IE ILL ETT 0 CN DT B00 111 i i) L000 | PPPPPIOPOCOODP | { { { go ] WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1921 MOUNT JOY, — BE A AS ———————————————— — ——e———— ONE B ONE QUALITY- ne Size Package All our skill, facilities, and lifelong knowledge of the finest tobaccos are concentrated on this one cigarette— CAMEL. Into this ONE BRAND, we put the utmost quality. Nothing is too good for Camels. They are as good as it’s possible to make a cigarette. Camel QUALITY is always maintained at the same high, exclusive standard. You can always depend on the same mellow-mild refreshing ‘smoothness—the taste and rich flavor of choicest tobaccos—and entire freedom from cigaretty aftertaste. And remember this! Camels come in one size package only—20 cigarettes—just the right size to make the greatest saving in production and packing. This saving goes straight into Camel Quality. That’s one reason why you can get Camel Quality at so moderate a price. Here’s another. We put no useless frills on the Camel package. No ‘‘extra wrappers!”” Nothing just for show! Such things do not improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. And their added cost must go onto the price or come out of the quality. One thing, and only one, is responsible for Camels great and growing popularity —that is CAMEL QUALITY. IEEE EIEN REEL TTIRD (TI tall 1 F9000000000 OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. COOOOOOCOOS & Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 3 Q Bb : Q 8 Q Q Q | i QS 3 Keystone Furniture Co’s. New Building Soon Ready [Right On The Square] Swen Becatls Tiie Heavy Shipments of Goods Arriving Each Day For The New Building--and is Not Being Completed, Compels Us to Sell Furniture, Rugs, Heaters and Ranges At Sacrificing Prices Look! This Fine Brass Bed, Spring and All Cotton Mattress § Only $28.00 The Biggest Valué.you ever saw. Buy now. Profit by Sy Removal EEE Sale. AT Heaters and Ranges i I at Sale Prices $14.75 Buys a $25 Heater. Big Allowance for your old stove in exchange. Keystone Purnia? Co. 12--14 West King Street, Lancaster, Penna. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOCOOOOOOOOCOOOOOVCOOIIO0 | QOOOOCOOO0OOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0 OO si i. i z "IW _GROGG |i; = “Manufacturer of 5 | ave ennles— ¥ 1 & CIGARS and. TOBACCO = Waste Dollars a Manufacturer of 2 | CIGAR SCRAPS FOR SMOKING, CIGAR CUTTINGS FOR CHEWING = q Some users of printing | = Ri save pennies by get CIGAR MADE TO SUIT YOUR TASTE. 3 ting inferior work and lose 209 West Main Street mount Jor, PA, - Ji {| somrstuoushiackof ad. vertising value in the work rE D0 OR they get. Printers asa rule charge very reasonable prices, for none of them get rich although nearly all of them work hard. Moral: Give your printing to a good printer and save money. ON AND AFTER OCT. 24th, I ““Wibh-.DO HORSE-SHOEING AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: NEW SHOES... $2.00 RESETTING .$1.00 E. W. Brosey FLORIN, PENNA. Formerly W. S. Welfley’s Stand. Our Piiuiing Is Unexcelled Sr roar Advertise in the Mt, Joy Bulletin. S— SEGRET DOORS IN MYSTERY HOUSE “Chain Girl's” Story Makes Modest Appearing Cottage a Mecca for Curious. PRISONER IN ATTIC Through Days and Nights of Terror Fifteen-Year-Old Girl Languished in Chains, According to State- ment to Police. Sheboygan, Wis.—In a quiet resi- dence street on the outskirts of She- boygan stands the city's “house of | mystery.” To the casual observer it is just a simple white frame cottage, but since the story of the ‘chain girl” shook the town to its foundations, the little house has been a mecca of the curi- ous. Here it was that fifteen-year-old Mildred Hemb, chained In the attic, lan- guished through days and nights of terror, according to her signed state- ment to the police. From behind those white curtains came the screams at night of which neighbors tell. Here Peter Hemb lived for many years, a man apart, seeking no friends, changing no word with his neighbors exX- until the police took him away to the | county jail where he is awaiting trial. House of Mystery. A fitting home for secrets is this cottage, with Its strange passageways and unexpected trap doors. A trap door masked in the porch floor opens on a cellar passageway. A door here leads In turn to another ladder, open- ing upon a trap door hidden under the rug in a bedroom above. A third lad- der leads to the dim dusty attic, where Mildred Hemb 1s alleged to have been held In captivity. A heap of rags, a dusty broken stove pipe, several battered bi chest, ¢ cycles, a bed spring in its frame such was the “chain girl's” “alleged prison. Only a few feet high, it would | hardly give space, even in the center, for a man to stand upright. The “imagination” theory of inves tigators in the “chain girl” mystery who sought to discount the truth of the girl's accusations, p— = IN / / [i = : / : Chained In the Attic. clusive setback with the statement of District Attorney Charles Voigt, “Horrible as this case is, the truth of it, I believe, Is established in proof.’ declared the district attorney. “We have the goods and evidence that would make possible prosecution on several charges. Girl Held Against Wish. “There Is positive evidence that the girl was held In that house against her will, and that she was cruelly abused. “I Intend to prosecute this case to the limit. It would be an abuse to public morals to let it go without the most thorough and searching inves- tigation.” Hemb was remanded to the custody LANCASTER COUNTY, received a con- | NIA, U. S. A, J oo PENNSYLVANIA, U. 8. A. PERSONAL (Continued frog from page 1) ‘George Myers and family. | Mr. Jacob McCally spent Monday evening at Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. John Ober and Sam- uel Sweivart of Elizabethtown spent | Sunday at Jacob Nagels. Mr. Harry Brenner, of Lancaster, spent Sunday in the family of Dr. W. D. Chandler. i Mr. and Mrs, Charles Welch and children visited Mr. and Mrs. John ; Kreiner at Lancaster on Sunday. | Mrs. Daniel Moore and son, Frank, of Newtown visited Mr. and Mrs. | Haas Honifius on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Longenecker and daughter Kathyrn spent Satur- (day at Columbia with relatives. i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hipple spent the week-end at Middletown as the guests of the former’s parents. Mrs. C. S. Gingrich spent Satur day at Lancaster the guest of her daughter Mrs. Emil Meyre. Mrs. Emma Batzel of Philadelphia, who is visiting her sister Mrs. Chas. Dierolf, is seriously sick. Mrs. Samuel Gibhbl: sent Friday the guest of her aun: Mrs, C. S. | Gingrich, Mrs. Anna Witmer, of East Done- gal street, who had been seriously sick, is very much improved. Mount Joy was well represented at the Hallowe'en festivities at Calum {bia Monday evening. Mr. Paul Shire | Newtown, visited in the home of Harry Hinkle on Saturday. Miss Goldie Mumma spent week-end at Millersville of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hershey and son Paul spent Sunday at Lancaster {as the guests of the latter’s parents the as the guest Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dieter. | Mr. John Dierof of Atlantic City, (is spending some time here as the i guest of his sister, Mrs. J. S. Carm- any on East Main street, | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meckly of | Baker's Bridge spent Sunday as the | guests of the latter's mother Mrs. Barbara Helig. Mr. Russel Brown of York spent several days here as the guest of his father Elmer E. Brown on East Main street. | Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Dietz and dau ghfer Geta, spent from Thursday to Sunday at Lewistown with Miss Grace | Pt otz. | Messrs. William Ellis and Earl | Myers, and Misses Maude and. Ruth | Espenshade attended a dance at Man fhcim on Thursday. | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eshleman {and son Robert spent Sunday in the family of William Strickler near Newtown. | Mr. and Mrs. Walter King and Lancaster and Mrs. | Mrs. Harry Gochenaur of {visited in the home of Mr. | Jacob Givens on Sunday. | Misses Ruth and Beatrice Penny- | packer spent Saturday at Lancaster las the guest of their sister Mrs. | Frances Bennewit. Messers. Edward Ream and | George Mumper left for Camn Ream, | Perry county on a gunning trip, Sun- | day. | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder, of | Harrisburg, visited in the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hershey, on Sunday. { Mr. and Mrs. ‘Willis Preed ispent some time at Abbotstown, i York county as the guests of the former’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. ‘of Newtown, Abraham Mumma, spent Saturday as the guests of their son Albert Mumma and family. | Rev, and Mrs. George A. Kercher returned from their trip to Quebec "and other important places in Can- ada.: They The Freshmen Class of the Mt. Joy High school held a Hallowe’en | party in the gymnasium on Saturday evening. | Mr. and Mrs. Frank i Ironville spent the week-end as the | guests of the latter’s parents, Mr. "and Mrs. Harry S. Hinkle on West Donegal street. Mrs. Amos Kaylor, Miss Florence [ Kaylor, Mr. Irvin Kaylor, Mr. and | Mrs. Paul Hipple and daughter Janet, and Mr. Raymond Hipple autoed to Haug, of of the sheriff after a hearing