PAGE SIX EP gy GEORGR A NASW RA s ~ x § % ra 9, v, NV Sd \ V4 7 I Pha \ MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL THE MOUNT JOY BU iN, MOU UNT JOY By Wi Stor : ate A 813 BRUIER WITH A hv £72 QLUB ELS A WYYLE RELLOV, ¥ 2 Ym Gowme © boos NouRk . > BE =F in IEPPED BETWEEN THEW SN 3 PNG 32 © 7 7, - % Stop Leaks! Cover your entire roof JE with Magic Asbestos Roof-Kote Applied with a brush No experience necessary CHEAPER THAN EAINT Guaranteed for Years A. G. Walters Builder Ten i Contractor, x and Roofing Specialist PA. 6-4 FLORIN, june ow We are taking on learners at Cotton Mills, good job, : steady work. Apply to MESS MITCHELL John Farnum Ga, 214 S. Prince Street, LANCASTER, PA. . : Highest Cash Prices Paid 3 FOR Hides, Tallow and ‘Furs € S——— Phone or Write Walter F. Rochow 9 COLUMBIA, PENNA. BICGLES and REPAMS We Handle Only The Best NATIONAL and CLEVELAND Alo FISK and PENNA. TIRES REPAIR WORK A. SPECIALTY 5 AS Makes Talking Machines Repaired | Te — Roy G. Hershey 09 YOU KNOW WHY - - - Time Tables L | WONDER ) TIME MY TRAIN LEAVES FOR ¢LuBFOOT CENTER S70 22 SNR FREY C ang Yi. TRE PRINTER | MUST HAVE GOT HIS TYPE Lime S E STONE AGE WONDERFULLY < By Fisher THE RAILROAD OU4nT To KNOYY ABOUT HERE ' ITS CLEAR AS MUD 1T SAYS 3PM __YOURE AN HOUR J - iN INTERNATIONAL CARTOON CO, N.Y. | D HIS FRIENDS--- hi RADIO RALF AN Watch This Space Next Week i Ses rn ussm——— H. A. DARRENKAMP Next door to Bulletin Office MOUNT JOY, PA. STONE Before “ Rlagioe your orders elsewhere see us. We have cut prices to pre war prices. J.-M, STAUFFER"&. ERO, MOUNT JOY, PA." WITTLE SECOND-HANDIHOUSE FURNISHINGS and ANTIQUES rt—— Bell 'Phone 35-R4 Open Evening: ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. Don. We. Gorrechd 37 WEST MAIN.STREET Jeweler Watchmaker—Engraver MY, 0H, MYL | WENT 1! ee MY, 0H, MY (VET FFE4Y (TTT TH PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH | What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has Te | Say This Week far brolla der fol bi olle Yader familya Es sin der nuchbera Es iss waiga era kinner. hut de beshta. era das niy nutz sin. Yader mon hut aw en recht far enguda opinyon hovva fun sich selver. Wun's net so ware kent mer net exshpeckta das onner left hetta. Und ware fun sich selver denkt, dut aw nodeer lich gude shwetza far Drum bringt des mich um Jeckey si sugcess in der shule. Letsht Win- de. iss ehr sivva moHl gohr-hawgles g~drusha warra, ovver Jare Winder but ehr’s reduced tsun sex mohl. Wun’s net faila daid ic het ehr mae headway gamocht. Der teacher hut g’sawt si besht shtuddy ware fishclegy un so hov. Ich der Jeckey draw grickt far en kom pe- sishun shreiva. I ch Fon gohr net | caina wu der bu so feel in si kup | prickt hut. Ehr hut’s amohl gawiss | net ga-arebt. Es mus ci-g'shlogga | hovva we ehr gadrusha iss warra.. DE KOMPOHISHUN: Fishology iss en shtuddy fun men- | sha, era gnusha flexa, womber und { we se gabowt sin in chen-ral, ovver | wos der hoondt mocht sell ous. Ich | wase nix in sellera line, so will Ich’s { mocha we de porra, und mi subjackt {in tswae pairts divida. Es airsht | pairt fun mi’'m subjeckt iss fish. Fish sin gadeera das shwimma in der | erick. Glaina buwa, und dale grosa, | shwimma aw in der grick. De mom- my sawgt der duckter fongt de bub- | lin in der grick, und Ich denk sell’s | de oohrsoch das de glaina buwa so | shlim sin far gae shwimma. Fish | sin lung und kotz un din, growd we A Beautiful Home A brick house, modern in every re- | spect, in the residential section. | Everything is right, all modern con- | | mensha I have one of the finest and best | built residences in this town for sale. gadeera das im sin. Kotza fish hen en groser kup] und ken’s moul uf shparra bis un de oxla, we de shwartza naiger doona in Harris Barrick, und olles