THE MOUNT JOY BULLET] LAINCASTEK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. >. A. SZ) Capes SUGrros e War Prices - Real Estate Within the past few days I have listed some “real bargains” in rural real estate, and when [ say bargains I mean It. Here You Are A T0-acre farm, 50 aeres tillable and 20 acres pasture, on state high- | way adjoining Elizabethtown boro, good house, newly remodeled and | very modern barn for 46 head of stock, water in every stall, concrete doors and entries, new silo containing nearly $1,000 wurth of feed, new Bog sty, shedding for tobacco, wagon shed, large poultry house. slate roofs an nearly al! buildings, goed water. THINK OF THIS In addition to the farm here’s what goes with it. [Four Head of Horses, from 4 to 8 yrs old. 12 Head of Cows, some registered, 5 Chester White Sows, some with pigs, 1 Boar, 200 Chickens, about 40 Ducks. A iarge and complete line of farm implements, including 4 wagons, reaper, | tobacco planter, harrows, plows, in fact everything. 9,000 tobacco lath. Place will bear closest inspection. If interested get Lusy as this orop- | aaition can’t last long. WATCH THIS LIST WEEKLY IF No. 160—A very good business YOU ARE INTERESTED IN [proposition in Mount Jov ingleging . | Mazin street. ce REAL ESTATE. | CAN |Feveral hogs on Wo. 172—An acre of ground in SUPPLY YOUR WANTS wi 20 7 : g t. Joy Twp. with a large frame ice clevator, two ponds, ete. LARGE FARMS No. 42—An 8b6-acre tract of farm timber and pasture land in West Donegal township, tract adjoins Ma- sonic Homes ground on two sides. Price very low. No. 94—A 149 acre farm, iron stone soil, on Scravel pike, bank barn, 8-room house, shedding for 20 acres tobacco. $90 per acre. No. 95—A 66 acre farm near Con. ewago Station, all farm land, running ig) hank barn, heiak house, ete, I OUSES for ,000. Imme possession. N PyeaLLMCh brick mansion |. NO. 102—An 86 acre farm in West 0 ayIowD Nout location, has Donegal, finest farm I ever offered : good buildings, on piked road 4 ed ) eal home. Has acres timber ready to cut. No better : {farm in the county. for business and dwelling combined. | | No. 128—A 8l-acre tract of No. 83—A frame house and busi- | avel land at Union Square. ness stand on E. Main st, Mt. Joy, in business center. All improvements. | Bote: lop of heading ul oath No. 84—A frame house adjoining |yoiar’ leap. No. 33; fine shart, sll improvements. | oy 198A" Sager. Lara of all Prefer to sell both. {limestone soil in East Donegal, 11- No. 92—A 2%-sto room stone house, barn, tobacco on West Main St, Price shed, 5 acres meadow, % of money $2,000. can remain. ois, I cmoticrers San, 08 | No. 90a s0.aere farm of al 0! a 0! ,limesone so n st Don , 9- foor, trolley at door. ce right. ‘room brick house, barn, tobacco Ne. 117—Lot 40x200 in Master- shed for 9 acres, 10 acre meadow, % sonville with frame house, sable, lof money can remain. ” butcher shop, ete. Must be sold| No 148 A 114 acre farm near quick. ‘Sunnyside, 10 acres meadow, sand No. 147—Acre of ground with 10- land, 2 frame houses, big barn, to- room brick house, good TSDAIE, bacco shed, etc., good reason for sell- steam heat, at railroad. Near ari- ing. Price right. ota. No. 161—A 170 frame house t Joy. acre farm, 80 A. No. 149—A beautiful 7-room and farm land, balance pasture, some tim- bath briek bungalo in Marietta boro. ber; good buildings, 2 silos, shedding Very modern, beautiful location and|for 7 ucres tobacco. a real farm. price right. No. 154—183 acres, 120 farm land No. 164—A 1 frame dwelling, | 31 acres timber, good buildings in- barn, tobacco shed, ete. in Mt. Joy cluding silo, possession any time; a Boro. Just the thing for a re large portion of money can remain. farmer. $5,100. No. 170—A beautiful newly built stucco mansion on concrete road, has all conveniences No. 166—Fine corner lot in resi- dential section of Mt. Joy, 18-room brick house all conveniences, gas, steam heat, electric light ’ te. A Wondertut buy at $7,500. ession any time. iy 168—Lot 40x200 in Florin, frame house frame stable, ete $2,400 BUSINESS STANDS No. 63—The entire concrete block manufacturing plant of J. Y. Kline at Florin, together with all stock, mac y, buildings, contracts, ete. Price vy low. mong remain. diana Co., 1765 acres farm land, bal- ance timber, good buildings, young orchard, fine water and close to mar kets, schools and churches. No. 161—The Clover Dale farm on state road 214 miles west of Eliza. bethtown, 95 acres, 15 acres