The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 02, 1923, Image 2

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J E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro'r.
Subscription Price $1.50 Year
Sample Copies......FREE
Single Copies. .... 3 Cents
Three Months. ...40 Cents
Six Months. ..... 75 Cents
Entered at the post office at Mount Joy ase
meond-class mall matter.
we date of the expiration of your wsubserip-
f follows your name on the label. We do
send receipts for subscription money re-!
ad Whenever you remit, see that you are |
mn proper credit. We credit all subscription
¢ he first of each month.
ae subscription lists of the Landisville Vigil,
the Florin News and the Mount Joy Star and
News. were merged with that of the Mount
Soy Bulletin, which makes this paper's ordinary
Spring Tonic
Spring is here, and with it has
come that delicious lassitude we call
“gpring fever.” In an earlier day
the housewife or granny went forth
in search of “yd#rbs” with which she
made a strong decoction. Perhaps,
instead of this bitter mess, everyone
from Johnny to the hired man was
dosed profusely with sulphur and
molasses. It was a time for house-
cleaning and body-cleaning. Today
in the cities the pharmacies begin
their displays of spring tonics. But

{ mean
fortunately, if one looks through the | children, Mr. and Mrs Hiram Wit-
columns of the Bulletin and sees the
small percentage of advertisers who’
tell the people of what they have to
The matter rests chiefly with the
merchants themselves, but a serious
wrong is being done our town, and
the Bulletin will do its utmost to
remedy this lack of economic fore-
It is confidently felt that the peo-
ple here will agree with us, that more
“buying-at-home” will eventually |
a more prosperous town, low-|
er taxes, and a better place to call
your home.
Master John Derr Jr. is confined
to bed with muscular rheumatism.

Miss Eva Zimmerman, of Manheim,
spent Sunday with Miss Anna Niss-
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shenk and|
family spent Sunday in the home of |
Mr. Elias Hess, at Bareville.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nissley and
children and Mr. Edward Schweers
spent Sunday at Newville.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schaeffer and
son, Emanuel, and Benjamin Miller,
Jr., spent Sunday with Jacob Ellinger
and Ezra Boyer.
Mr. Charles E. Gross who has been
stopping with Squire Martin for the
last five weeks, left on Monday for

pep is not to be found in bottles.
Granny was right—one must go to
the woods to find a cure for spring |
fever. One searches among the trees
and in the fields; one wanders along
the bank of some stream; one looks

Elmira, N. Y.
Miss Mary Nissley, of Lancaster,
and Miss Esther Frey, of Manheim,
spent the week-end in the home of
D. M. Nissley and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reinhold and

mer’s dined with A. R. Nissley’s on
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Herr and son
and Ruth Rohrer and a number of
{ her class notes were entertained by
IH. G.. Rohrer’s on Sunday.
Communion and preparatory and
baptismal services held at Erisman’s
church on Saturday and Sunday
morning were very largely attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Elam Shearer, Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Mumma, Mr. John
Drescher and Anna Mumma were
guests of Norman Rohrer’s on Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reist, Mr.
and Mrs. Jeremiah Landis and
daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Metzler and family were entertained
{at Monroe Metzlzer's on Sunday.

A Marietta motorist who refused
to give his name sustained a lacerat-
ed lip on Thursday evening when his
car skidded after being turned out
of a rut in the road and ran into a
pole in front of Oliver M. Friday’s
residence at Lancaster. Dr. H. E.
Hess gave the autoist the needed
attention. The car was considerably
The Woman's and Girls’ Com-
munity Club, of Marietta, has ar-
ranged the following program for
the month of May: Tuesday, May
1, an indoor picnic, was held with
Miss Flora in charge; Tuesday, May
8, a radio concert at W. H. Sultz-
bach’s; Monday, May 14, at 7:30 P.
M., executive meeting at 9 P.
M., social history class; Tuesday, May

