The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 26, 1922, Image 2

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J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro'r,


Year .

Mrs. D. S. Miller spent a few days
at Lancaster.
Miss Mary Nissley is
spending a

From Ohio we hear:


for Economical Transportation

| 42 change are obvicus. Public opinion as to
| the most popular car of the future is
} ing
© cnanging.
Subscription Price $1.50 a few days at Lancaster. i yy
Sswple Coples..s... FREE Mr. Philip Keener who was on the “] decided to bake two cakes at the same
Single Copies. .... 3 Cents sick list for several weeks is slowly time, using Royal Baking Powder in one,
[hree Months... ..40 Cents recovering. C :
Bix Months. ..... 75 Cents Mrs. Seitz of Mt. Hope, spent Mon- | and another powder in the other. The
day morning with her parents Mr. cake made with\Royal was so appetizing
tered at the post office at Mount Joy as ¢ Mrs. Marti Torst. t . : ;
second clams mail mater. § Ms Ja n So Zimmerman and delicious, sp finely grained and
te of the expiration of your subscrip- i . and MTS aries Imm € x ;
tion follows your. name ou the label. We 0 spent Sunday in the home of M. H. wholesome that in comparison, the-other
aot send receipts for subscription money TS rar na taniily iC 1
1 Wh .ver you remit, see that you are Zllmmermarn and amily. ;
Foire poe Ot We credit all subscription Mrs. Barbara Stauffer, Fast cake was not a cake,’
sa the first of each month. Cate 1 ’ nen with %
y scription lists of the Landisville Vigil, * “41 k |
as Ne es jr Mount Joy Star and Mr, and Mr A ) Mrs. G. P.Y.
Hews, were merged with that of the Mount M Mrs. H oi
foy Bulletin, which makes this paper's ordinary : ] 1
weekly, Jace Se S » of |
W Ko 1 f ear Lititz. |
ge A : I Croft Ya | }
— I b \1 ind y
i Ts ory M v | ;
G | ;
cose | BAKING
} B f
Contains No Alum eo Leaves No Bitter Taste
x a F 2
as Send for New Royal Cook Book—It's FREE
I in ( 5. r - yeiye Q
Royal Baking Powder Co., 130 William St., New York
I Bar .
( H. G —————— ——— Ce ——————— ———— A r—————————— -
\ «qe -
: =. 1 :
o ¢ Phillins 7 1 1 I H I Lancaster City
) 1 nie ‘Inity one
: : bills.
( a | B Q AY) ta yi : : ral
; : : Betty 1 1 Ir. Isaac Kopp had his team in this |
; Ds ry eR. H, Mil ] Monda; reparing vacant
la f soins w th Mi ne \ ; on leted ; for spring planting. :
: : oe A } Edwar l Church of the Brethren held their
‘ te culos hy ; > ind fre I recular services at this place last Sun-
i i go : ) » day evening with ir attendance. |
\ 1 Wi F 1 nt M and I a day ¢ Ey
John Orth, 1 Mo md Mi In Vr Low; Pisn ~ {1 rth 1 1 A force of Manhe painters are |
E : ial: A ro M Mi i Ww - ) \ al 3 ters apply a beautiful and endurablc
N G 1 . ! ¥ ihion We he ¢ h ‘or a short time. coat of paint on the house of John
: } B 1 : I Mrs. ( 1 9 ; } D 1 making repairs Walmer. :
Rees og M the p ives in. Mrs. Cyrus Musser wife of Assis-
en Ty hd heen FF ee M ng ender announce tant P. R. R. agent of this place spent
WY Yinier) ahter . P Tau birth of a daughter Pauline. several days. with her relatives at
ah ” H o I ror. of Miss Ellen Way and Mr. Walter Millersville, Pa.
1spices, we have s Hornberger, of » ] nh bri eo hkiiar
b Spee ne Mr Harry Flowers, Brunard were married last week. John M. Weaver and daught r
beet : ’ Arn ay 7 paul Iboch and family spent Sun- Gladys of Elizabethtown paid a brief
> ? t- iin Yop . x te Vor.
a poe ye! h ason’s avera dav with her people at Neffsville. visit to their friends of this place
f Mariett ¢ a pen- he season's average 4al I ple ! 3 1 ; oi
of ye I — i 2 ( 1 pupils, tanet M ‘mma Haines of Mount Joy last week one evening.
et oe En Bap V lov De A pent Sunday with Mrs. Lizzie Way The Electric Light Company extend
1% Cy 20 FAIS 0 Anna Ni ip Martin Stoll and wife spent Sun- ed their lines on Church street where
] 9 : i] 92 dith Ni 91: Charl : Ww 3 dav evening with Nicholas Wolf and they will connect seven houses for
{ 1 wife and kKdna Y<; &dith 1Ssey, V1; aries Wond- y g tae 2! :
: jerho } 3 family lichts and washing.
Ha Kinderhook, were man, 90; Miriam Fahnestock, 89; family. : SL ATUL Noe. Pos hioll braminadt
S l the h f*E. R. Katherine Nissley, 88; Jacob Den C. K. Boll has given his auto an Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schroll prominen
1 allers it the home of "I. ; it me .NNissiey, 3 df ; : } A 3 ; ; 5 3 My hoy i mneny
Ne and Tr Al Ralph 87: Harold Degler, 87: Paul. Weid- overhauling and is ready for nice armers ol near Bainbridge , 4 ntertain
TE to . or 85 : Pm [ Rol . . 85: M tin weather ed Mrs. Vietor Diebler and Miss Sar-
rohn and Brownie and his best girl man, 5; Paul Rohrer, 85; Merlin € . : ay y : x
Jou M ri Ne then George, 83 : I. M. Herr has purchased a second- ah Thompson last Saturday and Sun-
from Marietta. ieorge, 83, . irelised 3 secant ;
Robert Zerphey, a veteran jeweler Class B—Florence Weidman, 92, Yand auto, he intends converting it in gay: Gabvicl Risser. Mya. 8. 8. Krov
i a, met : é *K Mrs. Gabrie 1sser, Mrs. S. Dd. a)
of Marietta, met with an accident Carlyn Snyder, 90; Margaret Garman 10 2 truck. : : bill gh a A S Bard attended the
across the river last week, tumbling 89; Clayton Boyer, 88; Martha Shenk Mary, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hl, | m3 § poe a de Je
down n embankment. disfizuring his 86; Thressia Miller, 85; John Birls, Phares Neff has a slight attack of funeral of Mrs. avid Miller 2 0
Ww an embankment, disnguring § ’ € a | er, 803 Jon! irls, : : Su 3 9
countenance and loosing some teeth, 85; Roy Henny, 83; Martin Smith, scarlet fever. i Mount Joy Mennonite church las
that h N | to part with 83: Roy Fahnestock 82: Ravmond Miss Anna Johnson spent Sunday Saturday afternoon.
1a ne hated Tc art wi . 89, RO) & § 32: ay
Easter Sabbath was commencement
at the Church of the Brethren, Mari-
etta, when Revs. Shearer and Kaylor
delivered masterly sermons, on the
birth-wright of our Saviour, to a
goodly sized assemblage.
John Brown, a cosmopolite (or in
other words a citizen of the world)
fell into the arms of the Philistines
on Saturday night, having taken in ar
extra Spirits hear
my Prayer, a n¢ for Hootch,
and got jugged.
supply of Sweet
WwW nami

