PAGE TWO THE MOUNT JOY BULLETN MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S. a WEDNESDAY, JUNB 28h, 19%€ MT. JOY BULLETIN SPORTING HILL | jAtam Eshioman sent Saturday Ww 1 Ul 1 an gave nim a I1L MOUNT JOY, PA. Ir nd M TT - Rer Bovd f Fair! iM in haying. Cet the same ilk J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro'r a I. 8 a o utr Joye of Jon with fewer cows « 0ed00000s O0PPOPORRPOROPORRORCCROROD on e Mr. Bubscription Price $1.50 a Year| a. Sampie Copies. .....FREE { Eas Fe sinning Saturday, Tuly 1st, An Occasion of Utmo > tn oe po LY; J Co) ma 3 OOOO Single Copies..... 3 Cents Fhree Months. ....40 Cents 3ix Months 75 Cents yo - | Importance to Everbody in Lancaster County Entered at ihe post office at Mount Joy ») 5 second-class mail matter, Ts FJ . , i Ww her pel II] ak. vB i ( I test ir. = i y ; i ge IN) , LY { The date of the expiration of yur subsecrip | daughter, Margare We \ 1 's of ld . Fo 7 y 2 Sor : o 0 | iif ¥ . i tom follows your name on the label We ds |My, and Mrs. rry sly Sunday. 24 ol lS 1 nn maay { i . aot send receipts for subscription money re » 3 . Ni v on Tt Rriy + neople h a business |! 3 reo) - ssived. Whenever you remit, see that you are lr. anda Mrs. « ove re- Ea a 3 | i o given proper credit. We credit all subscription | urne fro a vi t 1eir daughter OD A tel cn at Sporting i sm the first of each month, RZ +a nD, 4 $iiwn N CY a ii1ll urda ew ening elog } 4 The subscription lists of the Landisville vigil, | oy =e Sn ¢ 1 NEW ort Et Votih te oo eben OY Ea f the Florin Nows and the Mount Joy Star and Irs. Bari 1 Staufler, of East Pet- A y rubax c Si 1 | Mews, were merged with that of the Mount! Bape : = hurch. " 3 Joy Bulletin, which makes this paper's ordinary | 3 7 Ppt img a v < in the At = i rs ': nwa i The Ready Ration for Dairy Cous | weekly, hme of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Sumpman , i rT 1 1 2 Re : : $ : ary Nissly and A lot of dairymen in this § % @ ORPERRCEREOAOEO®E® f Lancas- . : X neas- John Wol section say they are getfing all EANDISVILLE i [or ir stones wok ot she homme or rll Sng Spl MM ripi3s 4 . vartin FREE why not cut the cost of that milk 5 % Entire High Grade Stock of and ~ye y .y x ma 3 . : ot 3 p eo ww v uicers. Elias Kreider has purchased a new Mr. and ‘Mis. Samuel Suvder e M an were enteatained by H. G 5 \ So 9 Ji Sow Jroineen En 1 i ind Mrs. Samu snyder, of i, SW Ride fee a 0 lhe good Towa. Sziomobile. M B St Sal [Manheim, and Miss Mina Spangler ‘**"le€rs on su lay. You'll get the sme quantity of 3S i y av owers spent Sat- ‘ ..s . i - : a a 188 iy May bowers spe! *¥ Ispent Sunday as visitors of Mr. and ) milk from fewer cows. ou’ll urday at Pequea. 2 Ti ' Hav | M save hay, silage, labor} and J Her Shelley / § 1ay, silage, I yan J. C. Snavely visited his parents at I and Mig E : Critha and \ RHEE S trouble. Larro is a ble ol of Paradise over the week-end. sot : ye Sy Pi ig best obtainable ingredient§. It Allen Keller, of, Salunga, is giving yi ef § I . “ is succulent, palatable and efsily 3 5 . yr, Lillottsb , 48 guests Mr. and Mrs irst t ave wheat ¢ \ & oles . ’ ¥ £ the - house of Harvey K. Weidle a /'n 0 Ra fie : : Br of Mr. and Mrs. he Li have est cut and on shocks digested. Contains no fille} or ans : tin Raffensberger. iby June 23rd. ops ineredients } in- coat of paint. I" Mr and Mie Aros Sartinnan Mr Loar 4 on fn : ds off-grade ingredients. We in Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nissley visit-] 000 800 HUIS. 2 $s Sumpman, Mr. rs. Harriet Breneman of Florin vite you to try 2 bags atlour d Mr : Ris oo?s hriont Wr and and Mrs. Paul