A. N. Rogers, emergency relief op-
erator at the P. R. R, from Lancas-
ter, worked the relief schedule last
last week at Landisville and Rheems.
Mrs. B. F. Shank and daughter
| Martha, assistant postmaster of this
place, spent one day last week at
Lancaster, combining business with
Miss Anna Sumpman, of Charlotte
street, Lancaster, and Mrs. Lavina
Bless, of E’town, spent last Sunday
at the home of H. H. Bard and
daughter Amanda.
While Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rensel
were visiting at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. Minnie Steffy, at Har-
risburg, Mrs. Rensel was stricken
with apoplexy. Mrs. Steffy and twin
sister, of Washington, D. C., are serv-
ing as nurses.
Cial at Rheems for everybody.
Monday afternoon local freight plac-
ed four cars coal on the J. L. Heisey
& Sons siding. The supply was en-
tirely exhausted. Consumers idea is
one dollar spent for coal now is a
dollar saved.
David K. Espenshade, P. R. R
foreman of the Rheems section, de-
livered a new rail road motor car
No. 23, from Harrisburg to Rheems
last Monday, which will be used in
the future to transport the laborers
to all parts of the section.
Messrs. Ezra Zercher and S. E.
Pulverized molar, a new fertilizer
distributed a car load of the highly
recommended goods to their patrons
in this section, from the P. R. R.
tracks at this place last week.

