\ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1922 SO000000000000COOO000000O00LOVODLLLVLC Inside nformalion about Tires IT'S our da business to understand Tires, inside as well as Lit nd we know that many blowouts can be prevented by pro- perly repairing small tread cuts or breaks in the inner fabric. Bring your casings to our Vuleanizing Shop for examination. Immediate repair of small injuries will lengthen their mile- age surprisingly. We use Goodyear Repair Materials and guarantee you entire satisfaction. JL LE il I MT. JOY AUTO SUPPLY East Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. ili = 010 010 01011 0 0 NHOOO00000O0O0O0OOR 111 1 1 AS DOOOOO0O0D0OOOOO0L0 * OO eet Pulp N EXCELLENT DAIRY FEED Price Is Right. Car Recently. $5.00 cheap Special price Wolgemuth Florin, Pa. a THE QUESTION RNITURE QUALITY Thore are few s that quality effects so vitaily as furni- ture. a Often things that people, buy fo personal wear and for home use are not always sxpectad a long time, but this connot be : = said about furniture. Wha yg. + buy furniture you are buying Bz something you expect to render yeu'long service. It will if you buy it here, because here we think of “quality first. All the furni- ture we buy must measure exactly sp to“.requirements which we make as to the manner of workmanship. And, after ail, in the long run, well-made furniture is the cheapest ‘sort of furniture to buy. We invite comparison, look around, compare qualities and prices and then come here and see ur vast sesoriment, Westenberger, Maley & Mya: 128-131 East King Street LANCASTER, PA. 501 TO 11 OOD 1 “21 OL 0 1 601 111 6 LDOO0O0O00O00000DOO0O0LOOOOONOO THE HOME OF ALL GOOD FEED \ | oN 1 Massage gently with soothing Meritholatam Cools, rests and refreshes 11 1 0 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, Your Opportunity We Are Going to Sell More GLOGKS 1ONTH Than ever befo Bring ir your 0ld Clocks—will alow you Fair Price in Exchange on New One. You know we are doi the same thing with watches. The Largest Cloch Store in Lan- caster, Clocks W. W. Appel 131 North Queen Street ANCASTER, PENNA. PPLES APPLES i=: Graded in thie sizes which $2.25, §2.50\& $2.75 Per Bu. or in any, quantity W. Donegal St., LANCASTER PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week Ich wut os ich bower ware, Un het en boweri; [Het shaena gile un fette kee Un schwartze naeger si. Des is es leedle os der karl singt woo em bower de oxel shtriched won !are en office will, awver ich hob nuch fun kem lawyer, odder porra, odder drooker, odder ducter g’hared os en {henker nootz wore os net tsu sinera professions g’shtucka hut. Se sawga mere der bower is en independender ‘mon. Are is. Es doot nemond oppo- sition runna tsu eme, un are hut ols- fart ganunk tsu essa—wons usht lod- warrick-brode un sida flaish is. Em ledshta shpote is so en holb- gabockner lawyer room gonga shpe- eches maucha un endlich is are on der Hawsa Barrick cooma woo shunt en monicher karl wedder galuffa is. Des barshtly hut oll de shaena socha g’wist hut, un endlich is are uff se gadraid un hut g'sawd: { “Oh, ere leeva bowera. We garn daid ich my bisniss uff gevva, doh runner cooma, en lut kawfa un en house druff bowa un by eich laeva; De good, frish, barrick looft; des sees 'wasser, de braida ocker un reich ;lond Dere wist net wos dere het. Awver mere professional leit laeva ‘uff wos mere fun eich greega—wos dere net essa kent. Missa ei-g’shpart si es gons yohr room. Unser laeva is far-kartzed un unser frei-heit far- Unser pardy maucht eir condition nuch besser won der ols usht recht- shoffa far se shtimmed.” Are ware nuch weider gonga, awer der Billy Bixler is uffga-jumped un hut awfonga nei blowdera. | “Ich gleich belly-guts” (taffy). hut are g’sawd, “uff ma shtecka. awer wons amohl uff’'ra worreff-showfel coomend don, by-chudes, mauchts mich kutsa. Du sawgsht du daidsht garn doh runner cooma un by uns woona. Es kusht dich nix. Der Mike Ditzel gebt dere en lut far en| dawler, un du konsht dere rasser an _ de Lpfridfry. net im bed lia mor- r we du da hame derno finf dawler dich usht en ques- g’shtoomped. | Are hut si