Sumpman, were guests spent last Sunday afternoon visiting risk today. Mr. Nissley arents, Mr. ¢ . : I ig hia: : A : : ¢ e Ssley pa f Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Nolt, at friends in this place. Mrs. Benjamin Nissley, on Sunday. taal TINH : . Do are Fran! Shen x ee gu Kissel Hill, on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brubaker and E H Lercher Mt Jo; oh at i Orit actor ot At Several Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus H. Good, Mr. daughter Katie, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. vr AUIUIEDHY v i 8 n( stmas y Spe several _ ; : : Sa Tw a ak. it eh Hii a conven and Mrs. Jacob L. Keeper, spent Sun- Hambright spent last Saturday at ays last ‘eek In attening >( n- i (day at Gordonville as guests of Mr. Palmyra. Mon. and Mrs. Edward H. Good. | Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner, Mr. Ar. anc Irs. Harvey eidel at-| 3 3 re oan, a0 Ma Harve 3) 3a 08 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hodecker and and Mrs. Herman Wittle spent one : £ orgs Mas iy 1 Park last | Children and Miss Emma Hodecker day last weck at Philadelphia, visit- i amily, a lliamson i |of East Petersburg, spent Sunday in ing relative week, Sw the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rinchart Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ricedorf and Sa. an Yas. BX Saker Soon Hodacker, eleven others from this section took T. F. McELRGY, Propr. re Th ale spug Mi Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Miller, advantage of the excursio Atlan- % No Bushong and family, of near son, Harry, and daughter, i tic City last ig onto. Atlan ELORIN, PA. tonterey. : entertained in the home of their son,| Mrs. John B. Henry attende e % Mr. and Mis, Elmer Snavely and C. S. Miller, near Erisman’s Church, Cyrus Evans sale at ended Ie ~ 3 . daughter, Catherine Virginia, visited! Sunday ? Stusday where record breaking ots. HICKEN ANDWAFFLE DINNERS Mrs. Snavely’s mother, at Leaman Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Pickle, Mr. es were paid for ancient articles. A SPEEJALTY Place, on Sunday. . ai and Mrs. Jeremiah Eby, Mr. and Mrs.© Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Heisey, S. S. Campers are gradually finding Way, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kulp and Kraybill and a number of others at- SPECIAL DINNERS AT 50c their way to the Landisville Camp family, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Zerphy tended services at the old peoples Meeting Grounds for the snmmer. To and family and Smuel Cover were home at Oreville last Sunday after- : date twelve families have arrived. visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Ruhl noon. ’ Attoioblle and Private Parties Mr. and Mis. Samuel N. Root, Mr. on Sunday. i J. Kraybill Bard and brother Rus- Catered To and Mrs. Harry Kolp, and Mors. A. Mr. and Mvs. D: M. ‘Nissloy onter. sell of Stealton ard Miriam Dard he Herbert Swarr attended the Guern- i ined the following guests over the charge of the Pennbrook play ground sey Cattle sale at Devon, last Weel. week-end: Miss Mart Nissley, Miss spent last Sunday at the home of | \UNCH BAR IN CONNECTION Mr. and Ms. Benjamin Bricker, Kathryn Nissley, Mr. and Mrs. Wavne their parents. ; Also Cigars and Tobacco Mr. and Mrs. Michael Musser and Biubaker, sons Wayne and Bard, of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Enterline and daughter, Ms. Emmert Wissler, and pn... Bact Petorshure, Nv. and Whe Mr. and Mr. 3. Hollinger returned — Bagi Erafioun gHeaded 2 Love Jacob Blecher, daughters, Kathryn from their western