WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28th, 1923 palding Base Ball Goods i § 2 f You Can Buy Them Here At Home Spalding Athletic Goods ar that can be purchased--best WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE "SEE OUR WINDOW + + + + ry oe £y es J oh gy y oe A + + J Ag J Q + . 2 best workmanship and best + 5 LS & + $ . S. Newcomer Mount Joy, Penna. : ¢ the best SAA so Hesign a i § ‘material, PERSONAL HAPPENINGS | (Continued from page 1) Bigler, at East Petersburg. | .Miss Eleanor Gable. of the Lan- ‘caster General Hospital, is spending ‘several days with her parents. Mrs. Lewis Sillers spent Tuesday | at Elizabethtown, the guest of her | daughter, Mrs. Walter Shaeffer. Mrs. Anna Fetter and Mrs. Alex | Kramer visited the latter's daugh- | ter at Lancaster on Wednesday. { Mrs. A. J. Kautz, Miss Grace Holwager and Mrs. Sophia Dow- | hower spent Wednesday at Lancas- | ter. Mr. David Shonk and daughter Anna, spent Sunday at Frystown as the guests of James Merkey and | family. { Mr. and Mrs. Paul Peifer and son. Donald spent Thursday eve- ning at the former's home near | Salunga. Mrs. Mack Hoakes returned to Harrisburg after spending a week | here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Way. Mrs. Amos Garber and daughter | Frances spent Saturday and Sunday jat Altoona and Lewistown, as the guests of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Good and sons. Aaron and Clayton, of Man- heim, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Metzler. Mr. and Mrs. James Hockenbury and sons, of near Donegal, spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Swisher and con, Donald, of Lancaster, spent Sunday here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kramer. Miss Caroline Nissly, of Wellsley ollege, Mass., is spending her aster vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Nissly. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gingrich and grandson, Cleon Sheaffer, were Sunday guests of Mr. ana Mrs. Her- man Gingrich at East Petersburg. Miss Beatrice Newcomer, of Cedar Crest College, Allentown, is spending some time with her C r COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OCOOOOOOO000 J GO DL LO OR RE ED VL = . SEE OUR SPECIAL WINDOW DISPLAY OF » & B N W ( ) { » R A IN ( x B ® Six team are assured In the Inter = GL D S m | County Base Ball League, u hb They “Make Cooking Easy” Bn ing to an announcement made fol- = . Ww The Glenwodd is unquestionably the most begun) [ou practi. Borie will now be wade = cal and most ecorfamical stove on the market today. as and Com- m | two more teams to make it an eight-| \issas a bination Ranges. Se f d tration 8 club circuit. = gus or & cemongiry i E The teams which had representa- & WE ARE CONTINUING ® tives at the meeting and which will B ALE PRICE SALE @ | enter the league were: Quarryville, piqce & i Mt. Joy, Rohrerstown, = OUR H » ~ . g Seventh Ward and Gap. = § : 2 sh 7ill be made to Ling Brownstown gj,,q 1 = wi Sload anc | Cf Fibre Ru h Furniture @| and Manheim into the fold u “The Ferfect Living Room Furniture” @ | make it an eight-club affalr. wn 5 i wd 2 eal. 5 President W. P. Powers will call and i : 5 = Westenberger, Maley &. Myers B® | {ime next week and will notify the Lg 18131 East Kimg Street CANCAS FER, PA ml representatives of the time ; 1 RIT PR WR) 25% | place. MOUNT JOY TAKES A BIRTH IN CO. LEAGUE following on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. | accord- ple Quarryville, Sunday: | Efforts and son Abram. Mr. and Mrs. Paul | (Jno. Baum and two sons from Lan-| caster, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Risser and | family of near Mount Joy, Mrs. Gib-| of Silver Springs. Mrs. Sabina Arntz entertained | = | lowing a meeting of that body. Ef- the followine at dinner on Sunday: | to secure My and Mrs. E. M. Barto, the] Lillian Barto, | of this