Ro tl id WEDNESDAY, AUNE 22nd, 1921 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S. A. A ca ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO What Do You Pay? We have listed below just a few of the many money-saving opportunities that are to be had at an ‘“Asco” Store, made possible by our Producer-to-Consumer plan. Are you an “Asco” customer? If not, we ask you today to compare our prices with what you are now paying elsewhere, and if you are paying more it’s time for you to make a change. Why not begin today and buy all your groceries at our stores and let us prove to you it pays to deal at an “Asco’” Store, where Quality counts and Low Prices prevail. YOUR DOLLARS WILL GO FARTHER IN AN “ASCO’ STORE THAN ANYWHERE ELSE OJSV 00SV MOUNT JOY. PENNA. VICTOR BREAD, big quality loaf....... 6c | “ASQO” COFFEE, Ib........ 00000000 25¢ rine. “Vi ” “Agco” Blend is a combination of high Are you buying : Victor,” the best bread orude coffees blended by an expert who knows baked If not, begin today. We know when how and roasted fresh daily in our own plants. you once taste “Victor” Bread you'll want | Try a pound of this real delicious coffee. Its > more. rich, rare flavor will please you. wn Q 3 BABBITT’S BEST SOAP TENDER SUGAR O| “ASCO” CORN FLAKES big bar Sec CORN, 3 cans for 25c 3 pkgs. for 25¢ —~ i de crushed Biz, crisp flakes. A de. | LENOX SOAP, 3 bam, 10e A bi Oe lightful hot weath 1 Why not buy a [dozen | cofn A : ghtful hot weather cereal. bars? price. Big Can 12c High Grade BEST PINK SALMON, tall can.........9 PORK & BEANS, cut to.............. 10c The very best Alaska pink salmon packed. A very special price on these bi» cans of | Delightful for sandwiches, croquettes, salads, delicious beans while they last. Buy ’em by | i. 00SV the doz. “Asco” Ginger Ale, PRESERVING NEEDS “Asco” Baking Powder, bot., 1215 ¢ P by, can 17¢ “Asco” Rootbeer, Mm “Asco” Jelly Powder, bot., 123% ¢c : doz... 85 3 pkgs. 25¢ > Pure Apple Butter, can 15¢ Mason Bint Jars, dos . Best New Onions, Ib.....5c w Pure Grape Juice, bt. ..29c | Mason Quart Jars, doz. .95¢ | Fresh Soda Crackers, Ib, 15¢ oD Best Pure Honey, glass 10 Jar Rubbers, double Is 5 “Asco” Peanut Butter 5 P Fg ere anry oz., 9c glass, 9¢ © Asoried Chet0latss on 39¢ | Jar Tops, porcelain lined Eagle Cond. Milk, can 20c Calif. Seeded Raisins, doz., 30c | Calif. Tuna Fish ig a kg., 28 ’ Hawaiian Pineapple g © | Jelly Glasses, doz...... 45c Blue Rose Rice, 1b. .....5¢c can, 23c | Parowax, lb. pkg.......10c | Stuffed Olives, bot. 13¢c, 23c Have You Tasted It Yet? I_ouella Butter===The Finest Butter in America We are not quoting prices owing to market fluctuations, but you always can be certain of the lowest possible price. Don’t let another day pass by without trying a pound of this delicious butter. 00SV “ASCO” MACARONI, UNEEDA BISCUIT, rks: Se |. oro” TEAS, I..... 45h 3 phgs. for 280 “ASCO” OLEQMAR. % th iis 12c | CHOICE SARDINES, e SARINE b..250 95 Ab. DEE. .onsinaaiss 23c 3 Se cans for 10¢ 8 RICH NEW CHERSE: 21c We have the blend you CHOICE HEAD RI os Te § like. Plain Black, Orange, PICNIC SHOULDERS, 23c | Pekoe, Old Country style, “ASCO” SLICED BACON, Ds xs I vin covion, Mixed. Woieh pk. 15 LEBANON BOLOGNA, do you prefer? EARLY JUNE PEAS, 1b., 18¢c 9¢, 3 for 25¢ ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO RELIGIOUS NEWS DONEGAL REUNION | NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE! | There will be services in the Re- bridee: and B. Frank Hiestand, Mari- formed Mennonite church on West etta; recording secretary, Miss Re- Main street next Sunday morning at becca J. Slaymaker, Lancaster; cor- 9:45. responding secretary, Bernard J. John L. Summy, Marietta, treasurer; Samuel R. Slaymaker, Lancaster. Executive Committee The executive committee selected consists of the following: Clarence Schock, Mt. Joy; Miss Virginia B. Clark, Lancaster; Miss Bertha Heisey, Rheems; the Rev George Israel Rev. G. Wells Ely, Columbia; Mrs. § Lillian Evans, Columbia. Mark Soldier’s Graves The services of marking the graves of the dozen known soldiers of the Revolution, ten in the Donegal churchyard and two in the Maytown