THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. a PAGE TWO H A Miss Helen Evans, of Altoona. MT. JO Y BULLETIN R EEMS Messrs. Edgar Fry and Guy, > x Gochenaur figured in an accident on MOUNT JOY, PA. . Mr, and Mrs, Fara Souders, My] [OSheusar ngited Qo 8 8 ce | . ’ . esday .ancaster. yy were | 3. E. SCHROLL. Editor & Pro’r.|. i Mys. Herman Wittle spent Sun- = thibe Wav to . Pett rébure nc zs . on the € sters —_—— lay at Manheim. . se: i Year |“2Y © : : motorcycle when a large truck came Subscription Price $1.50 ti Rev. Jacob Martin of Eliz 0 yel on are oe oar 2 3 + . r : Ol a side sree and S 3 S 2 Sample Copies. ... FR town paid a visit to Jacob W. Heise} ; oo . . 3 Cents 4 4 : them. Mr. Fry was uninjured. Mr. Single Copies. .... who has passed the 85th milestone, ! | iis So 0 Cent . Gochenaur was injured more serious- [bree Months. ....4 ents successfully. 1 > iret mn and h ta 75 Cents | Feed i al ton lots richt from |1V than was at first known and he is . we Nee Severs t( S oht om | : \ m ] 8ix Months. .. gee In LA : .—. Inow going about on crutches. The = the car at a bargain price attracted. = 0 oo completely wrecked. | . 3 k. motorey vas 1 letel) CK . Entered at the post office at Mount Joy as the farmers last Monday at the Mr. William Allem: f ar | cond-class mall matter. ory > Mr. liam : eman, 0 near { ’ expiration of your subscrip | Rheems Warehouse. : 5 : | The gate of the pame on the label. We do | 3 "li Brul $ illage butch- Middletown, passed a number of al- | So Jon ie for subscription money re. | Me i srub 3 the v ote oq | leged worthless checks on a number | Whenever you remit, see t at you jer 1s ell rig cnoice s e aloes of business Ro vf in nnn iy wh er credit. We credit all subseription | _ = 0 $1.5 50 per bushel of _business 1 en of this place and | oa the first of each month. fiaville Vigil, ‘ : : Tare vicinity by making purchases and | andisville V Vv ) arge. vols 3 . 3 Te! sob. oo! ton Higtd of i Joy Star and 1 y ! amber of vaeant iving checks on a Middletown lorin I are a number of vacant ; 1 A were merged with thay of the aunt ! ; 1 | homes that bank. When the checks were pre- aper’s 0 il¢ ( ( homes ¢ vii a s 1 toy Sule etin, which makes this pape buildin ) ented it is said there was no money | wee : 1 jean be in the bank. He purchased some | rea esta p P y | watermelons of a farmer, near Fal-| SALUNGA I ; i v. 1 th. and clothine fr a . Eliz 1 ; 1d thing a Eliza SAL Is D mouth, and clothing from a Eliza- ; : 5 Sle bethtown merchant and another i tihble spent Sunday choi i) t | Mr. and Mrs. GID ie Pen i : check he gave to an auto dealer, 1 N toler 6 . "py | with Mr. and Mrs. Metzler et cal Do fe ol ar Middle town. The man was last | Miss E ey phi | \ B H tty traced to Harrisburg. The matter 1 Yotersburg. | % ( 1 yractical quarry- . i ~ eral weeks Petersburg. i ; pa I J put in the hands of the State | Quite a nu of our tov 1 1 10 has leased Martin stone Police, ite a ni ic 4 1 1 fair la 1arries. nort of: hbethtown has attended the Lancaster Ia : u : , north ; f El al : 1town Li et een Yhoniat vith nis ut the entire plant in full operation Mr. Christ, who wit ! 1 dauchter, Mrs. Cooper, is on the sick h a ready demand for the product. ROCK POINT list > |" C. H. Musser P. B. BR. agent at — | Si. nl 1 op . . Shirem: i ‘ Rf acre Mr. and Mrs. Auxer, of Lancast r,| Rheems and wife spent his ation John Shireman had about 8 acres | yy Ad si Rividbine: ralntive a si 1 1.4] Of tobacco ruined by frost. He] : { Dr. and Mrs. B. E. K , on | visiting relatives and friends last]? ks . | visited Dr. ahd 1 : as + ve ai . | farms the Eli Nissly farm near Done- | Saudny week at Atlantic City, Philadelphia 1 Sprin » Sunday. i : : 3 : gal Springs. 