«f VOLUME XXI NO. 13 The Mount Joy Bulletin ~~ Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, Aug 24, 1921 $1.50 a Year in Advance. Business Men Won't Feel the Depression If They Advertise in Our Columns Regularly---fust Try It MAKING A SURVEY OF SUSQUEHANNA TO MAKE IT NAVIGABLE TO HARRISBURG WOULD RE- QUIRE THE ERECTION OF FIVE LARGE DAMS The engineering party now en- gaged in making a survey of the Susquehanna river, with the object in view of making the big stream navigable from Harrisburg to the mouth of the stream a distance of seventy miles, have made a complete survey of the stream from Harris- burg to the bay. They are now sur- veying back to Harrisburg, working out the details. The engineering party is com- posed of W. G. Finch, Jr., in charge. Others in the party are I. E. Mather, C. W. Hersch, C. W. Hastings, A. J. Huff, Harry Voland and Harry Mec- Laughlin. They are employed by the War Department and are working from the U. S. Engineers’ office at Baltimore, Md., which is in charge of Major F. C. Harrington. The latter with N. B. Keeler, electrical engin- eer, paid a visit to this section a few days ago and made an inspection of the river between Marietta and Co- Jumbia. Construction of the Dams From the present plans the first | dam contemplated will be located at Rock Run, five miles north of Perry- ville, where the river is from 4,000 to 4,500 feet wide. This dam would back the water to Conowingo, Md., and would be 45 feet high. The second dam will be located at Conowingo with a head of 65 feet backing the water to Holtwood where there is a 65 foot dam some years ago by the Pennsylvania Water & Power Co. Some altera- tions would be required to the Holt- wood dam and locks would have to be installed to admit of the passage of boats. to Safe Harbor. The third Safe Harbor. would be built at The river at this point 5,000 feet wide and the head of the dam would be 70 feet. The Safe Harbor dam is expected to back the water a distance of twenty miles or the railroad several dam more to bridge at Pennsylvania Seinek’s Mills, les west of Mary:tta. It is believed to be impracticable to build a dam between Columbia and Shock’s Mills on the land on the west side and the danger of flooding I account of low Front Street, Marietta. The’ next dam, 35 feet high. would be constructed just south of the rail- road bridge at Shock’s Mills to carry the water to York Haven whe 3 there is a dam running rart wav across the river. This dam would have to be rebuilt in it entirely to give it a head of 30 feet. Middletown would be the site of the next 30 feet high to carry the water back to Harrisburg, a distance of nine miles. This would give a nine foot draft, but it may be- necessary to build an additional dam idway between Stee and Har- rishurg to get a greater draft for the boats. mi Iton el eee Miss Diffenderfer’s Party A party was held in honor of Miss N. Diffenderfer who celebrated her elev h birthday anniversary. She receivd many pretty and useful pre- sents. Those present were: Misses Nedra, Hazel, Ruth and Dorothy Kaylor, Anna Koser, Elsie Dillinger, John Sillers, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leib and sons, James and Kenneth, Mrs. Cyrus Foreman, Miss Susan Cunningham, Harry and George Rahm, Edwin Walters, Levi Dillinger all of this place and Miss Verna Cun- ningham of Lancaster. tll GW Maytown Alumni Picnic The annual picnic at Cassel’s park of the Maytown High School alumni association on Saturday was a success in every way. Many members of the alma mater journeyed there and spent a delightful day. There was plenty of amusement and eats. Music was a feature of the evening. ee et AD Charges Five Dollars The man who does not think a bride is worth $5 can not be married by Alderman Cornelius Maxwell, of Coatesville. That’s