i ER a a * 1 OT ll : u n y : RO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21st, 1922 1 LOR ice Cream In [linutes Think of it! wholesome, At last the ideal freezer! heavily retinned; ice pail of galvanized get out of order. Can and dasher move in Great¥fluff{y dishes of pure ice cream— Made entirelyfof steel, every part nnot break, rust or directions, iron— thus making velvety ice cream at a minimum of §me, labor and ex- pense. Removable clamp firmly fast freezer cannot slip or slide and operator’s entire ef ens ice creym pail to table, fort is devoted to making ice cream, not trying to hold freezer in place. In Business Since 1888 11 OO JO 1) LL i= & RRR EEE EE il ® | dale, ich A At The Haine’s Shoe Store 30-W. Main Street H. Mi Seaman WE are serving new custo value of Good Shoes when they Not Judging them by their pI and workmanship. One ai in this chain of stores is quality and the lowest prices possible. No trouble to show goods if you you will not know the value until you see the sure test of cheapness and here is value. to buy or not Value is the Knowkit when you see it. Come where it is found. Our price $1.48 H. M. SEAMAN 30 W. Main Street. MOUNT JOY, % 3 1 LO OO "Ee COR RE "RIGERATOR TIME! . A Good Refrigerator TR TT TR OE. ON i, WILLSR You should not pense.. On the other one of the best investment it will pay you dividends tual Cash in preserving food that ¥ You will find here aboyt forty di 1 e z from im-m 5 $950.00. leciding on a refrige nsider a Refrige:x $19.00 ite delivmyy, the celebrated Y FOR ITSELF IN A FEW SUMMERS ator in the light of an ex- d, a good refrigerator will prove to be ibly make. ings of ac- water cooler ver this sstenberger, Maley & Myers iroet a Rue eee = LANCASTER, PA. THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH Say This Week Der onner dawg wore so en grum- bucklicher, flat-ribhicher, long-ori- E cher, ous-gadarter Yankee om barrick un hut de Polly der waik g'froght far nuch Schwinefordshtettle. Se hut eme ous-galaiked in Pennsylfanwny = | Deitsch so goot os se hut kenna, dar- no are si gowl room gadraid un hut g’sawd, “Damn the Dutch.” Are wore en Englisher un hut der Polly era Deitches net fershtonna, un des hut ene base gamaucht. Es wore goot ¢’west dos ich net dahame wore odder ich het amohl my nai shtiffel uff eme gabroveered. De fact is, ich bin shtuls os ich i Deitsch bin. Es mawk si os mere net so shmart sin os selly Yankees os tsu sawga nix tsu fressa hen os yusht | grumberra, shpeckshwarda, shwartz korn brote un fish. Awver for my shtick tsu der goot oldt Deitsch Pennsylfawnish fashion. Iv- verall woo mer onna gait con mer der unnershit saena, eb de in der um- gaigend Englist odder Deitsch sch- wetsa. Won mer in en nuchbershoft coomed woo’s lond first-rate is, un grosse un shaena sheira, un goote pushtafense, un shaene fette uxa, un shmarte gile, un blendy hinkle uff em hofe os oyer laiga, un shmarte wiver, un shaene maid un fette bublin, un woo de leit blendy fun beshta soch tsu essa hen—so soch os we es besht rinds flaish, waitsa brote un fornocht koocha, frisher brooter un lod-warick, un sower-growd, um woo de leit so monneerlich sin os se eme eilawda for mit essa won mer by enna aw- rooft; in gaigenda fun sellera awrt ‘hwetza de leit tsu sawga oll nix os es goot oldt Pennsylfawny Deitsch. Now, gae amohl in en Englishe nuchbershoft un sae wees dart ous- yoked. De bowera hen era bleek un aper drows im wedder shtae fun vohr tsu vohr. de fensa drunna, der waitsa blockich, es fee mawger, htinkicker booter, ferbreede oyer, hash fun fowl ffaish gamaucht, forna huy un hinna fuy. En shae gakuched hem hen se aw ivver en larer mewga, Un gae amohl in de gross shtadt un roof aw on der jail un froke der shreef we feel deeb un onera rascal dart drin sin un are sawgt ordlich feel; don froke ene welle sort de ma- jority hen, de Deitscha odder de Eng- lisha, un ich bin goot derfore os are dere sawgt os de deeb un so karls tsu sawka oll English sin—un os yusht don un won en Deitscher ni coomed {waega bissly bodderation mit weip- sleit. Anyhow, ich {oldta Deitscha droom shtick tsu’'m goota wake, un geb en di- |henker eb de farhungerda grudda-fresser mich un de Polly |gleicha odder net. eee GEE NOSE THUMBING ILLEGAL, | IS THE COURTS RULING Mayor Fair, of New Philadclphia, Yhio, believes that wiggling one’s ingers with a sprightly fan-like 1otion, while the thumb rests against » nose, constitutes an offense a- v at least