VOLUME XXII NO. 35 ‘The Mount Joy Bulletin Mount Joy, Penna, February 7th, 1923 $1 50 You Can See Who the Real Live Merchants Are by Glancing Over Our Advertising] BORO COUNCIL IN REGULAR SESSION THE MAJORITY FAVORS THE OPENING OF THE NEW STREET INTERSECTING PINKERTON ROAD WITH LONGENECK- ER ROAD Mount Joy Boro Council met in reg- ular session Monday evening ‘with Messrs. Fellenbaum, Eshleman, Gar- ber and Zeller present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. It was reported that the Boro So- licitor had prepared the tox liens a- gainst the properties of the Mount Joy Magnesia Company. They am- ount to $53.95 and $358.38. Same were ordered filed against these properties. The new houses on the new street in the west end of town were num- bered as ordered at the last meeting of Council. Mr. Eshleman reported the re- ceipt of a ditch pump, new grate made for water works and that the plung- ers on the triplex pump need atten- tion. The Water committee was in- structed to get quotations on new plungers. There were numerous reports made relative to prices on oil engines and motors for the pumping station. Councilman Garber had Clerk Zel- ler read a letter from Solicitor John A. Coyle relative to the sroper meth- od to pursue in opening the proposed street that will intersect with Longe- necker road on the east and Pinker- ton road on the west. One way, he said, was to have a majority of the abutting property owners sign a pe- tition. Mr. Coyle prepared such a petition and Councilman Garber cir- culated it. He had the s t every property owner Coventry of the Grey Iron Company and Mr. S. R. (Turn to Page Seven) a p-— ienature except Sny The Ie] der. Held for Hearing Z. Haw Florin, by Con- and lodged 1 hearing of : »s Pennock a in the cocunty before Alderm charges of as ferred by his pides at Florin. He was later dismissed when his wife withdrew her charges. Hawth- orne paid the costs of prosecution. The Concluding Number The local Lyceum Course, rendered its last number on Friday evening when the National Trio ‘presented two short plays which pleased the attendance. This course was a de- cided success financially, $35.00 is the balance in the treasury and this amount will be donated to the public schools library of this borough in or- der that they might purchase books. Q} and b tt The sault wife. ory pre- family re- Celebrates Anniversary J. K. Shoop, a member of the Conoy Township School Board, and one of Conoy township’s prominent men, was given a post card surprise on his fiftieth birthday anniversary, receiving many from all sections of the state. There were numerous gifts by parcel post. OR Pr me Success, Levi We are in receipt of a copy of the Mountain Mission Herald, a monthly published by Mr. Levi F. Sheetz, at Howard, Pa. It is ecir- culated solely for the purpose of assisting Mr. Sheetz in his Mountain Mission work. Mr. Sheetz was a former resident of Florin, rent The Sale Season Our annual edition of the Sale Season will soon be published and all who wish to advertise in its columns should call this office at once. Now do not delay as putting it off may mean a disappointment to you. BE... ee po Entertained at Cards Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Charles entertained a few of their friends at their home on New Haven St., on Friday evening with cards. A most delichtful spread was served the guests. rere ee A Small Attendance Baby Clinie, in charge of Miss Mary E. Ryder nurse, had a very small attendance on Thursday afternoon, due to the very slippery sidewalks. Mothers feared to go out with their tiny tots. The Brandt Entertains On Thursday evening, Mrs. Owen Brandt entertained a number of friends at her home on South Mar- ket St., at cards. A dainty luncheon was served. Mrs. ED meen No Quorum Present There was no regular monthly meeting of our School Board Monday evening, on account of a lack of a quorum. Want a County League Columbia is making a great effort to form a Lancaster county eight team base ball league for the coming summer. | _ ill Settle Estates Jehn WA Kreider and Join Hivner, administrators