his price and he won't aceept anything less. Grown in 55 Days Herman Stehman of Washington boro, it is reported, is stripping his 4-acre crop of Hhvana tobacco, planted on May 20 and cut on July 14. i V A—_r Favor Home Brewing Any householder could have his - own still under the interpretations to the Willis-Campbell = beer bill, ap- proved last week by the house now. The bill goes to conferénce. RE i... Now Bill Is a Sugire ! Governor Sproul has \announced appointment of William FEisenberger as justice of the peace for West Hempleld township, to fill a vacancy. Shot Large Groun Hog Levi S. Ober, of West, Donegal township, shot a ground hog on Sat- urday that weighed eleven pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Bush Weaver an- nounce the birth of a son. constructed | This dam backs the water THE AMERICAN LEGION MOTORED TO GETTYSBURG Thirty members of the American Legion motored to Gettysburg on Sunday. Those who made the trip were: Benjamin Groff, H. O. O’Neill, Solon Barr, Ellsworth Schrite, Ross Eshleman, Walter Hinkle, Walter Good, Carl Germer, George Germer, George Brown, Lawrence Cramer, John Tyson, Bysche Heilig, Frank Yost, Elmer Schlegelmilch, John Wittle, Earl Miller, Clyde Eshleman, Jay Klugh, Claude Zeller, Lee Ellis, Frank Germer, Frank Funk, Norman Heisey, David Lutz, Harvey Lutz, Willis Greenawalt, Samuel Hinkle, Roy Brown, George Regel and Ray Keller, iil REPLEVIN ISSUED FOR AUTO SOLD BY LANDISVILLE BOY A writ of replevin for an automo- bile valued at $350 has been issued in the Lancaster Common Pleas Court by Benjamin M. Sehner, of Landisville, through his father, Amos K. Sehner, represented by Attorney Willis Kendig, to secure the car now in the possession of Jerome Daniel of Lancaster. It is alleged that Benjamin Sehner is a minor and his father is therefore acting for him. AD We ee Irid Was Eight Mrs. Elsie Grove entertained for her son Irid, in ‘honor of his eighth | birthday Monday evening, August 15. Those present were: Anna Win- { ters, Ethel Moore, Mary Meisenber- ger, Doris Grove, Rose Albright, Jane Louis Snydepr4nd mother, Mrs. { R. A. Snyder of Harrisburg; Joe | Moore, Irvin Garber, James Beam- | esderfer, Wm. Brian, Paul Hershey, | Harry Weidman, Bruce Greiner, | Gene, Gerald and Irid Grove. were indulged in on the lawn, after which refreshments were served. EE Political Notes Mr. George Zeller is a candidate in the East Ward. Burgess H. C. Schock will be a candidate for re-election this Fall. Mr. J. A. Bachman will didate for Burgess on the Republican ticket. for Council be a can William G. Shickley is a candidate for inspector on the Republican ticket in the East Ward. Jacob S. Carmany will be a candi- date for Council in the East Ward to succeed H. S. Newcomer. * Dr. E. W. Garber is a for council in the West ceed Dr. 0. G. Lon ter candidate Ward to suc- enecker. oe A Watermelon Party. About fort; 10torcycle owners of abethtown, Florin and communi- held watermelon panty on ‘the island opposite Bainbridge, The day was greatly enjoyed by all in atten dance in playing games And other amusements, The following were awarded prizes for winning in the various events: Roy or Martin Nentwig, spar 3 Nentwig, spark plug; La pliers. 2 estar etl eee LARGE WHEAT STACK DESTROYED BY FIRE While threshing on the Hipple farm at Rheems on Wednesday after ‘noon, a large wheat stack comprising 14 loads of wheat of about 300 bushels, caught fire from the sparks of the engine, and was totally destroyed. The fire companies from this place, Elizabethtown and Rheems were summoned to the scene of the fire, and succeeded in saving the buildings and other stacks nearby. ————- Gee {A SIX CENT VERDICT AWARDED |IN COURT The smallest verdict evér awarded | {by a local court—six cents -was | i given to E. W. McElroy, of Marietta, | in his suit against Laura Filby, also | | of that town in court Saturday morn- | ting. The suit was the result of an | | argument over water from the de- | fendant’s house which the prosecutor claimed invaded his premises. eee ell AG AI Festival Here Aug. 27 The Shining Star Class of the | United Brethren Sunday School of! this place will hold a festival in the | park here on Saturday, August 27th. | Many good thngs to eat will be served such chicken corn soup, sandwiches, coffee, cake, ice cream, ete. A band will furnish music. 