The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 14, 1921, Image 2

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, E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro’r.
Subscription Price $1.50 a Year
Sample Copies. FREE
Single Copies. ....
[hree Months. ....40 Cents
fix Months 75 Cents
ST m—
Batered at the Dost oft
beeond-class mall matter.
Tue date of the expiration of oo welaesty
) r name on the Ia D
x SY os for subscription money I
“iy Whenever you remit, see that you Ste
‘proper credit. We credit all subscriptio
4 first of each month. sie Vig
fption lists of the Landisvile ‘
Lu To and the. Mount Jor ul
merged wit !
Bulletin, which makes this paper's ordinary
ce at Mount Joy as
ind Mrs. Paul B. Heisey left
last Monday enroute for
where they will be the
er parents.
d Mo John Lewis, of Don-
op Springs, spent last Sunday .
the guests of Mr. = ig Ira W.
n Heisey Avenue. ;
Gather _— Mrs. John M. Wenver
spent several days last week at W ash
ington, D. Coens by Se way
arrisburg an altimore.
pi Mrs. John M. Weaver en-
tertained the following guests last
Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wea-
ver, of near Elizabethtown and Mr.
and Mrs. John K. Weaver of East
i *k. Landis, the Donegal
dairyman, took advantage of the
pleasant weather one day last week
bv hauling thirty bushels of pota-
toes in open crates to E’town. :
The Rheems Rural Telephone Co.
had a number of men making neces-
sary repairs to their lines upon which
there has been considerable trouble
recently owing to bad connections.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bard spent last
Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Risser at Lawn. Mr. Risser
has been attacked with rheumatism
for several months.
good prospects for a change as he is
able to go out and enjoy the beauti-
ful sunshine days.
The village butchers are kept busy
daily converting porkers into pudd-
ing and sausage. The farmers are
taking advantage of the convenient
wavs of slaughtering hogs and cat-
tle. The farmer delivers the hogs
and Ober & Brubaker do the work
in an appetizing manner.
The Calithumpian band dug up
their instruments one evening last
week, after finding some of them
quite rusty owing to the matrimonial
business being rather dull the past
year. News of weddings
town spread in short
promptly at eight o’clock the band of
noise approached the home of W. L.
Heisey, where his son Paul and bride |
were eating supper. After render-
ing the best of their ability an dsome
most horrible noise, they were lib-
erally rewarded, promptly departing
and left for the store of refreshments
Miss Hazel Garber, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. Garber, cele-
brated her tenth birthday last Sat-
arday afternoon by entertaining her
many school mates and little friends
to a tea party. Various games and
other amusements made the affair a,
delightful one for all present. Re-
freshments were served in an adjoin-
ing room which were highly appreci-
ated by the following juveniles: Miss
Ruth Floyd, Sarah Thompson. Gladys
Weaver and sister Thelma, Fannie
Ruth Heisey, Florence Grove, Alida
Greider, Esther Murphy, Anna Mur-
phy, Dorothy Henry, Anna Williams,
Edith Williams, Helen Shultz Lillian
Shultz, Dora Kraybill and Mary Zink.
Miss Hazel received a number of use-
ful and pretty gifts.
(Too late for last week.)
Amelia Shearer spent several days
with the Blaine Gantz family near
Milton Grove the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Weaver at-
tended the funeral of Jacob Pence
at Maytown last Saturday who had
attained the advanced age of 87.
Marian K. Bard and J. K. Bard
spent Saturday
their parents where they entertained
friends from Steelton, Annville and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heisey, who
are enroute to California from Wash
ington, D, C.. stopped off to pay a
brief visit to his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Heisey.
The milk industry is increasing
rapidly for several days the past week
two cars were loaded daily This
place is noted for its convenient rail-
road facilities which are necessary to
handle the large trucks.
The Rheems Rod and Gun Club,
who were successful in getting a large
buck last year, spent there days last
week in the vicinity of New Bloom-
field in search of deer. They returned
on Sunday without the game.
Mr. Trostle Johnson and bride of
Blaine, Perry County, Mrs. Reuben
Becker. of Elizabethtown, Mrs. Wil-
liam Has
day pleasantly last v
of Mr. and Mrs. Ira C
Early last Sunday
began to fall, slowly continuing thru-
out the day until Mother Earth was

