THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. If You asked Us “How Many Miles Would a Thousand Dollar Tire Run?’— ~we'd say: “Just as far as a Dayton tire—and riot one mile farther. This sounds like a pretty broad statement, but it is the absolute unvarnished truth=and are here to back it up, :now that no amount of money could ter materials and better workmanship yu will find in every Dayton Tire. Your nd dollars simply couldn’t buy more faction nor more miles. Dayton Tires Cords Fabrics When we put a Dayton Tire on your car we're saying to you: “Here's the best-looking, best-wearing tire you've ever had. It will run farther and give youiless trouble than any tire you can buy. It will he easy on your car, easy on you and easy on your bank account.” We know Dayton Tires and Dayton qual- ity from bead to tread. Cpme in and let us tell you about them. Dayton Tubes hold air so long you wonder how they do it---well, shey are the smoothest, thickest and tough- est tubes on the market, Ask us to let you feel one. J Loe ly DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE WAS NOT SIGNED ON JULY 4, 1776 This is only one of many little known facts developed by the research which preceded the publication of the series of articles on Our: Government, now being distributed without charge to the friends and patrons of this Institution. If you will call we shall be glad to add your name to our mailing list to Pgceive the entire series. You incur no obligation. First National Rank Mount Joy, Pa. \ \ THE GIANT AMONG AGRICULTURAL FAIRS! Four Days of. Sport, Entertainment and Fun Machinery Shows Hors& Shows Fancy Work Shows ' Agricultural Shows Poultry Shows Cattle Bhows Merchandise Shows Swine Shows THE BIG MIDWAY BRIGHTER THAN EVER BEFORE Fast Racing Daily $7700 Purses Great Free Attractions Daily in Service to Grounds % \ NI -————— ee. A TO COAL COAL 2S AND KINDS OF COAL ON HAND FOR IM- EDIATE DELWERY. CARDS ARE NOT USED ANY MORE. ASO Sh A 'F. B.. BAKER TRY SUCRENE DAIRY FEED FOR MORE MILK. USE SUCRENE DRY MASH FOR CHICKENS FOR MORE EGG! IBER ahd GOAL : MOUNT Joy, be ws I 0 SR | sins are brought to Austin by nearly PERCH BAIT FOR BIG RATTLESNAKE Texas Fishermen Bring in Queer Stories of Encounters With Reptiles. Austin, Tex.—Stories of battles with rattlesnakes and stump-tail mocca- every fishing party which has been on outings to the many fishing streams in the mountains west of Austin. But the most unusual tale is teld by an aggregation of anglers who have just returned from a camp on the Peder- pales river, 35 miles west of this city. In this party were several men who have been up against many rattle- A a - Y - . | 23 os : : . CIR 3 ~~ Cf # « ( A | A aid —————— — ~~ i - —, \ * My Rh) > ml 9.) =. RL > fF ; ga » kh J = 0) 3 = [Its Foil / v) 13 Te mA ik] CR ie \ Re LEMNALN RRR cy A Huge Rattlesnake Was Found on the Book. snakes, but this is the first time that any of them made the discovery that a rattlesnake fed on fish. According to the story a throw line baited with small perch had been put out into the river. One ef the party, fishing with rod and reel, later had pulled the throw line partly In to get it out of the way, and in doing this one hook, still baited with perch, was left hanging above the water. The next morning a huge rattlesnake was found on the exposed hook. It is stated that the snake was as large around as the arm of the average man. The snake was killed and the perch, which had attracted it to the hook, was found in the reptile’s mouth. The crop of snakes, especially the rattlesnake specles, is larger this year than In years. This is attributed to the past mild winter. Moccasins swarm the smaller creeks and there are moccasins in the larger streams. The Colorado river has a good sized THE GOOD OLD HYMNS There's lots of music in ‘em -ine hymna of long ago, And when some gray-haired brother sings the ones 1 used to know [ sorter want to takc a v2nd, I think of days gone by, “On Jordan's stormy banks [ eta:d and cast a wistful eye!” There's lots of music in 'em—those dear, sweet hymns of old, With visions bright of lands of light, and shining streets of gold; And I hear 'em ringing—singl mem’ry, dreaming, stands g, where “}rom Greenland’s icy mountains to In- dia’s coral strands.” They seem to sing forever of holler, sweeter days, When the lilies of the love of God bloomed white in all the ways And 1 want to hear their music from the oldtime meetin’ rise, Till “I can read my title clear to man- sions in the skies.” | never needed singin’ books In them old days—we knew