vf Mary K. Kreider, Jate of Mount Joy ho of | Mr. | Casting | showers on | MEASLES | CLOSED THE | ROCK POINT SCHOOL One of the worst epidemics of measles ever reported in this section has overtaken East Donegal town- ship, between Maytown and the Mt. Joy pike, just one mile north of Mar- ietta. Health Officer S. B. Gramm made an inspection of this district and found that out of 30 pupils at- tending the Rock Point school, 23 had been stricken with the measles, and only seven were left in the school so Health Officer ordered the school closed for two weeks. The quaran- tines on Bainbridge and Maytown were lifted last week. Marietta was very fortunate in this epidemic, as Health Officer Gramm said no cases were reported. i lB ee MR. AND MRS. WEIDMAN ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weidman en- tertained a number of {friends at dinner at their home on Sunday. The following were present: Mrs. Amelia Weidman and granddaugh- ter, Sarah Richard, of Chiquies; Mrs. Andrew Weidman, Mr. and Mrs. ‘James Richard and children, Dora and Myrtle; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carpenter and children, Dolly Violet, Frank and Mary; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry, Mary Weidman, all of Lancaster; Blanche Parson and son Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weidman and son Harry Jr. Stock Sold of stocks at Lancaster the following were | a sale Monday, At on sold: 1 and tock 3. Rohrerstown | By. Co. | to Allan share Lancaster, Mount Joy Street at $50.75 ver share, 3oyd. 14 Florin er share and | Rv. Co., stock at $50 N. Schroeder & Co.: { 10 of same at $50 per share {to John 8. Graybill, Jr.; and 10 hares of same at $50 per share to | Charles S. Martin : ee ret e rm | HONEY REMAINS LIQUID AFTER 30 CENTURIES an Rovntion ps a was containing honey still liquid 30 centuries. Cushions on armchairs found in this tomb were still so soft and well preserv- | ed that one could toss them across the room without doing them dam- age. Elizabethtown Street el ¥ 1 to J. shares In vase found after the Dm Few Applications Filed Thus far 71 applications for | hotel or restaurant licenses have teen filed. And there were nearly | 200 applications filed last year and | as Saturday of this week is the | last day on which applications can | be filed, this week will be a busy | one for the clerk of Quarter scs-! sions unless the law is passed doing away with all liquor applications. rrr ct QQ ere Licenses Issued The number of dog licenses is-! sued by the county treasurer for 1923 is 8758. Those who failed to register dogs after January 15 are | delinquents and they may be pros- ecuted by the State Board of Ag- | riculture. The number of fisher li- censes issued to date is 288. A ARR Sirs r~red Plaintiff 341.14 in favor of found by the jury ha ease of the Peoples | ; against Minnie Geib | cover on a note of $600 | w ails of the | in these Fas Verdict F~ A verdict | the plaintiff which tried Trust Com Sheaffer to before Judge Hassler. Det transaction were published columns last week. Sent risassn —— They’re Nearing Completion The Development Co. houses are fast nearing completion. Quite a number of them have already been sold and the buyers are anxious to get into them. The J. A. Bachman property, on Wood St, to be ten- anted by Solon V. Barr and wife, is also nearing completion. rr AQ Ae About the Afflicted George Heiserman and Brian are ill Mahlon Foreman slowly from quinsy. Mrs. Charles Johnson, H. C. Brunner, undertaker, Mrs. Samuel Fasnacht and Christ Herr are ill. tA ATION A Bad Fall Miss Catharine Shenk, teacher of the third grade in our public school, | fell on the icy pavement in front of the school building on Thursday morning. A physician was sum- moned and she was removed to her rooming place. OD) Are ee Frank is recovering Guardians Appointed | The following guardians were ap- | nrointed by Judge Eugene G. Smith in Orphans Court. Harry S. Newcomer, of Mount Joy, for Blanche S. and Anna May New- comer in the estate of Maria New- comer, late of Rapho township. ee lr emer: Heard Water Appeals