By Charles Sughroe © Western Newspaper Union { THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY LANCASTER COUNTY,PENNSYLVANIA, U. 8. BOSS, WHATS A MAN WHO CHANGES HIS PouTies AND DONS TH OTHER A “RAMOR! AND OS A GY WHO QUITS “MH! OTHER FELLERS AN' COMES OVER “0 OLR SIDE A “TRANTOR%Z MY SON! gna KB 7 QHARLES SVHRE BY BAKER WELL-DO YOU KNOW JULIUS - ARE YOU VERY WHERE WASHINGTON IS? GOOD IN MATHEMATICS? YOUNG MAN, T AM SPEAKING OF THE CAPITOL OF THE ~~ y NO! BUT ['D LIKE TO KNOW WHERE HE 15! UNITED STATES! ME TO KNOW WHERE IT IS? WELL HOW OUTSIDE OF 00 YA EXPECT MUCKLERAT! | I'VE NEVER BEEN By J. M. Beer 1 SEE THEY ARE USING SUBSTITUTES FOR COALY WHO, THE CONSUMERS? MIXING SLAG AND SLATE WITH IT! i NO, THE COAL BARONS! fy, 7 eS nt Sr wn on a Sri] LIGHT-SIX you pay a thousand dollars car and have to buy a new one each year, it is atleast twice as expensive as a fifteen hundred and fifty dollar car that looks like new at the end of three years. We believe aStudebaker Sedan is good for five to ten years of useful, satisfactory life. We are not positive as to the real life because none has yet worn out. If, when you trade in your car, you learn that you can get only three or four hundred dollars for it because there is no second- hand market for that make of car, then you must add this extra depreciation to arrive at real cost of the car. The trade-in price of Stude- baker cars shows a very small depreciation, in many sections the smallest of all makes cf motor cars. And there is always a ready market for used cars of Stude- baker manufacture. Motor car values find their proper levels in used car sales- rooms. Visit one and compare Studebaker second-hand prices with others. The result will be illuminating. The built-in value proves itself each thousand miles of use. MODELS AND PRICE3—{. o. b. fagtories SPECIAL-S'X 5-Pass., 112" W. B. 5-Pass., 119" W. B, 40H. P. BIGC-SIX 7-Pass., 126" W. B. LP WH. P. TOUring ..oo...oooeeeene. $1275 | Touring 4 $1750 Roadster (3-Pass.).. 975 | Roadster (2-Pass.)....1250 20 Speedster -Pass.) 1835 0 Terms to Meet Your Convenience ED. REA, Mount Joy YEAR PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has Te Say This Week (Continued from last week) Der Rossem hud aney fertzaeit os meer oll ga-maend hen os ordlich goot wor fer en breddicher. “Deer wist feleicht os 1ch mohl en hoond kot hob by em nawma Wosser,” sawkt der Rossem, “Der Wosser wor en enterprising specl- men foon da canine breed, un hud en graesser luch ous em budda grotza enna in finf minutta os we sex onnerry hoond im township. Em Wosser sei noddoor wor fer tsu grotza, un so, fer enn mahl recht tsu satisfia, hov ich decide os ich un er en broonna grauva wedda. Ich hob em Wosser der blotz ga-wissa woo er grotza sed, un er is evva grawd fleisich draw gongha. Ich hob en ring ga-marrickt kot im! groond so os der Dosser easy saena hud kenna we wide os er geh hud sella, un deer maecht mer’s glauva udda ned, ovver bis ich tzrick koo- ma bin foon da shier mit da shoufel don hud der Wosser en foos deef ga-grotzt kot grawd inside om mar- rick foom ring noach, so nice un correct os won der Jonathan dard’s selver ga-doo hed.” “En woonderbawrer hoond,” sawkt der Sthitz. “En remarkable illustration foon canine sagacity,” sawkt der Mawny. “Un hud der Wosser, d’no ols noch ga-grotzt, Rossem?” froakt| der Jonathan. “Yer. Er hud of course gagrotzt de wile os ich der groond rous k’- shoufled hob, avver er is d’no ols widder fieisich draw gongha so k’- shwint os ich ols widder ous em luch; wor. In exactly feer dawg wor der broonna tzwnsich foos deef, un ich hob foom beshta wosser kot.” “Un der Wosser