place of Vestville, N. J. | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sload of this these guests on | Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sload | Florence and | William Barto, Mrs. Baeirle, entertained daughters Barbara and | and poyothy, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smith | and son Rhea, Harry Brandt and Mr. | Mrs. C. S. Wachstetter and] another meeting of the !:ague some- daughter Stella. | Mr. and Mrs. D. H. S. Derr of this; and place. and Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Tress- | ler of Rock Point, snent several days in Perry County attending the pub- toate dostoouts iy : ade , are, & , Xa) aff. 9, 39; $300.00, NJ @ (a) &, oy 4 + &, Everything points to the greatest shortuge of ducts this vear that has ever existed. Never before has the demand been so great. @, 24 9, 9 $0. 0¢, > @, ® 9, 9, + will need it. @, * @, 9 Caras ® your other work. @, > @, must order early. 9, POSE ooo ® @ a reserve. Seedorf odd with a Ford Dealer immediately, By taking advantage of our dealer’s first 9, & > joo ojo ade edo foede idee X Joedeedeodoofoadrededd “ Pa 0a %e% pany : s 4 TE Detroit, Mich. BIRR ETSY 530 0, .9..0,..0,.0..0 0 0 06 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.9 Oaed0 etree | 20 30ale efoto adele odeadredeade defo foedeadeadeefeaddradocdedeadodedralreoaforepdoadrfeed Blaine. Mv, Fordson You Will Want Your Fordson Tractor Early ei Eaivd wn foi pro- You will want a ¥ordson Tractor early—here is one pro- duct you cannot wait for—when the weather opens up you You will want it fori plowing, seeding, cultivating—and all Alraady it has proved the greatest help to profitable farming that has ever becn offered to you. And at $395 f. 0. b. Detroit, the price is so lew that you lose money every day you are without a Fordson. To get delivery you There are no reserve stocks among our dealers—our pro- duction capacity, great as it i, will not enable us to build up It must be a case of “firat come, first served” and the only way in which ycu can protect yourself is to list your order op- portunity to make delivery, you will be assured of having your Fordson when you need it. Ford adotor Co EEE 2 RR f. 0. b. DETROIT % H. 5. Newcomer, Mt. Jo, Pa. 1 lic sale of Mr. Harry Gottschall, near | Gottschall and family | ‘will move to his recently purchased farm north of town, the fornier| [Michael Hossler farm, on Thursday. | : ima i | | CARPENTER’S SECOND BIG | STOCK AND BOND SALE | ecumemscmn—— | { | | At the second public sale of stocks | and bonds held this Spring by Henry | G. Carpenter, at Mount Joy, Pa., the | following securities were disposed of: For the Estate of Peter R. Nissley: 15 Shares Hershey Creamery Co. | 0p (00 00 02 0, Jededededed \/ * 0. 0, & () 9 $0 00.00,00.0¢, J Xa) * (Hbg.) at $95 to Samuel Garber. | 5 Shares First National Bank Mari- etta at $176.25 to Eli L. Nissly. 15 same at $176 to Eli L. Nissly. | 5 Shares Union National Mt. Joy Bank at $137 to Esther Nissley. 5 same at $137 to Gertrude Nis $137 to Simon N / w 5. 9 $0 00, 1 7 Xa) same at 5 9 5 same at $137.25 to Simon N %* | 5 same at $137 to Alice Nissly. | ©.9 > gs First National Bank Mt. | & | Joy at $197.75 to Gertrude Nissly. $ | 5 shares at $197 to D. H. S. Derr. %* 5 same at $196.75 to R. Fellen- DX baum. RA 1 $500 Mt. Joy School 33% % Bond +9, $88.25 to H. N. N 5 1 $500 same at $87.50 to R. Fell- tT enbaum. 4 oe 1 $500 Mt. Joy Boro Water 4% 4, & Bond at $98.50 to Esther Nissley. For the Estate of Eli S. Eby: New Std Hdw Works | 2 $250 Bonds 6% at $95 to Hettie Eby. | / @, 0, bo? 4a ¥, par- | ents, Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Newcomer. | Joy Boro, a laree lot of household | He Mr. David Shonk, entertained the|ooods by and |; i Frank, auect. | those bootleggers that papa talks Saturday, April 21—In the village | tbout? of Newtown, real estate and per-| A} | sonal property by Mrs. Abram G.