The Water or Appeal committee sat in the Council Chamber last evening for the purpose of hearing appeals from water renters. —— A ———— Hospital Meeting The Hospital Auxiliary meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. Ella Newpher Thursday afternoon, { FebruaryQ8, at 3 o’clock. a5 | visited | fore | Mrs. | gery, {ter Mildred | Kauffman , to the following: ' H | bill. | amounted to $8.92, {the Wrightsville book gy 3 OUR WEEKLY CARD BASKET PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE MANY COMERS AND GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY Newcomer left Sunday on a busi- Mr. H. S. for New Haven, Conn., ness trip. Mr. Charles, Sunday with Mr. Newcomer. Mrs. Arthur several days her parents. Miss Emily Newcomer, College, Md., spent a with her parents. Rodney Good, of Lancaster, spent and Mrs. Clarence spending with Hendriy is in Millersville of Gouch- er few of Lancaster, vis- ited this place on business on Wed- | guest of H. E. | nesday and was the Smith. Mr. Musser Stauffer has returned from Wilkensburg and has accept- | ed a position with Mr. H. S. New- comer. Master week-end grandparents, Cunningham. Mrs. H. Leib, Sue Cunningham and daughter Enda, visited I'S. Frank Haug on Wednesday after- noon, at Florin. Mrs. Francis Marion, of Philadel- phia, returned home after spending several here with her sister, Mrs. J. Kramer, Miss Greenawalt ine Leib ncaster and Mrs. James at la Mr spent with his George days H. Clara in train- vicited her parents, Mr. and 0. K. Greenawalt. E. Snydam, of Lancaster, friends here Thursday b » leaving for Akron. Ohio will his future home. Miss G Herr entertained or Sunday evening Miss Mary Melhorn, Miller Wolgemuth, Miss Minnie Felk- er, Willis We: aver and Jacob Snyder Ralph Xramer, and child- vn, left Sunday tor spendine hi Mrs. John he male race 1 wife for SOM ir X mother, Mrs. J. H. mer. 3 Miss Virginia Frank of Philadel- phia is visiting with her sister Mus. Christ Walters, Miss Frank just re- turned from a visit at Hot Springs Ark. and California. Mrs. C. Kauffman Herr entertained the following on Tuesday afternoon; Mrs. Amos Herr and daughter Grace, Elmer Miller and daughter Mar- Mrs. Elmer Gibble and daugh- and son Jay and Mrs. C. Herr and daughter Elva | Mary. EE A A MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER FOR MRS. CLARENCE HERR A miscellaneous shower was given on Mrs. Clarence near Deodate. Herr, at her home, Lunch was served media Engle, Elva Martin, Ruth Hitz, Grace Elizabeth Givens, muth, Beulah Zercher, horn, Susie Herr, Esther Herr, | Catharine Martin, Elva Gantz, Mar-' Ecler, er, Maude Lindemuth, Jacob Abram Niss- Earl Myers, ! derfer, Harry Mvers, ley, Daniel Brubaker, Ira Martin, Martin Wolremuth, Clarence Herr, John Moh Jacob Wolgemuth and Ir- | n Myers. rime ll ssceeecomasen . LITERARY SOCIETY HELD PUBLIC MEETING Q The Literary Soctely of the Mt. | tertained the following on Sunday: | years old afnd never married. Joy High school held its first public | i Mr. and Mrs. John Becker and son | gjsters. of Elizabethtown, The | meeting Wednesday evening. program was an excellent one. orchestra played The proposition that do more for the love of monley than for the love of humanity,” was de- bated. The affirmative side was taken by the Freshmen and the negative by the Sophomores. The] negative side won. A special feature was promptu speeches given by Olweiler, Fred Diffenderfer, Thome, Eli Engle and Ruth A collection five im-! which to the orchestra. eet QA rem New Teacher Wallick, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wallick, of Marietta, has accepted the position as teacher of the Silver Springs pri- mary school, succeeding Mrs. anna Rhodes, who was recently ried. Miss Wallick is a graduate High School, en The Miss Katherine mar- of 1922. EEE Being Held Nightly A series of special meetings began in the Presbyterian church last ev- ening, in charge of Rev. Walter Ken-' nedy, of Templeton, Pa., assisted by the pastor Rev. Fisher. The services| are held nightly and all are invited to attend. tse et Are mn Reserved Seats for