VOLUME XXI NO. 45 ALL BULLETIN A FEW CHANGES OVER THE FIRST THOSE WHO HAVE MOVED FROM ONE PLACE TO ANOTHER IN AND AROUND MOUNT JOY Mr. Eisenberger moved into one of the Miller properties on East Done- gal street. Mr. Milton Schwanger moved into the property on Columbiz avenue which he purchased of Mr. L. L. Loghry. Mr. John Shank moved from the Brubaker property on Frank street into one of the Miller houses on East Donegal street. Mr. Felker moved in from the Back Run into the Lytle property on East Main street. Mr. Aaron Landis, who sold his farm two miles east of Mount Joy last Fall, on Thursday moved to the fine property he recently purchased at Mechanicsville. Mr. Frank Watson has vacated the Cameron farm at Donegal Springs and contemplates making an exten- sive auto tour of the Western States the coming summer. Mr. Peter Witmer moved from his father’s farm in Rapho, south of Eris- man’s church, to the farm which he bought from Mr. Aaron Landis, two miles east of Mount Joy. cet er MAYTOWN IS SURELY NOT A DEAD ONE BY ANY MEANS Maytown is pushing rapidly to the front, having just purchased an up-to- date fire equipment, and they have placed a contract with the Edison Electric Company, to supply the town with lights. The lights are now being hung, and many residents will con- | nect also. town lighted They expect to have the in about two weeks. A garment factory recently opened | and their cigar industries are work- ing on full time. in the state the size of Maytown can boast of two sound banking institu- tions—The Maytown National Bank and the Peoples Bank of Maytown. rma on Ian tet MOTOR TRUCK DEMOLISHED AT MT. JOY CROSSING A Federal three ton truck loaded with phoephate belonging to E. G. Hershey, of R. D. No. 2, Lititz, was hit by the Dillerville Mount Joy, on the old line yester- day afternoon. The machine was going on Manheim street, and th did not notice the freight that was back- ing toward Florin on account of the tobacco warehouse of G. Moyer and crashed into the first car of the train, before he was able to apply his brakes. The driver escaped injury but the front of the truck was badly wrecked. Y 1 local at at 3:30 north driver ll Entertained Guests Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gerber enter- tained the following guests at their home on New Haven street on Sun- day: Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Metzler and daughters, Misses Minnie and Martha; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hossler and daughter Daisy, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Metzler, Mrs. Hostetter and daughter Lavina. ret § Qs. Want Fire Equipment The citizens of Bainbridge are con- templating the purchase of a fire en- gine and equipment, as the town is without protection. On or about April 19, a home talent play will be given in Band Hall, the funds to be used towards this purpose. A A Worm Will Reside in Florin Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Shank, of Eliz- abethtown, sold their household goods last Saturday at public sale. They have moved to Florin, where they will make their future home with their daughter, Mrs. David Wolge- muth. BR Held in Bail For Court Clarence Craley who was arrested in Reading for breaking windows of a property here, belonging to Mys. J. Haverstick, was given a hearing be- fore Alderman Doebler on Tuesday afternoon and held in $300 bail for the April term of Court. —_— Operetta by Kiddies operetta “Red Riding Hood’s Rescue,” will be-given this evening, by pupils of the Rheems primary school. In addition to the play there will be drills, recitations and musical numbers. eel A eee ee Letters Granted Letters of administration granted by Register of Wills, Reitzel, to Phares S. Strickler, of Rapho township, in the estate of David M. Strickler, late of East Hep- field township. ML An given were Q. O. Diphtheria at Manheim A case of diphtheria developed at Manheim last