meadow, brick house good barn, silo, ete., $187 an acre. No. 175—A 95-acre farm 215 miles from Elizabethtown on state road, brick house, good barn, silo, ete, 12 acres of good meadow. No. 176—8 acres on concrete high- way, near Florin, East Donegal twp., 8-room frame ‘house, all conveniences barn 40x40,g Price right and half ' or write J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy No. 161—A 235 acre farm in In: | tha Another Good One I have for sale the former hotel property at Union Square which in- | cludes an 11-room house, ice house, chicken house, lots of shedding, cat tle yards, scales, and 31 acres of gravel land. Now who wants this entire outfit very cheap? Call, phone tf | No. 177—A 66-acre farm in Mt. | Joy Twp., buildings all new few | years ago, all modern conveniences | and $15,000 can relain om-1st mori | gage. No. 178—A 30-acre farm in Rapho twp., near Manheim, good buildings, land very productive. Price inter- esting. TRUCK FARMS No. 107—An 8% acre tract of land in East Donegal, near Reich’s church, frame house, tobacco shed, barn, etc. $4,000.00. BUILDING LOTS No. 2—Four Lots, each 650x200 ft., on North Barbara St., Mount Joy. No. 85-——One Lot 50x66 ft., on West Donegal St., Mount Joy. No. 45—Four Lots in Florin, 40x- 200 ft. They front on Church St. No. 77—Very desirable buildin lot fronting on the south side o Marietta street. Will sell any num- ber of feet you want at $6 per foot. No. 57—A b5-acre tract i.. the boro of Mount Joy, fine Iarge lot and would be a money-maker for trueck- ing or speculating on building lots. No. 1456—A traet of land contain-’ ing 16% acres adjoining Manheim oro. Fine building sites. No. 163—A fine building lot on East Main street. Price ht, No. 167—A 4-acre tract of good Jime stone land in East Donegal. No ui No. 169—A 15-acre tract between Mt. Joy and Florin. Areal invest- a uruliiay or baila 0. — num fo ing lots between Mt. Joy and Florin. I can give you any number of lots at any location at any old price. FACTORY BUILDINGS No. 140—3 acres and 49 perches of land in East Donegal with I stone mill converted into flats for esidences. $2,000. FACTORY SITES No. 10—A tract fron 107 ft on the P. R. R. siding in Mount Joy has many advantages and centrally located. One of the best in the town. I also have a number of properties t owners do not care to have ad. vertised. If Jou don’t find what you want in this list, call and see me. } have it. Also many Lebanon Co. farms from 40 to 200 acres at $4,000 to $22,000.00. : ———————s. CALL, PHONE OR WRITE Jno. E Schrol Mt. Joy, Pa. DEPLORES FLARING SKY SIGN London Newspaper Complains of Daz. zling Electric Advertisements as Spoiling City’s Beauty. | The London Observer ventures to yister a good-natured protest against “the terrible aflliction of the jazz luminaries” that shout their adver t from every corner of the London streets when darkness comes. ements | The cumulative effect of these flashing distressing with a a8 a mega- is verslibrist” | electric “vorticist signs as phone, The Regent street corner of Picea- lilly circus 1s the habitat of thie worst {0 It is ablaze with flaming | braziers, so that it looks like a house on fire. “The galaxy of frenzied let- tering gives you the blinks. Leicester square has a green river of tears flow- ing about a razor advertise- ment.” In Switzerland, the Observer ments, they do things differently—or did, before the war, In Zurich the eiti- zens sit by their swift-flowing Limmat and watch the shimmer of water under the stars or moon, while the venerable outlines of the old minster loom dark against the sky, Paris, indeed, has lost her old-time hegemony as the city of light. That primacy has now passed to New York, with London a close sec- ond, “Some, perhaps, would rather be left to dream of that other Georgian Lon- don, haunted by watchmen with dis- talfs and lanthorns, or the Elizabethan one, peopled by gallants with ruff, doublet, jerkin, and smoking torches, | The soap, baby food and whisky they prefer to encounter in newspapers, where the mere sight of it does not oc { cusion a kind of visual delirium tre- enders, safety com- mens."