churchyard, were very impressive. Brief addresses were made by Mrs. Rev. C. A. Snavely, Pastor Sunday School 9:00 A. M. J. G. Forney, Lancaster, and Miss Worship and Sermon 10:15 A, M, Lillian Evans, Columbia, and Miss C. E. 6:45 P. M. Josephine Buchanan, Marietta, repre- Worship and Sermon 7:30 P. M. senting the Donegal and the Witness Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 Tree chapters and the higher bodies P. M. of the Daughters of the American . Revolution. T. U. Evangelical Church The speech of the event was de- Rev. G. R. Mergenthaler, Pastor livered by Col. David B. Case, of Prayer Service Wednesday even- Marietta, who deplored the fact that ing 7:30. no battlefields of the Revolutionary Sunday School Sunday morning War have been made national ceme- 9:30. teries. He said every American Preaching Sunday morning 10:30 should at some time visit Valley | Services Sunday evening 7:30. |Forge, the great Revolutionary en- | This evening service will be the campment site. He paid high tribute [Song and Story of Charles G. Carey. to the D. A. R. for their patriotic in- |Come and bring your friends to this spiration. | service. | At this service Rev. Robert Taylor, Choir practice Friday evening 8 pastor of the Derry church, near o’clock. |Hershey, made a plea for assistance i een {in taking steps to preserve the Derry St. Luke’s Church |churchyard in Dauphin county, say- Rev. Oliver E. Newton, Rector [ing hundreds of dollars are needed 9:15 A. M. Sunday School. ito get this historic place into good 10:30 A. M. Morning Prayer and condition. Sermon. | A fine tribute was paid by At- 7:30 P. M. Evening Prayer and torney F. Lyman Windolph, at the Sermon. memorial service, to Miss Martha B. Holy Communion on the first Sun- | Clark. A bronze tablet measuring | . . day in each month instead of Morn- eight by eighteen inches, recalls her ing Prayer. {devotion to Donegal. | Litany on the third Sunday in each | Tribute to Soldiers month with Morning Prayer. {| Tribute to the Keystone State’s ac- Holy Baptism at any service by complishments in the struggle for in- previous arrangement. dependence was paid by Hon. Emer Strangers are welcome. All seats son Collins, of Williamsport, in his are free and unappropriated. |address “Pennsylvania in the Revolu- {tion.” He pointed out that the deeds [of many of the sons of this State } jhave been unsung, though they are 9:15 Sunday School. {beginning to come into their own. A 10:30 Preaching Sepvice. . Prof. L. decided step in this direction was B. Nye of the Harrisburg Technical yyade through the late Hon. W. U. Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Michael Farry Davis, Pastor IN OUR CHURCHES WELL ATTENDED, Myers, Lancaster, assistant secretary, ! Browne, Washington, Conn.; the | R. Slaymaker, Lancaster, and Miss | { CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY | {Continned fram page 1) : BORO AND THE ENTIRE [upon it would be inscribed the com- | SURROUNDING COM. pleted record, in brief, of the church | MUNITY {up to the present time. He also urged | — ithe holding of a fitting historical | Florin U. B. Church pageant at Donegal, in connection | Rev. M. H. Miller, Pastor {with one of the annual reunions in ! Sunday School 9:30. {the near future. ! Holy Communion 10:30. Officers Elected ! CG. EE. 8:30, | Other officers chosen were: vice- | Sermon 7:15. presidents, Miss Arabella W. Red- | mn secker, Columbia; Dr. James P. i Reformed Mennonite Ziegler, Mount Joy; E. Burd Zell, | Rev. Christian S. Nolt, Pastor { Chester; Benjamin F. Hoffman, Bain- Fordso The Fordson Tractor is taking much of th drudgery out of farm life; it is solving the labo) problem; it is reducing the cost of preparing land by almost one half of what it was with! horses; and it is saving one third to one ha of the fatmer’s time; and making farm life more attrattive. The Fordgon will run your threshing machine —and at the most opportune time for you. It will operate the milking machines, saw your wocd, fill your silo, pump the water, and take care of every kind of belt work— i And don’t forget—it will plow six to eight acres in 3 ten