It is claimed that tl
1is section are ru
1 M. H f Eno n
8 day with
I. Rea I Bal re, is vis-
isn *, Mrs. Ar L. I
Tiss M I S
( 107 P I
y s
( 1
V Pitts-
¢ I M.
\ S. Hen
Y y , , 2
B m £1 s of
t for Mrs
V fam B, I ( treet.
of Harris-
) Cl


f the Reformed
the Wolf church,
Blessing, president,
f the personal effects and
the home of the late Mrs. Sarah
Hershey, Saturday attracted a large
number of people from several coun-
ties, as numerous antiques were sold.
A grandfather's clock brought $85:
an old desk $20; several bedspreads,
nearly 100 years old, brought good
figures. The house was purchased
by John Culp, a son-in-law, of Lan-
caster, who will remodel and rent it.
A. Roda, of Lancaster, who has
a fruit store on the square, moved his
family here last week.
Christ Royer, of Chester, spent the
Easter holidays with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Royer.
Rev. D. E. Stauffer, pastor of the
United Evangelical church Lebanon,
spent Monday in the home of his
brother, H. 7. Stauffer.
The building occupied by Nathan
Jaschick, junk dealer, was completely
destroyed by fire together with nearly
all its contents, on Saturday night.
The loss is about $15,000.
John Bomberger, of Chester, and
Dr. Paul Bomberger, of Lancaster,
were the guests of their parents, Mr.

