THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA U. 8S. The City of a Thousand Stores Is not the fanciful figure of a fairy- land fable—it’s our dear old, in¢om- parable Lancaster—shiretown of the grandest county on the globe. | It’s the supply center of 200,000 peo- ple (including YOU and YOURS); it has EIGHT big department stores to Harrisburg’s three, Reading’s four and York’s two. It has the biggest and best Men’s Shops of any Second or Third Class city in the State, It has more and better specialty shops than several other towns of its size thrown together. HBOSOS IS BOBS OOOO) OO EL e200sCeCeCeCece And to get every soul in Lancaster county to know this better and bet- ter, Lancaster’s stores have set aside 208000808000808 1208000008780 00E0BCS0B0S0E0E0800N. i 5 0 42473 Wednesday, july 25 i ednesday, july 2 . E Gr a eid ( as the third big Hint si sa Hi ie] bie ges - ; . gs ? i Come and bring the whole family; pss 5 ~“what you spend for gas, trolley or Has 3 railroad fare won't be a bagatelle to ets site the savings you’ll pocket. sist ta Hig iis The merchants have banded tos i iH i gether to forget profit for the day to ass Ei get better acquainted with the people. thi se On every hand there'll be bargain at- iit pe tractions and souvenirs no merchant He We ii could think of offering at another id : time. aE i a 5 Low as Lancaster prices are al- 442 3 ways in comparison with other towns i —on Wednesday, July 25, they'll be a perfect revelation to you. eas: Retail Division Lancaster Chamber of Commerce STARK SERVICE STATION Florin, Penna. RELIGOLS NEWS IY OUR CHURCHES CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY BORO AND THE ENTIRE SURRI{MINDING CCM. MUNI!Y Donegal Presbyterian Rev. James M. Fisher, Pastor Sabbath School at 9:30 A. M. Mennonite Church A. D. Wenger, of Harrisburg, Pa., will preach in the Mennonite Church on Donegal sreet on Saturday ev- eningsat 7:30 P. M. Florin U. B. Church M. H. Miller, Pastor Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Sermon at 10:30 A. M. Junior at 6:15 P. M. Combined services from 7 to 8. Reformed Mennonite Christ S. Nolt, Pastor There will be services in the Re- formed Mennonite Main street next Sunday morning at 9:45 A. M. St. Mark's H. S. Kiefer, Pastor Sunday Schoo! at 9:00 A. M. 10:15 a, m. Evening services at 7:30 p. m. these services, T. U. Evang | Rev. J. L. Ferguson, Pastor Prayer meeting | ning at 7:30 P. M. igelical Church { | Sunday School business meeting | tira after this service. | Bible School Sunday morning at | 1 9:30. Preaching Sunday morning 10:30. K. L. G. E. Sunday evening at 7:00 l'opic “Christ and the Social Life”. Preaching Sunday Come out and worship with us. First Preshyterian Church Rev. James M. Wednesday Fisher, Pastor. Prayer service at 7:30 P. M. Ch r at 150 P. M : ath t 9:30 A. M )i \ 10:30 A. M. Divin at 7:50- P.M. | I'l v. George W. Ely of Col-| umbi P will occupy the p The pastor will preach at tral | | Presbyterian church, Baltimore, Md Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Michael Farry Davis, Pastor 9:15 Sunday School. 10:30 Divine Worship. at Stake A special the Law Enforcement Fund of Gov. Pinchot will be taken at this service. 7:00 Divine Worship. Sermon by The Master Rejoice.” Wednesday, July 11 7:30 Prayer and Bible Study Hour. a. Li SALE REGISTER. Friday, July 20—At yards in Mount Joy, a lot of cows, heifers and bulls. Sale starts 1:26 sharp. J. B. Keller & Bro. Alding- er, auct. Saturday, July 21-—At their sale and exchange stables at Anchor, cows, bulls, shoats, etc by Harry H. their stock Reed, Mgr. Hess, auct. See adver- tisement. Tuesday, July 24—At his sales barn, at Middletown, 283 head of horses that were used at Mt. Gretna by D. B. Kieffer & Co. See ad- vertisement. Saturday, July 28—At the Florin Hall, Florin, Pa., home-cured meats, prunes, beans, clothing, furniture, etc., by Community Sales Co. Vogle, auct. Tuesday, July 81—At Ream’s stables, Mt. Joy, lot of Tioga County cows, bulls and heifers by C. S. Frank & Bro. Hess, auct, Saturday, August 4—On the prem- ises near the Rotary, at Salunga, en- tire lot of household goods by David Phillips. Frank, auct. ——-—--—— Snyder—Eckert Miss Edna E., oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder, of Marietta, and George W. Eckert, of Route 8, Lancaster, were married on Monday. Barssch—Wood Harold M. Bartsch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Bartsch, and Miss Em- ily N. Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nettie Wood, of Marietta, were married Saturday evening. Walker—Carver Miss Crystal Carver and Harry N. Walker, were united in marriage at the home of the bride, in the Collin’s apartment, Marietta by Rev. Alan Pressley Wilson, on Saturday morn- ng. Fetter—Galinor Martin Fetter, son of Clarence Fetter, Manheim; and Miss Ruth Gainor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gainor, of Mount Joy town- Circulation Makes Bulletin Ads Pay. Try It Circulation. Makes Bulletin Ads Pay. S$ . Try It ship, were married on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock at the par- sonage of Christ Reformed church, Elizabethtown, by the pastor, Rev. " Meyer. May we kindly welcome you to | f NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE ALL THE UP.TO-DATE HAPPEN i | | { | | 1 | t | | _ The River Brethren held their reg- | | | | | | United Brethren Church | Morning Worship and sermon at R | | Mrs. H. E. Trout and daughter Ha 1 x py A Josephine of Manheim spent Sunday Suits n all Styles and Pr 1Ces. & ig family of Mr. Thomas Mec- Lot of Men's Caps. crn visa eC 2 | Mr. George Rodgers, Mr. Ranck Men’s Sport Shirts; White, Tan 2 and Mr. Brown of Lancaster were ay ~ : es on | Foes ps bo re er) 8 BU BOIS p90 The Florin base ball team defeat- | 3s ny jat..Ycan : RC Ad | ed the strong Lawn club on the local | Lot of Men’s Overalls. 98¢ and $1.25 of diamond last Saturday by a score] Men's Balbriggan Shirts and hg of 8 to 4. | rh 5: Mr. and Mrs, Jonas Parett of near | Drawers at {............ 48c 3 heems, Mrs. Nancy McWilliams of | > ’ ‘ Harrisburg, spent Sunday here the] Boys Over alls at. "oss ans eae .69¢ 5 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul G a- : 5 coal Little Boys’ Unonalls at......98¢ Me: and Mrs. Samuel Witmer, Little Boys’ Crash Pants, 4 to 8 48c & 4 [| Wednesday eved 3 evening at 7:30. | t. 0s | { | { Sermon... ‘ hw . | nes { by the pastor, “When Principle is| ” offering for | the pastor, “The Things That Made | daughter, Blanche, Mrs. Frank Hay | funeral of her brother John Heisey PO ; OOOO LOCAL DOINGS AROUND FLORI OC OOO Picnic Spe INGS FROM THAT THRIVING AND BUSY VILLAGE THE PAST WEFK Mr. and Mrs. Ed Booth and son Albert were Saturday visitors to the County Seat. Mrs. Katie Arndt is attending the cals GENUINE BARGAINS Men’s B. V. D. Union Suits at. . $1.15 Men’s Athletic Union Suits at. .59¢ Men’s Work Trousers. ......$1.29 Men’s Palm Beach Suits $9.98 Men’s 3 Piece Suits $11.98 Men’s Mercerized Black & Tan Hose, .......1......... Men’s Hose, 3 Pairs for. 25¢ Men’s Cotton and Wool Bathing oo at Pottstown today. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Shutter accompanied the Atlantic City ex- cursion this morning. Mrs. John Hershey, Mrs. Samuel Kolp of Elizabethtown, spent Sun- day with Mrs. Ida Kolp. lar weekly prayer meeting at the home of Miss Anna Mummau. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haines, daugh- ter Alma of Donegal spent Sunday with the family of A'fred Roth. Mrs. John Hossler of Elizabeth- town, is spending several days here he guest of Miss Jane Zeller. ho HOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOO00 laughter Fanny, Mr. and Mrs. Clay-| Breneman, Mrs. Eli Brubaker and daughter Katie, spent Sunday | 4 ton Boys’ Khaki and Crash Pants. .69¢ Babies’ Silk and Wool Bands. .39¢ ith Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. 3rene- | \ man, ds 1 UY Thi 2 » 3 and Mos \Bveosy Ward ofl Babies’ White Dresses at... ... 48c T ancaster, spent Sunday here with the latter’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. | Harry Cainor. They left from this | Babies’ Wool Bathing Suits in All Shades ace HOCOOOOCO0O000CTO000000000C00000000000C DOOOOOOO0OO0 for Indiana, where they will] 1.0 y 5 aad sivecel months with relatives Children’s Rompers. . ... 48c to 98¢c E " Br ERT ye 1 finda hE Em oF Children’s Creepers ......... 