hour day, handling two plows with easel Thus the Fordson is the ideal year-round trac- tor. it will pay for its fall and winter keep in many ways. There's a big story to tell you about the Ford- | son—and a true one—come in and get the facts. Or, if youl prefer, telephone or drop us a card and we will bring them to you. High School will give an address on |fepsel, he said. That Lancaster / 4100 1 0D 00 0 Cc EEL px kag br B \ A By \ A NEA od Nght" Dish “For Goodness Sake---” Instead of eating candies and sweets before retiring, try the PURITY ICE CREAM treatment for a month. You'll find it a whole lot better for you, That is because it is a food of maximum value, all digestible and, best of all, its matchless deliciousness will never pall on the appetite. VETTE THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL VEL] Ad ORDER FROM FOLLOWING DEALERS EEA Dr. W. D. Chandler ~~ Stumpls Restaurant Jac, 6. Brown Lancaster Sanitary Milk Co. "LL O01 0 OO mu. Metcalf, of Columbia, R. D. 1. { members. / EC. | Wednesday evening, June 22, 1921 he i Prayer Se rvice at 7:30. Subject, | poforred to the fact that soldiers of 8 ‘Jairus’ Daughter. a u = EZ J 11111 0 0 1 EE iw 'dren’s clothing and the capital stock |ing and payment of dues a social Temperance. {county patriots had a prominent part 6:30 Epworth League. Leader, [in the fighting he declared was il Robert Brubaker. Topic, Men ‘and jystrated by such names as Henry Bi omer whose lives inspire us. Heb.- anq Steele, noted for endurance and 11:32-40; 12:1-2. ; : | prowess. i 7:30 Preaching Service. Sermon, Bernard J. Myers spoke briefly, {“Jacob’s Marriage.” urging a keener appreciation of the ritage we are enjoying today. He every great war in which America » |was engaged are today buried in the | KREADY FAMILY REUNION Donegal cemetery. } WAS HELD AT SALUNGA | The musical program furnished by | | TE —————— ‘ Miss Emma A. Wakefield, of Colum- | | Descendants of Jacob B. Kready hia; Miss Marguerite E. Herr, of | {held a family reunion at the home of 1ancaster; Thompson S. Martin, of | (Mr. and Mrs. Elias Hornberger, at |yamrisburg; Mrs. Alta Booth Cowan, | |Salunga, Sunday. A pleasant day of Lancaster; Mrs. John S. Simon, | was spent getting acqainted. One of ot Maytown, and W. Clyde Shissler, ' {the main things of the day was the f 1ancaster, was an enjoyable fea- dinner served. Present were: Harry tyre. nyt and Russell Hornberger, Miss Mary Rev. Dr. James G. Rose, of Mer- A. Kready, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fissel | qrshurg, a son of Donegal, his an-! and daughter, Katie, Mr. and MTS. | ostry hailing from that historic val- | Mae, Mr. and Mrs. John Fissel and joy i, part. was the orator of the | son eBrnard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles .yenine. His subject was “The ! Flissel, Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Kready primitive Pennsylvania Presbyter- | and children, Mr. and Mrs. Elam j,;57 His discourse formed a fitting | Kready, Mrs. Nora Erb and children; | jose to the celebration. Marie and Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob | gq pointed out that Pennsylvania’s E. Kready, Mr. and Mrs. Elias E. pyogyterians were much in evidence Kready and children, Mary Eliza- ;, (olonial days and that the Qua- beth, Edna, Anna, John Wilbur and were disturbed by their presence |Mary Jane, Br. and Mrs. John Brandt ;;, {he province in those times, be- and son Harry, Phares Groff and chil-{.. ca of the difference in beliefs be- dren, Clara and Joseph, Charles (oon the frontier fighters and the Stamm, Harry Wealand, Miss Anna- |, ,n resisting followers of Penn. He belle Erb. irecalled their splendid formative in- rw > | fluence upon our institutions. i a — a oe hibir ‘THE UNITED BRETHREN CAVMPMEETING DATES |» BASKET WEAVER | | During the months of July and IS HELD FOR COURT | ‘August two United Brethren Camp- | — meetings and one Bible Conference Following a hearing before Squire {will be held within the bounds of the |C. C. Hicks, last evening George East Pennsylvania Conference, as Einsig, of East Donegal township, follows: The Mount Lebanon Camp was