po LETIN RU NT bA. ) i. : » The Green fe quartett, gave the 4. E. SC titer & Pre'r. Church of the Brethren congrege- EE eg — |tion at Marietta, on Sunday a fine Subscription . $1.50 a Year taste of their musical talents. Sample Copies Christ Stauffer of Kinderhook, re- Single Copies. .... {moved his grazing stock that were [hree Months. . . ..40 Cents stationed on the Duffy farm last Bix Months 75 Cents week. Er A Francis G. Neidigh, wife and three Entered at the post office at Mount Joy a8 | E—eee Read This I have a fine small home in Bam- fordville, along the Lancaster and Harrisburg pike, 7 room frame house, concrete porches and walks, frame stable, hog pen, excellent well of wa- ter, 1-3-acre of land. Beauti’ul place to live. Will take $1650 for a quick sale. J. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. tf rn A Rr Soldier's Body Arrives The body of Charles Miller, son of arrived in New York, word to that effect having been received by the father a few days ago. a i Wi OF MIDDWY' AGE May Escape the Dreaded Suf- ferings of that Period by Taking Mrs. Block’s Advice ot Hopkins, Minn. — ‘During Change o. Life I had hot flashe§ and suffered for n ESE two yi . I saw y @d Lydia E. Pinkham’s YVegetable Com- pound advertised in the § paper and got results from {mend your medicine fl to friends and fl you thay publish #8] this fact as a testi- moniali’’—Mrs.RoB- | ERT BLOCK, Box 542, Hopkin, Minn, It has been said that not ohe woman in a thousand passes this perfegtly natural change without experiencing a train of very Sunoying and sometimes painful symptoms. Those dreadful hat flashes, sinking spells, spots before the eyes, dizzy spells, nervousness, are ojly a few of the symptoms. Every womah at this age should profit by Mrs. Block Seeger: ence and try Lydia E. Pinkham’ Vege- table Compound. \ If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable | Com- pound will help you, write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., about your health. Your letter will be opened, read andanswered by aweman, and held in strict confidence. SALUNGA Mrs. Wissler, of Elizabethtown, visited Henry Hiestand on Tuesday. Hocker Barnhardt of Mount Joy is spending several days with his aunt, Mrs. Christ Ball. Mrs. Hubley and children, of Mountville, visited her mother, Mrs. Mary Malehorn Friday. Verne E. Hiestand, Clayton Spahr and Guy Habecker spent a day at Mount Gretna last week. Mr. Harry Brubaker and family, of near Falmouth visited Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Way on Sunday. Miss Myrtle Hiestand celebrated her 12th birthday on Friday and she received a number of gifts. Mr and Mrs. M. M. Newcomer and | Mr. and Mrs. Howard Habecker mo- tored to Mount Gretna on Sunday. Mrs. Florence Keller and son Ral- ph, of Easton, visited Miss Annie Hall and B. F. Aston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Aston, John Hamilton and family and Reba Laudermilich spent Saturday after- noon at Hershey. H. C. Smith and Harry Wingert left for their home in Johnstown on Saturday morning after spending ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Me- Girl. Chiques Creek in the vicinity of Hostetter’s Farm has become quite popular as a bathing resort. In the evening there is a crowd of men, women and children. Sunday about 200 bathers tried to keep cool. lp AU Two Good Farms I have two exceptionally good to- bacco farms in East Donegal that I can sell right. They contain 81 and 89 acres. The largest can be bought for only $150 per acre. Three- fourths of the money can remain on mortgage. Both these farms are close to markets and are money makers. . E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. tf It Will Pay You. The large circulation of the Bul- letin makes it the best advertising medium in this section of Lancaster county. Give it a trial and be con- : tf TO 1} ATLANTIC) CITY Wildwood, Ocean Chr. Cape May, Sea Isle City, ‘Angle- sea, Avalon, Harbor THURSDAYS July 28, Aug. II, 25, SH Tickets good returning | days Tickets good in parl or sleeping cars on payment fisual charges for space occupied, in- cluding surcharge. A res subject to war tax of 8%. Stop-over allowed at Phfla- delphia in either directipn. Tickets ood via Delawdre River Bri ge Route, 36 ce extra, round trip. See Flyers § Consult Ticket i, 1101 FT OO Proportionate fares from other points Ocean Grove Excurson, August 25 Pennsylvania System OT I AE c—— MILLINERY Iso PLAIN CAPS 3 BONNETS ORGANDIE HATS MADE TO ORDER ——— Remodeling and pairing neatly done \ Open Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day evenings from 7 to 9'p. m. William Miller, of Mount Hope, has | Miss M. K. SHELLY MOUNT JOY ] y~v Pr This hos a 1092 p LAST MONTH, on a he WITH THE boys up hon - - Ld | SPENT a night. - - - ALONE IN the old. - - - HAUNTED HOUSE. - - - AND WHEN I heard. - - - MOANS AND grcans. - - - 1 SAID “The wind.” - - » LAND TRIED to sbep, - i HEARD rapping. - - - AND SAID “Rats! . - - AND ROLLED ovr. . *. THEN | heard stos. * Pee AND IN the Hight * - -N OF A dying moot - - . 2 A WHITE spook nd, - - - - | WASN'T scared-much, * . . GW BUT DIDN'T feel fe. ® * » % STARTING ANYTHIG. “0. BUT THEN I caught - - - JUST A faint whiff. ” - . PETRA NTRS ——, THE UNIVER == The Ford Sedan with electric starting demouny ith 314-inch tires all 238 yearh ¢ ily ca : is in the city. “In fact, it fits the family de life. Large, roomy seats, finely upholstered it an open car in'pleasant weather, whil weather it becomes aclosed car, dust-p: ideal for social me theatre, or pa to school, or for touring. Its not only con and above all, economical im operation maintenance, and has all the Ford merits strength and durability. We solitit your © for one, Come in and see it. 5 4 H. S. NEWCOMER™ ls NEW WILLINERY STORE| It Pays to Shop At DONOVAN’S Because Qualities are Highest Prices are Lowest Values are Greatest Satisfaction is Asstired And We Pay Your Carfare or “Gas” ‘On Total Purchases of $15 or More. ~~ , DONOVANS Lancaster's Modern Department Store v Adverts in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | ENIOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOTOOCMMMANMNNMNMACHSMMNINN i : i { | a -