Garber, of Mount Joy, agents for the |



Comfort Is

spams h






among the grass and ferns for the | children, Ethel and Richard, of Lan- | David K. Espenshade and Eli P.
first signs of spring bowers; one caster, spent Sunday in the home of | 15, business meeting and election of | Arndt, two P. R. Ri section formen 3
gazes upward toward the sun. And| Mr, and Mrs. B. L. Kauffman. } officers; Tuesday, May 22, variety | and their forces of men were called Fashionable a
strangely, as the search is continued Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coble and |"; ight, Miss Kurlete Mason in charge to Conewago one day last week on 3 =
long before the ingredients arejchildren and Mrs. Katie Miller, of of music, Mus. Herr ‘in charge of | heir motor cars to assist in fighting s
found, the cure for spring develops. | Lancaster spent Sunday in the home| | cards, Mrs. H. S. Hiestand hn Shares forest fires that were being fanned Wherever you go nowadays you a
When the stroll is completed the|of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Degler. | of charades;; Tuesday, May 29, girls | , ross the hills by a 40 mile gale. |i find a great many of the smarter ; u
medicine has worked. The cure for| Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Spangler and {to gather and arrange flowers for | Te Rhooms Trimety: school in) women wearing Cantilever Shoes. At |= { =
dn I fetrlne.? taken int whilir . Memorial Day The State venti . Tic moty the hotels in trim’ tailored suits with ® i =
spring iever 1S "spring, taken in| children, Mary and Florence, of Owl y $ convenuon | ,h.y»e of Miss Elizabeth Greider.| cantil t t in
liberal doses. Try it. { Hill, spent Sunday in the home of will be held in York, June 16 and | oi) hold an old time entertainment fe Jas) 8% trim, You Wi ss! =
ea. Bailhy Spon wunaay Jr je B 1. { | them at tea. This summer they will £2
Yo and Ms. Benjamin Miller, - | at the Rheems school house Thursday be seen in comfortable sport clothes Fl N E F A BRIC SS L
Farmers Need Profit, Not Credit Mr 2d Mrs. John. Weidman enter- | evening, May 3, to celebrate the clos- | and Coiifleners; in New York, San | mE B
The whole handling of the rural|tained Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Le- ling of a successful term of 8 months. | Francisco, iladelphia—everywhere. | = 2
credits matter has been marked by | Fevre, of Hummelstown, and Mr. and | ROCK POINT | The program will consist of musie. | Phor combo hagibacome fashionable 8
*h a sghservience to the Money| Mrs. Walter C. LeFevr sshey TE — | Zondir.e. recitations and dialozgos | today, and Cantilevers have the trim
Br L 3 ou ry ance 1 2. 15. | on Thing Pevre, of Hershey, | Claud Tressler of Middletown was reading, recitation: i] hologues; | fines that harmonize with the ideas g a
Trust that really compelled the poli-| on Sunday. | lati ad) | Harry S. Newcomer, merchant of | A Eda tr I . . . "
ticians to Hake an effort to deceive 's. D. S. Miller is spending two | i ng qround Mafisita on Sati, Joy, placed a carload of bale of Ha] YOON arid of the Can Finely tailored put a certain 5
the farmers by & pretense of friends) ¥ wee th She homs A! her grand-| House cleaning and general rip up|) wire on the P. R. R. warehouse sid-| tjjeyer Shoe is, flexible. Your foot something’ into a suit that “
ship. Realizing something must be r. Mrs. C. 8, Miller. Mr. and! io order of the dav around! ing at Rheems, for the following who | muscles, relieved of the restraint of . . se
done to mollify the rising spirit of Mrs, Miller are receiving congratula- this: domestic home last 0 ¢ have threshing and baling outfits: | the ordinary stiff sole, are encourag- brings real pleasure and Joy *
protest. the old false plan of authori- tions on the birth of a baby boy. | BY oe | 1: wrvey Hoffman, Albert Smith, El-|ed to exercise, your blood to circu- im ) 3
Sam Tressler, of Rock P to th t »
zing additional machinery to meet a| Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hershey en-! an og oh 0 or oint was | mer Hoover and others who antici- | late, your arch to grow strong. o e owner every minute. =
supposed need has been followed, tertained the following guests on Sun | ° Xtensive V engaged last week, in | pate a large harvest and a heavy hay The very first day wou try Canti-|= 3 u
and the farmer will meet the same day: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Longe | TL Lag his chard and yard. | making as the fields are well set with levers you will feel the delightful ® \ a
delays he met before, and obtain no necker and family; Mr. and Me | Plowing and manure hauling is the | | clover: alsike and mixed with alfalfa. ease caused by the well-placed heels, | 5 y A : »
real relief. after all. |Henry Long and family, of Lititz; igi oh the Sey hmong the farm- | George Enslow, one of the first atu Sstnte Sole eS = Getz $ clothes are the finest a
