ELL your desler you want ; to see a Fisk Tire beside any other he offers yau. He has it in stock or can gét it. See for yourself what the Fisk Tire has to offer in extra size and strength, how its resiliency compares when you flex the tire under your hand, how the depth of the non-skid tread looks beside other treads. This is the way to buy tires! There's a Fisk Tire of extra vale in every size, for car, truck or speed %agon Time t Retire? (Bul Fisk) PRADE wane #0 .u.0.007. OFF, THE LONG ‘ARM OF THE NATION The strength of every natian is meas~ ured by its sea power. In war the navy is the deciding factor. In peaceitis the most powerful insurance against future war, Little-known facts of intense interest concern- ing our navy are told in one of the series of stories about Our Government which we are sending out each month. | | To receive with our compliments this story and all those issued before, merely send us your name and address. National Bank Mount Joy, Pa. First Slee Rl oY * CER UC 000 REFRIGERATOR TIME! “A Good Refrigerator WILL PAY FOR ITSELF IN A FEW SUMMERS You should not egnsider a Refrigerator in the light of an ex- pense.. On the other hand, a good refrigerator will prove to be one of the best investmenfs you could possibly make. It will pay you dividends.for years in definite savings of ac- tual Cash in preserving food th#t_would otherwise spoil. You will find here about fortediffernet sizes and styles to se- leet from, ranging in price from $1 to $175.00. We also have in stock for im-mediate livery, the celebrated “WHITE FROST” refrigerators, price $75.08; with water cooler attached, $90.00. Before deciding on a refrigerator, assortment. be sure k over this v “, Westenberger, Maley & Myers 128-131 East King Street LANCASTER, PA. FOE) O01 "IOSF VOI? FEA DACHE QUICK LIC THE DEPENDABIL. ouiD REMEDY 77 f Q) L1Q TO TAKE-SPEEDY RELIEF). i (APU DINE == \ OOD FOR GRIPPE AND BACKACHES, 700” NO DOPE —AO _ACETANILIDE . Sold everywh furniture dealers and im Fizite ad bool ENGLANDER SPRING BED CO. New York - Brooklyn - Chicago For Coughs and Colds, Head- ache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism and All Aches and Pains ALL DRUGGISTS 35c and 65¢, jars and tubes Hospital size, $3.00 | | get. Call or phone Jno. E. Schroll, {Mount Joy, Pa. } 5 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. 8,000 HIKING CLUBS IN GREATER NEW YORK They Swing Along Highways and Through Woods in Groups of Varying Size. New York.—One must walk nowa- days to be In the swim. Statistics gleaned from the out door departments of the newspapers, from the Boy Scout and Campfire Gils’ organizations, from the Y. M. C. A. branches and kindred bodles, from scores of amateur athletic clubs and from the leading dealers in sporting goods, indicate that “Best Walkers Make Best Citizens,” Says Mayor of New York. today there are no less than 8,000 hiking clubs In Greater New York, with a total membership of more than a quarter of a million men and wom- en, who are keeping themselves in the pink of condition and experiencing the real joy of living by getting regularly out into the open country with no oth- er means of locomotion than their God- given legs. The city of New York has taken offi- cial notice of the movement, On three occasions recently Mayor Hylan has congratulated the, boys and girls of the public schools upon their enthusiasm In his dedication of the great new pub- lic playground in the Bronx the other day Mayor Hylan extolled the athletic tendencies of the boys and girls and impressed upon them that there was no better or more profitable way In and utilize their holidays than by the excursions Into field and forest of their walking clubs. He gave the same message to the Amateur Athletic Un- fon of Brooklyn a few days later, and when a club of East Side boys and girls visited him at city hall preparatory to a hike to the tomb of Roosevelt at Oyster Bay he assured them that the