The Mount Joy Bulletin /OLUME XXIII NO. 6 Mount Joy, Penna., July 11th, 1923 $1.50 a Year in Advan" BUSINESS MEN SHOULD USE THESE: ADVERTISING COLUMNS AS THEIR MOUTH PIECE. GIVE IT A FARR THIAL AND BE. CONVINCED COLEBROK MAN 1§ |" * "sts fei ea FLL, ENGLE WILL nt «OAD | I » pi Ir PROMINENT MEN AT | ] it Mr. N. J. Harmon, on Povier | Broken limbs from the cherry tree On the testimony of five little | KILLED IN AUTO MISHAP street, one of the most widely known | REPR FSENT TF IN 0. 5 i. ront of the residence ED. Sy TINE eo y age from seven to | THEIL] \NDI Wi IE OA) taxidermists in this section of ti th L1LER Shonk on West Donegal street, al-| Wl ME ] ars, Herman Snyder, 39 | Li iA i £| | "} | state, recently mounted one of the | ost caused serious injury Mrs. LEONE years old, garage proprietor, of dimer AARON KEENER’S SKULL FRAC. | finest deer heads ever seen. | PASSED EX AMINATION. WITH | Day d Strayer, while wheeling a|MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPLE |Rheems, was held in $1,000 bail or TURED, WIFE INJURED BUT It was that of an Iowa deer and | THE BEST AVERAGE OF coach, Mr. Shonk at the time was HAVE PASSED TO THE vo count r the Sept mbe * rm } lder- PROGRAM ANNOUNCED eh MEETINGS SHOW MANY STRONG FEATURES THIS YEAR—OPENS JULY 26 OTHER OCCUPANTS ARE had 24 points, each point or prong ANY APPLICANT IN [picking cher ind broken mbs | GREAT BEYOND f court a wearing before MORE FORTUNATE representing a year. When the head LANCASTER CO. tand cherries were trew I he Ae EYON an Hinden last week. $ rrested by wing complaints of | p—— — ) was for- | he annual Landisville campmeet- paren came to Mr. Harmon, he found that | mmm 3 1ent. t the time Mrs. Strayer | HAE Nevin Columb red 49, a baggage | the scalp could not be used as it was a 4 ) ! Y W ¢ 7 } a re Jae yO his wif aged 43, [in too bad s shape. This, however, did ie the daughter Mary | not stall the loe al expert, as he just | 4 on 0 Avery Engle, a nn tangi 1 h wheels of the y ha widot o wir | Mmerly a preacher of the Un sion’s | ing, which o 1s July 26, promises 1 « the son Mar- mount 4 e ¢ 3 on h c 1 p 1 { » y +h of 4 1 nl ( ( ae 3 wil Hy 3 it J 1x 4 : ’ v ; ws 4 C1 i r 1 . +} 4 i > da , in ¢ : + +i The , 8 and Miss Lil- {4 can d an leg r and it looks fine. H rshey, all of Colebrook, ¢ The mount, when completed, was | U0 i in itomobile | sent to Dr. W. P. Evans, at Middle- | stown road wn, Towa : Harmon has a very rare coll nt oceurred shortly af-|cction of birds, guns, ete. ; aS oa ; ter eicht o'clock Wednesday night meee atf} Gi ammrmmeeeeee £1aSS Ip ools of the State on ret when the party was enroute from |pjLLMYER NEGRO ARRESTED Ray State scholarships was an-| xk ENNETH LANDIS BREAKS Colebrook to Lebanon to witness the FOR ENTICING A CHILD | Nouhced [Ivid : Lieparement ARM IN FALL FROM TREE - — firework s celelrated at the Lebanon Se — I Huo 5 3 CE0R, Lo AhOMas r=rp ‘harles B. Erisman died at Lan- » grounds. ; : ; Chief of Police Ral; ph G. Stewart | © 0 3 LORICY Tip, Lumshurga, od aster Kenneth Landis, the ten- caster, aged 69 years. Mrs. John tempt i | ¢ The cause of the accident is not], Assistant Chief B ack, of Colum- | AH the i ou! wr-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. ck of Marietta, is a daughter. a inden re * and experience known but it is believed that Aaron pd went ig i x on Thursday | # POSS! ) Landis iy 4 at the west oi i 5a daughter juested ne press State For the second Suna) they have ; ine | : pipe. , 9 There were 339 mo candid : , vd ye : 4 } . aes dd sec 1 il thor Keener, who was driving the ma-| afternoon and arrested a colored | . . : of Main street, met with a painful ewis Brinton, a farm troopers who guarde t doorway | secured Rev. Willa L. Author, of chine, lost control of the car and| an eiving has name as Spencer | ‘NS year ih n Ie: 20uLH > “accident. The youth was at the top | years, of Colerain towns and kept a curious crowd away from | the Centenary chal, of Philadel 1e larg ! : yroximity to the accused man. The | phia. He is one of the leading young throws 4 ee LS Ifered no © my. With his wife's | prog: announced