THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN. MOUNT JOY, 5 E001 IER HEIN ee T. GARVIN & CO. 29-37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. Bert It iran Shes searerestnsrasaineresrininets | [RAR DINAR JUNCEMENT FHP ert rt 400 = STIRRING DAYS Pridaly ondlay Saturday Tuesday Wednesday FH 0 4000000000000 Offering the Biggest Bargains in Our November Leader- ‘ship’ Sales The last five days in November will see ‘the Greatest Merchandising of the month at this Store. It will be the climax of our November Leadership Sales, in which Lower Prices will be emphasized. Watch the Lan- caster City Newspapers for our advertisement each day. Every Item in This Big Event Represents a Merchandise Victory ALL ARE GOODS THAT ARE WANTED IN ALMOST EVERY HOUSEHOLD. LL BRAND NEW MERCHANDISE OF MOST DESIRABLE GRADES. LL ARE VASTLY LOWER IN PRICE THAN HERETOFORE. Every department will contribute its share Bargains for these Five Stirring Days. Quantities in some instances are limited, d the selling may be rapid. So come as dy as possible each day to be sure of sharing these extraordinary economies. No mail or phone orders can be accepted no goods sent on approval at the ridicu- sly low prices in this Sale. While we are unable to quote any speci- tems of these Five Stirring Days in your he paper, you may come expecting to find derful bargains that will repay you big coming. M. T SARVIN & CO Js 8 Sockdolligy Bl | gait, § | veered B day it is thousands long, and when the # | doors PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To Say This Week EN shil-grut. Husht se shunt bad- rocht? We wooner shae is se gam- aucht. Se is ken fish, ken fugle un ken fee. Se con lawfa, schwimma un shpringa, un es besht fun oll, se con era mowl tsoo holda. Se hut fier bae un olla bae hut en nawma— shil- grut, dril-shut, tud-mortal un snort- ing-tapper. Won en fodder ae house hut far yades fun sina kinner don is are reich g’heaesa, un duch is de shil-gruit feel besser ob wile se ge- bora is mit eram house uff em buckel —un en shenner house os mensha hond arshoffa con. Des house holdt se so long as se laebt, un ken yawyer con en mortgage druff greega, un ken shreef cons era forkawfa. Es kusht se ken rent, ken tox un ken in- surance. Es is fire, wasser un burg- lar-proof. Won de soon shined con {se’s usa far en umbarell, wons dun- [nert un regered tzeeked se era kup (un bae ni is perfectly drooka. Se {hut net feel tsu sawga awer hucked lim fens-eck en gonser dawg un far- |wiled sich mit era agena gadonga. {Won se gaed hoonda don nembt se | era house mit sich un hut olsfart era laega bed far drin shlofa. Won en Imick derwake coomed fongt se se, nembt se ins house un frest se oll uff amohl. Sie brauch net shoffa. In fact se is en loafer—awver se bat- zawled era arlicha shoolda un wase won tsu schwetsa. Se hut gor wooner-bawr feel advantages ivver der mensch. Won ebber coomed se b’soocha os se net gleicht don con se usht era kup ni tzeega, de deer shle- esa, un nemond wase os se dehame is. Wons house-butsa aw-gaid don con se sich eishleesa bis de fraw fard-ich is shelda un derno con se rouse cooma un saena we shae os olles ga-wiseled is. Won en g’suff- ner mon coomed un laeged era ous we boll os are si tzeidung batzawla daid don con se usht ins house gae un worda bis are era es geld unich de naws sheebt. Won se in de karrich gaid un de shtore-keeper, woo da awrma leit fartzae ounce tzooker tsu der poond gebt, fongt si fartzich yord gabade aw woo are shunt fartzich yohr nimmy gawexeled hut, dun con se usht era kup ei-tzeega, der shlis- sel draya un shloafa gae bis se es singa. Won se der foreshtayer saed cooma mit em glingle-seckly don con se usht der kup ei-tzeega un aw-lussa os won se net dahame ware bis are farby is, un won se im shtettle is uff en Soondawg un de boova un maid cooma fun der shool un maena se wista olles un wissa duch net ga-nunk far sich tsu bahaefa in resh-pectably society, don con se era kup ei-tzeega un heila un neemond con saena de draena cooma. Yaw, in fiel waega hut de shil- gruft der fore-tzook ivver der men- sch. Se brouch ken millner, ken sch- neider un ken sho-maucher bill bata- wla, —gaed bloot-keppich, bawr- feesich un gons nockich es yohr room {un duch wardit se net kold. Se