The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 08, 1921, Image 1

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The Mount Joy Bulletin
Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, June 8, 1921

$1.50 a Year in Advance

a S—— — u— —— - _ ce m—
you want the business Jou must reach the buyer and in order to do that the best and most economic way is thr our advertising columns, Try it and convince yourself,
— | een —sererm——
% The State Highway Department Today, June 8, marks the opening CARD BASKET Teachers were elected, tax levy RECORDINGS
CYCLIST MONDAY has informed the Retail Merchants’ MONTHLY SESSION! of the annual © conference of the [laid and salaries fixed at a meeting
Committee of the Lancaster Chamber Church of the Brethren at the Hill- of the West Rempield township
Commerce that it is “makin | side Auditorium, Hershey. Every school board held at Salunga, Satur-
; SS DOROTHY BUCKWALTER, wn vo efforts to sce that the de.|RESERVOIR ORDERED CLEANED third year the Brethren meet at Her. | PERSONAL MENTION ABOLY THE day. MANIAVE PASSED TO 5 al
£ AGED 15, HAD HER SKULL tour between Salunga and Mt. Joy,| NEXT SUNDAY—TAX COL- |shey and the convention attracts| MANY COMERS AND DOERS A property tax of seven mills was GREAT BEYOND
5 CRUSHED — TRUCK on the Lancaster-Harrisburg high- LECTOR BRENEMAN | many delegates and thousands of IN THIS LOCALITY |laid for school purposes, with an ad-
2 DRIVER EXONERATED way, is maintained properly.” MAKES AN EXCEL- | Brethren from all parts of the United _ {ditional occupation tax of $2 on ev- Miss Katharine W. Heaps, for
i The communication from the de- LENT REPORT i States. It is estimated that there Mr. Earl Grissinger spent Monday jery person more than 21 years old. merly of Columbia, died at Delta,
3 A very sad accident occurred in partment to the retailers’ committee - = : . | will be upwards of 600 delegates in |in Philadelphia. | Teachers will be paid from $85 to York County in her 56th vear.
3% e center of our business district |was in reply to the latter's protest Mount Joy Boro Council met in | attendance. The conference lasts Burgess H. C. Schock spent last|$110 a month, according to certi- ” 2
? onday evening when Miss Dorothy | against the bad condition of the de- regular monthly session on Monday | one solid week with great activity ev- Tursday at Orange, N. J. ficate. Harry Albright
] ckwalter, aged fifteen years, was [tour which, it was pointed out, was |éVening with all the members present, ery morning, after noon and evening. Mr. C. S. Good of Parkesburg, Teachers elected were: Ironville, Harry Albright, a former resident
A istantly killed by being run down by | causing many persons on the Harris- In the absence of Clerk Jac. H. Zel- ~The program for the week of ac- |visited friends in town Monday. secondary, Fannie Kniesley; Iron-|,f Lancaster county, who lived near
" : heavy truck. burg end of the detour, who are lox, Be si vg 9 on tivity is very full-—something doing Miss Emily Gingrich visited her |ville primary, Melba Weirman; Kin- Elizabethtown, died suddenly while
songenecker, e n es o e
Miss Buckwalter is a pupil in the
nior Class of the Mount Joy High
chool. She resides with her grand-
other, Mrs. Henry M. Engle, corner
§ Main and Jacob streets. She was
town, making the trip on her
cycle and was on her way home
then the accident occurred at about
30 p. m.
Mr. John Horstick, of this place,
rives one of Mr. D. G. Brinser’s
prge trucks. He was on his way to
is home. When he approached the
itersection of Main and Barbara
reets he slowed up in order to make
te turn around the silent policeman,
oing off of Main to North Barbara.
lye witnesses to the accident saw

Ir. Horstick signal with his hand
that he was going to turn.
Miss Buckwalter riding in the
same direction as the truck was
fraveling, evidently did not see Mr.
Horstick’s signal and was about to
bass the truck on the left side. As
she turned to her left of the police-
an, Mr. Horstick also turned, and
the front of the truck knocked the
cyclist down, the front wheel passing
over her head, crushing her skull and
fracturing her jaw. Mr. Horstick
stopped the truck before the rear
wheels reached the unfortunate girl.
The body was taken from beneath
the truck by Dr. W. M. Thome, re-
moved to her home and later to the
undertaking parlors of Mr. H. C.
Brunner. Death was instantaneous.

