The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 17, 1922, Image 8

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YLVANIA, U. 4 A rming for Profi ¥
IA, U. | Fa J
PENNSYLV. | : nis | 2 - . fhere
COUNTY, { tatio erated; y
TER ! \ repu taly ho it, far-
CAS | ro 3 ed Is gre rofit hen a
JOY, LAN D a intain jart much profit In dotiars
MOUNT N T i \ main Jen 4 work. ke a few 3 Jn
! ng har does ma f them cia-
| \ BO The Bike this As TS
DOIN URING : ) he puss place 2s more is er
WS D FL rg nema rn a
S 'S TOSS IN AG inds of peo] grin Dong Pp
HES ; WN N THE kinds always ell? F go
GE 5 ION R UR C E HAPPEN “WipbLETOW LOST Tes tle Be 9) we 2s 1 for us at-
-DAT NG ME B BUN you « be we armer in s
-TO-D 1VI GA EIM it would far att@rs,
EIGHT nar INDI IN OUR C THE (ALL THE Up 3% VILLAGE pny ache) 2 to Soon fe ?
PAGE ; Ol ol Tm ACUTE MAN NG TO ALL Y ap Busy Viriac ’s A. ideo on Su tersof 1s of Penn y-
lox TEE CLO! : INI Jo PA iving his} pg. oe from } 2 bu an- too. dreds been gin-
RAT LANDISY KS SALES How PERTA MOUNT THE i giving i game of 3 to iott’s Ma ny hun have ere
SL BANK PLVANIA, 1422. ATT ad. Fe NEWS ES IN ENTIRE tetter is £00¢ / by a score. Joe: Ellio unday. Mar farmers savings ly
NATIONAL 48 ON MAY Gh : . © Bo" NH Rescue. ai NR THE COM. John Wastes is. place had urday joking for , here on S venie Si ‘vents Tout 3 ey
ETATR SINESS Riso 0118.75 201,780.78 No Rpcior Comes 1.7 Main freely BORO OUNDING Mr. a coat a xr of this p easy Professions v's Sante town Sat- Fi i Das to know ial % te
el 18 * miave n, © salesma URR Y house Track Ga x auto | 4 im Saturda Middle ame for wan inancia av-
ad ediBCoUDtS 186.16 i& T. Brow Mass., » Safety S UNIT he Trae is week. ade an : rent to 1 real ga N If you our Fi here
pr re ooo 8 David ymouth, allette denly M . T lavs off this Jers ma sday. Is we ir first to 2. it, get klet, W
clu fie. unsecured a - North = the Ql og But < Memadutte two ore Tr oh Tend busi-| pe Joes won the Re of 2 to 7. stands do 3 ahd Bye ’ ov
Poin oes er 121,450.00 Rizor Gompany, sistance of nt Rr on ites will held ¥r. Philadel iia, of al prion te oh Il The repitation st sees ings Are Safe 's Largest [Sav.
Be Gov- 46¢, 00 233,610.12 Razo With essistar k mig ist S. onite isville, ip to M. Ray Seat Ty len f the s - re a d ball. Larro 1 en o Larr ania Associ
Tn ities, Bic. % Ne ie Tarr Cin plisville f oon Wu Holento A i= The Le Jairynien of & t nivyanies abrees
Tether Gaited ocks, ‘eacaritics, § 0 13,400.00 | gtric the ruck as equences, ave Reformed at La Mr. J the Cou laughter Lan-| rye hi s playing igh with « is beca momen Pe nd Loa Reso
All gtses | se esc : 3:40.44 13,4 for travele conseq vou hav The Re services 9.30. ss trip to Stoll d: day at h teams » hig This i for a Scien ings Fifth Year. }
ey ..9,300 380.17 other exious loubt 3 1 your nion § ing at | ness ry Satur bot ov on. never 15a §- venty-Fi :
DORYE ‘ir Be 5.580. br ad s “No dou from yc 19 | Communi rning s. Ha t Se t Joy o a tion. has ro is : edi Twen 41. i
Other TIO tuts Federal E20 have ha itesy *‘ epor r Tattle Com day mo rch Mrs. hn spen 1 the score: Moun h 0 uaity ed. La d ingr 1 222,552. ;
Banking and with { due from 946.19 | ba wn wril good r jues ravel- | xt Sunday cs vtarian Chur son Jo rchasec B z 0.0 b lower f certifie erfectly $5.2
Lawtal reserve with 8 due from 19 Prey aw pat larly | ne esbyteri Minister | nd aston pu 1 garage 0 C 1-00 Deen blend o Sy YINGS
Lasrve Bank a Boowiiss Te egy egal Pr Fisher, M caster. hn D. Eas lling anc fo... iE 0 11 the hich form IS Frade ITAL SA
Bary: vault s ks in the | wond Caps laces, I te Don es M. 2 P. 2 Mr. Jo oy dwe f TE 1 10 nts w ation. dultera E CAP ION
Cash Ju v banks ani arting bu: | Wonder n, ea Diac of acut i v. Jam ol at 2 M.. NX Welfley lure o Hipp rn, cf . .0 0 0 e ced r llers or 4 hy cows STAT $S0CI <
zations! other be rer 1 1750.00 | ne a kinds Sattack a doc- | Re th Schoc 7.30 P. hy King- Walter ale. es McC in our a oO 1 § 1 balan ients, fi his is xu more LOAN A ania.