The farmer does not want credit. and Mrs. Daniel Fry and children, |® E R. vy Je be ay. | Perry county farmers who settled on | that makes a Cantilever. "a of clothing, ready-to-wear
Credit means debt. Debt has been | Roy and John, of near Lancaster Columbi SI12h Bn 1 = Jerse of | one of the large Cameron farms, ad-| You'll like their style, too. a ” : 8 -
the farmer's hell. What the farmer Junction. Co iH as Shey Se, in oak, joining Donegal Springs, feeds 30 pe = Priced at sixteen dollars and x
needs is no Jot. i but debt} ; yr an Mow Remy Good and ree a i head of steers, one stable holstein 9 a better =p.
paying legislation redit will do | family, o izabethtown; Mr. and . ’ cows. He is a strong advocate for BOYD S SHOE STORE = . Pr 3 v
the farmer no good until he has a | Mrs. Benjamin Nissley, Mrs. Eliza- 3 artis, of Float A eyiINn Here barn yard fertilizer and hydrated s P : i
prospect of meeting his obligations beth Good and Mr. and Mrs. Harry |... yA a e home on I. KR. ina a prominent member of the Formerly Fry's Shoe Store " & i
w they mature. i aan ib pays Siwy go of Trion oat, and Mr. Fey Ege. waa held on Son Donegal farmers association, farms} 5 E. King Lancaster, Pa. | 1
a de renewal does no ea riam Good, of Man e - :
Uitimataly he must pay. Bie Sundays in the home of a i sitemnocs vs Ye, Church ot | 29 boi en 3S ere Shi : i
There is no need for a bureau of Cyrus Good. rethr Unde aus | pann Lime stone industry is in full ;
credits to aid the man who has credit| Mr. and Mrs. John Derr entertain. | Pic of Rev. Samuel Shearer, Supt. | operation with about 76 men of var- NEW I AN D
of his own. With banks in every lo-| ed the following guests on ;| of Rheems. i iti D. i ®
~allty whose officials are i Misses Blanch ihr Rr ay: : Jake Rutherford, formerly of Flor- daily ici Pig re Formerly i "s Pool un n
with the needs and responsibility of | Miriam Boas and Mary Kempfe, of : '™» decorating the Farmers In-| ;¢ crighed gtone to Chester, Coats g— -—
the people, the matter of credit is| Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Ike Wake. |%ii2nC® office with a mew coat of | ,ijjs and other furnsces, to be used| HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY
fe. if those banks are permitted to field, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wakefield, paint at Marietta, opposite the First | a5 fluxing stone. The demand is far
2 : : ; o
EE a IRE AT Ty 4
&_central monopoly, a fres exer- to arrive in the very near future, THI NTH
cise of judgment on their part is im- LANC JUNCTION RAPID IMPROVEMENT IN which will enable them to almost oF ns XK eaver
posible. . TELEPHONE SWITCHBOARDS | double the present output. f
ees sree fag Agent Fat R
Shall it be Nineteen “Plemty-Three”?| Miss Grace Fetter spent Sund w Full Automatic
America is on the long pull to-| with friends at Easton Pa Ty When the telephone wag Arst luvemt- SALUNGA See Me Before ore Buying Elsewhere
wards prosperity, in spite of the fact Mr. and Mrs. Eml in Fetter spent ed and had arrived at the stage where _— a \
Sat so much of the world is “upside | Sunday at East Petersburg, ordinary conversation was possible, | J. S. Kendig had his mew house JNO. HT DIETZ
down.” This year is going to be = Mrs. Jacob Becker spent Tuesday| there were only two telephones, one plastered last week.
prosperous year for the farmers, ae|with her parents at Naumanstown. | at each end of a wire. Mrs. Samuel McGirl is confined to
wall as for the business world. Em-| Mr. and Mrs. Paul Long and| The first telephones used commer the house with asthma. E/ Main Mh “MOUNT JOY
ployment in general is better mow daughter, Elsie, spent Sunday at| qfally were leased in pairs and many Mrs. Mabel Norris spent .veral
than it has been since the close of Kleinfeltersville. y times the person to whom they were days visiting friends in York.
the war. The industries are working| Mr. and Mrs. Levi Zartman d Miss Annie Erisman visited her
i A c 3 ! and | leased had to string his own wires
over-time. Construction is booming. | Miss Sue Ritter, of Manheim, visited | from one teleph old home near Erisman’s church. BENEFICIA er
3 v ’ elephone to the other, ‘
Transportation facilities are improv. |C. Rothfus on Sunday. usually from his house to his office or | 5 Alice Kline and her daughter,
ing. The railroads are buying mew| Mr. and Mrs. Jacob K. Palm and| factory. Mrs. M. M. Newcomer, visited in LOAN SOCIETY
cary, new locomotives and making Mrs. Lydia S. Apple, of Manheim, | At that time it was not thought pos- Columbia. 1
many repairs, Prices are steadily called on the Rev. and Mrs. A. A.| sible to have an inter-communicating | Mrs. Amos Musser is sponding |
advancing in all lines and there is an | Hughes. ; some time with her sister in Kitch- : :
system until the advent of the switch- Buy, This Security
unusually large demand for farm| Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Fry en-| board. ner, Canada. \ Y
products. The farmer will get more; teztained Mrs. A. E. Fry and Mise| In May, 1877, the first switchboard | 90©hD Shertzer, our oldest resident On Its 9-Year Record i