|, ° ot of workmen at the Grey THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY LANCASTER COUNTY, PENMSYLVANIA, US. A. LY . STATE FAIR COMMISSION | SUBMITS ITS PROPOSALS | | Se ——— | After making a thorough study of the prospects for the establishment | of a State Fair for Pennsylvania, comparable with the inductrial and manufacturing importance of the | Keystone Commonwealth, the State "air Commission, of which former Governor Wm. C. Sproul is chair- iman. recently presented a well pre- jpared report of its work with recom- mendations for the consideration 'and action of the Pennsylvania Leg- rislature. A request for an initial ap- | propriation of $500,000 was made with which to defray the expense of purchasing a site, laying out and grading grounds, building roads and completing other preliminary work | required in founding an exposition | ground. In the plan submitted to the State Legislature, a tentative site near { White Hill, Cumberland County is taken as the foundation. This site iis favored by the committee above {all others investigated, largely be- cause of its central location, its ac- 2 | cessibility, and the splendid rail fac- Just because they have their tilities it offers. It is described as | Dames written on the fly leaf of the { 600 acres of family bible, some people think that |“a tract of about : 3 iia 'slightly rolling land and for all prac- | S°™¢ day theyll sprout wings. |tical purposes has the natural ad- | vantages hich are desirable on an ex- {position ground.” It is nearly a ;mile square and because of the in- {teresting changes in its topography, | the committee proposes that 300 A acres in the northern part of the larea be used for the exposition pro- {per and the southern half then might be developed into a State park {and camping ground for visitors at | the State Fair. { | An outline of the ground plan of the exposition and the floor plans of | suggested buildings, accompanied ! |the report. The committee recom- mended, further, that only the most {essential buildings should be EARN more, SAVE more, BE more. If any person tells you that he does not like to hear people say nice things about him tell him he is a liar. ———— Fat Heiserman says, “It’s sorter funny that all the men I want to whip are either so big I can’t whip ‘em or so little I'm ashamed to.” little fellow in the Fourth Grade of our public schools said to his father: “What is a monologue?” “Oh, a conversation between moth- er and me.” We know a man at Florin who told us the other day that a fellow never realizes how many things he disapproves until his daughter reaches 16. con- We jstructed first, and that other fea- | poe tures included in the plans should | “That be expanded as available funds per- | heard a fellow throw one at Heilig yesterday. He interior decorator said: at Lan- caster, who went bankrupt was not : | mitted. a dentist.” | ett sme ————— OUR SALE REGISTER | Ben Groff thinks that some fel- | lows should be buried in their smok Thursday, March 29-—In Mount | ing jackets instead of a shroud. says it would be more appro- John Miller, administrator. | Priate. Frank, auct. Thursday, March 29-—On the prem | ises on North Barbara street, Mount | # book entitled, “My Twenty Years Joy, personal property by Milton. N.