Petr or town her 1 en th a sever: 6 to get araed |. Sabb Worship “I live Thy rivate 8 s. Jame ys in Sl 20 «uve vs 2 1 ingredi ed. T ults, in 8 AND Pennsyly: Pa.
i U.S. Tears -— =39 | anc ex ho Jearisd ivine tor at p dM Ju al da Penn in, e . I 1 30 ye use ht res eyes, isburg, F 16rin,
Nn $005. 512.08 | ayes aveler.w hotel pr d | Divi by Pas Mr. an nt sever: " i 2 are To. ghter 5 off Harris bill, F
a dd. from $ a gestion : ave ; y Hau . 1 ¢ a0 lish La ife, bri ows © Kraybill, unt Joy
Borer and due fr indig brother tr m 1h room and Sermon 2 over Sper k. nt Tuesd Ms 2 re nd life, er Cow ields in B. in & Mo
rer : 000.00 a ack fro the les, anc Lord. h Han last wee iss] spent d rela- Bar 2b ... 0 2 9:1 igor a ss, few ilk yie Irvin Florin J
IES 50,000.50 tor, iy atta sub to capsules, feet dom, Churc illage R. Nissly visite Sse), Bh ie 0 2 0 vig sickness, | ger milk | riod. t for
Tota LIABILIT 50, of m ys game of your $s on my inU. B. Pastor vi . Amos R. here he Cass er, 3b ... 0 0 0 less s Also Eager ou pe will Agen
1 stock paie Iw an 5 | A ‘me hort Tze travels. a pack- Pion H. Me 2 dev J. ¢ Moniandon, wh Indiana Cogn rari, bone : 3 0 0 g ani prolonged at Cy and deon. P T AT
Capital Rl Cras X ) 57.87 flor z 5 > y arry sw Cap- = v. * : a r | PID rene 0 a ’0- oe €
Ct oR nee hh | Sunday hol a 9.30 a ie Joh Myers of Indiana Co a trie L ins "il posrante GET 1
udivi renses 5, oe a od” ict! \ vs x . Myers, tae 1 ve \ :
Ce 4 taxes tanding serie | “UY oi gadues’ stion ton Sort Sermon at at 6.15. ih Ir lizabeth Keen-| p- Lo Regd 727 8 3 i Mose back. \
nd cs cyan ng eck 152.7 age for ind r’s by m | nk. avor spe tie 1 Eliz e Satur- A. My .3 ~ A our m 1
t outstan to; che a0 48 les fo Garbe ents om! p Fur . Ende Ka anc ent Ly or y 0
oy subject bug less 8,700.4 wu le at 60 c e Ir { b stian 5. Mrs. > Mary line sp Tare, wn a e
sits ce. bu sa or ackag Y.' Chri tt 7.1 isses ne K tals: iddleto ° 1
de pa noti n for 105.75 On Joy, Pa., e Pp b , Ne i on a M Cathari Seat. ing down To Mi yr bh 0 C y
ts_requi rg os 11 Mount. r larg Plattsburg ~~ Serm ant r and unty Se; utting oS 20 0 L YS
Deposits 1 days wit (other 8 1.801 Mo id fo le Co., t Pleas: Church er t the Co issly is P ro house 7.0 5 0 : ‘ : T P
cn oF i. ous poston Capsu t, &ec. Me Christ r day a L. Nissly | his tw fo... 0 0 0 Ol, I THA
Pertificat orrowed) ybligation oh ues Ren 9» in Pasto tan. ir. E. rounc insler, r a 3 Linton RE
ee deposits gE 74,000.00 | Jaq e, ethren usser, ial miss M walks arou e. spent | pro P: £2 une 0 0 0 0
ane money orrow ata 50 Wanted, Sal - + gon 9. i 8 Sue Rohrer, SantRete trolley i Lshssier BE 0.02 Lo | ———— THE 5 RE
Pile rayable J mone Bod ion 3.825 os —- kK ro : 7.30 Friday ev Miss ae deliver along Frank Peach eae ot Kane, 1 Woe 0.0 3 1-0 Prices YOUR CA
rep rediges than BOR at ue Sm wick router, T : eting. 1} in wi or the He Iie ,
abilities other Seviage Sancarior SALE—B 0'ionary mee from Indi Mere here hlegelmilch Will start p oo 2b siete 99 020 ttom \
Hala nts, County of ed Pog Schock. No Sanne) missionary Sat Elmer Sc 11 Mumma Hardware | oo ffer, 3b -2 l 01 0 Roc Electrica’
. me To $ - NO. Do a . 8. e i...
