er Firestone § Diamond TIRES New Chevrolet Prices Effective May 7th, 1921 “Four-Ninety” Models Touring Car......$645 Roadster........$635 Sedan........... $1195 Coupe.........$1155 Light Delivery Wagon $645 All prices f. o. b. Flint, Mich. GABRIEL SNUBBERS n I have your size in stock at a special price for : this month. a E. B. Rohrer Agent for HUDSON CHEVROLET ESSEX SAMSON TRUCKS & TRACTORS Mount Joy, Penna. 0 ET 0 BOO0O0COOOOOOOO0O000O000CO00O0O00OO0DOLLOLOLLLLLLNNANNNN This Saturday and all week until next Saturday, one full size cake of the new Klenzo Toilet Soap FREE with each purchase of a new, large family-size, 50 cent tube of Klenzo Dental Creme. KLENZO TOILET SOAP is pure, cleansing and soothing to the skin. Gives a thick, creamy lather and leaves the aromatic, deep-woods scent of pines. KLENZO DENTAL CREME makes the teeth white and shin- ing, the mouth clean, and leaves that Cool, Clean, Klenzo Feel- ing. Giant, new, 50 cent tube contains enough Klenzo to brush your teeth twice a day for nearly four months. Most families use dental creme and soap fast. Why not save by getting several tubes and cakes now? You'll have to get them soon enough. Remember the date. SATURDAY, JULY 2nd up to and including Saturday, July 9th. Orders reserved by phone, if you wish. It’s a very big economy, and people buy * ” shrewdly these days. Better make sure of yours. E. W. GARBER MOUNT JOY, PA. GR A 0 0 Local and Long Distance RE TRUCK HAULING OF ALL KINDS APPLY TO THE QUESTION 3 FURNITURE QUALITY Q few things that quality effects so vitally as furni- 8 that people buy fo ersonal wear and for home ys expected to last a long time, but this connot be re. When ycu buy furniture you are ‘buying ect to render you long service. It will if you pe here we think of quality first. Ail the furni- easure exactly up to requirements which we er of workmanship. And, after all, in the urniture is the cheapest sort of furniture to prison, look around, compare qualities and here and see ur vast assortment. er, Maley & Myers LANCASTER, PA. Your Camera Supplies at B. BENDER St, MOUNT JOY, PA. J] 1 CHAS. Z. DERR 6 South Barbara St., MOUNT JOY, PA. Bell Phone 11 R 4 » JR O00 | 1101 L111 OO ® NEON 1 COUNTRY OF SWEET SCENTS French City of Lyons Center of Region Which Supplies the World With Perfume. Lyons, In France, is the city of scents, It is the center of a region which supplies the world with per fumes, and has the only university that offers a course in perfumery- making to students. Within the last few years Lyons has developed a great laboratory system for the manu- facture of artificial perfumes by the | process of synthetic chemistry. Thus | its technical experts convert oil of verbena into violet and lily-of-the- valley, oil of camphor into hellotrope, aniseed oil into hawthorne, oil of clove into vanilla, and oil of rosewood into bergamot. Toluene (a derivative of coal tar) they transform into jas. mine and artificial rose. From xylene (likewise a coal tar product) they obtain artificial musk. Roses are grown on an immense scale in the region about Lyons for the manufacture of perfumery. Like wise sage, thyme and sweet mar Joram. That region produces 90 per cent of the total world's output of real lavender oll, representing a value of 20,000,000 francs a year. One concern has 10 square miles planted with lavender. ALMOST GAVE AWAY SECRET Little Girl Would Have Had Sweet Revenge If She Had Reached That Toupee. A prominent Vigo county business man wears a toupee. Only hls family and closest friends know. But recently it almost became a pub- lic fact. He was dining with his wife and some friends at a large hotel, when in walked another friend with his four-year-old daughter. The busi- ness man likes to tease children, so he immediately began on this one. He called her a little boy, and persisted in addressing her in that way. It was evident she was not enjoy- ing the incident, and the Vigo county man’s wife came to the child's rescue. “If he doesn’t stop calling you names I'd pull his hair if I were you,” she advised, The little girl started to follow that advice, and then fun did begin. The way that man ducked and begged the youngster to desist threw the crowd Into paroxysms of laughter. But the people who knew about the toupee nearly went wild. They were almost sorry when he finally per- suaded her to be friends and leave his head alone.—Indianapolis News. Movies In “Maths.” Movie aids to instruction in mathe- matics are being utilized at Hunting- ton school here. Geometry, a dull sub- | ject in other days, is said to have become almost a thing of joy. Text- books are used, but only after an appetite for solids, surfaces and space | has been created and stimulated by | lines that move and by animated angles. Charles H. Sampson, the instructor, says he uses two reels of 1,000 feet each. “The purpose,” a valuable aid in the teaching of it. “The subject is introduced on the | film by a Japanese juggler. He appears with a basket filled with | geometrical figures of all kinds which he juggles with skill. Thus the students are early interested In the general subject. Because too few students appreciate the value of the historical background there is next introduced a series of short life sketches.”