Entertainment The reserved plan opens at E. W. Garbers Drug Store at 11.30 Wednes- day morning for the booking of seats for the St. Luke’s Entertainment. Iioldery are advised to desire front seats. days | the | at the General Hosnital at Lan-| | caster, where | Thursday evening in honor of | Grace Herr, Al-| Martin, Merle | Smith, , Sarah Wolge- | Mary Mel-| The i several selections. | “Man will | Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Metzler and | jn Mount Tunnel cemetery. Lillian | Jean , Kray- | Rox- | of | class | FIRE DESTROYS C. S. } LONGENECKER’'S SMITH SHOP Fire of an unknown origin com- pletely destroyed the . blacksmith shop of Mr. C. S. Longenecker, on Fast Main street, shortly after midnight last night. Mr. Chas. Secvears, night watch- man at the Geo. Brown Sons’ Mill, across the street, notices flames in the rear of the Longenecker build- ing. He blew the mill whistle, a number of employes responded and they quickly pressed the mill's fire hose into service. Shortly thereafter our fire siren was sounded and Friendship Fire {Company responded. By this time ja large portion of the building was already consumed by the flames. | Brown's firemen withdrew and the fire company extinguished the flames. The entire building, which was a one story frame structure, together { with all its contents, including the | blacksmith tools, ete.,, were destroy- ed. Mr. Longenecker closed the at the usual time last is at a loss to know fire started. tn ell] Berens. MANY DOINGS IN REAL ESTATE | The building occupied by the Cen- tral Music Store, S. Market St. { Elizabethtown, has been sold by the { present occupants. Misses Lillie and Linda Huber, Kob, will occupy same about May Ist. | The Loyal Order of Moose sold their property at Elizabethtown, to Frank of Rahway, N. J., who it into an up-to- price paid was 39, possession of the 1st, and the Moose occupy the two their handsome { ompl that shop evening and just how the to Leo | Gondek, will conver ate bakery. 200. low will upper 4 L Ie will take floor ymtinue u ling i March CC to fl bu S or new il centre ted, boro. juare in ——v SURPRISE MAURICE i A BIRTHDAY FOR WATERS thday Maurice There a party in aturday Mr. and present Dt was honor of ing, home of Those TT narry even Mrs. were : and and Arthur; Charles and children, Mr. and children, Sarah, ward, Mary and John; Miss Demmy and Miss Minnie { Mamie Burket, Lillian Daniel Dupler, Viola Schroll, Elmer { Schroll and Oliver Schroll. Re- freshments were served and all had i a most deligtful time. Mr. was the recipient of a numbe presents. | - en Ee eee BAND’S SPELLING BEE ipler Jacob Ed- Naomi Demmy, Jamison, Mrs. r of | The Citizens’ band held a very successful spelling bee in Mount Joy Hall last Thursday evening | when a neat sum was realized. A | good program was rendered. 124 years and | 1st prize, Donald Arntz; 2nd ; First Spelling class, under: ; Dillinger. open to all: Second Spelling class, | 1st prize, prize, Mildred { formation, i I Robe rt Way. General In- open to all: 1st prize, Heilig; 2nd prize, rn { Entertained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Metzler en- Norman, Mrs. Harvey Becker and | | son Arthur, Mr. and Becker and daughter Aaron Rhoda. | Mrs. Miss sons Irvin and Christ, Mr. and Mrs. John Metzler, Mr. Christian H.| | Metzler, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Good | and children, Katie, Aaron and ! Clayton, Mrs. Sarah Becker, Mr. !and Mrs. Harvey Ebersole, Mr. and | Mrs. Phares Becker and son Harry, Mr. Wm. Haldeman, Miss May Ober | and Mrs. Henry Young. r tl As soins G. N. Shuman, residing on a farm,' along the Mount Joy and Marietta turnpike, at the “Forks” disposed of | a Holstein bull that weighed over 2,160 pounds fo a Lancaster firm. The animal was three years of age, and purchased by Mr. Shuman when a calf. It is the largest Mr. Shu- man has ever raised. WW rn His 68th Birthday Hon. M. R. Hoffman, of Maytown, passed his sixty-ecighth birthday an- niversary. Mr. Hoffman is president of the Peoples Bank of Maytown, and one of the most extensive to- bacco dealers and land owners