The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 01, 1922, Image 2

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Mr. Norman Bear spent Thursday
[at Harrisburg.
Mr. Ed. Myers and family, spent
* Year)
Year priday at Lancaster.
ents day with I. M. Herr and family.

{a New Ford from W. J. Staley.
{ Mr. Ira Risser spent Sunday with
at Mount Joy a8 Rp 1) Raffensberger and family.
on of your subscrip-| DIT. John Kepperling spent a week
bu the label. We do with his sister Mrs. Henry Shissler
Bubscripticn money re- : . cd
remit, wee that you are &C NefTsville.
Fe credit all subscription) Nr, Thomas Keener and family
nonth. | ~ . 3 . .
Bis of the Landieville vigu, spent Sunday with R. D. Raffensber-
@ the Mount Joy Stay and ger and family.
d with that the ount 5 aus v %
nao thn pars ort] ant i. Mrs. David Cooper spent Monday
at Lancaster visiting her daughter
Mrs. Stillinger.
| Mr. and Mrs. Morris Eichely spent
{Tuesday at Columbia visiting the lat-
ter’s parents.
{ Mr. John Hamiiton, has purchased
" : 'a Ford automobile from the local
A. H. Eppler, has returned agent Mr. Walter Staley
a visit to Phlladelohla tod | Messrs. W. J. Staley and Charles
K. Garmay ho yeted 8 Bender made a business trip to Phil-
ctor of the Exchange Bank, adelphia on Thursday, returning with
Henry Heisey, of Wrightsville, vis- two. rio Foods
ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. | Mrs. Norman Bear spent Tuesday
dejsey. Arriold. of Cleveland. Ohio. 12% Harrisburg, attending the second
Boseos Arnold, of Cleveland, 10, ‘State Convention of Farm Women
was the guest of H. L. Garber and Bold in the Senate caucus room
Heisey has returned from a
trip to Conoy.

family. | M : Da}
: meee | Mr. and Mrs. John Peifer enter-
Rev. J. L. Udegraff, of Findlay, tained the following guests on San.
Ohio, was the guest of Rev. E. F. day: Mr. Howard Peifer and fam-
Yoder, . iro ily, Mr. Paul Peifer and family. Mr.
William Sweeney, of Emigsville, Waiter Polfer
was the guest 7

of his father, id
Miss Grace Kamm. spent several | MARIETTA
days with relatives and friends at
Mechanicsburg. On account of the snow storm the
Mrs. Homer Wolgemuth, of Conoy, graduation service in the Presbyter-
was a guest of relatives and friends ian church, Marietta, was postponed
in the borough. {from Sunday evening, January 29,
J. A. Reem and family, of Steelton, until February 5. The speaker of the
were guests of A. B. Reem and fam- evening, Prof. H. K. Ober, of Eliza-
ily of Mill street. ;bethtown, was unable to get to Mari-
I. N. Redsecker, of Landsdowne, etta.
gpent several days with his brother,] The Home Building and Loan As-
G. W. Redsecker. sociation of Marietta, met on Satur-
es i Mr. and Mrs. George Summy, of day evening in the room at the First
Mastersonville, were guesfs of Wen- National Bank, stock-holders paid
dell Sheaffer and wife. their regular dues, and an election
Rev. and Mrs. Henry Gibble, of resulted in the choosing of the fol
Lititz, spent the past week with re- lowing directors: John A. Shillow,
latives in the borough. James Duffy, Charles J. O’Connor,
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hess, of Sheaf- John Orth, John F. O’Brien, Benton
ferstown, were guests of H. G. Hess G- Hipple, George P. Resch, treas-
and family, of Park street. jurer. Henry 8. Rich, of the First Na-
Rev. Nathan Eshleman is conduct. tional Bank; secretary, R. Carroll,
ing a series of revival meetings at the Engle; auditors, John A. Shillow, Jr.,
church of the Brethren at Cocalico. |Benton G. Hipple, Paul McDevitt, A.
John Wallace purchase the double New series was opened. There are
house owned by Harry K. Landis, 719 shares of stock in force totaling
which he will occupy in the near fu- $45,682.63. The thirty-third series

ture. matured, and the people of Marietta
J. B. Asper, of Mechanicsburg, | eceived $11,400.00.
Cumberland county, spent several! rere ett Gee
gays with relatives and friends in the | LANDISVILLE