when done by and so he £10 and re today ed to the 5 SR LR | © NT JOY, PA. DFO GO0OL Haul and Ride by Tr Hauling of al.kind=s on short notica, spring seats and they Bell Phone 1 216 South Barbara Street, Moving a specialty to any part of the State so do Passenger Hauling. OUNT JOY, PA. I received new ! pretty nose ————— 's & e c | Catarrh. ALL AT 1 M3 A | has been succe Il in_the™tg AOOOOOOOOOO0000000000000000OCOOOO0OCOBOOOOOOOOOOOODOOC Sold everywh furniture Heite for lustrated bookle ENGLANDER SPRING BED CO. New York -Brooklyn - Chicago £ vot: f emotion ( 1 ssed a thumb to the and gave her quick motion. Mrs. | Springer at hed an esoteric signifi- {cance to this performance which im- pelled her to seek redress at law, jand she created a sensation in the {neighborhood by swearing out a war- rant for Miss Fulton’s arrest. At the hearing before Mayor Fair, {Miss Fulton was defended by Attor- ney Greene, who refused to see any- {thing scandalously improper in (thumbing one’s nose. The Mayor was jRtecn¥incad. EEL = fingers a illatory is oft of the caused by an inflamed condition g of the Eustachian tube is inflamed you sound or imperfect the inflammation can waring may be de- | CATARRHAL DEAFNESS Rl will % MEDICINE ofgt—rid sy ol + do of Ss | Catarrh for over So yy all drug ts. . Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. rity Years, % EE — | He Isn't Any More There was a man who fancied that |By driving good and fast, {He'd get his car across the track IBefore the train come past. X [He'd miss the engine just an inch, And make the train crew sore, There was a man. who fancied this— {But there isn’t any more. eee et Gree. w a Noted Vet. Gets Rid of Rats— Farmers Heed. Dr%H. H. Butler says, “I use RAT- SNAP "ground my hospitals every three mnths, whether I see rats or not. It Mges the work—RAT-SNAP gets them dgery time. I recommended it to everybtly have rats’? Don’t wait until thers is a brood of rats, act immediatelyiyou see the first one. Three sizes, 35g, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed By Dr. E. E. Garber, i W. D. Chandler, d H. S. Newcomer, Mount Joy, Pa. What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To LANCASTER THE PRODUCE AND LIVE STOCK MARKET { {CORRECT INFORMATION FUR. NISHIED WEEKLY BY THE PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN Herewith is a corrected weekly re- port of the Lancaster markets rela tive to produce and live stock: Homegrown farm products show- ed a noticable increase in supply and were of better quality. Strawberries continue plentiful, mostly however, of ordinary quality which denotes an early close of the season. Corn on the cob, from the South, sold at 40c per half dozen ears and not very good in quality. Cherries fairly plentiful with a range of from 18— 20c per quart for the sour variety and 25—35¢ for the sweet. Eggs showed a slightly stronger tone sell- ing mostly at 30c per dozen. Other commodities held practically steady. | Eggs: 26-30c dozen, mostly 30c. Storage 24-25c¢ dozen. Poultry: Dressed chickens, $1.25 to $2.25 each. Springers $ .75 to $1 each. Ducks, $1.30 to $2.25 each. Range of Prices Asparagus: Homegrown, good sup- ply, 5-15c bunch. Calif stock 20c a bunch. Beets: Fla., good quality, fair sup- ply, 10-15 cents a bunch. Lima Beans: Nearby, supply limit- ed, 20 cents a quart box. Beans: Fla, green, good supply, 25-230c 1-2 peck, yellow was 20c 1-2 eck. v Cabbage: N. Y. and homegrown, fair supply, Danish 5-15¢ a head. Fla. new stock, per head 5-20c. Carrots: Texas, new stock, fair supply, good condition, 5-8c bunch. Cauliflower: Calif., supply fair, good quality, 20-35¢ a head. Celery: N. J. and Fla, fair supply, 8-20c a stalk. Cucumbers: Fla., good supply, 5-10 cents each. Egg Plant: Fla. supply fair, 15 -25¢ each. Lettuce: Nearby long leaf, 5-15c¢ head. Fla., 10-20c head. Calif. ice- berg, 15-25¢ head. Onions: Texas, new stock, yellows and whites 15-20c qt. box; green 3-8¢ bunch. Parsley: Nearby, good quality and condition 1 @ 3c¢ bunch. Parsnips: Fair supply, good qual- ity 10¢ quart box. Peas: Fla. good supply, 20c 1-4 peck. Nearby sugar peas, 30c qt box. Peppers: Calif., fair supply and quality, 3-5¢ each. Potatoes: Nearby 1 good quality and Irish Cobbler, condition 25 cents half peck. New stock, Fla. No.1, 20-25c¢ 1-4 peck; No. 2 2b¢ 1-2 peck. Rarishes: Miss. and homegrown, fair supply and condition, 5-10 cents bunch. Spinach: La., good quality, 20-25¢ 1-2 peck. Sweet