and Mrs. E. H. Bomberger, on Sun-
Ralph F. Stauffer recently sold the
Connolly farm. near White Oak to
Mr. Carter of New York state. Mr.
and Mrs. Stauffer will go to Maryland
where they will spend some time with
Mrs. Stauffer’s parents.

| Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy.
Rohrer, 81; Aaron Shenk, 76; Benja- With her sister, Mrs. Q. O. Reitzel
min Miller, 75; John Rohrer, 64. \
Pupils who have a perfect attend-|
ance record for the year are Anna!
Nissley, Katharine Nissley,
Weidman, Margaret Garman and Ru-!
fus Weidman.
Northwest Rapho

H. K. Ober and Jerome Sowers with |
a corps of men
acre tract of fruit trees.
A large number from this section |
tended the funeral of


le, at Spor Hill. the home of his brother Jacob.
Mr. Jno. Koser and family attend-| Rev. Sampson preached a very able
ed the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Jno. sermon to his congregation in the M.
Snyder, at Florin. E. Church on Sunday evening
Mr. J G. Moyer, of Elizabeth-| Oscar Weadman and wife of Phila-
Y y few
h Mr M Herman G. Kreiner. Mr. and Mrs O. B. Weadma
Rufu Eby, who had intended to Mr. J. Howard Peifer and family
"0 I lle Normal, on spent Sunday afternoon a Mount
the 1 D Ulrich i {4 ! Joy with he ister, Mh rove
n M H rt and of
The Tount J | Miss M
1 teac schoo ud Sur he
he pug Ruth Ch
Refrest Te t Ir Ricl on
wy ar A ( \S spen
I'l ¥ e Jno. Su 1 Mrs.
Geil ) al
and f sist
Mis milv y
Pr I S : t on
( S
tt distr i Brunard are
nia. ( nang tn hone ymoon
A 1; 1t near Reading. They
ected ha housekeepi 01 the
htowt 1 Mill farm now owned by
Harry :
O.B. W an and wife of Phila-|
Miss Eva Billet, of
spent Easter at home.
My. and Mrs. A.
Easter at Joe
Mrs. Ada

Fissel, of Lancaster,
spent four days over Easter at A. M. Harvey
Miss Lel Sander,
from Los Angeles,
time at
Misses Mary
Drayer, of Philadelphia,
week-end at the home
ney's grandfather, D. A. Albright.
man and
an auto accident
Mr. Neuman’s car
overturning it and knocking off three
tires. No one was injured. f
The Maytown band hall was crowd- |
ed on Saturday evening, when the
1922 Minstrels, an organization from |
Marietta, gave a production in a very
leasing manner. The music was under
direction of Prof. Krodel, of Colum-
bia, and Maytown’s showman, Ralph
Shireman, took part in the cast.
There were a number of specialt
introduced, and the junior mMnstr
proved a big success.
i @——
Who Wants This Chance?
I have a 114-acre farm
is spending some |
her uncle’s home, Mr. D. A.
Carney and Louise

{Myers and
Henry B. Mount Joy wer
Wiliams, at Royalton. tertained
returned Zerphey, Mr. and
spent the ed on Sunday in honor of Mr.
of Miss Car- Mrs. Martin Metzler and little R
Sunday evening John Neu- and Mrs. Christ Snyder
Eddie Waltters collided in Grace, Warren and
near the Mill race. Lititz, Christ
struck Walter’s, Nissly and
16S funeral of the latter's
€15 L. Smith, at Harrisburg.
and family.
J. Howard Peifer is receiving new
oods almost daily. Come and see, and |
Florence be convinced.
Miss Marian
Hinkle of Franklin,
her sister Mrs. Ralph
Mrs. Jacob “ Snyder of Manheim is
visiting her sister Mrs. Amelia Wead-
at Chiques.
Miss Florenc:
Way and Miss Dor-
mal School at Millersville
Mr. end Mrs. Amos Newcomer of
Sunday visitors at



delphia, were home with his parents
on Sunday. They will leave in the
near future for Dallas Texas. where
they intend
Mr. Samuel Zerphey

spending several weeks.
vy and family en-
the following on Sunday:
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zerphey and sons
and Arthur, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Zerphey, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mrs. Ellis Rettew
nd son Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wit-
man and sons Staney, Claud and Wil-
ber, Christian Herr and Peter Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. John Herr entertain-

