ount Joy . ull¢tin } VOLUME XXII NO, 26 IF YOU WANT YOUR SHARE OF HOLIDAY TRADE, ADVERTISE IN THE Mount Joy, Penna, Dec. 6, 1922 51 50 a Year in Kavace a MIT. JOY BULLETIN REGULAR MEETING OF BORO COUNCIL TWO ORDINANCES PASS FIRST | AND SECOND READINGS— THIRTY-TWO ' TRAFFIC SIGNS PURCHASED President Fellenbaum called coun- cil to order at 7:30 on Monday even- ing to transact routine affairs of the November The fe ollowing members were present: Burges A. Bachman, Ed Ream, Georg er, Dr. E. W. Garbér, R. Fellenbaum and S. F. Eshleman. Clerk J H. Zeller read the minutes of the previous meeting and they were approved. meeting. Burgess’ Report Burgess Bachman reported collec- tions to the amount of $9.50 the past month. Mr. Bachman also reported that the Edison Electric Company arc not abiding by the boro ordinance as they are gradually obstructing pavements and gutters by the erection of poles. Council ordered Bur- gess Bachman to take the matter up with the company. Street Committee Ed. Ream reported all hauled. Mr. Garber reported the purchase of the following speed signs: 19 fif- teen miles per hour, 5 beginning of fifteen mile limit, 5 end of fifteen mile limit, 3 school ahead run slow. The signs will be erected every one- eighth of a mile thruout the town. Mr. Garber also reported citizens complaining on con dition of Detwiler avenue. Same was in hands of street committee to investigate and report at next meeting. rubbish fr left | CORNERSTONE LAYING OF MEMORIAL BUILDING | With impressive ceremonies the [J Smrsemiv of the memoriel home of Dauphin county Masons was laid it noon Saturday in the presence of bout 1,000 members of the { and their friends. Representative phin county band of Zembc be the promptly place whes laid, Here tI a- a order fore silence ha Tyler, by Brother Jos Grand Ch by Right Abraham ast After the Grand was given ter, the was laid Master, it was m by Grand O ticles which it w M. Beitler. After 1 and declared plumb 5, a number of ar 1 in the stone after sealed and with priate ceremonies the corn, oil was poured on it by ers. An addre were wine and Gran Offie- | ss on the significance of | the corner stone and a history or | the laying of stones in many of the world’s historical buildings was giv- | en by Brother Jesse E. B. Cunning- ham. { The grounds were decorated for the occasion with a profusion ot | American flags which lined the driveways. After the exer reception was held in the Lodge hall, at which time lunch w ser Visitors brought t and from the on special trains. ise a Grand as ved. were 0 rounds EE MISS ELVA ACCIDENT SMITH ALLY SHOT = Water Committee Mr. Eshleman Xepariad they coal at the Water Works instructed this committee to bids®and order a carload from lowest bidder. Mr. Eshleman also reported the | grates in the boiler at pumping sta- tion in bad shape. The committee ras ordered to make repairs as they | gee fic. (fe water committee was instruect- see S. H. Miller and get a lpctallation of a motor at ne OR Sand -repart-at mou regular meeting. need secure the Finance Committee Mr. Zeller reported the approval of all bills, which were paid later. Property Committee Mr. Hauer reported the furnace at the Post Office in operation and is working fine. The property committee was in- structed to have an ash pit dug at rear of Post Office five feet deep and line same with crossing brick or con- crete. Light Committee Mr. Eshleman recommended a light be placed between Comfort alley and Market Street close to tool house on Henry street. Also a light at Columbia Avenue and Poplar street. The Street Committee was ordered to in- vestigate and report at next regular meeting. Board of Health The Secretary reported six places released of whooping cough placards and five more places tagged. An appropriation of $25.00 was granted the Board of Health by eouncil. Ordinance Committee The ordinance regulating curbs and gutters passed second reading. The ordinance relative to the open- ing of Wood street passed its first reading. The name. of the street was changed