4 BEBRS VOLUME XXI NO. 48 Mount Joy, Penna., April 26, 1922 The Mount Joy Bulletin $1.50 a Year in Advance ALL BULLETIN ADVERTISERS ARE ALWAYS THE OST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS TEN FOUR GIVEN HERE JUNE 21 TO 24 FLOYDS HEAD THE LIST Chautauqua at M r will be one of the best off any town in'the county thi It will be held on Wednesday 2, 23 and 24. line with the new spirit of op n which is constantly oughout the country, the Com- munity Chautauqua management has efined as its w and better era, nsion, greater expenditure in behalf of the individu al community rather than a policy o a policy of ex result, the management ith gratification a more comprehen sive and higher grade program thar it has ever before offered. t an idle statement but rather a simple assertion of fact. With a view to catering to the while entertainment, varieties, inspiration, ind good times and training for the INIOrs. 19 ill bring this year. 1 few hours into the land of the mysterious and supernatural. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd are probably America’s traction. the pinnacle of magical achievement. He has been the originator, many clever tricks and illusions. Mrs. Floyd, thy and other mystifying illusions. Albert M. Heilman, Jr., a piunist of [bile and note, assists The Floyds in their pre- sentation of a program of “mirth, melody and mystery.” On the second day, the Cartwright Quartet ¢iTers a musical program of nial variety and excellence. Cor- net, trombone, x3 hone, violin, cel- 1 ma n and piano—the members |Chap., Bigler Mumma, Howard Linde- Colored Ke Tstone Giants, of Steelton: a — {street, on Tuesday evenin Games this novelty quartet play all of [muth, Robert Keller John Rollman, Mav 28th aris Park Team of Bar- T and refreshments were the chief hem with equal skill. Amos Nissly, Roy Loraw. hae . OR ARY forininments,. The followhute. wor ‘The Man Worth} Wi hi the sub- YW Bere ee meal A AI» emmimiras | present Mi Fthe ; ' t of the lecture ive hy Dr. Rol- COME AND HEAR® < Dovrotl Lox: nD Q ME WN. Nicholas or gt nls second even- <7 Se ras ee i U 37 Racl Hoff ( > 0 : ye AND BE CONVINCED a : hted, aw and in-| ——————— Webb a S me Sr ———— > l lon \ wusands of 1 women, | QUICK READING Ihe Revival in the U. B. church at MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPLE |" Lindem our t1 rhout-the coun- | . : 3 : ay : " v Ma I 10 I Niciols diseusses pertivent] Newtown is still in progre , attend HAVE PASSED TO THE R f he and environ- | ance good, Rev. Engle, tl GREAT BEYOND : hein by on the “Man INTERESTING HAPPENINGS has announced h me, “The Sigr ees 1 x ¢ 3 ” ~ 4 +1 1 | Ty lipat 1 11 y ¥ 1 I m ¥ f ‘ala } His lectu: p | FROMALL OVER THE COUN- of the , as ( 1g tha John K. Twi f Colun . comit vf th I ] immanent,” from pneumonia, aged 37 3 : : { with the TRY FOR THE BENEFIT ¢ Hi pate NY 5, 1 1 Y For tomorro (Thu in mrtotes 1 ood che d OF BUSY PEOPLE 5 ! | ast Hentv. GC. Rall noed 84 venvs 15 or ¢ Y u Yad A A died Saturda The funeral w hel for } 0. G - 3 5 \ 3 ‘ Vhite ( k cei te st poy i i Load of Chevrolets at White Oak ce ( he 5 ; — ~ i -B- 1 : a I'he Lin 1 he : Y : William B. Gotschall t 8 : {has star aye just! Mrs. John H. Frey, of Ce cot mity r-i; of Chev ( : he o 5 2 A ] { hu snip, has receivea ord o X 3 a i I I ( 1abr: h : 3 B 1 + 1 + her father, Wilia B ] 1 \ h t n 2 ‘ ; th b rsary the ' : at Blain, Perry count S Vv ( ~ | ) (0 § CO ed > | DE 1 Dirt as b( years of age. 1 d 1 a 1 5 | Grab of ( 1 1 ———— A ( 1 on I+ I jared by a Mrs. V ¢ hi { 1 n red oung | : 0 ( \1 y Vol losion ( Vieh or | talents, |S rgay. a x - ; a : p .| The Willing Workers Society of the Oats Qitotale TY i d : wh ra art | . ( I htly be d sd 33 I |U. E. church met on Tuesday at the r wr : f Fy ? las] ; . E wy at th fhe fruit i ver 0 y D Ww rendition of jhome of Mrs. C. S. Gingrich. Yan : v yusly Pk th pl “The Lady | Seven hundred and fifty feet of damaged durii he night and early : D ation” by Miss Hetty [timber are required annually for morning hours by the cold sna \1 yunaway is one of the most sue- [railroad ties in the United States sent the te rature down _— - artistic attractions upon; mpe following persons were bap- grees, Frid ce Mrs. Fannie Stel hman ) rq rm Miss Dunaway |ii,.d- on Sunday “af the Church of announcement t Mrs. Fannie Yan. M : ere ih : ‘ anced 1 So > ry 1 . Y 7 D } oe % : gents ar ) arranged ver- ( Mr Adam Walkers, Miss Bar- County I : oldest woman, died Thursday evenin 6 W Yold For « , 1 roy vafs yy 1 : : : ——t——— — 3 : ? 