Manheim, John Tyson,
was arrested on Friday by Constable
G. A. Lollar of Lancaster, and gave
bay, + a hearing before Alderman
W. S. Doebler at Lancaster.
rrr AQ ree
Was Operated On
Mr. William Miller, formerly of
this place but who now resides at
Harrisburg, went to St. Joseph’s Hos-
pital at Lancaster Monday for opera-
tions for the removal of adnoids and
a small bone in his nose.
Dog Licenses Granted
There have been, up to the present
11,885 dog licenses for the year 1921
jssned at the county treasurer's of-
fice. This number is 119 fewer than
those granted last year up to the last
High Priced Meat
There was a big cattle show in
Lancaster last week and a prize win-
ner exhibited by A. Hoober & Son,
was sold at 67 cents a pound to a
Baltimore firm.

Granted a Divorce
Anna Mae Heagy, of Ironville,
Lancaster county, from her husband,
Jacob Heagy, of Elizabethtown, de-
ention. {

normally Lancaster shoppers, to do
their buying in the capital city.
“District Engineer Eichelberger
has also been in correspondence with
the Lancaster County Automobile
Club concerning this detour said W.
D. Uhler, chief engineer, in replying
to the merchants’ protest, “and we
attention. We are making strenuous,
efforts to see that the detour is main- |
tained properly.”
Charles Wittle, of East Donegal
township was badly injured at a
stone quarry in East Donegal town-
ship on Monday afternoon and as a
result he is now in the hospital at Co-
lumbia with a fractured skull.
Mr. Wittle is employed at the
quarry of Strickler & Hinkle a short
distance from Marietta, in
Donegal township. He was feeding
the crusher when it choked. He pro-
cured a hammer and was in the act
the supreme sacrifice arrived in New
York June 7 and will be brought to |
his native town for interment. |
Be ————
morning, May 26th, when he saw the
snake and succeesed in killing it.
Frank & Bros.” Next Sale
C. S. Frank & Bro. will hold their
next sale of live stock at the Florin
Hotel, Florin, Pa., on Friday, June
10, when they will sell cows, shoats
and stock bulls. Among the cows are
some extra good testers.
eM Ml Ens,
Nursing a Bad Arm.
Mr. G. Samuel Sheaffer, of this
place, an employe of the Bachman
Chocolate Co., is off duty with a bad-
ly swollen left arm from the hand to
the elbow, the result of a bruise.
rere tl An ere
Marriage Licenses
Ira B. Brandt, Elizabethtown, and
Mabelgii. Risser, Mt Joy township.
Earl "B. Bigler, East Petersburg,
and Emily B. Kauffman, West Hemp-

are giving the complaint immediate |


previous meeting were read and ap-
The clerk read a communication
from Mr. M. N. Brubaker, president
of the Board of Health. It stated
that $60 salary for the Health Of-
ficer was inadequate and recommend-
ed a fifty per cent. increase. The
‘chair stated that Council does not
have the authority to fix the salary
of this offical and that it could only

accept or reject same after it was
fixed by the Board of Health. The
Gers was ordered to notify the
Eid to that effect.
The Penna. R. R. Co. stated that
will repair the crossing on West
| Main street as suggested by Council.
The Conestoga Traction Company
EAST informed Council that it will put its
iportien of the streets in town in the
I proper shape and that work on West
Donegal street will begin at once.
The Burgess returned without his
lapproval the order for oiling Pinker-
ton road. He gave as his reason that
if that small portion of said street
{was oiled many other streets in town
(would also have
Earl White, of this place, was
A Large Snake Vv {heard before Alderman Doebler, at
Mr. Ephraim Shearer, of Upper [ancaster, charged with the larceny
Rapho, killed a black snake which of 4 gold watch, property of the pro-
measured 5 feet and 2 inches iniprietor of the Blue Ball hotel. He
length. Mr. Shearer was in David, was sent to the county jail to await
Strickler’s meadow last Thursdayia hearing in September before the
thome of Mr. and Mrs.

treated like-
to be
(Continued on Page
er O —


A surprise was held at the
home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Sprout

Quarter Sessions court. White was
apprehended by state troopers last
wedi on a Terre Hill car following
his flight after he is alleged to have
stolen the watch.
eet OE

Reunion at Smith Home
A family reunion was held at the
Alden Smith,
at R®wenna on Sunday. Among
those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Hake Mr. and Mrs. Fred Groat,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neater, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Hake, Benjamin
Hake, all of York.

