WT LE JU1 Ll US a WHAT SEEMS T0GE] A | ALL The TROUBLE, § only mill th two separate hopper Using 6” force in roughage hopper, “Miracle” patent force feed rusher roll in gr hopper, fee betw=2en n hopper, insuring a uniform mixture of roughage he a. 3 and grain at all time: ThNnly mill that does not have gears on cutter to drive rolls. We also make a specialty of double crusher roll feed mills with “Miracle” patent force feed machine-cut plates. Greater capacity with less power. No 1500 and 1501 mills ‘make ar ideal combination for farm tractors. “Peerless” fodder shredder will shred the heavy part of fodder without pulverizing tops and r blades. “Peerless’ dairy feed mixer can be used successfully with or with- out molasses. { Call on us for prices. 6G. MOYER MOUNT JOY, PA. 01 West Donegal Street, = oN COUNTY,PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. WEDNESDAY, DEC WRITTEN a 2 1 : PRESSLY FOR THE BULLETIN E BY DR. DAVID H. 2) REEDER ES | | ON PATION: This is a sub = *h I ha ritten many i , if I write a hundred i | 1 | 1 [ cannot all the cover itions with ufferer. as e many cau tak ever m of habit, [idea that the liver is or de ion th been constipat and has roubl Jr to cover a vast ocean 1 3 works just steadily anc as automatic the heart and lung it is true, the liv or diseased, ju heart, 1 but noen likely to be the diet demands lly S Occasion er may become t the same as kidneys, leen, very m | . ally, @ sick ne or SY mn ou = = BH B the of these organs are come diseased, pros sonably near to the Nature, and we, our-| Nature's laws. are sel free from constipation, while the herbivorous are seldom troubl- | od. In spite of this obvious lesson @ which IT have explained many times, it is almost impossible to get the = average over-fed individual to change HB pis habits of eating. = The sufferer may @ he may be thin, but @ than she, will usually exclaim whining tone, “But Doctor, I just] eannot get along without bread and #@ meat. Can’t you give something | @ that will m el e my bowels move reg- ularly, I feel much better when they do.” B I try to be while I know m most profitable way is. r of a seles comply with The carnivorous animals dom fat, or often | in a be he, more over me SO honest always that the easiest is to give them pills, T have so far held to my orig- |; nal policy of losing a patient rather] B than do something which I know|.,; mr —— ME —— _ _" Ss i el Your Battery Business The Battery is one of the first and foremost essentials toward the working of your car. If you want a good battery try a Diamond Grid We have been handling these batteries for a long time and they give good satisfaction. We stand back of the guarantee. Battery Repairing MR. HARVEY HAWTHORNE has just finished a complete prae. tical course in Battery Construction and hereafter we will REPAIR and REBUILD ALL BATTERIES at our place of business. We are now ready for your work and will GUARANTEE OUR WORK TO BE SATISFACTORY. REAM'S GARAGE | MOUNT JOY, PA, TOE . 11 1 {JOT J J | Better Than a Mustard Plaster MISTER) ORIG or Coughs and Cglds, Head-* che, Neuralgia, Rheumatism and All Aches and Pale ALL DRUCCH TS 35¢ and 65c, jars an: Hospital size, §$: : , 0 Medical Journals of this country, hit the nail square onthe head in say- tion of drugs that will cure constipa- tion or stasis, but generally produce = more harm than good.” Again, I lB quote from the same writer, formation of toxic substances dur-| ing normal digestion = if allowed to remain = mally long time, instead ® ‘regularly and thoroughly evacuated, B® may beabsorbed into the blood, and = circulating in it, irritate = the liver and kidneys, or having forced this great line of defense, or £ having carried to every cell of the B body, produce serious organic disease mor functional disturbance.” Now the editorial was written for physicians, but a day laborer can un- derstand these quoted parts and from these, one naturally concludes that to be free from constipation, means = freedom from the dangers of disease nm . . in the various organs of the body and also freedom from acute sick- ness. Is it not logical to conclude that those foods which contain much = waste, and aid in keeping the bowels free from constipation, are the foods which must be used. Any normal hu- man being can cultivate a taste and Jesite for natural foods. When the icht foods are eaten and Nature re- OO enh with a demand for the evacu- ation of waste matter, that demand must be obeyed then, and not put off. | Delays and more delays are the cause of many dangerous diseases. I have observed this especially during the .recent years. among school f¢ 8 {and females col dy Of " portunity for © of Nature are and the reg as ) ided |“" {qu red ¥ will, in time, cause more injury than It benefit. ae { An editorial in one of the best BR ing, “There is no drug nor combina- or nging “The 4 et LD ANIMALS ARE HARD TO TRAP OR SHOOT | hunt ng to Plainvie Ww, the Cheyenne that ON THE GRIDIRON IOUNT JOY DEFEATS HIGHSPIRE RIVALS at al 3 nd young animals, The Mount Joy Athletic Associa- 5a to Ke, Sore oF mes | Hon foot ball team defeated High- : ws. neveriltelesy. were oc-| Pre here on Saturday afternogn in . ? tn ! the last game of the season by the Ing c onstantly. ” score of 27 to 0. Working steadily for two and a helf months, Hunter Martin took 35 Mount Joy Highspire tes and 9 bobcats, all 1d animals. Groff ........ LB .Listenberger bout two-thirds of them bore evi- [(Germer ...... L T sess Workman dence of having been in traps from|Lutz ......... LG. ...... Fisher which they had escaped, or of hav-| | Showalter ...... C. W. Dangler ine been shot and wounded at some | Ness so vanirie RG........ Shubb previous time. In adition to this|Schroll ........ RT........ Cover 1, Martin reported that 59 poison. | Harris cera RE. . T. Dangler ed bates were taken The bounty! Ellis ......... QB........ Beard ystem has been abandoned in many | Crame r..-...LHB....,, Daniels ces as a result of demonstations|Smith ...... R HB C. Hendrix the Biological Survey, as it has Stout ....... B..... T. Hendrix h en found that better results in| Score by periods: opping live-stock logses are obtain-| Mount Joy 0 0 8 271-97 od wh 'n a hunter is hired to give all |Highspire O 0 0 0— 0 his time to hunting, trapping and| Touchdowns: Stout 3, Smith. Goals poisoning and is held responsible for after touchdowns: Stout 2. Smith stroying the actu: 11 live-stock kill- [ gubstitutes, Highspire: Ww. Motha for ers, i a al Fisher, L. Metka for Cover, Sedes for REARRANGEMENT OF KITCHEN {LIGHTENS HOUSEWIFE’S TASKS in New equipment to make not always re- home kitchens more nt and less tiring to work says a report to the United States rtment of Agriculture on exten- igent work. Much can be done rearranging the equipment al- ready on hand, such as grouping ob- jects commonly used in the prepara- [tion of food, or those used for wash- {ing or storing dishes, or articles be- convenie to the cleaning outfit. In [many cases the attention of the housewife is drawn to the need of doing work requiring a good light by window, or by having a good sus- tpended light at night. One widely by the action 5 dopted improvement is that of giv- upon the food, particularly its pre. ing old floors an easily cleaned sur- tein content, or normal digestive se-|fgce, cretions by which toxic substances, |vances can be made at home to light- for an abnor-ien the housework, of being | the A number of simple contri- and frequently will assist by a folding iorning wheel tray, and other farmer himself {building shelves, | board, dresser, or poison |labor- saving conveniences. Improvements in farm kitchens are being carried on in practically all the States. Last year, through de- monstrations given by extension workers, over 21,000 families are reported as adopting suggestions re- garding home arrangement and man- agement; 7,000 kitchens were r=ar- ranged, 5,000 water systems install- ed, 3,000 washing machines and 4,- 000 steam-pressure cookers purchas- ed, 65,000 homes screened, 4,000 septic tanks installed, and 7,000 lighting systems placed in farm homes. rs eet) Cen. One secret of the great success of the rodent control work carried on by the Biological Survey of the Unit- ed States Department of Agriculture in Wyoming and gner States, in co- ODerasia hi sellin 0 oh forces ltor Mt. Joy colleges, is the Ye i individusle who giv, abor to assis distEoullettn ads brig,, on peed Sta Shiai ands. In most casd ds are available for prever this wal- ab en the Govern- ms of money peeded for Daniels, Nitauer for C. Hendrix. Re- feree: Ellis. Umpire: Alexander. Head linesman: Schneider. Time- keeper: Groff. Time of periods: 15 and 15 minutes. rr ——- Qe. eee CLUB BOYS AND GIRLS TAKE PART IN HEALTH CONTEST Baby contests have been popular for a long time, but it remained for boys’ and girls’ club workers of Iowa to institute an adolescent health contest. Physicians maintain that attention to health is often neglected during are adolescent per- iod, although more important then than in infancy when Instinetive precautions are almost always taken. The idea of having such a contess occurred to the State club leader, according to the report received by the United States Department of Agriculture, when she overheard the remark of a well-known woman phy- sician at a baby beef parade. The champion animal was lead out by such an undersized boy that