Ice from 10 to 14 inches in thick-| wpe J. M. Trout is canvalescing
ness is being housed by ice dealers from her recent illness. :
in the borough. It is exceptionally| Mrs. Emma Heiges, of New York,
Sleae SY Sen. Howry Stauftes ot is Ying us Herman Jog ;
._an 1arry Scaufter, ' William eaver an aughter,
York. announce the arrival of a son, Marian, spent Saturday in Phailadel.
Carlton Hoff Stauffer. born last week phia.
Mrs. Stauffer was a former resident| Reed Alexander assistant County
of this borough. [superintendent, spent Tuesday in the
Landisville schools.
SPORTING HILL Daniel Drace had a stroke of apop-
lexy while at his work. His condi-
Mes Amos Myers of Lanzaster, De Toe. from
spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mount Joy, spent Friday at the home
Mrs. Martin Zimmerman. 'of Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Bricker.
Miss Mary Nissley of Lancaster,| pp Hershey. propriefor of the
SDen Bae) wilh Ror parents, Mr. |Sycamore Hotel, served a turkey din-
an 2 Bred W, ey. d wil. [rer to about thirty of the employes
u x £ id Fubaver an sor -1of the Conestoga Traction Co.
no Begun unday in Mrs. Elizabeth Hershey celebrated
e dome of A. 3, Degier, .,_ (her ninety sixth birthday anniversary
Mr. Harrison Miller and family | Monday. She is able to sew
Spent Simiay in fe Rome ot =. land quilt @nd thread a needle without
ing eorge anc lamlly near 20° the use of glasses. A number of her
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffer and fens called ox her during the day.
daughter Dorothy, of Old Line, spent |
Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. BAINBRIDGE
Henry Hoffer.
Mr. and Mrs. Rolandus Gibble en-| Mrs. Alexander Matthias. aged
tertained the latter’s brother, "Mr. about 78 years residing near town.
and Mrs. Harry Gibble and daughter fell and broke her right arm at the
Viola of Palmyra. wrist. On account of her age, the
Mr. and Mrs. William Rice an physician is afraid it will
sons, Clarence and Ralph, of near never heal. Her husband, who is past
Naumanstown, spent Saturday in the ,80 years of age has been helpless for
home of Mr. John: Sheaffer and fam- a number of years.
ily. y An old fashioned butchering was
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gibble enter- conducted on the Harry Drias farm
day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Gibble, Drias. A large bull, which weighed
of Palmyra; Mr. George Weaver and nearly 1000 pounds and 5 hogs,
two daughters of near Manheim and weighing 285, 300, 384, 400, and 492
(It was the largest butchering in the
MAYTOWN orice for many years. While
: ————— {the meat ready for pudding,he was
Miss Peart Buon in fe ast using a sharp knife. It slipped and
of Miss Mary McCurdy Saturday an cut an ugly gash in his right hand.
Mr. Daniel E. Brubaker attended |. Hi
the live bird shoot at New Holland |" * ofiihe buichoring pariy.
Sixth Grade at Mount Joy, was home | ————
over Sunday . | Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Gruber. of
urday and Sunday here with her sis- of a son.
ter, Mrs. John McCurdy. | Miss Emma Libhart, of Riverside,
Mrs. Katie Barnhart, who fell at spent several days with "her parents,
Lititz, and was badly injured, has re-! Mrs. J. Clinton Harper, of Steel-
covered sufficiently to return to her. ton, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Reuben Myers, of East Donegal H. J. Hawthorne and family.
kers for E. R. Neidiz. They weigh- Harrisburg, were guests of the form-
ed over five hundred pounds each, er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
and were less than a year old. | Markley.
who were arraigned before Justice township have sold their 1921 crop
of the Peace Hicks, of Maytown, for of tobacco at fair prices. The major-
stealing wine, were discharged upon ity have their crops only half strip-
or did not care to press the charges.| The following attended the sixth
or at least a half dozen young men Stnnual Farm Prodnets Show, at Har-
- stable Shields served the warrants, Man R. Hoffman, Paris S. Engle, Wal-
ter G. Hawthorne, Alvin S. Martin
FALMOUTH and A. H. Risser.
Mrs. John Horst, of Falmouth, ng
tained the following guests on Sun- which is tenanted by his son, Philip
Mrs. Emma Kauffman, of this village. 'pounds, respectively, were butchered.
| Mr. Drias was assisting in getting
Sunday. About thirty persons assisted in the
Miss Henderson, teacher of the
Mrs. Jacob M. Schroll spent Sat-| Jonoy township, announce the birth
the home of her son, Christian, in Mr. and Mrs. Libhart.
township, killed two very large por-! Mr. and Mrs. John Markley, of
Two young men from Marietta! A number of farmers in Conoy
the payment of costs. The prosecut- Ped.
would have been arrested. Con- Tisburg: Benjamin F. Hoffman, Nor-
brated her sixty-first birthday anni-

An infant son, of Mr. and Mrs.
versary at her home, by entertaining Samuel Moore, residing on a farm in
a number of friends and relatives, West Hempfield township, had the
from Harrisburg. (third finger of his right hand mashed
Iwood H. Stoner, of the United when the little one was caught in the
tates Cavalry, ‘stationed at Fort spring of the bed. The physician at-
Ethan Allen, Vermont, is home on a tending is of the opinion that the
thirty day furlough, the guest of his finger will heal.

