THE OUNT BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. 8S. a IN| | LETIN| | MO J. E. SCHKO JOY, PA. : x »s and mer- Editor & Pro'r. The Rheems indw iz chhnts ruly observed rice $1.50 a Year Day. | / Penn Lime Stone a ire experiencing short load fluxing stone, fo is a great demand. Leroy Kupp, of neg ny town, spent Monday afte Ele at toe — se, Mount 19 ** | santly with his span of fmules plow- The date of th! expiration of your subscrip- | ;,, vacant lots for A. S. Bard. tlon follows your name ou the label. We do : - : sot send receipt for subscription money re- The great demand for {straw from England states} and New seived. Whenev t you Feuit, tee tal JOR are the New the det of each month. ¥ ~|&¥ork has started car load shipments a Tieton Lt the Langiville yuh | from this place, loaded bly the John Wows, were merged with that of the Mount | [,, Heisey Sons. : kay alata, which makes this paper's ordinary | y 1. Poland, a hustlinje Donegal - | farmer who has installed this hog sty | with the pure bred Chest White, claims one of his choice hpgs gained 72 pounds in 42 days. Webster man, 1., spent last of J, who Subscription § Sample Single ( Rpies. .... [brse Minths. ....40 Cents Six Mosjths......75 Cents opies Cement Co. which there Elizabeth- rnoon plea- ROCK POINT ————— MeNaughten, rapidly recovering or Hickory | from Fannie Corner, is an attack of conceit. Paul Coller, son of Charles Col- ler, near Kagel's Mill t a fine deer up in the Perr) tains 1 1] Reading, ; afternoon as spent the week with parents, Mr. | Mrs. Al S. Bard. Turkey for the Rheems ¥s out of 1estion. Not onl } but an (1 Mot n-| ep pric yard fails te ry rec a on as the ion b 1 to the breez onspicious plac enting an ter. They are recei Word Florin tl ur m ‘cna f ie 1 . | CO y n D. Garber, of that hustling little |feeds and get : n Wole Hino o r: Mr , Mrs from 1 les fo choy Thanksgiving | Petersburg, | | account | SALUNGA James Scott and son, of near East were in town Monday evening. Jacob and Henry Weidman, of Eli- town on Sunday. the mountains in quest of game and bagged five rabzits. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Alexander, of Rohrerstown, visited her Mrs. George Way, on Sunday. The family of Mr. and Mrs. John Peifer were home for the Thanks- giving dinner on Thursday. his mother, of Elizabethtown, spent Friday visiting friends in town. Mrs. Frank Mumma and two children, of Lancaster, spent Thurs- day with Mr. and Mrs. Will Cooper. Miss Anna Mae Miller, of Eliza- bethtown, sp as the guest of S. H. family iving with her parenes Elizabeth pent Thursday i father, H. G. p, Norman Lewis Geib spent several days in! { 1 | | e of cars to |zabethtown, made a short visit in our | mother, | Benjamin Wissler and family and | J nt several days in town | Heistand and | | iler and a num- | in Perry County | i v, wife and Stephen Wolf and lathe | a1 son have|a along the high-|i Arthur but i e was hurt It was “Good Morning’ B } lly damag to | ider vere | vas al 3 a | | m Y ror, of sulle ok DL AN’S CHURCH :N + x yddor on indav. A his eo for of tO- 20 and breathed y Robert Cood ob Shenk nd fam-! ; t Hamm Creek . Eli Hess. Tarrison Mil at the h * Manheim. ence Shelly, Eli Mr. in on Sunday. brose Frank- Mr. and 8. John Nissley of | J oni r and’ Pha me of isors and » Hill on } ler visited account snent rere guests os Sumpman, | rd Grube and | ith Mr. and | , nily, of near I Eby, Herman nd Clarence Rohrer are we x In the mountains hunting Shelly pending a deer. a " | Mary Rohrer, who teaches near John Houser and'| phil delphia, spent the holiday sea- Susanna Spickler, | son with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ent Sunday with