1 4 | i \ u Wednesday, September 7th, 1921. | MICKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL I AMOS DoozenBERRY, WHO USED <0 Starr MOST EVRY SENTENCE WITH ““TH' TIME | MPDE MY TRIP YO EUROPE} ADMIYS “TH WAR “OOK “TH WIND OLY OF HIS SAILS BECUZ HALF “HW YOUNG FELLERS YOU SEE WAVE BEEN THERE AND TALK ABOUY PARIS, LONDON O \ GIBRALTAR LIKE THEN Avs a THERE YA LSTA COULD BUN ENUFF PEANUTS FER A NICKEL TO MAKE YA SICK | THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN MOUNT Joy, By Charles Sughroe © Western Newspaper Union STUFENY MRGINNIS KIN REMEMBER WHEN ALEC SPIVENS WAS GOY WIM ONE OF IX AND SUNDAN AFTERNOON HE MADE “THIRYN-SEVEN TRIPS PAST Al CERTAIN HOLSE ON HUDSON SYREEY LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. 8. A. GIRLS WHO HE DIDNT HAVE NERVE ENLFF <0 GOIN Y JIM TURK. ALLOWS AS HOW HS MOSY THEM VUATYERBIKES WITH A SIDE CAR OM | THRILLING MOMENT WOT WHEN WE WHEELED HIS NEW BABY PASTY A GROUP OF “THREE Around Town Gossip HE USED “(OO GO WITH { IT IS NOT HARD TO CHOOSE nc. i > a OUR DEPARTMENT land 4 nontechnical employees. i | SUNFLOWERS FOR SILAGE THE it RECOMMENDED IN OREGON . os OF AGRICULTURE Wingert & Haas 1 In States where certain districts are high in elevation, so that corn Hat Store PLUCKY PIGEON FINDS WAY can not be grown in sufficient quan- 4 HOME AFTER EIGHTEEN DAYS ' ‘6 ON Real Estate L “real bargains” in rural real estate, and when | say bargains I mean it. Within the past few days I have listed some. companion, a wind-buffeted the trap that rings the of Agriculture poultry husbandry farm at Beltsville Wednesday morn- ing bearing a message from Mayor Thompson, of Chicago, to Congress- man Martin B. Madden, of Illinois. He is the third to reach home out of 10 birds from the farm, which [were liberated as part of the Chicago { Pageant of Progress, July 30. One of these broke a world’s record by covering the 614% miles in 27 hours elapsed time, which, in the opinion of Albert Jacobson, ex- pert in charge of homing pigeons {means less than 16 hours actual fly ling. This bird bore a me { Mayor Thompson to President Hard- | |ing. The speed with which he cov- | {ered the distance seemed to indicate | |that he realized the importance of {his errand, but when he arrived at [the home loft he was so overcome | | with modesty that he slipped in with- jout even ringing the signal. Supt. Jacobson had been making hourly | [ visits to the loft and found him there | {and the record was officially clocked ’ ssage from | Seventeen days behind his fastest | but | plucky homing pigeon pushed thru automotic bell at the United States Department ! | th tities to make it a feasible silage crop, the United States Department of Agriculture and the State experi- (ment stations recommend sunflowers {for silage. Up to a short time ago i there were no sunflowers, nor in fact any silos, in eastern Oregon counties, but through the activities of the county agents of the department, co operating with the State agricultural | college, the use of sunflowers has be- { come quite widespread. Demonstra- tions are being carried on in Lake, Morrow, and Umatilla Counties. Dairy farmers in Wallowa County who fed sunflower silage last year found they could reduce their cost The largest line of Straw H ats in the City Plain Hats Especially 144 N. Queen St. Lancaster, Pa. JOHN A. HAAS, Propr. XY won't find it hard to make a select ion when you know the facts about VALDURA 595% PURE ASPHALT PAINT. VALDURA is a black preservative paint possessing so many features of merit not found in the ordinary paint of its kind that it usually requites only the stating of the facts to ain the preference for it. There is no tar in VALDURA. It is penuine asphalt paint, absolitely pure and by far the most economical paint you could use for all kinds of roofing, silos, farm machinery, bridges, tanks, implements, fencing, ete. You receive both our and the manu~ facturer's absolute guarantee that VAL- URA will satisfy you or back comes your purchase money. Many of our customers tell us VAL- DURA is the most useful paint