touring trip in oom and’ Board by Day or Week feast near equea on oe aay. ang oloy : ary ' ee ‘ iv rived ve = PE “Mr. and hy Amos Cooper, who pn + Td son, Georg, of Wan a nny. Jak sims ime a) Terns Reasonable 1: ’ nd., L g Db) ¢ have been spending some time at eel ok of Ni ve spent the week-end at Rey, Samuel Fry was one of the No. 3\and 5 E. King St, Lancaster The Estate of the late Chas. H. Frey must be settled by order of the Court to domply with this order it is necessary to dispose of the entire stock, of the Chas. H. Frey Shoe Store. Think what this\ means---Everything reduced to new low price levele---Think of the magnitude of ths Frey Footwear Stock---By far the largest in Lancaster County---And the wonderful thing it is to be able to choose anything from this stock---Shoes for women, men, boys and girls at OPEEPEEEEOPEOEEOCEPPOOOOOOCOOOO0 falls covering a distance their cottage at Mt. Gretna, returned sail . so ; t o 1 1 ' oI sixteen nundred seventy-five niles home over the week-end. Mr. Cooper SALUNGA v-five mile without any mishap is superintende yf e Lutheran | Ty A a sie ly Supeninis Bie nt of th U Mr. Clarence Wolf of Birdinhand Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Fritz, and Millersville Normal School Ba P A Bn on Mr. and Mrs. “y ! i : ” 3s = 21 a vacaney last J 1s | daughters, Ruth and Hazel, Roy Mrs. Alice Kline spent three weeks Teas whil cn le Nt ue Sa = { Fritz and daughter, Betty Jane, of With York eounty friends. Ph 5 ya San, n t+ = veel v rat 3 + ¥ rrvville a 5 vd 0. B. Weidman and wife of Phil.. SP¢iit a weeks vacation at Mt. Gretna. Quarryville, visited Mr. and Mrs. > eldman wife of Phila A number of the old typed hand : lelphia visited bh Sr rnnte v ® % a. Jacob M. Trout, and Mr. and Mrs. “¢iphla visite d his parents over Sun- orodns an eh IS . \ I nid : A ,organs appeared up the streets \ \ 2 Paul S. Baker and family, on Sunday. day. SASL wa Ds ih Shon Hf 7 ot the i i cS, % ] a iIOW A ; A : 3 = Mr. Bertram Miller. af Philuda. P veeK with the old home, sweet \ Teachers as appointed for the local ! riram Miller, of Philadel- fore « £ 1 ing year are as Phia, was the week-end visitor in the A schools for the coming year are as ’ ! eek Visitor 1n the The farmers ir : ie : f -f r ~ Hich School, M. home of M. Harv Zhe farmers in the Donegal town- i and ‘U S | follows: Principal o : William R. ( I EK ] | Ships 12 > 200 rospects for a | v 1 1 1 : t 5, C- K. Ball and wife took a trip to Ships seeing he voi | promants for n \ 210 rode Rthel R. Philadelphia on Saturday mornine re. 1 crop of hay and an immens: ty, = and Be v = turning in the en » ar arg Tea t disposed of all their surplus Pi vi N © OSITIY | [ U I Sixt and Seventt ung n tre ing, in {or £0 bo obic Eli re or SRE oF by oq Graybill; Fourth and robert. Lharles spent a few days 4. * ide a il th noRew) YR 5, Mrs. Frank Kauffman [2 week with his grandfather, Mr. prea BOL LTOPS. can WwW 3 pe i B ? i 1 br: 1 t y + ve lewed O1 the farms of Jacob | § 5 ~ Third Grade, Miss Dorothy Minnic \ ya WUD, at pieelion Williams. C Tn Ric f nnd D i | VV aiter re NGC ‘ Mivrat and Secand rades Miss irs, ZZ ay ar i i ucht . a naric 3 vl 2 Wd and a 1- 5 a= and Fir and Secar Gra na e staying with Mr Tau 3 . iel Erb. Mr. Erb finished puttine COLUMBIA, PA. Mary Rouuifort. held t ans Havetcy ¥ M Sint pa HITS. ty acres hay Friday, June 22. | - An outing was held by members of \n 2 ersney, Mount Joy. A farewell Satte vn = the Junior and Senior Christian En- Miss Leah Waltz of Naumanstews boo oe Mr Ren on :; Id oi ihe deavor Societies of St. Andrew’s Re- '§ spending se veral weeks with her Thursday afternoon, in howir of the formed church, of Lancaster, in the eels Abram Waltz and family. ; Misses Edith and Anna Williams. by Landisville Camp Meeting Grounds. : Miss Hilda Montooth is spending 1 following boys and girls: Ali L About seventy-five members were in Some soe ia wh 2 grandpar-'c cao Esther Murphy Bula Bech attendance. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Strickler. "tel Anna Mae Henry, Rut : : 3 an = Bry y 4 a Me enry, Ruth Floyd, Snyder were hosts at their cottage Mr. and Mrs. H @&. Strickler spent pr. a Garber, Phares Shank Foye, on the grounds. Games of all kinds Sunday at Columbia with her daugh- Swank, Paul Espenshade, Wale “ - ne c Mc . . ¢ ’ a us a y er were played and supper was served. ter Mrs. Frank Montooth and family. Espenshade, Henry Weaver ay The trip to Landisville was made by Samuel Eby and family were Sun- Woaver. Grace Shank ays automobile. . i : 3 bE Jone of her sister, Grove, Dorothy Henry, Miriam Hofr- | 5 The annual children’s day exercises will ay chaesorn, at Brun. man, Mary Zink, Lillian Shultz Anna : Enve eS were held in the Lutheran church on neérviile. Moe Lois Soaliz z : Mrs. Musser and daughters : ae Landis, Lena Landis, Helen pe Sunday evening, June 18. The church E ee I M ; ano daughters, Mis Landis, and Miss Elizabeth W Greid- ill i was filled to capacity and the program i Mrs. Snavely, of Chest- er. Miss Elizabeth Greider loft New = leads which was rendered was an enjoyable Nu ill, called on Mrs. Oscar New- York Saturday noon, for tris t one. The numbers were as follows: oper on Thursday afternoon. ‘Europe os ’ a trip to Selection by the orchestra; prayer by “ab: A. Spahr had the misfortune of, The sommittee of the Rheems fire A Shoe Sale That Lamcaster Folks Wil Talk About For Years : 3 “Sing for Joy Today’; recitation, Friday. A little iodine and good Aopen? held ig id gilig fe E ® ” 3 ap 3 x e seas as Sa dz rening Waar, by Anus Hobie: ox C65 Bat 1 Simos wel an © 4 cnn at” Stories manin Px 0000000000000 DO ises, “Children’s Day”, by beginn- Mr. and Mrs. Charles amilton, at 8 Wis . « d \ re Sh acniar ns ny Lands”, by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brinard and Jno. CCC2Sion, fire chief Floyd and his Yorny , Lieutenants deserve h credi . z Elvin Immel; song by the school, Way of Mount dog wore the guests ip, ar ove Syuel credit Tris = . LO “Welcome”; recitation, “The Best © - A ay and family on Sunday. fz i ainbride Sr sie 2 resins oa oer Why N t a - amous Bainbridge band furnished Oo a Ww. Ww. APPEL & SON » kd ve reis Mr. and Mrs. Elias Hornberge Mr Place, Christie Derr; exercise, S: berger, Mr. the mmlic Marti ic a “What I want to be”, by a class of En Jr Harmison Barer and daugh- Freyhicver buns an cnr Sygam 5 tis € = TI B i = Jeweler & Opticians : r 1s s er, ‘ene, spe » ay a A i 1 s oe My hit ates, ? y = Hi I § 1 | iam I "i boys; instrumental duet by Mga Jo wa go Se hany 21 ity wi large cakes were donated by the Citi. V E YOUR >TOMACH Use e 2 est . th i S i = 11 OO iss: recitatic “Oroatinm r Mr. and Mrs. Fr: -eady and Mr. 3 y th i Geiss; recitation, “Greetings fo ,zens. Several large wash boilers of with I$ e one 0 wa BRACELET WATCHES : 3 . ; and Mrs. Harry Graul at Children’s Day’, by Anna Ruth and. : Y -raul, hick orn s ras Sar i Swarr; song by the school, ‘“Child- Miss "Alice Strickler is attending © Heken votn Sous vor closed um ~ , POR Slvnanuss ren’s Day Praise”: exercise, “Thank- the Sunday School convention in Sess- won Gori i Coke i Laos 3 : JAQUES’ = sa re lnas of oils , ion at Kansas City, Missouri e's am ligger bables kept the p 5 = ; fulness”, by