1 ov 2 / ¥ ‘ 4 ; w + \\ ‘-. 3 J ) ) } ] } * ’ | ‘WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31st 1921 110 10111 0 OA Tickets \good returning within ® sleeping cirs on payment usual ! charges fot space occupied, in- cluding sulcharge. All fares subject to war tax of 8%. ou = ROUND TRIP : ATLANTIC CITY = : Wildwood, Ocean City, Cape BH y, Sea Isle City, Fuge a 8 sea, Avalon, Stone =| = | Harbor ns \ THURSDAYS a8 September Sth i days Tickets, good in parlor or Round Trip War Tax 8% additional THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A | “ {338 CORSET FOR “Oh! 1 Can See a Lot | Better Now Ww. JEWELERS and OPOMETRISTS FAILS 131 North Queen Street [¢ ves IMMED, IF DUE TO INFECT ; cok It will surely open your eyes put you wise Sun. 10 to 1. Of course you can! When properly fitted ‘glasses relieve the strain on the delicate eye- muscles and hy, Bo you can tell the difference gt once. Perfect vision is a rarity, Many persons suffér the ill ef- fects of impaired, vision be-! cause they do not: realize to what extent their bight might be helped with properly fitted glasses. \ It is such a simple; matter to find out whether or not your eyes need glasses that no one should continue to phat it off Stop-over ‘mllowed at Phila- delphi ither direction. Mount Joy........ 1AM Tickets ; via Delaware River Bri ge Route, 36 cents extra, round trip. Leave Atlantic City hk See Flyers (Standard Time) 5:154P. M. Consult Ricket Agents : Proportionate fages from a " Pennsy Ivania Sy st other poin slg i ; i = 1TH 0 Ocean Grove Exclrsonm, = na. . of August 25 » ————— Parsihania Wy § 1CATARRH| System 5 s| ||OF THE STOMACH OU CAN'T ENJOY LIFE with a sore, sour, bloated stom- ach. Food does not nourish. Instead it is a source of misery, causing pains, belching, dizziness and head- aches, = € The person wita a bad stomach Al should be satisfied with nothing less than permanent, lastusg relief. q The right remedy will act upon the linings of the stomach, enrich the blood, aid in casting out the catarthal poisons and strengthen every bodily function. € The large numb of people who have successfully used Dr. Hartman's famous medicine, recommended for all catarrhal conditions, offer the strongest possible endorsement for PE-RU-NA IN SERVICE FIFTY YEARS Gl ? J Je 1 CE Ce Er Ee A | YOUR NAME TABLETS OR LIQUID SOLD EVERYWHERE EC Er LIGHT.BUT STRONG €) » se i, PINE | Ge onl . Or ® “%%, oY IE SIZES 22T036 ON SALE 180 Jeweler Watchmaker---Engraver Don. W. Gorrecht 37 WEST MAIN STREET AER i 2 summing: os | wosiinonnonn $v § soma | from day to day. Why\nof call and see us? \ W. Appel & Son LANCASTER. PA. 1081) 4 OOSV OJSVv 0OSV 00SV OJSV ASCO ASCO and Eggs. Today we are givin BEST Ban WELT v¥ Ba i Sed Carefully selected. No matter where you g aroma and satisfying flavor [tore We are proving constantly that and your money goes the farthest. on the popular “Asco” Corn Flak only, guaranteeing yo@ your full mon- MOUNT JOY. PENNA. Our Stores Will Close Labor Day Monday, September 5th, at 12 Noon “Asco”’ COF FEE o or how much more you pay, you cannot get any better cup satisfaction than the famous Try a pound today. We know its delightful GOOD THINGS FOR Phila. jdest and Specialist CO C IBINATION T v R ION ORT +o hours, 10 to 4, evening 610 § Potatoes 1; pk. (73% lbs.) 25c 1% bu (30 Ibs), $1.00 Big, dry, mealy potat~ 3 that cook like balls of flour. worth, sco’’ Blend. will\please you. A YCUR LABOR me a ay ~ eT wo Is it on our subscrip- |perAfter all others Fail Pe: tion list? LD DR, THEEL ring Garden Street known as t y PPINESS All We will guarantee you full value )R YOUR MONEY ASCO A Clean Cut of 19% in the Price of Potatoes “it pays to deal at the Asco Stores,” Thousands of folks are taking advantage of our reduction es—last Thursday we made another cut in the price of Butter g you an opportunity to save money on Potatoes. 