H. G. Rohrer. y Leisey. | Clarence Metzler is at present em- Miss Emma Sipling, of Elm, and |ployed at the Snavely Garage, Man- Mrs. nie Ruhl, and son, Jacob, heim; Guy Rohrer is employed at the wera onests of Mr. and Mre. Samuel, W. S. Asbestos and Henry Dressler Zervhey, near Salunga, on Sunday. |is serving at Henry Miller's. Mrs. Clemenda Kauffman returned Mr. and Mrs, Levi Eby entertain- to the home lof her daughter, Mrs. ed about 70 neighbors and friendsyat Eli Shelley, at Lancaster, after spend-| 2 reception given in honor of Mr. inc a week among relatives and 8nd Mrs. Christ Garber ‘who were riends in this village. jrecently married, on Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. John Derr entertained ' 027" be following guests during the pek: Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gochen- CATARRHAL DEAFNESS y iii Spenser, Miss Elva Spen- is glia} caused by an inflamed. condition . 3 : : 0 ucous lining of the Eustachia bh 18% Bdith Derr, Miss Armeda Tube. ‘When this tube is inflamed You naur, iss Ruth Shenk, Miss have rumbling sound or imperfect rl Richardson, Misses Madlem, hearin Daloss the inflammation can othy Richardson and Clara Spen- eu Deu, Jur ‘nealing: may be de. : stroyedigorever. Mr. Richard Richardson, Earl of Nanmanstown, sr My. and Mrs | iends of | ised him lay evening. Audit- Tonday for on his| an { ay Monday in | tional Capitol, Washington, D. oar 4 CATARRE MEDICINE Jn : lo wha@ye claim for it—r our system oust, all of Reading, and f “Catglln or Deafness yO a by Blanche and Florence Derr, Catarrh¥BA1.1’S CATARRH MEDICINE neaster, \ { has be€ ccessful in the treatment of : . | Catarrh over Forty Years. | Sold bY druggists. rai a nets item at any, ¥-J- COE & Co. Toledo, O. ler us hate it. We want | gis s0 do our readers. | It pas es 1 i 1 5b to] w jes than thie mo the greeting be ovi one which will ldren’s hearts at the time Ii they will remember er years. rr ne Cee LENGTH OF WORKING SEASON BIG FACTOR IN ROAD BUILDING The length of a most important element in road constructi d one in which there i variation, according of Public Roads of States - Department of which has the states. to the Burear the United Agriculture, data from all nol] auch- with _— ilk the working scason Irs. Oscar Newcomer | § Monroe Sheaffer, at and Paul | at Lan- | NEAT A So CT on a collected | § Deducting Sundays only there are | § 313 working-da Alabama, Missi 's in the year ppi, and New Mex- and | ico report that grading is possible | on 300 of them. Neighboring States report as follows: - Florida, 265; Louisiana, 260; and Texas, 275. Contrasted with these are Maine, with 110; New York, 150; Wiscon- sin, 153; and western Oregon, 100. In 14 States grading will probably be impractical after the middle of November, and in some of them at an earlier date. Yo \ Gravel surfacing can be placed in most of the States fkom 120 to 200 working days, although ~ 10 of them report a greater number. In 26 States concflete surfacing can be placed on from} 100 to 150 days, and in 16 Statesfon from 150 to 200 days. In 28 Stites the sea- son| is generally over HE Novembe 1 the 1) SR REIIIRRS TR NTRS EN 7 “The Live Store” oo hed rm L army Jo absolutely certain f x ¥ [ he. 2 a LEY, Lis theres wile quarters Ju to supp WEWRESDAY, DEC. 6th RIOR Uv SH “Always Reliable” dia [pitting White Slipover Sweaters ... $6.50 to $10.00 Coat Sweaters . ., « « «4.» Pa ... $4.00 to $9.00 n Travelc wv oo rn nw Sweaters $6.00 Cardigan Jackets $3 to $6.50 Tom Wye Knit Jackets Neckwear, 50c to $2.50 Hosiery, 25 to $1.50 Holiday{Boxes Free With Your Purchase 2 LEER RRR TROL HET PRR TE SAT I RE PR Ra = RET we ETZ, 4 a: La Shirts---Gloves---Pajamas---Underwear Joy