THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN. MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER ” COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. 8. PAGE DOOOOOOOO0C We also have all kinds of faded: i Cement, Lime and Sand - A ————— Mount Joy, Penna. Ie, \Your Opportunity e are going to sell more CLLOCKS THIS, MONTH than ever neiore \ Bring in your Old Clocks----will allow Exchange on a New One. You know weare doing the same thing with watches. The largest Clock Store Lancaster, \ % ou Fair Price in 5 Clocks \ ‘Watches W. W. Appel &'Son | 123i N. Queen Street j Clocks | Ncaster. PENNA. i. Watches T0010 TOE OO 1 {1 | » DOOOOC Beet Pulp AN, EXCELLENT DAIRY FEED We Unloaded A Car Recently. Price Is Right. 3 na Robin--Hood Oat Feed $5.00 cheaper. than bran Special price from car R & Son Wolgemuth Florin, Pa. \ THE HOME OF ALL GOOD FEED \ \ E. H. Zercher 0 TL TE WHANIDLLLOVO0OOD0OOO0O00O0D0OOCOOOCCCOOOONONNN 1101 lil TN AL COAL ND KINDS OF COAL ON HAND FOR IM. MEDIATE DELIVERY, CARDS ARE NOT USED ANY MORE. F. H. BAKER FOR M MILK. Y SUCRENE DAIRY FEED CRENE DRY MASH FOR CHICKENS FOR _MORE EGG! \UMBER and GORh. MOUNT JOY, PENNA, RTT 0 EL 0 0 OT J Tired Feet Massage gently with soothing WMertholatum Cools, rests and refreshes Little Nurse Jor Lattlo Ills” 110 ORDO UNCONDITIONAL |f GUARANTEE Repairs Freezing Buckling | Sulphatinj Neglect C8 CN in A NEW BATTERY FREE SHOULD ONE #AIL No Adjustrhents No Argumehts ite or wire Nervige ataticns for eur nronosition Mount Joy Ante Supply PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week Der onner dawg wore so en grum- bucnlicher, flatribbicher, long-or icher, ous-gardarter Yankee om bar- rick un hut de polly der waik g’frog far nuch Schwinefordshetettle, Se hut eme ous-galaiked in Pennsyl- fawny Deitsch so goot os se hut ken- na, derno hut are si gowl room gad- {raid un hut g’sawd, ‘Damn the Dutch.” Are wore en Englisher un hut der polly era Deitsches net fer- shtonna, un des hut ene base gam- aucht. Es wore goot g’west dos ich net net dahame wore odder ich het ‘amohl my nia shtiffel uff eme ga broveered. De fact is, ich bin shtuls os ich Deitsch bin. Es mawk si os mere net gons so shmart sin os selly Yannkees {os tsu sawga nix tsu fressa hen os yusht grumbeer, shpeck-shwarda, shwartz korn brote un fresh. Awver {for my dale, ich shtick tsu der got | oldt Deitsch Pennsylfawnish fashion. { Ivvorall WO00 mer onna gait con mer {der unnershit saena eb de leit in der umgaigend English odder Detisch schewetze. Won mer in en nuchber- shoft coomed woo’s lond first-rate is, un grosse un shaena sheira, un goote generous | and trust the pleas- ant associations will you all will enjoy a Prosperous and Happy New Year, 5. B. BERNHART MOUNT JOY, PA. We wish to express ‘our appreciation to our customers and ‘the people of this locality for the very business ‘extended us during ! the past year. desire to thank you We continue and that Merry Christmas and a pushta fense, un shaene fette uxa, un shmarte gile, un blendy hinkle un em hofe os de over laiga, un shmarte | wiver, un shaene maid un fette bub- (lin, un woo de leit blendy fun beshta soch tsu essa hen—so soch os we es besht rinds flaish, waitsa brote un lod-warick, un sower-growd, un woo de leit so monneerlich sin os se ame eilawda for mit essa won mer by eena awrooft; in gaigenda fun sellera awrt schwetza de leit tsu sawga oll nix os es goot oldt Pennsylfawny Deitsch. Now, gae amohl in en Englishe nuchbershoft un sae wees dart ous gooked. De bowera hen era bleek un | reaper drows im wedder stae fun | yohr tsu yohr, de fensa drunna, der waitsa bockich, es fee mawger, shtinkicher booter, fer-breede oyer, hash fun flaish gamaucht, fon na huy Joe hinna, fuy. En shae gakuched jhem hen se aw ivver en larer mawga, de weinsleit grenklich un u-obbadit- lich, wiesht un mawger. Jn gae amohl in de gross shtadt un roof aw jon den jail an froke der shreef we {feel deeb un onera racal dart drin sin un are sawgt ordlich feel: don froke ene welle sort