The public schools there were immediately closed and the building fumigdted. wm ee) ramen Deeds Recorded The folowing deeds were recorded at Lancaster within the past week: Daniel M. Wolgemuth to Annie G. Eby, property in Mount Joy, $5,000. week. The Mount Joy Bulletin Mount Joy, Penna., April 5, 1922 PARCELS MAY BE IN- SURED SINCE APRIL 1 OUR MORTUARY Beginning April 1st, the Pennsyl- | E RDINGS vania Railroad will. accord its pat-| rons the privilege of insuring, to the | extent of $300.00, all parcels, valises or packages left at the station parcel MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPLE rooms to be called for, at the nomi- | HAVE PASSED TO THE nal rate of ten cents for each $100.00 ! GREAT BEYOND over the rairoad’s present liability of . $22.00. Articles exceeding $300.00 Laura, wife of William Zeamer, of in value will not be accepted. Per- Columbia, died in the hospital there sons desiring to avail themselves of from pleuro-pneumonia, aged 44 this additional insurance will be re- years. She was a native of Kinder- quired to sign a blank on which the hook and the remains were interred value must be shown, and excess val- there. ue stamps, equivalent to the amount | ne collected, will be affixed by the agent Oscar Rider, Jr. to the back of the duplicate check,! Oscar Rider jr., son of Oscar and which will serve as the owner’s re- Laura Rider, of Forin, died Thursday ceipt. evening, at 6:30 o’clock, of internal This new arrangement will not in trouble, aged four weeks. Funeral any way affect or change the present services were held Monday afternoon system of charges for the temporary at 1 o'clock. Interment was made storage of parces, which is on the in the Florin cemetery. basis of ten cents for each 24 hours, | or fraction, with a minimum charge : Edith Louise Musser : of $1.00 per month. | Edith Louise Musser, five-day- ————- Eee lold daughter of Harry and ‘Minnie Musser, of near town, died THE MOUNT JOY SCHOOL Saturday at 5.30, P. M. Funeral ser- BOARD MET ON MONDAY |yices were held on Monday at 1.30 GRE at the house. Interment in Erisman’s The Mount Joy Borough School Board met in‘regular session on Mon- | emetery. MANY METHODIST MINIS- TERS GET NEW CHARGES As recently indicated there was a general shakeup in the Methodist church when announcement was at the close of the conference in Phil- adelphia. Rev. M. F. Davis, we are pleased tc say, was re-appointed here. The local appointments were as fol- lows: First Church, Shelly. Marietta—Rev. A. W. Kauffman succeeds Rev. Frances J. R. Morrow who goes to Frackville. \ Washingtonboro to be supplied. Salunga, Rev. J. M. Sampson, suec- ceeds Rev. J. P. Carpenter, who goes to Bird-in-Hand. Bainbridge and Falmouth are to be supplied. LOCAL DOINGS AROUND FLORIN ALL THE UP-TO-DATE HAPPEN. INGS FROM THAT THRIVING AND BUSY VILLAGE Columbia—Rev. J. M. made of the appointment of ministers | OUR WEEKLY CARD BASKET ERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE | MANY COMERS AND GOERS | IN THIS LOCALITY Mr. and Mrs. John Henry of Har- risburg, are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Brown. Jacob Yeager, of Lancaster, made a business trip to this place and called on his aunt, Mrs. Alex. Kramer. Mrs. Paul Sload and daughters Dorothy and Barbara, of Maytown, are guests of Miss Elizabeth Heisey. Mr. and Mrs. David Shonk, spent Saturday at Elizabethtown as the | guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hoffer Mrs. Christ Walters and daughter are spending some time at Hunting- [the Church of God on Thursday ev- oa GAVE A RECEPTION TO THE NEW MEMBERS A reception to the new members received during the year, was held in ening. About two hundred persons were in attendance. The following program was rendered: Organ Volun- tary, Mrs. Stauffer; Singing Hymn 823; Prayer, Dr. MacDannald; Vocal Duet, Mrs. Stauffer and Miss Hawth- orne; Solo Mr. H. S. MacDannald; Reading, Mrs. Eli