15c Sold by weight where Qualit a pk [33 Ibs] Ib 25c¢ DAY OUTING Counts ASCO ASCO cest bread value sold today. FIVE BIG FRUIT VA “Extra Fancy d ured and packed in a delicious up. Fancy Calif. Peaches, big can.......... 29c Fancy Calif. Apricots, big can.......... 29¢ Fancy Calif. Cherries, big can.......... 35¢ Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple, big can..... 29c¢ Hawaiian Grated Pineapple, small can...1llc Selected Fruit, fully ma- Take advantage of our low prices and stock of .this special LUES! Sugar Syrup. price CHOICE QUALITY PEAS, “ASCO” TEAS, 1% Ib. GOLD SEAL FLOUR | Lif. \ ish, cz : Mints, Ib...25¢ i 3 HEESE. Calif. \Tuna Fish, can Pure Cream Mints, RICH CREAMY ¢ Ibh., 25¢ : x 10c, 15¢ | Lemon Drops, lb. ...... 29c Very tasty in sandwiches Potted Neats, can. ..5¢c, 10c | Hershey’s Choc. Bells ; or baked with “Asco” Mac- | “Asco” anut Butter 14 1b, 25¢ aroni. : glass, 9c HERA Pure Jellie}, glass. .....10c {fod Ale lp i Ps ”» Assorted Frit Jams, >{ Rootheer DO . “ASCO MUSTARD, 12 ssorie ’ jar 15¢ 1) Sarseparils | : UV a. The r | Uneeda Bisculf, pkg...... 6c 1.45 dozen Absolutely pure. The best Nott Wafer phe 10c¢ Buv a dozen assorted for S made. 2 Big Juicy Lemols, doz..18c wer Labor Day. A : Big S Pickles, Ja FANCY QUEEN OLIVES I I 12¢ | PURE GRAPE JUICE re << bot., 10¢, 20c | A, orican Maid Cafup Pt. Bot. 23¢ Be sure to put a bottle or t, 10c Rhine and two in your picnic basket. India Relich, bot... 3X. .17¢ thiivat. Guonehor. re Ce a Princess Salad Dressin} “Aéco” Dried Beef, pkg.10c bottle 25¢ \ Elkhorn Kraft Cheese, Schimmel’s Salad Dressiig 3 4 for 10c | can 12%c bottle, \ il " } Fancy Red Salmon, can.25c¢ | Waxed Lunch Paper, roll mustard : | ®) | Q 3 | | VICTOR BREAD, Big Loaf............. 6c | “ASCO” COR FLAKES, pk sean Te | | Made from the purest ingredients. The big- Those who hava tasted ‘Asc 0” Corn Flakes ; i say—the best the@ever ate. Take advantage ASCO 2 12 Ib. Bag 67 > ean 12155 play 12¢ The best and Tk So S A ” New goods Juss, arrived 14 1b, pkg. 23c—Ib. 45 nomical flour for raaking e ay in your winter's supply s SSioY v p bread, muffins and all Kinds “this | 3 The more fussier you are read, © at this low price. about your cup of tea, the | of pastry. \ cer oAEY AND 2 easier it is for us to please ; \ “ASCO” PORK AND you. Five Quality Blends— | COCOANUT MAGA ROON BEANS, can 10c | Plain Black, Mixed, Old WAFER b., 18¢ : beans at a bar- Country Style, Orange A very tasty #4 fit. This say ean Pekoe, India Ceylon. special price whil/!{fhey last. : ’ / ‘ ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO | r h o a e C. Mellinger, 2h.....1 2 2.3 0 Brown, 1b.......... 0 1 ' 9 0 1 (White, 38. ..3.......0«7 1 4 1 Good, If............0 0 1 0 0 E. Mellinger, cf.....1 1 4 0 0 iMiller,'p,, r£........0 1 0 0 0 Hatfield, 3b.........0. 01 1 0 Spicer, ¢c.............1 6 2.90 Collins, .p., rf.......1 1:0 0 1 Totals: .. .......4d 824 10 3 «© Mount Joy Bishop, ss...........1 72 1 .8 © Mowery, 3b.........0 0 1 I 0 Shirk, 1b, .......... > 18% 1:0 Hal, 2b,.,.........3 0 3 1 2 Simmons, p.........00 0 0 1 0 Brost, ec.............0 011 3 1 Bigler, vf-......... Xr 1 0 0:0 Bennett, If..........0. 1 0 0 0 Showalter, 7ef......,.1 1-2 ‘%T 0 Totals -.......... 