best walkers among them would make the best citizens. Walk and Be Well No less enthusiastic a champion of the walking game is Dr. Royal 8S. Copeland, city health commissioner. “The benefit to health and the safe- guard to morals to be found In long walks,” said Dr. Copeland In an in- terview, “are too apparent to speak of them. If one takes long walks alone it is well, for he walks the road of health, but if he takes long walks In company it is better for he adds the tonic of companionship to his exercise. Walking is the one form of exercise In which there is the minimum risk of overdoing it. In short, I consider walking the most beneficial of all exer- ciges and it is never out of season.” “Never in my life-time,” said Ed- ward R. Wilbur, manager of a nation- ally known sporting goods store, “have I known such a demand as now for out- door gayments and shoes and stock- ings and appliances for the tourist's luncheon box. The rapid spread and | tremendous popularity of the walking- club idea has no parallel In our ex- perience, “The hiker can make his requisite Just what he feels like spending. Real- ly, there are only two or three articles Indispensable to hiking—thick walking shoes that allow lois of room, thick woolen socks and clothing that will give freedom of limb. He should have a canvas or leather musette bag, su% as the soldiers used in France. The Cow in the Knapsack “To get the real benefit and joy out of hiking luncheon should be carried and prepared and eaten In the open. Bread and cheese, & few slices of bacon, some coffee, a can of condensed milk, and a cake of chocolate fur- nish high-powered uel for the hiker and are readily and happily assimi- ianted even by those who In their pre- hiking days were afflicted with di- gestive apparatus se feeble as to balk at crackers and milk, Fortunately for | the hiker, he can replenish his simple Mh der at any croszs-coads store and | provide himself with the most nutri tious #md appetizing food in a form that can Pe conveniantly carried. “No singlesdevelorment in the prob- fem of food Teansportation for the hunter, fisherman,“ ier and all lovers of the out-of-doors fan compare with the gift bestowed oy sthe man who first found the way toy make con dvnsed milk, thereby putfing a dairy in every man's knapsack. Before long there will be a national association of hikers, and Gail Borden will be its pa- tron saint. Such an association could do much to encourage the spread of the most beneficial and universal of all map out interesting establishment of and camp sites and insure the on country cutdoor pastimes, routes, secure the shelters, rest-stations, al suitable locations, rights of pedestrians roads.” A Wonderful Bargain Undoubtedly the best bargain I have had in several years. A double lot, corner, good residential section, with 3-story brick house, modern in every respect, new heating plant, electric lights, bath, garage. Re- placement cost today, $20,000. will take $7,600 and give possession any time. Now don’t think too long but in taking up the new sport of hiking. | which they could pass their vacations | | beaten whites. omelet | with Something to Think About By F. A. WALKER mim FORWARD, BACKWARD VERYTHING In nature is moving toward a great purpose. There is no inactivity in’the atoms or in the spheres; no turning backward, no in- decision, but a constant movement in a forward direction, carrying us away from the yesterdays to new dawnings and new days. The winds, the tides, the spinning of the earth in its prescribed orbit, the rising and the setting of the sun, the coming and the going of the sea- sons, the blooming and the fading of verdure and flowers, all bear evidence of progress, and eternal life. Being a minute part of nature, per- forming your little role in the great scheme of creation, reciting your lines, do you ever pause to ask yourself whether you are moving forward or backward? | In spite of any