2t eS . lA —oo>,. S. S. Class Picnic Mrs. J. H. Kramer picnicked with her Sunday school class of the Luth- eran church along the Chickies Creek, Wednesday. Members of the party were: Misses Catherine Seider, as Dorothy Schroll, Dorothy Smeltzer, Anna and Esther Garber and Mary Wertz. et ree Cold Winter Corning ) Gus Luckenbill, of Middletown, weather prophet of the P. & R. on Monday declared that the coldest winter in twenty-five years is ap- proaching. There will be numerous blizzards, when it will be difficult to keep traffic open. He has correctly nredicted weather for years and has been known to be wrong only once. Large Corn Stalk , Keller & Heisey raised a corn stalk on their farm near\ Gainsburg, that measured 13 ft., 9 \in. a sun- flower stalk that measutes 9 feet, was raised on the same farm. Games YOUNG FOLKS ARE JOINED IN WEDLOCK NUMBER OF VERY WELL KNOWN YOUNG FOLKS ARE JOINED |! IN THE HOLY BONDS OF MATRIMONY. Gibble—Patterson Joseph Gibble, of Rapho township and Miss Viola Patterson of Man- heim were married Saturday morn- by Rev. D. G. Glass, pastor of Faith Reformed church, at Lancaster, Chestnut street. | Stanley—Stoner | Grant W. Stanley and Miss Alma | Stoner, both of Lancaster, were mar- ried Saturday morning in the par- sonage of the Church of God, Lan- disville, by Rev. Jonas Martin. They were unattended. Clauser—Reiber Announcement was made of the marriage of Miss Hazel V. Reiber, of Landisville, and George M. Clauser. The couple were married on July 6th, by the Rev. E. E. Fackler, pastor of the Washingtonboro Church of God. The wedding announcement was a surprise to their many friends. Kraybill—Millard The marriage of Miss Ruth S. Kraybill, daughter of Mrs. Thomas Clark, of Harrisburg to Robert K. Millard, of Pittsburgh, of John Millard, of Steelton, was solemnized Monday evening at Stevens Memorial church, Harrisburg. Miss Kraybill is organist of Stevens Memorial Church son and is a niece of Mrs. Jacob H. Zel- {ler of this place. They will reside in Pittsburgh. Gingrich—Sumpman | A quiet wedding was solemnized | Saturday evening at 7 o'clock at the | home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gingerich | when their daughter R. Esther, be- came the bride of Mr. Russell Sump man, son of Mrs. Jno. Barnhart. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G R. Mergenthaler, of Trinity United |! Evangelical church. The bride wore | a blue traveling suit with hat to | match ind a eorsaci of sunburst roses A wedding supver followed the ceremony fter which Mr. and Irs. Sumpmar left on a short honey oon. They received many beauti ful and useful gif The following tended the a cdding: Rev. Mergen thaler. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gingrich, Mrs. Jno. Barnhart, . Geo. Shicl lev, Mrs. Joseph Wel Mi Anna Weber, Mr. and Mrs F. Peffer, M 1d Mi Wi Fyndall, H. B A d ( | 1 Alt I] y GQ le and Elizabeth Brubaker, Mahel ( twei Harry | ] M Hershe M {nt Wai 1 ara Fannie Shank, Dorothy Bernice eit Fannie Master Sheaffer of Mr Mi H.. Gi 1d son J of E hot} Mr. and M E. A. Meyre Mylin—Spangler A pretty wedding was solemnized | at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles | S. Spangler at Marietta, last Wednes- | day evening, when their youngest | daughter, Miss Florence M. Spangler, became the Arthur P. My- | lin, of Lancaster. The ceremony was | performed by the Rev. Arthur Por- | ter, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. wedding march was played by Ray- | mond L. Myers’ orchestra, of Lan- caster, who also played several selec- tions during the ceremony, and fur nished music for the reception which followed. A reception attended by sixty guests followed the ceremony. Mrs. Stegeman, of Lancaster, served and Myers’ orchestra of Lancaster, furnished the music. After a wedding trip through the New England states Mr. and Mrs. Mylin will reside in this place, where the bridegroom will be supervising principal of our boro schools. The bride was a student at Mary- land College, Lutherville, Md., and later graduated from St. Luke’s hos- pital, New York. She followed her vocation as nurse for several years. The groom is a graduate of Kranklin and Marshall College. eri ein BULL CHASES FARMER— BOTH ROLL DOWN HILL bride of Mendelsohn’s A drama with action enough for a movie thriller occurred at Accomac, opposite Marietta, when a man and a bull tumbled many feet down a steep hill after the bull had cornered the man on a table rock which protruded from a hillside. When Arthur E. Kehr met the bull in a field he turned in the opposite direction. The bull went after him and Kehr continued on to the brink of the hill. He leaned out to grasp a tree branch as the panting bull lowered his head. Kehr missed the branch and the bull missed the man. Both went hurling down the incline many feet. Kehr was badly shaken up and: bruised. The bull rolled to the bottom and lay dazed for many minutes. —————— WE eee. Frank & Bros.” Next Sale Messrs. C. S. Frank & Bro. will hold their next public sale of live stock at the Florin Hotel stock yards on Thursday, Aug. 25 when they will sell a lot of cows, bulls, steers, heifers and shoats. 2t ‘nounced today { Chester Lloyd Jones of Orange, N. | i | 1 | | | sale. The consideration was $6,500. | This will give this busy industry ample room to expapd and at the CHESTER LLOYD JONES IS NAMED TO HELP EXPORTERS The United States Government is going to develop its trade with Cuba to the fullest extent. American manufacturers and exporters are to receive all the encouragement and { PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THIF assistance possible from the United | States in finding a market in Cuba for their goods. Secretary of Commerce Hoover an- the appointment of J., as acting commercial attache to Cuba. Mr. Jones will make his head- quarters with Major-Gen. Crowder, I now in Havana as the special repre- goods of all kinds, this is the first time that the Department of Com- merce has sent a : sentative of the President. Despite | the fact that Cuba affords the very best market for American made | representative to | the island to look after the interests | of American facturers. Mr. Jones has made a special study of trade conditions in his travels in Europe, South America, Mexico and the Caribbean. Mr. Jones is a son-in-law of Bur- gess H. C. Schock of this place. He spent Sunday here and at Mount Gretna where his family is spending the Summer. He expects to leave for Havana about September 1st. producers and manu- ns eee ll eee eee GENERAL NEWS FOR QUICK. READING {INTERESTING HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUN. TRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF BUSY PEOPLE, There are 17,500 retail gasoline rs in this Thirty-five hogs sold for $2,007 at state 1 public sale at Lititz on Wednesday. A. T. Herman, R. 2, Columbia, has ust trees in blossom at his home Since they can’t get booze the drug habit has greatly increased in New York City. Rally Day servicas were held in the African Methodist E opal ‘hurch on Sunday The