Farmer # : e Light-Six atl oe : y
. E f th Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Grube and son > materials and craitsmanship, by any cars on the market. The
Nowadays the slogan of the POW-| wayne visited Mr. and Mrs. Curtis : THE LIGHT-SIX LINE comprises four models, mounted on Coupe and Sedan closed bodi i :
i AR eR i 3 : : : $ sed bodies are magnificent examples of
e 3 : ." | Raffensberger at Elliottshurg, on the standard !12-inch chassis with 40 H.P. 326x414 inch motor: th h builder’
we even giving it any consideration |g,nq,y They were accompanied Sd in : i I Pon SCoRCh puders an,
atever as to just Me 3 Jnsany home by Leroy Stillinger, who spent 7 3.passenger Roadster - $975 2-pass.Coupe-Roadster-$1225
Usually the price of a bushel OI}. act months in the same home. A i 8 5- i - 5 5-pass > - 8155 Merit Wi
wheat is the day wage of the common : on = 3-passenger Touring Car - $995 5-passenger Sedan $1550 Th 1 £S ns
faborer, while the mechanic is paid : ¢ sales of Studebaker cars {or the past six years have sho
: is pai : : ) wn
half again as much. As an iastee- SALUNGA § No body or mechanical changes except refinements have each and every year a progressive increase. 81,880 cars were
ti if wheat sells for $2.00 a bush- emoia—— oe . cl. Q : 1 : : 4 ,
ion, been made in the Light-Six. Over 130,000 Light-Sixes have sold in the first six months of 1923 as against 60,053 for the
el, the laborer is paid $2 per day, : wv spent Thrsd {ith i : :
while the average mechanic receives J Les Way spon Thus BY By he 11 been produced in the new, modern $30,000,000 Studebaker same period last year. Only products of merit can make such
$3 per day. All other commodities |p. Denlinger, of Philadelphia, 11 plant at South Bend, Indiana, under most economical and growth.
BE EE oul 3h the pros" town Seluniay evening, | 18 i ge
3 ev. . . n S in 48 “
ent condition of things. During the the M. E. church on Sunday evenin : t he St d k . ; .
: . EB. 3 g. k u
harvest and hay making the farniery Miss Catharine Kolp celebrated HE eba er Corporation of America
around here paid $4 > $5 Pe hs | her thirteenth birthday anniversary A A. R. Enki . Prosidint
and two meals for laborers. en :.ct Saturday. 211 Eakin
they marketed their wheat they were| my. y,4ies’ Aid of the Landisville 53 §
paid 96 cents per bushel. Many oth- Camp Grounds will have a social on 3
er farm products are sold accordingly Saturday evening. Red
today. Is that fair? Are we treat-|" yr... “pot Alexander visited her 1: a ¥ y .
ing the farmer with the fairness hee... neighbor, Mrs. Faust, at her
deserves? . . {home near Rohrerstown.
The farmer, like every other busi-| "pq 5 Myers and family took in
ness man, deserves a profit on his|y teoiio01 and fireworks at Millers
work but show me the tenant orig." "qoiirday evening. oo S A S T U D E B A K E R Y
landlord who has acutally made any| wm. and Mrs. John Strickler, of
money.on his farm in recent years. Fairland, visited his sister, Miss
Such inconsistent conditions account |g 4 Strickler, on Sunday.
for it and until these conditions are| mp. No. 4 Society of Farm Women
bettered there wil be less farming spent Wednesday afternoon with
annually. . : . their families at Long’s Park.
The writer has occasion to eover| ar. ..4q Mrs, Elmer Brandt, of
many farming districts and it is a|g ino Hil, spent Sunday with the ewe eh . { : :
very common occurrence to pass un- aE Spot Jonns alts former’s parents, M and Mrs. O. ROCK POINT ied Harry Gutshall and wife, of near | MARIETTA
occupied farms in almost any com-| ¥ Master Brant Ream, of Rheems [Beidleman, 81, prior if taking a ui Florin, on a trip to Middletown last|
itv 2 iallv i 3 : A, 5:1 to Portland, Maine, where the ull | Fridav Auth: hi 5 oe |
munity. Especially is this true thru spent several days with his aunt and et LS RI yw | Friday to visit his son-in-law, Willis
ts Ralph Gohn, who farms one of the : ,
out York county. These conditions|, qo My, and Mrs. C. K. Ball. lent Duffy farms near Marietta, is busily | Smith and wife, and also his son, | George Eppley had a tg
will continue to exist until such al a Jo 4 “Ms Harvey Hilbert, of The picnic held at Maple Grove by | y 4 : 3 ‘| at the Marietta furnace.