| Among the Poles,” is now being Miller, administrator of Teah ¥ Mil. written by Howard Hanlen, one of ler, deceased. Also at the same Lime) the Columbia Telephone Company's Memories now being all the go, an. place, personal property by Har. | linemen. ry K. Miller. Frank, auet. | Tol de 3 Friday, March 30 t John McGinnis Sr. says he likes . : On the prem- he candor ses in the village of Florin, a lot! of se » 1s r J J. Stras- a Soon Dy W. Stras- | band hag, says it “Contains data Saturday, March 31—0On the and argument on the tariff of no premises on West Donegal street, use to’ anybody but myself.” Mount Joy, a brick dwelling and a > of Congressman Ford- | ney who, advertising the loss of a] large lot of desirable building lots| Whenever we look at the crowd by S. Nissley Gingrich and F. Jay °f voung fellows who spend their | Nissly. Frank, auct. See adver- | afternoons in front of the post] | office, we can’t hein wondering how Wednesday, April 4—On the farm |! of their mother are taking of W. M. Musser, in Lampeter, lot | in washings to give their sons the of Duroec-Jersev and Chester White | leisure to waste at places like that. hogs by R. D. Musser. See adver tisement. tisement. many | The other day a fellow from out Saturday, April 14—On the prem j noar Cyrus Sweigart’s, up along the ises on East Main street, Mount Joy, | Back Run, walked into our offide real estate and personal property |?nd asked us if they sold cows on by M. N. Brubaker and Benj Ben- | the stock market in New York. Our der, executors of Miss Jennie Bow | office girl immediately began singing ers, deceased. Frank, auct. Oh But He's Dumb.” Saturday, April 14—On the premi- | Fr———— ses on East Main street, Mount Joy, M Mother and daughter walking up Pa., at the residence of the late Jen- | a Joent, shortly after their ar- nie Bowers deceased, a lot of ground | ; Ly a from Mion Grove, sce with Two-Story Double Dwelline, al-|? Young lady with unbuckled ga- so household furniture, by M. N. Bru- | Iothes flapping in the breeze. Little : y irl saves “Ms . $a baker and Benj. Executors. | |. vs, “Mamma, is that one of Jender, sale at their stock yards Mount Joy, with approved security and bank dis- count added. F. B. Aldinger, Auct. Zeller & Kreider, Clks. PAGE BROKE GROUND FOR NEW U. B. CHURCH SUNDA] The work on the new Unites Brethren church was started this * week. Ground was broken on Sun- ° day afternoon, in charge of the pastor, assisted by Revs. M. H. Mil- i ler, Florin; A. G. Nye, Elizabeth- = town and H. T. Denlinger, Lan- caster. 3 Rev. Miller, of Florin, preached the sermon from II Cor. 6:1. The first shovel full of ground was rais- ed by Mr. C. H. G. Shirk, the old- = est member of the Board of Trus- © tees. The contractors of the building are Delson & Stephenson, of Har- risburg. They will push the work as rapidly as possible and when com pleted it will be one of the most beautiful and best equipped church in this section. EE ——— NO MORE DAYLIGHT SAVING ORDINANCES The Derrick bill prohibiting the passage of daylight saving ordinances by municipalities, passed by the Sen- ate yesterday by a vote of 34 to 14 was sent to the House last night. An effort by Senator Woodward, Phila. delphia, to amend the bill on second and Allegheny counties from its pro- reading by exempting Philadelphia visions, was defeated by the Senate Monday night by a vote of 26 to 23. The principal opposition to the bill centered in the Senators from the lar- ger cities. The bill passed the Senate finally without debate. Don’t Miss This Sale—A Good Lot Sale Starts 1:25 P. M. Sharp 80 HEAD COWS, HEIFERS AND BULLS AT PUBLIC SALE ON FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1923 The undersigned will sell at publie Pa., the following live stock: 80—HEAD OF—80 COWS, HEIFERS AND BULLS About 60 Cows and Heifers anc the balance Bulls. This is a very good lot of cows. ALSO A FEW SHOATS 20 RHODE ISLAND RED CHICKENS This sale will positively start at :25 sharp. CONDITIONS: —Note at 60 days J. B. KELLER & BRO. COURT PROCLAMATION Whereas, the Hon. Charles I. Landis, Presi. dent, anéd Hon. Aaron B. Hassler, Associate Law Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the county of Lancaster and Assist. and Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of tip Peace in and for the County of Lancaster : Issued thelr precept to me directed, requfy ie, among other things, te mise pubile Pr