0S Bian, iin Shore Hate ES same by calling a £5. 900ngee urch of God "Basten Ruma tae. | inp, se. sini} Material, Fixture \ i S
Sta ry. Cashie hat t wledg UND— ave sa r thi it rch Id, Pa t kat Joy a uo e .... he: a oll Hiss, \ {
: i. Summy swear 4 my Eno r.| FO y hav ing fo 17 Chu Donnald, r, Sup wor in Mount rs an here Cohen, we 3S 1am Supp i
1.7. o siemaly best © UMMY, Cashier. wner ma nd payl May I. A. Mac! Hamaker, Works in r Walte Tuesday 8 dy, p .. 6 24 3 TY 8
bank, 3s a to EN Soa me this on office a e of Rev. I J. 8. 30 A. M. 4 Elme spent izzie Walters. Ju a 01x - ECIAL V | S
rr. orn % before ; Publire., his nn “to take charg School at 9. M. » Fairview Mrs. Lizzi ccepted 8 tals: ..... ‘2 0000 00 0—2 ING A SP a ue \ {
; and ow J Notary 21, 19 ED——Ma% th 30 A. Wes . other, has a ineers To S00 10 SE WIR S
See ae imsion expires Feb: AN Dk Schock. oll at 103 M. with his a Eichler Andrew gi the pt Joy . 0010 HOU ep—— OUR FINE S {
Bay Ny a ission ex °F a WAI an ite ac 5 P. Jo 0 > wn . J
gis HEY a. B, -STANPFER SHOT. Fr if a Set of ite Proust at of P. No lniiy at he n a branch | Middleto Sundar Game EDUCTIONS ON Rin . Style A st
A mowaun MUSSER, all hes, me eaching ice, pos the f Slat- Sunday nd his Jake IG R ADES TURE al B
Correct JACOB ROOT, Directo OR SAL in ish Jars; So il Pr eek serv g on kemyer o tortor Elliott a ined al3 OF SH 22 FIX es
sv mstone. Chin tae] Mic hIER R. LN ager ee eo LINE OF 19 dill! v -
ios ot "ealumbia P. M. ChurehlP XE. arles THIrSASY Jiher Re D Ssnday su) LINE FAMIL
FIRST | [ron Glass dn ft Jum 7.45 P. red. Brothron Mr. Ch a8 a loca cofersionals here: © Te © NEW E
THE THE e an 17 -1t : Brethr LW our ofe sco of a : R
"AT MOUNT JOY IN THE —~ Stove. Apply 1 : Mari’s Jase & afer, glen, Jay Sender, daugh- | Oe Dn ins zrshe fo Rexsonasle ERYTHING FO R THE HOME
REPRE TE Aba Cook Sto Joy. ANTED--Lady | gq, H. 3, Kiel 2.00 go alto X= Hawk and Ye Satur-| =o hart pov oF a Priest Ye ELSE (EV ERYTHING FO our Mafl On y
RPO] . { 5th, €. Ww Keep- an tra , hn wk spe 18, 1, A the ¢& ast d —— G EV use o%
NATIONAL PENNS MAY Av EPER House q- Sunday orship 0 Jo irview, and M to ntil t ir of hn an BUYIN ou to th
Sats 'k2 URCES JSE-KEE! ask nA ing wi at. 6.0 Mrs. West Fa {f Mr. tally u da pair in Ha ba FORE invite y. Sou try
ors punts, io. A ziss HOU 50 childre Salem | yom M. deavor ters “of guest o | visitors had its lineup impson an ME BE HERE We en once
discounts, $73 stcured, 21to £3, no 08 W- 38... 0.15 A. istian En here the g resenta visi ers in to hit Si ister in SEE w o—Wh A
and counte one; un from ily o ber, 5 ay 10- 10. jor Chri t 6.30 day y d a rep Co., local play bility Chronis 1 Servic \
Sous _b redie red, n > r in fam C. Kra - m Junior | avor at 6 hn Dyer. A. For d & in |10¢ ] Inal nded ( he loca der it always. \
1nd! , cu eircu e : ii nde Jo n e -War mn rler. ha ht : : it RX
ET come sme tt FE a Lr So Comers Wand ne H, DIETZ | sur
(0. = aveseans a : 14 "178.32 Ve. OD 3 - © . M. La oul. e 0 ent < Ye ir iia defeat. ¥ a————— 1
En 366 re NOTI T fe ineaging on P. M. ching at 750 P awaiting y bu Cicase, Sp tager, Mrs. JB 4 nia for is Sisk R oo a 3 JNO. Bell Phone OUNT JOY
All of rament & veks, Se and . 43,145. Schod itively Prea welcome xr village. Dissin ' Danne & ry 8 0 M 6-t
NEE Ke Furaitvs aah CBOFVe 40.44 11921 ust “po 22. r. A kindly ices. ou Mary 5 Beulah isitors to 1 1 3.0 apr.