We The words, the tunes of every one--the dear ola hymnbook through! We didn’t have no trumpets then, no organs built for show, We only sang to praise the Lord, “from whom all blessings flow.” An’ so I love the good old hymns, and when my time shall come— Before the light has left me, and my singing lips are dumb— If I can hear 'em sing them then, I'il pass without a sigh To “Canaan’s fair and happy land where my possessions lie.” —Atlanta Constitution. EASY TO BUILD FIRE ON ICE With the Understanding of the Prcper- ties of Gas, It Is Not Hard to Create Illusion, Carbide or more properly, calcium carbide, is a wonderful substance made in the electric furnace by heat- ing lime and coke, writes H. Gernsbach in Science and Invention. It is a hard gray stone-like material and no doubt familiar to you as the gas-generating medium employed in some kinds of bieyele lamps. When brought in con- tact with water it instantly liberates gas, acetylene, which gives a brilliant light when properly burned. This property can be strikingly demonstrated in the following manner: Place a few lumps of carbide on a block of fice. Above the freezing point Fire and Ise Combined. of water (32 degrees F.) ice is always covered with a film of water sufficient quota. While many -of the snakes seen in the streams are the harmless water snakes, there is an abundance of the rusty and poisonous species of the moccasin. “NO PLACE FOR HOMELY GIRL” Wail of Girl Who Tries Suicide After Fiance Rejects Her for Pret. tier One. Baltimore.—*“Men only look for beauty; they don't care about the real homemaker any longer,” Virginia Hicks, twenty, a patient at the Mary- land General hospital, who tried to commit suicide by swallowing poison explained that there was no place in the world for the homely girl. “I don’t want to get well,” she con- tinued, pushing back her short hair. “Men don’t care what you for them—they are for the girl who spends everything on clothes and makes a big show. They don’t care if a girl is good, self-respecting and a real homemaker; all they want is a big display of their money.” she admitted that they had both been very happy and expected to get married shortly, until one evening at a dance he met a prettier girl, and after that she didn’t have a chance. oud lack of freckles are essential fea- tures for happiness,” Virginia de- clared, weeping. Girl Holds Prisoner by Coat Tail. Chicago. — Miss Gail McDermut, criminal court stenographer, is hailed as a heroine by her co-workers. As Frank Legregni, ynder death sentence for murdering his wife, attempted to jump from a window sill to liberty, Miss McDermut grabbed his ceat tail and held on until police had beaten the prisoner into submission. Calf-Hare-Pig-Fox-Dog Cried Just Like Baby Paris.—An animal born on a farm at Grandchamps, near Paris, two weeks ago, died yes- terday while being transported to Paris for exhibition at the Academy of Science. The crea- ture had the body of a calf, the head of a rabbit, eyes like a pig, ears like a fox and hair like a St. Bernard dog. It weighed twelve pounds at birth cried like a baby. and frm & w=. *Cold in the Head’ head” will tacks of Acute Catal Chronic Catarrh, HALL'S CATARRH taken i M tem, thus reducing the inflammation restoring normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars, free. F, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. red | do | Refusing to give her lover's name, | “Classical features and a conspicu- | is an "agute attack of Nasal Catarrh Those stfgject to frequent ‘‘colds in the hat the use of HALL/'S t CATARRH MEWBICINE will build up the System, cleanse Blood and render them less liable to ds. Repeated at- may lead to to start some action with the carbide. The heat generated by the chemical reaction melts more ice, making more heat and generating more gas, so that in a moment the lumps will have begun to bore little holes In the ice. If a match is applied, the escaping acety- lene gas ignites and burns with bright i 4 Il 4 i 1 i j il - hii il bili il | I e hi : i i (|! ) | i 8 $625 f. 0. b. Detroit ie | A) The Fordson saves from thirty to fifty per cent of the | farmer's time. ~The Fordson plows, harrows, drills as much ground In the same time as from four to six horses. Many farmers say it does the work of eight horses. ha The Fordson does for the farmer just what machine | power does for the manufacturer---it @nables him fo | manufacture his product at less cost. “And that is what the tarmer wants to do; grow his crops more cheaply and make his margin of profit greater, And