—Boston Dispatch in the New York Tribune. To Kill Wood Borers In Lumber, Kiln drying is fatal to some if not all the wood-boring grubs, the forest service laboratory of the United States Department of Agriculture at Madison, Wis., has discovered. This fact Is of considerable importance to users of ash, hickory, and many other woods which are attacked by insects. Manufacturers using ash lumber, for instance, are much annoyed by the injury worked by the red-headed ash | borer. Alr seasoning has no effect on the activities of these grubs, but, according to tests made by the labor- atory on wood infested with them, any kiln-drying process which can be con- | sidered practical for seasoning ash of any thickness will put an end to | the borers. It Stands to Reason. The other day a downtown princi- pal summone sters who he husky er over her knee and one she hesitated. She voiced her reason ng near: “I hate thin and sick- overheard her criminals can be ” Oak in River Bed. Just before the war, says the Ameri- can Forestry Magazine of Washington, it was discovered in Russia that the bed of the Moksha river, for a length of 400 miles, was full of magnificent oak trees. Oak has the peculiar prop- erty of lasting for centuries when buried in water or wet sand. Oak piles from bridges constructed by the Romans have heen found to be as sound as when placed, nearly 2,000 years ago. A Wonderful Bargain Undoubtedly the best bargain I have had in several years. A double lot, corner, good residential section, with 3-story brick house, modern in every respect, new heating plant, electric lights, bath, garage. Re- placement cost today, $20,000. Will take $7,600 and give possession any time. Now don’t think too long but act. Call or phone Jno. E. Schroll, Mt. Joy. tf tr ll A Read the Bulletin. It pays to advertise in the Bulletin Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. he says, “is not | to teach geometry but rather to gain | | tures these products freeze. The experi- fore her two young- | been guilty of fight- | proving fashioned | ! at,” he sobbed ac- | WON POPULARITY BY FEAST How New Hebrides Outcast Chiel Contrived to Become the Big Ruler of Vao. Many of the inhabitants of the island of Vao in the New Hebrides are refugees from the big island of Male kula, who were vanquished in battle and literally driven off the earth by] their enemies. Soon after our arrival a powerful savage named, Tethlong, one of the Small Numbers people arrived on Vao with twenty of his men. All the others had been killed and the women and children had been taken captive, Martin Johnson writes in Asia Magazine. The natives of Vao received the newcomers as a wel come addition to their fighting force and Tethlong set about to insure his position among his new neighbors. He invited the entire population to a feast, and at once sent his men tc neighboring islands to buy up pigs and chickens for the occasion. The devil devils—great, hollowed logs, carved | roughly to represent a human face, which are erected everywhere In the! New Hebrides to guard against evil spirits—were consulted to find a pro- pitious time for the feasting and on the appointed day the celebration be- can with much shouting and singing and dancing and beating of tomtoms. It lasted for several days. Before it was over, 720 pigs had been slaugh- tered. The island had never before seen such a feast. As a result of his| political strategy, Tethlong, the refugee, became the hig chief of Vao. taking precedence over the chiefs | already there. FLYING ABOVE THE CLOUDS Possible to ExBérience Every Degree of Fd% and Sunshine Within a Few Minutes. The full majesty of the aerial per- spective can only be realized when one is ahove the clouds and the earth is shut off from view. In flying on an overcast day, when heavy banks of ecumulous clouds lie at 3000 feet, it is possible to experience within a minute or two every degree of fog and sun- shine. When one is passing into the clouds, the lower surfaces of which are almost perfectly flat, there is an instantaneous transition from shadow to complete atmospheric opacity, similar in appearance to a dense fog at the ground, but differing somewhat from it in feeling, for the interior of a cloud seems to be drier, the air less saturated with water vapor, than the fogs which are met with at sea or ashore. If the climb is continued a few hundred feet farther, the air- plane passes again into clear air, but into air now of a clarity and bright- ness worthy of Mediterranean skies and not at all to be compared with the sky at sea level.