Metzler, Mr.
and daughter
Earl from near
Brubaker wife and sons
Howard, Isaac Brubaker
Jr. Mrs. Bertram Miller of Philadet-
phia, Mr and Mrs. Will Slagel and son
Elmer of Haddon Heights besides the
ael, Mr. and Mrs. Eli
~ |I. M. Herr and R D. Raffensberger

Mrs. Rebecca Ney, of Middletown,
is the guest of E. S. Brinser and fam-
ily at his summer home.
Mrs. John Horst and Fred
returned today from
attending the
uncle, Dr. H.
The school closed a seven and one-
half month term, and the teacher re-
turned to her home. The attendance
Sunnyside, 10 acres of meadow, sand for the past vear was better than for
land, 2 frame houses, big barn, tobac
co shed and cellar. Price $118 00
per acre. Act quick if vou can use
it Call, phone or write Jno. E
tg tise in the Bulletin.
vears, but with little tardiness.
———— ee eee
If your business gets slack, adver-
It pays.
« material.
» when in full
Eli Brubaker butcher of this place,
pent last Monday at the General
Hospital Lancaster, where his grand-
on was operated upon for Appendi-
| itis Sunday afternoon.
The storm last week played havoe
with an automobile as it passed over
the cemetery hill near ENzabethtown.
The top cover was complétely carried
off leaving nothing but the bows and
the driver without a hat.
Mr. D. G. Brinser one of the oldest
were planting a 10- othy Minnich are attending the Nor- grain merchants for many miles ar-
lound spent several days last week at
Lawn, Pa., where he loaded three cars
of hay and straw for Boston, Mass.,
by the way of P. BR. R.
| Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Risser and dau
'ohter Myra of Lawn, Mr.-and Mrs.
Norman Newcomer of near Salunga
paid a short visit to Mr. and
slowly convalescing from a severe at-
tack of Rheumatism.
The Oak
Joy township. an old land, mark, i
a thing of the past. The bri and
lumber are being utilized as buildin
The vacant lot will be a

Mrs. |
ys on the farm delphia spent Sunday with his parents Abram Lutz last Sunday, Mr. Lutz is |
Dale School House in Mt. |
corn field by May 20 and the kids all }
going to colleges.
The Penn Lime Stone :
Company the largest ind
place who employ about

d a
contract for two cars erushed stone
"daily for state road construction be
vond Harrisburg. They also expect
orders for mixing ne in the near
i ‘Found Seven Rats Dead in 8in Next
Robert Woodruff savs:
ises were infected with rats.

‘(My prem- |
I tried [3
{RAT-SNAP on friend’s recommenda- |
Next morning found seven dead
rats in bin, two near feed hox, three |
iin stall. Found large numbbr since.
No smell from dead rats—RATSNAP
{drys them us. Best thing I have Byer
jused.” Three sizes, 35¢, 65¢, $1.25.
Sold and guaranteed by H. S. New-
comer, Dr. W. D. Chandler, Brown
Bros., and Dr. E. W. Garber, Mount
Joy. to may-1
A Good Truck Farm.
I have a 4%-acre truck farm close
o markets, best limestone land, 9-
oom brick house with bath, slate
oof; frame barn with slate roof, to-
bacco shed, ice house, chicken house
and hog pen, fruit wonderful garden,.
Property is located on a pike. Will
sell for less than it would cost to
build a house like the one on the
premises. Act quick if you want it.
J. E. Schroll, Mount Joy. tf
— eee.
Two Good Farms
1 have two exceptionall
bacco farms ir East gs Le,
can sell right. They contain 81 and
89 acres. The largest can be bought
for only $150 per acre. Three-
fourths of the money can remain on
mortgage. Both these farms are close
to markets and are money makers.
. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. ti
— 0 ee

How's This ?
oy offer jive for ny, of catarrh
ha, canno e cured b ALL'S
en internally and acts tagough the Blood
n the Mucous $s o™ghe System.
ver farty years
€e, "
do, Ohidf
eee etl Eee ee

Sold by drugg
Price 8c. Te
F. J. Cheney &
If you have a news item at any
time, please let us have it. We want
the news and so do our readers.

