75 Years Older Bigger, Better In 1846 R. E. Fahnesfpck, the founder of this business, began his mercantile career, at the cogner of North Queen and Orange Strégts, in one half of the room now occ@pied by Gansman’s Clothing Store. “ds his capital was very limited, so ne cessarily was his stock, but he worked hard and his trade and stock grew until at the end of the Civil War in 1865 he bought the old Coleman property belonging to the estate of James Evans, next to the Court House, which until now had been used as a residence. The first floor was converted into a store room to which he moved the following year. The upper floors were let for resi- dence purposes and dental offices. In his new and larger quarters, bus- iness grew rapidly and prosperity at- tended his labors. Seven years later, in 1873, he built the handsome home at 432 N. Duke street, now owned and occupied by Mr. Paul Heine. In this mansion he lived until he passed to the larger life in 1895. Because of failing eyesight and hearing he decided in 1894 to retire from busi- ness, after completing a mercantile career of forty-eight years. Mr. Fahnestock was a successful business man as the term was understood in his day. It is almost impossible for this generation to realize the condi- tions thought necessary to carry on merchandising a half or even a quar- ter century ago. The hours were long. In Winter at 6:30 A. M., and while it was yet dark, the stores were open. In summer, on market morn- ngs, [Wednesday and Saturday) five o'clock was the hour thought neces- sary to be ready for customers. Stores were open every evening the year round till eight or nine o'clock and Saturdays often until eleven. Chapters could be written on the primitive methods of those days. With the taking over of the busi- ness by the present firm in 1894, mercantile ideas, which had long been put up awaiting opportunity, were given birth and M. T. Garvin & Co. began a new Kind of Store governed by new principles and higher ethi- cal standards. Those standards were thought by some to be too visionary and impractical for the times but we had faith in their integrity and that ‘faith was justified. They worked. Those principles are all well known to the older citizen of the communi- ty, but to the younger generation and the new resident, they need to be briefly told. They are: Buying for Cash. Sell- ing for Cash. No discounts to any one. One Price to All. Everything marked in plain figures. No trading stamps or gift schemes of any kind. Purchases exchanged or money cheer fully returned if customer desires. Our reputation back of every sale. Kind, courteous helpful service to every customer which has made shopping here always a pleasant éx- perience. Twenty-seven years ago, when we acquired the old business and adopt- ed our new methods, we also adopted a new name significant of the New Era upon which we were entering. That name was THE LEADER, as we believed this store because if its new policies, would lead the mercan- tile progress of this community and in that we were not mistaken. After a few years, when our faith had been vindicated and the name was no long- er necessary, it was discontinued for economic reasons in advertising. But the leadership of this store in pro- gressive methods has never paused, and the newest and best is ever be- ing sought after and adopted into our system of public service in mer- chandising. And while we may be 75 years old, never in our history have our vision and ambition been more young and keen than now, to grow in usefulness and service to the people of this community and East- ern Pennsylvania. Twenty-seven years ago, when we took over the business, it occupied the first floor and a small room in the rear of the second floor of he one building next to the Court House and twelve clerks were sufficient to conduct its affairs. Today, three full buildings are required, coverng from No. 29 to No. 37 East King Street and during busy seasons the number of assistants often reach more than 250. Our Diamond Jubilee Celebration The seventy-fifth Anniversary is always known as the DIAMOND JU- BILEE, so we shall accept that name » the big celebration of our 75th birthday anniversary which begins Wednesday, September 