Other bonds. Bh mann © 43.3 All tax m 1st, Collecte ese serv Mrs. 1 Miss al Tr 1 1 in St.,
Banking sserve with Federal R Fy OSES upation re June EMAN, i t all th Church ner and re Sun iv. rE oq 0 0 E. Ma \
wral reserve (with Fede 8 4101 DIT £ r befo BREN TR ngelical Pastor Dan isville, we d family ily of ery vr 2 3 0 0 A
Lawful i amounts dng 8 td 8.25 on Oo TM. , WU. Eval uson, t 7.30. Landisv oth an nd fam i hn, BY rsa 3 0 0 na.
Dasa Sy] mount RE NATRS ns "80-4t. 's clock, » Fl, Ferg inesday a ing. Ed Bo Barber a santly e Ha $f beni 2 15 1 a 2 Pen
Cath i Nu i TR 9.08 | ay 0- dfather $800. Rev. J. ice Wedn r meeti Mr. John re plea d Mrs. Sohn Sy i y 1 3f 2 0 : ter -
mou due tron Jo in the mune jo SE TU ~ Gran worth sell TO tia prayer | 5.30.1 "str. ae Seaman pry Ci 2.9 0 cas ’ \
Asin? due iy VEL In g bank... R SA dition er will s : Pray tice afte morning i izabethto home o Jo BIE overund 2 oq Lan \
and other reportin, {incluliing FOR ick buy lectric ir prac 1 Sunday day morn Eliza d at the Sunday. I team a ¥ 2 10 : ,
a on i oki in running —to ti ainted e be | Choi School St on Sun st Vis- tertaine Iroy on base ba bok Tn 20 3 \
city o Ee. ne or ny handpa Can Bible S ES on Endy F. McEl Junior way om!rrey, ey, Mf . ..1 tr 8
ON es or: town n72 212 Neec Also h Iron “hed. VARI- eaching bjet: ing|T- F. Florin mes a Frio.| eidiney, } .... oO 0 0 3
ge of eA a ZIT? or $400. 1d’s Ir Pr 30. Su n e k ga ay ga JRBOm; «ce vunidyy 0 0 for
is tw ems fg LANGAS ar atic ME er pena tii - d tor tow day for | andes
et with 3. Treasur 1,218. /enings. 36 No may ®- ion.’ E. mee es Chris for unica : 0 fie, —— 11 lose on \
Redemption fund 5 % |seen eve RE, 3 NE L G. ic “What do home 11 comm d inl gi der, r 12 27 ill be ¢ open r “, your
Redempt a due Fs $1.670.614.89 Y STOR House. 16%, X I. ie ih 3 0. ess a in, Pa. 5 hel 2 10 Iw Will be Summe cing
NIE 2rd Jue fro $1 ETY ¢ Fire ur Ho 5. Top me. ing 7.00.] ir Flor: rvices ore Yon. : £ pla us.
a1 Wa [8 a re ie Ton sy gle van vis nem nt Sum [Setsss Heciey vo p16
Ttotal LIABILITIF 120,000 FOR SA nu age, pile 1,000. eaching 1 Strife. Sem ne. The ited Bret rnoon and 0 0 Oday wi ; d Blac in al e ices to
ene anni : hes ils"by, the dawn, | “ip, : “Lawfu and 2.00 Uni ing, afte nded fa 2 0 hite an Hats \ pric
ti ald Re. 26,260.62 tised C tnut Ra ker. I, ject: rnoon a a 2.00, orning, atte tila. 0 2 Ww ibbon cuts,
i ; .%... 826, 5.04 { Mor Ches ngene 3-5tpd, Subje afte ntion r day m largely \ ; rf aa 9 0 Hats, d Ri have
Capital Frond 33,80¢ ugh. S. Lo may Thursday conve bring your | o ere la ; “build- Hipple, of ... 0 0 1 Hats an We es.
