PAGE TWO J. E. SCHROLL, Subscription Price $1.50 a Year Sample Copies...... FREE Single Copies. .... [hree Months. ....40 Cents Bix Months. . . .- .75 Cen Entered at the post office at Mount Joy as wecond-class mall matter. The date of the expiration of your subscrip- tion follows your name ou the label. We do aot send receipts for subscription money re- seived. Whenever you remit, see that you are given proper credit. We credit all subscription ea the first of each month. The subscription lists of the Landisville Vigil, the Florin News and the Mount Joy Star an Mews, were merged with that of the Mount Soy Bulletin, which makes this paper's ordinary weekly. SPORTING HILL Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zimmerman and sons spent the week-end at Lan- caster. Mr. and Mrs. Rolandis Gibble and son William visited relatives at Lan- caster on Sunday. The Fornoff family, of Baltimore, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Minnie Vogel and family. Miss Emma Hodecker, of Lancas- ter, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reinhard Hodecker. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Nissley, of Union Square, spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gar- man. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shank and fam- ily spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Shenk at Master- sonville. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Derstler and children spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moyer, of Manor township. Ivan and Phillip Spangler returned to their home at York after spending some time in the home of their aunt, Mrs. Ellen Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Miller enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Nissley and family and Mrs. Ralph Nissley and family on Sunday. Mrs. Grant Boyer and son Carl are spending several days in the home of Mrs. Boyer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Shearer, near Mt. Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller enter- = tained Clayton Miller and sons, Earl, pte Paul and Clarence, of Penville, and Hershey, of Manheim, spent the past week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brenneman, near Cassel’s Mill. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibble and daughter Dorothy and son Arthur, of Elstonville, and Mr. and Mrs. Enos Hoffer and daughter Grace, of Man- heim, spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hoffer. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Horst and children visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. MartiA Eshleman, at Mount Joy day and at the home of . Levi Seitz at Mt. Hope and Mount Gretna on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stauffer and family, of Neffsville, and Mr. Henry Stauffer, of Reading, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Sump- man. Mrs. Barbara Stauffer, of Petersburg, is spending some time at the same place. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brandt and daughter Elizabeth, of near Center- ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Aldus Kready and daughters, Anna Elizabeth and Mary Jane, of near Petersburg, spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Nissley. Mr. and Mrs. Phares Strickler en- tertained the following guests at their home on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. George Ebersole and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Root and son Glenn, all of Elizabeth- town. The above also visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Sump- man. BAINBRIDGE ml —— John Gouldie, near here, was re- moved to Lancaster General hospital where he underwent an operation for a tumor. None of the Bainbridge served as canal boatsmen were able to attend the reunion Saturday at Sunbury on aceount of disabilities. The last of the community church serveces were held in Bainbridge Sun- day evening, with a special program. The Bainbridge band furnished the music. Mrs. Frank Felty, of East Donegal township, gave a party in honor of her mother, Mrs. John Derr, who is ! one of East Donegal’s oldest resi- «i dents. There were about two score guests present. Mrs. Derr received \ & number of useful gifts. \.