10N ¢ I} Lady of the Decoration Ihara Charles, Catherine Lindemuth, | —_—" from infirmities of old ace, after be § with fu enery and costumes yy, ard Shultz, Howard Swarr, and Guarantors Meeting {ing confined to her bed ty ith +} harn 4 : { y n co th the charm of {x1 0p ) A meeting of the guara months. Dec 1 just b d 1 the s 1 R. J. Myers, teacher of the Chautauqua course wil {her 98th birthday in Januai Dr. J Son's .ecture, F: Kin iohters Bible C f the National 0 wa rember of the Mennor ‘ Lift on the 3 Jas st [Chu ch of God. held ass meetine €NINE at 5 0 ch I many years. : tice » ro yr the enn icu AES lat her home on Kast street on oll Lor the em en iy ot mn 3 respe ct to {Friday evenine at which time she en- 1 1mpou i Mrs. Elizabeth H. Rinehart - hei ( oncerning L. the lass Ae tor oiti be considered. th H. Rineh daugl 1 itertainin iii . eee RE eee nord RT h H ad T Til v n ch one p Y fresh nd El | owas tribune ments were served. Ladies’ Mock Conference th hom ( 4 ; hompson brought us a a Mock Conference will be held in the | daughter, Mrs. h . : hi lecture 1s 1 - 1 c y 1 n ¢ in: AS ect His The Fall of Babylon hurch on Saturday even-{413 North Qu reet, La 4 p ¢ ost at- o x . 1 ao +3 o eo ' pros os « ( V » of the b fea This evening there will be a feature 29th, 1922. A silver off-| from heart trouble. aged 76 vem: 9 ; of o gigs he 1 film shown in Mow: it Joy Hall. It be liftec the door. All {months and 16 days. Dece: S SC ly fair t a **the last . : Y are 1 in SNTvive y v danchter. M3 nl ; ® ly to Iv there is no [Will be one of the Griffith productions are invite d. Survived by one daughter, } an Thank 2 De but certainiy tnere 5 ) fv x vy rr ll Ieee ce Schrader Tuneral services wer held ) pur TO Sincers. in the} The Fall of i In it are Schrader. Funeral servi es were held The La as th a "ih “He od 1125,000 men and women, 4,000 danc- Sold by the Sheriff from the home of Mrs. Frank Schra- : rv oday than 1s the arroc jy. =, £ x y =! is J y 3 : a 5 : vainhivideos i der Q av. of veloek The | Tubilee Quartet which will appear on |ing girls at the Feast of Belchazzer, A two story house in Satnoringe, y2CT4ON . ; unday at 1 o’el ea fig peop Jubilee Quartet V ' ¢ 1 1,700 horses and charioteers in sen- the property of'John D. and John R.|body was brought here and interred | oi : t} ist day. The members of the]'’!! a : : > Te wre tenants was 4 i » Eberle cemetrv I a : u wo a1] eolleme bred and have |Sational chatiot races, the walls of Rutherford, terre tenants, was sold on [in the Eberle cemetry. donation of of « quartet are all college bred and have ay to Frances Loretta Sipling made for themselves an enviable repu- tation with their program of planta- ti camp meeting, cabin lullabies Id time spirituals sung with the feeling and beauty of This quartet recenty incomparable negro voices. had distinction of singing before President Harding in the White House. And the Junior good times last not one day, but all the Chautauqua days. This sear instead of a pageant there will be on the final day an absolutely new Junior Hippodrome when the Hippodrome elephant will join the Juniors in presenting all kinds of a- musing surprises. Each day the games story-telling fand folk songs will be under the sppervision of a trained play leader find the Juniors will or- y nt—— | FINE CHAUTAU UA Every effort issbeing put forth to! imake the Convention of the Mount {Joy DAYS COURSE wiLL BE {Schools fo he held in ie United By. yp Mount Joy this v, Friday and Saturday, June gaining {tor of the United contribution to this effort and greater Earl, even temporary retrenchment. As a announces |lections