PAGE TWO THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN MOUNT Yov, LANCASTER COUNTY, N MT. JOY BULLETID MOUNT JOY, PA. RHEEMS : : s Hazel G r spent last w J. E. SCHROLL. Editor & Pro’r. : o tr ot Tor a . , H y Subscription Price $1.50 a Year ( Sample Copies. FREE Single Copies. .. 3 Cents (Three Months ..40 Cents Six Months. ..... 75 Cents Entered at the post at int Joy &# ; second-class mail matte 11 fration of your I 3 1¢ on the el : y wot wmeand re r subscript m seived. Wt u remit, see that \ I given proper « t. We credit all sul N\ ea the firs each month a The subscription lists of the Landisv i gee Florin News and the Mount Joy : EE Mews, were merged with that of t J 121 #oy Bulletin, which makes this paper's ordin RS. weekly, : ——————————————— “SIT TY iy ¥ 1 SPCRTING HILL Ma: An Mi 1 ag the we S M M1 Lan A Mr. an ( Ir : and M I in Le! C 3 Mx ( Sur _ Bran ( D Mi f 1 } 8p | Mr. a Mr nie c : | - 1] P ita) on irs. Ha 3 : yt family f Sunnyside, w tertain y nave rel vom “3 ve the ed in the | of M rs. Ed- ; ik Tad ward Grube. : : Hd a Mr. Jacob Henny ai , : ;! or family, Grove ul ai day M nd Mrs ; anal Henr, Ties) : : 1 Ir r which | Mr. Jol Bo nd y tt 1 1 d and | Kathryn near White Oak a spent Sun the h of Mr. and | : : ol \ | ) 1¢ Mrs. Grant . Lr mre he nn Mr. and Striekler, | RISM N’S CI} i » spent | 1A! IURCH Sunday in tl f Mr. and Mrs. | mr t——— Cyrus Ruhl, near Ruhl’s Church. i r Mrs. Levi" Eby were en- | Mr. and Mrs. Amos Sumpman and | d by S. S. Brubaker and fam-| : | Mr. and Mrs Paul Sumpman spent caster. the week-end at Phila dep hia, in the | y Metzler and home of Mr. and Mrs + 1. Hurst, visitors in the | Mr. and Mrs. Tr Noinr Mr. 0 ind family. and Mrs. John Fisgel and son, D. Ber ] . Erb and fam-| nard, of Manhei pen Sunday in | 11} n Ir. : Irs. A. H. Er ‘hb were | the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fissel. | guests of Charle Hunt and family Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Miller, Mrs. |near Safe Harbor, on Sunday. | Jennie Moore and Mr. Harvey Ship- | Rev. a sa Brubaker, Mr. i man, of Philadelphia, were guests of [and Mrs. E lets and Mr. and | Ar. and Mrs. A. H. Degl nd fam-| Mrs Martin Metzler spent Su day ly. [with relatives in the vicinity of Kin-| Mr. and Mrs. ( et Ye zZers. ertained > ki Mr. 1 Mrs. Noah Witmer and | ; r— st 7. daughter Elizabeth, and Mr. and Mrs. aske ¢ r; Mr Irs. | ( on n ‘Br ubaker and family were, Jerzy McConley and son Y | entertained by Peter Witmers’ on daughter and son-in-law, of Mille T'S _| Sun lay. . ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel] On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Phares | Foose, of Colubmbia. | Brandt entertained the following at] Mr. and Murs. Martin Horst a duc dinner at their home a few Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Horst entert miles east of town: Mr. and Mrs. | ed the following over the week-end:| Ralph Martin, Ephrata; Mr. and Mrs. | a — 3 Mr. Chafies Sheaffer, of York; Mrs. | / in, Dor egal Mr. and Levi Seitz and son Flwood, of Mt. | Mrs. David Flory and f family and Mr. | Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Felker {and Mrs Cleveland Flory and family, and daughters, Olivia and Louisa, of {all of Palmyra; Mr. and Mrs. Amos | Mt. Joy; and Mr. and Mrs Francis | Earheart and Mrs. Benj. Brandt, of | Earhart and daughters Dorothy and Florence, of Midway. SALUNGA Mr. and Mrs. Paul moved to Rohrerstown. Joseph Wickenheiser was in town last week. 0. B. Weidman visited his aunt Mrs. Lydia Hershey in Millersville on Sunday. Amos Hiestand and wife of Leban- on County visited his father one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper visit-! od friends at the Marietta pike on Alexander of Manheim, James Scott and wife of near East Petersburg spent Saturday evening at the home of O. B. Weidman. Miss Mary E. Peifer has returned from a six week’s stay at the shore. | She stopped Wildwood New Jersey. Milton C. Smith, wife and daugh- ter Sarah and Miss Patton of Johns-!