Surplus profits rest and 7,514.78 a | TO to M. : School and to ing wi d success ect Bn t alter, a 2 5 Sport war p
Tndivided inter iy t, and 571.21 Apply is sec day : Come : lcome en granc 1 er ide o Show: en 0 0 0| Sp them
aan "416.204.30 zi o0 Penna. Everybody ia hy sly ns les BY ay L. Nis) “he Wen Tr Penne, B Seen 0 1 2 3 11 shades. to come and see \ 0
on outdlanding. . . . on4.24 D— “wanted, tly. iends. : : 2 fee ic by . * 8! Barrett, go... 1 0 ’t forget B 2
Less el sutduude. 1pm ANTE ur “w uently f! frien es. ing 24x3 ied sed fo re, i oO 1 n’t fo
i tstindi | $326,156.0 Ww se o frequ t ervice h ing occupie be u tor| P: Myers, 1f ... 1 0} Do t
ting ke ou ding eck $32 : to u more it. hese s . hurc! in Inn, ! 1 . . bh... ie 3 ay a s S
Certited EE in less go.1e | tom, Sam Je eT t Presbyterian oa ily which rber 25D up-to- Weaver, 0b 1111 $1350 on Saturd SHELLY'’S J, N. JOY, PAS
Cashier 1 depes deposit for money 20,450. ¢ boun ing or Firs M. Fis om a hase 11 them Weaver, ine .l., 0 Ly K. NT or
pertifeates of rm or si tee fe Selling x 21 James ay oP. pool Soom § DN ished. | gr J enstein, cores 1s 2 s M. HOP MQU \
ihan 3 aye (other th ther than f Nan ontémpla ihe ple honest| po = Wednes 30 P. M. Elroy s and wi is finished. [p, ister, p . 1 42713 Mis NERY § t
than 20 days ( {oer thay 198,004. If you ¢ te, 1 wi ir &nd_h a fee at 7. Mc ol table ilding i ntract| oy on 1 4 210 MILLI v arke
Be ut Sehoeie oo TRIN | ine Hat Rory 1in a fa nd Mgrs er Service Class. date po the bu ey 3.290 1 Jo \ t M
gig its. a ing RF al nafs ait. your ey. “Pray Training Ola C-las soon as alters has [850 counes 00 19- MOouUNY ’s Mea
Ne i gr TA borrowe handle yo always await y tf Teacher raday: Mrs. as bert Wa rk. Total oo 000 = W's :
Othe a time Hecuritieh bligations a That licy. I Thu 1 at Mr. Albe nter wo heim . . 000 b oO Kra
rat § all obi Re" 139,000.00 way. ¥ po dy Class he carpe Man iin ag
a iT 2 ill be m Te sglon, Study Oise for t AIO Coe . Joy Lum and
u EE wy family in this Jim Su 2 2 Pa S FAMOUS SHOWS BURG Mt Diamond Dut he Fine for | pein away hing
ye Be iin anks and Every be Se 30 P. M. ARK TO le A. C. Satur e dri licious, 800
a { other Bun draft ED—] subscri ted ice at 17. SP ING Eag OWE astercl ce de rly,
snd a his .00 NT » to P pos tice a ¥ COM are olden E'to Must: its pla n gen
Notes ptance! exchang of t 6,300 WA uttity | kee tf ir prac th: Shows The G P at I £¥4 bit i t. sade
ing eTeptan of rulinent ; ire comm in that “wag. rr. - Choir p Sabba chool. ith 713 Famous Mon- Juniors n their brings Just rul fte ointment, ole »
ssl oP OY =e I he day. Pho bbath S hip wit World Fa isburg ¥| E'town to 16. ill ope 1 fort. SE I c ns
sold travsrian wo 3 neaster, Bulletin ws of tl . M., Sa ivine Wors Sparks ibit at Harri ewspape] lost 7 Eagles w ast Donega com is a clean, ard. G 5c and 65 n hand :
aE ry ounty of La the ne 9.30 A. M. Divin P exhibi m the n 2Y exhi-! ang Golden ing E Thurs- It is of must store. 35 $3.00. Bave on of A
seein ia, Coun o-named | on 30 A. billed to and fro their exhi- The by playi nd on day | 1 ol drug ital size, 1. always the Noe
tate of Penaayivan 4g ibd 10. by Pastor. 22 et- May 22, an g them any miles e season 1d diamo Satur w ay at pg hosp ARD PLASTER HAM. BO C.