from Wood to West Donegal street. Treasurer's Report The report of Mr. Hauer showed a balance of $2,690.46 in the boro account, a balance of $3873.75 in the Water account, a balance of $146.00 in the interest account. —— iG GRE me ————e. | A Grand Spelling Bee 3 Wi spelling bee will be held dependence Schoolhouse, one e-half miles east of Landis- long the Harrisburg pike, on ay evening, December 21st. will be three classes, two and one information class. will be awarded each class. vill also be dialogues, recita- usie, ete. VILLE HIGH WILL GIVE PLAY v will be held in the Landis- [h School on Saturday eve- bember 30th, entitled “The Second Wife”, There will ions and music between the gram starts at 7:30 P, M. arriage License. G. Brubaker and Martha Elizabethtown. Keller, Lebanon county, Edilgmas, Elizabeth- re The pl ; with a loaded along the night, Harry accidentally shot in the walking ve and 's Station, T apon ith, e ff of the wo examina- tions by p + RK, ta, § lod to locate os let, ipbell was str¢ along E aot, street, Mariett a, exhibiting revolver to tw companions, en it was discharged, the bullet Miss Smith. A heavy fur worn by Miss Smith was pen- ctrated by Uff baleb ard pre ed more serious injury than a se- | vere flesh wound. a TAP IO Birthday Party Miss Anna Brubaker, gave a birth- day party in honor of her brother Robert at their home on West Done- gal street on Thanksgiving evening, Many games were played and refresh- ments served. The following were present: Misses Dorothy Schock, Alice Her- man, Margaret Krall, Katherine Long- enecker, Esther Garber, Sarah Har- ley, Esther Brubaker, Annie Bruba- ker, Elizabeth Brubaker and Messrs. | Robert Brubaker, Charles Habecker, Howard Lindemuth, Bigler Mumma, Charles Eby, John Eshleman and Le- roy Herman, endl “Pp ATTERSONIAN” TO HOLD V BIG SPELLING BEE The Pattersonian of the Mount Joy High School will hold a spelling bee in the Mount Joy hall on Thurs- day evening, December 14. A two act plajRentitled, “Miss Molly” will be rendered. Other features, “When Molly pnt the Pepper in the Tea”. There (will be three classes and three prizes for each class. Two spelling classes and one information class. Admission 80 cents. The pro- gram starts promptly at 7:30 P. M. ere Gi - OE E ling Marke 0 rikine coat Terit- | § Fd Refrigerator Went Wrong Quite a little excitement occurred on Main St. the other morning when at the H. H. Krall meat market their refrigerator plant went wrong, causing the amonia tank to spring a leak. A hose that is connected to the plant and is used for running off the water and which extends out over the pavement to the curb, came in contact with the amonia tank in some manner and strong fumes poured out. —— A RI ————— Held Congregational Meeting A Congregational meeting of ‘the First Presbyterian church was held on Monday evening, which resulted in additional sections to the Charter and the election of two and one elder to serve three years. Mr. Frank Bryan and Dr. Thome were elected trustees and Dr. Work-! man, ruling Elder, to succeed him- self. Rtas Brownstown Here Friday : On Friday evening, December 8, the Brownstown High will be ‘the attraction on the local floor. On this occasion the local high Girls will oppose the Brownstown Girls in the preliminary. The games will be called at 7:45 d the admission will be 15 and 25! | er —- unt Joy H potivg Match 3 will o held on Solis on Sat- lot © 11 gas L's celeh ive at | pful Grand | appro- | | is the ‘Miss Clare Manning, $35.32; Miss trustees | :} yesterday from Perry county where MR. AND MRS. WM. FACKLER OUR WEEKLY | | CARD BASKET Mr. lunga, ai William, and Ele and Ng Willian am Fackle T of | led by their children, Anna, Mary, celebrated fifth wedding anniversa: iving Day. One son, C salesman in the uests were: ERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE | MANY COMERS AND GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY | Susan, {P anor or 5 'y on Mumma spent her relatives Rhoades ndisville as the spent guest s Stella Wachstetter, t Thursday with Mr. s Sload. E Wilhelm, with Mr. | Groff on Sunday. Reuben Shellenbe at Lancaster, as of Flor- and Mrs. of Elizabeth- and Mrs. B. F. Mr. *S lay ichard Mr. and downe, are Dr. and M» Miss Sar: Snyder. Cy ks Mrs. J. H. Bre im, of Lans- | any, o pending a few days hondis . Workman. B48 2, ie 3 1 Caltrider, of Middletown D2stor and wife, of guest of Mrs. Fannie Welsh ag served. and Mrs. Andrew Kautz. celebrate 4 their twenty Miss Grace Dietz, of Lewist ve! sump SD nding a few days with her Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Deitz. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown, Thursday at Landisville as her uncle and aunt. § Monroe Lindemuth U spen Thursday ohrers wn. ce own. is parents . : i Clk . on many dd th rough a YEVEET AT NR Al, NEWS QUICK REAL Al HAPPENINGS and spent ruests of and INTERE OM ALL OY STING t present. Mond ren re an y to his home and Mrs. P 4 pent Benj. York City as the My ul-ai placed tion amg guests of relatives. constr ember anted Mr Clarence a and rabaiker to 1,189 miles. and children, of Reading, visited Mr.! At the beginning of and Mrs. Paul E. Smith on Sunday. were 4.2 motor vehicles for each | (Continued on page 8) [mile of road in the United States. | a A | Ephrata held a special election for | the purpose of making a loan for the | | erection of a filter plant. It was de- — feated 795 to 158, The annual session of the teach- Mr. W. Chester Hill, of Leechburg ers’ local institute will be held In Pa, a student at Mt. Airy Luther- the Mount Joy High school on Sat-|an Seminary, occupied the pulpit of urday, December 9. There will be Trinity Lutheran Church last Sun- a morning and afternoon session as! day. follows: The new hous f Ed 1 Morning Session, 9:30 A. M. je ALY hones of X\ Beam 90 3 Clayton Metzler are nearing comple- Music, Institute; Devotlonal ex-|yion The plasterers are about fin- ercises, Rev. James M. Fisher; “%» | ished and the owners expect to oc- Bound Tome Talk, Beans ye ‘cupy them in the near future. ammond, Primary Supervisor, M. oul AV 1d S. N. Training School; Vocal Solo, | Bessie May Hoay, - 14 years old, 3 lof Lancaster was awarded $500 Ms uns De a Tonle To damages by a jury in Common Pleas : 3 Co’ rt. She was struck by a truck EE A. P.|0f the Lancaster fire department. » Afr sincos Session, 1:00 P. M. Herman Graybill, a carpenter and yas : : 1 (woodworker, employed at the Hei- Se Suaras lizabelbiowh Jig stand planing mill at Chiquies, had : |his left hand caught in a roll at the Forel Salo, Mss Jnana i iy (mill, and as a result three fingers are Piano Solo, Miss Kathryn YLonge- | badly lacerated and cut. necker; Address, Hon. Lee Driver, One of the largest barns and con- tents in Dauphin county, east of ate z iducation. I ’ State Depratment of Edel Middletown, was completely destroy- ed by fire Saturday eveing, own- ed by Wm. Helsher. Mr. Jno. Bea- mesderfer, of this place, owns the farm adjoining. William Olsen, aged 18 years, of New Cumberland, arrested in this place after he had attempted to sell an automobile in Philadelphia to a Salunga garageman for $90, was taken back to the Quaker City by the State police. Bl SCHOOL BOARD MET MONDAY EVENING 1922 there | THE ANNUAL SESSION OF TEACHERS’ LOCAL INSTITUTE RED CROSS ROLL.CALL REPORT OF LOCAL BRANCH The sixth Red Cross roll call en- ded November 30, 1922. The work- ers of Mount Joy should indeed be commended on the results of the drive. The following is the amount col- lected: Mrs. Henry Carpenter and Mrs. Luke Beamesderfer, $64.50; Mrs. Clara Harnish, $40.50; Mrs. Solon Barr and Mrs. Fred Bucher, $39.65; Miss Harley and Mrs. H. O’Neil, $39.00; Florin: Mrs. Kautz, Mrs. Manning and Mrs. C. Harnish, ‘$38.60; Miss Marie Klugh, $35.00; The regular meeting of the Mount Joy School Board was held on Mon- day evening with all members pre- gent. The regular routine of business was transacted. The board purchas- ed small fire extinguishers, to be lo- cated in different parts of the build- ing. The Holiday vacation will ex- tend over one week, beginning with