de majority hen, (d Deitscha odder de Englisha, un ich bin goot derfore os are sawgt os de deeb un so karls tsu sawga oll Eng- lish sin—un os yusht don un won en | | Deitcher ni coomed waega bissly bodderation mit weip sleit. Anyhow, ich shtick tsu’'m goota oldta Deticha wake, un geb en dihen- ker droom eb de farhungerda grudda- fresser mich un de ‘Polly gleicha odder net. EN —— FEDERAL REPORTS TELL OF WORK ‘OF PENNSYLVANIA, FEED CONTROL A GOOD LOT OF Cows, Heifers and Bulls AT PUBLIC SALE ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1921 The undersigned will sell at public sale at their stock yards Mount Joy, Pa., the following live stock: 80 HEAD OF Cows, Heifers, Bulls, and Steers About 50 cows and Heifers and the balance Bulls and Steers. This sale will positively start at 1:25 sharp. CONDITIONS: —Note at 60 days with approved security and bank dis- count added. J. B. KELLER & BRO. F. B. Aldinger, Auct. Coble & Kreider, Clks. OL 0. OO. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0S CPI UI UI SUI UI SI 000000 ° oe o, > ®, y FOR Fried Oysters 60 TO Stumpf’s Restaurant Main St. up Joy @, ® \/ * , o® * a eh I>. Easton nd Phone"§31.A1 FLORIN, PA. If you have anything yo sell, phone or drop me a you do not care to make sale, buy your entire equipment. I for cash. { Don’t Miss This Sale—A Better Lot. | So Starts Promptly at 1.256 Sharp ® = <, @ We x oe | oP Deliver Pho 3 & Ou 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9, £3050 o5e ofr efe ae ieifeideiddredind The high standard of the control work of the Bureau of Chemistry of the Pennsylvania Department of |Agriculture, in the inspection and control of the sale of feeding stuffs {in the state, is recognized by the | Federal Trade Commission in a re- cently issued report. | The Commission conducted an ex- haustive investigation throughout the | United States, showing the work that |is being done by the various states in co-operation with the Federal autho- rites and the work of the Pennsyl- vania Department of Agriculture is) selected as one of five states that are held up as examples. The report contains much valuable information relative to the feeding {stuffs industry throughout the United | States and the book should be of ispecial interest to Pennsylvania stockman and breeders. For the past twenty years the | Pennsylvania Department .of Agiri- [culture has been actively engaged in supervising the marketing and sale of [feeding stuffs in this state and in carrying out the enforcement of the THE PRODUCE AND LIVE STOCK MARKET CORRECT INFORMATION FUR. NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN Herewith is a corrected weekly re port of the Lancaster markets rela. tive to produce and live stock: Supplies were liberal in all the markets. Christmas greens beinz especially plentiful and with zood demand trading was active, prices for trees ranged from 40: for the common spruce to $2.00 fur the Northern varieties Wreaths of vari- ous kinds sold readily at a range from 12¢ to 25¢ ww 80c for wail berried Holly. Storage eggs show sctive movement and are ceing used gecerally for baking at a saving of irom 20 te 26c per dozen. Butter stil holds steady. Other commodi- ties show practica'ly no change in price. Range of Prices Beets: Homegrown, good quality and condition, fair supply 5 and 10¢ per bunch. Lima Beans: Homegrown, limited supply 25¢ per quart. Beans: Green and yellow wax 20c¢ 14 peck. Cabbage: Homegrown, liberal sup. ply, quality and condition good, new stock pointed type be @ 12c¢ per head. Cauliflower: supply limited, fair quality 10 @ 25¢ head. Carrots: Homegrown, good supply and condition 5¢ per bunch. 