21st, at 8 A. M.,, and lasts intensively for the following three weeks and interest- ingly for the next three months; the closing months of the Annivarsary The news of our Jubilee has roeened foremost manufacturers and wholesalers of the Nation and they have gladly offered to co-operate in providing at a loss to themselves, many thousand dollars worth of spe- cial items of merchandise for this big celebration. If manufacturers and wholesalers are willing to lose money for our event, so should we be willing to do likewise. Therefore the Celebration, which begins Wed- nesday morning, will be the most stupendous in our history and indeed the history of the City. It will be our thanks- offering to the people of our community for three quarters of a Sentury of Friendship and Good- wi Throughout our Diamond Jubilee Celebration, as indeed at all times, BUT ESPECIALLY NOW, the pub- lic are invited to roam through the store, enjoy the decorations and Fall display of New Merchanidse and be at home, whether they desire to pur- chase or not. The store is yours, Come and Be Welcome. M. T! Garvin & Co. f } { Cy ? A THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIK, U. S. A DIAMOND JUBILEE CELEBRATION QOOOOOOOCOOOCOOOOOOOOOCOOOON Store Closes Saturdays at 6 P. M. M. T. GARVIN & CO. 29-37 East King St.,, LANCASTER, PA. PPLLLOOOLOLOLOLO00O0DOOLOLOLCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON A WILLOLLLLOLLLLLOOODDOOOOOOOOOE DIAMOND JUBILEE CELEBRATION IUULLOLUOOOO0O000 ROOOOOOOOOOON PODOOOOCO0OC 75th Anniversary Sale of the Found- -- 9721 THE GREAT SALE HAS BEGUN. Throughout the entire ness there will be a continuous out-pouring of new offerings. Wa S lee Celebration of the Founding of this busi- ery day for these sales. them. Real economy means too much to let such opportunities a The lots advertised are all large and have been secured fro providing the greatest sale ever planned for the people of Lancast til all is sold. Mornings will be a good time to shop since new mer Here are a Few of the ry. Don’t miss one of Wholesalers who have co-operated with us in Every lot advertised will remain on sale un- d each morning. on Sale Saturday On Sale Saturday Flannelette Petticoats 2 for 75¢ Regular 75¢ to $1.50 Values White, grey and striped pink and blue flannelette Petticoats in long and short length; some extra size.’, Made with embroid- ery flounces. They are truly wonderful at 2 for 75c. GARVIN’S SECOND FLOOR. On Sale Saturday Women’s $1.98 Flannelette Gowns at 75¢ Made of good, heavy quality pink and blue Flannelette with double yoke front and back. Long sleeve styles, some prettily trimmed. All full cut. This is far the biggest bargain offered in a good Flannelette Gown for years. Sizes 16 to 17. GARVIN’S SECOND FLOOR. On Sale Saturday $1.25 to $2.00 Silks 75¢ a Yard 1200 Yards of assorted fine silks. The lot consists of black and colored messaline, taffetas, surahs, satines, pongee, crepe de chine and also fancy stripes and plaids in variety of color combi- nations. All new goods this season, direct from a large manufac- turer. These goods are all perfect and first class in every respect. They are the Mills accumulation of irregular lengths running from 2% yards to 20 yards, but in most cases will be cut to suit pur- chaser. Come early while the assortment is at its best. GARVIN’S DRESS GOODS SHOP—FIRST FLOOR. On Sale Saturday 18¢ Striped Gingham 10¢ Yard Fast color heavy striped Gingham suitable for boys blouses, shirting or general use when a good strong fabric is required. GARVIN’S—DRESS GOODS SHOP—FIRST FLOOR. On Sale Saturday 89¢ and $1 Brassiers 2 for 75¢ Made of very good quality cambric trimmed with embroidery or lace trimmed yoke; reinforced underarm; sizes 36 to 46. smniversary Specials Tomorrow in the Knit Underwer Shop First Floor Women’s Union Suits 75¢ Irregulars of $1.89 to $2.00 Quality Fine ribbed, fleece lined Union Suits of good quality in high neck, long sleeve and Dutch neck, elbow sleeve styles; sizes 36 to 44. Children’s 50¢ Vests and Pants 3 for 76¢ Fleece lined Vests in long sleeve style, and ankle length Pants in white and cream; sizes 2 to 16 years. Bogg\$1.25 to $1.59 Union Suits 75¢ Fleece lined Cotton Union Suits and random