: . | Claude, who is an emplo in th
: Ares ar Of {the Landisville and Salunga Sunday |Pgaged in threshing his wheat crop. ||... [ooo oly pvr] wi He
time that wages and farm products |r. Jersey, spent several days with | Schools 2 yi The Neidigh sisters, Annie and | LATE Testeurant recently purchased | The re Tone °
are more equally priced. his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Geibe.! names Smit} d Tress] jon Thursday. a
{ N¢ S S 1 and Tressler. »
< 3 3 | i
was enjoyed by all. Swim-, |and doing a large business under the
Why We Boost John J. Aston is the champion|g, Chester Diffenderfer was the to enjoy a good day and listen tof = bi
head factory costs per car arising from quantity production and
Bodies Unexcelled
and costs less to produce, and therefore sells for less.
all prices f. 0. b. factory

ming, dancing and games were the | Ruth, took in Atlantic City last week
Our Schools cherry picker. He picked 24 bushels | champion in the pie eating contest. the wild waves. | aa og vill lead to Cassel’s|
Newspaper readers, particularly and 1 peck this year for different { The tobacco crop presents a very gd mont le eo »
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Staley and | T.
those who have no children, often | People. th Auilita Sthels Mr "| promising appearance around here
ie gs Th newspaper editors take | Mrs. Lizzie Way. spent Thursday | Saughter, Ee 50 Miss, Ham at the present writing; also the cor;
such a keen interest In the building | 2fternoon with her brother’s wife ’ 3k yrs, le motored is away up in G.
: {to their hunting lodge in Perry coun-
{ Mrs. John Weidman, who has been | g g y | Sunday School was held at Ma
vf neourage- ve y 7 ay i . { a Se 4 .
of new schools and the encourag { very ill. {Ey on Sunday morning, Ger guests | o¢¢, under the auspices of the Chu
ment of education. Sometimes, | taal Tl inabia SE .; {to the number of thirty-five, came i
when the cost of school extension | Win Ellash th, Mery : ad Mil om Lancaster, Maytown and Eliza. | of the Brethren, Samuel Shearer,
w / . dred Hiestand, of Lebanon county ; : Rheems, Supt, at 2 P. M.
seems particularly heavy, efforts are. hen‘ Saturday afternoon with Miss bethtown. | Luther Trostle and wife, of ng
made to have it appear as if the lo- |,» eT aCtn EAL Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deichler andr, or gro! e ane ize, OL Iq
. I le Hiestand. 2 ene ibe Maytown, have my profound tha
cal editor were unmindful of the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas returned to] on™ Frank and Kendig, after spend for courtesies they extended me 1
public interest in forever boosting|., o* ; 0 Fo Nw Jersey after |ing 2 week at the home of Mrs. B. BE. ' (ox durin ON Rondel 4
for 5s of Yearning. But), tins owas ith the ». | Kendig, went to Lancaster on Thurs-| 22s De i:
for NEW Avenues ol le: .'|spending a week with the latter's, tos WT os { 8. H. Tressler and I. E. Willia
let us lift the professional curtail | uncle, Mr. Latimer Warner. IS re ew TE Bye wit of near Rheems, operating
so that you may see there is usually 3. ond Mrs. M. M. Newcomer, Te ah a : ai. AM- | eron farm lately occupied
helpful thought behind the Writing | nr, and Mrs. Harry Weaver and Miss | 1 oq eLirning to their home Wi iBarelay, of Florin, hav
of an editorial. { Edith Homsher, of Coatesville, mo- Highland Park. : : their threshing, realizing
The growth of population places (nyeq to Mount Gretna on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peifer and p,q each. ®
succeeding generations at a disad-| Mpg. B. Brosey, Mrs. Dalvin Mael- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cooper spent | Ay air ship was doing
vantage. Original stores of natural, and children, Mrs. Elsie Baker Saturday night and Sunday on an | pysiness last week down oO
wealth are being depleted. They and Cathrine Kolp spent Thursday joan) In i Shrquehame . ear ann ground at Marietta, ta
must be constantly replenished. |calling on Mrs. Frank Brosey, near as ington oronga. ther visitors co, oers at the rate of $1.00
Carefree folks say that by the ihe Chiques creek. {here on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. tes sailing majestically
time exhaustion is in sight we will! On Friday Bob Mease, of Landis- | 1 rank Witmer and two children, Mr.|gyqqychanna, Accomac an
have taken eare of the situation ville, mashed his finger while hand.|7"d Mrs. Schupp, all of Lancaster: piace,
some other way; that when a new ling a block of ice. He is employed nd Mr. and Mrs. David Codper and |" 4g, would be plagsed to
fuel is found, coal and mining won't (by B. Bear Herr who delivers ice to : y iz helping to boom the R
be neceessary. And there exactly Landisville and Salunga. ems, for we certainly wo
is the point. The great need of the| There were 4,695 people counted p attention and extend
hour is for invention, for scientific {in 1,200 motor vehicles that passed and of fellowship for
research, for diseovery, for ingen-|through town on Sunday from 7 P.| Esistance and later on thr
uity, for the @evelopment of all M. to 8 P. M. 368 motor vehicles bonge in her behalf.
those characteristics that can find passed, an average of 6 machines to It has been rumored a
root only in the trained and educat- /the minute. : at a number of promine
¢ [ Mr. 0. Beidleman and wife, o i throwing
Usboss we invent and discover Philadelphia. spent Sunday with the ppring ti
ithods of production and dis-| iy
g e of our consump- ence will be a burden.
will soon That is why we always
schools, egep when they hi