\ About 250 members of the Bain- \pridge Methodist church and Sunday school held a gathering on the lawn of W. Scott Longenecker, which proved a big success. The occasion was termed the “Methodist family gather- in” Rev. Irwin a former pastor de- men who j address, Rev. Aubrey ( [ only 1 of the Bain- I Larch to enter the ministery, €... There were a number of contests and prizes awarded as fol- lows: Raymond Gouldie, Reading, won the prize In shoe-lacing; Jane Hawthorne, the prize for guessing the best answer to a question; Elmer Keeport, the relay race; and Ells- worth Bair did the nail driving in re- cord time. Halls Catarrh Medicine Those who are in a ‘run down” condi- tion will netice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in good health. This fact proves that while atarrh is a local, disease, it is greatly influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL’S CATARRH' MEDICINE con- sists of an Ointment which Quickly {Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, ch assists in improving the General Heal by druggists for over 40 Years, ¥. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. % ¥ Granted a Divorce Margaret Landenberger, of Mari- etta, from Frank A. Landenber- ger for desertion since August, 1920. MT. JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. i Editor & Pro'r, Lloyd Miller, of Manheim, on Sun- day. Miss Jennie Hershey and Robert ROCK POINT Read the Bulletin. Mr. Harry Derr has a from a potato crop this year. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Souders pent Saturday in Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Tressler are visiting LANDISVILLE | Viola Wise is spending some time | in Pittsburg. Lizzie Link has returned trip to Reading. Mrs. Ella Johnson, of Strasburg, motored to camp on Wednesday. | very good Dr. Aaron Bishop, of Philadelphia, friends in Cumberland County. is spending two weeks with his fam-, Myr, Hoffman is putting up a new ily. tobacco shed for his crop of tobacco. Misses Bennett are attending the| Mrs. Howard Landis visited her Epworth League Sessions at Millers- parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Tressler. ville. Phares Landis, of near Rheems, Mabel Rohrer, of Lancaster, spent was circulating in our midst on Sun- Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Ben- | day. der. Mrs. Singer and family, of Allen- a Mrs. Edmund Weasy and children ¢,wn, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Dorothy and Donald left for Elmira, Mumma. N-Y | William, Annie, Mary and Ruth Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Haldy spent | Neideigh were at the Florin festival Wednesday with Harry Haldy and! on Saturday night. family. Benton Hipple, who conducts a first Camp season will last till Labor class shoe emporium at Marietta, is Day, and everything is crowding into away on a short vacation. the last weeks. Th potato crop around here \/ Benjamin Y. Boyd has purchased | not turning out very extensively ac- a cottage, which he has been occupy-| cording to reports handed in to us. ing for several years, from Mr. Smith Mr. Brenneman, near Rock Point of Bainbridge. Cross Roads, was extensively engag- Mrs. Harry Damart and sister, of | od in housing part of his tobacco crop Lancaster, spent Tuesday visiting |]ast week. friends here. Jacob Aaron and Ira Williams, Mrs. Harry Fritsch and daughter sons of Jacob E. Williams, of near Joyce spent Tuesday in camp with | Rheems, were Sunday guests of E. R. Mrs. A. H. Snyder. Neideigh and family. J. D. Carpenter and family have George Hinkle, of Maytown, had a returned to camp after spending sev-| force of hands at work last week put- eral days in Lancaster. ting away several acres of tobacco on Mr. and Mrs. Howard Spences and the Duffy farm near Marietta. son Walter, of Reading, are spending| §. H. Tressler and Howard Nei- some time with Mr. and Mrs. Walter | (eigh, residing near Milton Grove, Prutzman. were circulating up among -the ro- Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Brinkman | mantic hills of Perry county and tak- and daughters Betty and Nancy are ing the scenes of their childhood spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. | days last week. A. J. Shenberger. Next Monday the school bells, lo- is Jane Carpenter entertained on|cated in the rural districts around Wednesday afternoon the following here, will ring out the welcome sum- Strickler, Eliza-| mons for the boys and girls to appear Julia Taylor and Anna and answer to their names. Mae Wisner. i; The steam boat that plys between Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Zecher