jols ous ga- butsed un a Mount Joy pawr mohl & hoosed eb are widder si wind greeted hut; awer are is nuch APRLY TO Herrmann Au Mount Joy MOUNT JOY, P 1-4-3 Hotel McGinnis Restaurant » J. A. McGinnis, Propr. ish to inform the public that I pened a first-c *lass restaurant Every Style es, Etc. TABLES FOR LARIJES Will be pleased to have yo any time t Dealing jn Second-Hand House Furnf tiques. ton St. Elizabethtown) Pa. jan. D. Easton ‘ad Phone -Al FLORIN, PA. USED & ANTI BOUGHT AN FURNITURE OLD If you have anything yo sell, phone or drop me a you do not care to make sale, I ant to it & Go, ! call “at |decent glade, thartz un ols eb net gatzogt un ich denk aw net os are doot. De fact is, es sin gons pawr leit os in eramdaeva net uff ra boweri ga-wooned hen (8 Wissa was es mae- ned. Nem amoh]l der bower's boo. Summers shoft are fun soon-uff bis soon-unner. Sontndawgs gait are in de karrich mit sina rowa glaider, un waerdt harley aw-ga-gooked by da shtettle leit. Sppote-yohrs gaed are awr-feesich bis d¢ rifa cooma un won are free nows g'shecked waerdt far 'de gile hola donjyawked are se uff un Shovingt nu hordich onna woo se ga- aega hen far si fees waerma. Wons welshkarn bosht# awfongt don muss fare "To won i de dawg’s helling brecht un derne im lawb sitza un boshta bis a iddled os are in de shool coon in de onera kinner ition tably farby, itarta un broveera dunner-hawgelse shunt om multiy un are 1 ff fonga od df sl gle nemma. pawr wocha os are Vin der «Moc ut fleega os we dowva, big de soon widder ivver der hive] rf; lerno gaeds ons omed un r hulls hocl in won sell far- re is ip de omer widder doh Der boo wfoxed uffff mit ‘are net vias reheckla won are nut coombayny coomed, es hased “are is bower’s boo,” un de maid \r ene nows far en mon un th on en counter-hoopser. t olsfart dale maid os far- n. un endlich hired are gleiches is—net farleicht will awer wile de coun- aney os wile se ter-hoop net rooma, un derno is de 'same ol shtory widder ivver ga- ‘maucht. | Des is inkle side fum bower. |Es is aw nn cide tsu sime |laeva, un ae ke far on sell cooma is sich ous shiyRlda holdta. Des is ols tsu do, awer dri dow- laena on sex per cent, vsend dawler uff os usht i ngt un en mon os lawg un con 'ebmohls har send dawler yfrest sex do dri per cent, ‘hardt shoft d net shlofa nofcht hulda brendth jes licht on dffa enner, un won |are even lav dorrich coomed os laeva is bis are enjoya. ra giles-hore ins bed. nich ma doch shlofa os s unich ame os mit ma don wase are tsu oldt is farlh Shoolda shpa 1 Ich wet liever (full lecher is o mortgage blanlfliet tsu gadect is—mer hut duch rhucl Wons net raegered. Oll os mer hut@ in dara weldt is en anunk tsu essa, fry nohl en glaener sch ledsht mohls os mere n mer nemts besser d wons shunt net so du en boo husht os t os larning don ol. Won are en blooga con mit y floocha, don luss r en porra; won he leek fartzaele n mauch en law- care dri beck Lon SO 08 Se do ene in en 2 opps. Des is es den wake gaena, grawd we’s coom harlich gait. Wor mae farshtont shick ene in de 4 shtoombich | nild tswa blinde; gile { ene schdopdeers are en b Jomera con oony shlooky yer ove eme; groorjbeera uff goc ka we en bus buy your entire equipment. I bu: for iy = % htera cura kawf eme sifitore; won are ‘con mit shpeel-v / iand condition, fair supply 5 and 10¢ en | ff bowa mit da felsa os druff | rowe hend os | PENNSYLVANIA, U, 8. A. THE PRODUCE AND LIVE STOCK MARKET CORRECT INFORMATION FUR. NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN COUNTY, Herewith is a corrected weekly re port of the Lancaster markets rela tive to produce and live stock: Drifted roads did not interfere with the attendance of farmers at the markets and with supplies liberal and buyers plentiful, trading was ac- tive. Prices on everything held a- bout with Wednesday. Eggs were plentiful and found read sale at 50c¢ per dozen. Range of Prices Beets: Homegrown, good quality per bunch. Lima Beans: Homegrown, limited supply 25¢ per quart. Beans: Green and yellow wax 20c % peck. Cabbage: Homegrown, liberal sup- ply, quality and condition good, new stock pointed type Gc @ 12¢ per head. Cauliflower: supply limited, fair quality 10 @ 25c¢ head. Carrots: Homegrown, good supply and condition 5¢ per bunch, 8-10c¢ box. Celery: Homegrown, bc @ 15¢ stalk. Cucumbers: Homegrown, fair sup- ply, 5c, 8c @ 10c. Lettuce: Homegrown, good supply and condition, head lettuce be @ 15¢ head. Endive 5c per head. Romaine 5 @ 15¢ head. Iceberg 10 @ 20c head. Egg Plant: Supply fair 10 @ 20c each. Onions: and 5 fair supply, Ohio and nearby, whites yellows 10c qt. box. Spanish @ 10c¢ each, white pickling 15¢ qt. box, green 5 @ 10¢ bunch. Parsley: Nearby, good quality and condition 1 @ 3e¢ bunch. Parsnips: Fair supply, good qual- ity 10e¢ quart box. Peppers: Good quality 2 @ 5e each. Potatoes: Homegrown Irish Cob- bler, quality and condition good, 20¢ @ 80c 14 peck; $1 grade, $1.25, $1.40, $2.00, 90c¢ bushel. Squashes: 5¢ @ 10c each. Pumpkins: 5c @ 20c¢ each. Radishes: Homegrown, good sup- ply and condition 5 @ /[10c¢ bunch. Spinach: Ao supply, good con- dition, 15¢ 3/ peck. ae * Homegro wn, supp ly, | limited, good quality 5 @ 10c ea ich. | | Sweet Potatoes: Jersey supply good | fair demand 18¢c @ 25¢ 14 peck. > Fruits Apples: Homegrown, Grimes Gold- en and Red varieties, good supply 20 @ 30c¢ % peck. N. Y. State liberal supply, quality and condition good, 30 @ 60c 14 peck. Bananas Supply | good, quality and condition good, 25c¢ @ 35¢ per doz- en. Cranberries: Fair supply 256 @ 385¢ quart box. Grape Fruit: Florida, good supply, 5 @ 15¢ each. Grapes: Calif. Tokays, supply lib- eral 20 @ 25c 1b. Imported Almeras 25 @ 30c Ib. Lemons: Good supply, fair quality 30c @ 50c¢ dozen, Oranges: Florida and California, supply good, quality and condition good 830c @ 80c dozen. Pears: Kieffers 15¢ @ 20c box, other varieties 10¢ @ 20c quart box; 25¢ % peck. Pineapples: Porto Rico, good qual- ty, supply limited 25¢ @ 40c each. Butter: country 50 (@ 55¢. Ib. Creamery 50 @ 60c 1b. Eges: 48 @ 50c dozen. Storage 37 @ 40c¢ dozen. Poultry: Dressed chickens $1.00 to $2.00 each, Ducks $1.25 to $2.00 each, Pea fowls $1.00 to $1.50. Lancaster Grain and Feed Market Prices Paid to Farmers Wheat Milling $1.10, Wheat Chick- en $1.00, Corn 57, Rye 85¢, Hay $17, @ $18.00, Mixed $16.00 @ $17.00. meme tll) RR —e—— *Coid In the Head” te attack of Nasal Catarrh, Per. are subject to frequent ‘colds » will ind that the use of TARRH MEDICINE will £ bulla up the\System, cleanse the Blood nd render them less liable to colds. of Acute Catarrh may rrh. 1 MEDICINE {s tak. through the Blood of the System. onials free. catarrh that VE will no! on the Mucous Surfac All Druggists 5c. Te! $100.00 for any case TALL'S CATARRH MEDI Hy Cheney & Co., Toledo. emer ee tA, rer ee A Good Truck Farm. T have a 4%-acre truck farm closg to markets, best limestone land, 9- room brick house with bath, slate roof; frame barn with slate roof, to- bacco shed, ice house, chicken house and hog pen, fruit wonderful garden,. Property is located on a pike. Will sell for less than it would cost to build a house like the one on the premises. Act quick if you want it. J. E. Schroll, tf Mount Joy. — eee Who Wants This? Is there a tenant farmer around here that wants to make as much money with less work than he is do- ing now? Here you are. A 30-acre farm % mile from Manheim, best of gravel land, good buildings, an abundance of fruit, fine water. This | would make a dandy truck farm as lit is close to markets. Don’t delay; act quick as I am going to turn this farm—Call, phone or write J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy en diploma far ductera, un won are en mon glawva con maucha os are feel mae use ware tsu sinera famillia won are sich henka daid, don luss ene in de life insurance bisniss gae. Awver shick de boova in de shool un luss se net shtuppa om rechla, laesa un shriva. Luss se olles larna fun der ordt woo uns oll en iaeva gebt. Luss de onera ousfinna eb der moond fun kade gamauchted is—se 3000000000000K Good le Ladies’ Plaid and § Striped Skirts from . A fine line of Pete Pan Dresses and Ski and collars . $4.98 and $6. 