as the guests
er and fam-
ning snow

eovered with a blanket of beautiful |
snow to a depth of seven inches with
the ground being soft several inches
had vanished.
Amos B. Hess. who spent about two
months at the Lancester Hospital suf-
fering with an injured eye. caused
by being kicked from a vicious horse
is able to attend to the feeding of
his stock and make the necessary pre
parations for his stock and imple-
ment sale.
Landis Stone Meal Company de
livered to the Masonic Home farms
at Elizabethtown, 75 tons of stone
meal which consisted of fifteen hun-
dred bags. one hundred pounds each.
in three days. It required several
broad cast drills and various other
equipments to spread it upon the sod
snd grain fields.
being in
order and]
and Sunday with |
singer of Florin, spent one]
The Freshmen have collected a fine
lot of agricultural seeds. The school
room is decorated in holiday style.
The Misses Louisa Thome, Gert-
rude Young, Almeda Risser and Liz-
zie Stern and Mr. Charles Koser,
paid the High school a visit.
The Grammar school at Milton
Grove, will render a Christmas pro
cram on Friday afternoon, Dec. 23.
Patrons and friends are invited.
The Freshmen made a milk test
last week to compare it with the offi-
cial test of the Creamery Co. and
found the test to be about the same.
The Juniors have the finest collec-
tion of zoology specimens to be seen
anywhere, rivaling any college col-
lection. They are marvels and all
the patrons and friends should see
The High school at Milton Grove,
will render a New Year’s program on
two nights, Thursday, December 29
and Saturday, December 31. The pro-
gram will contain the following fea-
tures: Music, Introductory; Recita-
tions by good reciters; Male Quar-
tette, the Jolly Four of Mount Joy;
Dialogue, Fun in a Photograph Gal-
lery, Impersonator, Gymnastic Drill,
Guessing Contest Ring Drill, New
Year’s Resolution and finally the play
a climax of all the program, Deacon
Dubbs, who buys back the old farm
from a mortgage sale.
Every boy and girl of High school
lage should enter High school as soon
as possible. This is your greatest op-
portunity. Ten years from now nine
|of every ten boys and girls will re-
gret it. This is a proven fact now.
Make haste while it is day. High
ischool training is free so awake at
{once and seize the opportunity. Mt.
{Joy Township can come up in the
ranks and Mt. Joy Township will
come up in the ranks. Let every
teacher impress upon the minds of
{boys and girls the great necessity
'and the great value in it.

or three applicants for entrance next
year. We must have better trained
as farmers ar trai a
He is enjoying ners, better trained teachers, bet-
ter trained merchants and better
The Milton Grove High school offers
trained men and women all around.
a training suitable for the country
boys and girls. A Christian influence
with the best of morals. We need
country trained teachers to teach our
country schools. The boys and girls
of the Seventh and Eighth Grade will
be formed into a Junior High next
vear and science taught them, Far-
mers awake to your sense of duty
and instruct, teach and send your
boys and girls to country schools and
you will keep them there,
Wm. Kenner is convalescing from
a severe attack of grippe.
“Sonny” Hoffman is spending a
(week in Adams county hunting for
big game.
Paris Garber was confined to his
bed for several days with a severe
attack of grinpe.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bausman
were the guests of Hon. M. R. Hoff-
man and family over the week-end.
Miss Josie Garber, who spent the
rast three months with her mother
and sisters, has returned to Mont
Alto, for the winter.
Lee Haverstiek. who is
his trade of painting in Harrishure.
|enent Sunday with his wife and her
The Maytown Fire Company re-
ceived the new equipment on Mon-
iday and feel very much elated over
the purchase. The officers are Harry
| Newcomer, president; Chas. Barn-
hart, secretary, and Dr. G. A. Harter,
John H. Kenner and Harvey Nich-
olas spent last week in the mountains
of Perry county, on a gunning trip.
They were not successful in securing
‘any game, but they report that does
tare plentiful and claim they saw no
less than twenty-five.
St. John’s Luthern church is plan-
ning a special service for the coming
Sunday, which will take the form of a
re-dedication and celebration of the
twenty-fifth anniversary. Rev. Wm.
Hardind, pastor twenty-five years
ago, who at that time remodled the
| church to the extent of several thou-
and dollars, will be the guest of the
members and will preach the sermon
| both morning and evening.
{ The following sportsmen from this
community formed a hunting party
and motored to Perry county a
| week ago: Elmer Strickler, Engle
{ Mumma, Frank Eshleman, Daniel
{ Brubaker, Daniel Arnold, Joe Ruth-
ford, David Boyle and George Col-
{legce. Th Party returned with two
Four-pronge bucks on Tuesdav after-
noon and one is now on exhibition at
John Warner's restaurant. Dan Bru-
Ibaker had the good fortune to bring
down an eight-pronged buck two
{ vears ago, and it is reported that he
| is again one of the vietors.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coyle, of
| Royalton, spent several days in this
| Mr. John Wood. of Altoona, spent
{several days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
|W. Walton.
{ The .county bridge ovposite the
| Pennsylvania Railroad station. which
vas closed for renairs, was reopened
after being remodeled.
The ladies Bible Class of the Fal-
mouth United Brethren Sunday
School, taught by E. 8. Brinser, met
at the home of Mrs. Millard Coyle,
and following the business session,
luncheon was served to Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Stouve, Mrs. A. E. Cobauch.
Mrs. Fred Welty, Mrs. Catharine
Bierbower, Mrs. Sue Nagle, Mrs.
Mary Horst, Mrs. Bert Glen Mrs.
Coyle and Miss Maud Coyle. Music
was a feature,
It Will Pay You.
The large eirculation of the Bul
etin makes it the hest advertising
medium in this section of T.ancaster
~ourtv Give it a trial and be con.