and Accomac and Marietta must be doing guest Christine Nissly, Mr. and Mrs. la thriving business of late from the A. J. Shenberger and Mr. and Mrs. | numerous whistles eminating there- B. E. Killian and son Junior, Jack from as it ply back and forth deliver- Haller, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Brink-| ing passengers. man and daughters, Mrs. Taylor and | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Felty enter- daughters and Andrew Shenberger, tained the following on Sunday: Mr. Jr., picnicked. and Mrs. John Felty, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ankrim of the Wesleyan Cot-| Lawrence Zimmerman and sons Clar- tage entertained on Wednesday even- ence and Lester, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- ing the following guests: Mrs. S. J. man Derr and family, Mrs. John Geiger, Mrs. Johns, Mrs. Shanamon, Derr, Paul Derr, Florence Curants, Mrs. Clara Sampson, Mrs. John Kep- Mrs. Clayton Souders, Mr. and Mrs. linger, Margaret Keplinger, Mrs. Ida Monroe Eversole, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall, Mrs. David Long, Miss Long Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Derr and and Mrs. Derr. family, Mr. and Mrs. M. Gainor and Mr. and Mrs A. H Snyder enter- Caughter, Mr. Ben Walker and Mrs. tained the Tryphena Guild of Christ Ray Felty. Lutheran church, Lancaster; at Som-' A party was held at the home of erset Cottage, Monday evening. The Mr. and Mrs. John Derr in honor of officers -of the guild are: President, Mrs. Derr. The hostess” received Blanche Benner, V-President, Anna many useful and beautiful gifts. The Mehl, Secretary, Irene Gable; Treas- following were present: Mr. and urer, Laura Paulsen. The others who Mrs. John Derr, Mr. and Mrs. Dan- were present are: Mrs. A. Richards, iz] Derr and sons Lloyd and Steward, Mable Moore, Mary Eberhart, Mary Paul Derr, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mathes, Anna Mehl, Irene Reichert, Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Derr and Sara Powers, Alice Mathes, Miriam daughter Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel persons: Jane Mae beth Haas, | comer, Ruth Coho, Laura Paulsen, Anna Kobler, Rosina McCullon, Mrs. Howard Warrest, Mrs. Henry L. Co- sel Tressler, Dorothy Blessing, Alice Bankler, William H. Felty, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Derr and son Wilbur ho, Mrs. Donald Bletcher, Mrs. John and daughter Mary, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mayer, Mrs. I. S. Bair, Mrs. Earl Frank Fety and sons Charles and Welchans, Mary I. Hannum, of Clarence and Grace Lehman. Re- Downingtown, H A. Ellmaker, of freshments were served after which Philadelphia. all returned to their {Mrs. Derr many ERISMAN’S CHURCH ¢ homes wishing more happy birth- Mr. and Mrs. Johh Metzler re) Northwest Rapho guests of Amos Risser’s on Sunday. — Mr. and Mrs. John Brubaker and | Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin spent Harvey | C. G. Hollinger was the first to cut family Sunday with Stoner and family. | tobacco. : Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Metzler and | The Rapho Twp. schools will open family were visitors at Grandpa Monday, September 4th. Bucher’s, near Lititz, on Sunday. An all-day Sunday School meeting Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Erb and daugh- | was held at Risser’s church on Wed- ter Ruth and Mr and Mrs. Christ Nolt | » nesday. dined with Henry Musser’s on Sun- | Miss Elizabeth Hollinger spent day. = Wednesday in the home of Harry Ol- Mr. and Mrs. Phares Kauffman | weiler and family. : and Mr. and Mrs. Sensening were Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hollinger visit- visitors in Manor township on Sun-|ed in the home of Harry B. Halde- day. man over the week-end. A number of friends of the Some of our neighbors helped to Eliza- re he addition to Christ fonze.| bethtown College assisted on prepara- necker’s tobacco shed on Thursday | tion day for the fall term. merning. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Koser and fam- \/ Cryus Rutt sold his farm of 22|ily_ visited in the home of Harvey acres naer the Junction for $8,500, G¢ ib, of near Marietta, last Sunday. so it seems as tho there is still money | in farming. sisted by Jerome Sowers, sold a car- Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Erb and family | load of dairy feed for fall delivery. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Erb and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hollinger and Mrs. Jacob Hess from Lititz, Mr. and | David Hollinger and family, all of Mrs. Elias Metzler were entertained | Lebanon, visited in the home of C. G. by Mr. and Mrs. Martin Metzler on | Hollinger on Sunday. Sunday. The school buildings have been re- ntly cleaned, and the children and patrons are looking forward to a suec- cessful and prosperous term. The funeral of Annie W. Baudler was held last Sunday afternoon at Chiques Church. Rev. C. Cassel, of Manheim, and Rev. Hiram Eshleman of Mount Joy, officiated. GIRLS We are taking on learners at Cotton Mills, good job, steady work. Apply to MISS. MITCHELL John Farnum Co, 214 §. Prince Street, LANCASTER; PA. Rev. and Mrs. Simon Garber, Mr. | ce and Mrs. Monroe Garber, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Garber and family from Donegal, and Mrs. Amos Eby and son Henry and daughter Rhoda were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Eby’s on Sunday. Mary Metzler entertained a num- ber of young friends at her home on Saturday evening. Guests were pre- sent from our vicinity, Mount Joy, Rheems, Elizabethtown, Salunga, Lan- disville, Lancaster, Willow Street, Lampeter, Witmer, Petersburg, Sport ing Hill and Manheim. The Rapho Schools opened on Monday morning with the exception of Sunny Side which has no teacher. I find sometimes that perents have an idea that they educate their children in order that their children will be better able. to earn more money. Such an idea is a wrong one, we want intelligence in order that we may en- joy life more, get more out of life and be better able to enjoy the beau- tiful creation in which God has plac- ed us, and our surroundings school- ing is a preparation for complete liv- ing. A man may be an idiot, a per- son not schooed, and may earn farms by shavery and see nothing of this life but work and dollers. If such were to ‘be our life we would not need schooling and our Creator then possibly wouldn’s have given us in- telligence. It is every good citizens duty to give their boys and girls a chance to be schooled regardless of the dollars and cents he may leave someday. Young, Esther Missel, Pauline L. Tressler and Mrs. 8Sressle’s aunt, Mr. Kahl, Esther Rudisill, Mabel New- and Mrs. Joe Tressler, Alice and Rus-| Mr. D. Musser, of Lancaster, aloe Main St. ANCASTER, THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, 4. ~ SAVEYOUR STOMACH JAQUES’ LittlsWonder Capsules $0 QuickRelief ~ INDIGESTION Notother DYSPEPSIA Nogother t oroarsues CONSTIPATION On sale at Garber’s Drug Store, Mount Joy, Pa., or 60 cents by mail postpaid for large package from Jaques Capsule Co., Blattsburg, N.Y. : GET IT AT DONOVANS THE STORE THAT PAYS YOUR CARFARE wows} Values the hi hest Styles the Latest Qualities the Best EVERYTHING FOR HE FAMILY EVERYTHING FOR THE HOMER We invite you to use our Mail Or der Service—When once you try it You'll use it always. { DONOVAN Lancaster, Penna. REG. U.S. “Nature's ” VINQ OFF. - c All dealers sell, it No better remedy for Indigestion A trial will convince youl Free booklet on request 5 BOSAK MANUFACTURING CO. ] SCRANTON, PA rae » ae fd A ~ West End Bakery EVANS & WATSON, Proprs. West Main, Street MOUNT JOY "RESH BREAD "AND BUNS DAILY 3 », WEDDING & BIRTIRAY CAKES A SPECIALTY \ E SOLICIT A SHARE OF%.YOUR PATRONAGE h ng os KrAll's \, \ I always have on the line SMOKED MEATS, HAMy BOLOGNA DRIED BEEF, LARDMETC. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork\Mutton H. H. KRALL\ MOUNT JOY, PA Piped Pipe! Pipell pr We have all si%s pipe, beams, rails, angle and channel™sods, etec., for sale a ISSAC MILLER SON Prince and Hazel Sts. cheap. PENNA. le Ny PIAND§ AND PLAYER PIANOS TUNED AND REGULATED All Werk Guaranteed % CHAS. GARBER PIANO ERT Vorth Barbara St. Mount Joy. N1-11-1 yr. 5 TRY cee BROTHERS BRANDT BROT 128 Mt, Joy St. J '® WwW, W. APPEL L | Meat Market" \ MT. JOY PA Jeweler & Optici at its height at Mrs. Poiret appe ing a watch upon were amased atf the sight of a watch upo ) not to see one there. We are showing any num- ber of them gow, with the added feature that the wotch can be detached and worn separately as h chatelaine or as a pendan The pricesj start as $15.00. 