The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 05, 1922, Image 2

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J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro'r. | El
Mr. Harry L. Gise, notary public of
izabethtown, transacted business in

——"————r — — ———————— | . .
er : this place one day last week.
Subscription Price $1.50 a Year Mrs. S. J. King, of Wilmington,
: |
Sample Copies wo veee FREE { Del., spent last Sunday as the guest
Single Copies. .... bof her father Jacob W. Heisey.
[hree Months. . . ..40 Cents | Monday, April 3 the Rheems schools
Bix Months. ..... 75 Cents closed a successful term for 1921
ee 8 {with an attendance of about 90 per
Butered at the post office at Mount Joy as cent.
second-class mail matter. |
The date of the expiration of your subsecrip- |
tion follows your name on the label. We do
sot send receipts for subscription money re-
Messrs. Amos B. Hess and Israel
Hollinger flitted into the A. S. Bard
seived. Whenever you remit, see that you are double house purchased by Mr. Hess
given proper credit. We credit all subscription na y
ea the first of each month. i i o a : :
The subscription lists of the Landisville vig, | The Landis Stone Meal Company
the Florin News and the Mount Joy nik Aud is forwarding stone meal to various
oun! he .
hui Betjed With I yu parts of Pennsylvania in cars from
weekly. | this place.
| Flittings last Saturday were num-
ERISMAN’S CHURCH crous. The adage uscd by our fore-
|fathers was: “A Saturday flitting, a
Mrs. Peter Witmer is on the sick Short Sitting.”
list | Mr. Victor Deibler, a prominent
Mr. Christian Brubaker purchased |musician and P. R. R.
a new Dodge. {was confined to the house last week
Menno Brubaker from Lititz, was by severe illness. :
a guest of A. H. Erb on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Bard of
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Baker were spent last Sunday as
guests of Jacob Bakers on Sunday.
Messrs. Fred Dresher and Monroe
Metzler delivered their fat cattle
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe

‘near Columbia,
Mr. Elmer R. Kraybill, a prolific
farmer, ultryman and school direc-
yr, transacted business in this place
day last week.