2 : Lanbaine er ancaster 1 Shs > B= y . Miss Mary Feist entertaine 1 h 1 d Lan aster. Milton Shank filled Mr. John Trostle, of near Mayts own | wo cousins of Lancasterlihe vacancy. . was also a loser of tobacco through | | I'wo cars of coal arrived at the| frost last week he informed me. | Bol 3 Saturday | Rheems coal yard last week for Mr. Eli Nisslv of Florin, is the | afternoon in Lancaster with Mrs. J. | which there is a ready demand. Coal | Generalissamo of the First National | X Hormoii | m chants the past few years had hank of Marietta, vice Barr Spangler ‘Mr ind Mrs Paul Alexander, |very little money tied up in the yards. | “¢ceased 1 . an Ms. PN 4 . ; anohter ne | spent Sunday with her mother, wos | They have an opportunity to use the r Ae Behl. may Qangietar of a Spent ouhuA, : ; > hleman of near ireen Tree | ot Tis ancient method, quick sales and small 3 y { Lizzie Way. ; : : > pants a 3% | church has been installed as a clerk] Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grube visited | pre : i pig in A. D. Garber’s store at Florin. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Miller on Sun- . ry Martin a successful farmer Wiliam S. Neidigh of near Camp Mr, and lon one Corie hg am 5. ; gh 3 amp- | day evening. | on one of the Cameron farms in bellstown, accompanied his brother | Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bender spent Fast Donegal, has purchased the |Francis G. Neideigh of near Rheems | Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Neff, | Gibble residence on South Poplar{to the Lancaster Fair on Thursday. | near Millers ville. Lo et in Elizabethtown which they Quite a number of friends and ac- | Albert Hiestanc d and wife enter-|expect to occupy after April 1, 1923. | quaintances from around Blaine, | tained his brother S. H. Hiestand and ancis Ne ideigh from the B. H. 2endod he una 4 ihe [ate Ira | dumb y Martin's ane arber which was 2] ¢ rsdavy | family on Sunday. Si rider farm will be Martin's sue- ot the Pa : bd hd ar day Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Myers pe) oh | cessor. : Th ay : he 1 dl Ji 5 hop > : : 1: . e services 3 ‘ y Ju Wednesday visiting his sister, and « The drought is handicapping the ne A rox ednesday : the Brethren at Marietta on Sunday | tended the Hanover Fair. farmers who are accustomed to put- afternoon, were conducted by Revs. ! 1 ah > la : . cal sodine fis AL y W : U \ evs. | Mr. and Mrs. Morris Re am and tin 2 oni the fall eeding first week | Nathan and Hiram Eshleman and | children of Newtown spent Sunday |in Oc ober. Qu te a number who were | Samuel H. Shearer of Rheems. with C. R. Boll and wife. hort in help failed to get plowing That was an erroneous statement | Mr. and Mrs. Paul Peifer and son, [done in time. A soaking rain will | that was detailed to me in reference Donald, were Sund: visitors with | rel them if it comes before the to Mr. Mus nan freight agent at his parents, M \ . John Pq ifer. | i of October, as early seeding Florin. He 5 st Il on the job. Hence- | 1 nd Mrs. Newcomer and sons, be a failure. forth anything that is handed to me Wal. BHU: IVS. AY . vg York oh = as for insertion my items mus ye Flory and Mark, wer Sunday visit- | Funeral services over the remains more substantial ast I | in 1 Xen Tero we Ira W who died at the tantial. - ors with Mr. and Mrs.Jacob Newecom io : 20 lie ar 1€ George L. Strauss a civil war vet- ol eph F .ancas 7 Irom jera :d to the 52nd Penna | The recent frosts nipped 1€ i > 3 at the ron | was friend Mr. Brandt the tobacco that w wding and ¢ d Ste ne Company plant was ja pos loye of Marietta. He CAUSE . 1 hustle i 1 la t Thu ay, Sept. 28 at one Williamsport, and the: | it the | na y o’clocel i at he was in the frst ren hieves enter eg tysburg. 