THE WSOUNT JOY BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER OSUNTY, ———— ZL #5} ; ..... WEDNESDAY, MAY 17th, 1922. 2, £7 I : ON AND WOOL eh i ¥ he . al | hl * COUGH I H E M. 4 \. S H O I : is for Winter g : ! ve, Substitute for Wint . . MUMMAL@ VOGT, Proprs. ; ¢ Fabric for Outdoor Wear. 2 | P S NT % . | Large t Demand at Present Centers BA LSA M ’ 't on Combination of Gray and . 4 Light, Fresh Scarlet. Pleasant to take : { —— Children 153. 5 : Ratines, which are practically a lg : i homespun in cotton, receive their im- “ d petus this year from the fact that . i wool homespuns are fashionable. . . i It is interesting to note that those Radiators % 1 pleces ‘which more nearly approach g 4 woolen fabrics in appearance sell x i most easily. Some one-piece goods de- FOR ANY MAKES OF 0 1 partments which are featuring Im- ’ tox % } ported ratines, find the suiting pat- CARS 2 tern iss going rapidly. S| A check of about an inch and a half oT LD | square is the most popular, the effect % 3 4 FENDER AND BODY REPAI ING % i being that of a big checker board plaid | % up. ws AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY 9 i with an uneven surface. Black, white A A & i and gray have great boldness, while ¥ 38 N. MarKet St., LANCASTER, RPA. x ! J Re Spee osu dy from & ; OOOO OLOOLLODLVL OOOOOO00000000VLIVAN CO i ie combining of yellow aI gray iE , ¥ : ! But the largest demand centers on the pa i j : A Ce Nea] 3 ! combination of zray and a Nght, fresh | i : o mh I 1 EAL LOR RR i scarlet. LB " \ . 8 STANDARD 3 Although many ratines are dyed in | 3 11% ye a A THE Qu ESTION + the most beautiful « ors, they lose | 3 ! 8p | the nos we | 4 : OF FURNITURE QUALITY ; i - 3 . ha few things that qt y affetts so vitally as ¢ 1 ure ra i 3 Often things that pe 3y fc personal wear and for | § justin imply i je oaee Le Pte a 10stitule (OF Willer nb | : ” i 9 use are not aiways «Tye we = ax a long time. but this connet z over ad, cl lasps 2 i rics. It is thick flexible and cay be | ¥ '= gaid about furniture. Wg... 7 os furniture vou are buying = the waist and under-arm trim i . + 1 3 wi 1-1 | $ 8 : 8 y e | ti tailored. It does 3 t wrinkle | 1 (8 something you expect tv ‘smder ys long service. It will if you 3] and smooths out ugly lines & Hi ana can be worn for a long period be- | 3 § 8 buy it here, because bere weé eins of quality first. All the furni- EB If your dealer can’t get it send actual IH J fore losing its freshness. It can be | ! 4 ture we buy must mensure exactw p to requirements wich we al Lust meqrure, name; address and li i, V7 gry cleaned instead of laundered. make as to the manner of workma™sbi And, after sil, in the il paid. Sizes 34 to 48. {ll a | Ihese advantages place it in a class | ! i u long run, well-made furniture is the ¢ est sort of furniture tc Z| Nemo Hygienic-Fashion Institute Hh Ne ve for t elf as far 48 utility Is concernee i : iit ® buy. We invite comparison, look = ound, ympare qualities and ® le § 120 East 16th St., New York, Dep't M. il AS style cotton it is heavy In | 2 Hitteesy : @ prices and then come here and see ur vast ants nent. B — i eave is invariably smart for outdoor | 4 AH i g —~ 6H 5 : | A Val ie! Li ke This ELL : td, Tn ; A 4 fis or impor of t f has 5 w ix a L RA 1 5 kA Mi § 3 3 % ti a 4 bs ded lig Hi Ove : t nr oO Ox | 5 Westen uerger, Viale Sz vive : al } Why should you buy any car I pearance. Fi | hI ; § 25-131 Eant King Street : B ( ew sch . but a Ford? Prices lowest | loge) 3 : MB BLT 8 DU 1 4 TC -'TI1CES WAC SL, | that the blac) : y 5 Lo Ee i——— Sea LL. fn aes A 4 ns via Tn waratinn and Irn | k silk. 3 oa : : i part v R . = : Hi 2 ; 2 ogd v4, Soe de dor 02043 % 60 + oo ro so 45 TX rele O00 0 % oe 2 8 X 20438 4 . 