| town, spent the week-end with sister, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel MecGirl. A large bay horse owned by Mr. John L. Charles ran out the stable] and ran into a harrow, cutting him- self in the neck. The animal bled to death in about ten minutes. Between three and four o "elok on a Si way morning a Peerless touring ca: crashed into the bridge over the P BR. west of town with such force that the machine was done up in bad shape. A front wheel and running board all mashed the engine almost turned upside down and many other parts were broken. The machine bore the Penna. license number 720887 The machine was taken to Lancaster on Sunday afternoon. KINDERHOOK Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Regennes were visiting their daughter, Mrs. L. C. Simcox. Mrs. Rhodes, Mrs. Morton and children, of Columbia, were guests of Squire and Mrs. H. L. Eisenberger. Mr. John A. Greene, of Philadel- ~ phia, spent the week-end with his sis- ter, Miss A. Elizabeth Greene, ~The Kinderhook Sunday school won & pennant at the Sunday school field day, held at Buchanan’s Park. Mr. oward Zeamer was captain of the team and Miss Martha Kline n of the girls’ team. at The Hotel Manor his | { Elizabethtown; | Earhart and family, Beverly; C. E. Rohrer and Mr. and Mrs. Hounstein from Ranke. ee. a-»\oj in the Lutheran church here MAYTOCWN Harvest Home Services were held | on Sun-| Mr. and Mrs. Irwin | John! day morning Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Denlinger, of | Paradise, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. | {J Andrew Haas. i Rev. and Mrs. George Schaum, and | |tw o children Grace and Ruth, of Lan- | {caster, spent a few days with Miss! Mary Shank, west of town. | SN A Wonderful Bargain Undoubtedly the best have had in several! years. >t, corner, 3-story brick house, modern in A double with Sunday. Mrs, H. M Rup and son H. Miller A. R. Lehman and wife and Miss |Jr., returned to Philadelphia, after Plank of Lancaster visited in pending several months here with | on Sunday ther p rents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Rei n-| Miss Ida Snyder and Sherman hold. Swarr and wife of Ohio, visited in] Mr. Guy S. Hoffman was a dele- - town on Saturday. gate to the American Legion Conven- The P. R. R. Co. made crushed which was held at Williamsport, stone walks on their property occu Pa. He represented William H.' pied by Morris Eichely | Brer r Post, No. 466, of this place. bargain I| good residential section, | ry respect, new heating plant, | :ctric lights, bath, garage. Re- i placement coat today, $20,000. Will | time. tact. Call or phone Jno. E. Schroll, Mount Joy, Pa. 1 HAMBONE 'S MEDITATIONS PA T a WH UT AH OWES , WANTER KNOW “EF DEYS ENNY MONEY Comit TO ON MAH COTTON CRAP, BUT EF PEY 13 HITS SHO COMIN’ ON CRUT CHES! AANA pnd” ME Copyright, 192.1 by McClure Newspaper Syndicate, —— td take $7,500 and give possession any | Now don’t think toc long but | | | | BOY IS FATHER TO THE MAN their 1 nd and v B be nee em hy { ze } 1 n n anc ar me crea little a wis- His 1] d. a 1 W I tr come 11 oy t tr 3 leant A 1 n lade ir y to A ' Bl BIAOTEO Mi a § ( nH PUSHY African N d to All Sorts of Dey yf Their Stores of Grain, They kno le or ne of ele f th a £4 Col I Vea vel ! it tion for ¢ h of Montreal t In a tre 1 Pa SImiie more nui terribly de at Cot Native toring Their Grain. the human nd frequently plunder the gr es. The trop rain is § h ten alinost incessant, and th nights help on the growth] of m , when once {it has begun, ! In parts of Africa it Is impossible to from keep the grain the harvest for more than a few months, and the na- tives save nothing from harvest to har vest, but eat it all up, rather than let | it be consumed by the ants or spolled. It Is a very common practice in hot countries to se the grain stores high above the ground, out of the way 2 mice and, to some extent, insects. many parts of Africa the corn of B: harvesters is placed in closed baskets of wicker-work fpames, and hung from the branches of trees. In some of the hilly districts of India we