98¢c Na OY ay after- gt ‘1h 3 nth? 3 vv 1A } me of ae a the pasa ch & Children’s Pink and Blue Socks 19¢ nd, when thy song Vitor A) Q Children’s Gingham Dresses & eam of Cof its &.- Lax “Wr ) geal team wil bel & Stoldyeprs....... ..., 98¢ a Foot i Tr. : ; . wg} ¢ can be looked for Come out | 6? ust received a new line of Misses’ 3 rive the boys ¥* !'f 5 and Ladies’ Red, White, Blue, Green \ Wand Ton Pram Also Blue : 3 Q NHI ar & and Tan Pumps. Also Blue and Red & PILKEY HRA (1 $ Silk Hose * OS Akl V1 \ 2 yo 9 EY Tens A , | WODUTV MADD jg Pairs for. . .\.. 25¢ «Q WHHRY Y £1 ARI nn AR A A : hag Ll UAIRY DAO e, 48¢, 3 pairs $1.25 Q | vy and Ginghan 3 I ; | * t El [zal J ( returned 1 in Elizabethtown afte f her with hil 1 student nurs at reneral Hospital, i SI ion visiting he pare Mrs. Jacob Nage 1 Mr. and M John Kover, daug Annie ters, Grace, and so Howard, and Ross. Rentzel spe Sunday in Cumberland County the guests of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Garber a Mrs. Harry Hinkle, Mrs. Harry L and sons, James and Kenneth, spel Sunday near Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dil'man aj Mi. ‘and Mrs. Edward Shires spe their vacation visiting in Virgin West Virginia and Maryland. Th made the trip by auto. Dr. W. D. Chandler, Mr. and M Pau! Smith and daughter, Janet, aj sons, Donald and Owen, spent Su day as the guests of Mr. and M Harry Brenner at Lancaster. Miss Elsie Hoffer and Mrs. Simo Menaugh returned home after week’s vacation to Wildwood, N. where they were the guests of M and Mrs. George Brown, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Newcomé and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamd F. Wood, of Kane, Pa, arrived her] Sunday on a visit to relatives an friends. They made the trip by auto Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schneider, M and Mrs. Floyd Lawson and son Eugene, from Springfield, Ohio, have started for their home after spending some time with their aunts, Mrs. Mary Ulrick and Barbara Bailer and other relatives. They visited Her- shey, Lebanon, Mount Gretna, Don- egal Springs, Philadelphta and At- lantic City, making the trip by auto. tim GQ Bears a VW Nie adies’ PINK ar H. LASKEWITZ Mount Joy, Pa. Saturday, July 21 12:30 members of the Epworth League will hold a sale of Home- Made Eats, cakes, pies, buns, ete., in front of Strickler’s Store on East Main street. The proceeds of the) sale will go toward defraying the expenses of the members who atend the Epworth League Institute at Millersville in August. The sale op-| LA CAAA HE KDC LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON MOUNT JOY MARKETS Good House for Sale ens promptly at 12:30. They are| The following prices are paid to-| I have a good 8-roo en Better be on hand| lay by our local merchants: West, Main street, in house arly if you want yours. Fees voir Teves P3020 ariel oot ye. looney hie. If ) Independ i Wheat? ovo adds ih an 06c| LL pays better to own a home | pendent Band Festival this than pay rent. J. BE. S The Independent band of this place, [Corn ..... crrretenians oe 95¢| Realtor, Mount Joy. Ta ee will hold an old time festival in the lard ....................un. 13¢ rr — ee i——-a— - park here on Saturday, July 28th. There will be a'l kinds of good things to eat. An old time cake walk will be a feature. Also all kinds of amuse ments. A beautiful white gold Elgin watch wil be given away that ev- ening. 3t The large circulation of th etin makes it the best advert medium in this seetion of county. Give it a trial and vinced. A New York juror says hes an offer of a thousand-dollas| Folks may knock the big tow Henry Ford continues to be the big unknown quantity in the political campaign next year. Nobody knows whether he wants to run on the Re- publican or Democratic ticket. We do know that he is ahead in the straw votes; taken in the cities and rural communities, whatever that may If you contemplate selling or buy- ing Real Estate, I will be pleased to handle your deal in a fair and honest way. That always was and always will be my policy. 1 await your in- quiry. mean. etl eee. No Nation can pay the fiddler’s te | bill by doing the fiddling itself. it contains few pikers, Read the Bulletin. If you want to