is a strong one vement. | I l near \ tville. | he ( ] I own he sat im-}and the list spe rs includes a thrown ht . Ian : , # ital : ; 1 a } the child itn es | nua ber of 1 who have be- B 3 past, as new to ratched ring of Philadelphia, . react 19 rmons on the first Acting upon t at an at | Sunday of camp. He is a real Camp- would be made to handle Sny- | meeting acher of wonderful pow- a fence with such force that the ma-| .hayee yy James Banks, colored, of {an : . s 1 ey Jed yme when the limb he was standing dore Broecker, of the § vy High Traox. from a compound fracture of the] pafore Jus ice McCrae racken. ' & di ood } Semi ” - = NIC : skull and a broken left arm at th ora Mn ih . o FREIGHT TATION Paul M., 7-year old son of Gerson PI } en hese wre new to lelphia turbance died down in| men of the Conference. : NITRO aanay N ' y . 3 : coun with y x . chine overturned, throwing Keener | columbia, with having enticed a min- Sa i upon snapped off, and he fell to the Frank B. landed on his head ‘olumbi: 1 placed in the lockup ween the elbow and " } abd 1 7 a 1azZor tod landed on his head. Columbia and placed in the lockup, | , Pit : ween the elbow and wrist. the abdomen ith a razor and died rn : ; . ES a Bibl Study Hour Gelman, of Adamstown, had his swerved from the road, crashing into | pMeckems and the South as his home, | #¢% 2 : pepe Jer of a cherry tree in the rear of his'a load of hay and was killed. hers nyder made The Family Worship and Bible Theo Schoo!, Pittsburgh, witl 1 in rnoon elbow. es : : A passing motorist, believing that ATI nnn fil (HY, HE [She fer, N " loc jold, In ie oidor § hiss Of on No wy S. Dando, who so de- (Turn to page three) J o : hoot “2 ty Sh 1e ROB PI |, AST NIGH IT aut auto truck dr n by his father ol yg SPRIN 4 JILY 26 hghituly conducted the = Childrems school , out of the car in such a way that he | o, chi'd. The negro was taken to es ground, breaking his left arm be-| of Lancaster, slashed himself across bail had been | Study Hour will be in charge of Rev. Keener died instantly, suffering | where he is being held for a hearing | en oy . ea shortly thereafter. ; : rT Firns | G { ) ul b 1 harge of Rev. Willis C. Simei NGS (Turn to page three) ld 2.7 ENGAGEMENT ANROUNCED ( IS Bl IN INTH FL FARM 1 1d vit] : : oh ; mn Death of an Infant | — aw AT THE SEABOURN REUNION LiL In those Yih more Laan o INAtor- | ARGE CONSIGNMENT OF AUTO. lenrv Wilbur Blanck. 26-dav-old| THAT WILL BE A GENERAL |THE FACKLER REUNION WAS rn ce remooiin jrior aRkTICH ; ans yon MOBIL] 2g IN..p. mn of Mr. a Mrs. Leo F. Blanc} HOLIDAY IN MOUNT JOY, | HELD ON LAST SUNDAY A pleasant reunion ofythe Sea-| {KC OF NEAR SA-} tut 0 arSAIp n JLICE ARE NO died 1 anheim on Friday RIN AND THE SUR. urn family was held onthe b U , FORMERLY OF THIS Dated X Ang Luzorne two. ae TRUS. OUNDING COMMUNITY I'he Fackler clan held their reun- Stony Creek, near , the old PLACE, IS ACTIVE AT | Schotarsi 3 yer te = v Vin. McOuene t the home of Mr. and Mrs. ‘ourth ~ ¢ HIS AGE 3 Dp Ll a | "Tost m thie am McQ died mu ) picnic of Mt. | Fackler, west of Salunga, : Sunday. The following were pres Des Moines {| the east Clarence . H. Kauff- ind Mr. Joy; Mr. yth birthday Salunga, tt as ) S Cl ! ! 1 01 t ra 1 A airy tard } 1 I t \ ¢ oni | 1 4 Li : eee RW ace labeled with the name of an in dividual 1 siding in the buildin he was out ¢ y. 4 A 2 Ia Pie oo ESTIVAL AT greeted State olice at the hotel of brieht for three v g He al- " ——-a-n Char'es Zedmer Ki nderhook, when [so worked later at Michael Moore’s | ABNER STCLTZFUS HAD A were there. . oh Nr oy ‘ La the hotel was raided Friday, mill, a r which he to Leba- FOOT CUT OFF BY BINDER Benria. ] road detectives and Minnie Reno Store here 4 . y M | Florin Hel iatina T ight gallons of {Turn to page three | With his widowed mother lying State Po ere immediately noti innie Reno, .dau ht r of Beni fare for the round trip is as| "old a festival in the par 5 Florin, ve hail ba the poi death suffering qi og ana ate Now. Wo on | In enor Daibpiane, gled Ih 1c follows: Joy, 55 ‘cents.