fun der oxla tsurick gaid in der shwonz. fishology WHERE'S MY CHEE- GET A TOWEL AAD NOW HE'S GONE! gude | si kinner. | or larning| Lo? TO By JACK WILSON Copyright 1922 by the McClurg Newspaper Syndicate ola, ovver se shlipt ols widder op cb | ehr se hous hut. Der Jim iss en wore-hofter mon, ovver Ich bin bung | de leit warra suspishus bol amohl | wun selle ole sich net fart shoft. Es | letsht mohl das der Jim se g’saina { hut ehr en browna buddel mit g’hot | far se in alcohol du. De ole hut ken’s | derfun grickt, ovver der Jim hut sich | farshwora se hut finf onnera bi sich {g’hot und se hetta ga-tsingelt bis es ene shivvera hut mocha das ehr de fees farfrawa hut. Es iss en bles | seer far un der grick hucka und fisha | mit ma warrum on der line und en | farflickt’s kolb on der garb. | En gonser dawg kon mer dart i hucka und gaduld larna. De hoom- ler brumma um em rum und de gale- washna renna, era shtrick nodela dorrich em bis mer inflammashun im fishology hut. De fish ras mer fongt daita hairly finf cend hola uf em marrich, ovver wun mer gaid fisha, due mer’s mae far sella feedera das mer net grickt das far de wu mer fongt. Es gebt ma mon en change. In blotz fun on der arwet si und si leewa’s laiva ous- waira, udder derhame rum henka onner leit goona das se shoffa missa, kon mer um gricka-hivvel rum grod- {dla und samples funera guda suit | glaider uf der hecka henka lussa. Es wore amohl en fish das en mon g’shluckt hut, ovver der fish hut in- digestion gricks und hut ene idder rous-g’shpoutzt. So hut’s leit nuch olsfart g’hot, das mer net droona haiva hut kenna. Mer kon en shad peddled net droona haiva. Dale fish [sin nix das shwenz, uf gadu in | blechna bexlin, sell in sardines. Mi | teacher iss en oldar sardine. Und ’sis en sot das se blinde hair- | ing haisa, de sin net gude wun se net | shtingich sin. Derno hut’s feel on- | nera, ovver so wide das Ich wase iss [nix ivver der C. O. D. { Now, ich main en komposishun we {sell is so gude das mer fudder kon fun ma glaina bu. Wun der Jecky | olle Winder gude gadrusha wart gebt ehr en scholar. Notiss we ehr ols fu’'m subjeckt coomt. Sell’s en sign das ehr en porra mocha daid und Ich will’s si’'m teacher ei-scharfa das ehr recht gadicht druf soled das ehr aw en porra’s farshtond grickt. SREP he Festival, Saturday, June 16. A festival will be held in the park | here on Saturday, June 16 for the | benefit of St. Mary’s Catholic church | Chicken corn soup, sandwiches, cof-| fee, strawberries, ice cream, cake, | ete. will be sold. Also a fine display | of fancy work. A good band will | furnish musie. —etl © Renin Lancaster County’s Record. Lancaster County’s industrial es- | tablishments in 1922 turned out | $103,987,700 worth of products. The WATCH TELEPHONE MANNERS BEAUTY SPECIALIST ADVISES Who says beauty is but skin deep? Edna Kent Forbes doesn’t think so and she ought to know, for she con- ducts a series of “Beauty Chats’ which are syndicated to papers all over the country. Beauty, as Miss Forbes views it from the standpoint of an expert, is at least voice deep. Discussing “Tele- phone Personality” in a recent “chat” she writes: “If you call a strange number and a disagreeable voice says: ‘Hallo, huh, what do you want? think of the dis- agreeable impression you immediately receive! That is one way, though, rot a very admirable one, of projecting personality. ‘How different from the impression 1ecelved when a pleasant voice gives a courteous answer and you have the feeling of smiling good will at the other end of the wire. Most people do not know how to answer a tele- phene. The statement applies parvtic- ularly to the young girls sitting ar sw.tchboards in our modern business offices. There may be quickness ana efliciency behind the crisp, curt tones, but there is