WEDNESDA She Knows “l am a Domestic Science Graduate APRIL 12TH, 1922 and a chemical student from the ——Normal School. After making the experiment testing various baking powders I never use any except the Royal. »” Mrs. J.P, ROYAL BAKING POWDER Severe Pure : Contains No Alu i 4 Send for New Royal Coo Bo it’s FREE yal Bak ng Powder Co., 130 W St., New York = mm Bn | - and REBUILD ALL BATTERIES = at our place of business We are now ready for your work and will ® GUARANTEE OUR WORK TO BE SATISFACTORY. ] = —~ 9 BD) REAM’S GARAGE = = . MOUNT JOY, PA, = EO ORR Leaves No Bitter Taste Building and Repairing Radiators FOR ANY MAKES OF CARS 38 N. MarHKet St., THE M. A. SHOP MUMMA & VOGT, Proprs. FENDER. AND BODY REPAIRING AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY LANCASTER, PA. A 4) COOOOOOOOCOCOOOOOOOOOOOOO0 I Why not improve your soil sub- stantially this year. More than a carload of chicken fertilizer for sale. GARI'S POULTRY FARM MOUNT JOY, PA. 2C0000CCOOOOCCOOOVCOVTOOT0 CLARENCE SCHOCK | MOUNT JOY, PA. ; GOTT LUMBER -COAL B\"'8 > GIVE serVICE) Kmart THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week Mer hen ei und reiches ‘lond, Des | 1 1 sawga Se hen ! r hond Duch | law fa ) "7 I 0 ! rt C1 1 I Lr al ( and at d of The U | States Depar of Agricultaure has designed a ration specially to be fed to flocks that re ceive all of the table scraps. The mash of this ration to be made up of 3 pounds corn meal, 1 pound bran, {1 pound middlings, one-half pound meat scrap. The scratch feed con- tains 2 pounds cracked corn, 1 pound wheat, and 1 pound oats. If scraps are not available, feed 5 pounds of {cooked vegetables daily to thirty ‘hens. Two percent of bone meal {may be added to the mash without changing any of the other constit- uents. Five per cent of bone meal 'may be added if the content of meat scrap is reduced slightly. | | PEOPLE OF OUR TOWN { ne SUGHRE Here's To the Ordinary Fellow, whe never Gets his Picture in the Papers but just Plugs Along day after day doing his duty, rais a Iukily and acting the Part of a Good Citizen We can't All be Officers in this Game of Lift and, after.all, it’s the Private who really counts, LIME BENEFITS CLAY SOILS Application Has Effect of Pulverizing and Loosening, and Corrects Sourness. An application of 10-quart slaked lime to 60 feet in beneficial, about 10 ordinary hydrated or alr- a plot of ground 30 by will generally prove Lime has the of and pulverizing any heavy and of binding loose, sandy Lime corrects any sour- ness in the soil due to lack of drain- but in a case oc this kind proper ainage should be secured. Lime pailfuls of size effect ioosening day soils soil, also age, ar hould always be applied to thé sur- mee, and in no case should it be put cn the land at the same time as com- merical fertilizer. “he proper method would be to spread the lime upon the land just after plowing and before harrowing; then appiy the commercial ;ertilizer one week later. Under no ircumstances should “lime he mixed with commercial fertilizer or manur as it liberates the nitrogen from the eee AQ Spring Plowing in Full Swing The frost is out ofthe ground and the farmers have started their spring plowing. There was considerable fall plow- ing and it is safe to state that more than one-half of the acreage for corn in this section has already been turn- ed under, which will soon be ready for harrowing. Probably in a week or two potato planting can be started. THE PRODUCE AND LIVE STOCK MARKET CORRECT NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN Herewith is a corrected weekly re- port of the Lancaster markets rela- tive to prodyse and live stock: All the markets were well st stocker! with seasonable commodities Buy- ers were in good attendance and trad- ise