Galebach, Brothers are getting ready to open /their moving picture house, Septembet 1 The W .C.'T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. H. N. Nissly on Mon vy evening at 7:30 Mrs. Harr Laskewitz returned home on Saturday from the Hospital after two weel’s treatment. Mr. John Steh r f Jacol Stehman, was taken t ) the Lar caster General Hospital to undergo an 0 tion - Fo Fo Ms rm Brenemar ind get ar mpty fruit i ind tumbler and h for » hospital Mr. Solon Victor Barr left Mon day for Harper's Lebanon county, to join a éamping party from Tremont, where they will camp for a fogtnight. Mr Harry William and son, Gerald, W: Derr and John Miller left Sunday for a w ’ mping trip alon he Susquehanna near Collins. Tomorrow the annual 1 r “of the fourth censorial medical district of Penna. will be held at the Colonial Country Club, at Harrsbhurg A birthday party was held Tues- | day at the home of Mrs. Hettie Way, | in honor of her son, Harry. Many of | his friends helped to make the day | one long to be remembered. W. Scott Hummel, a Steelton con-| tractor and builder, was killed by a motor truck today while crossing al street in this city. old. While Richard Heistand and Lloyd Nissley of Elizabethtown, were on a hike to Manada Gap, they were en- countered by snakes by the whole- sale, and succeeded in killing 20 of them. Mr. Clinton S. Longenecker will move his family from Main street to one of the Grey Iron houses on East Donegal street. Mr. Longenecker re- cently sold his property to Mr. Roy Sheetz, of East Petersburg, who will convert it into a furniture store. He was 57 vears LOCAL DOINGS ~~ IN REAL ESTATE fine Conewago township farm of 149 last week to C..L. Gantz, of Mount Joy township, at private sale. On Monday Realtor Jno. E. Schroll sold the residence of Mr. Nathan Stark, in the east end of town, to- gether with four adres of land, to Mr. J. Harry Miller, for the Grey Iron Casting Company, at private acres same time a splendid location for a number of dwellings for its em- ployes, as the tract has a long front- age along the trolley line. Marked changes will be made on this tract in the next year. mmm Deeds Recorded Christian I. Heisey to Stephen King, property in Rheems, $1. Milton B. Mishey to Elwood P. Ro- berts, property in Mount Joy boro, $4,500. | children motored to | Bates and son spent Sunday at Her- OUR WEEKLY she | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geib spent the | week-end at Anchor the guest of [ Mrs. Geib’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Souders. { Mr. and Mrs. William Conrad | visited the former's parents, Mr. and MANY COMERS AND DOERS [ Mrs. Frank Conrad, at Lancaster on IN THIS LOCALITY | Sunday. —— | Mrs. Wm. E. Hendrix has gone to Dr. W. M. Thome is off on a trip | Camden, N. J., where she will spend to Canada. {some time with her sister, Mrs. Jos. Mr. David Strayer spent Saturday | Seibert. at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hallgren, of Mr. C. W. Neal spent Monday and | Harrisburg, spent Sunday with Mr. Tuesday at Gettysburg. {and Mrs. Christian Heilig on Colum- Miss Mary Rogers of Lancaster is|bia Avenue. visiting Miss Beatrice Craly. | Misses Blanche and May Eshleman Miss Elsie Miller spent Saturday are spending several days at May- and Sunday at Elizabethtown. [town the guests of their aunt, Mrs. Mr. Joseph Hershey returned from | Susan Wolf. an extensive trip through Virginia. Miss Sara Atkins left Monday for Mr. Nathaniel Long of Manheim, | Asbury Park, N. J., after spending spent Monday in town with friends. some time as the guest of Miss Re- Mr. and Mrs. William Way spent | becca Shay. a few days with friends at Lancaster.