' > > y ) y y » > > > > y > y y > > > > > > TY YY YY YT YY MN YY PY YY SRR EE wa WENNESDAY, JULY 26th, 1922. THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY LANCASTES COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. MODERN MERCHANT PONDERED MEN WHO “TAKE AS THER BXAMPLE “tH! SPIDER 'N H\S DEN “LEY OTHERS, IF “THEM WILL,” QUOTH WE SLE LOW 'N WATT FOR FLIES, IN A DINGM GOB-WEBBED CORNER, BUT 'M GOWG TO poveRTise \" CHARLES SUeHRoE 3 oodrich | announces new tire prices t cost mileage ever known 20th, Goodrich establishes a revised price list that {is a base line of tire value. It gives the motorist the baying advantage of knowing that what- selects is of the same quality — 7/e Goodrich one-quality standard. It gives him the long- nost satisfactoryserviceand the high- est quality his m&ney can buy. Results will prove that it is impossible 0 buy tire mileage at lower cost. —lJo Effective Jul ever size tire | est mileage, the Think of being able to buy Silvertown Cords uch prices as these: at ve Rad FE oo FI eRe x ETRE Se me cy \ size ml. ok 30x 34 CL $13.50 | \34x4 S.B. | $30.85 31x3.85CL 1595 | \2x43S.B. | 37.70 30x 3} S. B. 15.95 33x 4! S.B. 38.55 32x31S.B. | 22.95 | 34%41S.B. 39.50 351x4 S.B. 2645 | 35x} S.B. 40.70 32x4 S.B. 29.15 33x13 S.B. 46.95 33x4 S.B. 30.05 35 x 5 \S. B. 49.30 No extra charge for excise tax. This tax is paid by Gogdrich New base line prices are also on Goodrich Fabric Tires Toctive p" siz mags ye size i 30x3—“55" $9.65 32x 4 S. B. Safety N $21.20 30x 3; —“55" 10.65 33x 4 S. B. Safety 2.35 32x 31 S.B. Safety | 16.30 | 34x4 S.B.Safety | 22.85 No extra charge for excise tax. This tax is paid by Goodrich: X This revised price list affords thie motorist as \ definite a guide to tire prices as Goodrich Tires are the definite standard of tire quality. THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY, Akron, Ohio 4 \ \ a a 3 COR) &® CORK) CORK) osfoedridrifeadradoddodds 4 4 SoS ede dodo dradiad dod ddd CHAS. H. FREY'S SHOE STORE LANCASTER, PA. La) 3 and 5 E. King St., - N 90.6% 69%. 6% 5% o% os a0 00 00 B20. 0. 0. 0 6 0 5 5 POGGIO 050 030030 5000 e300 aS0 adr 0 30 eT0 adr fede fo Goede Most Eve ybody Is Going To EY'S Closing Out \ SHOE! SALE Closing Out Entire $100,000 Shoe Stock to Settle Estate of Chas. Frey. Reductions 10%, to 409 Buy Shoes Now For Moths te Come oe 9, 4 poo 4 Sradredeidradefocdodododd 9, Ca 9. * 20o », Sedo drdeddodded So or eged Porto dots Dr * 2253 BEST DEPTH OF CULTIVATION When Corn Is Eighteen Inches High Roots Will Meet Across 3!-Foot Row in Friable Soil. When the stalks of corn are 18 inches high, the roots have met across a 814-166t row in light, friable soils, Deep cultivation at this time will cut many of the roots and check the growth of the plants. A goed rule to follow is fo cultivate deep early in the season, and shallow later when the plants are larger. a tt —— ADVANTAGES OF CULTIVATION It Helps to Keep Weeds Down and Conserves Moisture Necessary for Vegetables. Keep thre hand cultivator going to preserve a dust mulch and to kill weeds. Either pull er hoe the weeds out of the vegetable rows. The best time to kill weeds is when they have just pushed through the top of the ground. Frequent shaliow cultivation will do this as well a8 conserve mois- ture. rere ll DP VIRGINIA COUNTIES COMPETE Three breed associations, repre- sentative of prominent breeds of beef cattle, have appropriated funds to be given to the county in Virginia re- placing the greatest number of sorub sires with purebreds, aecording to reports received by the Bureau of Animal Industry of the United States Department of Agriculture. As a result more than 100 serubs have been placed by purebsed ani- mals in the last few months. GIVE YOUR BEES NEEDED AIR Reversible Bottom Board Furnishes Either Narrow or Wide Entrance as May Be Desired. # Tt is too much to ask of a hard- working bee that it hang outside the hive during its hours of rest because the interior of the hive Is too hot and poorly ventilated. “One remedy is to tip up the front of the hive one inch from the base board, using a taper- ing splinter or wedge under each side,” says A. CO. Burrell, extension entomologist of the Missouri College of Agriculture. “Or buy a reversible bottom board, which furnishes either narrow or wide entrance as desired. We do not advise setting the supers back a half-inch as this artificial ven tilation interferes with the fanning bees. Keep your bees in a good shady location for the hot summer months.” et —————————————— SEVERAL DISEASES OF SOIL Only Way to Overcome Fungous and Bacterial Ailments Is to Let Land Remain Idle. There are several diseases of vege- tables