Will Spend Summer Abroad
Mrs. Simon B. Cameron, of Harris
burg, formerly of Mariet will
spend the summer abroad, sailing for
Naples June 30 on the Poconbontas.
She will visit in Italy, Switzerland,
France, Belgium, Holland, England

each day, beginning on Wednesday,
June 8, and early in the morning
each day thereafter until 9:30 o’clock
{in the evening. Brethren in all parts
of the country are now arranging to
attend and will bring their families
along. It is announced that the park
management has arranged to take
care of the monster erowd and auto-
mobiles. A number of Brethren col-
leges and churches are arranging to
assist in the musical program.

painters have accepted
Mr. and Mrs. Henry
both ill at this writing.
a cut of 10 cents an hour. ,
A Lancaster grocer gave away 75
bushels of potatoes last week.V
The Miller clan will hold a re-
union at Ephrata, July 2.
The Mennonites have deéided to
erect a $17,000 church at New Hol-
By the sale of poppies at Lancaster
for orphans in France, $1,610 was

: A of breaking the stone in the jaws of y ol : raised.
Deputy Coroner Dr. J. J. Newpher | tho crusher when the hammer flew oy Norih Market i hn hoor 2 The festival in the park here Sat-
and his physician Dr. W. M. Thome | ;& the handle. He leaned over the their son, Mr. ayton Sproul. | day evening was a big success in
held an inquest at Brunner’s morgue | ..ncher to get the hammer and was Games and A ene fue feptures every way.
Way Scening. he following are accidentally caught in the crusher. of fs evening. aos Tolling Bt The 63rd Commencement of the
e jurymen: Messrs. M. C. Bow- Te was re he hospital at >Sent. bertha | ’T, 4 = illersville State Normal Sc A
man, H. E. Klugh, Dr. E. W. Garber, anya Jemaved fo tig hosplinha shade, Lillian Roth, Mae Diffender- Mstierey fie Suis Normal School will
Levi N. Stauffer, Isaish Swmpman lu. "It was found that hie sustained fer, Anna Ellis, Mae Hinkle, Alice The Lancaster Gun Club will hold
and Dr. James P. Ziegler. Their], fctured skull. He regained con- Espenshade, Alberta Sprout, Finnna a two days’ registered shoot next
verdiet was: > sciousness several hours after the aec- Knie® Panme mk, ove Hepshe®s Thursday and Friday.
i Miss Dorothy Buckwalter, aged cident and word from the hospital of FI g = a Ty gn Sy The Labor Board’s decision, ef-
15 years died from injuries received | his morning states that he is slightly © orin; Mary Dabler, of Marietta; |, °° Tals 1st, cute 12 ‘per ot
by colliding with an auto truck improved : " {Mesers. Oar] Zeager, Abner Sprout, | { from 2,000,000 railroad employes.
driven by John Horstick, at the cor- Mr. Wittle resides on the Marietta Samuel Zink, Leroy Vitus, wf Milton Columbia's school tax “i 15 mills
4 ner of Main and Barbara streets, Mt. turnpike, near Sentz’'s Mill. He is a ye avin Riou, Tram Der | last vear and at a recent meeting of
% Joy, June 6, and that the driver was | ,, ‘ot Oristus Wittle of Newtown W'leT, Ralph Souders, Frank Singer, | =p °° So 0 5 0 oo ced to 20
3 in no way responsible for the acel-},,4 a son-in-law of Jacob Mumma, Clarence Bard, of Maytown ; Harry nills
Tr dent.” { also of Newtown. Her of Lancaster; Ear] Sites, New. Manheim laid a 10 mill boro tax