they ever had around the house, It will waterproof” and preserve the life of almost anything, you apply it to. It Gomes in handy con- {of production very materially. There jare 70 silos in Wallowa County this | vear. Four years ago there were but three. A thousand acres of sun- (flowers have been planted this year in the county, in spite of unfavorable season in 1920, when much of the crop was not harvested at all, or harvested too late to make good en- silage. Extension workers feel that is is a favorable indication of the appreciation of the crop on the part of Wallowa County stockmen. Five or six hundred acres are being grown in Dechutes County, where orders for seed were pooled. FLY KILLER OIL The animals friend, Our Fly Killer Oil repels Flies, mosquitoes, Buffalo Nats, Ticks and Lice from horses and cows. Cows give from 25% to 35% more milk during fly season if sprayed with Our Fly Killer Oil or Shoo Fly Spray. Costs no more to tainers from 1 Gal. catts up, is always ready for use and always isto be depended upon. We should like to have you read the VALDURA Booklet and Bet a test sample free if you would like to try it out before you buy. H. S. Newcomer Mount Joy. Pa. Rock Bottam Prices on all Material, Fixtures, Electrical Supplies, Ete. milk and feed cows giving twelve quarts than eight quarts at “Fly Here You Are A 70-acre farm, 50 acres tillable and 20 acres pasture, on state high- way adjoining Elizabethtown boro, good house, newly remodeled and very modern barn for 45 head of stock, water in every stall, concrete floors and entries, new silo containing nearly $1,000 worth of feed, new hog sty, shodiing for towacco, wagon shed, large poultry house, slate roofs on nearly all Duildings, good water. THINK OF THIS In addition fo the farm here’s what goes with it. Four Head of Horses, from 4 tc 8 yrs old. 12 Head of Cows, some registered, 5 Chester f White Sows, some with pigs, 1 Boar, 200 Chickens, about 40 Ducks. A 4 large and complete line of farm implements, including 4 wagons, reaper, Another Good One I have for sale the former hotel property at Union Square which in | cludes an 11-room house, ice house, | chicken house, lots of shedding, cat-| tle yards, scales, and 81 acres of p: Time” which is never regained. We| HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY [at the homive fizeon club. The [HENS “ROLL THEIR OWN’ ns fo Ney Jopeessive {shortest actual flying time ever made | 4 GG g a y Also Electric Eureka Carpet {before between the two points was | HIGH EGG RECORDS FOLLOW to our list, < APY |25 hours. : : | Asa result of eight ye | The second bird, bearing a mes- tests at the United Sta |sage to Congressman Britten, arrived | ont of Agric {August 7. Another, bearing a dupli- | Bojtsyille, Md. | cate message, reached Dry Fork, Va, [compounded {where it became exhausted and Was hioh egg linen in by a farmer. What misad- | which has been tested for three ventures befell the latest arrival Miyvears, is made of 4 per cent bran, 4 his 18-day journey the attendants |. cent middlings, 26 per cent meat are unable to tell. It supposed serap, and 66 per cent corn meal that he became weak and was obliged |, the experiments the hens were al. to stop and search for food and) roi i hi lowed to select their own, mash i - NE as n- shelter. That he was able to resume | a ars’ feeding tes Depart- ulture poultry vards at » a mash feed has been which gives uniform production. This mash, 1S Marietta Sireet : ’ ; |gredients. This is the proportion of his flight and find his way is regarded 4p, cq different feeds which they ate {at Beltsville as a remarkable exhibi- luring the year. Several pens of | | fe : FT pS {tion of the homing instinct. {30 hens each, both of Leghorns and | { d Reds, have averaged | {of Rhode Islan from 140 to 155 eggs apiece while While the mash IDOES IT PAY TO RAISE RUNTS [QUERY PUT TO MANY FARMERS this mash was fed. A questionaire survey conducted Sms to be especially adapted for) amo! . 