which live over in the garden soil from one year to the next, and if the same crop is planted in the same soll year after year it will be but a short time until the crop will prove a loss. These are mostly fungous and bacterial diseases and the only prac- tical way to overcome them is to al- low the land to lie idle for two or three years or to plant a crop which fs immune to the disease, SCATTER MANURE ON FIELDS Not Advisable to Permit Escape of Gases and Plant Food—Haul Away Often, Different farmers have different ways and means of caring for their barnyard manures, but suffice it to say, do not let it become exposed to the rain nor the sun; if possible, keep it piled up in order to prevent the es- cape of gases which are rich in plant food; as often as practicable, haul the manure to the fields, seatter and im- mediately plow it under. PLANT ONLY BEST COR SEED Possible to Secure Results of Anothe| Man’s Life Work in Breeding and Selecting. Perhaps in no other farm crop i there as little excuse for planting poor seed as in corn. It takes only abouj a peck to the acre, and the best of seed can be planted with little ex pense, When one can secure the re sults of another man’s life efforts ir breeding and selecting, the small cos comes back many times the very firs: year. BETTER TILLAGE FOR FARMS Small Acreage te More Profitable When Properly Cared for Than Large Tracts. A small farm well tilled will giv better returns than a large acreage poorly cared for. If more farmers would learn this lesson, which the gardener learned long ago, we would have better farms and the owner would likely have more ready money.—LeRoy Cady, associate horticulturist, Univer sity Farm, St. Paul. BIG IMPORTANCE OF TOMATO No Single Garden Crop So Easily Grown—Success Depends on Soil and Cultural Methods. There is probably no single garden crop so easily grown, and at the same time playing so large part in the win- ter supply of canned goods, as the tomato. Therefore, in the face of the high prices of canned and uncanned food stuff, more attention should be given to this valuable crop, to pro- vide an abundant supply for the home and local market. Successful tomato growing is largely dependent upon judiclous soil selec- tion, fertilizer application, and cultural methods. The best soll for tomatoes is the well drained gardea loam soil SWEET CLOVER FOR PASTURE All Types of Plant Make More or Lest Undesirable Hay Because of Its Coarseness. Under most conditions sweet clover cgn only be used profitably as pasture When it is decided .te use it for this purpose, the cattle should be put on it and not be allowed other pasture until they start to eat it. This will take 2 day or twe, after which they wil thrive en it. All types of this plan make a more or less undesirable hay because it is eoarsze and has compara tively few leaves. or the best qualit) of Nay it should be cul just as dt star: te blos»om on rt A Eee Read #ha Bulleti= If you want to succead—Advertise Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulleti» WASH ALL MILK CANS AS SOON AS EMPTIED Most Dealers Have Appliances for Cleaning Utensils. Hotels, Restaurants and Others Buy- ing Milk in Wholesale Quantities Are Particular in Giving At- tention to Containers. (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) The milk can has the same relation to the wholesale trade as the milk bot- tle has to the retail trade, and it is just as important that it be washed immediately after being emptied, says the United States Department of Ag- riculture. Milk dealers have appli- ances for washing and sterilizing the cans, but this does not excuse the buyer from rinsing them before they | | | | | | | | | [ | | | Sterilizing Dairy Utensils Is an Im-| | portant Factor In Keeping Milk | Sweet. | become sour as a result of the multi plication of bacteria in the film of milk left in the can. Cans that be- | come foul in this way are hard to clean when they arrive at the plant, Investigations show that hotels, res- taurants, bakeries and other places which buy milk in wholesale quanti- ties do not always give proper atten- tion to the containers. As soon as the cans are emptied they are placed on the doorstep or left In a warm room until collected by the dealer. They return to the plant teeming with bac- teria, and the mechanical washers will not always clean and sterilize them thoroughly. They must be soaked, washed by hand with a brush, and then sent to the machine washer. Consumers can help a great deal in making it easier to maintain a safe milk supply. All that is needed is a little care at the right time, says the department, ! PLAN FOR SUMMER SPRAYING More Care