absolutely no personality and no feeling that this firm would go out cf its way to be nice to you. In these modern days your home or your office is usually visited first by tele- phone. What sort of impression do you give out when you pick up the receiver? “I do not know which is worse, the voice which is crisp, curt and imper sonal, or the voice which may men to be pleasant enough but which lacks force and spirit. This tack of s»Hirit is «iten due to nothing but the inabil- ity 10 throw the voic2 properly or 10 eruncate properly. “These are defects which can and should be overcome. If you put pleas antness and good will into your man- ner you will give a good impression of yourself over the telephone wire, Remember that the other person has only your volce and words by which | to judge you.” | CALLS TELEPHONE GIRL BIG FACTOR IN SALES SUCCESS Upon the telephone girls in large business houses rests most of the re- sponsibility for the success of the sales, is the belief of G. H. Cleaver, man- ager of the automobile maintenance department of the American Stores | Company, who recently addressed { members of the Motor Truck As- sociation at the Hotel Adelphia, Phila- delphia. “Telephone girls are the most Im- AW, WHAT You TAKIN’ WIM AWAY FOR MRS. OUGAN? HE WAS OUR BAREBACK RIDER! CAN'T DO THE WORK It’s too much to try to work every day against a ‘constant, dull back- acche, or sudenidarting pain in the small of the bach Be rid of it. Try Doan’s Kidney Rills, Your neigh- bors recommend %hem. Ask your | neighbor! Mrs. G. Hoffmaster, 62 W. Done- gal St., says: “Thektrouble I had with my kidneys Swas doubtless brought on by heavy work, along with a cold that settl on my kid- neys. My back painedéso severely I could hardly take care%of my work. There were sudden twiliges of pain through my back that de me feel uncomfortable. Things sdemed to be spinning around when B raised up suddenly and pains in mythead were very annoying. On my husband’s ad- vice I began using Doan’§ Kidney Pils. procured from Garbgr’s Drug Store. It took only one box of Doan’s to remove the dizziness and pains in my head and entirdly regu- late my kidneys.” Price 60c, at all dealers; Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Hoffmaster hadi Foster- Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Bulletin ads bring results. If you want to succeed—Advertise Cantilevers Are All-Day Shoes You can put on a pair of Cantile- ever Shoes in the morning and wear them until you go to bed at night. You don’t have to change into old shoes. for comfort; and Cantilevers are shoes smart women wear day- time and evenings with sports clothes and tailored suits. The supreme comfort of the Can- tilever Shoe comes from these fea- tures: Eacéh one is designed with a flexible arch, with sole lines that con- form to the.shape of your foot and with a snug heel seat. The flexible | Cantilever areh bends with your own arch from the first step; no stiff shank of ordinary shoes says, “No” to the free and natural action of your muscles. § This and the other | special Cantilever features provide [the utmost foot comfort, prevent and | correct arch weakness, and form a | 16-hour shoe for you. SELFREDUCING CORSET Nemo Self-Reducing No. 333 is a real bargain, It has a low top and mediumkirt. Made in dut- able pink of white coutil; sizes 24 to 36—and costa only $3.00. It your dealer cin’tget it, send name, ad- dress, size and $& We'll send the corset. Nemo Hygle ic-Fushion Institute ¢« 120E. 1 St.gNew York (Dept. S.)e Time to Re-tire? (Buy Fisk) TRADE MARK REG. "SPAY h, E. B. ROHRER M. B. HIESTAND Mount Joy, Pa. ——— TOBACCO SEER GARDEN SEEDS 3 FLOWER SEEDS - We can. furnish seeds Sin packs, also in bulk, also i BABY CHICK FEED BLANK, GOTTSHALL and PRATTS “en - DRUG STORE Mount Joy, Pa. Why Not Use The Best CHANDLER'S 56 W. Main St. Martin's Sanitary Dairy West Donegal St. MOUNT JOY, PENNA Ladies Ladies An Ladies ugly cut ? Ladies MENTHOLATUM Cf is antiseptic A Fin and gently Lk helps the : V healing. 