by the Federation Octette. chased and laid out A glance at this program proves that this is|features. The tastes and interests of all groups and |an( help, boost, talk. a of people, the nicely-balanced | program has been arranged to distrib- ute through the four days of oppo- tunity a fair proportion of worth music of many information, Here is a brief summary of the ‘eatures which Community Chautau- 1e famous wonder-working Floyds victed of false ear on the first to carry vou off [term of Quarter Sessions which closed Fiorin ig stop; known as foremost Chautauqua at- Professor Floyd stands at the sum of $1,088 when he was not in pitchers will be Ray Myers, Newtown ; during his twenty years on the platform, of MEMBERS OF JUNIOR CLASS | professionally known as Mo- Ingen : | hala, has no equal in her demonstra- The members of the Junior class tions of mind reading, mental telepa- | Mount Joy High School, ‘SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION TO BE HELD HERE MAY 18 THE BROWN A. A. yy Borough and Township Sunday —— “1 . ASSOCIATION, Church on the afternoon OE ase and evening of Thursday, May 18, TO PETITION, FORMED TO 11922, the best ever ENCOURAGE AND FOST- ER ATHLETIC SPORTS b jange lical K; been procured thus far, prominent among these are Rev. John T. Reeves, Presbvterian ic club. It will be known as the Jac. : Brown Athletic Association. The association is to en- A number of good speakers have | © S {pastor of the First e |C hurch of Lancaster, Pa. Rev. Reeve G. iis a powerful spe aker and every Sun- object of the day School worker should not fail to courage and foster athletic sports and | - [hear him. Rev. C. H. Holzinger, pas- to maintain a reading room, 3rethren of Lan- to the petition for a charter which (caster, will deliver an address at the Was presented to the court last week. S |afternoon session of the Convention. The charter was granted. There will be interesting addresses scribers are Jacob G., Andrew B. -|by Miss Mary C. Wallace, of East and Martin B. Brown, of this place ! Penna. and Miss Mary Swope, and Joseph Brown, of Florin and! -|County Secretary. The music at the Harry S. Brown, of Manheim. f evening session will consist of Con- The association got its initial start gregational Singing also several se- last year when Jacob G. Brown, pur- | an athletic field | - |Those of you who have heard them Just west of town. 1 [sing will want to hear them again. vided with a base ball diamond, a There will also be several other special foot ball gridiron, tennis courts and Committee have left @ running track. ! [nothing undone to make this the best! The association will be represented and most interesting convention ever. of a strong base ball team this sum- > | Make this known among your friends, Mer. son will formally be opened on April 30 with Marietta at Mt. Joy. A CATTLE DEALER MUST ‘tice game will be played on Saturday. SERVE TERM IN PRISON The team will be composed of the following players to start and as strength is needed other be secured according to an announce- ment made by Jacob Brown sponsor of the association: Walter Pennell, EE cE AU, A Cleon F. Greider, cattle dealer of , [near Milton Grove, was sentenced by [the court at a session of current busi- ness Saturday morning to imprison- (ment for a period of two years and Mount Joy first base; Frank Cassel, was fined $100. Greider was con- Columbia second base; John Barrett, pretense at the April | third base; Irvin Bishop, Alvin Bigler, Peters- Michael Showalter, center field; Hiram Diffen- Landisville, left field; Elson catcher. The players will .ancaster, on Thursday afternoon. He prosecuted by Aaron Hober & son, pt. Joy, [local cattle dealers. The charge was derfer, [that Greider contracted for cattle in jg was hurg, right field; auenstéin, Mt. Joy a posotion to pay for them. Arthur Myers, Mt. Joy and Samuel hpi # Collins, Mount Joy A Qe AT HOLTWOOD SATURDAY FIRST GAME OF SEASON ON SUNDAY, APRIL 30TH journeyed to Holtwood on Saturday by automo- were shown through the electric plant. Those making the trip