active. Southern vegetables are increasing in supply including peas, beans, cucumbers, asparagus and to- matoes selling mostly fancy pric- | es. were plentiful and held ste und the 25¢ l Muc! a C L ¢ 1 the ( h cil Cc ( 1 t n Range of Prices I { ) \ | | | R I H i S d | | | { d | f, a : 8. rown ood supply and cc 10¢ a bunch. Turnips: N. J. and nearby, fair sup ply, 10-15¢ quarter peck. Rhubarb: Nearby, supply limited, 15-20¢c bunch. Fruits Apples: Home "grown varieties, a 20-30¢ quarter peck. N. and condi- Western quarter good supply Y. liberal supply, quality tion good 40-60c¢ half peck. box various varieties 50-60c peck. Bn. anas: Supply good, quality and condition good, 25¢ @ 35¢ per doz- en. Grape Fruit: Florida, good supply, 5 @ 15c each. Lemons: Good supply, fair quality COME 10 0s FOR PRINTING That Sells Goods Printing Brings Clients Not every business has a show | window. If you want to winmore | clients, use more printing and use the kind of printing that faithfully | represents your business policy. | You save money and make money for your patrons. Do the same for yourself by using an ecenomical | high grade paper — Hammermill Bond — and ge=d printing, both of | which we can give you. If you want printing service and economy — give use a trial. le tir canta a re INFORMATION FUR. | LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. EESSgr=s==""" BOWEL INDIGESTION RELIEVED QUICKLY | Now Work Woman Warmly Praises Jaques’ Little Wonder Capsules | “I hive taken your Little Wond- er C apsyles and want to express my appreciation to you for the wonder- ful resul§s that I have so far ob- , tained. I\have been suffering from ( Brigg’ the bowels for a long time, Since taking these wonderful capsules, my appetite has increased and assimilation of the food that I take seems td, be perfect,” This is an éxact copy of a letter written by Mi§s Louise M. Brun- ning, of 255 WA52d St.,, New York City, praising Jaques’ Little Wonder Capsules, \ Jaques’ Little Wonder Capsules contain a number ofy\standard medi cines acknowle« ds red 0 be correct. ives in treati certalp gasti inte sturt need, ¢ 1 ct to the Of benefigial 3 1 Ct 0% 11 tion, «¢ 1 constipgti 5 3 Bi y bf i i ‘ ’ Fhroge raut packer ipply of the yel- lows-1 ‘abbag eed 1s avail 1D 1¢ th e1 11 CCL1ons where he )¢ cabbage are needed. Resistar strai of other varieties, | including Holl ands r,All Head E arly, and Copenhagen Market are being developed and will be propagated for distribution in the near future. Apples Spray Next--The opening rapidly and apple should watch for the time ing the delayed dormant spray. This is when the apple buds begin to show green. The spray to use is a mixture of lime-sulphur, nicotine and arsen- ate of lead. It is for the control of San Jose, ter shell and scurfy scales, rosy apple aphis, bud moths and leaf rollers. season is growers for apply- ovs 30c @ 50c dozen. Chick Feeding--Buttermilk grow- Oranges: Florida and California, ing mashes, either home mixed or supply good, quality and condition commercial where skim milk or but- good 25-7T0¢ dozen. termilk are not available, are yery Butter: country 45 @ 50c lb. good. However, both milk and but- Cre: mery 16 @ 5bHec. 1b. termilk mash should not be fed at the Eggs: 25 @ 27c¢ dozen; mostly 25c. same time : a Dressed chickens $1.00 Garden—Clean all rubbish from to $2.00 each. Ducks $1.25 to $2.00 fe Saden before beginning Spring each, Pea fowls $1.00 to $1.50. and a i the cages 1 for d insect pests. “Rats Pass Up All Other Food For a Pla we for you: One Meal of Rat-Snap” ly of sil ichteer Their first meal of RAT-SNAP is ‘month A little « ra feed during their last. Kills in a few minute 5. Ju I AL Dries up the care: Rat killed to n i [with RAT-SN/ AP oe wve no odor. RAT- you