98 Ladies’ Cordovan Hosiery at two pair for Ladies’ Extra Fine Xid Gloves with two el Ladies’ White Kid ¥Gloves at ase ig Ladies’ Heather Mixed Stockings at Vues dimiate Ladies’ Flannelette iowns at only .........0.043 vs oes »+98c to $1 . $1.98 & $2.43 Come and See. vee. $4.98 ..$4.98 Ladies’ House Slippe#s...... .. SPECIAL—Extra Heavy Blankets at Big Reductions in AlliOur Sweaters. A Swell Line of Bo g Suits at only «1h An Extra Fine Line $f Boys’ Overcoats at . A Lot of Extra Well Made Shoes for Boys’ at... . . $1.48 See our Boys’ Dress Shoes in Goodyear Welts, at | $2.4 Little Gents Tan, English, Blucher, Goodyear Welts $1.98 Children’s Black Shoe§ in sizes from 1 to 4 at... .95¢ Children’s Shoes in blagk, champagne and tan, in sizes from 3 to Bat only .... RB... ci. ivianiaei . $1.29 A lot of Misses’ Shoes n Tan and Black at . 51.48 Misses’ Shoes in Tan With rubber heels at $2.25 & $2.48 An extra fine line of Badies’ Winter Oxfords Reduced A Lot of Men’s Scouf§f Shoes at ..... +» rices to suit everybody .. $1. &J latest styles & shades $2.48 up. Shoes at... Li 0 8 hoes, sizes from 2%to 41% at Men’s Work Pants at Men’s Dress Shoes in A Large Lot of Ladie A lot of Ladies’ Sample $1.98. These are $4 and $8 values. i144 Big Reductions in Rubbérs and Rubber Boots. Men’s Hip Boots, first qu Big reductions in Men's Ladies’ Knit G _as, per A Lay of Laces’ Hair ity, per pair . $2.69 Dress and Woolen Hosiery. Men’s Four Buckle all Rup Men’s Heavy Grey Sweater: Men’s Heavy Sweaters, Men’s Overcoats in all the latd bargains at..$1.48 t styles and shades wo at prices that cannot be ~qualed elsewhere in our town East Main Street, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVOOOOOIOC The Ridgeway Special Pullman Train Will Leave For “\Flordia on February 12th, at 7.35 P. M., For Sure Firs day and night will be spent touring Washington and Mt. Vernon Second ay visit the Harrisonburg Mennonite School, where preaching will be in th afternoon, and in the evening go through. the Endless Cove at Va., which is one of the most wonderful natural curiosities N. C. MOUNT JOY, PA. DOOBOOO00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 YOQOOOLQOOOCOOOOOOO0C etn Third day: rt of the day will be spent at Pinehurst, This is the aristocratic lace of the south. Fourth day Wilk, be spent at Jacksonville, Florida, will be made to hawe a large auton.obile tour Fifth day St. Augtstir a, likewise a large automobile tour. Sixth place at Da 10 a large automobile tour will be ar- ranged. ‘fastest automobile speeding is done in the world alor he sand at the water edge is almost where arrangements Seventh day at West bathing. Eighth day is Miami, Fla. saw homes that rented for $50,06G Ninth day we will run back to’ burg, Fla. Tenth day at Lakeland, Fla., also a Marg ranged for, and also stop at Oranda toy here grows so large that it is almost unc Eleventh day we will stop off at Taripa %Beach, Fla., where there will be touring and THis is the money town of the South. I ) for four months. psville Junction point for St. Peters- automobile tour will be ar- w the celery farms. Celery scribable. 1 take the boat at St. Peters- ze burg and here we will spend three da s hy leo go out boat/ ling and automobile touring. of ; Fourteenth day we will run back to Oscalah Silver Sprin| and Tar Poon springs. Here is where we wil travel in Yass boats an see what is below us as well as on the top and sides. Fifteenth day we will turn to Jack onville and che towards home and stop at Atlanta, Georgia. This will give you a seventeen-day tour, including, all transportation charges, pullman charges, meals, in fact, you ar pewfectly safe to let your pocket book at home after you buy your tickehy-wiiesewillbg The tour will be conducted the same as the one last Winter under the same restrictions. Don’t fail to interview the parties wh last year. A few of my parties stat d that they would nol for $500, and, I believe, if you were to go on your own acc expense it would cost well on to $500. Be sure and make promptly and assure you good accommodations. Consult 0. H. SHENK, Tourist Agent® Bell Phone 2778 2 dice—-Hone . 38R. jan. 1 a on ER oS sf CLAREN E SCHOCK \ il MOUNT JOY, PA. I | NL SE FRE COAL greega anyhow k shtick.