were: Elva Strickler, Mary Greena- walt, Martha Zercher, Esther Garber Lillian Olweiler, Alverda Hershey, Margaret Krall, Kathryn Longenecker Erla Baer, Ada Shearer, Fevre, Grace Garber, Brown Athletic Club, having se- cured their new uniforms will appear on Sunday, in their initial game with Marietta. This game proves to be in- teresting because Marietta has always * been a very strong rival of Mount Joy’s. The following is the schedule for the month of May to be played Elsie Le- papa. May 7th, Rothsville, May 14th, Miss Faust, Manheim Professionals; May 21st, Babylon 300 feet high, ete. Admiss- Saturd ion including tax 17c¢ and 28c. This for $150. : , . . i rn mm tl EI rene is a picture everybody should see. { re es et Eee. | Fire Follows Explosion Keller & Bro’s. Next Sale Two men were injured and $5,000 J. B. Keller & Bro. will hold their damage done when a dust exposion next public sale at their stock occurred in the cork grinding mill of vards, on Friday, April 28th, when the Armstrong Cork Company, Lino- they will sell 99 head of cows, leum department, at Lancaster. heifers, bulls, shoats. 2t ~~ eee stl GR mmmee | Births Busy at Nissly Swiss Cho Co. Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Markley, The Nissly Swiss Chocolate Co. are ©f this place, are receiving congratu- very busy ‘on their different Predicts lations on the birth of a son weighing and are advertising ‘for twenty-five Nine pounds. more girls. Tr etm x7 eee eet - Sree Assigned to Squadron V W. C. T. U. Will Meet Capt. Galen B. Horner, Elizabeth- W. C. T. U. Will meet at the home town, of the Pennsylvania National of Mrs. N. J. Harmon, on Monday Guard, has been ordered to the ae their Lown “Community.” ~ | i / evening at seven-thirty. from Observation Squadron. A GETS ITS CHARTER |. mic fonowivs oe ACCORDING Mt. Joy now has a chartered athlet- according ‘pa property in Mt. The field is pro- | George Weber is manager of | the team and announces that the sea- 5 A prar- | | MANY DEEDS ARE PUT | ON RECORD AT LANCASTER THE BASKET BALL following deeds for propert vicinity, wer © LEAGUE TO CONTINUE BP put on ie at the Recorder's office: rty in Rheems, $3,000. ! Winfield M. #i Martin, lot of ground $650. i Elmer H. Witmer to P. | property in Mastersonville, John W. Eshleman to Harry Ressle property in Mt. Joy borough, $1,900. Benjamin W. Brown to Rufus Res suer, property in Mount Joy, $1,700. John W. Eshleman to Albert Mum $1,900. Abram H. Long to Harry C. Ha The sub- | senberger, property in Mt. Joy town- Marietta and i ship, $6,000. | Henry B. Hershey to Long, smal] property in Rapho town | ship, $1750. John W. Eshlemain to C. land, property on East Mt. Joy, $1,700. A. Wea township, $2,700. Henry Weaver to A. S. Ober, prop- Thome to Andrew M. Joy borough, Joseph A. Eshleman to Isaac H. PX Shenk, 3 acres of land in Mt. Joy Mine Host Albert H. THAT WAS THE SENTIMENT A A MEETING HERE LAST FRI- DAY EVENING—HERSH- EY AWARDED PENN- r ANT. Clinton Geib $1,600. . If the sentiment expressed Frida night County Basket-Ball taken as a criterlon, the leas League can 1 ue wi . 'the same teams that finished the race, Elizabethtown, the [teams which dropped out this season, | but the sentiment was that thes - teams would have to be under diffi- bach of I Donegal St. cult management than this season. Seventy-five or players and fans gathered Stumpf’s boar (here and partook of a hearty chicke | Isaac Givler to L. Percy Heilig, 10 ‘and waffle meal, Goodfellowship wa acres and 100 perches of land in Mt. | Joy township, $3,700. Frank Berto to 5 arres and 52 perches Rapho township, $1,500. Andrew M. Hinkle, lot of ground on West Mair street, Strasburg, $650. Jacob H. Ober to Harvey B, Weber, 21 acres and Rapho townshin, $1950. John B. Snavely to Abram M. Ris- ser, 13 acres and 91 in Rapho township $5500. Eli Ginder to. Harry acres and 72 perches of land Rapho township, $8300. Andrew M. Martin to George L. of land ir Gibble, 7( Calvin M. Snyder, perches of land | i ithe keynote of the gathering, whic |was pre sided over by Ben Croff, man , ficer of