in Lan- caster county. rt A Art | Deeds to be Recorded | Elmer W. Garber to Pennsylvania R. R. Company, lot in Mt. Joy, $1. { H. 8S. Newcomer, to same, lot in Mt. Joy, $1. Oscar M. Donovan, Li Mount Joy, $1. to same lot | Marriage Ljcenses who | 42 West High St., | The |W aters, May | Waters | © WAS A BIG SUCCESS | The tha Myers, Anna Wolgemuth, Anna! winners in the various classes were: | Sarah Snyder, Linner Farm-| Sny- | t der, Eli Wolgemuth, William Diffen- prize, Hazel Kaylor; 3rd prize, Benj. x Lester Bru- | Musser, Miller | baker, 2nd prize, Arthur Brown; 3rd | Elias | { Musser; 3rd prize, Charles "Miller, | eet Ce | | | | hospi {a number ! : was taken which! Sold Large Holstein | was giv- | [ y her. [Mauch OUR MORTUARY RECORDINGS HAVE PASSED TO THE GREAT BEYOND Mr. Alpheus Morton, ter, spent Saturday in the boro. Elizabeth K. Burkhart Mrs. Elizabeth K. Burkhart, wid- ow of John Burkhart, died at Roh-| rerstown, aged 81 years. from apoplexy, aged 71 years. Mrs. | John Gainor, of Elizabethtown, a daughter. . | John H. Landis, of Millersville, | former superintendent of the Unit ed | States mint at Philadelphia, died, | aged 70 years. | Jacob Kreider fell whi at Willow Street, on Monday. He | died of heart failure. over Jacob Weidel. Jacob Weidel died at the Masonic | Home, Elizabethtown, on Monday morning of old age, in his 82nd year. iresident of Lebanon. The S| were interred at Reading. Benj. F. Maloney 3rd. Benjamin Franklin Maloney 3rd ison of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Maloney Jr., died in the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George F P| | Eater, West Marietta, on Tuesday | night, from pn« nia, aged two A The had only beer ick a few days. remains av 2’: 1 eks. cl John Corbyn Corbyn, r John an employe at ol fifth vear Mrs. Gilford Summy Mrs. Mary Summy, widow of S. Gilford Summy, died at her home on South Main street, Manheim, last ev- "ening from a complication of diseases. She is survived by two daughters-in- law, Mrs. Leah Summy, of Manheim; {and Mrs. Theda Summy, of Hubbard, Ohio. Mrs. Hettie Ann Hoover Mrs. Hettie Ann, widow of B. F. : Hoover, was found dead in the home of her son, 0. B. Hoover, Manheim, | yesterday morning at 10 o’clock. An inquest was held and death was at- tributed to a cerebral hemorrhage. She died while on a visit to her son. She was 79 years of age and was a (member of the Mennonite church. John Spangler John Spangler died in the Menno- | nite Home in Oreville, aged 74 years. He had been a resident in the home two years. He was born in Salunga { where he resided many years. He is survived by one brother, Jacob Spangler, of Sporting Hill. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon in the Salunga Mennonite church. In- terment was made in the adjoining cemetery. William Wolgemuth William Wolgemuth died County Hospital Monday morning from an abcess of the brain. He was admitted to the hospital Sunday evening at 7 o’clock. He was 58 Two survive. funeral services will be Elizabethtown Thursday af- at 4 o'clock with interment at the Private held ternoon at Mrs. Milton A. Jacobs Milton A. Jacobs, of East Petersburg, died in St. Joseph's tal, of a complication dis eases. She was in the hospital for two weeks. She was 63 years old, and was a member of Zion Luther church, of East Petershurge, of vears. She is surviv d by her husband and her father, John D. Manu who resided with | One sister, Mrs. Sallie Groff, | of Lancaster, and brother. Harry of Asbury Park, N. J., also | The funeral was held afternoon. Mrs. of an a survive. | Tuesday Mrs. Frank Henderson i Mrs. Frank Henderson, of May- town, died at her home after short illness from a complication diseases, Saturday morning, in foriy-second vear. ber of the Reformed church. She | survived by her husband and | (Turn to page Four.) { ——— ee { The Prizes Awarded. The Lititz Springs Fire Company | No. 2, announces the following per- sons as the winners of the $100 in gold given away on Saturday evening Jan. 27: First, $50.00, Geo. Krat- zert, Neffsville; second, $25.00, M. Domart, Lancaster; third, $10, B. Zook, Mount Joy; fourth, $10, Jos. B. Herr, Lititz; fifth, $5, Phares Shel ly, Lititz. al of her Q J. Norman Rohrd Mary R.