the Fordson will help him do it. Let us prove this to yon by a demonstration on r your own farm, Just phone us or drop us a card, GARBERS’ GARAGE 833--845 South Market Street ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. Bell Phone 77 Ind. Phone 605A. i but smoky flames so that to the observer the ice appears to De burn- ing. Since acetylene gas contains | much carbon, when it is burned in the alr without special burners, | carbon. As a consequence of this richness in carbon, or insuflicient oxy- gen, a veritable “black snowstorm” re- Press. Confirmed Superstitious Belief, An instance of the coastal that a horse always goes k to its old home after death is reported a British Columbia reader. A con- tractor lost a horse by drowning on the west coast of Vancouver island. | It was towed out to sea; next day it | carcass | floated back In again. The | was again towed out, only to return to the beach four days after. On both occasions it was towed several miles before being cast adrift; also a | time. Remarkable Work of Art. A remarkable medal was exhibited { on Lincoln's birthday by Anton Erick- | son of Minneapolis, a metal engraver. The medal, of gold, is only the size of a 1-cent plece yet it contains on one side, in beautiful detail, a medal- lion of the head of Lincoln and on the other the entire Gettysburg address, totaling 1,200 words. The address can- not be read by the naked eye, but un- der a magnifying glass it becomes per- fectly distinct. Snake Hypnotized Hen, | An Alberta (Canada) reader says | that a farmer and his wife noticed a | hen in the yard standing very still but | squeaking In a terrified manner. They watched it a few see no cause for her fear. They went out and found a snake looking at the | hen. The hen didn’t move until the snake was driven away, so they sup- | posed the hen had been hypnotized. Peculiar Relationship. In a well-known town in New Bruns- wick a man and his son were courting married the daughter and the son the mother. The daughter thus become the mother-in-law to her mother and the son father-in-law te his father, Here's a Bargain truck farm on Longenecker road, Mt. Joy, that will be sold quick. About six acres of excellent land, large cellar, an abandance of fruit, a good investment for any one. Good lo- iri OSes. 1oliea, ete. mic Act quick if interested. br roll, Realtor, Mt. Joy, Pa. it gets | | insufficient oxygen to burn up all this | sults in a few minutes.—Detroit Free | . | belief | by | strong ebb tide was running at the! moments but could | a woman and her daughter. The father | I have just listed a very desirable | frame house, barn, tobacco shed and | ‘on for warehouse or building Convenient to industries, Has boro water, light, | Jno, { " The Ford Touring Car is literally the pioneer in the solution of the Good Roads problem, because three million or more in operation brought up to the millions of America the necessity of good roads if quick transportation at low ; i expense was to be enjoyed. The simplicity of the Ford car, its stability in construction, the famous heat-treated Vanadium steel with its marvelous strength | and flexibility, the low cost of operatign and maintenance, its ease in operation, all have made the Ford car the great favorite in every land in the world. It’s the one car that always satisfies and serves. A utility beyond question that all can afford. We sell them and will be pleased to have your order. Don’t delay, because the demand is heavy all the time. : have almost everything in motor car accessories, carry the genuine Ford Parts, and assure the best in mechanical repair work, N GARBERS’ GARAGE ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNA. Ind. Phone 605A 833-845 S. Market St Bell Phone 77 “ a aleg® me ae ND dara. — Buy It By Mail From Donovans! Don’t bother running in to Lancaster for every little thing you desire, simply enter this great store thru the Mail Box at your Door and you will receive the same excellent service. An experienced shopper makes your purchases for you, looking out for your interests and taking advantages of any special opportunities. You have no bother nor “worry. Use “our Mail Order Service Once and you will use it always, just as hundreds of people are, doing today. They find that it PAYS. .There is No Extra Charge whatever ,exceptuwhen parcels are sent C. O. D. But most everyone finds it best to remit by Mail Orden or Check or stamps and coin in small amounts, DONGOV ANS LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA The Modern Department Store OOOO