hud sich undoubt- edly dote ga-grotzt kot,” sawkt der Sthitz. “Not much,” sawkt der Rossem; “fer eich tsu demonstra wos fer woonderbawr vitality os seller hoond kot hud don wil eich ebbas sawgha os pawr woacha nochder- hond k’happent is: Ich un en pawr onnerry karls worra om felsa rous grauva in anes foon meina felder un meer hen olly ga-but en blast mocha missa. Der Woser wor bei oons un hud de differenta opera- tions arrig intelligently ga-watcht. We meer der aersht blast ready kot hen, don hov ich dev fuse aw-k’ stheckt un meer sin oll onner safer blotz k’sphroongha. Ovver deer kendt denka we surprised os meer worra we meer roohm ga-goockt hen un hen ga-noticed os der Wosser ols noch om blockka wor woo der blast ready wor fer aenttzchy seg- gond loas tsu geh. Meer hen em Wosser garoofa un gapiffa, ovver er hud oons evva yoosht gor ned ga-mind. Er hud dard k’sthonna mit da ohra k’sphitzt un hud der kup a ennich so sheb gadrait, un un hud der shmoke ga-watch we er so gracefully in glany efrecles foon da fuse in de heh gongha is. Do hud er awfongha ttsu grotza os hud. won about en hoonerd fensa mice dard in da felsa waerra, ovver yoosht selly seggond is der blast loas gongha mit em gnoll os de ard recht k'shittled hud.” “Un deer hed em auremman Wos ser sei remains tenderly tzomma ga-laesa un hed se mit hame ga- noomma in tr a match box,” sawkt der Sthitz. “Ich denk ovver ned,” sawkt der Rossem we er en frisher chaw ga- noomma hud. “Seller blast hud der / Wosser about en hoonerd foos in de heh ganoomma, ovver foos er is grawd widder ronner koomma squnare uff de fees, wun bin meer widder k’shwint hee koomma worra don wor er widder fleisich om grot- za im luch, un hud der groond un de stheh so lively in olly diretcions fleegha mocha os es evva really ned safe wor fer oons dard ttsu blieva.”” “Un der Wosser is undoubtedly ols noch om grotza,” sawkt der Sthitz we er sei aug tzoo ga-drickt hud tsu meer un is on’s onner end foon da sthob ga-luffa un hud tsum fenshter nous gagoockt. Seller vet hen meer oonser de- scent gamocht i da outskirts foom a glana stheddle ned wide foom HOME HEALTH CLUB WEEKLY LETTER WRITTEN EX. PRESSLY FOR THE BULLETIN BY DR. DAVID H. REEDER BEAUTY: In the springtime all 1 Nature ““‘dresses up’’. puts on new | clothes and everything is made beau- { ful, If there is an old and rotten {stump beautiful vines climb all over | it and cover its rough nakedness with { their green leaves and flowers. The ! elements combine to make the brok- len limbs of the trees less prominent by changing their raw staring sur- face into a beautiful soft gray. The warm, moist and bit muddy earth puts on a soft green carpet of grass and by and by georgeous flow- ers nod and smile bewitchingly at all beholders. It is the duty of human beings to follow this good law of Nature, brighten up, dress up, cheer up and smile. Man has the God given pow- er to remake himself as he will. He changes constantly. He is not the same today that he was yesterday, nor as he will be next week, but he hs the ability to inflluence what he will be tomorrow. next week and next year. The don’t care attitude is wrong. You have not the right to allow yourself to reteriorate. You were given a most beautiful clear, pink and white skin, ‘pearly teeth and a natural tendency to smile and be happy. To be just as beautiful al- ways as you were when a normal healthy baby. Channel. Un deer hed droom de leit saena we se oonser groassy flying machine saena hen easy roonner gaeich em budda koomma. Ich glaub really os about dret hoonerd monsleit, wibesleit un kin- ner oom de machine roohm ga- bis meer mohl endlich shloafa