the league. He at the banquet of the Inter- - {make the circuit an eight club affair, {ager of the Mt. Joy team and an of 1 WEDDING RECEPTION FOR OUR WEEKLY MR. AND MRS. R. R. MILLER a RD CARD BASKET hono \ R. Miller | Pa he } s pilise Mr. on XK Pye of | ERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE Mr. Samuel Eyer. The Misses Alic| MANY COMERS AND GOERS \ I Master Leroy | IN THIS LOCALITY \ ) \ Mrs. | —_— 1 p Mrs. | 1 was the guest of Maytown; Mr. & M1 ter and family of Columbia: 1an, spent several days y : [ . with friends. € nach anc : 11 Mrs. Chris be reorganized again next year witl 1 John Grof bethtown ; €¢ and famil Alvin De- in all probability be asked to join to |Elizabetht ¢ Fannie HH n the S Anna Be: h Martha E among the the remai ithe honors in the characteristic Groff burgh. Martin to Anna Mary istyle and toasts were responded to by n John Snavely, Hershey; Guy Hershey, Manheim: Earl Boyd, Steelton, Charles Bennett, 122 perches of land in Mount Joy: Victor R. Gi | Lititz; Roy Y. Showers, police of Steelton and members o | the teams. jas a reward for the capable manne in which he conducted the affairs of Hollenbeck, lot of ground on West ithe league during the past season. Main street, Mt. Joy, $225. Jacob B. Snyder, land in Rapho township, $166. Br. | Penn and Rapho townships,$513.13. Samuel B. Fahnestock to John G.! Snavely to Samuel R.| ] 1 acre and 107 perches of | New Era pennant. It was the secon | Hershey, the championship tean was presented with the Examine: jvear in succession that the Chocola | Henry R. Snavely to John K. Cas- tie rs carried off honors in the league isel, 5 acres and 21 perches of in and the second time they were pr [se nted with a pennant by the Exam iner New Era. Fahnestock, 80 acres and 26 perches jy made the acceptance speech. of land in Rapho township, $7,500. ! Margot) Stern’s executor to John and Jerome S. Sowers, 102 acres and 156 perches of land in Rapho town- ship, $10,194.98. Albert H. Erb to Henry B. Hess, 55 acres and 79 perches of land in Rapho township, $4,500, subject to dower of $150, also: mortgage of $6,448.75. rs. Peter Zerphy Katie G. Zerphy, wife of Peter Zerphy, died at her home on Manheim street, of this place, on Saturday evening at seven o’clock of a compli- cation of diseases, aged 48 years, 9 months and 26 days. She was a mem- ber of the United Zion’s church and is survived by her husband and the following children: Clayton, of Car- lisle; John L., Peter L., Winfield L., Paul F., of this place. Also the foll- owing brothers and sisters: Mrs. Clay- ton Brubaker, Mrs. John Zerphy, Harry Loraw, George Loraw, Walter Loraw, of this place and Jacob Loraw of Florin. Funeral servises were held on Tuesday afternoon at one o’cleck in the Mennonite Church on Donegal street. Interment was made in the Eberle cemetry. The Millersville that they had a benefit game sched uled last night at Millersville with the High School team. ——— i —— eee Surprise Party Mr. and Mrs (daughter, at their home on Mariett {General Hospital { rma Broo nse Tobacco Sells Low Twenty-seven cases of Cor broad leaf tobacco tops, were § 1d at auction at noon to Amo chant, of pound. RR — —,————™—_——— ES Fined $25 and Costs. Harry Thoma rant, at Elizab guilty to a charge of gambling we fined $25 and the Hassler in Court on Wednesday. rr A A Qe owner of a restau thtown, Execution Issued B. and C. S. Spangler have issued an execution for $224.06 against S.C. Heisey, of near Elizabethtown ve, chief of President Frank Stees, cave a short |address and was presented with a dia- y ; mond studded Elk watch charm, the in gift of the various teams in the league Manager John Snave- | team was unable | to attend the banquet due to the fact|was Harvey .Hawthorne, ave a surprise party in honor of thei who pleaded | costs by Judge) Three wild turkeys, a gobbler and f Rail Dew t the post of ! 