Let every |
teacher in the township prepare two |
Mr. and Mrs. John Baker ad son
Stanley were guests of Harry Little’s
at Manheim on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Abram Mumma and
family were visitors in the Monroe
Metzler family on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weidman and
family were guests of Mr. Tobias
Musser at Salunga on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Keener and
family were entertained by Grandpa
Eshleman at Landisville on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Erb and fam-
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Erb’s
and family were guests of Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snyder's and
family and Mr. and Mrs. John Metz-
ler and family were guests of Elias
Metzler’s on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Erb and daugh
ter and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Erb and
family were guests of Jacob Hess
and family on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Witmer and
daughter Alta. and Mr. and Mrs.
John Hershey and family were guests
of J. Earl Witmer’s on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Eby and daugh-
ter Grace, and Messrs. C. E. Rohrer
and John Eby were entertained by
Israel Mumma at Mount Joy on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. John Wolgemuth,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nissley, Mr.
and Mrs. Levi Brubaker were enter-
tained by Christian Brubaker’s on
(Too late for last week.)
Our progressive neighbor, Mr. Pe-
ter Witmer, purchased recently from
Mr. Stehman, 10 acres of land adjoin-
ing his property which he recently
purchased from Aaron Landis.
Messrs. Elmer Ober and A. H. Erb
attended the Sunday School meeting
at Stonybrook, York county on Sat-
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Erb enter-
tained at dinner on Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Metzler. Mr. and Mrs.
| Elias Metzler, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Snyder and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Brubaker, Messrs. A. H. Erb
and Isaac Brubaker jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J, Earl Witmer en-
tertained at dinner on Sunday Mr.
and Mrs. Hiram Witmer, Mr. and
Mrs. Elam Sherer, Miss Mary Witmer
and Messrs. Harry Landis and C. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Erb and fam-
{ily, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Heistand
and family were entertained by Elam
Longenecker’s on Sunday.
Messrs. Levi Eby, Herman Shelly,
John Drescher, Clarence Rohrer, Da-
vid Kauffman and David Dissinger
are spending some time in the moun-
tains hunting deer.
Cyrus Smith visited friends at Mid-
Dewey Cooper visited friends at
Henry Coble and Benjamin Groff
visited friends at Middletown.
Claude Gruber, spent Saturday
with friends in Harrisburg.
Charles Eshleman spent Friday
with relatives in Mount Joy. :
Harry Foltz and family spent Sun-
day with relatives at Columbia.
Milton Hershey, of West Chester
visited William Bringman and family
on Sunday.
B. F. Wormley, of Grenloch, N. J.
spent several days with his parents,
on Bainbridge street.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shank and two
daughters, of Norristown,spent sev-
eral days with Harry Woodburn and
family, of North Hanover street.
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Hershey were
entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Menno
Risser and Mr. and Mrs Abram Ris-
ser at dinner in recognition of their
recent marriage.
The P. 0. 8. of A. has appointed
the following men from the local
camp as board of inspectors from
this district: H. 8. Brandt, H. M.
Muth, A. C. Geistweit.
At a recent meeting of the bor-
ough school board, J. H. Eshleman
was elected president of the organi-
zation. ker officers elected were:
vice president, S. P, En le; secre-
tary, C. E. Balmer; are A. c.
Heisey ; building committee. Engle
and Heisey; book committee, Shoop
and Balmer; fuel and sanitation, pre-
sident and all members of board. I
E. Shoop was sworn in as a new
member having been recently elec-
ted. Reports showed a total attend-
ance of 671 pupils in the borough
schools. an attendance which taxes
the schools to the limit of their capa-
Mrs. B. L. Kauffman spent last
Thursday at Lancaster in the home of
her sister, Mrs. Lillie Coolidge.
Mr. Eli Shearer of Mount Hope,
spent last Monday at the home of his
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Boyer
Mrs. Henry Shenk, son Lester and
daughter Sarah, were guests over the
week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Boy-
er at Lebanon. :
Mr. Frederick Hodecker, of New
Jersey and brother-in-law. Richard
Lenk, of Philadelphia, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Reinhard Ho-
Mr. and Mrs. William Gibble en-
tertained the following on Sunday:
Mr and Mrs. Elias Gibble, of Elston-
ville; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Witmer and
family, of Rexmont, Lebanon Coun-
ty: Mr. and Mrs. Rolandus Gibble
and son, William of Sporting Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Ruhl enter-
tained the following week-end guests:
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bradley, of
Doe Run; Charles Bohn, of Elm;
Henry Stecy, of Penn Lock, Juniata
County; Mrs. Freda Hartman, of
Mapleton, Huntingdon Depot; Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Zerphy, of Salunga;
Mr. and Mrs. Amog Pickel, sons Rus-
io and Chester, of near Sporting
tl Pees.
Bulletin ads bring results,
Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin
It pays to advertiss in the Bulletin