wool in long sleeves, ankle length in gray and cream; sizes 6 to 16 years. Women’s 85¢ Vests and Pants 49¢ Fleece lined cotton vests in high neck, long sleeves and Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; ankle length pants. Sizes 36 to 44. Women’s Smart New Fall Boots and Oxfords at $3.75 a Pair Attractive offerings every day in the Shoe Shop. In this Special Anniversary Sale Group tomorrow are six extra Special Numbers in values up to $6.50. Women’s Brown Kid lace shoes in neat narrow toe last with goodyear welt soles and military heels with rubber heels. Sizes 3 to. 7. Women’s Black Kid lace shoes in slender last with goodyear welt soles and military heels. Sizes 3 to 7. Women’s Brown leather shoes in smart narrow toe last with imitation tip, goodyear welt soles and rubber heels. Sizes 3 to 7. Growing Girls Brown calf leather shoes in English last or na- ture too with goodyear welt soles and rubber heels. Sizes 21 to 7 Women’s Brown calf leather Oxfords in fashionable last with goodyear welt soles and military heels with rubber heels. Women’s Brown Kid Oxfords with imitation tip, goodyear welt soles and military heels. Sizes 3 to 8. GARVIN'S SHOE SHOP—FIRST FLOOR. The Third Floor Most Wonder his Gre Extraordinary efforts Apparel at snug price co in getting the biggest v4 seven or eight years, we Facts are if women 3 New Fall and Winter Coats, Suits and Dresses, being offered in the Anniversary Sale, every lot would be sold out the same day that it would be placed on sale. Come tomorrow for these: —— 200 New $19.50 to $25 i'resces at $9.75 About twenty styles in this great assortment. You'll see charm- ing Dresses of Canton Crepe, Crepe De Chine, Kitten’s Ear Crepe, Charmeuse and Tricotine in beautiful shades of brown and blue as well as pretty blacks. The trimmings are daintily applied and consist of fringe, beads, fancy braid, embroidered effects and inserts of contrasting colored materials. Half, three-quarter and full length sleeves. Sizes 16 to 46. Women’s $15.95 to $24.50 Coals at $9.75 New Autumn Coats made of good serviceable materials in clever styles and smart colorings. Mostly straight-line belted styles, some with yokes, some with pleated backs and others fin- ished “with silk stitching and buttons. All with collars that can be buttoned closely to the neck. The materials are of velour All Wool Polo Cloth, Yalama Cloth, Silvertone and Kersey with self collars or fur collars of Coney Beaverette. Black and var- ious shades of brown and blues as well as new heather mixtures in this great lot of coats at $9.75. Sizes for Women and Misses. Women’s $24.50 to $34.50 Suits at $15.75 Not a handful of Suits to select from at this price but several hundred New Fall styles, including Fine Yalama Cloth Suits with big shawl collar of sealine fur—Velour Suits with smart fur col- lars and beautifully lined—smart tailored Suits of All Wool Tri- cotine lined with radium silk—new dark mixed Suits closely re- -Silvertone Suits and every good fabric sembling Broadcloth seems to be in this extraordinary lot at $15.75. Plenty of brown, blues, reindeer—the favorite fall and winter shades—all silk lined. Sizes for Women and Misses Wonderful Anniversary Speci- als Tomorrow on The Fourth Floor Co-Co Mats at 75c¢ each Heavy, Co-Co, Mats in four different sizes. $3.25 values. While they last at only 75c each. 9x12 ft. Velvet Rugs at $17.75 Values to $29.50 Popular room size, seamless Velvet Rugs in a fine selection of patterns. By far the biggest bargain in seven years at this Anni- versary Price. 9x12 ft. Matting Rugs at $2.75 One scam, extra heavy quality China Matting Rugs. Regular $5.50 Values at only $2.75. $2.69 Pictures at $1.29 Baby subjects, message of Roses, home Builders, etc., with Ma- hogany frame. Gutman’s popular line of pictures at very special price of $1.29 each, $9.50 Wool Fibre Rugs at $5.75 Size 9x12 feet Reversible Wool Rugs in green and brown colorings. - “= - $2 50 to $4 59 Curtains at $1.75 Pair Marquisette, Net, Lace and Voile Curtains with cluny lace edges. 