Potatoes: Dela., supply good, 25-35c 1-2 peck. Tomatoes: Fla., 25¢ quart box. Turnips: N. J., nearby supply fair, fair condition, 20c¢ half peck. Rhubarb: Homegrown, good supply 5-10¢ bunch. supply, fair supply good, 15- Fruits Apples: Home grown varieties, a good supply and condition 15-30¢ quarter peck. N. Y., supply liberal, quality and condition half peck. Western box, various vari- ties, 50-65¢ half peck. Bananas: Jamaica, liberal, 20-30c¢ dozen. Grape Fruit: Florida, good supply, 8-20 cents each. Lemons: Calif., good quality, 25-40¢ dozen. Oranges: Florida and California, supply good, quality and condition supply fairly supply and good 30-75¢ dozen. Pineapy : H Strav 108! 158% | f $18.00 per ton. Straw, baled ton. meter §)- AN ———— . WORN NERVES Wa _ Nervo troubles, with backache, dizzy spells, queer pains and ir- regular kidgeys, give reason to sus- pect kidney “weakness and to try the remedy that has helped your neigh. bors. Ask your neighbor? Mrs, David ¥erphey, 25 Mount Mount Joy street, Mt. Joy, says: ‘“Sharp, catching gains bothered me so I could hardly %ake a broom in hand and do any sweeping. When I bent over, my back®% pained so se- ® verely I could hardly py I limbs became sore and Achy. that worn out feeling andymy nerves were easily affected. didn’t act right, either. ney Pills had always Ddgn’s Kid- them. It wasn’t long before they re- lieved the pains in my back andy was no longer tired, weak and ner§ous. Doan’s surely regulated the kidney action, too.” % Price 60c, Dan’t at all dealers. “simply ask for a kidney remedy—get an’s Kidney Pills—the same that M?¥s. Zerphey had. Foster Mitbugn Co.,5Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. } ee . iio-:ap., | Miller—Gantz Miss Viola Gantz, of Manheim, and Irwin Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, of Lancaster Junction, | were married at Mount Manheim. A Ar | Cows at Frivate Sale i Commencing Monday, June 19 and | until sold J. B. Keller & will | have a carload of cows and a few' stock bulls at private sale. If you are too busy to come during the day, they will be pleased to have you call in the evening. Bro. 10-25¢ each. ag air supply, eral homegrowns, inf was tired and ulong toward night my "2% I had 52 M3 kidneys a Gretna | 0of; frame barn with slate roof, to- Thursday, at noon, by the Rev. J. J. bacco shed, ice house, chicken house Behney, of Shamokin, a former pas- |8nd hog pen, fruit wonderful garden, tor of the United Brethren church at Property is located on a pike. Will {sell for less than it would cost to COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. 8S. COUNTY FARM BUREAU MET AT LANCASTER a big meeting of Farm Bureau rs from all seetions of the | county at the Bureau rooms in the Woolworth building last Saturday evening, John F. Weaver, president of the Grower's AssocTation, moved, seconded by pres- ident John G. Reist, of the Mount Joy Farm Produets Company, that em- phatic endorsement and pledge of support be given the Farm Bureau in its countrywide membership cam- paign, July 10—15. The motion was passed enthusias- tically ; not a dissemting vote. President J. C. Brubaker stressed the pressing need of the Bureau for larger working facilities; praised the untiring efforts of County Agent Bucher; pointed out how the demands for more and more service on Mr. Bucher and the Farm Bureau had reached a stage where expension was imperative; farmers from all sections were urging a Statewide develop- ment. As important as any reason for the campaign, said Mr. Brubaker, was the urging of a countrywide develop- ment of co-operative buying. The taste of co-operative fertilizer, seed potato and spray material buying the past spring has opened up a channel of tremendous importance, and he felt that nothing less than 3,000 mem- bers should be the goal for the cam- paign. County Agent Bucher seconded this speech with a rousing appeal to the meeting. He had come to the conviction that side by side with the educational service of the County Agent there must be a service organ- ization to meet the farmer's needs in co-operative buying. The experi- ment the past spring has saved many thousands of dollars; yet it was done in only a small way. Open it up to an organization of 2,500 or 3,000 members, and it will reach astound- ing proportions. The plan of the July campaign contemplates dividing the county in- to two big divisions, the one manned by Harrison S. Nolt, of West