11 1 131 NORTH QUEEN STREET B LANCASTER, PA. e 00 nf) WITTLE SECOND-HAND HOUSE FURNISHINGS as low E =i, 1 Eo and ANTIQUES " Bell Phone 35- Open Evenings nu 29 E. Washington St., | ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. t] Special prices to Sept. 1st Large Peninsular Heater, Egg Stoves, 3 sizes; Lalindry Stove, Gas Range Oil Heaters,i Stove Pipe, El- bows, Stove Boards, Iron Kettles, Skillets, Sad Irons, Brass Kettle, Bar- rel Copper Kettle, L&wn Mowers, No. | = 6 Pipe Vise, Lantergs, Forks, Hoes, Garden Forks, Stre@ Lamp, Buck Saws, 5 Ft. Cross-Cuf Saw, Baskets, Large and Small; Ju Crocks Guns, a Rifles, Revolvers, rch Curtain |® or Shade, Window $creens, Ham-|m mock, Books, Kitclen Utensils, |= Tin and Enameled War§ Glass, China . Aluminum and Silver§are, Lamps, |® Framed Pictures, ClocHBs, all kinds; a Cupboards, Bureaus, tchen Cabi- |= nets, Tables, Drop Leaf and Exten- |® sion; Porcelain Top Table, Glass Top | @ Cupboards, Chairs, Rockers, Stands, |= Trunks, Wash Stands, Wooden Bed = Steads, 5 Foot Iron g Trough, | ®m Small Rugs, Comforts, Cushions, | 2 Quilts, and other Dry Gobds. Other a mall articles. 9 ANTIQUES = 4. 10-Plate Stoves, Desk withi Bookcase, | B Bureaus, Mirrors, Pin Top Table, 2 awer Wing Table, Flowéred Rock- ery, and Chairs, Clocks, Walnut Slope Top Sec’y. Inlaid. FLORIN: INN T. F\McELROY, Prop. LORIN, PA. Xx SPECIAL DRYNERS AT 50c AUTOMOBILE ANNERIVATE PARTIES QATERED TO LUNCH BAR IN CONNECTION Also Cigars and Tobadgo UP-TO-DATE POOL ROO Room and Board by Day or Wosly Terms Reasonable \ \Why Not Use\The Best Martin’s Sanitary Dir West Donegal St. MOUNT JOY, PA. % Asbestos Century Building Lumber Estimates’ for materials ation cheerfully furnished. hone. Ind. Phone. 47 Stiegel Street MANHEIM, P mar. 15-tf “ 1) EC % WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30th, 1922 JO TTC ET =u School Day Specials WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF SPECIALS IN BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ SHOES, HATS, CAPS, DRESSES, HOSIERY, BOYS’ SUITS, KNEE PANTS, BLOUSES, ETC. A Few of the Bargains Boys’ Blouses, al: sisi isivesssonnnceniecss 480 Lot of Boys’ Knee Pants, at. ..............69c and 98¢ Lot of Boys’ School Shoes, at’ ...$1.78 and $1.98 Children’s Gingham Dresses, sizes '8 to 14 years. ...98c Boys’ Kreider and Gerberich-Payne Shoes and Oxfords at .. $2.48 Gents Kreider and Gerberich-Payne Shoes and Oxfords at .. ...$1.69 and $1.98 SPECIAL—Boys’ Suits with two pairs Trousers. . . .$5.95 Boys’ BlouseS..............s...48¢c each, 3 for $1.00 Boys’ Khaki Pants at ......8......... srr B9C SPECIAL—Children’s Lisle Hosiery at 15¢, 19¢c and 25¢ Ladies’ and Misses’ Sample Gihgham Dresses, $4.00 and $5.00 values .....ovsserrscrrrecensee.. $1.88 Ladies’ Silk Stockings in Black and White, 98c values 69c Lot of Ladies’ Tailored Envelope Chemise... .......48c Ladies’ Blue Middies $1.98 values at... ..........98¢c Ladies’ White Bloomers... ...48c each or 3 parirs, $1.00 Closing Out a lot of Ladies’ Fine Shoes and Oxfords Bh. iesiisii cn innnnssnesil..... 51.48, and $1.98 Lot of Ladies’ Sport Oxfords at 3 ......cc00v....$2.48 Ladies’ Patent Leather Oxfords and Pumps at ....$2.98 Special Sale of Infants Shoes at §................98¢c Ladies’ Cushion Sole Oxfords at.%..............$1.98 Men's Work Shirts at ...... cof erin evinscer..89¢ Men’s Overalls at ... .98¢c Ladies’ White Sateen Petticoats ...4...............98¢ Ladies’ White Voile Blouses and Waists at........98¢c Men's Scout Shoes at ........ 30... 351.08 Men’s Heavy Work Shoes at .......:...$1.98 and $2.48 Men’s Dress Shoes ............$2.48, $2.98 and $3.48 Men's Athletic Union Suits at .....3..¢v.00.......09c Men's Topkis Union Suits at¢ Hundreds of other articles at wonderful savings. Come in and see them. All seasonable merchandise. H. Laskewitz Shoe Repairing A Specialty East Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. . eres sees se steaseRssene vee e eves ie ses ses ess ss sesesis sess ses sss sss Bess ss BREN ee Your Production Costs Farming, like every other business, must eut down the overhead. It is not a questipn of being able to afford a Fordson; itis a question of being able to con- tinue farming on the old too-costly basis. The farmer's problem is not all a sales problem; it is also a productign problem. He must cut down the cost of = 3 The Fordson does mote work at a lower cost and in less time than the old hand methods. Let us give you the proof. ‘Write, phone or , call today, H.S. Newcomer, Mt. Joy eee pe J. N. STAUFFER & BR MOUNT JOY, PA. 1 i J ROO AL w 3 a 5 . a = u = 2 = = a = n 1