lagened de gons weldt un setzed era hause onna woo se will. Se wardt 'uftmohls en hoonert yohr oldt wile se ken ducter-shtuft nembt, un won se schtarrebt don lust se era house doh, awver es tzeeked nemond mae ni. | Se maucht ken willa un lust de law- Iyer es tswa-banich fee melka. Se lust sich net fargrawva awver wardt {bis de wu-mensa se ous em house {drawga, un waega dar naixta weldt {bekimmert se sich net wile se usht frogt far gae-galust warra. Mer con feel fun der shil-grut {laerna. Se coomed in ken shtride un {lust yader ebber gae. Se wase net | woo se hare cooma is un woo se onna awver de wile os se doh is bro- se es besht do os se con, {settled era accounts uff we se gaid un attend shtrictly tsu era agena bisniss. reel eee | HAPPINESS MUST BE SHARED | Thanksgiving. the Most Appropriate | of All Times to Remember the Poor and Unfortunate. It is one of the laws of life that we { cannot truly enjoy anything from {which our brother is excluded. We {do not know how of this sharing is | going on. But this Thanksgiving as [we gather about our board to enjoy {one of the descendants of those 40- (pound “turkies, which sallied gaily [past the doares” it will warm our hearts to remember only this one in- stance which will be taking place, as {usual, this year. The scene of it is in |a famous street in the heart of New {York’s underworld. Outside the | great building early in the forenoon ithe line begins to form until by mid- are finally thrown .open, each! man takes his tray and is sérved with roast turkey, mashed potato, cran- berry sauce and mince pie and coffee in exchange for a nickel! The down and outer, the victim of adversity — whoever comes— is fed. The room, big as it is, will not sccopmodate them all, but one crowd rapidly gives place to another, and so all are taken care of. This happens eveyy year because there is one man of wealth whose heart is filled with anks- giving. This is only one igtance. You will know of others. et us all rejoice and give tha i the ; hich is within us. = f-— LANCASTER COUNTY, THE PRODUCE AND LIVE STOCK MARKET CORRECT INFORMATION FUR. NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN Herewith is a corrected weekly re port of the Lancaster markets rela tive to produce and live stock: There was a choice assortment of seasonable fruits and vegetables on sale in all the markets. Buyers were in good attendance and trading ac- tive. Due to the extremely warm weather the supply of Thanksgiving birds was i:imited. No dressed tur- keys or (Geese were on sale. Live turkeys were also invisable. A few live gees2 found ready sale on the curb last evening at prices from $3.50 to $6.50 according to size. Dressed chickens were in liberal suppty and ranged from 90c¢ for broilers to $2.00 for large 1oasters. A few dressed ducks were also present at $1.50 to $2.00. Eggs were in good sap:ly and sold nostly at 73c per dozen. Other commodities held steady with last weck’s level. Range of Prices Beets: Homegrown, good quality and condition, fair supply 5 and 10c per bunch. Lima Beans: Homegrown, limited supply 25c¢ per quart. Beans: Green and yellow wax 20c 14 peck. Cabbage: Homegrown, liberal sup- ply, quality and condition good, new stock pointed type 5c @ 12c per head. Cauliflower: supply limited, fair quality 10 @ 25c¢ head. Carrots: Homegrown, good supply and condition 5¢ per bunch. 8-10c box. Celery: Homegrown, be @ 15c¢ stalk. Cucumbers: Homegrown, fair sup- ply, be, 8¢ @ 10c. Lettuce: Homegrown, goed supply and condition, head lettuce bc @ 15¢ head. Endive 5c per head. Egg Plant: fair supply 5 @ @ 15¢ each. Onions: Bermuda, new stock whites and yellow 10c box; Spanish 5c @ 10c each, white pickling 15¢ box. Green onions 5 @ 10c bunch. Parsnips: Fair supply, good qual- ity 15¢ quart box. Parsley: Homegrown, good quality and condition 1¢ @ 3c bunch. Pepvers: Good quality 1c @ 3e ach. Potatoes: Homegrown Irish Cob- bler, quality and condition good, 20c¢ @ 30c '% peck; $1 grade, $1.40 to $1.50 per bushel. Squashes: 5c @ 10c¢ each. Pumpkins: be @ 20c¢ each. Radishes: Homegrown, good sup- ply and condition 5¢ bunch. Spinach: Fair supply, good con- dition, 15¢ @ 20c % peck. Tomatoes: Homegrown, limited, good quality 15¢ box. Sweet Potatoes: Jersey supply yood fair