on a writ (Calymbia on Saturdav. of habeas corpus before Court Com- | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hinkle, Jr, missioner Francis Williams had re- 'and two daughters Anna and Clara sulted In defeat of his hopes of free- ‘spent Sunday at Lancaster as the dom. guests of Mr. and Mrs. 3enjamin Forry. WHY GIRL’S KISS HAS “KICK” | Misses Anna and Maude Webb ant] Intoxicated Feeling You Get Is Real | Messrs Harlod Zimmermanand Herb- ert Ingram spent Sunday at Salunga HAPPENINGS | and son, Ross, of were gone three weeks. ! PAGE FIVE ! TTR EE TUT ™w =o] MOUNT JOY .. eT | SEE | | | THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ag Regular | ‘Get-about' | Runabout $325 £0. B Deroit HE Ford runabout is just what itsname implies it’s a regular “get-about.” There is no other car that will take you | there and back again, quicker, safer and fl more economically. It's the car for the man of action—the farmer, the merchant, the doctor, the contractor, the coiiector—the car that is useful every day oi the year. mainitnarnce », with all depondebility and Low in the cost of of the sturdy {ren bi reliability for which Ford cars are noted. i Cn accnurt of the nnnsnal d nd we urre that i your orders be place! as early as ible. p 1 : i » H. S. NEWCOMER i | MOUNT Joy, PA. | § fd | 2 A EE MR 90 ROUND TRIP War Tax PHILADELPHIA Sunday November 6th SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES 8% Additional. Returning Leaves Philadelphia at 7:00 P. M. PENNSYLVANIA | "SYSTEM The Route of the Broadway Limited U SET Eo NC RO hss ATF 11D MEDIATE DELIVERY. CARDS ARE NOT USED ANY MORE. Both Telephones S10 100 COAL COAL ALL SIZES AND KINDS OF COAL ON HAND FOR IM- F. H. BAKER TRY SUCRENE DAIRY FEED FOR MORE MILK. SE SUCRENE ORY MASH FOR CHICKENS FOR MORE EGG! LUMBER and COAL MOUNT JOY, PENNA. US ED u E 11 OJ | Ss 1 + SUITS CLEANED and PRESSED i 75 Cents I All kinds of REPAIRING and ALTE RATIONS Done ! W. H. DISHONG . TAILOR a 17 East Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. TT | Thing, Says Cincinnati as the guests of Mr.and Mrs. Edward Chemist. Kline. — | Mr. Z. W. Keller of this place left Cincinnati, Ohio.—Leo B. Forst, re. for Indianapils, <-Ind., on Thursday tiring head of the federal pure food where he will spend some time with and drug laboratory, rises to remark his daughter, Mrs. H. Hoyt Nissley that the intoxicated feeling you get and family. when you kiss your best girl is the Miss Virginia Frank left Saturday real article. The kiss with the “kick” morning f Philadelphia, where she | 1s at least 66 per cent alcoholic, he 'is employed as a trained nurse. She says. Chemicals put into toilet waters spent a three weeks vacation with ; with which girls anoint their lips pro- her sister, Mrs. Christ Walters, vide that violent comeback David Shonk, E. W. Bentzel and — wife and Miss. Elsie Wertz visited | Girl Chased by Wolves. Sunday ajtemoon at Shiloh, York | Oconto. Wis.—Alice Steffen, seven- | County, in the home of P. W. Bentz- teen, residing near Lena, was chased jel a 1d ily : by a pack of timber wolves as she Mess yung, Warren Bent was on her way pasture to look |zel, Ll pent Saturday an for a stray cow. Neighbors sighted Sunday ington, D. C. visiting the pack after trailing them two hours {in the home of Mr Alvin E. Shonk | and shot three. The others disappeared [and family. in a swamp. County Clerk Ire paid out Mr. and Mrs. D. H. S. Derr and %60 as bounty and a like amount will | son, Walter. returned home on Fri- ne paid by the state, { day from Madison, Wis. They spent vrrnite ©INUAT DLreen INOW, | a very enjoyable trip throughout the Members of the Reserve Officers | West and visited with Mr. Reuben Training corps at Camp Meade were Fegley and family. : much surprised recently when smoke- Mr. and Mrs Joseph Weber and screen candles which they expected | Son, George, and daughter. Anna; would send up black clouds produced ' Mrs. Sophia Dohower and Mr. white instead. Government experts | George Weber spent Sunday as the have accomplished the color change by means of a new secret chemical com- bination. sickening, and. they form a better pro- tective screen.—Popular Mechanics Magazine. The white clouds are not ' guests of Mr. Mrs. James Hocken- berry near Hassler’s church. Our former townsman Mr. John H. Dierolf of Atlantic City, called on former friends and acquaintances and Saturday. John is connected It pays to advertise in the Bulletin with the National Drug Company in that city. here and at Elizabethtown on Friday {1 1 ed 1 STOP At the New Store in Old Exchange Hotel OYSTERS, FISH, FRUIT and VEGETABLES Under Management of Mount Joy Ice Company