the close of school on December 22 and will open on Tuesday, January 2nd. Anna Webb, $15.25. Of this total $294.00 was sent to Lancaster Chap- ter and $10.57 being contributed, stays here and $4.25 for the Near East. ier fy ME ——— 1 About the Hunters . A crowd of local hunters who are deer hunting in the South Mountains, shot two to date. Mr. Charles Beaston returned home men mene GA Germ A Wedding Dinner. r. and Mrs. P. E. Getz gave a wedding dinner at their: home on Thanksgiving, in honor of Mr: and Mrs. J. Buch, of Lancaster. ' Mrs. Buch was formerly Miss Helen Getz. The following were present: Mrs. [Alma Getz, Miss Pearl Getz, of\Eph- ata; Salome Feeser, Mr. and Mrs. E. . Clay, Mr. and Mrs. IL L. Kimmel, Ath Harry E. ' Getz, Kutz- be shot a fine deer. + Harvey Newcomer and. Nissly Greider returned last evening from the South Mountain with a fine buck. The members of the Camp Ream Hunthg Club are home. Or / fin Buck was bagged, it being shot/ J Mr A. D. Garber, of Florin. ’ hn Kover and son, . C. Schock. WEDDED 25 YEARS | Ruth | Daniel, | their | ude | south, | Mr, | Emma | i his {he is | Leo, | and "lun no. | of “lurday “Ys dau the mail. { w Funeral ser: | ceme under | ° | towns { only own ; Haty V. Knupp, of Harris: |. Botan ‘daughter, Alice of this place burg and ‘H. ‘Elizabethtow Fancy Work Display The Willing Workers Cy ircle of the Evangelics will hold & fancy work ( cember 16, 1922. A mey n [of cake, coffee, sandwi and home-made ¢andy OUR MORTUARY RECORDINGS JJ MANY WELL HAVE PASSED TO THE GREAT BEYOND Annie Elizabeth Clinton . E. Clinton, the home of her from a complication Mrs ig rom a complicatior 74 years. George W. Hogomiogler W. Hogentogler, Colum. | ia, died, at his home, | Wee Ines day 2 after a few week ged 68 Be George ’s illness wido V children: ides his survived by three at home: Mrs. Harry bia, and one Lancaster. He was a member of United Brethren chur. h. David Ruhl David Ruhl, of Manheim, aged 72 fell over on Main street Sat- afternoon and died Imme- Death was due to He is survived by two Mrs. Harry Keller and Elliott of Mahheim. rere held this af- rment in Fairview Hall, both brothr, of Co- Salome vears, diately. trouble. ehters, oseph ices 4 4 yon with inte tery. rn Miller, wife Manheim, died yal He 1 Sun nlicatic vine Hy of Spita KNOWN PEOPLE | oth aged 80 years, | are grandson, at | of | of pre umonia |., 's. William Broome | 1 Abraham | 1i8 nec Vof ec heart | |schools in! n of | 3 TO 9 DUCATIONAL WEE 1 { DECEMBER The Legion, bac! ation Ass f Public Instrue nia, and lucationa | } A the the ho . gmote the cause of standard of citi an int » interest ¢ nse, deter nong education. the value and m in hat . Jetler Ze education to all the peo ) hat Inve not an expense, out hich posterity | che with- is In ordgl accomplish thes thy and to attain the gree of good for the community, understanding of school condi ; and problems and a closer ntance with the working of 1 system, on the part of and the community In gen gsary. To see re this s yperation between scheol o i, teachers and community extend a cordial invitation to all pa and friends of the Mount Joy schools to observe Friday, Decem ber 8, as Parents Dav and!on that day to visit the part or paris of the | which interest yu most | The regular class work of the school ! vill b ied on until three W he n will addr ns the 5€@ Wor. aims greatest an ae choo ents irit | f- fieials sy We trons yeloe! the e ca a speaker patro 1blv room liberty in her husband F uner, al services y morning: an illne resident Imost his entire Mary, wife of John of Woodside, East Hemp fiel township survives. Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 o’clock at Millersville Mennonite church. Interment in the adjacent cemetery. hip a sister, Shank, Susan Kulp Mrs. Susan Kulp, widow of Hiram Kulp, of Rohrerstown, died yesterday morning of infirmities, aged 76 years. She had been in failing health for several weeks, She is survived by these children: Mrs. Samuel Cooper, East Petersburg; Mrs. Jacob Brubak- er, Rohrerstown; Mrs. Harry Roth, Fruitville; Clayton, Rohrerstown. Strictly private funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made in the Lutheran cemetery in Rohrers- town. Mrs. John H. Tyson John H. Tyson died at his home fn Rapho township early this morning from a complication of diseases, aged 70 years, 3 months and 19 days. He was a member of the United Brethren Church of this place. Deceased is survived by the following children: Harry, Mount Joy; Mrs. Jerry Hilt, of Florin; Clayton, of Mountville; Norman, of Mount Joy; Mrs. Abram Earhart, of Manheim; Mrs. Harry Hilt, at home. Funeral services will be held from his late home on Friday morning at 9 o'clock and 10 o’clock in the Sil- ver Springs United Brethren Church. Interment in the adjoining cemetery. tn sens I) A rene SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING AT FAIRVIEW CHURCH A local Sunday School meeting will be held at the Fairview Church of the Brethren on Sunday, Decem- ber 10 at 1:30 P. M. The following program will be rendered: Devotion- al Exercises, Elder S. B. Fahnestock; How to observe Sunday to the best advantage, John B. Brubaker; The value of musié¢ in the Sunday School, Mrs. Lizzie Becker; Song; The Sun- day School Teacher: (a) Qualifica- tions, Harry Wolgemuth; (b) Lesson Preparation, Harry Brehm; (c) Pre- senting the Lesson, Charles Weaver; Developing the Spiritual Life of the Child:. (a) In the Home, Harry Fah- nestock; (b) In the Sunday School, Mary Brubaker; Song; An Ideal San- day School, H. A, Merkey; Round Table, John K. Miller; Song Service at 1:15. Bn Gh Sa ER—— Basket Ball On Saturday the Mount Joy basc ‘ket ball team will journey to Lititz ‘Monday, December 11th, they will oppose the Manheim Five on the local floor. _ na | « Har ry | W and the communi D. L. B rfer, Supervising Pri BE — A mes. feroy SHEAFFER L AGREEABLY SURPRISED |, » A bi of Mrs. east surprise was given Leroy this place. rthday | honor home of Refresh Hientd following: Monroe Sheaffer, Mrs. useful = gifts. served to the Mr. and Mrs Florin; Mr. and and daughters Mary, Margaret and Ethel, of Maytown; Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hershey, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hol linger, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spangler daughter Belleanna, Misses Anna and Rachhel Peifer, Mr. Jas. Sheaff- er of Mount Joy; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Newcomer, of Salunga; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sarp, Mr. and Mrs. David Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yeaple and daughter Helen, Mr. and Mrs. George Zimmerman and sons, Harold, Rohert and daughter Pearl, Mr. Aaron Sharp and daughters Ruth, Anna and Josephine and Fred Ret- tew, of Marietta; ard Mr. Norman Mugser.of Silver Spring. ei. nt Qasr eee J THE AMERICAN LEGION , HELD PUBLIC mipfine The public meeting held i behalf of the American Legion home was held in Mount Joy Council Chamber on Friday evening and was well at- tended. Definite plans to obtain a home were made and action taken with that end in view. A committee was appointed whose duty is to obtain a charter for the organization as quickly as possible. The next meeting of this body is called for Dec. 12th, at 8:30 P. M. All citizens of Mount Joy and com- munity are invited to be present, and by being present you will show your interest in this vital enterprise. Rr "a. Evangelistic Services The special services in the United Brethren church, of this place, are still in progress, and are very well attended. They are.in charge of J. Arthur Schlichter, of Philadelphia. Mr. Schlichter is an excellent speak- er and with his experience as a worker in the slums of our cities, he is able to present to his hearers the awfulness of sin, and the Love, compassion and power of Jesus Christ in a way that will help men determine what course to choose. Se ices every night this week at 7:30 until Sunday | night when he will give his last #ddress. ————— AG rari Sale of Fancy Work The Needle Guild of Trinity Luth- eran