| Miss Elsie Shire, after spending Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown and some time here with her cousin, Mrs. son Joseph spent Sunday at Hershey. | Harry Hinkle, left Sunday for her Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hostetter an-| home at York. nounce the birth of a son on Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cramer day. {spent Sunday at Lancaster, the Mrs. S. Ebersole and son Mr. El-| guests of their daughter, Mrs. Clar- mer Ebersole spent Sunday at Mt. | ence Swisher. Gretna. | Rev. Clark and daughter, Beatrice, Miss Anna Webb, is spending a|of Harrisburg, spent Sunday the week’s vacation with friends at West | guests of Mrs. William Jackson, on Chester. Fairview street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webb and| Mr. Charles Kippler and Mrs. Elias West Chester on| Zerphey spent the week-end at Sunday. | Rohrstown, the guests of Mrs. Zer- Mrs. Chas. H. Dillinger spent Sat-|phy”s parents. OUR MORTUARY RECORDINGS MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPLE HAVE PASSED TO THE GREAT BEYOND George A. Cremer, aged 16 ‘years; died at Columbia from typhoid fever. William H. Dietrich, a former resi- dent of Rohrerstown, died at Cam=~ den, N. J., aged T4 years. George F. Reynolds died at Lan- caster on Monday aged 61 years. De- ceased is an uncle of Mrs. J. E. Schroll of this place. Ella‘ M., daughter of Cyrus and Elizabeth Witmer, died at Mountville Saturday, aged 32 years. Mrs. Maud Stanley and Miss Laura Witmer of Landisville are sisters. Dr. Henry A. Zeigler, Dr. Henry A. Zeigler, for many years a practicing physician of York, died at the Masonic home, Elizabeth- town last Wednesday, aged 70 years. Dr. Zeigler was a son of the late Rev. Daniel Zeigler of York, and a graduate of Baltimore Medical col- lege. His wife and three children survive. He resided at the Masonic home seven years. Interment was made in York. i Clayton S. Farmer | The urday and Sunday at Manheim with| Mjss Katie Shire, of Lancaster, is remains of Clayton Stultz friends. | spending several days with her sis-| Farmer, who died in New Mexico, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ream attended |ter, Mrs. Harry Hinkle, Jr., on South |are expected to arrive in Marietta the Ream reunion at Harrisburg on Barbara street. today and will be taken to the home Saturday | Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Reed and son | of his parents, near Maytown. Mr. John Rahm and family and|of Philadelphia, are spending a few | Funeral services in charge of Ashara Mrs. Jesse Watson spent Sunday at|days here guests of his sister, | Lodge, No. 398, F. and A. M., will Duncanon. | Miss Eva Reed. be held on Thursday morning at nine Mr. J. H. Miller ,of Glenside, made| The Misses Katherine Sheaffer and | o'clock at the house and at 10 o’clock a pleasant call at this office last| Anna Shoop of Elizabethtown were | from the Maytown Lutheran church, Wednesd: guests in the family of James Shoop | of which deceased was a member. Mi Toppin returned from| for several days. Rev. C. W: Baker will officiate. ew York after spending several] Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tryon and son, | Burial wlll be made in the Marietta days there. | Brand, of Philadelphia, are spending | cemetery Mrs. Clyde Gerberich and son are | the week in town with Mr. and Mr ree spending some time at Middletown | Harry Laskewitz. Mrs. Stephen Lindemuth with friends. | Mrs. Wm. Hendrix and Master Emma R., wife of Stephen Linde- Mrs. Harry Snyder and son, Ray,| Asher Millard, are spending several uth, died at the hospital at Lancas spent the week-end at Enola and|days at Philadelphia with Mr. and | ter on Sunday forenoon at 8 o'clock Harrisburg [ Mrs Paul Bricker. after a long and lingering illness Miss Mary Drohn ,of Elizabeth-| Mrs. C. E. Wegger and children from a complication of diseases, town, is spending some time hevelreturned