Metzler wer

callers at Christ Bucher’s on Sun-|°n¢ tw . : :
day evening { Mr. Paul Wiser flitted from this
Mr. Wolf and family are now oc- Place to Flor last Saturday. Mr.
cupying quarters in F. D. Keener's Enos Floyd filled the vecancy in the
Hill Side Bungalow {John M. Walmer double house.
Rev. Boll, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Risser of Lawn |
: ’ « spent WwW urs as cuests EE Tap
Metzler were visitors in the home of /SP€nt a few he urs as guests of her
Rev. and Mrs. Isaac Brubaker’s. father, Jos. W. Kraybill, who is hale, |
hearty and happy in his 85th
The Penn Lime Stone Company
farm super ident Harry Engle de-
15 acres of tobacco to the
t. Joy Farm Products Company last
Keener and
visitors in the
Mr. Mrs. George
son Clarence were
home of John Metzler’s on Sunday.' ™ 7
Mr. and Mrs. John Wolgemuth and (reres
Rev. and Mrs. Hiram Kauffman we re | M J
entertained by Clayton Brubaker on!W€&%
Sunday. | Day id 1
H. S. Newcomer delivered a new ar He, P.
Fordson to H. H. Erb on Thursday. Safin Ap
Now Henry is in a position to make Jobn M. Weaver, who has been gran-
the dirt fly. ted a furlough.
Mr. and Mrs. Christ Brubaker and I upils of the
family, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Metzler ool Dre J an operetta, Red
and family were entertained by Jonas “S18 lood’s Rescue this evening
Brubakers on Sunday. {April 5th, consisting of drills, recita-
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Erb and daugh- tons and other amusements. :
ter Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snyder, Monday John M. Weaver flitted to
and family were visitors at Elias Elizabethtown. Era Souders filled
Metzler’s on Sunday. jthe vacancy in the double house
Erisman’s Sunday School will meet purchased by Allen Ober, Tecontly on
for organization of classes and ap: | Main street, from Harry Weaver.
pointment of teachers on Sunday] Myr. Solomon Hoffman, the Mount
morning at 9:00 A. M. Joy township thresher, opened up the
: tobacco bed steaming season at W.
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Me eM Neidig’s one day last week. He has
tertained Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah AN- ranged to werk day and night if the
dis and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jac. 'weather permits E
Reist from Manheim on Sunday. The Penn Lime Stone and Cement
The Mount Joy Farm Products Co. Company have a number of large
is doing a rushing buiness. They are'y oxs delivering crushed stone on
packing the farmers’ tobacco and will fe state highway between Eliabeth-
be Jory busy for many weeks to'y "4 Lawn, which will require
, about six thousand tons.
Mr. and Ms. Norman Rutt and| “po tein Barr, of Elizabethtown,
family, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Longe- yh, represents the Light Company
necker and daughters Anna and Rosa ;, this vicinity, delivered an up-to-
were guests of Walter Keener’s ony +o pian washing machine to Mr.
Sunday. ; ‘and Mrs. Elmer Hoover in this place
A few good crops of tobacco in our j.t week where they now offer a
vicinity remain unsold at present.'),,§ washing machine cheap.
They are the crops of Phares Kauff-| phe following persons from this
man, Elmer Brandt, Benj. Stauffer ;5ce spent last Saturday at Lancas-
and A. B. Erb’s. : . iter where they combined business
Messrs. John Nissley, Martin Metz- | with pleasure: Mrs. Edna Hollinger
ler and John Metzler are having Mrs. Fannie Enterline, Mrs. Harry
parts of their houses painted, papered Fioyd, Mrs. John Foreman and daugh-
and John Metzler added a modern tor Anna, Mrs. John M. Weaver, Miss
porch to his house. | Elizabeth Greider, Miss Miriam K.
Mr. and Mrs. Frey and daughters, gard.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Witmer and| The Mount Joy Tobacco Packing
daughter Alta, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel {Company is receiving many more ac-
Stauffer, were callers at Earl Wit-'ye5 to pack and store for the farmers
mer’s Sunday evening. who were unable to dispose of their
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Stauffer [1921 crop. The tobacco is put in cas-
announce the marriage of their son'eg at Mount Joy and stored in the
Walter who lives in Boise, Idaho, to'A. B. Hess warehouse in this place
Elida May Hall of the same city.| Mrs. Willis M. Heisey, widow of
They are now living in 713 North the man who was killed by a strain
13th street, in Bois City, Idaho. Thelgy Saturday evening ,March 18, dis-
marriage took place on March 19th, |posed of her household goods at pub.
1922, lic sale on Tuesday, April 4th.
Mr. John Lehman and force of
iconcreters of Elizabethtown, are putt-
{ing down walks for A. S. Bard at his
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boltz moved block double house.
into the house vacated by Samuel] The Rheems Literary Society held
Waltz and family. ja successful and enjoyable meeting
Mr. and Mrs. John Gibble, daugh-ilast Thursday evening with a large
ter, Dorothy, of Elstonville, spent attendance. The following program
Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. |Was carried out most eloquently cre-
Allen Hoffer. ating much applause. The program
Mr. and Mrs. John Sheaffer enter- lasted two and a-half hours. Open-
tained Mr. Sheaffer's parents, Mr. Ing singing by the school, reading
and Mrs. Emanuel Sheaffer on Sun-i°f the minutes, sentimental roll call,
day and Monday. iMrs. Edna Hollinger, Mrs. John B.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Tucker and Mr. Henry, Elmer Hoover, Milton Shank,
Charles Zimmerman, all from Lancas- Miss Emma Will, Jacob Heisey, and
ter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Phares Landis. Music by the Man-
Martin Zimmerman ad family. |dolin Club Fink family, of Middle-
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Werner and |!oWn; Referred question, Mrs. Ira
Mr. and Mrs. John Fissel and son, Garber, How Days Were Named; Re-
Daniel Bernard, of Manheim, spent Citation, Gladys Weaver; Music, Pi-
Sunday with Mr. Fisse’s parents, Mr. (210 trio, Misses Greider, Enterline
and Mrs. Levi Fissel. and Mrs. Elmer Groff; Declama-
|tion, Mus.