State of Cashier of bi Bo and sermon by onday May HBonil Meo: day, precedin, going m hom at the ol 6.15. On re they today ; and tu A MUST MEATS, s EY! \
- c sciemaly swear 1 B73 ier. M Congrega ed to reports ill be worth ied by| Juniors at at 6. ille whe BETTER THAN MOKED BEEF, LARD, k Mutto,
1, RB best of M Samir, P. M. ber urg ition wil arried evening ndisvi BETTE s RIED Por!
meat ia true 10 the + etore me this, 13 At 7.30 mem P.M. don wil} Rie Sy Jorg. D Beef, Veal,
meat vor te before m ; N\ NTED s Every at 7.30 to witn any fe some he | they g he Junio Fresh LLL
belief. rn to Public. P WA ing. Monday the m 3 son, ubt t ) lay t . Also A
Sobssribed Te $F 0 a Young preset: fscopal Share oe “how tars ihn do lvme Base Ball ree Brown's H. H. RRA JOY. 7A
May, . Hol ire \ aebey : c thri jence. her Geor niz- - .
day of WwW. M tesion exp A an t Ep Davis, imal A 1 and - audien Anot $ at e orga i 6
My comm MUSSER, Middle Methodis Farey An onderfu erican t bred mployes here hav good t Main
temt: 8 N. YER 25 d by st w Amer fores he e lls he looks Wes
Terrier =k Sammie BROWN Direetors. Mea ab RP. polyol Shear. Sermon wn an fount give i oa SH is compose w a akery
ty THOS. J. ARD 9: ivine Wo big gr own nn thrills a S base team i an : ~ d B
: N TAND 10.30 Div Leader) hme 11 full gr full of sitive | oq a The tea Brown catch- n
f > B TNIoN EW S > Pa. Tr. e. . 1 afl.. ns, a t is fu 3 a po aper. . ¢ E. drix, = Ww Proprs.
- CONDITION 3. A N Moost-Joy the be Bgworth Torts Growing exhiiion hat left wi wonderful the olowi 2 x w. So pg) Gon ee 07
or T Or PENNS MAY Oth, N 6. Shoop. » . by he audie re at ma ereation. : lis pitchers; ef.; Co rold Br : —EV §
RRO: ix STATE OF FI o iss Iva e growth Sexmon the of aw e brute c re with | gy; hneider, c.; Har rs, 2b.; Main Street
RATION: THE | OF BUSI? ‘ 4 acter—th Worship. . feeling over the inary featu & of er; Sc . G. Brown, b.; Sillers, Wore hs West Ly
JOY, CLOS s h ith | chan Divine iE No rastery traordin 3 ’s troup er, rf.; G. drix, 1b.; Pore ) \ ————— 5 oa
AT THE SOURCES 38,041.89 h nge wi 7.30 av 17. n ther ex Tiebor’ These | ,,, Hen uni is week. na AND BUN
wn. BE 3 ~~ o. 7 Ra warm- Pastor. ening, Ma Vethot] Ane ; is Capt. a Lions. thelr; w. 3b. New here th er Reaso READ \ .
discounts. 18 insecured LE—AN ondition, Iso a|the esday eve: evening. ter inf, 2X ow Is and Se erform I Gillums, 3b. will be hy the ala ge: al 8s ’ FRESH B \ ES
Tomb snd dipcnint none; u FOR SA in goodwgo te. A ith Wedn rice this Lancas H ated Sea animals p feats; ba ed and n Jr., is from a 5 i iw CAK
Cerdratis, secured, siroils 8 top in bach e both wi er serv ting at Ye Rev. HB. {soe ing sea ossible hirl-| order. J. Brow to hear The Phone IRTHDAY,
Overdrafty, + secure - par 1000,000.00 : a No t water 1 sha . with Pray ss mee rch. .Th "of India interesti ingly imp Has and bys a Thomas J. 1d like county. a Both - 4 GC & B TY \ .
Depoute. 8. ben <seis3 847,200.00 ing close ter in A as I this dist Mas M. E. Chu man o res st seemin umbrellas limbing 2 d he wou ity and the recr \ WEDDIN SPECIAL “
vi ities. . 247,100.00 Bi8, 470,38 A le hea 3-plate g f First M. Jungle “Adventu mos] chairs, hile cli riding | ap in the ec d on ill play A \
other United ities. 247.1000 oa, cheap. | the ser, the s on ? Rev re of fire w s and is teams in be playe m wi AN UR !
A tor Doris 0.00; Furniture 32451400 | Dive. ill sell TA. Muss address oi ”’. The k | brands tight rope es. Th s will The tea: es. A OF YOWR
, Soveramen 325,000.00; Tt ven, W ised | wil] five an of India will Speak hie alking tig ing hors d must| game unds. day gam ’S i SHARE ,
Qthes bonds, 8 7154.00. a Hecorve 60,848.31 Ooh ; Mortised | 3 » Jungles f China, £ China”. ders, wi of gallop iption an tion gro d Satur MP PA. 2 LICIT A. GE NN
Banking tures, $7.1: Federa on JO Bi e-hole stnut in the dwell, o jon. © tary he backs descrip rilight an JOY. mar, 1- WE SO TRONA.