50 85047 a ige EXEC 3 keep ¢ XPpeENSe lowest, yet da of ord 0 oe oY 9 cai 1 1 ace any Oo’ %} ! C W < 31 § s 1 og REO nl 3 a ge =m Boh EM oe 4 RS oC erg mel : t of | og iY at tho HLUE Le oS not extravagant times, and @ it ts. ca 2 og J 5.1) si iV LVI 1 v a 3 i 1 i stunt fect, i . Ford is the “most sensible car THE RICH AETERNO DRESS ? *o ! St Ie DC Hl HE RICH AFTER RESS | - nt = ; I for anyone to own. Terms if OON PRESS | cLoTHES FOR. LITT E GIRLS * Py oo & : 1 3 45 cents a hundred Un | desired. *% | Dotted Swiss One of Favorite Mate- , ‘ 5 a . AU Ye - @ % Y rigls; Care in Combination of | : . ? ; E LC od Fabric Essential. | . . op . N . H. S. Newcomer & Fourty-five cent price effective at once. 1000 tons of clear thick & . . Nut 8 For the six to ten-year-old girl a RS . vr i . F & ; very dainty, smart and practical dress | 7 ~ t g sg Mount Joy, Pa. SS SL aie water ice stored in Mount Joy ard Florin. Gp bright red, dotted with white— Be °e trimmed with a crisp white organdie. | ¢% Se The wide neck frill and the narrow > - 3 L ruffle that trim each outer sleeve are 3 Mou t | a nN T EE . ¢, of organdie bound with swiss. Pockets, s : | oe sleeves and front of the frock are oe a on trimmed with cluster of pearl buttons 3 _ HALLGREN GG HEILIG, Proprietors. and a sash of wide black cire ribbon finishes the frock at the waistline, a . . > small bow of narrower ribbon appear- - Ice for sale at all times on Columbia Avenue % : ng at the neck. The dress buttons in the back. Dainty pipings and bindings, small RR a a ae tucks, handwork where possible, and MEDIC LY | AY it R) 3, For a Short Time Only Iam determined to move a certain amount of my stock in a short time and have therefore priced it adcordingly. Note the following: care in the combinations of fabries and colors, rather than radically new styles, are the points to be looked for in garments for the younger genera- tion. Wash dresses are by all odds the | best: things to choose for girls of twelve years or less, and each year i = rd 1 RY BIR sees these garments enjoying a longer | . ° ° oe Ladies’ Silk Hose, We ud, Black and | Men’s Dress Shirts at ...... 98c i on der i 2 They re no Tonger O — 5 Dee P C ut in t he ! rices gi Cordovan. Wonderfulfyalues at 69¢! Goberieh Payne and Kreider’s | § [sie is A ag Th To 2 S | \ wy Q ai yn . 3 . ay. 3 Cardo. . i 2 “t & ire worn e veur nrough. 2 5 PI & — - rn Children’s Black, Whit\and Cordo-| 300 Year Welts for little go Ad : an cones | By Of New Potatoes, Onicns & Canned Peache Oo jose, 2 pair for ...%.- 25¢c ' Bovs with rubber heels 81:3 fal i i : ? . van Flo: Py © 4 mn 1 : ie Noa oe . 51.9 fi e in high favor t. wit! This is Reis r evidence of what our Producer-to-consumer Plan is doing today nd OG Ladies’ Hose Ip of Xe Ky TOW be os ’ Men’s H 3 pa for ceies .25¢ | : y Fi nt 1 1<0 OO | eve lay for\ American Stores customer 'P and White, 2 pair Io? “x oN De Re Bive H: hiefs... .5cea hy ¢ ; 1 > { SG are known as exact ba ometers f in oste, because our prices at g Childa Bd . 2 i 1 & ' ; : s wes reflect «© x « d tions. When the market on a commodity drops, we give 2 Lad ( f cas « < a : Le | ustome the\penel Im mec tely ¢ Ry S 1 a g y , any Ce A ct t e ! 3 2 3 > Y Go N hick 4 \ t ( ] ) ¢; 3 f 3 ~ a which t peasant \ ve , ’ | £3 : 5 Py iy Closing tad pleasant and ur ouct Ch | shy ; yi & and Tan Oxfords a $1.98 4 xed Slipovers, Jerseys { crepe fabric, embro ih ste 2 > V2 pk. 5c 1; bu 30 lbs. $1.00 2 SPECIAL—Ladies’ Sport Oxfords ; * —W mo o re “77 | beads on sleeves ands skirt. { = = ee : ss : : ; . 