for his crop this year than he got|Lillian Fry, of Vinemont, and Mrs. to connect telephone circuits was im- has gone to Philadelphia to live with pring a aps
Inst. William Mengle, of Reading. stalled, connecting five Boston banks. | bis daughter. This 3 pe D shen Sond su fa
We have all been signally blessed. Mr. and Mrs. Stahley, of Lexing- This was followed up by the first Miss Rosa Longenecker was taken tions Profit A mosis GLOV
Three months, or a fourth of 1923 ton, and Israel Zartman, of Brieker-| commercial telephone exchange, which | to the hospital and had an operation holder to a pro rata share in the Ci rt
have passed. Conditions are much ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Stahley,| was installed in New Haven, Connect! | for appendicitis. of at least one-third of net profits, > > )
better than they were January first.| of near Lancaster Junction. cut, in 1878, with the eight connecting John Kelper and wife, of Landis |in addition 6% bond interest. Plain Hats A Special °
America’s most influential and keen- Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cassel! and: telephones and soon after exchanges ville, spent Sunday with Nicholas | Original puschasers have been paid Seasonable Goods at ight
est business men predict that 1923 sons, Paul and Ralph, and Mrs.' grew In New York, Bridgeport and | Wolf and family. back y : \
will be a prosperous year for all of | | Wagner, visited Mrs. Cassel’s sister,| Philadelbhia. Ray Spahr and David Nolt went 919 in Interest and 144 N. Queen St. Lancaster P rices
us. Let’s pin our optimism to the Mrs. Dillow, at Lancaster, on Sunday. | This first commercial switchboard | with Phares Stehmam to New crk d still JB! Sharing JOHN A. HAAS, Pro \
good business nearly all of us are! Miss Anna Fetter entertained the Was succeeded by various other boards | Saturday from there to Tarrytown 15 B ss Trleree Soupo al : or 3 3
now doing, and make this year following at Lebanon Water Works: | up until 1879, when the first “Multiple” | to bring automobiles here for the |,¢ Al gio of Irom hating alead - MOUNT JOY, PA.
“Nineteen Plenty-Three”. Miss Florence Fehl and Ralph Diehm , board was installed. Stehman Bros. yal at msturl of bond prinei-
sss ese of Lititz, and Elmer Linwell, of Lam.| The largest type multiple. boards A. B. Weidman and wife, of| The Benefibial Loan Society is is- a" 3
Buy at Home peter. have more than 2.000,000 tiny sol- | Philadelphia, and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob [suing these securities out of treas ce Cream, Groceries and
Much time and attention has been| Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cassel and | d€Ted parts, 15000 electric signal | Herman, and daughter, Beatrice, to finance h. It is the a : C ~ .
devoted to the all-important question |son, Eugene, and daughters, Helen | !!6ht8 and over 4000 miles of wire, | were Sunday visitors with O. B. Corporation of its kind in the world, onfections
of “buying-at-home” by the Bulletin,|and Mabelle, and Theodore Cassel,! More than enough to span the conti- | Weidman and family. with about 60ibranches in 12 States. a
and, as time goes on, one can slowly) of Manheim, spent Sunday with the "ent i TROT. at yest, BRANDT wi
see the fruits of this continuous cam. | ormer’s parents, Mr. and M rr ——— 0S. !
paign. Cassel. > =a BAW TRAINED FOR EMERGENCIES EAST PETERSBURG — oh tavested tn " oven. Mount Joy Stree B R
As mentioned on several occasions. Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Gross en- : er: = ti Qual doy he ount Joy, Pa
“Buying At Homes Js. ot es Er, SD Mey. Matlin 8 1 sins PROVES HERSELF HERDINE| a. z1. Guts wroke sround for a imes a year, gse coupon below. Watchmaker—Engraver a a
plan to increase a newspaper's reven- | Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nissley, Mr. — new house on North Main street. Clarence od % Co CCITT ET Ur Ey EOC 8
ue through increased advertising, it and Mrs. Roy Meisse, and son, of | The telephone giri—how few of us| The schools of East Petersburg are 3 son .
means increased prosperity in every | Lancaster; and Miss Amelia Gress, of | Who use the phone many times per all closed except the grammar school Established 1893—Ine. H
line of business in Mount Joy and to) East Petersburg. day realize that the owner of the |and that will close this week. Each S. H H h
the population as a whole. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aument and| gentle voice at “Central” may prove school enjoyed refreshments and a e ers ey OF THE STOMACH -—. ’ -
How many people realize that over two children, Mr. and Mrs. Harry | herself a heroine any day. She is social session on the closing day. LOCAL R ih 5 C0 CI EC Ee
half a million dollars are sent out of | LeFevre, and M». and Mrs. Levi Le. | there, meeting every call upon her and! A clam soup supper will be held SPECIALIZE SOUND BONDS me