Bhd JSxtures, 7 DR ise — Thee Che B B. Cal formatio Secre the baffles iated. are | tywi Bi oN at OUNT PA
Axio) Tescrve with ant du 1 SALE t : IL B. E. B. “Transfo Area oni feature appreci 1 things day’s caster M
Barn 59. amodut oe FOR Chestnu Stones, the our / lecture ea to be derfu show Satu d Lanc 10-
Ei Sate Ri in 8,454.82 Locust ahd oop BL, NL Metnodjons De vis i PAT 9 the Harrisburg Jotep ia a 2 to RY D : Easton
pouat due et Duman Rails Route 2, iq Ve. : 11 an ession be- | en wi ance f the Ares lace core o tion TRY---- N, PA.
Amount and true Bata of sneman. will g rid's Ca rnoon s jon at to be se in perform mber o he latter p ec by a s this see . -e- g ERS J \ ° FLORIN,
pankens oo States o3 bank and 240.06 Bren “The Wor The afte ing sessi ited d the main p eset a nu ts of the the team race oe from ores are N KH ° \ 1-A1
cae sot or 5. Treas 5,000.00 response. 0, the a inyite an tent il Be foreign ac ; man The shoote and thelr 95, P. “ BROT nd Phenigs
sity or items U.S. T urer 5 ins at 2.3 is ¢ big rvelo 1s car 961. icipated Shissle Broil U pen ITURE
ther fon und. iN Dr 548.79 gins Everyone most Ma f wild anima ev- who i George 94. J. E. Sel 81, R UE URN
ptio Over & shart Acc . 00. kh tury. ie 0 te . y lows: n 94, ver y
LR i Age i lig H) “Ihe menagerie of nd | on. en "2 soucHT Ap s0Lt
i 00 SALE—One up Roeryon TING AT N'S CHURC ied with sa rt tt 10 Sh D. M. Moor —_— want to
| ER LITIES $12,000.00 FOR SA dwellings. long tro . S. MEE RISMA Flat detail an 5 of the earth als. 97, ner 81. , ; you B®
Tathl LIABI Vanni s 2000.99 built ic lights, a uit buy. S. E s very | ery scimens o ious anim daz-{ 7 Kee SALE REGISTER . have anything fs 3
} 9 a EE newly lectric lig rms toy ONS, {iE program Was S. | ous spec d curiou rade of d REGI your sai It you drop me le, IL, will
er a 0 | Water, e fn. Te LY &™8( f ing progra tihe SS. lof sting an trect pa en an SALE have insert ne or ke sale,
Oapitaly, BY erest an 39,955.82 } ooo in Flori NISS S-tf. lowing od: a Sat-| téres ile long s iful wom ith i? fice we 1 Il, pho re to ma ty buy
a DISIIS fs gaT 26.08 98,800.00 Jirack ly E. L. . The fo rendere rch on A mile r, beauti ersed witl ember, t this 0 fo e i do not ea uipmen \
Und Re yensen, | ding. {.... 206.84 | op Apply A Successfully r an’s chu ing splendor, intersp m calli- Remombes oy lg sale. The you ntire eq \
Less Pid... outstandi 206.81 { er. RIN, PA. Sagcess t Erism zling horses, d a stea rtly | bills p reader f your ousan your e %
Ei Naotes BAR an SIS IFLO eting a : dsome ds an sho EE day o 1 th k, buy .