3 She is survived by her parents Mr. ee reel Gerson ville; Christ Forney, of Elizabeth- | 1 fixed the per capita tax at $2.50
¥ and Mrs. C. K. Buckwalter of Lan- town; Howard Singer, of Marietta; jhe _ NE bo | er M it | vit
H caster, and the following brothers |LAD THROWN INTO CREEK Elam Gantz, of Manheim; Hiram | FO oc or female. 'n Moumt Joy 1
i and sisters: Henry E. Ephriam E., WHEN FOOT LOG BROKE Dijffenderfer, of Landisville; Mrs. |S ont Bod ie tiotor wag cdr
Clayton E., Robert E. Mary and S—— Lizzie Miller, Mrs. John Roth, Myr. | 3 2100. boa Sohsiiclor Was car
i Lydia, all at home. Mr. Allen Shatz, son of Mr. and 1, Roth, Ada Sprout and Mr. Frank | fied as a stowaway on a Yost nat ar
1 “The funeral will be held from the | Mrs. George W. Shatz, residing at Sprout. rived at Hoboken last week. It is
£ Rome oF her Andrey Mrs. Henry the borough mill was on his way to — DO now in the Broux Park Zoo.
M. Engle, on East Main street, with ]town on Sunday evening and while _ STRICKLER FAMILY No Jr 10s
Ah re he lsed Bi iht arolock crossing the foot log near his home s cently put on the P. R. R. pension
who $1 Tre 3c aL eight 2 the one end fell off the pillar and the REUNION A SUCCES list, moved from the passenger depot
F Fhgday motning With further ser. log broke in the center throwing the building to his property on Hopewell
vices in the Mennonite church at a into or ok He re The most successful reunion in street ES :
bye .c rio young ma e creek. > re- Bia : a : iy 5 : ; .
East Petersburg at 9:20. Interment ceived a two-inch cut on the jaw and the history of the Stri kler clan was The total number of marriage li-
Will be made in the cemetery adjoin. vas bruised about the body held at Hershey Park on Thursday, | censes granted in May was 93, which
, ing the church. was DB ay: June 2nd. Two hundred and eighty- |. "57 fewer than in the month of
WD - 8 WB : five members registered from Lan- Mav, 1920, when = total of 120
MOUNT JOY TOWNSHIP LIMESTONE DUST INJURED caster, Dauphin, York, Lebanon, |, ons were tosued.
’ ELECTS ITS TEACHERS CROPS SAYS PLAINTIFF Cumberland, Franklin and Union The revular Meeting of the Hoke
a Ey counties. Lunch was served at noon |. 1 i .
po : : y tal Auxiliary will be held at the
: . i ES tit Alleging that dust from crushed ,,4 evening by the refreshment com yo! IX ary al
Te Josownt. ete limestone, blown from a window of pitta. An interesting program was | Home 5 % ran
oo , : the factory in Baingridge operated given in tb fte The elected | IUrsaay arliernoon, June , at ¢o
Township School Board at a meeting be the Keonedy Refractories Com Zien Ia De 2 ernoon. iy e i ( | o'clock. All members are requested
, : lav ning in; | PY the Ke y ac es OM= officers for the year are: Presic ent, 3:
Bs Say tung pany, has injured his crops, in Conoy (has. Strickler, Harrisburg: elt be Present: -u
Charles G. Becker; Milton Grove, K. township fields adjoining the €5- President, Wm. J. Strickler, oe | .
ko K. Eby: Cherry Hill Kathryn Le. | tablishment, H. H. Brandt has in- pi. Treasurer, Amos Strickler, Pennsy’s New Schedule :
r 4 Tovar: Wheatland DP H Singer: | stituted suit for $5,000 damages, Wrightsville; Secretary, Alice Strick- | A new schedule went into effect