—The Living Age. HAVE NEW IDEA OF MARRIAGE Public Discussion of the Subject the Japanese Press Is Regarded as Significant. | | | | | | in | | | | | A series of articles on love and mar- | riage Is appearing in Japanese news- | papers and magazines, as a sign of the modern tendencies the ipanese | mentality. Professors in ‘hology, | school teachers and writers of note are | prominent in the discussion on reform- | Ing the old matrimonial system, all { advocating more freedom for personal of choice. According to the old custom, the par- i the marriage was performed without | the Interested parties having known | each other. Marriage was considered | a duty towards country family, the religion of ancestor worship be- Ing its principle. The young couples lived with the parents and the bride owed complete obedience to her mother-in-iaw, [ The custom is now prevalent for the | young people to meet long hefore the | Larciage takes place 86 that they may and nao “- Yt, of l'ate, the tendency appeared to narry for love's sake and out of perso This and romantic iasal Su strong Bo ybtai that all means are trie [¢ in It, entailing elopements, sineide and , : “~d{er C¢ notorious family 4 ] the discussion for greater rt) the family is undutiful. from sidered al choice, dissension more social life, which are the old Confucius, that men and woe posed to social aird not for love, ——————————————————— Hard Names to Pronounce. The new frontier which has drawn up in Upper Silesia will affect the place names of a number of eit- ies more or less familiar to the Amer- lean public. Of the larger cities, Rati- bor (Raciborz in Polish), Gleiwltz, (Gli- wice) and Beuthen (Bytom) will re- tain their present German names. On the Polish side the place names of towns which, while they have all along been known to the Poles by their original Polish names, have for the last two centuries officially borne German names, will now revert to the Polish forms. Thus Konigshutte again Is Huta Krolewska, Kattowitz again becomes Katowice, Pless is changed back to Pszcyyna, Tarnowitz will again be Tarnowskle Gory, and once more Lublinitz will be known as Lub- liniee. The place name of Rybnik will remain unchanged, the Polish and Ger- man forms being identical. been | | Flirtatious Islands. French grammar is right, for once, when it designates islands as feminine; many of them appear and disappear like a face behind a fan, and have to be wooed fervently before they are won. Charcot’s recent landing on the “lost” island of Rockall, east of the Hebrides, recalls other elusive islands, says the Scientific Amerigan. Jan Meyen modestly veils herself in mist, and is seen but once in 50 years, while an islet In the Behring straits sur- rounds herself with water so hot that fishermen say approach is impossible. | Derwentwater has a bathing nymph of | an island that floats for six weeks, | then coyly submerges. Lenge, the ex- | plorer, made his home on a similar | til the island capsized in an attem to get rid af har euoct | - i i U——S— = | est ents chose bride and bridegroom and | | arrived a brief note from know each others “and to live apart | “7 [ Marcia expected to marry tur keep apart and marry for duty's sake | al one at the mouth of the Amazon, un- [medium in this section of Lancaster pt (county. Give it a trial and be con. Se Jessica Goes to the City hah hh hh NER py By MALCOLM BROWN SOL C € Pp 1922, Western N per Union EXPRESS LOAD OF WESTERN HORSES AND COLTS D. B. KIEFFER & CO'S. PUBLIC SALE — — — — ro. — —- — — -— — — —— Ann opyright, “Don’t go, dear—we sha oh, so much!” Kind, gentle Aunt Priscilla placed a pleading hand on the fair golden head of her favorite spoke. Jessica loved her as did. She clung still she murmured pleadingly : “I shall miss you, too, dearest aunt, miss you, niece, Jessica, as she everybody to hei but else now, but, oh! I do so want to see what life | il : oe fn OF 130 HEAD OF ACCLIMATED AND COMMISSION | ‘Horses, Colts, Mules, | | is like away from this quiet, humdrum village. Cousin Marcia has written me $0 much about the bright, brilliant life she leads. They have me to come so often. Marcia says that Uncle and Aunt Williston feel quite offended | at my constant refusal to accept thelr | invitation, so—so—" | “My poor, wilful child, my dear, in nocent lamb!” murmured Aunt Pris cllia indulgently. I will not say an MIDDLETOWN, FENNA. other word. I must not forget that . p . : | youth yearns for a change.” We will sell the following live stock “I must finish my packing if I expect | One Express Load of the best, big| y > Rugged and All Purpose Western | Horses and Colts that grows, bought | | versonally by W. M. Grove who has | taken time and asked Friday, Feb. 24 At 12 G’clock Noon " |[FARMER’S HOTEL, KLEINFELY.