ing outs ix 411 ee . f | han ban eets FR til evera wee! \
eign tor Fat, il 11148 urday: Morning 5 dare of bo ab i Feature on Fama aly os onsidersble, foF case. t Fnglish
Cashiers geihiite wabjeet to AY ? < tional; 9. Brubak ewi and thi miles t Bulletin this co orth ¢ medium. : -
Dividends and. EDS 1 rg 357.04 9.30, Bison ee Noch Rs before oni going many iy Re how and Correc Magagiae English
ten of d wed... 152.0 e, B Resp, ill be |w as a le ready. Manthly °
Other es of et : : Welcom on by Our - | wil ou r sa on are tock an sent
ig eith 1 obliga- 0, Serm 10.30, Ou Genera Io y a YOR: sae yy ase itativéy, Expo s
for mo e dope 3 ing i I 00,000.00 10.00, Pa.; he Rising Pa.; | see. an ! Phone r bills ) a ear- horitativ \ 22 Year
Bila payable (incl Ri ver: ws Hershey, d for t Bagel irthday Dinn ich enter. PPBOD To Florin, S. Aut fo founded by
Bills reprventine che cen 1.980,380.27 ap- | H ity to Go an, La ices, Da : A Bir S. Gingr at their Friday, hotel at ts by C. ted &
a th ve Noisy 3 pooasn. 2 " in our wr bili Mosem ithful Serv 0, Ben- Mrs: C. ests a . of the nd shoa Edi ish
Wil syivania, ‘County ‘of La D—25Girls, in bon, J. Mrs revite, Pas 1130, Mr. and 3 Howie Sun 2 Be eh A hate stack ine on Englis
Tou of Pennsylvania, 1 the ei WANTE 2 Apply LATE CO. Yin rae jaiieg fhe, fo in ip Pg D2 joad gs Bro., Hess gual their fine Josephin Authity
Sta thier XE Je & e and rtment. Co " |iel Gish, ion. - € ‘Sundaa) Mr. ar Eliza rank May a lo B. ous
: y, knowledg. : depa CHO lel 4 n. Sessi 5, Devo hom irthday. isses Is. iday, Joy, bv J. Fam Copy
- EA inuly wien of my kn, * . | ping WISS : : edictio fternoon : 12.45, he | 29 birthc ititz, M . and Mrs. Frida Wont hoats by ot. le
PEI il MissLY. Cosnier NISSLY S is aby, 30; Se Tal Wo te Snavery Ma oy eo "Mr. | yards heifers, bulls, Aldinger, Aut d {0 Cents for i 80 |
men 3 » ’ “before m 12.30, ies; . ; ’ an, cy : ich, ] caster, . nd . cows, rother. — zg en Pu
ee Pullic 25 tional ee Leb of a ig a of I and So Ger- Keller pc - § ect English ILLINOIS
Butseribed So gL Ghildren, 1.30 Bridoness of Lan ity Emi) Samm Arntz iii bi Our Markets re paid to- i ad Corr VANSTOWN, BVERYWHE]
MN Bila. givire CRER Pel 100, Sens of Uni hid A Place, ing prices a i E TED ril 29- :
oN BRUBAK YGENECRE ter, Pa J. °C alue V-1 and Mrs. t of t ing pri ta: . ar WAN Ap
rect Attest: TEHMAN, E Life, Te re an EM ot Rober Following orless -20¢ | ) an GENTS
Attest IB TEHMA N, : » NOTIC of | yal : 2.00, John ifes- 1d anc ; The local enchants: n S A 4 :
I. D. pIrLINAN, Birector TORS hy, late ille Pa.; orkers, 0, Mani a WE Cats Danes, an a 35¢ Mar ; ' 8 | \
TM : EXECU ry Zerp Ster Coulville, the W Pa.; 2.30, he S. S,, ill Conduc roprieto ER a as 11c Donegal i
f Hen ip. Lanca. Among Grove, irit in t 300 Wi Pickle, p has en RR West Y. PA.
Estate o Township, : tate r, Union Holy Spi ille, Pa.; 3,00, Norman T. ite Marietta, lancing E Por mrss tives F . UNT JOY,
nt Joy : op Said estate | tion of the llersville, Pyersin, 1. Noi opposite } s as da i Puller ees n Pays: 1.30 MO :
» ams EE pte les aE Av pki ais
tters granted tec " ility, Jo jetion. raged C seas snd Ss exhi rea) Lay io
Ache? suffering from Te beer Y= indenisd pay- fan Benedilen a oid] nid for Be ro epi the Yheat, Ber bushel \ 7)
: a \ ims 3 3 ing 5 . ‘ha er OF Cor ?
Vrhot you's signed, th to Hing dain peat Pa 8 Even ssion; 6.45, "Moyer; | mast ch ig held th al be held on Corn = >
he t, and those Wh wi to reer Wilson 13 ions to first w
La he 4 Ry any oe the etter "710, Adres, Clomnens.” toh og
a y L] 7.00, / . LU ially [ K Tig ay.
JO lo, them without de 2 RPHY Pa gif? SE Hy Memorial —— os »
: t igned. ZE 0, 3, Pa. 7.30, £ ody is ests are cg TN,
. ders : He Ne, 3, rerybody ruest: wr
other cause, by he un HENRY Joy, iy ho Everybad and Sy i :
in from any . Pills Mong BY Xa [ed he their ow . 4
pa . Anti-Pain SAMUE Excedtoy brin £
Dr Miles in stops 7. apr.19- hb N
° two and the Bain aor Krady, Attorney. “a,
or tw it-f ing ine? k ad) %
ae habit Miles? ering? 1 5. Fran i
: trie ogis
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