thought you may entertain in the matter, you are going ahead or drifting behind, just as sure- ly as the roses bloom in summer and the snows blanket the ground in win- ter. | You are better equipped for your life-work today than you were yester- day, or less eflicient. Your mental and physical have undergone an imperceptible change and you have changed with them. | You are a trifle more dexterous in your work or slightly more clumsy. | In the last 24 hours you have not remained in a quiescent state, for the laws of motion have been silently at work, carrying you a step or two for- ward or backward, setting you down | at the threshold of a new day a slight- ly changed being for better or worse, which you may or may not observe as you take hold of today’s duties. { Before night, however, you may be come conscious of a new-born power, or a lack of it. and wonder what the transformation means. | Its significance Is clear. You are going forward or backward, keeping in accord with the eternal motion ot things of which you are a part. If you would move forward, step with the men and women who forces keep are laboring and achieving in the great purpose, vou must watch your every thought, impulse and act, and ask yourself at the beginning of each | day whether you are pressing toward victory or turning toward defeat. | “Forward or backward?’ ought to be your initial question at dawn, and your final query at night. Let this self-examination become a habit, and in a little Wwhite-you will be glad that you acquired It. GoD ae ) Mother's otters Cook Book “A house is never perfectly furnished for enjoyment unless there is a child ris- ing three years old and a kitten rising three weeks.” MORE GOOD THINGS S STALE bread will accumulate, a, little care is needed to keep | ahead of the growth. If dry bread is | put through the meat chopper it may then be used for croquettes, meat balls and any number of dishes. Keep the crumbs In a glass jar, sealed from the air, P26 4% Soe Ged & Tip-Top Omelet. Boil one-half cupful of milk, add one tablespoonful of butter and one cup- | flul of bread crumbs, seasoning to taste. Beat the yolks of three eggs and add them, then stir in the stiffly | Pour into a buttered and cook until well pan browned. ! — Ham Patties. Take two cupfuls of ham chopped fine, three cupfuls of bread crumbs, three eggs and enough sweet milk to make a soft batter. Mix well, drop into gem pans, drop a piece of butter in each and bake until brown. Brown Bread. Take two cupfuls of stale bread crumbs, one and one-half pints of cold water, mix and soak over night, then rub through a sieve one and one- fourth cupfuls of molasses, one and one-half cupfuls each of graham flour, cornmeal and rye meal, two teaspoon- fuls of salt, three and one-half tea- spoonfuls of soda and one and three- fourths cupfuls of cold water, Mix well and steam three hours. Stuffed Apples for Tea. Take fine large apples, core and fill one-half cupful each of bread | crumbs and chopped roast beef, one tablespoonful of melted butter, one | teaspoonful of onion juice, one-quar- { ter teaspoonful of celery salt, half teaspoonful of salt, one tablespoonful J of parsley chopped and a dash of red pepper. Mix well and press into the apples. Bake in a little hot water from half to three-quarters of an hour, | Fruit Betty. Put a layer of crumbs in a well but- ! tered baking dish, cover with blueber- ries, canned or fresh, then add an other layer of bread with a bit of but- ter and sugar if needed. Bake until well heated through. Serve with cream and sugar, Copyright, 1922, Western Newspaper Union E—-,_—_—_—-—,a Let Me List It The fall season will soon be here and any person having real estate to dispose of should notify me by phone or card. I will list it free, advertise same and if not sold this work costs you nothing. What could be fairer? No matter where you're located, call phone or write. Jno. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy. tf iar li Glin If your business gets slack, adver- tise in the Bulletin. It pays. E | 02 00 02 52 92 0, Go refodoedeedod QOOOOOOOOOO0O0 QUALITY FOODS WEDNESDAY, JULY 26th, [RAT 1] rly hi AEE Ea AR ECONOMY PRICES MOUNT JOY, PENNA. REGULAR 4c N. B. C. SODA CRACKERS Cut to “Asco”’ COFFEE The delicious flavor of a cup? Nice and crisp. oled especially for this sale. Test It n the Cup “Aseo” winning more friends every day. REGULAR 23c RICH CREAMY 2 1 CHEESE Cut to Cc Makes a very nourishing and economical meat service. 11c “ASCO” CORN . Package 6¢ C Big, crisp flakes. You’ll like them better than any you have ever tasted. Ib REGULAR 12c CAN CHOICE Coffee is | STRING BEANS Cut to Can 10c Ever had New crop tender beans, with strings re- moved and packed in sanitary cans. FLAKES SOAPS AND CLEANSERS Lifebuoy Soap....3 bars 20c Star Naptha Powder pkg 615c Fairy Soup IVORY SOAP 3 bare for 20c Fels Soap" Sunbrite Cleanser... .can ae Young’s Borax Soap. .bar 615¢ 8 THE BEST TEAS AT ANY PRICE WHAT DO YOU PAY? “Asco” Bread Crumbs pkg 10c “Asco’” Cider Vinegar bot 16¢ “Asco’” White Dist. Yinegay | 12¢ “ASCO” Libbys Corned. Beef Nae can 23¢ Fly Swatters | California Prunes Ib 1215¢c, 19¢ “ASCO” TEAS 14 Pound Package 12¢ 1; 1b pkg. 23c; Ib pkg 45¢ Five quality blends—Orange Pekoe, Old Country Style, In- dia Ceylon, Plain Black ,Mixed. Which do you prefer? GINGER ALE .10c VICTOR BREAD Big Loaf Made as you would make kitchen. The biggest bread value sold todny GOLD SEAL FLOUR Twelve Pound Bag 55¢ Milled from the choicest wheat. Guaran- 6¢ it in your own “ASCO” Tall Can SHORTENING Can BEST PINK SALMON Can FANCY ASSORTED CHOCOLATES Pound Box Package SUN-MAID SEEDED RAISINS Big Package EVAPORATED MILK SNOWDRIFT VEGETABLE GOLD SEAL MACARONI teed to give entire satisfaction, or your mon- ey gladly refunded. REGULAR 9c TUMBLER “ASCO” 25 PEANUT BUTTER Cut to 3 for Cc None better made. With that “real nutty” flavor. | 9¢ 17c 12¢ REGULAR 23c ‘BOTTLE “ASCO” 19 CRAPE JUICE Cut to Cc Just the pure juice from luscious Concord Grapes. 49¢ 9c 15¢ “ASCO” SLICED DRIED kg. BEEF Cut to Moc” Selected tender beef, trimmed of all waste, sliced thin and packed in sanitary containers. : COOOOOOTOO00 1922. + + 7 + + + * RY LJ + + + + iv ry fi . fi iv . Oo 0 + a fh oe + f i 0 iy * 0 A 4 i R ¥ oy & Q | § @ | QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOCOOQOOCOOOOO0O0 9 0 hr deddedd 0 AX 0, deed 2X Sed 0 Joel ZX 2edlededd ofeedredr odes oo Seddedd & Jo food CR ho ¥% ooo & & * ® 00-6%.4%.o eile dd 9 0 $ Fourty-five cent price effective at on spring water ice stored in Mount Joy and F Mount Joy HALLGREN & HEILIG, Proprietors. Ice for sale at all times on Columbia Avenu Brrr dedr deer dealedrdde ddr deeded dodededodfrdedndedodifededododededd at the BEST PRICE hundred 1000 tons of clear thick Ice Company PEPPPEEEEPPPEeE ogee 0, 0, CORK) 9. be®%e% p> 0%" * 9 4% wo 9, Get the same milk with fewer cows arr The Ready Ration for Dairy Cous A lot of dairymen in this section say they are getting all the milk they ean sell. We say, why not cut the cost of that milk Get rid of the low producers. Feed Larro to the good cows. You'll get the sme quantity of milk from fewer cows. You'll save hay; silage, labor and trouble. Larro is a blend of best obtainable ingredients. It is succulent, palatable and easily digested. Contains na filler or off-grade ingredients. We in- vite you to try 2 bags at our risk today. E. H. Zercher, Mt. Joy =.ssTRY: eum RUSS BROTHERS VELVET ICE CREAM BRANDT BROT S 128 Mt. Joy St. MT. JOY; A TN Read the Bulletin. It pays to advertise in the Bulletin w. S. Eichler “Elorin Inn Garage \ Florin, Penna. Ik & Honey E. J. Argenbrig A ~) Here are two of the best made yet moderately priced cars on_the market today. you a demonstration at any time. XN N We Handle All Kinds Of 5 Auto Accessories, Tires, Oi ppetizing IN LOAVES MASK YOUR GROCER. We will be pleased to call and give urn = SS ————