may see little grain huts, the shape of beehives this one, which are raised upon posts out of reach of white 1 F] 1HKQ ants. The natives of the Mardi coun. try, near the head of the Albert Ny- anza, In central Africa, make similar plastered wicker-work, orted upon four posts watched roof. granaries of which are siy and have a Kittens Stolen by Hen, | West Main Streét We 2s taki ok MN, PENNSYLVANIA, U. 8S. a WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 13th, 1922. g oa larpers good jub, D 1 i L0Aan 18c 1 SC | E{ Al. Pa 19¢ per Ib. . E. Hauer Mo unt)Joy, Pa. : Aug. 16-tf SER Don’t be a DYSPEPTIC 1 Pat « p here is\relief- take All Sodoce soll it Free booklet on request SCRANTI We 2H Ei EVANS & NATSON, Proprs. "RESH BREAD AND Bus DAILY | BOSAK MANUFACTURING COM 7 7 ON, PA YTtkaty {WEDDING & BIRTHDAY ages | A SPECIALTY \ "| WE SOLICIT A SHARE OF YOUR | PATRONAGE family of four in his haymow not far | from a bro ; hen. The hen moved one day inte the cat's home and lived there for a day or two, when she stole | two of the kittens and moved them | to the far end of the mow. It Is not | known how the hen managed it. The, cat repeatedly tried to reclaim her | stolen family but the hen fought her | every time At last the farmer had to separate this strange famlly, so he | took the kitten's feathered mother and set her om some duck's eggs where she now sits contentedly and soon will hi a family all to herself | Most Mountainous State. At least 60 mountains. in California rise more than 13,000 feet above sea | stund amid a wealth level, but they of mountain scenery so richr and va ried that they are not considered suf ficlently noteworthy to be named, ac cording to the United Stutes Geolegl cal survey. But California has 70 ad ditiomal mountain peaks more than 13,000 feet high that have been named, or 1,303 in all, as well as a dozen that rise above 14,000 feet. Seemed Marked for Death. A Dunstable (Eng.) postman was crushed to death ia the Chalkhill cut: ting by a motor-car that collapsed and fell upow him, three days after the death of his flancee. The bride-to-be ated two days before the day fixed 3 the wedding | —— w'’s This? HALL'S CA RH MEBEDICINF will do what we claim it—cure Cat: rh or Deafness caused by . We do not claim to cure any other ‘disease. HALL'S CATARRH M CINE is a liquid, taken internally, and through the blood upon the mucous 8 ces of the system, thus reducing the in tion and restoring normal condition fn Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Al Read the Bulletin. Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin k ae : Meat Market | I always have on the line of Th: hn Ea We hand “anything in , AY SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOMOGNA | DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC An Oregon furmer had a cat with a ! Also Fresh Beef, Yeal: Pork, Mutton | | We H, H, st Main St. Pipe Pipl] P KRALL MOUNT JOY, PA We have ah sizes pipe, beams, rails angle and che ariel rods, ete, for sale cheap. ISSAC MILLER SON Prince and Haze}, Sts. { LANCASTER, % Na. PIANQS AND PLAYER | TUNED AND REGULATED All ‘Work CHAS. 0: PIANO North Barbara St. Guaranteed GARBER EXRERT “Mount Joy A llr City Shog Repairing Gompany OLD SHOES M TO LOOK LIKE NEW O S 50-32 8. Queen St. Ny Lancaster, Pa. NL 128 “TRY ine RUSS'BROTHERS nt, % VELVET ICE CRE RANDT BROTHERS Joy St. MT. JOY, PA MOUNT JOY 5 & | Svs mransuS ELSE Rud Sv SE CRN ET NR 2 W.W. APPEL & SON a2 - Jeweler & Opticians E op ¥ om omome some aed sede 1] 5 i : oe ¥ BRACELET WATCHES = Ly 5 » FOR GIVEABLES Hm = — 1 I —— bai |B few 'S ago, ally al ol ren n Social W hirl was iE. rE u ioe ne ; 11S$ s height at De I aly -A-SWELL LINE OF LADIES’ AND MISSES FALL &@ 1 Poi appeared wear- © [oa 3 SUA . - y @ ing a\watch upon her brace- &§ DRESS ES, COATS AND | a Y TO 2 Je > ~ if ¥ ~ o Wash Brosntish gre B SELL AT AFTFRACTIVE PRICES = a 1 furore an » fag 5 EB! Vog- 5 |p mata as u 0 the % H Ey ioe # 8 only § 5 a... 7%} a Salo = a ma » before it i =A A rew Other specials 4 & ¢ y i he ia g C € )E { » 8 taken ed ¥|m Boys’ Blouses, a Cisne es ciasanseisa a vine e480 B BE . Bm Lat of Boys’ Knee Pants, at vive... .69c and 98c A 1 ere of ®lm Lot of Boys’ School Suoes, at .. $1.75 and $1.98 2 y 2 weber Wi n’s es Children’s Gingham Dresses, sizes 8 fo 14 years....98c 3 En S00. 