@Tummau, M| Raph and Joy To shi A Chicago professo es for training moq proposes cq 1iners. [dist Church at eight fifteen MANY WELL KNGV KNOWN PEOPLE | of Mount Joy, Penna., is jand | admission but at | Before entering the Home he was al | Foust’ s distillery, distillery | for | 4 | Christ | She was a mem- |? THAT SACRED CONCERT NEXT TUESDAY EVENING | Remember the Sacred Concert which will be given under the auspices Federation o'clock in the Metho- 1esday evening, F we thirteenth, This splendid choir from Stephens {of the Men’s Christian Tu {Memorial Church at Harrisburg will {be here under the direction of Prof. of Lancas-i {John W. Phillips. There will be! with Miss Pauline McGarvey at Prof. Phillips is at pres- Apollo Club as well as the Jennyland Club of Harrisburg land these organizations are well | [known throughout Central Pennsyl- Amos Fralich died at Conestoga yania. Let everybody attend this Concert | the | show their Men's appreciation for Federation. There will be no a liberal free-will «i offering is asked to defray the this Choir from Harris- ver expenses of {| burg. Let us show our appreciation and | liberally support this concert in per- ice dead | son as well as a financially, and you | | her arm. teaching the Highland schoo! will be amply repaid. { FEWER WHISKEY GUARDS AT HALLAM DISTILLERY Be insufficient tion, it is said, nearly all the guards the Foust and New Hallam dis- tilleries in York county are heir withdrawn, But two remain while, it is sai the New Hallam day or tw was raide " mmer, when are The New SO Was rai ‘ed a but the bandits the 24 barrel cause of or = a’ i, the ten at will in a The Foust distillery booze bandits last su 1 ols of en of oo by 181 whiskey stolen. 1 8 of rities think they'll them. spite of ree ee | House, recently | Dillman. The names of | will be painted®™dn ro | Pennsylvania, Meryland |ia, as an aid to airmer | the country. | Farming taught bv important featurej { of the College of {Ohio State Universit agriculture. is | | | | | | +h tne | 01 { courses. When their skidded and end of the Cg young men They. ard ” 7 ay {ville sf from Tt whiskey ab ar home. j (COOPERATIVE LIH FOR GREY IR The Grey Iron Ci has recently installe |life insurance plan w {ployees have been abl | Line Life Insurance [below the usual rated | All general factor |gardless of age, sex o dition, can get $500 "300 a month. So far 185% of the employees ivantage of this lates idea. Payment in case of {to the beneficiary wit (after claim is filed. Th [8 self is also paid the fa icy in case of total a | disability before age 60 The contract is with t} Insurance Co. The {ranged and handled by H f Richard L. Roberts, I .,» New York. lo |St | Rev. Ulrich Will | This is the last noticed {be published relative {meeting of the Men’s Ch {eration which will hold t ary meeting Sunday afte {ruary 11, at 2.30 o’clock { byterian church, Rev. Ulrich who coms speak on “Heart Power”? and has a message that carries a punch. A [blooded men of our com {want to hear Rev. Ulrich. sacrifice that nap or that where and come out and these meetings a real thin jmen of Mount Joy, Sunday | Februa iry Eleventh at 2.30 Ithe Presbyterian Church. {Chora of Elizabethtown w selections. and | were | About the Afflicted Jerry Frymyer is ill. Miss Louisa Rhoades is the Grey Iron Casting ( illness. Born Harry Walters is confined bed with la Mrs. { is also indisposed. The entire family of Fran {is sick with tonsilitis and { Mrs. Shultz is about again spell of sickness. et How About Old Maids” Provisions of the will of t Marcus T.. Ward, of Newark, | bequeathing residuary estat] ved at more than $4,000,00 found a Home for Aged .an spectable Bachelors and Wid in New Jersey, was upheld b Court of Errors and Appeals decision handed down yesterdd UNS PA, | at to grippe. a Commits Suicide in Church His body frozen stiff and his and hands gnawed by rats, Gra Broomall, 46 years old, Nottingham, was foun near his home whep ed for closed mitted mas, *