the doc- tor exclaimed, “Club work certainly teaches these boys and girls how to judge a fine animal, but it is losing a big opportunity if it does not teach them anything about develop- ing their own bodies properly.” Each boys’ and girls’ club in the State was asked to choose a repre- sentative, thought to score highest in physical condition, to compete in a health contest at the recent Iowa State fair. Among the 44 represen- tatives so chosen were many pretty oirls and husky looking boys who did not prove to be in perfect phy- sical condition when judged by strict standards and spescialists. The competition was close, however, the winning girl scoring 98.5 per cent and the winning boy 99 per cent. ten el CR High Lights on Highways The Bureau of Public Roads of the United States Department of Ag- riculture states that there are enough motor vehicles in the United States to take the entire population for a ride at'\one-time. DI Wawciviarf How Jelimate affects the/ highway working} season is shown hf the fact that graffling can be done un 100 days of the §ear in western Oregon, 110 in Maing, 260 in Maryland, and 300 in se al o Bouthefn States. - Les HO HO | FIT EV-BEE PAY 6000 WILL AOA MUNE of Prices Years Than uring Past Two Any Other. Hil 1 EUR from be lost. You have to buy y feed for them. Require Little Care. They uire sligl on. Dur ing ming they are properly ied to the latest plans, the cau the least troul beekeep- ers are hiving the V varms eas- ily and in a period of a few minutes Of course, they an eye on the bees and know what to do and just how to do it. vy do not let them take to the a hen set up a bar- rage of vells from tin pans and the swarm when the hive e queen and Stands Bees Are More Farms Today Than for Some Years Past. of Kept on is giving indications of getting rest- less, they hive the new swarm with- out any more trouble than you would experience in taking baby chicks from the incubator and placing them in a brooder. This does not mean that the bees can be neglected, or forced to shift for themselves. WHITEWASH HELPS COW BARN Thorough Cleaning and Disinfecting Is Urged Before Severe Cold Weather Sets In. Give the cow barn a thorough clean- ing and disinfecting. Whitewash it from top to bottom and from end to end. Provide for the admittance of fresh air and the expulsion of the foul air that accumulates from the cows’ breath. Put the cows on a winter ration of leguminous hay, silage and a balanced mixture of concentrates and minerals. Do these things and reap the profits that are sure to come to the owners of good cows well cared for. PLAN TO KEEP SOREHEAD OUT Piece of Canvas Well Greased Over Feed Hopper Will Soon Rid Flock of Trouble. To keep sorehead out of the poultry flock hang a piece of canvas over the opening of the feed hopper. Cut slits in the canvas and keep the slits well greased with an antiseptic salve. The birds in feeding get the salve on their heads, and this puts a stop to the sorehead. ene ———— When and Where fo Buy The time to buy is now. The palce to buy is from merchants who adver- tise their wares for the benefit of the public. Read thé advertisements in this and every other issue of the “Bulletin’’ and you will save some real money. The summer reduction sales are now on. Mount Joy mer- chants are offering real bargains. There is no reason why you should go elsewhere. ert A ———— It pays to advkrtise in the Bulletin { EY Product Has Held Higher Level | | { mn CERER snnepay Ice Cream, Groceries and Famous Chincoteagn= ! Oysters | | | | Confections 8 ONLY AN HOUR My ial line of spectacles ~ and glasses at $2.00 to $7.50 are made within an hour = after examination. Es HORTON, The Optician = 47 N. Prince St., Lancaster, Pa. = Tf DRE EE Why Not | Ee 2 spec S eye HE | Use 1 he Best Martin's Sanitary Dairy West Donegal St. MOUNT JOY, PENNA City Shoe | Repairing Gompany OLD SHOES MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW ONES 50-52 S. Queen St. Lancaster, Pa. West End Bakery EVANS & WATSON, Proprs. West Main Street MOUNT JOY RESH BREAD AND BUNS DAILY WEDDING & BIRTHDAY CAKES A SPECIALTY NE SOLICIT A SHARE OF YOUR PATRONAGE STONE placing your order elsewhere see us. Before We have cut prices to pre war prices. J, N. STAUFFER & BRO. MOUNT JOY, PA. Pipe! Pipell Pipell We have all sizes pipe, beams, rails angle and channel rods, ete., for sale { cheap. ISSAC MILLER SON Prince and Hazel Sts. LANCASTER, PENNA. Ache? When you’re suffering from headache, backacke, toothache, neuralgia, ar pain from any other cause, try Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills One or two and the pain stopg Contain no habit-forming drugs Have you tried Dr. Miles’ Ner Ask your Druggist ant”