| On Saturday, 21 Many good Ta . We han = hgh ody oy So y { tur ull 1stained i piv. 2 ! phe Uae pr FE s id Sa lorin, 60 cents. All children 1 E : : includ- inden for a hearing MET SATURDAY EVENING | : tPlhaifiod an 8 ull tow soon ut 10:30 o'clock. She «was aged|; . i Tra f ) chicken « d rtle soup, ' 1 severa weeks ( 4 | nl 1 ! S dmitted was his a. The pho township School | N¢F ®tO Bed AY YouI, 2 Mred : moved to Bainbridge where the haree of the basket ; hoo | ade, ete. The Bainbric and will Asbury Park Board he Arg f th 1 A x ies from | ing at young ‘ad nr ury | Newcom Aaron Mellinger House, o1 ! body of Aaron Melli Vilicers were elected for the ensuing j Hie WILE] ANY DADA Vinchester: Va.. will be broust These are: Pres., Ammon I he, Wax Jammg. ness on ee rsday morning an ) 5 lewcomer: : i : 3 y 0 q S dl ok xy a . . oa for burial. Ser : ie re : Dy eN A ; ; the Mennonite sr : } * St ; Entertained Her , Independent band of this place, | the Th State i Eoteris d 3 1 hold an old time festival in the rt t e attend- | i Iva ckl 06 here on Saturday, July 28th of W her home ! appoint Refreshments feature. Also all kinds of a ¢ V. pla; yed and a A beautiful white gold Elg a l Th 0S ol be given away that ev-| "ISHERMEN IN RUSH 3 ¢ ishir enses last week at ! urer’s office. Up to th t time there has been issue 1 lice and 11,621 dog | s besides 82 kennel owners being | ensed. This is quite a large num- | compared to former years. As e county receives 10 cents from | ry one of these licenses granted, in be seen that quite a revem s into the treasury. ka and Saturday evening th Spiions lly large ealized for the b: and. 1 at Swar the younges me?! faculty of 30 teachers M : left for White Sulpher Springs, inia, where she will en- iy or Reunion 1 net ¢ toring children for the Cassel’s park, in East Donegal, i isited by t ! | Mr. David Hoffman, Es summer. , | being repaired an in shape for] . Mr. and Mrs, Pa ss announce | Jelphia attorney, form TT. 1 he Perry County reunion, which will ! f a daughter. ; tplace, is visiting relatives Internes I » held the last Saturday of this Mr. and Mrs. John MeGinnis, Jr., “ B1 i » 1 T'S S. Simons and }montl The illion is having a 1 1C¢ 1 1 ‘undav her y ing, 2 John F. Simons, both of East Done- | ne floor and r roof pat onj a daughter at § .ancaster General ants. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Brown. } “and wi ill furnish iausie : gal, have cone on duty as internes at me. The reunic is year prom on, Fay ia Givens, f Middletown. | zs to eat will be served. oa! General Hospital at Lancaster|ises to be th iggest ever held y _ Sa ERS a tad a for one § terms. They are broth- | There will be plenty of music, base Oiled Main Street i s sister ers to Mr. Christ Simons, of this ball, and sports of all kinds. 5 Supervisor Henry Smeltzer swept Me. aad Mrs Howard plate. 7 mmm nT RB } and will oil both sides of Main, ~"" ehent Gots re er Picnic at Shock’s U eet this week, Some time ago the the euests of Vrs C thai §lave You Tried It? \ Charles Derr took a crowd of | State Highway Department had oiled | ~ °° 3 aE rovaila 85 Passe n in | Ge is th 1 r. and | E ight Sale Hallgren & Heilig Have|young folks to Schock’s Mill on fthe center of the street. ; be) oe = pl a ees tO 0, an. aves our ne 5 Sn { C. 8. Frank & Bro. will hold their selling end for this section | Sunday, where they spent the day. re tert yp LOT ; St chantyI DHS ae eige Jevery mi ) i ser - ext: Electric Linh eon Friday the great health drink.]A picnic dinner was served by the About Our Fishermen end guests he — fe — Ln . Ream’s stables Ph have it delivered to your |ladies and an enjoyable day had by Adolpf Huber, of Lancaster,| Miss Minnie Heisermar pr is / long mes ~. F. F. Millard, | caster, spent Sund; s the guest o Ho 13 s. They will have any time with your milk or|all. There were about thirty in the | caught a black bass 19 inches long] George Heiserman visite fb and fas- | Toronto, ar laims the nen her parents, Mr.|and Mrs. Philly r sale a lot of cows, stock bulls ad elsewhere, crowd. which weighed 3 pounds, 9 ounces. (Continurd on pay nen. should wear corsets. Next! ner. and some home raised shoats.