\ this town annually for goods pur-,fevre and child, from Manor town-| doing it without any bragging or blus- | in the East Petersburg Fire Company, YIELDING ABOVE THE AVER- OU CAN'T ENJOY LIFE E
\ ed through catalogues which ship; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob We ter. {hall on Saturday evening, May 5, with a sore, sour, bloated st
\ could more profitably he bought here. | children, Orlee and Lloyd, of iso,and Take the case of the girl in Bryn | the Ladies Ry ing the Bey 135 Broadwa: New York 2 ach. Food does not Wer
\_ It is, of course, a trait of human | Iter; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller and| Mawr, Pennsylvania. She saw a sig-|ity Reformed church. Ice cream, cake, Send me Desgriptive Circular M-24 Agents for the Manhattan Instead it is a source of misery, causing b
\. ‘nature to wish to get something | children, and Mrs. Miller's mother, of | | nal at her switchboard, plugged in to! sandwiches and other artifles will al-:Name .....d.. Goods called for Monday pains, belching, dizziness and head. i
. thich one cannot see, and this ae- near Lititz, were entertained by Mr. | “P5Wer the oth and heard moans over | so be on’ sale. : Trrrrrerrrerrett | E. Main Stree, Mount Jo, aches. )
Ns for the gambling spirit which and Mrs. Albert Hoak, on Sunday. | the phone. She acted—a doctor was| A large crowd is expected at the Address alt ufe’s w vin t ebieie wna dite q The person with a bad ch |
es catalogue-buying. When buy- | alien; wih to the Nace and probably | Franklin and Marshall concert on h should be satisfied with ay
mail, people send money out | . suv t} fe of the woman who had | Tuesday evening in the Fire Com-| #®®#2e%e EPP OPePOr SPOR than + i |
of 5. something which is not | ERISMAN’S CHURCH | Yor th So She on 3 blwse | | pany hall under the auspices of the CLAY AWAY THE YEARS q ligt, h i
1 eight times out of ten, the | ms Bo La g > Din =a I ‘elf a bride | Laymen’s Association of the Trinity Wea ant You Apply Boncilla Beautifier casmic clay to linings of the stomach, enrich thebl bie i
gves a disappointment, but Mr. and Mrs. Christ Garber sited : put TO Nae poll arded it as part| Reformed church. The chart for re- Yr your face, and rest while it dries, then i pi pg Ee ood, i ¢
the Peo Crsevere | in the search for Levi Eby’s on Sunday. | tor work. : ie wus” trained to! served seats is located at L. H. . 5 Yemove and see and feel the wonderful H in casting out the catarrhal poisons § ¢
excitemeR 4 oo. naturall very! A. R. Nissley’s have a nice lot of | think in emergency—and was ready Gochenaur’s store. to kee mn mind the difference in the color and texture of the - | H and strengthen every bodily function. f}
much induce gq, of htausn well | early cabbage plants for sale. when the emergency came. It is this| The following were the ts of f thati dditi Sin f{ The large numb of people who |
illustrated gues and forid ad. | Miss Anna Rohrer spent the week | traini or Ho uinkes lietoes or heroines. My and Mrs. P. S. Rott act 1at Ina - ition to Guaranteed to do these definite things for ng have successfully used Dr. Hartman's
gw milli rend with friends at State College. { : oN te lize: Waukegan 1111) land Mrs. Daniel Albright, Mr. and printirig this news- BD a TN, Funled. oe famous medicine, recommended for all
Mount Joy ie ollars spent out of Elam Stauffer is having his! : | Mrs. Daniel Fachler, Misses Mary Al- paper we « do jab work lines. Remove blackheads and pimples. catarrhal conditions, offer the strongest
oo Do peop Lary dollars per farm building equipped with elec- gee bright, Emma Sauder, of Rowenna ? Close enlarged pores. Rebuild facial tis- possible endorsement for
ho deal of go atize what 2 icky. The Bulletin contains more local Mr. and Mrs. Al Sprecher and son, of any kind. Wi nen Sues and puscles: Make the skin soft
lated in Mount A\Teney Sireu- Yih ler sold Bis fat cattle | and Hp-to- than any Rr. and Mrs, Isaac Zug and in need of anything You can obtain regular sizes from your | PE-RU- NA
the merchants re 1d do? Do eek to be delivered about | weekly in this section. Compare it daughter, Mae, of near East Peters- . this Ces > favorite toilet counter. If not, send this
ount would mean Xe hat this a- May 20. 1and convince yourself. It costs only burg; Mrs. Bessie Longenecker and in an he sure ad. with 10 centsto Boncilla Laboratories, IN SERVICE FIFTY YEARS
Po apparently realize. Susiness? 3 Hsiang Rohrer is now making: $1.50 a year. tf daughter, Meda, of East Petersburg. Indianapolis, Indiana, for a trial tube. i oon anus atau | mousse nego
uld spumense | daily trips to Mt. Joy where he is | rms WAR mse | The guests were taken to the Breth- T Sans q | BLET:
benclits which w» town, td, were employed by H. S. Newcomer. | Bulletin ads bring results. ren Home, near Neffsville, where C . > ee § E basi Ear : a
Ne un- Mr. and Mrs. John Hersh and! It pays to advertise in the Bulletin they visited a number of persons. Veal pheese ride cwsessieass | It pays to advertise in the Bulletin rer