THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. 8S. A. : R. E. FAHNESTOCK The Founder No Mail or Phone Or- ders can be accepted at these Wonderful Anni- versary Sale Prices. fair M. T. GARVIN & CO. 29-37 East King St.,, LANCASTER, PA. LO0O000O0O00O00OLO0OOLLLOOLO0LO0DDO0OOOO00OO0OLOLLLLLLOLOOOOCOOOOOLOOOOOLOOOOOOOOOD OOOO OOOO0ODOOOOOOON GARVIN’S 75th Anniversary Sale Thousands of People--Aleri, Energetic and Wishing to Save--Are Taking Advantage of the Wonder{ul ANNIVERSARY OFFERINGS Join the Crowds to thrifty Shoppers and share in the biggest Savings ever offered on Coats, Suits, Dresses and other wearing apparel as well as all the needed accessories and things for the home---right at the start of the fall season when most in demand. In order to have a distribution of these sensational gains, we reserve the right to limit quantities sold to any one custo- mer. bar- M. T. GARVIN, His Successor Arniversary “essage We are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the founding of this business by R. E. Fahnestock in 1846. Mr. Fahnestock conducted it for 48 years and the writer has been its head for 27 years. A wonderful Diamond Jubilee Sale is now in progress here, indeed quite the most remarkable sale Lancas- ter has ever experienced. There are two reasons for this stupendous event. First we are holding this sale as a Thank-offering to the people of this com- munity for 75 years of Friendship and Good will. Second, we felt there were people in some parts of Lancaster county who were not acquainted with the fact that here was a different kind of store. Thous- ands do know it and we enjoy their friendship and patronace. It is to inform those who do not know, and to win them, that we are now send- ing out our message through every newspaper in Lancaster county that we are offering the most won- derful values in new Fall merchanidse it has ever been our privilege to do, and we have had great sales before this. Manufacturers, wholesalers and importers have helped to make this sale the sensational success it is by selling us many thousands of dollars worth of most desirable comodities at less than cost of pro- duction. We have forgotten profits, ourselves in this sale and are selling goods at half and in many in- stances only a quarter of their real values. We want every family in Lancaster county and neigh- boring counties to know that here is the largest store in America in a city of this size doing a cash business. Buying for cash and selling for cash en- ables us to buy lower and sell lower than any other store. We realize this is a big statement but we want you to prove it by comparing our prices and qualities with any other store. This Sale will con- tinue until Saturday, October 8th in order that ev- erybody, everywhere may be able to participate in Lancaster’s Greatest Sale. But whether you buy or not, come and make our store vour headquarters. We have check room, rest room, lavatories, telephones, information desks, etc., all free for vour use. Come and be at home. I c y Cnt 2472 More New Arrivals in the Anniversary Sale of High Grade Hats at $2.75 to $7.75 Made of Duvetyn, Panne and Lyons Velvet in the smartest Creation brought forth this season. Many pat- tern models, one of a kind, that were made to sell as high as $25.00. Women wishing exclusiveness in Millinery should see these. Garvin’s—Millinery Shop—Second Floor. Mo hers Will Be Practicing Economy Buy- ing the Little Girls Winter Coals in this Sale at $2.75 and $4.75 They are made of Velour and other fine wool mixtures. Also Plush Coats and Corduroy Coats and the lot. Navy Brown and other good colors included. The majority are full lined. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Regular $5.00 to $10 Coats at only $2.75 and $4.75. § These are Great Outfitting Days in Garvin’s Third Floor Fashion Shops Beautiful new styles in Coats, Suits, Dresses and Skirts, priced Remarkably low for our Diamond Jubilee Celebration. Manufacturers have taken lesses on goods we purchased to help make this Anniver- Sary occasion extraordinary in every respect. In turn we have disregarded all profits thereby bringing to women of Lancaster and for miles and miles around, the greatest opportunities we believe ever offered in this vicinity. \ What! These Suits for $23.75 That was the outburst of amazement expressed by a customer who realized the won- derful valyes in these Suits at $23.75. Women who are keen judges of value are sure to appreciate our efforts in bringing these high gkade, fashionable Suits at such a pleasing price. There are styles for the young Miss and Women of youthful taste who prefer some- thing real smaxt. And likewise there are styles for Women who like beautiful Suits along more conservative lines. They are fashipned of Velour, Yalama Cloth, Broadcloth and Tricotine in black, navy brown and Reindder. Many with handsome fur collars, others with self collars. The trimmings are of fur, fancy braid and embroidered effects seem to be more cleverly placed than in previous seasons. Make it a point to see these Suits tomorrow. The Sale of Suits at $9.75 Only on an extraoddinary occasion like this could such extremely big values be of- fered at this wonderfully low price. There are Velour Serge and Tricotine Suits in plain tailored and trimmed styles with self collars. All full lined with silk. Sizes for Women and Misses. Women’s Suits at $15.75 We don’t remember any sale in which women bought so readilyonce they saw the Suits and realized how wonder- ful they were. J They are all new, just from the maker. - The materials are of Velour, Silvertone, Yalama Cloth, All Wool Trico- tine and new dark Mixtures. They are fashioned along straight lines in new Mixtures with fur or self collars. Prettily silk lined. Browns and blues in various shadows to select from. Regular $24.50 to $34.50 Suits at the An- niversary Price of .15.75. On Sale—Third Floor. New Fall and Winter Coats at the Special Anniversary Price of $15.75 Ordinarily you would be paying $24.50 and more for these new Coats. Included are the smartest models of the season. Made of high grade materials in Velour, Broad- cloth, Kersey, Bolivia and Ramona Cloth. In an attractive variety of styles for Miss and Matron. Black, Navy Brown, Reindeer, Taupe, etc. In this good lot of stylish coats at $15.75. Sizes 16 to 46. Salt’s Peco Seal Plush Coats at $13.75 This is welcome news for women wishing new style Plush Coats of high grade quality at an extremely moderate price. Come in the new finger tip length—one style with self collar in full belted with pock- ets and set-on cuffs—another style with fur collar, belted front, slant pockets and bell sleeves—both numbers lined throughout. These handsome plush coats are the kind 36 to 44. hat usually sell at $19.50 to -24.50. Sizes Two Other Extraordinary Value Giving Lots of Women’s Coats in the Anniversary Sale The one lot at $9.75 contains coats that were made to sell at double and more. Velours, Silvertone and Kersey Cloth models in the group in plain colors and heather mixtures. The other lot of coats are all of high grade materials in the smartest styles and color- ings of the season—these are priced at $19.75. Children’s $2.95 & $3.50 White Ceats $1.75 Made of Corduroy or Chinchilla, lined and interlined, in plain style with collar, cuffs, and belt or high waist line style with smocking. Sizes 1 to 3 years. Garvin’s—Infants’ Shop—Second Floor. Children’s 75¢ to $1.50 Knitted Togues, Caps and Tams at 39: New Fall Caps in a variety of styles, including the baby cap with ribbon ties and also larger sizes with ear tabs. Some are hand made. In plain white and white trimmed with pink or blue. Also brown, salmon, peacock and tur- quoise. Infants sizes and up to 4 years. Garvin’s—Infants’ Shop—Second Floor. Women’s Neckwear 47¢ a Piece Values 89¢ to $1.48 Piece Vestees in Swiss and linen—collar and cuffs set in or- gandie and lace—and collars of organide, lace, and Swiss in white and cream and colors. Wool Finish Blankets at $3.75 Plaid Blankets of splendid quality that were brought di- rect from the Mill at a snug price concession special for our Anniversary Sale. All full double bed size and of first quality. Mohair bound edge. tions. Beautiful color combina- These Blankets are being offered during our great event at a great saving. The present regular prices would be at least $4.95 to $5.95 