held for court on charges of re- will be held July 19 to 27. On Sun- ceiving stolen goods and resisting an day, July 24 Bishop W. M. Bell, D. |officer. He furnished bail for his ap- D., of Harrisburg, will preach two pearance in court. sermons. The Lykens Valley Camp- Harry Newcomer, of Maytown, is meeting, near Elizabethville will be the prosecutor in the charge of re- held July 26 to August 4. The Mount | ceiving stolen goods. State Trooper Gretna Bible Conference will be held | A. R. Fox, of Troop E. preferred the August 2 to 11. Rev. S. C. Enck, charge of resisting an officer. D.D., of Philadelphia, the conference i According to the testimony of New- superintendent, will have general comer and his son Ralph a cornet, $5 supervision of the services. lin cash, 15 pounds of cheese, four Bi 4 . {dozens of eggs, a shirt, ladies skirts Attended Commencement and two aprons were stolen. The Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz and only goods found at the Einsig home daughter Geta spent Thursday at the near Marietta when a search was Lebanon Valley College where they made by Trooper Fox was a cornet. attended commencement exercises |The accused refuses to say anything Miss Grace Dietz their daughter, a about the charge against him. member of ’'21, graduated at that The charge of resisting an officer College. Miss Dietz formerly was a ‘grows out of an alleged attack on student of Dickenson College in her Trooper Fox when he went to the senior year but after mid-year ex-|Einsig home with a search warrant POLLOOOOOOOOLOLLLOLLOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLOOOOODO0 aminations entered Lebanon Valley Wier College. She arrived home Friday Annual Meeting and Social of for her summer vacation. wW.C.T.U TTY The annual meeting and social of Maytown Charter Granted the W. C.. T. U. will be held at the The charter of the Maytown Gar- home of Mrs. I. D. Stehman on Mon- ment Company has been received at day evening, June 27th, at 8 o’clock. the Recorder’s office. The company All members are invited to be ill manufacture women’s and chil- present. After a short business meet- is $10,000. The incorporators and hour will be spent with our county directors are: William Lucas, Colum- president, Miss Landes, who will be bia; Harrison B. Nolt and Phoebe S.!pleased to meet all the W. C. T. U. + U . FORDSON 2 SE THE FOR %* Ds 0%0.6% 0% 6% 620.6% 0% 0% % % % 00 af 0. 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0" 0S SC SA SS SB SA SB SB SB SC SB SS SB SB SB SS SB SS 120 6%0-6%0-6%6%0-0% 620 6%-6% 62.6% 0% 06.6% o% os 00 0. 0. 8. 0. 0 0 0 0 8 BI 0 S00 SS Se SAAS a Xa Xa XE XE XE EXE EX Sg *% 4 oe >, * FARMERS ATTENTION! This is the wedk when EVERYBODY is busy. FARMER'S don’t ‘have time to look around. We, therefore call your ATTENTION to our FULL LINE OF HAY and HARVESTING MACHINERY. 5 and ‘6 ft. McCORMICK.and DEERING MOWERS. 7 and 8 ft. McCORMICK ahd DEERING BINDERS. CORE WK Sala aXe’ * 9, 9 aXe’ ’ 0 eo? %% Soe bo ode dled 04 9, $0 > KEYSTONE CYLINDER HAY, LOADERS. 3 9» 3 INTERNATIONAL SIDE RAKES and TEDDERS. 5 Special readjustment prices on thé.above. SWAYNE ROBINSON “MONEY MAKER” 17x22 HAY PRESSES. We also have a few good values in SECOND HAND TED- DERS and BINDERS. 1 We have at your beck and call several ‘expert ME- CHANICS and when you need them, telephone. Our warehouse contains a good supply of REPAIR PARTS and we maintain a quick delivery service for parts needed out of HARRISBURG. We are here to SERVE you. 9 0 he? % s 9, $00, * > 9, (4 0 20.0% Lrafe dled Sed & rote dled 9. $059, 9, aX J . 9. 0. 0 Ka Xa X 9, > * OR) 0.00 9 Xa) 9, aia’ 9, Xa) Use us when you need anything. Our WATCHWORD is SERVICE. +% 9, a 005043 | | 9 OO * H. S. Newcomer, Mount Joy 9 $0.0, \/ * i LOO0000000 LICOOO0O0 X ¥ LALIO0OLOCOO0O000000000C A Safety Unbreakable Lamp Kit Free with every purchase™, of National Mazda Automobile Lamps. Don’t takécharces with the lighting on your car. Play Safe. The Mt. Jiy-Auto Supply Co. » » » * » £2 EL) * * * LS » 3 ES * * » os * » ES * * x » * » » * CO LS * * » LS & * * £3 £) » » * * » . + £ LVOOOOLOOVOOLOOLOLLOOCOCOLOOLOOOOOOOOOOOLOLDDD.