and Attention Necessary Than Werk in Winter—Combi- nations Save Time, Summer spraying requires more eare and attention than winter or dormant spraying because summer sprays must be applied after the buds or leaves are started and hence when there is dan ger of injuring the'foliage. The com mon spray for the control of chewing insects is arsenate of lead, but arse nate of calcium is gaining in favor Paris green is still used to some ex tent on Irish potatoes and tobaceo Nicotine sulphate, or tobacco parts sometimes called blackleaf, is effective against plant lice. Bordeaux mixture is an effective spray when reduced tc summer strength for apples, pears grapes and other fruits. But there are combinations for vari ous fungus diseases and insect pests that save time and trouble and are highly recommended by practical or chardists and gardeners, SOY BEANS AND SUDAN GRASS Combination Makes Good Feed and May Be Handled Like Timothy —Work Land Well. Soy beans and sudan grass seeded together at corn planting time and cut for hay when the beans are in the dough stage make good feed, and may be handled same as timothy. Moisi black land is suitable for this use and some of the alkali peat soils maj he used to advantage for this creg mixture. Work the land down well and Sow broadcast abeut 12° pounds of sudan grass to the aere, then dril Wn threes pecks an aere of beams. Thy drilling will cover the grass seed Mammoth Yellow or Hollyrock Mongi are good soys. em——— A) QUI — Who Wants This Chance? I have a 1l4-acre farm nea: Sunnyside, 10 acres of meadow, sand land, 2 frame houses, big barn, tobac- co shed and cellar. Price $118.00 7 | \ Did this ever happen to you? poor hot ¥ater bottle is worse than Bone at all. Detter look Yours over. If they're not in boc yd shape come in and let is sell you rubber guaranteed goods. You're liable t to need them tonight. ! Are you preparéd for a sudden attack of illness? We advise puttihg DR. MILES’ NERVINE Dr. Miles’ Anti-Paia Pills, Dr. Miles’ Heart Treatment. , Dr. Miles’ Liver Pills and Dr. Miles’ Laxativé Tab-., lets into your medicine cab- inet. They're all geliable PAGE SEVEN WILL ANSWER ANY WOMAN Woman to Health byLydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound i — ‘My mother g am’s Vegetable Co ipound when I was Cumberland, me Lydia E. Pin d not have any e trouble after zt until I was mar- then I always ad troubled in my back while in, ac do my work until I took the Vegetable Compound. Iam strongjdo all my wash- ing and ironing and Work for seven children and feel fine. Ifalways have an easy time at childbirth and what it did for me it will do for othér women. I am willing to answer any woman if she will write asking what # did for me.’’ —Mrs. JOHN HEIER, Dilley St., Cumberland, Md. ! During girlhood and later during motherhood Lydia E. Piikham’s Ve table Compound broughtirelief to Mrs. Heier. Her case is but ong of many we constantly publish recommending our Vegetable Compound. Shé is willing to answer your letter. Write to her. Collage Hill Dairy Ice Cream Go., \ Ltd. We solicit your trade of Ice Cream and ZRasturized Milk. Look for the wagon Jac. Ichler, deliverer. Call numbers 27R3, 2R5 CHANDLER'S 2RYS The Circlet is more than a Brassiere. It’s Self-Ad- justing and simply slips over the head, clasps at the waist and under-arm and smooths out ugly lines If your dealer can’t get it send ! bust measure, name, address and $1.00. We'll send the Circlet pre- paid. Sizes 34 to 48. ) Nemo Hygienic-Fashion Institute 120 East 16th St., New York, Dep't M. Peaches for Sale —rt the— N FAIRVIEW ORCHARDS | in season At Wholesale & Retail Prices w Please Bring Your.Containegs A Roy N. Peris per acre. Act quick if you fan use it. Call, phone or write Jno. E Schroll, Reaitor, Mt. Joy. FLORIN, PA. to sept.-1 | Advertise in the Mi. Joy Bulletin, jor 111R16 Bell phone E’town Chapped hands and faces needn't bother. MENTHOLATUM soothes and heals chaps and chilblains quickly and gently THE OLDEST HAT STORE IN LANCASTER THE Wingert & Haas Hat Store Largest Line of Straw Hats and Caps In The City 144 N. Queen St. JOHN A. HAAS, Propr. Lancaster, Pa. Ache? When you're suffering from { headache, backacke, toothache, neuralgia, or pain from any other cause, try Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills One or two and the pain stops Contain no habit-forming drugs Have you tried Dr. Miles’ Nervine? Ask your Druggist Shaving Hair Cutting 4 TONSORIALPARLCR Agent for the Manha Laundry Goods called for M y East Main Street, Mount Joy Se RSG 4 Jos. B. Hershey ° If you have a news item at { time, please lot us have it. We wam ithe news and so do our readers. |