Mr. Jay Vernon Good spent Sun- |
| Mr. Charles Bender has purchased |

|. 0 24
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Pleasarit to take
86) Viloby 0060.0


jan. 3-3 mo-pd
Christian L. Heisey a P. R. R. em-
ployee at Hyner, Pa., paid a short
| visit to his father Jacob W. Heisey
{one day last week.
| Owing to the illness of John Hor-
stick, truck driver for the D. G. Brin-
ser feed and coal merchant, John
Zeager filled the vacancy. -
The demands from various parts
of the U. S. for the B. F. Greider
thoroughbred poultry and eggs is
causing large daily shipments by ex-
press and parcel post.
There is a real father in this place
who enjoys placing a string of sleigh
bells upon his shoulders attach him-
self to a sled and give his off spring
a ride over the beautiful snow.
Cope Brothers forwarded several
large truck loads of their evaporated
sweet corn by P .R. R. freight last
Monday for large western cities.
Church of the Brethren held their
evening services at this place last
Sunday evening with a fair attend-
ance considering the condition of the
The epidemics of scarlet fever and
mumps have reached this place mak-
ing it necessary for the health officer
Adam Stump to appear upon the
scene with his cards
Mr. Martin R. Kraybill a West
Donegal progressive follower of Hus-
bandry transacted business at the
Rheems feed warehouse last Monday
fternoon enjoying a sleigh ride dodg-
ing the drifts.
Penn Lime, Stone and Cement
Company are making extensive ar-
rangements to open "a new quarry
adjacent to their large crushing plant
which is equipped to handle several
thousand tons per day.
The Rheems basket ball team
played their first game away from
home last Saturday evening in the
Market Hall at Elizabethtown where
they had as their opponents the sec-
cond high school team, the latter be-
ing victorious.
The continuous fall of snow last
Saturday abandoned the trolley ser-
vice for a number of hours. The
State highway was blocked at several
points between this place and Etown
until about Sunday noon, making
quite a demand for snow shovelers,
Enos Floyd manager of the Rheems
hall association is quite busy. selling
tichste for the Keystone Concert to
be held in the Rheems school house
Saturday evening, February 4th at
which time the company promises to
give the large audience an old
fashioned time.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Moore had its thumb badly
Mrs. William Minich and Mrs. John
L. Keiser spent Wednesday afternoon
in Lancaster.
Mr. Samuel K. Keiser is at St.
Joseph’s Hospital where he under-
went an operation for the removal
of his tonsils.
The W. M. S. held a business meet-
ing on Wednesday evening. Mrs.
Minnie Miller was elected delegate
to the W. 'M. S. Convention. The
W. M. 8. will hold its regular month-
34 meeting on Sunday evening, at
The K. L. C. E. elected the follow-
ing officers: President, Paul A. Goss;
vice president, Melvin L. Miller; re-
cording secretary, Minnie Miller; cor-

Additional Amount of Milk and Butter.
fat May Hardly Pay the
Extra Expense.

Cows milked and fed three times
daily will produce more milk and the
average test will be higher than though
they were milked only twice. The rule
is that milking three times daily is ad-
visable where records are being made,
or where cows are milking so largely
it is burdensome for them to carry
their milk-making nutriments for pe-
riods of twelve hours each Under
practical conditions the question of
time is the determining factor. It costs
more to milk three times daily than
only twice and if extra help must be
hired the additional amount of milk
may hardly pay the extra expense.

Cow Testing Associations in West
Reach Mark of 100 Per Cent—Dis-

the mark of 100 per cent of their
herds headed by purebred bulls.
This was the count in the spring of
1921 in the territory of the western of-
fice of the dairy division of the United
States Department of Agriculture. In
the fall of this year one-third of the as-
soclations in the western states were
100 per cent in their use of purebred
pulls. In some localities it Is com-
ing to be considered a disgrace for
meee tl Gun
Columbia lost one of its industries
last week when the Camden Mfg. Co.
moved its entire plant to Camden, N.

PP parents. He is the only one from this| Samuel Keiser underwent an op-
section t6 remain in the service. jeration at St. Joseph’s hospital.