and last season they sold as high as $9.50. On Sale—First Floor—Rear. What a Splendid Opportunity to Supply Your Winter Needs of Knit Underwear The Savings are the Biggest You'll be Priviliged to Share in This Year Women’s Union Suits 2 for 75¢ Regular 75¢ Values Tuck stitched, fleece lined shaped Union Suits in long sleeves; ankle length styles. Sizes 40 to 44. Garvin’s—Knit Underwear Shop—First Floor. Women’s Union Suits 75¢ Fne ribbed, fleece lined Union Suits of good quality in high neck, long sleeve and Dutch neck, elbow sleeve styles; sizes 36 to 44. Irregulars of $1.89 to $2.00 Quali- ties. « Xo. our Self Service Grocery Department the First of Its Kind in Pennsy- Such Beatiful Dresses at Such Wonderfully Low Prices Women’s 85¢ Vest and Pants at 49¢ Each Fleece lined cotton vests in high neck, long sleeves and Dutch neck, elbow sleeves Ivania in Offering Tremendous Savings in Pure Foods. One hundred barrels of our Best O. K. 3rand Flour, 2 bags 75c. 12 1b. in each bag. Regular price 45c. Women's $8.95 to $15.00 Dresses at $4.75 Fine all wool serge and Tricotine Dresses in one piece, straight line styles in considerable varieties. with braid and silks of contrasting colors. ter and full length sleeves. Values to $35.00 Trimmed Three-quar- meuse and Tricotine. the minute in style. colors to select from. Sizes 16 to 44. Hootens Milk Chocolate, 4 one half Ib. Women’s Dresses at $9.75, $15.75 and $18 75 High grade dresses of Canton Crepe, Mignonette, Char Very beautiful Dresses all up to Black, Navy and the new Autumn This lot includes more than a hun- ankle length pants. Sizes 36 to 44. Misses Vellastic Union Suits 75¢ Regular $1.25 and $1 39 Values Heavy fleece lined Union Suits in cakes for T5c. 20c can N. Y. State Plums, 6 cans 75ec. 35¢ can Apricots packed in heavy syrup 3 cans 75c. 25¢ can California cans 75c. Our best 29¢ Coffee, 4 lbs 75c. Moxley’s Dixie Butterine, 4 lbs. 75ec. Goldex Butterine, 4 lbs. 75c. Swift’s Plain Carton Bufterine, 5 for 75c. 59c¢ Jar Extra large Queen Olives pack- ed in Mason quart jars, 2 for 75c. 35c large can Calif. Peaches (halves) 3 for 75c. 35¢ large can Cali. Royal Ann Cherries, 3 cans 75c. 35c large can Hawaiian Sliced Pineap- ples, 3 cans 75c. Sliced Peaches, 6 SOOOIOOIOOOIOOOOOL HOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOO0 QOOOOOOOO \ The Sale of Women’s Dresses at $6.75 Taffeta, Mignonetta and Tricotine Dresses Dresses that were made to sell at $21.50 to $24.50. Silk Dresses are from regular stock and actually did sell as high as $24.50. They come in sizes 16 to 38. The Tri- cotine' Dresses are a special purchase lot that a maker sold to us way below regular wholesale price for this big anniversary event. Plenty of navy dresses in the lot—sizes 16 to 44. These dresses while in good supply when this was being written are finding new owners in a hurry. On Sale—Third Floor. dred handsome garments with only one or a few of a kind. The sizes are all the way from 16 to 44. Extraordinary Anniversary Sale of Women's $5.95 to $9.95 Jumper Dresses at $3.75 Attractive and stylish new Fall models in smart slip- over frocks at this extraordinary low price. In the lot are checked Velours, Plain Jerseys, plain Serges, White Jerseys, Silk Tricolettes and fancy Serges with belts of patent leather or self material. Many finished with black satin braid. Sizes 16 to 44. BESIDES THE MERCHANDISE MENTIONED ABOVE THERE WILL BE EXTRA EXTRAORDINARY AN. NIVERSARY SPECIALS IN HOSIERY, SHOES, BLOUSES, UNDERGARMENTS, NECKWEAR, VEILINGS, RIB BONS, YARD GOODS OF DIFFERENT KINDS MEN’S SHIRTS AND FURNISHINGS FOR THE HOME. ALL AT THE BIGGEST BARGAIN PRICES WE BELIEVE EVER OFFERED IN LANCASTER AND VICINITY. COME, GET YOUR SHARE. sleeve, ankle length style; few imperfe: tions; sizes 2 to 16 years. Garvin’s—Knit Underwear—First Floor. Children’s 50c Vests and Pants 3 for 75¢ Fleece lined Vests in long sleeve style, and ankle length Pants, in white and cream. sizes 2 to 16 years. Boy’s Union Suits 2 for 75¢ Joys’ fleece lined union suits in cream color; high neck, long sleeves and ankle length style; sizes 6 to 16 years. Q Q 3 : Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 3 Q 8 Q Q QQ 3 Q Q ry IKQOCOOOOOC