i Sannsburn on Wenger; Mount | through Attorney John M. Groff, in ler, Landisville; Historian, Prof. H. fon the Penna. R. R. here on Monday.
} Pleasant, Earl Walters; Barnses, |the Lancaster Common Pleas Court. yy "Shenk, Harrisburg, Pa. , Bln Shiode H ony he th sheds
5 Sno oe ce titel Afi se see —_—t———— { from June 6 to when another wi
gi Clara Bolster; Rockville Ammon [ : oh as a NT pen
#5 “hla 4 : o | be issued. The following is Eastern
h Zito) ro Yew Soa Landis) AD a DRzAKS REE |OUR UNION PICNIC AT | sandund time:
y Joint School, Laura Strickler; Blow i MOUNT GRETNA JULY 14 |" "p iward Week days—12:02, 8:32
i Primary, Anna Eshleman; orin yao : com—— 0:01. . 19:39: 1: FE 4:18,
3 Grammar, Amos Myers; Grand View, _ Roy Keller, of Satjnidse, Tots] The, Union picnic committee of ond ty i 32:48; rik 28,
1 Alta Nunemaker. No.1 vas a on Jo re. naa eT Mount Joy, Florin and community |°* ¢ 1:17 2 8:04 y
1 ‘he tax rate was fixed at five mills. Genera Hospital Thy RY hi on met on Monday evening and un- | res Werk Aavs-—6:10
i The school term of seven and a half nig ame ne ho and animously decided to hold the annual | | 57" "00 00 50 RTT a
months will open September 5. The e 2 ¢ 4 Union picnic for Mount Joy, Florin | 3 : ):36 a. 73 11ay, 5
; 0 \ be " a St :40 p. m. Sundays 3
3 Salavies Ware fed of follows: Pres A TE a ag and community on Thursday, July 14 | pu ay a. Ay 1:50, 5:43 and 7:52
] visional certificate, $75 tc $85; pro- | 2 ¥ 'at Mount Gretna. There will be |? Men Ry mv E :
fessional certificate, $95; permanent Reon, breshing 3 i in Me celal trains for Mount Joy and |P: ™M- De ns
certificate and normal school diploma |!€Z: is condition is good. Florin and full particulars will ap- : ;
: $100; High School, $130. Ta 2 {pear in these columns later. Last The Men s Federation ;
{ - Bringing Seldier’s Body Home |vear the picnic was held at Hershey On Sunday afternoon at 2:30
§ Mr. and Mrs. John Heisey, of Eliz- | IP Fy ' sr of vears | o'clock, i he Chautauqua tent the
ark, Hershey. A number of years o'clock, in the 1autauq
Ch Accused of Aug Test auto bethtown, received word that the re- | ago we held ous picnic at Mount | Men’s Federation will hold their
a ernie to David *. Floyd of mains of their son, Abram Heisey, Grotna, a regular June meeting. This meeting
of this place the first Elizabethtown boy to pay | - 0 Mere will be open to everybody, and the
| program will be well worth hearing.
The speaker of the day will be Dr.
| Harnley, who will deliver his lecture,
i making Democracy safe for the
World.” Every church in town will
be represented in some way. Come
and make .is a real community ser-
etal Wt memeres
Keeping Tally for the Lord
A Marietta lady amused herself
| by counting bald heads in one of their
churches on Sunday morning. There
were seventeen in all stages. In the
good book we read that the hairs of
your heads are numbered. No doubt
this Christian woman is doing the
Master's work by keeping the tally
ree ell CI
Engagement An ounced
Announcements were received
here this morning of the engagement
of Miss Helen LeFevre, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. LeFevre, of Carl-
isle, and Mr. Thomas D. Bennett, son
of “Mrs. Etta Bennett, of this place.
Miss LeFevre was a former teacher
in our public schools here. 4