—Ohlo State Jour- nal. Preserving Fruit in Transit. In an attempt to evolve methods of preventing the spoilage of fruits and vegetables by freezing while in transit or storage, the Department of Agricul- ture is conducting thousands of experi- ments at the Arlington (Va.) labora- tories, to determine at what tempera- mental apparatus, says Popular Mechanics Magazine, consists of a large tank in which brine is circulated. and thermocouples which possess the peculiar property of generating weak and variable currents of electricity when they are subjected to changes in temperature, These variations are registered by delicate meters. So sensitive are the thermocouples that they will detect a difference of temperature of .0001 degree. In ser- vice, a test specimen of fruit and a thermocouple are placed in one of twelve cups in the lid of the brine tank. By watching the specimen and the meter closely the exact tempera- ture at which freezing begins is de- termined with great accuracy. People Hard to Reach. How much remains to be done be- fore we shall have a complete knowl- edge of the Inhabitants of our planet is Indicated by the failure of an ex- pedition from the American Museum of Natural History to get into com- munication with the Naskapi Indians of Labrador, says the Christian Science Monitor. The summer the ex- pedition was undertaken It was sup- posed that these natives could be reached by way of the west coast of | Labrador, but It was found to be im- | possible. In winter they go to Nitch- | equon, In the interior, fifty-five days’ anoe from Rupert House | urney by y East Main river Students, the dean of he University of V onsin, special isabled sol- deral board favorably of the Mortland Won, The Rev. R. P. Jones, of Franklin, was talking rather seriously to his four-year-old son, Mortland, Sunday, on misbehavior, when the child in- | terrupted him by saying: “Daddy, you know you make me lose my heart when you talk like that.” The father says the talking stopped, —Indianapolis News. Catarrh Catarrh is a local disease greatly influ- enced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is a | Tonic and Blood Purifier. By cleansing the blood and building up the System, HALL’'S CATARRH MEDICINE restores normal conditions and allows Nature to do its work, All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, rr It Will Pay You. The large circulation of the Bul- letin makes it the best advertising medium in this section of Lancaster county. Give it a trial and be eon Dd ered * TWEE Jo sfeedoddodds ehirided * * 9, * 9. 9 a 9, * COR) Cal) 9, * 9 * 9, * 9, S000 00.00,.00.00.00, > 9, * 9. * 20 Sedbed > 0, 9 * 9 * 9 * 200200204 ofl RC THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. 8. A. PRPIDPHPPPDOPODIDPOP PPP 000D WEDNESDAY, TO OUR PATRONS On July 1st, we will put our business on a cash basis. This is no We do reflection on your credit. this in order to eliminate a lot of clerical work and expense. This change will enable us to give you ser- vice and merchandise at a saving. GARBERS' GARAGE | ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNA. Oe 0 6%0.4%.6.6%.6%.6%.6% 2-¢%.6%.¢%0.4% 4% 4% 6%. +% 6% % 6% 6% 620 o% 20 20-420 420 620 420 420 420 43 00 4% Sededddeddndodededndndndndedododded eadr feos cdeodeideadradidsedeedrdnafeiieifoadrafodredrdred ve JULY 6th, § bustion engine. from three to four times over. “It will put the farmer on a par with the city manufacturer. leave a greater profit for the man who hires him. What Henry Ford Says About Machine Power Farming “In the tractor the farmer now has a Machine in which is harnessed one of the most adaptable, efficient, economical sources of power in the world—the internal com- “The tractor will multiply the productive capacity of each individual farm worker duce-producing factory—for that is what a farm is—on to an efficient production basis. “It will enable each worker to earn so much more that he can be paid more and still er hours in the day, giving him more time to enjoy life. “] believe the tractor will make farming what it ought to be—the most pleasant, the most healthful, the most profitable business on earth.” GARBERY 833--845 South Market Street ' Bell Phone 77 GARAGE ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. Ind. Phone 605A. It will put his pro- It will enable the farmer to work few ETE ellent prog- | emma plate glass windows make it The Ford Sedan with electric starting and lighting system, with demountable rims with 34-inch tires all around, is a family car of class and comfort, both in summer and in winter. For touring it is a most comfortable car. The large an open car when desired, while in case of rain and all inclement weather, it can be made a most delight- ful closed car in a few minutes. Rain-proof, dust. proof, fine upholstering, broad, roomy seats. Simple in operation. Anybody can safely drive it. While it has all the distinctive and economical merits of the Ford car in operation and maintenance. Won’t you come in and look it over? Garbers Garage 833.845 South Market Street ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. A STE - 2 3 ¥ hi ¥