hen kenna. Der naegsht marrygha sin meer free ob k’sthart, un hinna in da, sama woach hen meer en descent ga mccht in Sprin. Der Mawny hud ols shoon ga- | laesa kot os es so woonderbawry shany wibesleit hud in Spain, un er wor determined fer dard tsu shuppa. Ovver meer hen hardly ga-land | kot in da outskirts foon so er a ord- licha groassa sthodt, don is en karl in uniform tsu sphringha koomma un hud ebbas ga-goxed de wile os er en groass bobbeer ous em sog grickt hud un hud’s oons ga-laesa. “Now mohl doh!” greisht der Sthitz we der karl es bobbeer ga- laesa hud kot, “won du aentzicchy bisniss tsu transacta husht mit oons, don koom grawd rous in plain Len- geshter county deitsich, so en ga- gox we du husht kon ken mensh fer stheh!” D’'no hud der kart sei hend in de {heh un, hud awfongha uff da fing- I gher ob tsu tzaela. { “Dar ding is fershure so holver, narrish,” sawkt der Ethitz, “suppose ich daet eem anes uff der hockka | pasta?” | Ovver voosht we der Sthitz des 1doo hud wella don is en onnerrer karl in Aenglish os meer en tox batzawla mista foon about finf-un tzwansich dawler in oonserm geld fer dard tsu landa mit da flying machine, “Deer gaet tsum shinner!” greisht der Sthitz we er de tzwaa karls ga- grabbed hud un hud eena de kep hartz- hoftich tzommab gaboompt “Moch ready fer stharta, Rossem!” Meer worra oll grawd ready, un dno hud der Sthitz de tzwaa Sphonisha recht goot ga-kicked, is in de macheine ga-joompt, un we en sthrawl sin meer uff a mohl widder in de heh gongha. “Ich will eena weisa!” ereisht der Sthitz: “why, dee, dee karls daetn ame toxa won mer yoo:%s a wen- rich awgoocka wed, un won mer] Feera shany wibesleit at all a wen- nich badrauchta wed don daeta se em oonny doubt sheesa.” “Yer, sel Rossem; “se sin arrig jealous; ovver wist deer karls os de Spaniards really ned so eel wroovvel hedda mit eera subjects in Cuba wun de Phillippine Islands won’s ned waer fer faricheterlichy hoacha toxa un onnerry impositions woo se practisa uff selly auremmy leit?” Es is sheer ned dawaerd os ich grawd doh en description geb foon oonserm laeva in da flying machine darrich de naegshta dref woacha. Es wor en sha, blaseerlich laeva, un meer hen ken stharem experienc- ed os oons anicher shauda ga-doo Endlich worra meer im Caribbean Seea, un worra faleicht en hoonerd mile oonnich da West Indies drous we ebbas Kk’happent is os oons yoosht about excite hud. | Der Sthitz huda on anes foon da fenshterra k’sthonna un hud nonner uff der seh ga-gockt. greisht er: teef: dard droonna uff em wosser is ebbas os tsu meer goockt we en gla: boat.” “O, du freeda!” greisht sella. woo tsu sphringha sin komma : crowd sin, un es wor arrig sphote ; Why do you permit those unsight- ly blackheads, why that rough, ugly looking, wrinkled skin. I have demonstrated in so many cases that it is almost unbelievable that even a very badly neglected skin and a decidedly ugly expression can be made over. I remember the case of a yoeng woman in one of the larger western cities, a stenographer, naturally a beautiful girl, but in going through the business college she was forced to economize, and not knowing the proper diet for the greatest amount . of nourishment with the least cost and best health at the same time, she made the great mistake of eating things that would cloy the appetite. Just as I have seen hundreds of others do. Her lunch would be made up of coffee and pastry. Her breakfast, she told me, was mostly coffee and rolls, sometimes doughnuts. The dinner at 6 frequently was of fresh pork, bread. potatoes and more coffee, Her face was a most repulsive sight, red blotches, pimples, black- heads, pale