from Philadelphia after |aged 53 years, 5 months and 22 days. ds. spending two weeks as the guest of » was a member of the Church of Rev I A. MacDannald, of this| Mrs. Louisa Frank of this place Besides her hus place, preached at Central Manor | Mr William Hendrix, Mrs. John } VE ( Tay, at Camp, Sunday. | Hendrix and Master Asher Millard One ' sister, Mi Amos. R Miss Ruth Penny ker spent Sat-|are spending several weeks at Phila- of Mount Jo township and urday at Lancaster the guest'of Miss | lelphia and Camden. three brothers, Amos Harry and K > | Mr. Chester Lloyd Jones, of New Gish of West Do township, Heiserman |} rk, who was visiting his wife’s 1 I'he funeral service attended at Manor Camp-| father, Burgess H. C. Schock, aft ere held fron her late home on I ! | f Washington, D. C uth B 1 ' r af M1 lenry och of Philadelphia,] Misses Marie Raver and Grace 0 1 the hurch of per sunday her with the family | ( ent returned to their homes in B: God a > o’¢lo Inteyment wa of Frank Smeltzer. | timore, Md., on Sunday after visiting | made in the Eberle cemoter Miss Mary McCurdy of Maytown,|Mr. and Mrs. Miller a was the guest of Miss Pearl Schroll | Mr. William ‘alter of Mrs. Annie S. Earhart Saturday and Sunday ter, spent several days in tc Mrs. Annie S. Earhart died last Rev. and Mr M. F. Davis re-|cuest of hi father, Wilhel Sunday at the ho of her daughter, turned Saturday ‘rom a vacation|ters, on Marietta street. Mrs. Frank S. 8S n Ranho spent at Atlantic City | Mr. and Mr Arthur Hershey and | Township, after two we lIness Mr. Reuben Shellenberg pent |son Paul, spent Saturday at Harris- | of infirmities of : rs Wednesday in Harrisburg with Mr ! the guests Mrs. Hershey’s|1 month and 2 day Harvey L. Ensminger { Mr. Roy Dieter : daughter of the late ( Mr. and Mrs Albert Mumma | Mr Samuel Brady, accompan Mary Smith Stoner i isited Mrs Mumma’ parent at | ed her daughter Mrs Percy C. Hord | near Union Square She Newtown on Saturday {2nd son Frank to Chicago where she | by four children, namely: I Mi Mary Cramer is spending sev-|w nd veral weeks. S. Swanger, Mrs. Cvrus eral days at York as the guest of Mr. | Mr. and Mrs. Elam Leaman and | Rapho township; Mrs. nd Mrs. Amos Shickley. | children, Alta, John, Eugene and Brandt, of town and John Earhar Miss Ruth Hawthorne, is spending | Miss Mary Walters, spent Sunday { of Mt. Pulasl 11 I't ineral was a few weeks with her uncle, Victor |here with Grover Winters. " | held on Thursday afternoon with ser Hawthorne of Maytown. | Dr. and Mrs. Wright, of Harris- | vices at the ho at 1:30 and at 2 Misses Emma Barnhart and Anna | (Continued on Pape 8.) o'clock at Hossler’ in May Hershey spent the week-end at | ———————— — terment in Ruhl’s cen | Lancaster with relatives. | EP GPU os eee Mrs. Joseph Haines, of Harrisburg, | SECOND ANNUAL REUNION A Farewell Surprise | spent the week-end the guest of her| SATURDAY, AUGUST 27th| A farewell surprise party was held mother, Mrs. Henry Krall. : - Wednesday evening at the home of Harry Grosh, of Johnstown, is The second annual reunion of the i Mr and Mrs. S. J. Nea} in honor of spending some time with his parents, | Perry countians will be held on Sat- the former's father, C. W Neal. who Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Grosh. [urdny, August 27th, in Cassel’s | joft Thursday for Loclede Mo. Re- 2 3 TOOT SQ CR vnva a Hr m p Us o > ‘A - : Mr. Reuben Shellenherger spent /Grovs near Marietta. The following freshments were served and a pleas- Saturday at Lancaster as the guest [ well known and able speakers will be | ant evening was énjoved. bv the ‘fol. of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kuhn. present and deliver addresses: Hon. lowing: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. EB Hen Mrs. David Strayer and son are |J. W. Shull, exJudge of Perry Coun- | drix, Edward Hendrix. Mr. and Mrs spending the week at Lancaster, the | ty Courts, of New Bloomfield, Pa.; | Wm. Dillinger and daughters Lena guests of Mrs. John Weidman, { Dr. Daniel Fleisher, Supt. of the and Fannie Mr. and Mrs Geo Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shaeffer, of | County Schools, of Lancaster: Rev. 3auchmar nd SON Harty. Mr and Lancaster, spent the week-end with|J. W. Memihger, Pastor of the Re- Mrs. Youn and childre hn Arihur . id Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell. { formed church, of Lancaster, Pa.: Florence. Mr. “nd Mrs David 7 Mrs. Ada Johnson and children, of | Rev. Charles Baker, Pastor of the | Mrs. Lizzie Zerphes Elizabet} Harrisburg, visited in the family of Lutheran Church, of Maytown, Pa. | y, Mrs. Annie Pennell. Anna Mr. Harvey Wohlson on Sunday. | A large variety of amusements are | and Ethel Hendrix, Mildred Mateer. Mrs. James Shoop and daughter | being arranged for both old and Tressie Goslin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Iva leave tomorrow for Asbury Park | young, athletic contests will be held | Beamesderfer and son Richard, Mr where they will spend some time. in the afternoon. The Lloysville Or- | W. Neal and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Mr. Benjamin Brubaker left on |phan Home Band will furnish the Neal. Saturday for Ohio, where he will | music. The public in general is most eset serrate cas iia spend several weeks with relatives. cordially invited to attend. Bring W. C. T. U. Convention: Mr. and Mrs. Simon Winters of , your lunch. The 38th meeting of the Elizabethtown, spent Snuday here ————r 4 eee. W. C.T. 1 Id in the El with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winters. . : we ee Chu hoof GQ q Is «t Wedne Mrs. Grant Snvder and daughter Will Arrive Tomorrow whi } aurea he a ab he a are here on a visit to her sister Mrs. Mr. Eli Ebersole of this place, re-| and Thu Sia) The a ho Harry Miller on East Main street. ceived word yesterday that the body o ; Tana #20 ( ii Elam Bomberger, teller of the oF his Welisy > Ebersole me vear hr EE ikon Th First National Bank, is spending his | Was killed in France, will arrive at hate. wore. M Elizabeth P. Gricst summer vacation at Wildwood, N. J. | Hoboken tomorrow, Thursday. An cnarge we Pe : re: bushel 5 3riest Mr. and Mrs. Beni. Mvers and son | other military funeral will be held | ©! Lancast Is Murs. Due. Ncopafieh ; 3 ri : 3 here as soon as the remains arrive, |©f Furniss, Mrs. Jackson of Christi Benjamin of Bainbridge spent Sun- ata ana and Mrs. Azuba Jones of Johns- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dishong. | town. | At the close of the Sotvention Mr. Ira Funk of Harrisburg, 1S At the Hospital a banquet was tendered in the church spending several days with Mr. and Mr. Paul L. Murphy is critieally { of the Brethren to all officers, dele Mrs. Funk on North Barbara street. ij] in the Harrisburg Hospital after mates and friends. Mr. Smith, foreman, of the Record | undergoing a very serious operation. Ly Miss Clare Manning underwent ar operation at a Harrisburg Hospita At this writing she | Printing Office, of Lititz, made a pleasant call at this office yesterday. last Tuesday. improving daily. A Irn Miss Beatrice Craly spent last week with the family of Ed. Craley and Miss Mary Rogers at Lancaster. Mrs. Jacob Givens and daughter, | Margaret and Mr. and Mrs. Elias Good spent the week-end at Lancas- Meeting of Red Cross will be held at the home of Mrs. ter. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Grove and ||Friday evening, August 26th, at children and Mr. and Mrs. Allen |p. m. A full attendance is requeste iture A special meeting of the Red ~VCASTER, PA. K. Manning on West Main street, NTIL 9 P. M. RE ee®