R. R. Rheems section
April 1st, as successor to
Rheems Primary

Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Ruhl enter-| Victor Deibler; Debate:
tained the following guess over the Resolved That Vocational Studies
week-end Mr. and Mrs. Walter Should be pursued in Our Rural
Warner of near Lititz; Miss Em- |Schools Rather Than the Academic
ma Sipling and Elmer Ruhl, of Elm Studies. Affirmative, Miss Elsie Lan-
and Mrs. Katie Pickle and sons, Rus- (dis and Arthur B. Heisey; Negative,
sel and Chester, of Manheim. [ Mrs. Horace Thompson, Elmer Hoov-
Mrs. Louisa Seitz and son Elwood, ¢ 2nd Jacob N. Olweiler; Music,
Misses Lizzie Seitz and Lydia Engle Kitchen Symphony; Recitation, Miss
and George Seitz, all from Mt. Hope, Sarah Harley; Reading Paper, A. B.
spent last Thursday in the home of |Heisey.
Martin Horst. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin | yyy
Geib and son, Stanley, of Mt. Hope, | Good E. Donegal Farm.
spent Sunday at the same place. { If any one wants a real good East
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brandt and Donegal township farm, along the
son, David and daughter, Elizabeth, Donegal creek, with the best of lime-
of near Centerville and Mr. and Mrs. Stone soil, here’s your chance.
Adus Kready and daughters, Anna acres, seven acres of which is good
Elizabeth and Mary Jane of near meadow. farm divided into six fields.
Bamford, were entertained in the NeW barn 48x90, 8 room brick house,
home of Mrs. Brandt's brother, D. Summer house, shedding for 10 acres
M. Nissley and family. |of tobacco running water at the barn
ment ie comin sie {and house. Buildings in exceptional
How's This ?
We offer $100.00 for
Jor any case of catarrh ‘hought at $180 an acre.
b cureq 3 :

CATARRH MEDICIN : Robegt Woodruff says: ‘(My prem- | clectoic bs \
HALL'S CATARRIH IMEDICINE is tak- | Realtor, Mount Joy. tf. |ises werthinfootod wit WY Piri |electric lights, bath, garage. Re-
en internally and x agh 3lood | ceived Ns "| RA ee UN als tried [iaceiyent cost today, $20,000. Will |
on. .t } : Ta G's recommenda- | take $7.5 i yg
Who Wants This Chance? 0 Nox ning found seven dead | ke I:500 and give possession any
on! | 1 have a 114-acre farm near |F2fs i n, 2] es C: ow Sonik Shink foo long but
Sunnvet a nora a in stall ' net. all or phone Jno. E. Schroll, |
DG Oe eee Sunnyside, 10 acres of meadow nd |1n I F'¢ p . ochroli,
land, 2 frame houses, biz only a {No smell f 3
Who Wants a Farm . lco-shed and cellar. Price £118.00 !drys tl 1 Discretion prefers doing its fight-
I have for sale an BE acre farm it r ners Act quick if vou ean use |used.” 1 & ass a over the lo aur
West Donegal township, that is, be Call, chone or write Jno E {Sold and gua eed Pw H. 8 or . 2 °
yond a dobut, the hest farm of ita | Sohroli, Realtor, Mt. Joy tf |comer and Dr. W. D. Chafdler t
size 1 have ever offered. Limestons eee {Joy, Pa. : Nr-iminc 1 | Lifting little loads helps a lot more
land excellent producer, good build
v To say all is not wok » itters
ings, excellent location. Must be sees ._ To say all is not gold that glitters
to be appreciated. J. E. Schroll, Mt /1Sn't necessarily an admission of
oy, Pa guilt.
, Pa.
: |

guests of his brother H. H. Bard and |
Espenshade took charge |
107 |
shape farm is convenient to markets
{is an excellent producer and can be |
If interest- |
ed call, phone or write Jno. E. Schroll |
LanDisviLtE (NOW DO MY
| — Te |
| We had an unusual number of flitt-
iings in town over the first. R
| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baer announce |
!the birth of a daughter on Friday. |
| Looks as though this town will not | . . ’
Ibe on the base ball map this season. | Because Lydia E. Pinkham 8
{ The H. & L. Machine Works are | Vegetable Compound Re-
stored My Health
‘busy turning out their new Ford oil-|
Hornell, N. Y.— ‘I was in bad health
ers daily. {
{ Mrs. J. T. Herr entertained the
but there didn’t seem to be any one thing
the matter with me.
{Sewing Circle of which she is a mem-
{ber on Saturday afternoon and also
la n »r of children i her /
§ Zunier 2% Gilg Ph Bonar o i : I was tired out all
|daughter, Anna Mary's seventh birth- over andit wasan ef-
(day anniversary. Those present were fort for me to move.
{Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. Norman Batdorf, 8i|I was irritable and
Mrs. Roy Nissly and Mrs. Jay Nissly, fl] could not sleepnights
and had trouble with

