MN © CONE. MMSE) E 1 1 ANY Wt HAB\YY OF GWIN' OUY INTERVIEWS © COMMON REPORTERS \ the “Dig gnity’ Sy pa — “Save Children of Near East” Pleads Member of Relief Commission Mrs. Florence Spencer Duryea, Just Returned From a Journey thru the MRS. Levant, Says FLORENCE Scores of SPENCER : DURYEA Children are Dying Daily HOUSANDS of orphans T throughout the Near East who owe their lives to America still look to us for their food and shelter, according to Mrs. Florence Spencer Duryea, Director of the Women’s Organizations of the Near East Relief. Mrs. Duryea was a member of the Commission which has just returned to this country after a two months’ inves- tigation of conditions in the Levant. “They look to us, for they have no one else to look to,” Mrs. Dur- yea declares. “We have been car- ing for them during the long years of warfare, which has not yet ceas- ed in the Near East, and we must continue while the present need exists. “Though much of our work has been done and it will require just a little more effort to complete the task, the situation this year makes immediate and effective action nec- essary. Due to invasion and dis- turbed political conditions an addi- tional burden has been thrown upon us, especially in Armenia, where there are thousands of little tots facing a dreadful death unless we answer their appeal. ®[ saw hundreds of children, so thin and weak from under-nourish- He os iY ett ment that they could hardly drag themselves along the ground, crying for something to eat at the gates of Near East Relief orphanages in Alexandropol and Erivan. The in- stitutions are already overcrowded, and unless additional facilities are provided, no more can be admitted. “This means a situation so horri- ble that I hate to think of it, for winter is coming, and winter in Transcaucasia is bitterly cold and the starvation and disease that is now carrying off scores every day will grow worse. “If more American women could only see the sights that I saw, of babies dying in their mothers’ arms; of youngsters who still need a mother's care scratching in refuse for a morsel of something to eat; of others so shriveled up from starvation that they more resem- bled mummies from some ancient Egyptian tomb than anything hu- man; if they could only see these sights, and worse, I know they wonld see that America did not forsake a task that up to this time bas been so wonderfully done.” Mrs. Duryea was the only woman member of the Commission to visit Transcaucasia, where she was the guest of the various local govern- ments. Indications of Hard, Cold Winter 1 MADE ui ES J) 0 Y % i [Cometic | ({ WHEN | SEE HOW THICK YF / |e HUSK ON CORN - AN’ a THE HEAVY feo - 3 5 DOBBIN SA MY MIND eres A OLD Ee MING Ne pi ~ Ket, 2- Cal. Wkly. Cart.—2147 PLATES ) ~SOIN States Department of Agricult Water Cows Wjten In Winter During the winte®, when cows are { | | stabled the greater pagt of the time,’ they should be watered wo or three times a day unless amgangements ave been made to keep i before them at all times, says theWUnited e, in in 743, “The Fee \ al ing | THAT MORNING LAMENESS If you are a cause. Often Doan’s Kidney Pills. on Mount Joy testimony. Mrs. Nathan Zink, street, Mount Joy, says: long during the day, £ came on. lc was lame and whe lame every morning, and suffer urinary ills, there must be it’s weak kidneys. To strengthen the weakened kidneys and avert more sérious troubles, use You can rely 127 Mount Joy “If I stood backache al- Mornings when I got | Hides, Wingert & Haas Hat Store . 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