3 OO BE, ae Fee 3348, $3.98. R ay : | { FASHICGHN IN BRIEF oO Fine, big, dry, n toes. We sell them by weight, thus insuring you your full Ye a Voi nA OAR Zolie Ladie® don’t fail to see the new habit dt ! fmt | money's worth. oO Men's Oxfords in Goodyear Welts in oF Koort Skirts thce. ate ORGANDIE USED AS TRIMMII 1 | - 03 all the latest styles $2.98, $3.48, $55 SL ers ar ones ors ney. ar ct NG | palm Beach veils of Shetland silk QO 8 SPECIAL--Men’s Scout Shoes $198; ~~} TE {are strong favorites just now. N T lbs. 5 A good line of Nor 's Heavy Work Ladies’ No¥elty Belts at big reduc- Black Combined With Lighter Colors; Ho a oO en leather Q Best INEW € s Onions Gis, 4 25¢ oy ’ spe at... $2.48. $2.98. tions. Come ip and see them Decoration Rather More Tailored have gray suede tops reaching a little | Thrice very special "A big line of Men’s Work Trogsers| Misses’ and% Children’s Patent ¥han Usual. above the ankle bone. | at... .... $1.29, $1.48, $1.98 Leather, Tan, Stgap Pumps and Ox- . 5 iE A frock of red velvet has an over- MOUNT Y PENNA ffordsiat + > 1.25, $1.48, $1.98 Organdie trimmings, rather more ie 4 | ’ » Mes Dyerats Bt : 2 598 A Iiot a c ? 5c sailored -than usual, are a feature of SIL of [pws Det Crug 1p 2 chop.on | ay en’s Gauze and Athletic nion special lot of Men’s Caps... the spring mode. Black used with als : A ox : Pertie 3 5 A \ . 2 Soitsat ........ ease 69¢c and 98¢ Little Boys Wash, Suits, sizes 3 | lighter colors, as yellow or white, i rimming oF fringe in ys REG. 23¢ CAN FANCY CALIFORNI \ Reg. 29¢c can EXTRA FANCY CALIFORNIA Men's Work Shirts at .......69¢c|to 8 yearsat ....... %. -98c to $1.98 | comes In yard trimmings which have atm of & hh Mt or . % short rectangular tabs In irregular Poiret as : Syepe tS Mg of eacC es ou 0 C eac es out to 26¢ % lengths attached to a banding so as | ; 2 : : \ 3 i bh to. form a design... The pointed trite: white romaine with a black quilted Grown & packed in Calif. Makes most enjoyable desext--quick, too--just onen can and serve : 3 eatin coat lined with tangerine taf- A ming with triangular sections on a fern T band are seen varying from the trim Mans SEARO EV eiIng. PowhE: wh t Shredded Wheat ...... pkgillc “ i J » X aving ‘of similar shape of last season Falm Beach this a are Pu — CHEESE 1b 21 < i \ i Por . FLAKES oR 7c } is 3s shown i Bot 8 Seas | ite Disti inegar, bot 1 Pp! ‘ S : \ AIRE 1% 10 GR canton crepe beaded in yellow beads | i ae ; Pure Cider Ninth bot 16¢ EE f Shoe Repairing a Specialty COITast. : 5 PIEASIDE | in an all-over design. | Arco” Macaroni He 9¢ “Asco”’ Peanut Butter tum. 9c : Dressie bot. D1 § Rone or the. olors arc tight ennuat Black moire Is to be one of the “Asco” Table Mustard, jar 12¢ 1\ ® ieee ot c ’ ? 0 ‘odors are ligh ou best selling materials for the one- — : » 0 en Evenin S MOUNT Y PEN . jlo maken decided contrast; medium fece costume this coming season. Tt ! ' Pp ' g , JO : NA blue, slightly on a Copenhagen shade at its Feat rhe od Rh WHOLE-GRAIN Oc N. B.C. CAKES & & CRACKERS “ASE0’ PORK AND : . mn aoe is one combination with black that is | penkey fur. RICE 1b pkg. Graham Crackers .. BEANS, can 9c ¥ | attractive and suitable to darker Neckwear is made up in bold, Cooks white and flaky Lemon Snaps .... | Cookud, ready to serve 3 dresses. Fhese trims, known a‘ | gpjaching colors of linen rather than O me Cl Oatmeal Crackers . ; =o TN 5 5 ~ “frangettes,” are simple, dependin; | jj; sheer batiste and lace. The te Vanilla Wafers .... $ a . & for their charm on the contrast witl oes for Te