* opened oysters that are not op
Gifts For Xmas.
Washihg Machines,
Hand, Power or Electric
Oil Heaters, Skates, Sleds,
Pocket Knives,
Butcher Knives,
Give mother a Washer, an
Oil Heater or a good Bread
Knife. %
Give hw, good Tool and
make his work basier.
Give That
Knife and see hi
Give Sister a pair of Skates
or a Sled and heat her joyful
Practical Givers Ake Long
G. Moyer
W. Donegal St., MOUNT JO
Values te Highest
Styles the Latest
Qualities the Best


We invite you to use our Mail Or-
der Service—When once you try. it
You'll use it always.
Morris River Cove Oysters at all
times; Open or in the Shell; Pints,
Quarts, Hundreds or by the Barrel

Remember, I do not handle an;
3 Doors East of Post Office.
Piano Owners
I guarantee the ubmost satisfae-
tion and invite the inspebiion of the
most critical NN
Rates to all alike: $3:00.
Repairing and regulating a fess
onable rates.
Notice fo The Public

Mount Joy,

Movings, Tobatco Hauling,
Draying, Local and i
tance Hauling on short
That's my business.
Chas. Z. Derr
216 S. Barbara St., Mount Joy, Pa.
Bull Phone 11R4.

Cuff links
Scarf pins
§ IS
| am here to’Sava you
money. Whether\jepair-
ing your old suit or gyer-
coat or make you a new
one. \
17 E. Main St.,
When you're suffering from
“ar pain from any other cause, try
Miles Anti-Pain Pills
Ong or twe and the pain steps
®Q n ne habit-forming drugs
ried Dr. Miles’ Nervine?
Mount Joy, Pa.

Copyright 192% Hart Schaffner & Marx
Where women will find “the
very thing he wants”
We have a reputation as the Christ-
mas gift headquarters for men
We've “done ourselves proud” this
We have the finest stock of
gifts in the history of our business
and they're priced ‘more than a
third lower than a year ago.
Dress shirts
and waistcoats
New Milk Concern
\ A
The College Hill Dairy and
Ice Cream Co., Ltd.
Successors to S. 6. Graybill
Do hereby solicit Your trade
If you wish ang Milk or
e Cream call 27R3 or 2R5
11 Phone Elizabethtown or
119R16 %
5 %
Wagbn Through Mount Joy
‘and Florin Daily. \
Successer to Allen Way

r Pruggist

Electric or H Clippers Used
\ #
Silk shirts
Dressirg gown
\ Smoking jackets
Hart Schaffner & Marx
overcoats, suits, and dress clothes

Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
I have lot of
Baldwin \Apples
Graded in three Sizes which
we sellat
$2.25, $2.50 & $2.75
Per Bo. or in any Quaghi
you wish to buy.
Come tg