1 he veniences, garage, ete. and good Ich faricht' much fun der naiger. |. ? . we | } ; 3 reasons for selling. J. E. Schroll,| Se sin so grose feesich das tswao| coc earners were paid during this | portant factor of a large business /. All rk Guaranteed Realtor, Mt. Joy fi Tuna net hoivich nonner dorrich LE periad 321,790,500. Tae ap-| house,” he said, “it depends largely “a : ; loc Lo . ~p|1tal invested in Lancaster County’s | upon the manner in which the tele | ae N. Quosu LANCASTER. PA ey Img a \irdustrial establishments amounts to | phone operator in your business house Sh sm sal * i | $68,465,000. | answers the prospective customer | avin CLAY AWAY THE YEARS droona in der wiss. Es hut fardulta a | Whether you make % sale or pot” | : 2 $78 J. Howar Hersh LA shmairta naiger, und 1 ch wut ainer | God House tor Sale “Sometimes a girl can chase away Hh Cantiigrars als gonfonsalte, good- Hair Cutting hy Apply Boncilla Beautifier casmic clayto | 4aid cooma de komposishun shreiva.| gp," 00d" 8.r0om house on | more business than ten salesmen can | 20 18 S068 oy 2p aor Jour foot. % com : your face, and rest while it dries, then De grosa fish sin farcommen in| West Main street, in Al shape, that | bring In a year, and on the other ee TINE rh ool 4 | Joe —= The Keasby & Mattison Co. IgIove 21d Soe and Jee} She wonderiul politics, far sell kon mer kenny fon- | will sell very reasonable. If inter- | hand if the girl is polite and courte [Tift to your feelings and kh Jos. B. Hershey e : erence < ure of fhe | oa un der grick. De menshta fun’a|ested will be pleased to show same. ous she may bring in more business | : “« a § : Shingles Sle in suckers d ; It pays better to own a home like | than your whole s ” |, ere is only one “Cantilever”, a TONSORIAL PARLOR ~ Asbestos Century gles, Guaranteed to do these definite thingsfor | S11 Suckers das es wosser net 2a | hid oT Ty Bone ie than your whole sales force. [trade-mark shee for which” we are ; Bullding Lumber and Asbestos | the face or money refunded. (Sear the [Faint Sa So; blsivg se im Swim mit | Pe a8 ne Joy. = ro) the sole agents in this city. Agents for the Manhattan Laundry IS : complexion and give itcolor. Lift outthe |cocktails und shampain. Es hut aw|* ’ in a . oods a : Corrugated Sheathing % lines. Remove blackheads and pimples. | on lot glaina fich in sulitics, oveerl rr —— | six thousand miles Is the yearly | called for Monday = 4 % Close enlarged pores. Rebuild facial tis $6. orev usht wos de on ot | If you contemplate selling or buy- | output of telephone cable of the West- ; E. Main Street, Mount Joy 3 Estimates for materials or appli-| sues and muscles. Make the skin soft SE ya yu £1958 ing Real Estate, I will be pleased to | ern Electric Company, the manufac. BOYD'S SHOE STORE EA on cheerfully furnished. Bell ona Both, ih raSuor sizes { . Fe hut # ind tel ‘ | handle your deal in a fair and honest | turing branch of the Bell System. | fo Read the Bulletin. A . Pho rom your s hut ola in der grick sex : : ; Jud. ne IM, PA.| favorite toilet counter. If not HT 1 ol 5 Bl 44 oe wg oo [ey That always was and always | These cables contain 2,436,000 miles Formerly Fry’s Shoe Store Bulletin ads bring results. St., - MANHEIM, ad Vath ID cenis to Bancills Lobe na L ung. e mohl das der Jim Bixler |will be my policy. I await your in- | of copper wire. 4 : _ mar. 15 Indianapolis, Indiana, for a a re, gaid fisha fongt ehr ains fun sella quiry. tf es i—— 8 E. King Lancaster, Pa.| It pays to advertise in the Bulletin 7 / 1 ' f - < { : - oa Fa ¢ ‘ "g