Smeltzer; Ladies Chorus; Solo, Evelyn Smeltzer; In- strumental duet; Mrs. Stauffer and Mr. Loraw. The following new mem- bers have been received recently; Miss Gramm, Irvin Swarr, Mrs. Irvin Swarr, Mr. Althouse, Mrs. Althouse, Mrs. Rohrer, Mr. and Mrs. Dillman, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shickley, Evelyn Smeltzer, Alvin Rutt, Mr. Elmer Bailey, Martha Ebersole, Sara Bear, Ruth Bear, Charles Minnich, Mrs. don, with her mother, Mrs. Anna Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoffmaster and daughter Dorothy spent Saturday | and Sunday at Ironville with her parents. Mrs. Fred Sheaffer and daughter, ! Dorothy, and Mrs. Albert Campbell | Walker, Lloyd Ebersole, Margaret Charles, Catharine Lindemuth, Esther Barnhart, Richard Myers, Raymond Souders, Mrs. Koser, Howard Swarr, Harry Geibe. After the program were served to all in School room. refreshments the Sunday A white carnation was spent Thursday at Florin, with Mrs. [presented to each of the new mem- C. Bates. {bers. The congregation also decided day evening with Dr. E. W. Newcom- T. M. Breneman present and Dr. A. er, Dr. W. D. Chandler and Joseph | i Josiah S. Lineweaver Josiah S. Lineweaver died last Fri- ‘day in the Fort Collins Hospital at Misses Marie Carson, Mary Green- |awalt, Rose Kepperling and Maude Dellinger spent Saturday visiting in| Lancaster. | Mrs. David Martin is confined her house with sickness. Rev. H. M. Miller is spending sev- eral days at Denver. to to enlarge the Sunday School room. BM... MILTON GROVE SENIOR CLASS WILL PRESENT A PLAY Perhaps no town | F. Snyder and Mr. Thos. J. Brown absent. Orders for the payment of bills and salaries were passed. The tax rate for the present year was discussed but no definite conclu- | sion reached. The state deinquents | at Harrisburg, so far as they are re- lated to the school appropriation, were discussed at length. The attention of the Board was called to the report in circulation {that the Borough schools would have {to close about the first of April. There lis no foundation for such a report Colorado, in his 30th year. The rel- mains were buried at Elizabethtown on Thursday. He formerly lived in this section. Elsie M. Flowers Elsie M., the 8-day-old daughter of Samuel H. and Elizabeth H. Flow- on West Main street, died on Monday afternoon. The remains were interred in the Florin cemetery on Tuesday afternoon with short ser- vices at the grave. ers, [and the schools will continue their {full term and close the last of May. | erm l-lif secsinetimiens Adam F. Gantz The funeral of Adam F. Gantz, the township farmer who at his home near time Thursday night, his late home Sunday the cemetery at deceased suicide {OTSEGO TRIBE ELECTED ni “NEW OFFICERS ON FRIDAY ville | vas held from with interment al : ig Iasonville Otsego Tribe No. 59, Improved Order Masonville. a Sed Friday evening, the Years old and survived elected, to be mother, Mrs. Annie Gantz and si ; faiiad ’ » : nr . . » . date: Sachem, In Manor township; sister Katie idi in Columbi iding at SOM At the regular weekly meeting of AT was 30 his 1e | is by {of Red Men on {following chiefs were |installed at a later { William Ellis; Senior (Bard Bigler; Junior Sagimore iM. Webb; Prophet; Mahlon Forem {Chief of Records, Walter Eshleman; {Collector of Wampum, Martin A. .) Metzler; Keeper of Wampum, E. M. for ou Bs a Dan: er, Enola, on Saturday, rom a Trustee, Chas. M. Webb; Represen- ¢CTplication of Qisehy 5, aller ing tatives to the County Convention, To er There Survive three Tessrs. J. Darvin Pennell, E. M. Barto n oy ° eat-gr Tete and Jos. Weber; Auditors, L. G. Dill- &" lidre Iye “Zreat-rancoand inger, J. H. Miller and J. D. ‘Pennell. oh i Bai Ana Snes bro) hare me ert) of ifffimicccnsisacesire » as nearly ghty years of age. : She was a member of the United Famouth Woman Is 88 Brethren church. Mrs. Catharine Deibler,, the oldest woman of that section, has passed | her