8-10e box. Celery: Ho.negrown, fair supply, be @ 15¢ stalk. Cucumbers: Homegrown, fair sup- ply, be, 8c @ 10c. Lettuce: Homegrown, goed supply and condition, head lettuce 5c @ 15¢ head. Endive 5¢ per head. Egg Plant: fair supply 5 @ @ 15¢ each. Onions: Bermuda, new stock whites and yellow 10c box; Spanish 5¢ @ 10c each, white pickling 15¢ box. Green onions 5 @ 10c¢ bunch. Parsnips: Fair supply, good qual- ity 15¢ quart box. Parsley: Homegrown, good quality and condition 1c @ 3c bunch. Peprers: Good quality 1c @ 3c ach. Potatoes: Homegrown Irish Cob- bler, quality and condition good, 20¢ @ 30¢ peck; $1 grade, $1.40 to $1.50 per bushel. Squashes: 5¢ @ 10c each. Pumpkins: 5¢ @ 20¢ each. Radishes: Homegrown, good sup- ply and condition 5¢ bunch. Spinach: Fair supply, good con- dition, 15¢ @ 20c % peck. Tomatoes: Homegrown, limited, good quality 15¢ box. Swee* Potatoes: Jersey supply yood 14, supply, fair demand 15¢ @ 25¢ Y% peck. Fruits Apples: Homegrown, Summer Rambos and Red varieties good sup- ply 20 @ 30c % peck. N. Y. State moderate supply, quality and condi- tion good. 50 to 65c 14 peck. West- box apples: Various varieties 50 to 70c % peck. Bananas: Supply good, quality and condition good, 25¢ @ 35c per doz- n. Crab Apples: 20c @ 25¢ qt. box. Quinces: Fair supply 20c @ 25c¢ uart box, Grape Fruit: Florida, good supply, 15¢ @ 20c each. Cranberries: Fair supply 20c qt. Grapes: California Tokays, Malag- na, supply liberal 12¢ @ 15¢ pound. mostly 2 lbs for 25c. N. Y. State Catawbas 50c for 3 Ib basket. Lemons: Good supply, fair quality 30c @ 40c¢ dozen. i Oranges: Florida and California, supply good, quality and condition good 30c @ 60c dozen. Pears: Kieffers 15¢ @ 20c box, other varieties 10¢ @ 20c quart box; 25¢ 1% peck. Pineapples: Porto Rico, good qual- ty, supply limited 20c¢ @ 30c each. Butter: country 50 @ 65c. Ib. Creamery 65 @ 65c. Ib. Eggs: 68c @ 70c per dozen, mos- ly 70c. Storage 45 @ 50c dozen. Poultry: Dressed chickens $1.00 to $2.00 each. Ducks $1.25 to $2.00 LD each. Pea fowls $1.00 to $1.50. Lancaster Grain and Feed Market Prices Paid to Farmers [4] en 95¢, Corn 60c, Rye 85¢, Hay Timohty $17.00 @ $18.00, Mixed $16.00 @ $17.00. — LABORATORIES HAVE BUSY [ HNNIDVOLO0LOOO0O000O0000OOOOOOOOOOOONONONI MIMI 0 Will There be a Prano-Player Piano Victrola or Edison Phonograph & & * A J LJ ) Cl 0 * 0 * 0 * J J. H. TROUP MUSIC Hot 38 W. King St, Est. 15.S. Mar Lancaster, Pa. 1881 Harxisburg, +x x A eC) C) Gl * * * * A Cl ) * Cl LJ * AJ 0 * * * * * * 0 * 0 0 0 J % IVOLLOOO0OOOOOO000O000O0OCCOOOOCOOONONNNH DOOO0C 2000000000000 @@ HOLIDAY GOODS At Morey Saving Prices Suitable Xmas. Gifts For The Whole Family POOR OO @ COYO)E @@ ©) © ©) ©l© © @ © ©@EE® © R@ Ladies’ Flannelette Gowns at only “vies ras e+ SBE © SPECIAL—Extra Hebvy Blankets at $1.98 & $2.48 B® Ladies’ House Slipper§...... ... ... ... 98c to $1.48 e . . . . &) Big Reductions in All Qur Sweaters, Come and See. A Swell Line of Boys’ Suits at only ...$4.98 Q An Extra Fine Line of Boys’ Overcoats at $4.98 A Lot of Extra Well Made Shoes for Boys’ at . $1.48 ® See our Boys’ Dress Shoes in Goodyear Welts, at..$2.48 Little Gents Tan, English, Blucher, Goodyear Welts $1.98 A lot of Misses’ Shoes in Tan and Black at vivre 31.48 Misses’ Shoes in Tan with rubber heels at $2.25 & $2.48 Big Reductions in Rubbers and Rubber Boots. @E® © CeRRYEEE® © A Lot of Ladies’ Hair Nets 6\for Cian 2b¢ Men’s Canvas Gloves 3 pair. fap 0 25¢ © Men's Dress Shirts, at only half their real value... .98¢c A Lot of Men’s Scout Shoes BA... $1.98 Men’s Fleeced Lined Shirts and Plawers at ........ 69c¢ ® Men’s Four Buckle all Rubber Arties at ....... . $1.79 Men’s Heavy Work Shoes of extra strong material $2.48 Men’s Work Pants at prices to suit leverybody .. $1.48 Men’s Dress Shoes in all latest styles Men's Heavy Grey Sweaters at : Men’s Heavy Sweaters, wonderful bargains at. . $1.48 ® © up. @@ @ OOOO Men’s Overcoats in all the latest styles, and shades at prices that cannot be equaled elsewhere in dur town. A Large Lot of Ladies’ Shoes at. Ba $1.98 © An extra fine line of Ladies’ Winter Oxfords Reduced. Ladies’ Plaid and Striped Skirts from . «$1.98 to $4.98 A fine line of Peter Pan Dresses and Skifts, with cuffs and collars . $4.98 and $6.98 Cordovan Hosiery at two pair for @E® Ladies’ © 25¢ Ladies’ Extra Fine Kid Gloves with two claps at $1.39 Ladies’ White Kid Gloves