WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14th, 1922 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER ’ COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. 8. A. Time to Re-tire? (Buy Fisk) Trade Mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Off RED-TOP 30 x 3) Extra Ply of Fabric—Heavy Tread Price $17.85 OR poor roads, for heavy loads, for hard use anywhere the Fisk Red-Top cannot be equaled for small cars. An extra ply of fabric and a heavy tread of extra tough red rubber make a‘strong tire built to meet exacting conditions. Time after time one Red-Top has outworn three ordinary tires. Its distinctive looks indicate yoar selection of a high-grade tire while its extra mileage more than justifies your choice. 1 vere’s a Fisk Tire of extra value in every size, for car, truck or speed wagon A . LO 1 0 At The Haine’s Shoe Store 30 W. Main Street H. M. Seaman WE are serving new customers every day that know the value of Good Shoes when they see them. Not Judgang them by their price, but by their quality and workmanship. One aim in this chain of stores is to give the highest quality and the lowest prices possible. No trouble to show goods if you want to buy or not you will not know the value until you see them. Value is the sure test of cheapness and here is value. Know it when you see it. Come where it is found. Our price $1.48 to $3.98. H. M. SEAMAN 30 W. Main Street. MOUNT JOY, PA. A TY OO LOO 101 OO LL OOO REFRIGERATOR TIME! | A Good Refrigerator WILL PAY FOR ITSELF IN A FEW SUMMERS You should not comsider a Refrigerator in the light of an ex- pense.. On the other hand, a good refrigerator will prove to be one of the best investments you could possibly make. It will pay you dividends for years in definite savings of ac- tual Cash in preserving food that would otherwise spoil. You will find here about foriy differnet sizes and styles to se- lect from, ranging in price from $19.00 to $175.00. We also have in stock for im-mediate delivery, the celebrated “WHITE FROST” refrigerators, price $75.00; with water cooler attached, $90.00. Before deciding on a refrigerator, assortment. be sure to look over this Westenberger, Maley & Myers 128-131 East King Street LANCASTER, PA. im OO 1011 O11 — TO BLT " ~ CLARENCE SCHOCK MOUNT JOY, PA. 000000000 OTTHOVVOBDVHOTITCTTINVTIOTONOOOOO Haul and Ride by Truck Hauling of all kinds: Moving a specialty to any part of the State on short notice. | also do"Passenger Hauling. | received new spring seats and they are very comfortable. By CHAS. Z. DERR Bell Phone 11-R4 216 South Barbara Street, MOUNT JOY, PA. AOOOOOOO00000000000O0OLOVLLAVLLLVLLLLLLLVLLLLLLOOO0C Sod everpbiens by foriluse rl Hite for dlustrated booklet ENGLANDER SPRING BED CO. | CATARRHAL D MOOD © PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week vio eau Ich un de Betsy Wetzel (sell oldt maidel woo ich dere derfun fartzaeled | hob de ledsht woch) sin der onner dawg gonga fisha un mere hen en | shtarn-hawgelsy tzeit g’hot. Won du {in dime laeva net mit da weipsleit gonga bisht fisha don waisht du evva gor nix derfun, un we wenwicher os du derfun waisht we besser, os du ob bisht. / Well, mere sin doh munner on de Schwoger grick woo se olls g’sawt hen de sucker lia uff’m rick. Mer hen | uns en shaener blocka ous ga-gooked yom sucker luch un ich hob der Betsy | g’sawt sull‘s essa safe aweck [