Hemp- field; the other by Enos G. Kreider, of Christiania. Each of these men will have five groups of townships under their control, and each of these five groups will embrace four or five townships in a eluster, each with a directing head assisted by from five to ten workers ization will be newspaper next week. BIG CONFERENCE WAS A SUCCESS (Continued from nage 1) of living in luxury might do well to come and look at the plain residence that he calls home. He, however, was away holding time. Services were going on since last Wednesday, the Tth inst., from morn- ing until late in the evening. Among these were sermons of the highest order and were the means of bringing consolation and strength to the peo- ple of God. Here long separated and greet each other and the renewal | At memt Lancaster, Tobacco ml ine complete organ- announced in this friends meet quiet place truly makes an oasis in the desert of life that will remain to cheer and help | them in the duties and bitter trials of life. The empty and last members will | throughout lowship in this this morning seems in a few hours the have left for thei I part o grove more homes this great world an vin, this side of jud Liot 13 that ine ram nada. This and the news many of entirely new will come with surprise to our people. They tell us that the round trip ticket from Chicago to Calgary will. be about $57.00. There were thirteen new mission- aries approved to go to the foreign fields. This is always a touching scene to see young men and women stand willing to say good-bye to their friends, to home ties and home con- veniences of an enlightened nation meetings at this|z BEE EEE (even though it is not yet entirely Christianized) and go to the d: . 1. { world, laboring fo 8 01 Lh ation of the lost. Th onary off Conference was beeny highly ,.4 spoken of and I finally begamytaking , ;. bucket, uries. luxuries cost | States over $22 000,000 and we shall do well in all seriousness to the question, do I contribute more to the cause of missions than I do to lux- uries? 1 1reol asK ourselves i A Good Truck Farm. 1 have a 4%-acre truck farm close o markets, best limestone land, 9- oom brick house with bath, slate build a house like the one on the premises. Act quick if you want it J. E. Schroll, Mount Jov. t When Mrs. Rebecca Senpz died in New York, ice was packed around her body to preserve it. When the under- taker was ready to put her into the Ee Sw On en casket he found her very much alive. Attention Ford Owners! Ford parts, like almost everything else worth while, are counterfeited. Imitation parts are manufactured to SELL at the highest possible rate of profit and the grades of steel used are consequently not the same high quality, specially heat- treated alloy steels specified in Ford formulas for the manufacture of GEN- UINE FORD PARTS. Don’t be misled —Insist upon GENUINE FORD PARTS made by the Ford Motor Company. By so doing you will get from 35 to 100 per cent more wear from them, and you will pay the lowest possible cost—the same everywhere. 509%, OF GENUINE FORD PARTS RETAIL FOR LESS THAN 10c EACH Ask for Parts Price List When your Ford car, or Fordson tractor needs attention, call onus, For remember we are prop- erly equipped, employ competent mechanics, and use Genuine Ford and Fordson parts in all repair work: H. S. Newcomer Mount Joy, Pa. 1100 BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH TE good, 40-65¢ of their friendship and Christian fel- ® CHANDELIERS OF QUALITY See our Five Exclusive Showrooms All kinds of Electrical Appliances Trissler Elec. Shop Lock For Our Big Electric Sign 213 N. Duke St. LANCASTER, PA. > ENE BE 1 —_—_— BAR TT — GOOD00CO0OOOTO000OTDIDOOCCOOURTOCH) #8 FATS GOOD FURNITURE is the euly kind [I ssll—Furniture that is Furniture Rockers, Mirrors, Hall Racks, Pictures Frames, Ladies’ Desks, Extemsiom and Other Tables, ~orts, China Clesets, Kitchen Cabinets. In Fact Anything in the Furaiture Lime Dave UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING H. C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY, PA. 3 OOVOCOCOOOCOOOONIGOCOCONIGOIDNOIOCO0CCOO00CO00O00000 RTL COAL COAL ALL SIZES AND KINDS OF BOAL ON HAND FOR IM. MEDIATE DELIVERY. CARDS ARE NOT USED ANY MORE. FE. H. BAKER TRY SUCRENE DAIRY FEED FOR MORE MILK. USE SUCRENE ORY MASH FOR CHICKENS FOR MORE EGG! LUMBER and CORR 1 Both Telephones MOUNT JOY, PENNA 2 Sq WE ERE EL — A I e Read the “Bulletin” for all the News