eighty-eighth birthday anniver- | sary, enjoying the best of health, and urday noon at the home of her son, able to be about. She is at the head Harvey Greenawalt, on New Haven of afive generation family, the only oi cet, of a complication of diseases, one in that section. The other four aged 84 years, 6 months and 4 days. generations are: Mrs. Ruth Deibler She was the widow of the late Harry Kohr, a daughter; Mrs. Rachael Kohn Greenawalt, was the last charter Minnich, a granddaughter, and James go }o) of the U. B. Church here, and Michael Rugan, her great-great-grand is survived by the following children; son. The youngest is four years of Oliver, Benjamin, John, and Harvey, age. Mrs. Deibler figures that she) ¢ this place; Mrs. Harry Brandt, of may live to see the sixth generation, y ,noagter; and Harry of Harrisburg. and would not have to reach the Cen- funeral services were held from the tury mark to do so. ‘home of Harvey Greenawalt, on New Haven street, yesterday afternoon at The Bee at Sterline’s two o’clock. Interment was made in The spelling bee and entertain- the Eberle cemetery. ment held at the Sterline’s School house, was a decided success in every way. The following were| My Lewis Waver, a very well and the winners in the spelling bee: Les- (widely known resident of Milton ter Coller, Harold Weigel, Thelma !Gyoye, died at the home of his son- Coller, Elmer Bell, Omer Charleston, |i, jaw, Isaiah G. Zook, on Sunday Charles Musser, Cora Sentz, Esther| vening at 6.30, after a brief illness, Kline and Catharine Garber. Miss |aped 85 years, 4 months and 26 days. Ruth Mengel, of Port Clinton, sang a fe was ill but a few weeks. His wife number of selections. died twenty-three years ago. He is Te survived by the following children: 1312 FISHERMEN LICENSED, Mary, wife of Isaiah G. Zook, of Mil- SEASON OPENS APRIL 15 ton Grove; Emma, wife of Milton {Rider, of near Eizabethtown: Ella, Trout fishing begins on the fif-!Wife of Harry Randler, of White teenth of this month and to date 1312 0ak; Susan, widow of Jacob Eshle- fishing license have been issued. The man, of near Bachmansville and Har- number of dog licenses issued to date XV Weaver, of West Donegal. The 11.518. E (funeral was held from his late home a Mii this afternoon at 1.15 at the house, 'and at two o’clock in the Evangelical 'church at Milton Grove. Interment jin the cemetery adjoining. al Sagamore ’ swell. ’ 1 Cre Mrs. Lanah Baker. Mrs. Lanan Baker, a formea of Conoy township, died at resi- the | Barto Everett i Metzler; ering illness. and sons, Mary K. Greenawalt Mary K. Greenawalt, died on Sat- Lewis Weaver. is Money for Distribution Adjudications were filed in the fol- lowing local estates: Mary V. Maloney, late of East Don-| egal township, $1,245.80; Samuel Hackenberger, late of Conoy town- ship, $136.51. A Henry K. Zerphey. Mr. Henry K. Zerphey, a very well known farmer of near Baker’s Bridge, Mount Joy township, died at five o’clock yesterday in morning, complication of diseases, 11 months and 29 days. e i red by his wife and these children: David H., Peter H., and John H., of this place; Henry H., of Rapho; Samuel H., of East Hempfield township; Mrs. Clay- ton Heisey, Mount Joy township iand Sarah at home. A step-brother and at Elizabethtown. al The funeral will be held on F after 2 o'clock in the Mennonite church, on West Donegal in this place. Interment will be made in the Eberle cemetery. Meeting Postponed | The regular meeting of Mount Joy Mrs. Paul Herchelroth Borough Council was not held Mon-! Lottie S., wife of Mr. Paul Herchel- day night but was postponed until roth, of Marietta, committed suicide a later date. {by hanging herself in the bed room at { i Frank & Bros.’ Sale Messrs. C. S. Frank & Bro hold their next public of live stock at the t the Hotel, in Florin, on Friday, April 7, when they will sell a lot of cows, bulls and shoats. 