church will “hold its fifth an- nual Chrsitmas Sale of fancy work. ete., on December 9th, 1922 at Mrs. Mina Dierolf’s Shoe Store, on East Main street. a aa The Men's Federation The monthly meeting of the Men’s Federation will be held -in the Evangelical church, Sunday next ar 2:30|P. M. This is a Fathers’ an Sons' meeting and all men and hove are urged to be present. of Horace R. Barnes, of Frankland Marshall College, will be the flleak- er. Special music and an orgilis'ra Emm 2 us, | NU] | at Fl nm, a representa- | education is an | | Thursday doomed to | o | the | A recepti Gibbons 1 n | Sheaffer at her | She was | the recipient of many beautiful and |! Christ Sheaffer jon |leman, YOUNG FOLKS ARE JOINED IN WEDLOCK i ir IBER OF VERY WELL KNOWN YOUNG FOI JOINED IN THE HOLY BONDS OF MATRIMONY “isher—Clark ] iter of Mr. lumbia, ington, inesday ; for- will KS ARE Md. nerly from. Columbia. reside in Wilmington, Longenecke Walter F. Mr. and Mrs. Manheim, a of Lebanon, were church, Leba There were y+ 0F Seeman, in the Reformed noon. uests present. Brubaker-—Kneisly J. Earl Brubaker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry of Rapho township and Miss Ar Kneisly, wughter of Mr, and M {neige ly, of West Hempfield re m 1 Saturday evening at 8 o’- . Hiram 1, at 10] led r of avely. home and Mt. Brubaker "lock by Rev his hom ) by » col M ors bridegy at the Mr. near on was of the bride Mrs. Brubaker will Joy. ada side Gotts shall, Gottshall were niarried ‘at the | and Thur Gibbons A; Helen home Mrs. lay ef iss 1158 ron cipal |.) r 1 ents of the bri Brub Kc s radiakhiy were | sal by g res in Mount Joy x y evening at eight o'clock attended by Miss Martha Brubakery as bridesmaid nd Mr, Monroe y as best man, On Sunday a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents. Those present were as follows: Mr, and Mrs. J. Earl Brubaker, Miss Mar- tha Brubaker and Mr. Monroe Snave= ly, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Kneisly, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Brubaker, Rev. and Mrs. Hiram Eshleman, Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Kneisly and daughter Gladys, Mr. and Mrs. Engle Shelly and chil- dren Lester and Miriam, Mr. and Mrs, Kauffman Herr and dauchter Elva Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Brandt, Mr, Isaac Eshlemarr M “ve Garber Mrs. Maria Gibble, Mx da Esh- lar. and Mrs t Snyder, Mr and Mrs. John :k, Mr. and Mrs. Char ard daughter Geneva, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ham- bright, Misses Adaline Kneisly, Fan- nie Kneisly, Miriam Brubaker, Mr, Levi Kneisly and Wilson Mohler, The table waiters were Misses Anna Shonk, Maud Nolt and Margaret Ginder and Mr. Ephraim Eshleman and John Meclhorn were the ushers. The bride received a large number of beautiful and useful gifts. Sh es Simpkins LARGE BARN AND CONTENTS DESTROYED BY FIRE The large bank barn, 41 by 80 feet in size, on the farm of Frank Gibble, one mile west of Masterson ville, was burned to the ground Fri. day morning at 9 o’clock, entailing a loss of $5,000. ' This adds one more to the number of fine farm buildings destroyed in like manner in Lancaster county this fall. Losses of this kind are particularly heavy at this time of the vear, usually sweeping away the result of the entire summer’s work. The Gib ble barn contained 10 acres of corn, five acres of tobacco, 12 acres of hay and 20 tons of straw, besides most of the farm implements, No live stock was burned. The fire was presumably started by children playing in the barn, and the flames soon were beyond control DE —— HARRY WAY, COLORED, PAYS THE PENALTY Harry Way, colored, of who was" found guy'ty der of Z. W. Keller ast summer, paid Rellfonte, Mondav. - id death in the electric ¢ remains were sent here ao or in charge. by his mothes. . The funeral cervices wil® he hef from his late: hame on Manhei street - on Thursday ' afta.noor. two o'clock and will he strict vate. Interment wfil' he mad, this pia of the taes, stable hepg ! malty at Tincoln cemetery, [near tow adve