and sallow. One day she found a copy of this paper and it just happened to have in that issue one of the Home Health Club articles on pimples and other skin troubles. She woke up at once and got busy, About 6 months after that she heard that I was to be in a neighboring city before long and she wrote and asked if she might sce me. Of course I said “yes” and I was well repaid. Her skin was as clear and pink as a baby’s. nothing except to tell me how grate- ful she was for all the Home Health Club had done for her. I found that she had sent by mail to my office and secured the Home Health Club Book, Volume three, and followed quite faithfully the chapters entitled, ““A beautiful woman”, “Pure blood and clear skin’’, and “Enriching the blood.” I wish I could encourage everyone to eat right and think right, by tell- ing you of many other cases, becacse when people eat right and think right the result is health and happi- ness, as well as beauty. rtm Gl Who Wants This Is there a tenant farmer around here that wants to make as much money with less work than he is do- ing now? Here you are. A 30-acrel farm % mile from Manheim, best of daeta se,” sawkt der|gravel land, good buildings, an abun- dance of fruit, fine water. This would make a dandy truck farm as it is close to the markets. Don’t de- lay. Act quickly as I am going to turn this farm.—Call, phone or write J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. It has just been learned that John D. Rockerfeller, Jr., draws a million dollars a month in dividends on oil stock he owns. Sthitz we er d’no darrich der sph- eckteef gagookt hud; “en sha yoong madel un tzwaa yoonghy menner— un oll gocka os won se dote waerra! “Du sawksht now ned!” greisht der Mownyy we er der spheckteef ga-grabbed hud: “0, wos is sel ma- del so sha!” Un d’'no is der Mawny ovver ga- excite waraa! ““Shnell dich, Rossem un luss de Uff a mohl: machine noonner uff’s wosser geh!” el : jgreisht der Mtwny; “sel sha yoong Mawny bring meer seller spheck- | madel laebt faleicht noch.” Un dno, de wile os de machine m noonner geh wor, hud der Mowny en sha rode necktie aw ga-doo un ena sich recht sha k'sthrailt. She wanted | \ \ An ugly cut? MENTHOLATUM is antiseptic and gently helps the healing. Why Not Use The Best Im ————— Martin's Sanitary Dairy West Donegal St. MOUNT JOY, PENNA Rock Bottom Prices on all Material, Fixtures, Electrical Supplies, Etec. % HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY BIG REDUCTIONS ON OUR FINE LINE OF SHADES & FIXTURES % Agent For Westinghouse * Electric Ranges Full Atomatic See Me Before Buying Elsewhere JNO. H. BIETZ Bell Phone, MQUNT JOY E. Main St, WITTLE. SECOND-MAND HOUSE FURNISHINGS and ANTIQUES ho Will move from present location to South Market Sb April lat. 3 SPECIAL PRICES GN GOODS % Bell 'Phone 35-R4 Opeh Eveningo ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. Pinel Piel Pig! We have, all sizes pipe, beams, rails, angle d channel rods, ete.. for sale ehea Prince and Hazél Sts. LANCASTER, CORSET Nemo Seli-Reducing No. 333 is a real bargain, It has a low top and medium skirt, Made in dur- able pink or white coutil; sizes 24 to 36—and costs only $3.00. It your dealer can'tget it, send name, ad- dress, size and $3. We'll g=nd the corset. Nemo Hygienic.Fushion Institute 120 E. 16th St., New York (Dept. S.)- "BEST IN THE LONG RUN" : 4! i A Tire milgage and service comes frdm quality—not purchase price. Silvers towns havd never been excelled for \quality —so naturally thy are the most economidal, Mount Joy Auto Supply Co. H. E. Garber, Rrop. Bell 5-R-2 208 E. Main St. MT. JOY, PA Goodrich NJ INS eer 80 cio HT