1 : Lijr., of thi bidder, wa ligoes on di first time i {that other - have carrie points. The service roaa C I and son Wilbur of Eliza Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Groff { ly of near this place; Mr. Lland Mrs. Monroe Miller and family of own; Mr. and Mrs. Miller Hershey and daughter, Goldie, Mrs. ershey, Miss Mary Eshen- lizabethtown; Mr. and Mrs. John Hess, Mr and Mrs. more managers, of near E around Rheems table nhart, groom’s nder of the month, after carried off hid they will motor back to Pitts- ee A) ee MR. HARRY SMITH WILL » CARRY THE MAILS MAY 1 of the Pennsvl ompany for carry een the P. R. R. depot and Tice here being rather high the eyes of the Department ton, bids were asked for contract was y and Mr awarded | Harry Smith place, being the lowest given the contract. He ity May 1st. This is the n the history of our town than: P. R. BR. 'd the mails employes between these - | rrr se tl Ue ema. | DEPUTY SHERIFF UNHURT | | Deputy uninj when the driving, tur WHEN HIS AUTO UPSETS Sheriff Phillip ured Thursday morning automobile which he was ned turtle on the Marietta Dattisman {pike near Musser’s meeting house.The {deputy sh eriff was on his way to | erve an execution and when the front | Whe el of t |® a jo ( hi 1¢€ | | band will auspice Wild jtwo hens, ¢ | Linglestown While the excitedly, a |the gobbler pen of Mrs. gully he was dowmz kid into a slight underneath the minutes Dattis- furnish good music. Un- nt Fund Turkeys Get Tame lighted in the square at on Monday afternoon. two hens walked about s though they were lost, flew into the chicken Anna Buck. I'ruman Walk and son, and Mrs. William Fas- y of Lawn; Mr. and Groff, Mr. and Mrs. John Hershey Clizabethtown; Roy Ney of Jacob Engle of near thi d place. The waiters were Misses Ruth and Grace Engle, Verna Koser and yer. The couple will visit relatives thruout Dyer, of Lancaster, spent Sunday here among friends. Ilev. Runk of Harrisburg lay visiting Mr. and Mrs. J Shearer. Miss Verna Cunningham, of Lan- caster visited her sister Sue, on Sun- spent ¥Fri- day. Fannie Kline, of Florin, spent Sun- day here as the guest of Mrs. Minnie Gingerich. Miss Rachel Mumma spent several days at Philadelphia as the guest of friends there. Mrs. Annie Gaffin, of Philadelphia, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Geistweit. Mr. C. W. Neal, of Linneus, Mo., is here on a visit to his son Mr J. S. Neal on New Street. | Miss Esther Reist, [spent a few days with her {Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Reist. of Philadelphia, parents, | Mrs. Amos Garber and daughter Lira es, spent several days at Phila- {delphia visiting relatives. | M and Mrs. John Hershey, of jn la, spent Sunday here [Martin Gerber and wife. | J. H. Shearer returned home after | with his visiting {spending several months {children at Ida Grove, Iowa. Miss Esther Reist of Phiadeuphiz, pent several days here with her par- nts Mr. and Mrs. John Reist. Mrs. Amos Garber and daughter, Frances, spent several days as the guests of friends in Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Way, of Lan- caster, spent Easter here with the lat- ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Good. Mr. and Mrs. George Groff, return- ed to their home on Saturday even- ing after a trip to LeRoy, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stoll and son, of Chicago, spent Easter here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoll. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Meyre, of Lan- several days here as the and Mrs. C. S. Gingrich. Groff left Monday for lantic City to spend the {He wi'i be located at caster, spe nt | {guests of Mr. | | Benjamin { sumniey Hotel Kentueky. Miss Ruth Hinkle, of Marietta, [spent ral day here as the guest |of her pare and Mrs. Harry { Hinkle I John ( r, of Williamson Trade Sel his Easter vaeation here ts, Mr. and Mrs. Philip 3 I H Cu in of 1e5t8 A Mrs 1 ) the y T I ¢ ry ) , 1 P ‘ A I 1d on nent exercises on ran church, Miss nal, is arrangir an ex- am. The class this year bers five graduates. The colors are green and yellow. eet BP Aen Demonstration Announcement Mr. H. S. Newcomer will give a demonstration on Chi-Namel at his hardware store on May 11th, 12th and 13th. i { } | i k H i i i i i §