J. vB
anyone to use a scrub bull *




. Become a Partner as
the business, but a hundred and eighty-three thousahd
invested in one of the great American industries which
bases its stability on that of the nation itself and the
Shares of American Telephone & Telegraph Co.
stock have recently been selling around $118.
It may be bought by anyone through any bank or
delphia, New York, Chicago, Boston or Washington
Stock Exchange.
Join the Partnership
of 183,000 Owners
in the
Bell Telephone System
ell as a Subscriber
Not ten or a hundred or ten hundred people ‘ewn
never less than 7)2 per cent.
and women, from all over the country, who have ! :
through4periods of bad general business
well as good.
ons who, like you, use its service daily.
ment of the business.
‘One share will, at the present divid
er, or through any responsible broker on the Phila- shares ‘will pay your telephone bill.
We shall be glad to furnish further
you so desire.
Buy outright through your Bank or
Broker, or on the Partial-payment Plan
Banks do not recommend any particular stock.
They desire, however, to encourage systematic saving and careful investing,
and most of them afford the service and facilities of their loan departments to
customers who desire to purchase reliable securities on the partial-payment plan.
The usual arrangement is to make an advance payment of approximately one-
fifth of the purchase price, and pay off the balance gradually.
The dividends on the stock will more than pay the interest on the loan.
It is a fine way to save —- to make a start as an investor, as a partnér in a
conservative, reliable, established business.
The following banks will assist their customers in making such investments:
First National Bank, Mt. Joy, Pa.
Florin Trust Company, Florin, Pa.
The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania
« F. E. Cowan, Local Manager
An attractive investment
for conservative people
The Company has 40 years of dividend history of
The earnings of the business are remarkably steady
Assets are far in excess of capital and debts.
There is character and enterprise in the manage-
% There is public confidence in its fair dealing.
you a.return of’$9.00 a year. The dividends of a few
conditions as
end rate, pay
information if

=O |

I have a lot of
Baldwin Apples
Graded in three sizes which
we sell at
$2.25, $2.50 & $2.75
Josbonding secretary, A. Elizabeth p b d Hair D
ireene; treasurer John J. Gable; 1 1 i A DARRENKA ractic arber an air vresser
pianist, Minnie Miller; assistant Per Bu. or in any quantity 1 1} | \
pianist, Martha Kline. : : X Doors East of Post Office. Shop Open ry Day and Evenings
—_—C——— you wish to buy. P ry Day ¢
at MOUNT JOY, PA. Agent for§Eureka Laundry
Come to see them.

G. Moyer
W. Donegal St., Mount Joy
. Morris River Cove Oysters at all
limes; Open or in the Shell; Pints,
Hundreds or by the Barrel
To The
i) Public
| am
ing, your ol

re fo Save you
17 E. Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. der Servi


We invite you to

Valued, the Highest
Stylesiihe Latest
Qualities: the Best
) our Mail Or
ce—When o you try it
You'll use it always,


College Hill Dairy
Slarinet. Saxophone,
Cornet, Flute,

Ice Cream Co.,

it Ho

Hotel McGinnis Rastaorant
“J. A. McGinnis, Propr.
I'avish to inform the public that I
have %opened a first-class restaurant
1 McGinnis where I am pre-

3 ; mb a—
3 D. Easton Eleétric or Hand Clippers Used
Fri d Oyster S > ud P 831.A1 FLORIN, PA. Fresh Roasted Peanu
3 Se i
Stumpf’s staurant é SOLD TUNED AND REGULATED
Main St, Mount. Joy All Work Guaranteed
+ If you have an you want to
We Both, J.1..11 Thome or dro mie eat 1t| CHAS. O. GARBER
Defiyer Photite Jou do not w 71 North B iy ba unt Joy.
al ra o O! .
uy your entire equipmen I buy Ly

195-0%.9%.6%.4% ¢% 0% 4% 0, 9,
oP SPSS age 0304500200000
| “Why Not

— |
We solicit youljtrade of
[ce Cream and Pagturized, Martin's Sanitary Dairy
Milk. Look for the
102 East DonegalSt.,
Write For Price List't

: h. :
I wish to n@tify my friends that I
at market prices and would
ike to have your business.
Bring them to iY
jan’ 11-6¢

grace to Use Scrub. oY . wagon . West Donegal St. yr
\ Jac. Ichler, deliverer. 3 "MOUNT JOY, PA.
: opt >. (Oya ir TABLES FOR LA % Ny
One—two—three! One cow-testing Sei \ % “ |
association .in Washington, two in Colo- | Will be pleased to have you, call at ® PALA BARBER SHOP .
rado, and three in Idaho have reached any time
jan. 4-3mos.}.
Call numbers 27R3, 2R5
or 111R16 Bell phone E’town| ™ * W!LLIAMBMT. JOY, PA.
Successor to A Way



City Shoe
Repairing Company

50-52 S. Queen St. Lancaster, Pa.