| Mrs. Henry Garber, Mrs. Clarence! {¥
Reist, Mrs. Joseph R. Charles, Mrs. | |i ny Dowels mask
{Fred Farmer, Miss Ruth Stoll, Anna Dil ire
| Reist, Elizabeth Hostetter, Mrs. Ab- | around me knew of
iner Risser, Miss Dora Mayer, Mrs your medicine and
Walter Herr, and Miss Ada Hess, : {il wanted me to try it,
Mrs. Ezra Nolt, Mrs. Harvey Mumma, | om——— 80 2 t last I took
{Mrs. Andrew Eshelman, Mrs. Harry |
Herr, Mrs. Wayne Aungst, Mrs. Laura
{ Kauffman, Mrs. Norman Baer, Miss
Cmily Caskey, Mrs. Noah Fravel,
rs. Benjamin Kauffman, Miss Daisy
i er and Bessie Good. The fol-
[lowing children were entertained:
{Samuel Mumma, Vincent Nolt, Allen
Lydia E. Pinkham’'s Vegetable Com-
und Tablets and Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Blood Medicine and improved every day.
I do all my own work now except the
washing and do it with ease. I can ac-
complish as much in a day now as it
would have taken me a week to do last

to take your medicine to build them up.
You are welcome to use this letter as a
Risser, John Aungst, Warren Reist, | testimonial if you like.”’—Mrs. CHAS.
[Martha Bernice Nissly, Merrill Nis- | BAKER. 21 Spencer Ave., Hornell, N.Y.
isley, Mary Nissley, Mary Baker, In almost every neighborhood there
are women who know of the value of
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com-
pound. They know because they have
taken it and have been helped. Why
| don’t you give it a trial?
William Dyer Sr. moved to Silver
{Mary Herr, Katharine and Lois Gar-
ber, Ruth Heisey, Alice Stehman,
{Beatrice Kauffman and Martha Reist
ee A Of Cee
Northwest Rapho

| The farmers
| There
[this year.
are busy
is dandelion
The family of Ezra Walters is on
PL 3 : he Mr. Robert Hoffman moved to
the sick list at this writing. \disvill
A number from this section attend- Landisville, 3 :
a : Samuel Eby and Howard Peifer
led Mr. Wendel Sheacer’s sale last! a
I Mond exchanged places.
{ Monday. :
| 92y " as R. H. Miller has the cellar dug for
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kreiner ,.. = hose
moved on the John G. Moyer farm on his new house. ; |
|p : I: Se an ! | Jonas Waltz moved into the house |
Ho ay. IM PI Hoff vacated by Dalvin Malehorn.
Mr. and Mrs. Phares Hoffer movec Poe x
§ : [ Mrs. Wolf spent Sunday afternoon
{from the J. G. Moyer farm last > hw :
Thursday at Landisville, visiting friends.
i on { 0. B. Weidms ade ¢
The CHarence Ober funeral at the Ww oman A an
pine Bil igely attended | Walter H. Eshleman started house-
as esday afte on, ; i .
Mr. and Mrs. James Hostetter and keoping i1 the house vacated by Har
tle arn omy ae EE ry Dyer.
Sylly Sper Sunday a the home oF Mrs. Harrison Baker and daughter
The Geib ah ia A Hiiars ie Irene, visited at Oyster Point on Sun-
re 2TS D S 3. |
livered their entire crop of 1921 to- day afiemoon, x
! Mrs. Sarah Strayer of Mount Joy,
bacco Landisvi < ;
eco to ndisville last week. visited in town Sunday as the guest
Mr. John Geib and family visited | te
. : .. of Miss Martha Way.
their daughter, Buelah, who lives in! wr ~ 1r : ; .
: n : - i W. G. Kendig and wife of Lancas-
the family of Mr. Harrison Gibble, ah tee a ;
CT the |ter, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs.
near Lititz. IB, E. Kendiz on Sund
Last Saturday and Sunday a Bible | SNL OF wn =
Institute was conducted at M te! 0. B. Weidman sper: Sunday af-
ount ternoon in Lancaster visiting his un-
Hope by Prof. Byers and Myers from | ast Ki
Elizabethtown College. There was ore A. D. Booze on Vast Ring Strcel.
wood attendance. The regular meeting of the Ladies
{Auxiliary of Landisville and Salunga
met at the home of Mrs. B. E. Kendig
ROCK POINT on Tuesday.
—— John Sumpman moved to near
Tobacco buyers were circulating [Moore’s Mill and David Phillips will
around here last week inspecting the [start house-keeping where Sumpman
goods. {moved out.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Myers, Paul Miss Thelma Keener of Lancaster
Tressler and your scribe were callers | pent several days last week with
at the home of S. H. Tressler on Sun- her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. R. D.
day. : | Raffensberger.
Messrs. Clinton Wentzell and Sam. | Movings that took place in our