1% yards long. Extraordinary at $1.75 a Pair. Bed Pillows at $1.75 Pair Special lot of Bed Pillows filled with good, clean chicken feathers covered with a splendid quality of ticking. Special at only $1.75 a pair. 672 Turkish Towels 3 for 75¢ Bleached Turkish Towels of extra size and good, absorbent qualities, These towels sell today at 839¢ each. Come tomorrow and get your share at 3 for 75c. GARVIN’S—LINEN SHOP—FIRST FLOOR. Regular $1.25 to Women’s $4.95 and $5.95 Skirts at $2.75 All Wool Skirts in knife and box pleated styles in Velour plaids and checks and Scotch plaids—all new patterns in new lengths and widths for fall and winter wear. Little Girls’ Coats at $2.75 $4.95 and $5.95 Values Made of Silvertone, Velour and Polo Cloth in cute little belted style—all lined throughout, some with quilted lining. Made with collars that button close up to the neck. Mostly in popular blue, brown and gray shades. Sizes 2 to 6 years. GARVIN'S—THIRD FLOOR—FASHION SHOP. Women’s Fall Weight Coats at $3.75 and $5.75 Grey Wool Tweed Coats, All Wool, Velour Coats, Polo Cloth and Silvertone Coats in finger tip, three-quarter and some full length coats. Mostly in shades of blue and tan. A few Jersey Sport Coats in the lot. Sizes for Women and Misses. Originally worth from $9.50 to $24.50. GARVIN’'S—THIRD FLOOR—FASHION SHOP. Women’s Tricotine Dresses at $6.75 made to sell at $12.50 A special purchase of new Fall Dresses of navy Tricotine in eight different styles—three-quarter and full length sleeves, one piece styles collarless frocks in new length and widths, elaborately trimmed with fancy silk braid, silk stitching and embroidered in silk and wool; have narrow tie belt of self material or silk cord at waist line. Sizes 36 to 44. GARVIN’S—THIRD FLOOR-—FASHION SHOP. Women’s $4.95 to $5.95 Sweaters at $2.75 Pretty Tuxedo Sweaters in jade, orange and orchid finished with long roll collar effect in white; have knitted belt. Also Black with white or silver with peacock. Long roll collar, all sizes 36 to 46. GARVIN’S—THIRD FLOOR-—FASHION SHOP. Boys’ $1.50 and $2.00 Caps at 75¢ All new Fall Caps, just unpacked. Made of all Wool materials in tweeds, checks and plaids—also Navy Serge Caps and plain col- ored Flannel caps. Silk lined, exceptionally well tailored. Newest pleated back style. Sizes 63 to 7%. These are all high grade caps and at 75c they are the most wonderful bargains offered in years. The shapes are all in mannish styles, the kind older broth- er will appreciate. GARVIN’S—BOY’S DEPARTMENT—SECOND FLOOR. OQ H NN NHN NOOO OOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOO0OOOOODOOOO0000 A, Wool Blankets at $3.75 Regular $3.98 to $6.50 Values Gray and white blankets and also pretty colors, of good heavy weight, firmly woven and f i) alouble size. GARVIN’'S—BEDWEAR DEPARTMENT—FIRST I sous Tremendous Anniversary Bar- gains in Our Self-Serve Grocery Department On Sale Friday and Saturday lbs. 76c. Swifts Plain Carton Butterine on sale Friday 5 29c¢ Blended Coffee at 4 ‘pounds 75¢. 35c Large can Extra Fancy California Peaches 3 cans 7bec. Big 20c can Blackberries 6 cans 75c. Best sliced Bologna in quarter lb. packages only 5c a quarter. On Sale Friday and Saturday. National Biscuit Co., American Beauty Ginger or Lemon Snaps on Sale Friday and Saturday 22c a box. Regular price 3c. 20c can Delicious New York State Plums 6 cans 75¢. On Sale Saturday 30c Goldex Butterine 4 lbs. 75¢. On sale ay pounds to one customer. Best Refined Granulated Sugar, on sale Saturday, 14 lbs. for 75¢. Limit 14 lbs. to one customer. Limit 4 Bordeus Eagle Brand Condensed Milk, (regular 2 cans Tbe. Big 45¢ bag (12 lbs.) O. K. Flour on sale Saturday 2 bags 76¢ 59¢ Quart Jar Falcoln Queen Clives on sale Saturday 2 jars for Tbe. 35¢ large can California Royal Ann Cherries, extra heavy sy- rup, 3 cans 75c. 5c can) 4 35c, large can California Apricots, 8 ¢ans 75¢. Extra large and heavy syrup. y 29¢ large can California Apricots 4 cans 75c. 20c can Delicious N. Y. State Plums 6 cans 75¢. $1.25 Table Damask 75¢ a Yard Extra heavy double weight imported Linen finish able Dam- ask in beautiful patterns—about a half dozen to select from. 70 inches wide. Good, durable quality that will hold its lustre for a long time. Can hardly be detected from pure linen. This Linen Damask is sold as high as $1.50 a Yard. 4 GARVIN’S—LINEN SHOP—FIRST FLOOR. 3 oN LAC HAA AAC ACH HAC IC I IC I CN NN LACE OOOO OOD