1.000 leading farmers and | I-eghorns, it has given very good re- among ,Uu €8 ng ari £ J . i . ” [ breeders by the United States De. Sults with Reds. Wyandottes and irtment of Agriculture indicates P1Vmouth Rocks were found to get : a d N is [that about er cent of the annual 00 fat on the ration and a mash tobacco planter, harrows, plows, in fact everything. 9,000 tobacco lath. gravel land. Now who ants Dla shou 10ers 3? ool i om omewhat lower in meat scrap has Place will bear closest inspection. If interested get busy as this prop- entire outfit very Sheep? Call, p PR ies Ste lh: ts and 2iven better results with these, esition can’t last long, A ta “uaa | or write J. E. Schrell, Mt. Joy |i rakes " breeds. Both the Wyandottes and | {Bracis tnd ol: Plymouth Rocks at Beltsville are re + eT & arge standard sized fowls. The! { that their annual inc ! 5 tandar ize The Er) 13 inerons VEE? dency to become overfat on this| ; ar . nas 5 : r al a act with good Stock would be increased : 1 1 : I oh ; | WATCH THIS LIST WEEKLY IF BUSINESS STANDS ™ Ir Iig-fasse ree SE 4230 Of 18 pericont If. Tumis yuld be Mash brat v py not be found , . | J 33. T 8 a ck ’ } : Tir > rv f feoed- In a smaller type 1 ym n Rock YOU ARE INTERESTED IN No, 85 Ihe Site SPnerete Kline |in E. Donegal, near Florin, eliminated. Better method A yp % hk month ens + REAL ESTATE. 1 CAN | Main fuciy ng plan Hn Se No. 177A Gosche farm in Mt. line hetter stock, the use of pure h as is often found on sowmercial PLY YOUR WANTS Pach incty. bossor : '|Joy Twp., buildings all new few |. .. : ood care and Poultry farms, SUP machinery, Sulldings, contracts, ete |vears ago, all modern conveniences at Togs : housing, e— : Tie ety good business and $15,000 can remain on 1st mort- | 7% el on, proper care of the CAREFUL SELECTION LESSENS proposition in Mount Joy including gage. Vdam bofore the birth of Vou. nros BROODINESS, TESTS REVEAL | Several hougss on Main stress. Price] TRUCK FARMS [tical control of such objec — will aston you. No. 172—An acre of ground in| | | | i . eat discredit +c to Mt. Joy Twp. with a large frame ice [In East Donegal, near i Shure: trol of disease, and the cull ng from 05 is oe ei) house, elevator, two ponds, etc. | trame house, tobacco shed, barn, e (the farm of all st ed stoc] *h 20yanes cheap. [ $4,000.00. indicates no possi ies of ;- . | : nN) | BUILDING LOTS |ful reformatoir } atio ; : LARGE FARMS | No. 2—Four Lots, eaca 50x200 ft. {are th I 52 rend - " 2 ; 10 42—An 8h-aere tract of farm |, “Noon Barbara St., Mount Joy. |ed by these eo ed farme: trict timber and pasture land in West |" \ S8--ODne Lot 50x85 ft, 00/ALoot threo qunrics s y th elopment of | Donegal township, tract adjoins Ma. West Donegal St., Mount Joy. [or : 4 Sem yt ] mes brooding heliy ool The United| sonic Homes ground on two sides. | No. 45—Four Lots in Florin, 40x. [hes {aos Jo 1 iy ais my PA aed Price yr oh acre farm iron | <9Y ft. They front on harsh Li Tom Thu ibs the 1d has fou that br es n be re-| _ No. 94— acre ’ 2 i N¢ 77—Very desirable a | 1 ) n ! 2 NG HOUSES stone soil, on Scravel pike, bank barn lot fronting y oy Jsengble Tie E bean be ve icc whe rareful, ory brick mansion ; 8-room house, shedding for 20 acres | o Marietta street. tobacco. $90 per acre. | location, has | | No. 107—An 834 acre tract of land | par Will sell any num wayward ’ 1 like as worms and lice, the ¢ : 1 | ection {well bre : Krall’s Meat Market [SMOKED MEATS, HAM, BOLOGN/ Vest Main St SS &r © Cash Grocery | | Orders Delivered FREE We Solicit Your Trade OPEN EVENINGS | | | { BELL PHONE 155R2 J. H. TERPHEY, Pro; Chandlers’ Drug Store W. Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. | Jpen Tuesday, Thursday and Sweepers for Sale Prices Very Reasonable SEE ME BEFORE BUYING ELSE. WHERE JNO. H. DIETZ Both Phones MOUNT JOY apr.6-tf MILLINERY also PLAIN CAPS AND BONNETS Made Over in Any Style E. Main St., HAND-MADE BABY CAPS A New Line of ‘Sport Hats in Dewetyne Satin and Felt Satur. day evenings from 7 to 9 Pp. m, ‘Miss M. K. SHELLY | always have on hand anything i the line of DRIED BEEF, LARD, ETC. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Muttoy | 0D A | KRALL MOUNT JOY, Fa | [ | H. H. MOUNT JOY USED CARS FOR SALE Fie 917 Overland Big Four | ; 1 '] 317 18venle Tan (ne a . ) . i ber of feet you want at $8 per foot [feed d ! periment | When you're suffering from 1911 Chey roiet KONI 1g real home. Has No. 95—A 65 acre farm near Con. | No. 57—A 5-acre tract i. the bore raarkoi Te TT n, wi experiment- | headaah ; re . om 3 ould be fine ewago Station, all farm land, running of Mount Joy, fine large lot and | 2%! Sl . I r nade ieadach 1017 Stud ehal erécy Touring : combined. | water, hank bam, piss house, he | would be a money-maker for truck. NEW LABORATORY SECTION revious to vackacke, { : . and busi- for $6,000. mmediate possession. | foe or speculating on building lots |IN=W LABORATOR SECTION Tn $ ra uy So a | Fad T ab Mt. Joy No. 102—An 86 acre farm in Went | Ne 1450 A tract of land contain- STUDIES WOOD UTILIZATION : a tootnache, 1916 L010 10M 10 1 1 inest fs I eve a Ey YS z a Ts : eees—————— : a ! 38 4 . i . < its. Donegal, finest farm I ever offered, |, 16% acres adjoining Manheim : = oy ; > ’ ] a neuralgia, " ~ : ining good buildings, on piked _road, 4 ‘boro. Fino building sites. A new section, for industrial in- r] Se- OF Balt trove sang oo 2% 10 0 Ford Sune nents. acres timber ready to cut. No better "No. 163—A fine building lot on ves itions, h: ecently been added lecti a | £ vears, OF pain from any other cause, try vp farm in the county. | East Main street rice right to the Forest ducts Laboratory tl dines as re- file Anti_Pai Pi Is 92 Nn . y po oD a tus Last a s be 410 - L i L ( Le J atl y 16% x 1 - { 0 “3 gt A 2%-story frame house, No. 128A 3l-acre fray 9f/""No. 187-2 tfacre tract of g00d (and the Forest Service of the United duced so that { ver doe vos Dr. Miles All-rain il 3 1 20 Ford Sedan vin St., Mt Joy. Price gravel land at Union Square, large | ime stone land in East Donegal.” No|'o H Pe me i: the Tinlad Y : > O16 ct two sn the Beir sims | oka lot of shedding for cattle, |} i dings. | Cadel by al oe SY, oie a ; Ta Noro Cant utae.pam s'ops —— eR An 8-room bungalo in ete., good well, also running | No. 169—A 20-acre tract between belie es will meet a rea Jesd: The Ross © Spo nmangy study Hee | Soni oneal forming drugs a ynveniences, hard wood Chear. _ ‘ i Mt. Joy and Florin. Areal invest- work will embr ice the following of the corre betwee ave you tried r Miles’ Nervine? | L { . t door. Price right. | I . 138—4 81-acre farm of alll ent to some speculator. : lines: A survey of th primary and ness and ction t Ask your Druggist i [dfiC aC 10C ot 40x200 in Master- limestone soil in East Donegal, 11- | "No. 171—Large number of build- [secondary wood-using industri s to roody tend | PY 20x20 In stable, TOOM _stone house, barn, tobacco | 5, lots between Mt. Joy and Florin. [determine the possibility of more : their y Agent For “ete. Must be sold shed, 5 acres meadow, % of Money \I can give you any number of Tots complet: wilization oo By product DR. FAHRNE Y { an remain, lat : i ny old price. Led fogial 2 ood waster Those i 5 vis 1 | CIS Cars Hh 10 Ne. 139—A 89-acre farm of all |2t any location at any p ; | ow-grade material, and wood waste; There is no one use of . Dodge Brothers Kotor ars > of ground with 10- limesone soil in East Donegal, 9.) FACTORY BUILDINGS |dimension stock study, including the broodines among | =» Hagerstown, Maryland | D ise, 45 Ro room brick house, barn, tobacco | No. 140—3 acres and 49 perches standardization of small dimension 'ly, there occur 4 dis Sere | Mount Joy, FQ. jiroad. Nea "shed for 9 acres, 10 acre meadow, % [of land in East Donegal wit Jasze [stock resuirements and determina-!nonbroodiness and one of 1 ss DIAGNOSTICIAN | : > an remain. tone mill converted into flats for|,: . : & : s It is believed that birds showine onl — —— autiful 7-room and ©f money: ca £ au id $2 000 [tion of the most economical methods Tt is believe l that birds showing only The Dr. Fahmeys have bedn practic in Marietta boro. No. 148—A 114 acre farm near | esidences. . . {of converting the standing tree into'a slicht tendency to 1s ACHCIng ~- ~ in 1 C Sunnyside, 10 acres meadow, sand F RY SITES y ; th ‘ ; : os rs A | medicine and have made a specialty of [ Shaving utiful location and 1 > bie b: rig ACTORY the form of material required in'lone in the same the non-| Sas | and, 2 frame houses, big barn, to { “ - . : . 