uel Bistline, of Blaine, Perry County, | own were as follows: Dalvin Male-
were circulating in our midst last ‘horn moved into the house he bought
week. f Mrs. Alice Kline.
A great supply of sickness has Sein! The Misses Miriam Raffensberger
predominating around this respective Mary Peifer and Marie Herr, students
abode of ours, consisting of colds, of the Girls High School of Lancas-
chills and other bodily ailments. (ter, had their vacation last week.
The opening of the Sabbath| Elias Honberger moved into A. M.
school was inaugurated at the Church |Kolps’ house until he gets his house
cf the Brethren on Sunday afternoon |etected and David Cooper Jr. moved
at Marietta at a very fair crowd. linto the one Elias Bomberger vacat
Mr. James Shireman, an employee led.
hi R. Neidigh, on the Dugy farm, | R. H. Miller took up temporary
I ormed us that his wife presented (quarters in Cooper’s blacksmith shop
him with a bouncing baby boy weigh- until he has his house built. Abram
ing eight pounds on Saturday |Waltz moved into the house vacated
James Carson, who has been under by him.
Be employment of Jasob Kline, re- | Howard Habecker moved to Iron-
Fang on hs Duay farm, has chaged ville. Norman Miller moved into the
Bf jos an secured a job with Mr. ‘house vacated by Mr. Habecker. Paul
Luss lipe on the Cassel farm. {Ibach moved into the property vacat-
John Guy Smith, an infant child ed by Mr. Miller.
of Willis and Florence Tressler Smith | Charles Bender
8 Yyont little tot, was regailing him- |farm he recently purchased /on the
So 2 re han of its grandparents, Manheim pike near Lancaster and
on! da Mrs. S. H. Tressler on Sun- Benj Kendig will start hause keep-
ay. jing in the property vacated by Mr.
Miss anny {eisey spent Sunday |
as the guest of Miss Elsie Breneman.| Thieves stole a lot of new automo-
Mr. Warren Chapman butchered Pile tires from the home of John A.
on Tuesday. Campbell.
Mr. M. N. Heisey, the cattel deal-| Rev. D. G. Glass, of Lancaster,
er, was seen in this vicinity on Mon-|Preached at a special service in Zion
day. |Reformed church here on Monday
Mrs. John Myers and family visit- evening.
ed in the Rev. Abner Martin home| Rev. A. W. Kauffman, the newly
on Sunday. appointed pastor of the Methodist
Mrs. John Rutt and three daugh- [Episcopal church, preached on Sun-
ters visited in the I. N. Heisey home (day. For the first time in more than
on Sunday. sixty years, Barr Spangler, the veter-
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Good . were |8n merchant, was unable to be pres-
guests in the family of Leonard ent
Smith on Sunday.
Prof. Hess, of Grantham, Pa., ren-
dered a very interesting discours arm
$ sc se at -
ny aro ering I have a 4%-acre truck f: close
0 markets i -
fo ars, Jaci Daveler, David Stauf | oom brick fest Simonton land 5.
oy ne Boob Geyer and son called | oof; frame barn with slate roof, to-
"3 8 4507 o Thay {bacco shed, ice house, chicken house
" Mrs. 1. N. Heisey an- and hog pen, fruit wonderful garden,
1ounce the birth of a daughter, Na- Property is located on a pike will
| omi, the fourth addition to the family [sell for less than it would cost to
Last Sunday a Sunday School was (build a house like the one on the
j organized at Conoy church with the |[premises. Act quick if you want it
| following officers: Superintendent, |J. E. Schroll, Mount Joy tf
Harry Hilsher; assistant superintend- | rm © ——
will move gn the