ation through ut my bLaillk - wick, thet n % of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, also a Court of General Quarter Sessigns of the Peace and Jail De- livery, will conmence fn the Oourt House, in the Clty of Lahcaster, In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ON THE: THIRD MONDAY IN APRIL (the 16), 1923 in persuance of which precept pub notice is hereby given to the Mayor and Alderman of the City of Lancaster, in said county, and all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables of the said City and County of Lan. caster, that they be then and there, in thelr own proper persons, with their rolls, records and examinations, and Inquisitions, and their other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain in their behalf to be done and to al those who will prosecute against the prisoners who are or then shall be, ‘on had an argument as to a cer- | tain fellow’s weight. Jim Dillincer i said the fellow weighs about 145 F. | | B. Mart Metzler ask Mummau. Frank, auct. NAIIN RTANTTTADYY 2 { asked That NMURIUARNT {the F. O. B. meant when Tack 3 ol nar. TANDD MOQ 1 in and remarked: tig REF ERE RIS | Beer, you chumps.” R LULURDEN “Full Of in a spirited aroun evening in front (Continued from page 1) John Barrell, Highspire; and Mrs, | TATDers Drug Store: “The more William K ,,at home. She was a; ""'* it you, ore I won 4 i the Wricht’'s 1Inited | Whether man really olved from neelical $104 . 3 ; y vices will b 1 f ) evol from A oe : Then the root re 13 noon at 1:20 . hou Yori : rou 1 I and at 2 o'clock at St. Paul’s Ur li Brethren church. Interment will —— oa ¥ | ¥Fiou Yoursel be in the Mount Tunnel cemetery. Pa igur n Yourself 19 bod r added up | . i : oe . | T} value of a smile + i Miss Agnes M. Knight | or ROW] SI 3, y ow how mune a aris rn Miss Agnes Marearet Kniecht, 31 ow much a dollar's worth ; a DY ? 2 | And ho much is a mile: vears old, died at her home in Mar- £ i | thers as shall be Just, | conveniene fn the Jail of the said County of Lancaster, ire to be then and there to prosecute against Dated at Lancaster, Pa., the 18th day of March,%A. D. 1923. C. F. HOMSHER, Sheriff. COME ALL C SALE nd Lots of Lots BUILDING LOTS line uilde ied WLI oler at public, on the premises, Known as along the | Road, be- th [ount Joy Mennonite an ( i hurch, t West Done- ugh of Mt. Real the following described E-HALF .STORY with all modern This is a very desire te: I TWO BRICK MA ON vig nla | We k “ Yr isin na : ble ey y situated y h og For the Estate of Pom Nooo ietta, Wednesday night. Death was | w ® Snow he distance ho the Sun, i loge fac Agted, OE ie north 2 Jo Shares Bashan ane 2 3 2 | caused by a complication of diseas- | But am an } 3 ele 1t & earth, BUILDING : OTS ER! So C eo BE First Preferred at $05 to KH. N.| She was a daughter of Mr. ie here can tell us just OFFERE We will alsc ffe oe Nissly { aes Ty : How much a smile js w rth | OF § ERED e will also. offer a Nissly. < % gr and Mrs. William Knight, and was : » ofA {number of desirable building lots eo | 5 Shares Bachman Cho » Oo, 1a member of the Bethel Methodist A fallow TIE {located in the best residential dis- oe Second Pref. at $105 to Andrew | op yrch and Sunday school. and serv- |, °° te low from Harrisburg came | trict of Mount Joy Borough, con- 3 Martin. {ed as superintendent of the Sunday | e to work in our shoe factory. | venient to Street cars, Churches 4%® | 5 Shares Bachman Cho. Co. Com-1.. nool, She was also a member of | Te moved out of the city to get to|and Schools. All these lots are sit~ oe 'mon at $23 to Andrew Martin. the choir of the church. Her par-| A conniry town where there wasn’t | 2atad ulong ame mized road o% For the Account of whom it may eon- | ents survive and the following broth. | £0 much hustle and bustle. Here’s| With a goo ele a goo cern: * ale iled] Pref. Stock withdrawn at $99.75. 