5 6x26 11 3 IBASE BALL! Locals Won Sunday Brown’s Athletic Club won a good game from Rohrerstown here on Sunday by a score of 5 to 4. It looked as though the visitors were sure winners in the second, as they tallied four times on a few hits and errors. The locals came right back in the third and scored a trio of runs, and with another pair in the sixth, nosed out the vistors. The score: Rohrerstown xGood out interferring with ball. Rohrerstown .......040 000 000—4 Mount Joy.........003 002 00x—>5 Earned runs: Mount Joy 4. Roh- rerstown 2, Two base hits: Bennett. Sacrifice hits: Bishop. Base on er- rors: Mount Joy 2. Rohrerstown 2. Stolen bases: Bishop, Hahn, Bigler. Left on base: Mount Joy 3, Rohrers- town 2. Double plays. Bishop to Hahn to Shirk, White to Brown. Struck out by Collins 1, by Miller 4, by Simmons 9. Number of innings pitched, by Collins 2, by Miller 7. Number of base hits off Collins 2, off Miller 4. Base on balls, off Collins 1, off Miller 4, off Simmons 2. Wild pitches, Miller 2, Simmons 2; um- pires, Dommel and Klugh. Time one hour and forty-five minutes. A One-Sided Game The East End had no difficulty in defeating Florin here last Wednes- day evening, shutting the visitors out in a six-inning game 14 to 0. The contest was too one sided to be inter- esting. The score. | | | | | | | | | East End r h o ae C. Dorr, 58.......3 2 04.0 G. Sehmeider, ef....1 2 2 0 0 Bilis, 2h...........2 2X § 1 0 M. Wedver, p......2 3 0 2 1 Hendrix, 1b........0 2-7 0.0 C.. Bennett, 8b..... 1. 0° 2 00 S. Gillums,e........1 0 2 0 1 Wagner, If......... ¥ 0 2 0 0 ?,. Sehneider, vf ....2 1 0 0 O Totals ...........¥ 11. 18 7 2 Florin *r hh o ae Bard, p............. 0:06.10 0 Carson, ¢.......... 0-9 6 00 Pukeman, ss .......0 0 1 2 0 E. S. Arndt, If 0 1 1 1. @ Musselman, 8b...... 0-1-3) 0 1 (Js Arndt, ef... 0-0 1 0 1 5.2. Arndt, 2h......0. 2 0 0 1 Keener, 1h. .........0- 0 2. 1 1 Dery, rf............ 0 1 2 1 1 | Totals... .......0 515 5 5 Florin 0000000 Fast 4005 4 3-18 2 be Ellis, Derr, Hendrix, | F. Schneid G. Schneid 2, Weav er. CHURCHMEN ON TOP The Episcopal Church team of this place defeated the Grey Iron tossers | in a five inning twilight game Friday | nicht by a score of 10 to 8 Score: | Grey Iron Co. th y a ¢ Punk, 3b...........2 0 0.0 1 J. Hendrix, 2b dele an 1 oly Pennell, ¢..........».1. 1 5 1 1 Hauenstein, p.......1 1 1 0 Miller, 1b.... .. ve) 6 0 0 FE. Hendrix, rf......0: 0 0 0 0 Yoraw, If... .......0 0 0 0 | Dillinger, cf........1 1 1.0 07 Witmer, 'w.........1 1 0 0 7) Totals ies sieve £1 10 | Episcopal Church H. Brown, cf. ......2 1 ! Snyder, If dn 0 0] Y. Ellis, 3b 2 > 3 | E. Brown G. Brown, ec. ( ( B Tendri 11 1 ) ( G. Brown, r 1 1 R. Brown, 2b l { B. El Pi... T tals 10 4 | 7 pal Church 0 | ( C : i { VO ba hi Hau 1.3 1 H J): 1 Donhi ( I B \ ¥ 1 { } T balls off Hauer: ain A } 1 Wild Pitches: Hauenstei passed 4 balls, Pennell. r| and Germer ) Lost on Saturday Brown’s Athletic Club lost at| Honeybrook Saturday by a score of | 9 to 6. The game was 1 | home players, except the pi nd while our boys outbatted their op- ponents five errors during the game tells the story. The score: Honeybrook r ho a eo Shortling, ef........ 0.0 1:06 0 Johnson, ss... ......1 1 0 3 1 Shirk, 8b... .u-i.o.1 1:28 050 Weaver, 1b.........17 1.11... 0 1 Werlz, IT. ....... 32 X00 Eatchford, c..... 7.2 2 iG 0.0 Andes; 2b............1 1-2 "92 9 Mertz, 1f.... 5... 1:1 0.0.0 Bates, p............ 10.0 20 Totals “v...........0. 927 6: 4 Mount Joy Bigler,, ff. .........1 1. 