——- Eee
A Good Truck Farm.

jent, Walter Heisey; secretary, Ira A Wonderful Bargain
rr np Seratan, Sarah | Undoubtedly the best bargain I
i gis; lrensures, 4 nos Heisey. | have had in several years. A double
{ lot, corner, good residential section.
{| with 2-story brick house, modern in
{every respect, new heating plant,
“Found Seven Rats Dead in Bin Next


! a | C—
| It's 2 > £ 11.00} 4) 1: |
i Ss easy enough to see he silver lin-
{Ing in other people’s clouds.
han deseribing big ones.

Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin
winter and I try to get every one I know
. |
business |
Values the Highest
Styles the Latest
Qualities the Best

We invite you to use our Mail Ox
der Service—When once you try it
| Youll use it always.


College Hill Dairy
Ice Cream Co,
| li

We solicit your trade of
Ice Cream and Pasturized
Milk. Look for the wagon
Jac. Ichler, deliverer.

Call numbers 27R3, 2R5
or 111R16 Bell phone E'town
Why Not
Use The Best

Martin’s Sanitary Dairy
West Donegal St.

Wingert & Haas
Hat Store
The largest line of
Spring Hats and Caps
Plain Hats a Specialty *
144 N. Queen St. Lancaster, Pa.
JOHN A. HAAS, Propr.

Highest Cash
Prices Paid
Hides, "Tallow
and Furs
Phone or Write
| Walter F. Rochow

‘West End Bakery
| EVANS & WATSON, Proprs.
| West Main “Street MOUNT JOY


And remember— the low-
est first cost, the lowest
upkeep and the highest
resale value of any motor
oar ever built.

il Equipped with Electric Starting i
i and Lighting System, demount- li
able rims, extra rim and non-
skid tires all around—the Ford
Sedan at $645 is the greatest
motor car value ever produced
—an enclosed car of comfort,
convenience and beauty. Reas-
onably prompt delivery. Terms
| if desired.
H. S. Newcomer
Mount Joy, Pa.

Army & Navy Stock
Selling Out Our Entire Stock
§ To do so we cut the price in Half

- Take advantage of this sale

Blankets New Shipments Half Price.
Shoes Best Soled Leather.
Pants, Shirts Best at 75c.
Raincoats all kinds at $2.95 up.
Boots, Hip Boots at $2.95.
Arctics at $1.25 Four Buckle.

1 LE 1
East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa.
LJ jf fi

0 11 OO

Fine for Lumbago
Musterole drives pain away and
brings in its place delicious, soothing
comfort. Just rub it in gently,
It is a clean, white ointment, made
with oil of mustard. Get Musterole
today at your drug store. 35c and 65¢
in jars and tubes; hospital size, $3.09.
3. D. Easton
(md Phome 831-A1 FLORIN, PA


If you have anything you want to
sell, phone or drop me a card. If
you do not care to make sale, I will

Juy Jour entire equipment. I buy
J. Howard Hersh
The Keasby & Mattison Co.
Asbestos Century Shingles, Asbestos
Building Lumber and Askestos
Corrugated Sheathing
Estimates for materials or appli-
cation cheerfully furnished. Bell
Phone. Ind. Phone.
47 Stiegel Street

Successor to Allem Way

Electric or Hand Clippers Used
Fresh Roasted Peanuts
mar. 15-tf | City Shoes
: Repairing Gompany

| Yh {
rn hp
| Sa
| Sr —————— “
| |
| i

Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletis'
Don, Wo Gorrehf | == smsniarsageees
Sor commie pena.
EE | 50-52 S. Queen St. Lancaster, Pa.
J ewe i er | All Work Guaranteed
Watchmaker---Engraver |. CHAS. O. GARRBFR
North Barbara St. Mount Joy.
1-11-1 yr,

It pays to advertise in the Bulletin |
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. |


> 3