te: : is le Q PANGY Lina 12% 4 C Zu-Zx Suave .. | Blo CRA 12 % ; . the type material With which thay a7¢ | sence this Chase. abl & BEANS can = Macaroon Snaps ... PEAS can \ C i ; g ange, axcepti > value ‘1 BR: ree ’ : 8 to be used. Veils with small dots are preferred QO Reoptiona. big: value Cheese Tid-Bits ... { Sweet and tender ! aR t the moment to the larger meshed : APITAL, $125,000.00 % : : > For the Youthful. ones with the chenille dots. The , . Washable flannels in both white an | mesh is usually taffy or sand color rv e 3 We pay Fo Per Cent. Interest on Time Cer- Golois re popular fabrics ey with brown dots. Henna and putty “Asco”’ Coffee 1b 20¢ “AsCo” Teas 4 alb 1 tificates and Savings Accounts. of the sport or severely tallored type | are also good. “ ”» h . pkg «C ; Do your bankink, with us. for the younger generation, and a Sessa mens EE . 1b pig. 25% Th Hic ie ; ; popular trimming for them is eiiher Season's Top Coats. Coffees of the same high grade as ‘“Asco” Your particular kind is among our AY i or rent in our strong steel cfre ribbon or a silk hraid in cor The wing or cape sleeve is featured Blend sell elsewhere for almost double the quality blends—Orange Pekoe, India Ceylon 8 trasting color, which is used to bin: | in a good many of the season's top- price. Old Country Style, Plain Black, Mixed. : . : —~ ali the edges. coats. One smart model, made of 5 3 You are welcome tolour banking service. plaid wool material In a heavy weave, Best Pink Salmon can....12¢c DELICIOUS CANDIES P. & G. Naptha Soap bar ..5¢c % 2 Over five hundred and Gfty new accounts start- “We™iicked ‘Up Seven Large Dead) 13d sleeves cui to date from shoulder Cooked Sweet Potatoes can 15¢ J Ivory Soap Flakes pkg ....9¢ i : Rats Firdfiorning Using Rat.Srap” to lower edge and much longer than Tender Sugar Beets can ..l4c “Asco Cream Mints Ib ...25¢c Fels Naptha Soap bar ... Size H ed since the bank opened te months ago. S oh g s P the arm. These sleeves were seamed Sweet Sugar Corn can ..10c Lemon Drops Ib ....... 25¢ Ivory Soap 3 bars for ....20c 2 Safety and Service. Toy 0 writes : B. E. Carpenter, together on the under arm to wrist Q Calif. Seeded Raisins pkg 20c Jelly Drops Ib .......... 25¢ | “Asco” Ammonia bot ....9c i Woodbridge, N. J" We lost 18 small | tenth and below this they fell away “Asco’”’ Seedless Raisins pg 13c Jordan Almonds 1b ...... 49¢ Lifebuoy Soap 3 bars for 20c i hick ig} db : 2 : chicks one night e by rats. | from the arm te fc a degided cape Qo 3 Florin T C | bette nd : ] r rust ~ Bought some RAT-SNAPwnd picked | The coat was full length, «1 and ot OD 5 orin pany : CO Id Cag 12 1b : up 7 large dead rats next orning nished &t the front with a Tuxedo 0 ga cur £ ic Or i'ea Q: sally C a FLORIN, PENNA. Nor and in 2 weeks didn’t see : hy, a rovers. Q : bag Q 3 ’ i Bk T-SN > So t : hea Tat: mem ere > A high grade w heat lor for bread, cakes Hundreds of thou ands of Wo he. whole- OO 3 E. Jay Nissly, Pres. . A. G. Walteks, Vice- Pres. rr aA a peat Ae Rha sue. Shoe Style. pies and all kinds of baking. some loaves sola weekly in our Stores. “Asco” O i - is if} cake reaay ror uss. Hwee ’ Hands of black leather are stitched QQ * are : gat customers know good bread. 3 B. J. Myers, Esq., Soliciter. Norman F. Arntz, Treas. oi bog, i S so and A Dui of brown satin shore wh tet Q Q ] A teet YY S. Newcomer . y Ht t brown satin shoes whieh i Nr andiar. ay n ro 5 a with black moire ribbo q Glsndieand . W. Carlier, Mount] 1 i Alack moire sibhe QOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOO DOCOOOOOO0 : \ * . . \ » ’ e A 6 : \ 3 \ 4 a ge oe