| ER BROTHERS, Proprs. to catch the train, mustn't I, aunty?” asked “And there fs dear Robert to say good by to—" “p . Jessica. used his best judge- | obert had to go out Into the coun- ment in buying this express load of| try with his father,” again interrupted [the best Western Horses and Colts | Aunt Priscilla. “He here with [that grows, and money could buy. | some flowers for you long before you |Buying only what he thought is a > x i {Topper for this sale. He advises | {us that he is shipping one of the best | {load of horses he ever shipped to Mid- | Robert 14 i !dletown, each and every one the best | tobert Liston, the son of thelr near with just a little more class and | neighbor, had a true and quality than the usual run. He also loyal knight errant since the summer (says he has some of the best made; hefore, ilt the land closely mated teams that have | pretty o Jes. (the size, shape, weight and conforma- | sica read and did tion that he ever bought. Greys, | ant | Bays, Blacks 1d Sorrels in color | : [that are broke right and weigh from | [25 to 30 hundred pounds to the pair. | | Pony says you never saw them | [better, each and evesy one in a class | by themselves and gre made right Robert dic me thot fr. [from the ground on Wp to the tip of | her behalf he 1 be [the ear, with two g#od ends and a| (middle, with the siz4, shape, weight | 2 as she thei land quality that belongs to a real : They will consist of the | was re awake,” “How low!” kind he is, dear fe!l- murmured the dear, Jessica been It was he who had bu vine-enclosed hoy vher } on pleas atternoons bad mark araen pe verybody who vi It seemed that ¢ wut that et in ous friends, or two tent |work horse. 2 . {good low down feedefs, farm chunks to the best friend she [Yeeon and all purpose Western Hor- | ses and colts, with class and quality | fall over. i ! These horses rangg in ages from [4 to 7 years old and hgve them weigh- ling from 1,200 tof 1,500 pounds. [All quiet and gentld and broke to Priscila | double harness. : oP. 8.—If interested here is a sale They |yoy positively can’t afford to miss as bubbled over with all the evanescence you all know how profitable the of a girl whose life had become one {W. M. Grove horses are to buy, and constant round of pleasures. Then they [the kind that gives men real satis- became briefer and briefer, |faction and use, than any horse we or Then there was a whole month dur- {anyone else ever shipped east, and ng which no word came from the dis. |When finished they have more quality ! ? jand class and in faét the handiest however KH rev le : horse ever worked amd furthermore Jessica, It jare the easiest horses to fatten and mature with every #ay work that sien lives and more endugance and less the pretty little cottage to [sickness among them than any other rms around her aunt's neck (horse shipped east. A great invest- hei ori [ment for any person interested. Try ; 1and be with us sale day and see the best express load of Western Horses and colts that were ever offered for public sale at Middletown, Pa. The {kind they will all be hunting this Spring. One ome | 100 Head Acclimated & Commission mien dre oe cane HORSES AND MULES men drank too much win vere | A follows: 30 head of Good Big to the ladies, and It/ended in !finished Draft Horses, General Pur. | scene. Then/uncle lost |eops Horses, Wagon Horses, single the stock exhhange, the |line leaders and some extra good 'd everything ;there was driving horses, both trotters and pac- oh, I must ee Robert, | ers. These horses range in ages from and the garden!” = to 8 year olds. All sound and broke The de id len! Every blush harness, 1€ dear old garden! wvery biusn- - ie 45 Head of Co i ing bud so carefully nurtured "re | 3 Head of Commissitn and All / Kinds of Hor#igy ~- proached Jessica as she ran out from | Congisting of good big dkafters, -farm the house. She buried her face into a q ; 0 Chunks, siiigle -Yhe laaders, work clump of Illes and kissed them fer islaves and in fact a horse to suit vently, like old dear friends. She went | .lmost any person in need of a horse. into the bower, : SPECIAL—A CARLOAD OF GOOD | The quaint old conceit drew Jessica RUGGED WORK HORSES i to step toward it, to fancy herself AND MULES { back in the sunlit past. It seemed as Consigned to me to sell for the high If her city experience somehow had |dollar. These horses come from the clouded the pure serenity of those old |city and were used by contractors dear days. Fairly unconsciously she 