d« SNAP comes in cake form. Break hs into small pieces, leave where rats now for s travel. No mixing with other food. re \ y Cats or dggs won't touch it. Safest, cl or cleanest, surest rat and kil )( 1 Three sizes, 3be, 65c, § $ d durine N ; and guaranteed by H. S. Ney ‘arrowing Time that nu and Dr. W. D. Chandler, Mount . ws farrow in dry, warm quart =~ Be on} | at this time even if you must sacrifice a little sleep; an hour of inattention at the critical period may mean a little lost. KEEPING PU} ‘BR ED STOCK INDUCES BETTER RMING The fist f1 ental of succes nd Nr Le, ) vhether on the please call 856R2 Independent Phone. r in the larg d It is true tha Ice for sale during the entire season and .at all ; fr : So] times at my place of business at Brewery. were € | I I : 1 5 " y 1 ) retu » {E € nour I 0 ( ea | measu he recog a a nized as i wel n the place met! ods, and the man himself that North Market Street. MOUNT JOY, PA. comes from having birds that a- 8-3 bovi« the ordir ary. A man who ha mans well-bred stock ‘talks about if shows it to his neighbors. Natur: he wants the SHrronniime of his flock | & ( rs 118 flock | to look shipshape and he takes pride | SOO0000O0000CONOOOOCOOO00D in showing a knowledge of feeds and | the methods of feeding | High-class sto of : nv kir 1 has | —. nim AER) 010 T 4 any kind has ¢ ® tendency to br other purebred ani- mals to the farm. A good pure bred | animal continues its work of improve- ment indefinitely not only within its | own case but eve the farm from the field “And There Wasn't the Slightest Smell From Dead Rats.” Writes John Simpkins, farmer Annandale, N. J.: “Rq me hundreds ye arly: {rets, poison, could not ‘Bought $1.25 pke tried dogs y gt rid of . of RAT-SNAP (5 cakes.) Used half, not a live rat! 'since. Dead ones aplenty. _1I like RAT-SNAP because after killing rats | lit dries them Bp jcaves no smell.” {Three sizes, 35¢, 65c, $1.21. Sold and guaranteed %y H S. Newcomer and Dr. W. D. Chandler, Mount Joy. fer- a JE 1 Tt LL LL BL LR WER ® WR EE EE RE of | its were costing | them. | r COI REY voi STR : » aad ~ - 0 15 ~Tisk Premier Treo d 310.85 HE F isk Pre miler 30 X Non-S cid Fabric . M5 3 3 s 30 x 3'9—Extra-Ply Red-Top 13.85 * I'read is a tire which “4 ss yields an honest, generous 9.85 measure of serviceata low 5, Cr: oo; Tu . 2x4 Non-Skid Cord . 39.00 price 34 x 4!,—Non-Skid Cord . 11.00 | 35x58 —Non-Skid Cord . 51.50 See this tire and compare with any at a competing price. It is your best pur- chase if you want a low- priced tire Jims. y e,and is Fisk Itisa Fisk Tir character clear thrgugh. K i =» = 101 1 n = a. 10 » iv. m Ee] | a Fouring-—Plain. ..% .... ca. 00. i. S342 00 a Fouring—Starter and Demountable ....... 443.00 Runabout—Plain. ... . % . ............... 319.00 Runabout—Starter and Demountable. .. ... 414.00 645.00 110 1D { Coupe. .................... % .. >....... 580.00 Chassis——Plain. ....... ..... . % 0. ce. 285.00 = Chassis—Starter and Demountable. . ...... 380.00 : Truck... ....... "........ 0 Bis ies 430.00 Truck—Starter..........:.... 500.00 Fordson Tractor All Prices F. O. B. Detroit, Mich. Order Now From H. S. Newcomer Mount Joy, Penna. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER TTT 10 SE) 0 0 DOO0OO0O0OOO000O000CO0000 Notice To The Public Starting Monday, March 13 I will *un an Ice Wag- on through Mount Joy and Florin daily... If you care to be served with pure Distilled OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0O0 | § 3 COMAN. COAL |e ALL SIZES AND KINDS QF COAL ON HAND FOR IM. | # MEDIATE DELIVERY. CARDS ARE NOT USED ANY MORE. a - i F. H. BAKER_ | * | i TRY SUCRENE DAIRY FEED FOR MORE MILK, | & USE SUCRENE ORY MASH FOR CHICKENS FOR MORE. EGG! : UMB d i LUMBER and GOAL A Both Telephones MOUNT JOY, PENNA.