a class of girls; double Mailing ey Tissouri. ~ crowd quite busy up to midnight, the tf Wonder Flies are a menace to health and {= A few years. ago, while rtette, “For Thee”, Mrs. Long Sunday School will be held at 9.15 ; y Re ALE : : the French Social Whirl quartette, Ty IY, ? inthe M. E. clutch this § 3 .._ total receipts for the evening was ; life. Science has proved that the fly 3 3 ocia IF was Mrs. Mease, Mrs. Nolt, Mrs. Herr !" nD. chugeh ths Sunday morn- four hundred and eighty-five doll > | i arrier of di D at its height at Deauville, Znty > dollars. 5 E or] {18 a carrier o isease germs. e- Mrs. Poiret appeared wear. ing. I clare war on flies now. We have ing a watch upon her brace- Miss Sue Fackler is a student at - 0000000000000 This is no time to stop and figure whether or not you really need more shoes. When the time comes in a few or six months that you do need them even sales will offer no such opportunity as this. Because Every Pair Must Be Sold To “Oettle The Chas. HM. Frey Estate Remember Starting Saturday" And Continuing Until Every Pair Is Sold ¢ r OPOOFOOOO® ©PePPOEOE®® EEO 1101 1 and Messrs Sharp, Long, Koser and ir iM H gS Sitio Lym Wiend; recitation, “You Will Reap Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ewcomer | . What You Sow”, by Russell Geiss; entertained Mr. and Mrs. Elmer New- | KINDERHOOK 2 STICKY FLY PAPER oi. Vii Di #idvess by Rev. Wiond: selection by Somer, pr and Mrs. J. Newcomer, | Te ; POISON FLY PAPER as % agen SBreasels) gre the orchestra; song by the school, Mr vi Yt ; ling Garber, Mr. and; Mrs. Annie Walker is visiting her M i ) S it D ir | tidious French me: “Beside the Still Waters”; vocal solo, - Ss Newcomer and Mrs. Fan- father, Mr. H. M. Eisenberger. a in S an ary a y INSECT POWDER a whe d the og: “Flowers, Birds and Children”, Miss "!¢ baer. i Mrs. Mary Smith was called to West Donegal St. FLY SWATTERS Channel to England. nana tl “ i Mrs. Amelia Weadman was hit by is , i Anna Mary Herr; recitation, “An | 1t by Columbia on account of the death of After that, it was onl Easy Question”, by Benjamin Herman 2 foot ball with which the children ‘her sister, MOUNT JOY, PA. FLYOSAU a matter of time before > ks vein: yer laying, while seated on he : s Di i crossed th i Long; solo, duet and chorus; recita- Were P 2, ery Dr. Charles Dietz and wife, of We Also Have for Your Cows and Sse e Atlantic, to be tion, “The Little Angel”, Anna Long; Porch Sunday afternoon and her nose 'Shamokin were visiting Mrs. Eliza taken up by smartly-dressed : Horses Sh 1 exercise, ‘Daisies Asleep”, by the WaS broken. Dr. J. S. Kendig was beth Dietz. J. Howard Hersh I ely sd Cm Tore ee Lg h | g when we were amased at the sight of children; recitation, “Keep to the called so attend he jury. { Mr. William Dietz, of Lancaster, v 3 Dealer i | Right” by George Shenck; selection _ “ISS er endig came near spent the day with his mother, Mrs. Baer a a watch u : ten 7 irowning while bathing in Chiques RI; je noah, B Womans by the orchestra; exercise, “Open the ©ro%™! g ques Elizabeth Dietz. | i wrist. Today it Gates”, by the children; recitation Ste & Hoses on Sunday. She, The Women’s Missionary Society $ : The Koashy % Wattison Ov, CHANDLE R’ DRUG not to see one Berg » “The Sunday School Scholar” by Pot oo 524 oh into deoper hy will hold ts regular monthly meeting | 37 WEST MAIN STREET | Asbestos Century Shingles, Asbestos STORE ; We are showing any num- Miss Anna Mary Herr; recitation, Be xp oud not noid on Sunday evening at 7:45. : i ded fonem now, with the “The Sweetest Flower” by June hep brea Jong 3 gh. Sue Same, Mrs. Samuel