at EEE GE Ladies’ Heather Mixed Stockings at © The Swellest Line of Ladies’ Purses You EJ 50 Per Cent. Off. Come in and see them. Man styles and shades to select from. Excellent Xmas. DON'T FORGET THERE HAS BEEN A BIG I EVERY PAIR OF SHOES IN OUR STORE. BUY AND SAVE DOLLARS. H. Laskewitz S MOUNT JOY, PA 00P00C0PPEOPOOOOOPPOOOE CEEEE® CEEE® East Main Street, @E@ © Wheat Milling $1.05, Wheat Chick- MONTH. jase and Federal pure food laws. iitserimrm lily Wessun mts { Know What To Use And Use It { It is no manifestation of economy {on the farm to attempt to get a re- | |asonable amount of labor out of a| horse with physical ailments which | {interfere with its proper bodily fone tions. | Poor judgment is likewise dis-| [played when a light willing horse is | {used on exceptionally heavy work. | { Either of the foregoing irreculari- [ties with regard to efficiency is dis- | | countenanced by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. | The Department also ealls atten-| {tion to another feature in farm man- | agement which should receive serious | jconsideration, viz.,, the selection of | ithe proper kind of harness to use for the accomplishment of work without extra expense or the loss of time. It is more profitable to buy har- ness that is a little too heavy than to invest money in lighter equipment which gives service under ordinary conditions only for a brief period. Judgment exercised in selecting harness adaptable to the conditions under which it is to be used will make a favorable showing in farm profit and loss computation. msc l A lf stisaielesice.. Raymond "Davis, of Rheems, is making his homaasyith his ‘ster, Mrs. {Harry Gail : The laboratories of the Bureau of Animal Industry of the Pennsylvania | Department of Agriculture were | rushed during the month of October, | the reports showing that 132 speci- | mens were submitted and examined | for the determination of the presence | or absence of disease. Of thirty-three specimens sub- | mitted where glanders was suspected, | negative results were obtained in | each case. Thirteen specimens were | sent to the laboratories to determine | the presence of rabies. Eight were | positive specimens and five were ne- | gative. Infectious abortion made up the greatest number of cases, there being thirty-seven such specimens submitted and of this number, 21 were found to be positive. etl eee ee ee Who Wants This? Is there a tenant farmer around here that wants to make as much money with less work than he is do- ing now? Here you are. A 80-acre farm 1% mile from Manheim, best of gravel land, good buildings, an abundance of fruit, fine water. This would make a dandy truck farm as it is close to markets. Don’t delay; act quick as I dm going to turn ‘this farm—Call, ga write J, E. Schroll, Mt. uw Read the Bu » SHRES SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES - X S \ \ . ’ \For the Whole Family vw : ’ : at the Haine’s Shoe Store Pm 30 WEST MAIN STREET EN * : = Men’s Dress Shoes, Rub Heels, ....... =. $4.98 oO d So Men’s Army Shoes, LeatheM, Heels, Ch aa $3.98 m 4 ges wn Men’s Heavy Work Shoes, All gather .......... $2.98 1 Men’s Light Work Shoes. All LN rs nire a $2.98 wn =z Boys’ Dress Shoes, Rubber Heels .%.......... $3.98 3 3 0 Boys’ Army®Shoes ............c 0 Gin, $3.98 go 9 Youths! Shoes ................. 8 .. $1.98 Ladies’ Shoes, Rubber Heels,.......... $3.98%and $4.98 ! 2 Children’s Shoes .'................,... $1.48 aWd $1.98 7 4 Si NB RN Bi w A j : H. M. SEAMAN - \ : 30 W. Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PA - 3. ——— - mi—; LR) SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOI SHOES GARIHAN announces the op-| Re ening of terms for vogal instruction. isfad by many hy City Shoe pairing Company OLD SHOES MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW ONES Mrs, THOMAS KENNETH | Ly e fall and winter [60-52 S. Queen St. Lancaster, Pa. Don. VW. Gomeehtd 10-5-3mos WEST MAIN STREEY N Phone 122R22. Marchesi Method a An advertisement ip . They gv