5 same at $100 to Albert Walters. | 5 same at $100 to S. N. Gingrich. 10 same at $99.50 to Albert Wal- P, A Oo, **% 204 ® ters. | 5 same at $99 to R. Fellenbaum. S| 5 same at $99.75 to Albert Wal- 3 ters. Ld 5 same withdrawn at $99. ho® St shares Union Nat. Mt. Joy Bank at $136.90 to M. N. Miller. COR) bo? XO * 50 to Simon Nissly. { 5 same at $100 to N. F. Arntz. | 5 same at $101 to Simon Nissly. 2 same at $100.50 to Hiram Niss- ley. ‘5 shares Gerberich-Payne Shoe Co. at $100 to C. E. Gerberich. eee ell ere Do You Read the Bulletin? | If you are not now a regular sub- | eriber to the Bulletin, there is no | god reason whw vou should not be. | ight pages of up-to-date news and lot of well written and interesting COW JK RR) oor aged fe & & 00 0, 2000050000, Poo & 2S eo’ % | dvertising from its local merchants % will come te your home fifty-two imes a year for only $1.50. Think hat over and then phone us that you CR) Je edeeled %* sant the Bulletin sent to you regu-|time. please let ns have jt. 9 Ye DPOOOOOPY DS Grdrfrdrideidrdridrfrd PHS OPpIPIDPPPOOO Pode wy. t 1 Share Florin Trust Co. at $100.- his luck. fers and sisters: Mrs. Ida James, | ris, Miss Mary Knight, Mrs. James | of Spickler’s hotel, and was struck | Alexander, Marietta; William, Co- PV Hallgren & Heilig’s ice wagon. { lumbia, and Mark, Bridgeport, Conn. | el A Wise Owl. | The funeral services were held Sun- | NT —-r-—— { day afternoon. | NEW DEVICE PULLS FLATS | ON RIVER WITH EASE John Smith : John Smith, a veteran of the Civil { War, died in his home at Newville, | West Donegal township, last Mon- i day noon, after a brief illness of a Several hundred people lined the shores of the Susaueha~ . river last Sunday watching Harry Daft, of this place, testing out the new | complication of diseases, aged 58 | coal dredges in operation. Mr. Daft | years. He was a former member | rigged “is own machiery and of John M. Good Post of the G. A. |put it | ration, and from the | R. at Elizabethtown, and served for | success «en, the river coal three vears in the Civil War, being | will be p ul in Marietta next la member of Company C, 118th |summer. b only power Mr. Daft | Pennsylvania volunteers. He took | uses in driving his flats and boats | part in the Battle of the Wilderness, { Cold Harbor and Spottsylvania én- | counters. Three sons and one | daughter survive: Frank, Edward {and Elmer, and Mrs. Lillian King, | these flats and boats |all of Philadelphia. Funeral servi- | it does its work so easily that every | ces in the home Thursday afternoon [one witnessing the test stood in with interment in Mt. Tunnel ceme- | amazement. Mr. Daft can steer his | tery. {fleet in any direction. The current | on the wiver, from the high water, is very swift at this point and with ease this new power pulls all the flats, loaded with coal, like a toy. over the waters is an aeroplane pro- peller, which he has attached to a motor on front of the flats, This propeller works wonders in pulling i em etl GAP { { If vou hae a news item at any We want | the news and au do our readers. \ ~ > / While going to work the! 5 i Swiss Ch C 7 : | other mornin a 0 work th | 5 Shares Nissly Swiss Cho. Co. 7% | ppijadelphia: Ward, New York City | Tr aor g he Jumped out of | | John. New Hope: Mrs. Luther Har-!| ay of an automobile in front | around, and | drainage. Sale to commer 30 P. M._ when terms a itiong, mitt | made known by i i S. NISSLEY GINGRICH { E. JAY NISSLY | C. S. Frank, Auct. { P. G. Shelly, Clk. | | Ache? When you're suffering from headache, backacke, toothache, neuralgia, ar pain from any other cause, try Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills One or two and the pain stops Contain no habit-forming drugs Have you tried Dr. Miles’ Nervine? : Ask your Druggist City Shos Repairing Company QLD SHOES MADE TO LOOK INE NEW ONES - Laniiiter Pa. '50.53 S. Queen St.