'and Teamsters and not having any placed her hand In the hollow. Her {Present use for them offer them for fingers touched something. It was a absolute sale. They consist of good letter. The truth flashed across her— big rugged work horses that are made ’ : right with the size and shape that the one that Robert had written her belongs to a good big worker. The probably the morning she left home. reater part of these horses are young to which her aunt had referred. and sound, the balance a little city Her sweet face flushed crimson as [sore from use on the hard streets, she read the manly avowal of love of |With a little care and attention should her old true friend, the tears came to |COMe sound. Several pair of good her eyes ns she realized how cruelly |Pig mules that have the size and she had neglected him, ir iy fed hn “If } had found this that morning and weigh from 1,200 to 1.600 The. long ago,” she murmured, “I am afraid each. I would have sald, ‘Walt, let me see 25 h-ad of extra Good Mules of life before 1 answer.’ Now—" 11 descriptions. Closely mated She paused, She pressed her lips | eams, single line leaders and a few to the damp mildewed sheet that had |good single mules; These mules held its fond secret so close for so |range in ages from 8 to 8 years old many months. all good broke and Quiet and gentle. “Yes, now, dear Jessica?’ asked an Also at the sama time and place eager, radiant voice behind her, and she turned to face the writer of the missive. e will sell the Tolloging surplus army “Oh, Robert! Robert !” cried Jessica, her hands extended like the winning, goods: 10 new double lined raincoats all sizes, one America wilful child she was, “I have come back to home and peace and—love!” leaving Newton withou 10 Vv good-by il ever known Aunt Priscilla found forgotten ox of flowers and sighed. » loved urted the lig 1 of the frank, 1 andsoline, outh who had been the life place All through a letters Aunt Jessica, month ceived from re ant niece, At its end, there “There "and two mornings later Je read : S trouble. I am coming home ries. she eried it was ! gran it firs It as partie mati } nees automol 1 ended. in crash A foreigr yunt ed ut | » be 11 an ork al nign impostor. 2 reditors sez for debt, and | { { o all | nite Coat, size opes, 10 new U. 12 choke straps, 42, 12 halters and S. Woolen Blanket 12 breast chains, ofe set double har- ness, 6 collars, 12 curry combs and many other articlgs not mentioned. Notes for 30, 6) or 90 days will be taken with goo security and pay- ing discount. D. KIEFFER & CO. Hess & Brinser, Auects. 9 Sale Friday, Feb, uary 3rd, 1922 at Er The large circulation of the Bul etin makes it the best advertising The Circletis Self-Adjusting, and has neither hooks nor eyes. It simply slips over the head, clasps : at the waist and smooths out ugly § ines, If your dealer can’t get it send actual busr measure, name, ad- § dress & $1.50. We'll send the § Circlet prepaid. Sizes 34 to 48. Nemo Hygienic-Fasl wn Institute 120 E, 16 St. New Yq . DeptM. CATARRH OF THE STOMACH a ui | ju i OU CAN'T ENJOY LIFE | with a sore, sour, bloated stom- ach. nstead it is a source of misery, causing belching, dizziness and head- Food does not nourish, 5, : q The person wits a bad stomach should be satisfied with nothing less than permanent, lastmg relief. The right remedy will act upon the linings of the stomach, enrich the blood, aid in casting out the catarrhal poisons and strengthen every bodily function. The large numbwe of people who ma have successfully used Dr, Hartman's fl famous medicine, recommended for all i| catarrhal conditions, offer the strongest possible endorsement for PE-RU-NA IN SERVICE FIFTY YEARS TABLETS OR LIQUID SOLD EVERYWHERE a] Bottom Prices aterial, Fixtures, Electrical Supplies, Ete, 3IG REDUCTIO LINE OF SHAD ON OUR FINE & FIXTURES SEE ME BEFORE BUYI WHERE JNO. H. DIET Bell Phone E. Main St, MOUNT JO apr.8-tf SPRINC HATS Nets I Just retuiyed from New York with the most wohderful line of MIL- LINERY and most exclusive Hats any one wishes to see. % % _ They will be on i, id on Friday and Saturday. \ Prices Right so as to duit anyone's rocket book. \ SPECIAL $5.00 HAYS Others Up to $15.Q0% This will be my biggest wiecnie of the season. Come and sed) thom, Miss M. K. SHELLY'S MILLINERY SHOP } MOUNT JOY 1 East Main Street, Mount “Joy Oysters! Oysters! FAMOUS CHINCOTEAGUDE, OYSTERS Sixty Cents Per Qua GROCERIES AND CONFECTI BRANDT BROS. 128 Mt. Joy St. MT. JOY, PA.