81 “ big Bogs’ Kreider and h-Payne Shoes and Ox orgs | \ re sh a num- Kg rat eves. del ve sense eninas . csr $248 ® 5 . , with the . Genfs Kreider and h-Payne Shoes and Ox fords a BE Roc of en = $1.69 and $1.98 wm chatelaine or pg = rs... . $5.95 = rh 4 i SW : 9c and 25¢ © $15.( ses, $4.00 and =& L - : $1.98 m £31 NO : e, 98c values G9%¢ wm I : [ Ladjes ] ¢ od 48¢c nm v i ’ Blug Middies $1.98 values at csevvee» «O80 ig 1 Fe f= 'W hibe Bloon . .48¢c each or 3 parirs, $1.00 gm YA oT B = Out @ lot « 8’ Fine Shoes and Oxfords = A a ¥ al = era Ry eae : ...$1.48, and $1.98 4 bisa an Gio sae © LOS of Lodi 8’ Sport Oxfords at .......... «$2.48 mo SECOND-HAND HOUSE FURNISHINGS = dies’ $ | ANTIGUES Ladies’ Patent Laather Op rds and Pumps at ....$2.98 wu | and AHTIGUES |S Ladies’ Cushion Sle Oxfords at................$1.98 m | Bell Phone 35-R4 - Open Evenings |= Men’s Work Shirts\at ..... . ies a eases OC 9 29 E. Washington St., Man's rorallq % Oo 2 LIZABETHTOWN, PA. a Men's Ove alls a NX... tri rirsneesees..98c Hy Coy |g Ladies’ White Sateen Retticcats ..................98c © |= Ladies’ W ile BNuses : Jaists at < a | Succtlnilees to Sane. Ast |g Ladies’ White Voile F Tega and Waists at........98c © ; iar teats Egg | ® Men's Scout Shoes at Wh... ooo a. .$1.98 m ceninsuiar paler, uggs = St zed; Laundry Stove, Gas gm Men’s Heavy Work Shoes at See ha $1. 08 nd $2.48 nm R: 9 Hofpers, Bigve Pipe, X18 1 Men’s Dress Shoes ...... \....$2. 48, $2.98 and $3.48 ® | bows, Stove Boar 1 setlles, Skillets, Sad Irons, Brass Kettle, Bar-'m Men’s Athletic Union Suits a¥ . See ih aac {rel C {cttle, Lawn Mowers, No. |» Men’s Topkis Union Suits at \. cer iia oe B 6 Pi nterns, Forks, Hoes, oS \ a . Cond Street Lamp, Buck m Hundreds of other articles at wanderful savings. Come S ss-€ut Saw, Baskets, | g in and see them. All seas sonayle merchandise. Larg 1 I; s, Crocks Guns, | _ Rifles, Revolvers, “Porch Curtain \ or Shade, Mido Screens, Ham- SE ———— moc! ’ B oks, Kitchen Utens Faend} Ena ele l Ww i as 8 iy a Ne. Aluminul an ~ Verwa mps Framed Pictures, Clocks, all kinds: = as ewitz Cupboards, Bureaus, Kitchen Cabi. |: @ Ee J nets, Tables, Di Leaf and Exten- |# sion; Porcelain Top Table, Glass Top 1 oD ; \ Cupboards, Chairs, Rockers, Sands = Shoe Repairing A § Specialty N\ Trunks, Wash Stands, Wooden Bed |* . \ Steads, 5 Foot Iron Hog! Trough, ms Open Evenings \ Small Rugs, Comforts, Cushions, X v Quilts, and other Dry Goods. Other Py ua, < R il 0D a = East Main St, Mount Joy)\Pa. ANTIQUES 5 \ Jopiate Hives Des with Bookease, | gi B BLE Ju ’in Top Table, 2 3 Drawer ble, Flowerfd Bork je rsem— ers, anc ks, Walnut Slope iz NOD See | EE RE v Ui B { BLORIN | 3 | 1 . ir Prop. FLORIN, PA. SPECIAL DIN RS AT 50c¢ {AUTOMOBILE AND PRIVATE PARTIES CAYERED TO | \ {LUNCH BAR IN CONNECTION ! i Also Cigars and Tobacc - ’ UP-TO-DATE POOL ROO | Room and Board by Day or Wel Terms Reasonable 3 3 | A - i £4 ] “Why Not \ Use T he Best | : | - § S it . Martin's Sanitary Daj | West Donegal St. \ | MOUNT JOY, PENNA x OB. DETROIT 5 \ ' \ ° ° ® fn, nN Howard Hersh This Astounding Low Price 3 Dealer in is the final answer to the high cost of farming ~~ 0 | | The gashy & Mattison Co. Rshestos Cenfury Shingles, Asbestos Building Lumber and Asbestos Corrugat Estimates for eation cheerfully fuMgished. Ball Phone. Ind. Phone. % 47 Btiegel St., MAN M, PA. , 1 r m. 15-tf i. s STONE Before plasing your order elsewhebe see us. We have cut priges to pre war prices. Jo N. STAUFFER & BRE MOUNT JOY, PA, n can do more work than two men eando fx n actually raise more ower costs and fewer save money, time and dgery on every power job on the farm —the whole year arouud. Let us give you the proofs of the great savings made by the Fordson. Call, write or phone today. ] H. S. Newcomer, Mt. \Joy