Walter F. Rochow

ile Why Chevrolet Is
Most Popular Automobile In America
Twenty-five miles on each gallon of gaso-
line is not uncommon for a New Superior
It excels
will. Repair costs are low because every
Chevrolet part is built to give long life
xi 24 tanns nets a wai
Becoming The
Public favor changes when reasens for a
Users of low-priced motor transportation
are demanding completely equipped auto-
mobiles, modern in every respect, with
nothing left to buy but the licence plate.
The New Superior Chevrolet is FULLY
EQUIPPED, including modern 3 speed and
reverse sliding gear transmission stand-
ard service and hand brakes, electric star-
ter, demountable rims, water & oil pumps
and speedometer.
under hard condi
al ’s
ed car of America
is practically u
In addition to completeness, buyers insist daily increasing.
on real econemy in four important essen-
tials. They demand low gasoline consump-
tion; low oil consumption; low repair
costs; long tire life. The New Superior
Chevrolet excels in these particulars.

EF. B. Rohrer,
Superior Roadster, $5265.
Superior Touring, $626. Superior Sedan,
Light del. wagon 1-2 ton complete, $52. Model ““G’’ truck 3-4 ton chassis, $745.
F. 0 B
Flint, Michigan.


TE Sak Ek T sk Sk §
® x. 3 Srm———
© fi

bought from over five thousand dealers
located in almost every American comm.
unity, and abroad, and their number is
You owe it to yourself to examine the
New Superior Chevrolet, the car which is
establishing new standards in the medium
and low price field:
¥ Model ib 12 Roadster, $875. Model fb 32 Touring, $875. Model fb 42 Sedan, $1575. Model fb 22 Coupe, $1575
Model “T* truck 1 ton chassis $1125
(Prices subject to change w

a $4
in oil economy as
These are a few of the reasons why public
favor is increasing toward the Chevrolet
why it is becoming the favorite low-- pric.
. Chevrolet distribution
niversal. Cars can be

Joy, Pa.
$875. Superior Coupe, $876
ithout notice.)

tke Eby =

College Hill Dairy
Ice Cream Co.,

%he State Capital
Sunday, Apr. 30
The onificent Capital !
be open on this
date. , Secey, the Beaut
Mural Paintings, by Violet
Oakley, Illustrating “Penn’s | |
Life, and the Ba®mpard Statu-
Eastern Standard Time
Mount Joy ......8483 A. M
Returning Leaves :
Harrisburg ... .6.15 P.j M. |
Pennsylvania System ||
The Route of Broadway Ltd. 21
Why Not
Use The Best

* >
We solicit your trade of|

Ice Cream and Pasturized|
Milk. Look for the wagon |
Jac. Ichler, deliverer. |

Call numbers 27R3, 2R5
or 111R16 Bell phone E’'town

Ie ———
Martin's Sanitary Dairy
West Donegal St.
Highest Cash
Prices Paid
Hides, Tallow
and Furs
Pipe! Pipell Pipelll
We have all sizes pipe, beams, rails,
angle and channel rods, ete., for sale
Prince and Hazel Sts.
J. Howard Hersh
Dealer in
The Keasby & Mattison Co.
Asbestos Century. Shingles, Asbestos
Building Lumberand Asbestos
‘Corrugated Sheathing
Estimates for materials\or appli-
cation cheerfully furnished, Bell
Phone. Ind. Phone.
il Stiegel Street

Phone or Write

mar. 15-
I Hat Store

Wingert & Haas

| Spring Hats and Caps
Plain Hats a Specialty
The largest line of

144 N. Queen St. Lancaster, Pa.
JOHN A, HAAS, Propr:

Fine for Lumbago
Musterole drives pain away and
brings in its place delicious, soothing
comfort. Just rub it in gently.
It is a clean, white ointment, made
with oil of mustard, Get Musterole
today at your drug store. 35c and 65¢
in jars and tubes; hospital size, $3.00.


Successor to Allen Way
Electric or Hand Clippers Used
Fresh Roasted Pearuts

City Shoe
Repairing Company


50-52 S. Queen St. Lancaster, Pa.

All Work Guarantee
North Barbara St., Migug



0 | =