2t ... death bei wil ars sale : S survi yards a EE Hooch There wasn’t a per- Quarryville in ol Must Sell Inasmuch as in the lockup at the past two years, it was abandoned. At Manheim, however, things are different as there were twenty-eight confined in its lockup last week. wmm— QB —— — there step-sister SO survive. from his late noon at 1.30 Son home riday anda at street, ‘Ithe Hesperus by S Mrs. Frank Klugh and Mrs. Jacob Shires were Monday visitors to Lan- caster. Mr. have gone will reside. Mr. Clarence Schock gas tank in front of the McElroy res- taurant and boarding house. Miss Ruth McWilliams spent in Central Manor where she vis the family of John Schoc Brethren Christ held their weekly prayer at the of Levi Musser on Tuesd Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs. Nehemial iy Mrs. Harry McGarvey Scranton where they and to insalled a Sun day ited The regular mn home on friends at I The large ¢ the Ea: erected Company, completion. Mis house wi ver. At by this r improved, Mr J of Philad Sunday " acob Eb vi ¥ Sch Harry Sunday: and Mrs. of Mr. local grocer on n Mrs. Harry Stephens, Gladys and Marian, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kolbfell and children, Paul, Viola, Bernice and Kathryn, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Becker, son Robert, Misses Rachael ter. our village: Harry Sheaffer into the E. L. Nissly property vacated by Har- ry McGarvey, Harry Gainor into the Young property which he recently purchased, Aaron Wolgemuth started housekeeping in the Levi Mumma property, Joseph Heisey into the E. L. Nissly property along the trolley ’ tracks, Samuel Fair into property va- cated by Mr. Heisey, Samuel Krall into the John Raffensberger property, Roy Baker into the E. L. Nissly prop- erty along trolley tracks, Fred Roth moved from Anchor into the prop- erty which he recently purchased of Mr. L. P. Heilig, Rudolph Roth and wife moved .n with his son Fred, Mr. Espenshade from the Amos Mum- ma farm along state road into the property vacated by Rudolph Roth, Roy Perris on the Long farm vacated by Benjamin Brown, Harry Hagen- berger of Lancaster into the property he recently purchased of Mr. Perris, John Masterson into his newly built residence along trolley line, Paul Wiser of Rheems into property va- cated by Masterson. On Saturday afternoon the pupils of Miss Margaret Raymond, teacher of the Washington Primary School rendered a very lengthy and interest- ing program to a large number of patrons and friends in the school building as follows: A play, Recitation, Lillian Wittle; Sing (a) Happy Spring (b) Pretty Bluebird, Blossom Time, (d) The Little Creat Dance; Recita- tion, The Capta by E Fair; Duet, Sleep Cyrus Wittle anc Quartette, Whisp Wentz, Calvin He rus Wittle; leafed Clover Play, The Rehear (a) Jot (b) Th: My Sha mau; A Girl things at Ni A Across the Aisle, A Little hi Dunk; A Doll : Story of Red Ing by 13 A mix Chor The Sunshine Man, (b) The Grass- hopper and the Miller; A Play, Medi- cal Advice; Recitation, The Wreck of arah Wentz; Reci- tation, by first grade; A Play, Mother Goose; Singinz by the School, Lulla- by Lane. of Uncle Fran r the Friends Smiles and school (¢) ures : Daughter grade Indian, tation, oles: tation, Clare St grade; girls; Merkt, | Ada Little, Charles Clark of Laneas| Following are April 1st flittings ir ) s Sam; | by | (a) Mr. and Mrs. Simon Snyder, of Maytown, spent Sunday as the guests of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Klugh. Mr, and Mrs. C. A. {daughter Doris spent as guests of J. H. On Thursday evening at 7.45, Apr. 13, the Senior class of the Milton Grove High School will present a rural program, depicting how a far- mer fooled the City slickers. Music both Instrumental and Voeal will be Swisher and the week-end Swisher and fam- : I | GENERAL NEWS FOR = $1.50 a Year ia Advance ADVERTISERS ARE ALWAYS THE OST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MEN QUICK READING INTERESTING HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUN- TRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF BUSY PEOPLE Shooting craps is against the game laws. The very best one can do is hard to beat. April showers will bring June brides presents. Lancaster City had thirty-eight Cases of scarlet fever in one month. A man is making lightning, but who in the thunder wants lightning? There are just as good fish in the sea as some people say they have caught. Out at night, when a girl says she has cold hands she means she hasn’t cold feet. The chief objection to being & good citizen is how darned unpopular it makes you. The Grey Iron Works is convert- ing the former Stark property into a double house. A man, said to be the biggest boot- t (ily, the former's parents. red ! Mrs | Ruth, this place, spent the week- with the former's sister, Mrs. C. 7 1 feaps of 3( {rend between acts. The pro- John Hendrix and daughter, the 1 enjoy of country folks will | the play. Everybody invited. 2 hours. Should th unfavorable the plav will be lon farm, tend )7 S weather be | rendered April 15th. Baccalaureate will be deliv- P i at th M a Ove | ore ly ] Church, on Sunday eveni v. Nathan Eshleman > will be venth street, Col- | Time H 1d daughter, of jon Saturday evening the who 18 con-|e Saturday as sermon Hon lton account of ohn Chandl rendered bv t eral d brother, Chandler will leav or Califor uesday ¢ night will vening, being prepared. ‘ommencement will be rendered warsday eveni Re wburger of \ 1 Se hool, a powerf il the audience Ah is Whi ommencer Wednesgd: iret lll - lll CO PIKE 1S TOO Bachman Bowlers Lose CLAIMS enth Ward boyling team at the { Lancast defeated Bachman "h morning Emanuel of Rapho Township a narrow escape from what might have been a serious accident. The Greiners were drivig north on the Old Line turnpike and when be- yond the Manheim pumping station attempted to drive ahead of another team. At the same time Emanuel Trout was driving south with a heavy board wagon. The three teams met at the same point. The pike was too narrow and the Greiner buggy struck the heavy wagon. Both Greiners were thrown from their wagon land- ing on the pike uninjured. The wag- on was broken and the harness torn. They were exceedingly fortunate in escaping without injuries. rcmm— A A rs. On Tuesday Greiner and son, colate five in a match game on the Moose alleys Lancaster on Satur- day night, by a margin of 213 pins. Score: made Bachman Chocolate 141 132 136 136 179 155 .+.172 158 167 .+169 152 182 198 766 772 7th Ward 149 134 168 177 231 211 190 cem———ent— essere Totals: ....902 872 760 2534 mt Aerie: 419 429 483 497 503 « +157 Nol Totals 2321 136 145 156 434 464 504 135 543 188 589 | Moore | Gigl Stoll Aukamp i Tomlinson vi. 185 Myers—Strickler Mr. Earl W. Myers and Miss Fannie K. Strickler were married at the home of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strickler near this place, on Thurs- day, March 30 at 4 o’cock, by the Rev. H. S. Keifer. The ring cere- mony was used. The bridal party entered the beautifully decorated parlor to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Caroline Niss- ley. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Laura Strickler and the groom by his brother Mr. Lloyd My- ers. The ushers were Kraybill and Henry Strickler. After a sumptuous wedding supper the happy couple left on an extended wedding tour. Re Her Birthday Anniversary Mrs. Sabina Arntz celebrated her birthday anniversary on Saturday jand on Sunday was tendered a sur- |prise by her chidren and grand-chil- {dren who gathered at her home. The {table was prettily decorated with a {centerpiece of carnations and snap- dargons. A birthday cake with candles {was a feature. A fine supper was served to the following: Mrs. Sa- bina Arntz of this place, Mr. and {Mrs. N. F. Arntz and children Don- ald and Ruth of Florin, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Walters and children