0:0 1 Hendrix, '2b........0 2 2 3.0 Bennett, 1b. vivvavel 211 01 Showalter, “cf....+...0-1 1. 0 0 Pennell, e. Ni... .....0: 2.8 0 1 Funk, 3b. 3cescciens 11:2 2 Shirk, P..ssfe.s 3 1 0 4 0 Germer, 1f.......... 3-320 0 Frank, 88... vrs I: 1.2 0 0 Totals ..%...0. 61224 8 5 Honeybrook .......024 210 00x—9 Mount Joy. ........200 201 010—6 Episcopals Won Monday The Episcopal Church team won another game here Monday evening when they defeated the Business Men’s team in three sessions, as the game had to be called on account of darkness. Ellis allowed but one hit. The score: Episcopal Church : * h o ae P. Ellis, rf. ....7...:0 00 0.0 Schneider, If. .......0. 0 2 0 0 G. Brown, C........, oO 0:8 0 0 E. Brown, 88....... 1 01 0 1 L. Elis, 8b.....0...2 2:0. 1 1 BE. Brown, 2b.......0 0.0 1 1 G. Brown, Jr., cf....1 "2. 0 0 0 Hendrix, 1b.........0 -0 3 1.0 B. Ellis; D.veviviees ¥ 1.0.1 0 Total: ........nn b-:8 9 4 3 Business Men Groff, 88... .... 5 0 0 1 0 0 Dery, 3b, ... ii cn 6 1 0 2 1 Schock, 1b......... 0 0.35 0.0 Conrad, c?..... hl 04:01 0 O'Neill, If 0.0 0.0 0 Pennell, p..........0 20 00 1 Garber, rf.. 0 00 0 0 Farmer, 2b. ........ 9:01 00 Bennett, cf.........0 0.0 0 0 Totals: viv. veis 0:19 3 2 Church: ... ic. vsiiisress oon 041—5 Business Men ............ 000—0 Sacrifice Hits Brown's Athletic Club has scheduled the following games te be played here. Saturday, Sept. A. L Sunday, Sept. 4th , Ephrata. Saturday, Sept. 10, Mount Joy A. L. Big festival in the park in the evening. Sunday, Sept. 11th, Midvale Steel. The Midvale Steel team of Coates- ville, will play at Maytown on Satur- day. 3 Landisville was defeated by the American Legion team of Lancaster on Saturday 8 to 4. The Colored Giants on Saturday afternoon defeated the Cotton Mill Nine on ithe old tennis grounds by a score of 14 to 9. a tition 3rd Mount Joy, MAYTOWN PLANS FOR A NEW ATHLETIC FIELD At a special meeting, of the repre- sentative ditizens of Maytown on Mon day evening, at the home of C. E. Hollenbafigh plans were laid for the purchasi#® of a convenient field to be utilized for athletics and a play ground. The people here are be- ginning to realize the importance of the development of the social and physical life of our citizens. These instincts are not to be surpassed but properly guided. The question of Sunday base-ball was discussed pro and con. and the prevailing idea was that it does not promote for the highest ideals of life. Fifty representative men of the com- formed an association board of managers principles have which a selected to devise munity from will be and politics that will promote whole some amusement without infringing the day. eet BD BE on Scores of the York Shoot At a registered shoot at York Thursday, Jno. E follows: for first breaking 4 1 the § » handicap, breaking 23 Won first money and A. trophy in the double t by breaking 18 out of 20 and . added target handicap for a teh, shooting serateh, tied with s for a shoot off. 3roke traight, 25 straight 25, finishing Ld, In the 50 with scored a tied place { shoot-off second nd 24 out of the next ee) Erne SAID THE CAPTAIN. ver can tell,” said the Captain, ht last | Schroll of this | i - ¥ YOUNG FOLKS ARE JOINED IN WEDLOCK NUMBER OF VERY WELL KNOWN YOUNG FOLKS ARE JOINED IN THE HOLY BONDS OF MATRIMONY. Save Pennies Waste Dollars gq Some users of printing save pennies et- ting inferior work and pe dollars through lack of ad- vertising value in the work they get. Printersasa rule charge very reasonable prices, for none of them get rich although all of them work h Moral: Give your printing te a gooa