demand 15¢ @ 25c¢ '% peck. fair supply, supply, Fruits Apples: Homegrown, Summer Rambos and Red varieties good sup- ply 15¢ @ 25c¢ % peck. N.Y. State moderate supply, quality and condi- tion good. 40 to 65¢ % peck. Bananas: Supply good, quality and condition good,25c @ 35c per doz- en. Crab Apples: 20c @ 25c¢ qt. box. Quinces: Fair supply 20c @ 26c uart box. Grape Fruit: Florida, good supply, 15¢ @ 20c each. Cranberries: Fair supply 20c qt. Grapes: California Tokays, Malag- na, supply liberal 12¢ @ 15c¢ pound. mostly 2 lbs for 25c. N. Y. State Catawbas 50c for 3 1b basket. Lemons: Good supply, fair quality 30c @ 40c dozen. i Oranges: Florida and California, supply good, quality and condition good 30c @ 60c dozen. Pears: Kieffers 15¢ @ 20c box, other varieties 10c @ 20c quart box; 25c¢ % peck. Pineapples: Porto Rico, good qual- ity, supply limited 20c @ 80c each. Butter: country 50 @ 55¢ lb. Creamery 53¢c @ 60c lb. Eggs: 72¢ @ T75¢ dozen, mostly 73c. Storage 45c¢ dozen. Poultry: Dressed chickens 90c¢ to $2.00 each. Broilers 50c to $1.25 each. Squabs 25 to 40c¢ each. Lancaster Grain and Feed Market Prices Paid to Farmers Wheat Milling $1.05, Wheat Chick- n 95¢, Corn 60c, Rye 85c, Hay Timothy $18,a$20, Mixed $17a$19. >an—— ————etll ANOTHER MOUNT JOY CASE It Proves That There's a Way Out For Many Suffering Mount 5 Joy Folks Just 3 Mount Jo other report of a case in Another typical case. Kidney ailfaents relieved in Mount Joy with Doag’s Kidney Pills.. Jacob W. G¥gge, Propr., candy and cigar store, 20 . Main street, gave the following st3ement on January 25th, 1916: “Every winter when 1 caught cold it settl@ on my kidneys and made me misergble. My back got so stiff and sore th# when I tried to get on my feet it wah as much as my life was worth to st#Maighten up. {The kidney secretions idn’t pass regularly and the passages were scant and caused a Rise tion. I had seen such goo esults from the use of Doan’s Kidne i in other cases, I finally decid try them. Doan’s helped me at and whenever I used them after they removed every symptom of further attack.” , On May 6, 1921, Mr. Grogg adde “TI haven’t had to use Doan’s Kidney Pills for a long time as they straight- ened out all the kidney digso¥ders in a fine way. Experience has shown me that Doan’s are a reliable kidney medicine.” ; 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milbtrn Mfrs., Buffalo, N \ PENNSYLVANIA, U. 8. A. 38 W. maker, soap, some rouge, brow pretty wore. Dr. We sell Well Your fappearance on your druggist more than on your milliner or dress- cald cream people lip stick and eye- pencil, shabby what kind of clothes you Perfect health is aid to beauty.} Miles’ Remedies aids to healtli King St, Lancaster, Pa. Groomed. depends Without tooth brush, @entifice, hair brush and comb, clothes brush, and—for — powder, look matter you'd no the greatest are them, Ask us. — Chandlers Drag Stor W .Main St., Mount Joy, Pa, times; Open here. YES WE HAVE THEM Morris River Cove Oysters at all or in the Shell; Pints, Quarts, Hundreds or by the Barrel Remember, I'.do not handle any opened oysters that are not opened H, A. DARRENKAMP 3 Doors East of Pdst Office. MOUNT. JOY, PA. most critical onable rates. Mount Joy, A Rates to all alike: Repairing and regulating at re; ATTENTION | Piano Owners A PIANOS ANB ‘PLAYER PIANOS | TUNED ANR REGULATED tion and invite the Ygpection of the| MATtIN'S Sanitary D :00. CHAS. O. GARBER Oct.b: Mys. THOMAS KENNE GARIHAN announces the ening of “the fall and terms for véeal instruc |THE STORE THA “_ Will Ther Piano-Playe PAY TOUR CARFARE Values the Highest Styles the Latest Qualities the Best EVERYTHING FOR THE FAMILY EVERYTHING EOR THE HOME We invite you to mse our Mail Or- der Service—When once yoy try it You'll use it always. DONOVANS Lancaster, Penna. APPLES! PPLES! Just received a carload of choice New York State’ Apples Direct from the regionof Lake Ontario. They consist of Baldwin, King and Nonsuch Since Apples are very scarce and high in price and to ac- commodate each and every one we will sell these applesin any quantity. Come in and See Them. G. Moyer 'W. Donegal St., MT. JOY N hy Not e Best | Use | — West Donegal St. MOUNT JOY, PA. 90.0% 6% 6% 6%.0% 0% 0s 00 0 PRIS Te Jet iile A. FOR Fra ODvste )