Junior jand Barbara Anne, Mr. and Mrs. i Chas. Johnson and children Howard, {Norma and Sabina and Mr. and Held Kitchen Shower {Mrs. H. B. Arntz and Gerald] A kitchen shower was given in iand Robert. {honor of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Greena- SEBS {walt, in their home at Florin, la The following were present: Carrie Hoffman, Grace Wittle, Mabel Anna Shonk, Rose Kenner Christ Young Sons Bridge Collapsed week. { A private bridge on the Lampart- | Misses Farm at White Oak collapsed sev-|Kathryr eral days when the two h , | lia Bates, {team 1 » to the Showers ling, Mr. 4 1 . atten to ¢ and er aco, 1 Mrs lo and and Mrs pled loaded with ny of 36 4 Y Y¢ Good Friday I Mr. Arthur A | of Lenten Music in | byterian Church on Good Friday ev-|{ “The e, April 14 at eight o'clock. He |pany, Ine will be assisted by S. Ernest 1 { April 1st, baritone of St. James Church, Lancas- {divide nd ter. The public is cordially invited | Stock. to this recital. 2t “ enter AL Paid Seven Per Cent I Swiss Chocolate t dividend the semi-annual of the Preferred The Company is doing a very uccessful business.” Tover w» the First Com- 1 checks Nisslv NISSIY en sent covering "of 7% on | | | t | | lin playing gram is filled with interesting scenes [have I | Kegel | Eberly | 189.000. MISS NARROW AT ONE POINT | prop: portant factor for Edison ceived a large shipment. able evening they departed to their separ- ing in their monthy meeting. assistant berher; treasurer, Mrs. Charles Moy ton; teachers, Mrs. Charles Schent® er and Mrs. H. Seaman. ening was speut and a luncheo: ved. Fred die legger in the world, has been caught. He weighs 280. Next to imagination, the most ime in many a woman's life is suspicion. Brown Bros. have taken the cement and have agency just re- John E. Myers, a well known cat- le dealer of Bareville died suddenly while riding in an automobile. Mr. J. G. Brown requests all who of his athletic club suits to ylease return same to him at once. The entire plant of the Kline Manu- one facturing Company at Lititz, was deg« 25,000. chief a® by the succeeded by Chas. royed by fire, loss about William Johns fire ancaster, has been ousted He is ton, Jemocrats. 1 farm of Henry 1j. Grein- ympletely > L on the tenanted by Be len township, wa 2d by The barn and r, in E sc '0y¢ fire, entailing loss o nt A HASSINGER GIVEN FAREWELL SURPRISE A AR surprise party f Miss Mary Ha f la \sbury Pai : farewe evening Music a: A diary was presented to Mary she expects to keep a record work and pleasure combine ably her (love affairs) freshments were served at : hour. Everyone r to have a The games, for Mar Y reason enjoying the ate homes. Those present were: Misses Mary Detwiler, Mary Hassing- er, Cecelia Bates, Gertrude Young, Florence Kaylor, Ida Greenawalt, Bessie Rinehart, Mrs. Clarence Niss~ ey, Mildred Cutler, Myrtle Kuhn. rr A Ml Ladies Bible Class Elects Officers The Ladies Bible Class of the U. E. church met at the home of Mrs. Charles Scheaffer, on Thursday even- A good- ly number were present and a busi- ness session was held. The follow- ing officers for the coming year were elected: President, Mrs. Chas. Scheaf- fer, vice-president, Mrs. D. W. Stray- er, secretary, Miss Mabel Geistweit, secretary, Mrs. Fred Lie~ A socia Those Morton, Mrs. present were: Charles Morton, Mz Paul Peifer; Mrs. Harry Walte Miss Minnie Gingrich, Miss Carri Hoffman, Mrs. D. W. Strayer, Mrs Lieberher, Kenneth and Fred- Lieberher, Mrs. H. M. Seamarr, Mrs. H. Dowhower, Mrs. Irvin Geist- weit, Dorothy Kaylor, Mrs. Simor Menaugh and Mrs. Charles Scheaffer Their Sunday Guests Mrs ril 11 s expected ition. The difficult. ill Will only distinetior ions and com ts that count sense, are th emcee GR Keller & Bro’s. Next Sale J Keller & Bro. will hold ths Opening Spring sale at their stock vards, on Friday, April 14th, when they will sell 102 head of cows, heifers, bulls, shoats and a fine lot of chickens. 2t n DB