Recital Tomorrow Night
The pupils of Miss Anna Welsh
will give a recital in Mount Joy Hall

jung Scotland.
Thussday evening, June 9th.

sister in Lancaster for several days.
Miss Mary Dabler, of
spent the week-end in this place with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Hendrix
spent several days at Camden, N. J,
and Philadelphia.
Mr. Frank Bryan, wife and son
spent Sunday at Landisville, with Mr.
and Mrs. Hiestand.
Mrs. Barnhart and children of this
place, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Boll 48 alunga.
Mr. M. A. Rollman left Monday on
a business trip to Philadelphia and
other eastern points.
Mr. and Mrs. Meckley
ter, spent Sunday with
Weidman of this place.
Mrs. Anna Millard of
phia, is spending a week
and Mrs. Walter Loraw.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barto and Mr.
Hartman of Lancaster, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. E. M, Barto.
Mrs. Anna Millard and son Asher
and Mrs. Walter Loraw spent Tues-
day at Middletown with friends.
Mrs. Samuel Schrite spending
several weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Hottenstein at Elizabethtown.
Mrs. Ella Herr and daughter
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Christian
Herr of near Landisville on Sunday.
Misses Anna Stauffer and Mabel
Geistweit and Mr. Harry Kaylor
visited friends at Landisville on Sun-
of Lancas-
Mr. Harry
with Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hershey and
son Paul visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Deiter at Lancaster on Satur-
day and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Groff and child
ren Elmer, Paris, Raymond and John
and Mrs. Fannie Sprout of Master-
sonville, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. Frank Sprout.
Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, pastor of
Trinity Lutheran church, is attend-
ing the 174th annual meeting of the
Ministerium of Pennsylvania at St.
James Lutheran church, Reading, Pa.
(Continued on page 4)
- A


A number of white and colored
men were having a friendly poker
game on Manheim street, here Sun-
day and as a result one of them was
taken to the General Hispital.
Frank Johnson, colored, aged
was one of the participants, It
claimed that he “opened a pot with a
pair of sevens’ and won it.
he laid down his hand he was ac-
cused of being crooked and there
was a fight between he and another
colored man. Johnson won here also
but about that time the crowd got
after him and he ran.
He fell and nearly all the men
He was badly
“took a crack at him.
beaten and + as'a result
many bruises. It was at first thought
his skull was fractured. He was re-
moved to the General Hospital at
was discharged there
now at his home
ree ee tl eee
The regular monthly meeting of
the Mount Joy Boro School Board
was held Monday evening with all
members present. It was decided to
oil all the floors thruout the building
and thoroughly renovate and disin-
fect the building during the vacation
There were
for the janitorship.
and as they failed to agree
the applicants, action
ferred until the next regular
It was decided to open the coming
school term on Thursday, Sept. 1.
A large number of supplies were
purchased, all the bills paid and the
Board adjourned.
creme li
Board voted
upon any
was de-

Going to Bradford
The annual session of the Great
Council of Penna. Improved Order of
Men will be held at Bradford, |
LE % 4 {
next week. Past Great Sachem
Dr. J. J. Newpher, Mr. Martin A. |
Metzler, representative of Otsego
Tribe No. 59, of this place, and Jno.
E. Schroll, who is a member of the
State Board of Appeals, will attehd
the session.
rere Gs
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner an-
nounce the birth of a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geib announce
the birth of a daughter, Mildred May.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Peifer an-
nounce the birth of a daughter, June
Evelyn Peifer.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lut
on the State Road, announce
birth of a daughter.
— A I —
Estates Adjudicated
Adjudications in the following es-
tates were filed the past week:
Sarah A. Baer, Mount Joy boro,
Elmer E. Witmer,