printer and save money. Johnson—Rappensberger Harry Johnson, of Maytown, and Mary Rappenberger, of Eliottsburg, were married Tuesday afternoon by the Rev. J. W. Meminger, D.D., at his residence, at Lancaster. i Hoffer—Johnson Miss Elsie Hoffer, of Homestead, Pa., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. N. Hoffer, of this place, was married to Mr. Emil A. Johnson of St. Ignace, ) Mich. The bride has been a teacher in the public schools at Homestead the past seven years while the groom is a linotype operator in the office of the Daily Messenger, at Homestead. They will reside at 1801 West Street, Munhall, Pa. Mrs. Johnson will con- tinue teaching during the coming’ term. They have the best wishes of a host of friends here. Our Printing Is Unexcelled It pays to advertise in the Bulletin G - - #62500 F. ©. B. Detroit SES coment | nv vane, A111 {a EN | | 170,000 Now in Use Built with over strength in every part; built to withstand the constant strain of ‘heavy duty; tested out under every condi- tion of farm and belt work, and put to actual test by 170,000 awners during the past three years—the Fordson Tractor has lived up to every claim made for it. No matter what the farm task—wh; plowing, disking, harrowing, threg baling hay, grinding feed, pump ey water, sawing wood, pulling stumps, fill- ing silos, or any of the many other jobs | around the farm, the Fordson, will not only do and do well, but quicker, easier [ hi and at less expense. . | : : 3 There are so many different time and? | | | I money saving ways in which the Ford- son can be used that youowe it to your- | self to get the facts. Come in and see I the Fordson, or write or phone for the | information. | | HS. NEWCOMER, i. Joy, Pa, AAR CULES ro IT st com ERI ESE DETER! PTT | BO000000GLGATO0O0GTVVOCOTOOVVVCTTOOTCOOCO0oOOO00000 atric EE Q 2 & : : 7 A 4 id 9 |S EL ¥ 6 Cll x Q Girl 8. he en a 98¢c to $1.98 J $2 Girls’ Schopl Shoes. ............. % 8 : S viadie D\OUSRS, . sx rv. vv rive nserreeie i ies * J wits, Special... .....,....... ....\. : 5 = 2 yA\Shoes............ $1.98, $2.48, $2.98 & # Boys’ Blouses... . NN... ceooeiduain an ¢ y @ Boys’ Shirts.......5....... oll ¥ » A& DOYS {ICTAVY DJIOCKIINZEI MN + +o 0 0 0 0 000008 v 00s * vee ale ¢ * GB MUL U1 DUYO SAD. ov vv rt Mens tan vnnnin sn ss nininenin % or * : x 5 1 'Une of Ladies’ Oxfords X a dum 3 18 Pumpg at $1.98, $2.48 and $2.98 62 © Lad for NN 2 2 Ho ++ Ms lie WES 25¢ & Ladies’ Silk Hosi PRI a Mains vhs iene & 8 rN ’ iL} xr , any X 5 len’s a Wo 1¢ h 8 8 Men's Heay Work Sho . Bhs fe wv $1.98, $2.48 § Men’s Scout Shoes. ......... ... " 2 s Scout 106 “on % - $1.79 and $1.98 § 8 Men’s Gauze Shirts and Drawers, each™,....... 8 Men’s Dress Shirts with and without Collars. . . . 3 Men's Caps. .........ci ivi dnd. » | Q Men’s Work Trousers. ........ an eR \ Lot of Men’s Overalls at.......... eee \ I 1 C 1 1 If a Wi e 1 1 ¥ cl own . from iches ( ‘ teh He « ) 1s Christ, In | 1 (An 1 man Kkne ) To s 1d the 1 ¢ vio He | ¢ rapnel s he wl So yo 1 1 Captain, “Wha Frenchi do!” Y Times. me Uli cto It Will Pay You. » » » | The large circulation of the Bul- | letin makes it the best advertising | medium in this section of Lancaster Give it a trial and be con- of county. vinced. 2 000000000000000000000000000000000000HOCC0N0 Men’s Fall Hats in Felt, all the latest styles and colors at $1.98 and $2.48 Just received a full line of Sweaters, Shirts, Dressel Millinery and other wearing apparel for the whole fam- Come in and select. N H. LASKEWITZ OPEN EVENINGS. MOUNT J@Y, PEN ily.