5 a Y thronic diseases for over 100 years. | | | bacco shed, ete., good reason for sell-| No. 10—A tract fronting 107 ft |secondary wood-usign industries; broody fowls, as about thel to working only with chronic di Hair Cutt o e double house doing. Price right. jon the P. R. R. siding in Mount Joy standardization of nomenclature, same proportion of ba v offspring. bad king E pnd k my as © air u ting Mount yi] bakery No. 151--A 170 acre farm, 80 A, {hes orp vipers ad Sopjealy sizes, grades, and specifications for|The determinati n of broodiness ad Ends - Jct canes . an iag- alh. farm land, balance pasture, some tim- | located. One , x 1. Price | A good buildings, 2 silos, shedding | : dwelling, | for 7 acres tobacco, a real farm. X re a Mt. Je No. 154—183 acres, 120 farm land | vertised. If 5 o shed, etc. in Ah 3 81 acres timber, good buildings in- | want in this list, call and see me. t the thing for a retire | cluding silo, possession any time; a [have it. | large portion of money can remain. | | No. ASA 236 aufe jar 32 | {diana Co., 175 acres farm lan ,» bal- |ance timber, good buildings, young : ilt | orchard, fine water and close to mar- | OA beaytifa] newly built kets, schools and churches. : 0. No. 161—The Clover Dale farm on 66—Fine an in resi- state road 21% miles west of Eliza- section of Mt. Joy, 13-room |bethtown, 95 acres, 15 acres meadow, house with all conveniences, |brick house good barn, silo, ete., $137 | eam heat, electric flight, bath, |an acre. \ wonderful buy fat $7,600. No. 175—A 95.acre farm 21% jon any time. miles from Elizabethtown on state | 68—Lot 40x200 8lin Florin, road, bric house, good barn, silo, | ouse frame stable,flatc $2,400 |etc., 12 acres of good meadow. bntents in rear. I also have a number of | that owners do not care to have ad- 1 B55 5——An 8-room frame house plley in Mt. Joy, electric h, large garage, etc. Price, Also many Lebanon Co. farms from 40 to 200 acres at $4,000 to $22,000.00. CALL, PHONE OR WRITE Jno. E. Scholl Mt. Joy, Pa. properties If you don’t find what you i is | lumber and crossties; wood waste ex- complicated by the fact that birds! change to effect the utilization of that are not broody during the pullet | raw material now disposed of as year may become broody during waste by supplying a medium through their second or third laying season. (which producers can locate markets TTT ee... for woods, fill and factory by-pro-| Who Wants This? wr giv nose your case before | treat you. have a trouble or weakuess of deformity, If you ite to me and I'll study your cass and e satisfaction, Dect. 27-1yr ducts and waste, and wood, consum- Is there a tenant farmer around | ing plants can locate material of this here that wants to make as much | character such as will meet their re- money with less work than he is do-| quirements; general work, including ine now? Here you are. A 30-acre | the broad field of encouraging the farm 12 mile from Manheim, best of wider use in the wood-using indus- oravel land, good buildings, tries of the results of technical re-| { | an | (abundance of fruit, fine water, This | search available at the laboratory. would make a dandy truck farm as! The proposed personnel of the it is close to markets. Don’t delay; | quick as I am going to turn this | n—Call, phone or new section, partly recruited from act other laboratory sections, will consist | farn write J. E.| roll, Mt. Joy. tf Bell of 10 technical foresters, 1 engineer, | Sch = 4 WA SESS [fk A [iy ¥ Ji 212 South Market %iriet ¥ i Phone 75R2 Mt. Joyg Pa | 50 Jos. B. Hershey TONSORIAL PARLOR Agent for the Manhattan Laundry, Goods called for Monday East Main Street, Mount Joy sy City Shoe Repairing Company OLD SHOES MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW ONES 52 S4Queen St., Lancaster, Pa 5)