0 : = —— 5A the \ O. B. ¥ i : ; € | the og : : | BETTER-SIRES DATA TO SOUTH and { AFRICA and r { . Qos yd : ’ k Q Yaneh { ia, South Africa, is plan- M : ¢ 1olnh tod wi I 1d inst serub bulls. A Mr. ; : 4 v ly ecent reat t receive Hy their aren , Mr. a Mr 1 1 = ; Ye 2 . be : d 0 the Sed Petersburg on Sunday. lo jrotaty of Agriculture tells of the ne- Mr. and M.s. Paul Ibach and sons, |! {osISity Of sopping the breeding of ge a R Sunday ter) { cattle to scrub bulls in Rhodseia and > 1C11 dliti 4 UL C 15 vy A ” itl 1 . . y . to : 2 sw Danville with Mr. | | requests the assistance of the United od Rondic. (Too late for last week) | States Department of Agriculture in I t fat Leys | ” o - . . + wk a3 Smith and John C. Smit} Prof. Ira R. Kraybill and family | the problem. Definite plans are to be 1 ith and Joh id : i a Ye ada . osentati » R by and wife returned to their home i of Philadelphia, spent last Sunday at ny : for pre sation to the Rhode- | Johnstown after spending a week the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | $12 ASTIC ultural Union, : Samuel MeGirl. S. S. Kraybill. The department has furnished as- with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George friends from Millport, Washingtonboro on Sunday Werner, with motored to morni where they were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Hardiman. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Eby, with their son, Elias Eby and family, of Lititz, on their way home from Cum- berland County on Sunday evening, stopped to visit his brother, Samuel, at Salunga. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ibach entertain- ed at luncheon on Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ibach and daugh- ters, Irene, Virginia and Hortense and Miss Anna Forry, of Neumans- town. S. H. Hiestand and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Leibensperger took a trip by auto to Easton, Nazareth, Slatington and Reading. At Nazareth they were through the Dexter Port- land Cement Works, from the quarry to the car. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller enter- tained the following on Sunday: his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller, of Ironville: his brother, Walter, and family, of Oyster Point; Horace Wag- the Brethren Sun- The Church of lay school at Rheems observed Child- last service in ch: Hoover at 1:30. rens Day Song Sunday afternoon. of Mrs. Elmer Opening exercises at 2 o'clock by the Superintendent, Harry Bechtle, who announced the program as follows: Recitation, A Bright Greeting, by Florence Grove: exercise, This is Children’s Day; re- citation, Sunshine, by Stanley Geib; recitation, Perfect Trust, by Agnes Minnich; recitation, Your Mission, by Anna Brandt; exercise, I'm Going to be Happy; recitation, The Close of Life’s Day, by Ruth Walmer; recita- tion, Little Chatter Box, by Anna Mae Henry; recitation, He Careth For You, by John Kraybill; quartet, The Old Rugged Cross; recitation, Two Offerings, Dora Kraybill; reci- tation, Waiting at the Leaders Feet, Emily Jane Kraybill; recitation, The Mansions Foundation, Anna Hoffman; recitation, A Story of Talents, Fannie Ruth Heisey; recitation, Unawares, Edith Barnard; recitation, Dorothy Hollinger. Rev. Wm. Duble, of Reistvile, Pa., entertained the child- ren and the large congregation in a very instructive manner for a period ee ner and family, of Chestnut Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ibach and sons : Mr. ar > of anoverdale, Ps: losed 2X - Lloyd Fred Jr. and Wayne. : Hai verdale, Pa., closed the ex . . . : ercises. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rohrer; el GG and Mrs. Harry Rohrer, Mr. and Ne lr B. F. Keener and children, Leaman, | ELIZABETHTOWN Wilbur n, Lester, John an ec nie. of near Mechaniesville,; Miss Mr. Al Toy spent a few . 3. Jno n B o; N. ¥. » High School Literary Society ] ill nder a fine program Friday, Annie Mowery ot ne ober 6. ited Mrs. Fannie Ba Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hoffer and v. hter, of Lebanon, were borough eet Ce ee ee Tuesday A J. .H..S and L. G.Her- BAINBRIDGE Ma ( d well n this| section are ver and i s feared that farmers have to haul water from the ris Mrs. H W. Good visited her sis ter, Mrs. A. P. Stoner, at Camp Hill. J. W. Arnold, of Harrisburg, spent several days in town on a visit to relatives and friends. Mrs. John Goudie who was taken to the Lancaster hospital following a fall, is improving, and her injuries are not as bad as was first supposed. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Raber enter- of friends in honor Miles Lloyd, of were visiting at tained a number of Mr. and Mrs. Woodbine, who Bainbridge. Mr. and Mrs. and daughter Walter B. Ellwein returned to their home in Shippensburg, after few weeks visit with the former’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ellwein. — Apple Tree in Blossom An apple tree in the orchard of Jonas E. Witmer, Marietta, is in bloom. The flowers are perfect and attracted considerable attenj- tion. Several people who saw i are superstitious and say “it is ba lack.” | sh att » at the U. B. | C at Sunbury. Rex k Croman and J. E. | Wi led the sessions of the | Luth terium at Penryn. | M Tillman Ebersole and daugh- | ter Marion, were the guests of| Palmyra relatives on Wednesday. Jack Frost appeared in real form several mornings, in the early part f last week. Some tobacco was badly bitten. The American Legion will hold a of 45 minutes. Rev. John Witmer, sistance in the form of literature re- garding the better sires-better stock ! movement and also the formation of | cooperative bull associations. | FUMIGATE YOUR WHEAT WITH CARBON BISULPHIDE! For the Angumois Moth, Weevil, &ec. We are in a) position to supply you now with Casbon Bisulphide in any quantity . On account of the price on wheat a number of farmers will hold same. Be &n the safe side, and treat your wheat goon after threshing or as soon as you gee th2 moth flying over the wheat. “All seed wheat should be treated. Shippers should treat every car before it is shipped. Willers should treat the wheat in their elevators and fumigate all spouting, flodg bolts, &e. for moth. DRUG CHANDLER'S store West Main St., MT. JOY, PA. THE OLDEST HAT STORE IN LANCASTER % THE Wingert & Haas Hat Store na | chicken corn soup supper, Saturday, October 7, on the Greenawalt Hotel The usual refreshments will be served and special music will be furnished. Rev. A. G. Nye left Tuesday morn- ing to attend the conference session at Sunbury last week. The Otter- bein Guild conducted the services on Sunday morning. Mrs. J. R. Engle, of Palmyra, was the speaker. The announcement of the engage- ment of Miss Elizabeth Frantz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph | Frantz, of North Second street | Harrisburg, to Mr. Paul Rieker, son lawn. Largest Lin®&of Fall Hats, Caps™and GLOVES In The City \ 144 N. Queen St. Lancaster, Pa. JOHN A. HAAS, Propr. Some Time You will be in need of 2 rinting of some kind. hether it be letter- heads, statements wed- ding invitations oz public sale bills, re rn we can turn of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rieker of this place, was made at a luncheon given by Miss Frantz in the Japanese room of the Penn Harris Hotel for out the work at the lowest * consistent ho rk. ne The lowest prices at which Hupmobiles of the present de- sign and quality have ever been offered. More than at any other time the Hupmobile now pre- sents outstanding value. New prices effective August 4, 1922. x = $1150 ] 1635 Touring Car - $1150 Roadster - Sedan - - - 1785 Coupe - - Roadster Coupe, $1335 Prices f. o. b. Detroit—Revenue Tax Extra % i - 1] E. J. Argenbrighi, Florin, Pa. [ FRESE WE WILL GIVE on pl ABSOLUTELY FREE A COMPLETE Wireless Telephone + There is music in the air every day and evening, stocks and bond prices, also grain and market quotations are also sent out daily from several Cities in each State. The Radio-Phone is the marvel of all time. You can be the proud possessor of this wonderful outfit. NOW ON EXHIBITION AT OUR STORE ] ; ] With each cash purchase amounting to $1.00 we will give one Key. We have a bag : of keys; one key in this bag will unlock a lock which we have on exhibition at our store and = the holder of the Lucky Key will receive THIS RADIO-PHONE ABSOLUTELY FREE. —. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES ON ACCOUNT OF THIS OFFER H. E. Hauer, Mount Joy, Pa.