Steckler, Sr., and, ; Building Lumber and Ahesios W. Main St., Mt. Joy, P a. Sdied feature that the wotch Blottenberger; closing song by the “* Je : water others grandchildren, spent the day with Mr. rrugated Sheathin : BR rs Setached and worn school, “The Lord is My Shepherd”: edie Swng yrana, Ralph My- and Mrs. Samuel Steckler, J¥. Jeweler ai % 2 ters : oll hart RE TE EET oie chatelaine or benediction. ers nped rescued her. I Rev. W. A. Eisenberger has return- Tipates iof ma . ed os : Mrs. Susan Strickler passed her od to his home in Washington, D. C. Watchmaker-.-Engraver ation cheerfully furnished. Bell BILIOUSNESS m as ci] Deis Sart ws low MAYTO Flan bdey on Vsinesday. after a short visit to this place.. 3 Phone. Ind. Phone. An all-over sick condition, .00. WN e ving friends é ; ' | with her: Mrs. Bueller, Misses Bip, On Tuesday evening at 7.30 the [PIANOS “AND PLAYER PIANO! |47 ‘Stiegl Street MANHEIM, PA. Ty and Susie Cras y Snes 2% Board of Trustees will hold a meeting TUNED AND REGULATED mar. 15-tf Saturday night Was a big night for and Susie Grosh, Mrs. John Grosh si. one of Mo 10 No Toit Guiran | ’ the people of Maytown and vicinity, ind d3nghiter, Anna, of Mount Joy; M Id M Po Be wo All Work Gibmgteed | BOSAK S dG Club, Mrs. Miller and son, H of Kin- Mrs. ida M. omcroy and Miss N ! when the Donegal Rod an un Llu 3 ony 0 In EN abeth Green spent the day with CHAS. O. GARBER y . . ap ce 5 3 i " t i held a festival, carnival and staged derhook; Mrs. John Haas, Mrs. Elias A . = | the first shoot by electricity under the Strickler and daughter, Susan; Mrs. J en ian JRelS0A, of 587 Walngt Jorth B AO ireny S E | 6 | 6 | HORKE VING new electric lighting system. For H. G. Strickler and granddaughter, street Columbia. oy gig b Mount Joy ’ " fa “Nature's Tonic” Hamilton Beech Sweepers —— : All dealers sell it nn that cur Ne felieed 1 1000 vel hy 131 NORTH QUEEN STREET " LANCASTER, PA. 1180 1 weeks the members of the club with Hilda. Luncheon was served and the Mrs. Jacob Resh is in the Lancaster 1-11-1 yr" | their wives and friends, have been guests left congratulating the lady General Hospital recovering from working ou the reconstruction of the Sn Wishing her many more happy an operation preformed recently. City Shoe We have all sizes pipe, beams, rails, | The great incomvenience you One of the most substantial ma- grounds and now have one of the Pirthdays. Mr. John Shellenberger, who re- i angle and ehannel rods, ete., for sale 8 are suffering can be removed hines on the market today. You ideal sport grounds of Lancaster Co. ceived serious injuries in a fall from init ' cheap. | i | 1st see them demonstrated to : Wie 1s : a ; 2 real- A neat sum was realized through the EE RISM AN’S CHURCH 2 cherry tree, is in the Columbia Repairing Company |Z BOSAK MANUFACTURING C0, | ze their many advantages. Sold committees appointed by President —— Hospital. o . oN | SCRANTON, PA £ th : y ges. John Keener, and the shoot attracted C. E. Rehrer Sundayed with Mart RE —— LD SHOsS Mapy Te, Look ISSAC MILLER SON | 8 , ¥ |thruout this section by gunners from Marietta, Mount Joy, Johnson and family néar Refton. Maybe if the gardemer plaated ONES 0 We i i For sale by W. D. CHANDLER = Boho Lancaster and ofher Last feason the grain in our com- weeds, vegetables would eome up and ~ N N Prince and Flazel Sts. (& W. Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. - jmunity was in® the barns by July 7. erowd them out. 50-52 8. Queen St. Lancaster, Pa "BANCASTER PENNA. r= ” ‘i ’ - » wie FES SER RR JE ann Fe > . 15. Gerber lew Haven Street, Mount Joy, Pa. ORT TE mar. 1-tf i