Marietta, |
derhook secondary, Edna Gram, Kin-

derhook primary, Ethel Keensey;
Maple Grove, Martha Esbenshade;
Sterlines, Daisy Musser; Airy Vale,
Florence Way; Fairview, Ruth
Youtz; Norwood, Katherine Seneft;
Sylvian Retreat, Eva Newcomer;
{Kehlers, Ida Kimmich; Misses Ella
E. King; Silver Springs, secondary,
Richard Herr, Silver Springs,
primary, Roxanna Yohe.
New teachers were named for
Silver Springs secondary and
primary, Mussers, Sylvian Retreat
land Norwood.
the Mount
evening in the
The annual meeting of
Joy High School Alumni
was held Thursday
High School room. The meeting was
called to order by the President,
Thomas Bennett, after a short ad-
dress, the following program was
rendered: Music, Orchestra; Men's
Octette; Reading, Miss Blanche Esh-
leman; Vocal Solo, Ada Rupp; Pre-
sentation of Gold Cross, Dr. 0. G.
Longenecker; Instrumental Solo,
Miriam Engle; Ladies’ Sextette;
Music, Orchestra. At the conclusion
of the program, the members of the
association and their guests proceed-
ed to the Hall, where the annual
banquet was held. The tables were
handsomely decorated with daisies,
the alumni flower and roses. Mrs.
Stegeman of Lancaster served. The
menu was: Olives, Chicken Croquette,
Peas, Rolls, Friut Salad, Crackers,
Cheese, Ice Cream, Strawberries,
Cakes Coffee, Mints. During the
banquet the histories of the follow-
ing classes were given: Class of 1881,
Mr. Clarence Schock; Class of 1896,
Mrs. W. R. Heilig; Class of 1901,
Miss Ethel Myers, read by Dr. W. R.
Heilig; Class of 1906, Mrs. Norman
Bear; Class of 1911, Mr. Fred
Bucher; Class of 1916, Mr. John
Booth. Dr. 0. G. Longenecker was
toastmaster. The following toasts
were responded to: Faculty, Mr. A.
P. Mylin; Men, Miss Emily New-
comer; Class of 1921, Mr. Chas.
Eshleman; Board of Directors, Dr.
Snyder; Ladies, Mr. John Murphy;
alumnae, Dr. W. R. Heilig.
The Fulton Opera House
chestra under the leadership
Raymond L. Myers of Lancaster,
nished music.
Dancing and a grand
concluded a most enjoyable
District Deputy
William R. Lantz
taxpayers to pay
Revenue Collector
requests income
their second install-
ment, which must be on or before
June 15, at the Lancaster office,
either by check or money order, as in
the event of any difficulty the trouble
can be more easily traced and ad-
justed. After June 15 a five per
cent. penalty and interest at the rate
of one-half of one per cent. per
month will be added for deli nquency.
rr tO WO
Now in Atlantic City
Mr. Emerson A. Zeager, formerly
a farmer in East Donegal township

and later proprietor of the Peoples’
restaurant, at Lancaster, has leased
the Lafayette hotel and restaurant
137 South Tennessee Avenue, At-
lantiec City, N. J., for a period of
five years. Mr. Zeager invites his
friends and acquaintances to drop in
and see him when they get to the
shore this Summer.
etl Oe
Suit To Recover $400
A law suit to recover the sum of
about $400, alleged to be due on a
note, has been instituted in the Lan-
{caster Common Pleas Court, through
Attorney John A. @oyle, for Clarence
Schock, of this place, trading as the
Star Independent Oil Company, of
that place, against John Schreck,
who operates a garage at Ephrata.
The claim is on a bill for gasoline
etl eee
The cost of marriage licenses will
be increased 50 cents by July 1. A
bill passed by the Pennsylvania As-
sembly increasing the fee was signed
this week by Governor William C.

Sproul. The cost now is one dollar.
rrr Gf Aen
Their 100th Anniversary
fhe Centennial Celebration of the
Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania is
being held at Philadelphia this week.
Local members will attend for sev-
eral dss,





working in a field at Clark’s Valley,
in his fifty-fifth year. Death was
caused by heart disease. He was sel-
dom ill, and appeared in the best of
health a short time before his death. {

Mrs. Maggie D. Porter
Mrs. Maggie D. Porter, wife of
John Porter, former resident of
Bainbridge, died at Mount Wolf af-
ter a long illness, from a complica-
tion of diseases and pneumonia. She
was sixty-one years of age and a
member of the United Brethren
church. She is the last of her family
and only the husband survives,



Henry W. Metzler
Henry W. Metzler, aged 49, of
Elizabethtown, died Friday evening,
of a complication of diseases. He
was a farmer, residing near Fal-
mouth. He was unmarried and is
{survived by three brothers and two
| sisters. He was a member of the
| Reformed church at Elizabethtown.
Funeral services were held Tuesday v
morning at the home.! Interment in 1
Mount Tunnel cemetery.




Miss Anna Marley
Miss Anna Marley, \daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marley, resid-
ing on East Market street, Marietta,
passed away at her home after a
lingering illness f a complication
of dise: She was a member of
the Lutheran church and Sunday




school, and an ardent worker. She
will be buried in the Marietta ceme-
Mrs. Winifred Greenawalt {
Mrs. Winifred Greenawalt,, aged

59 years, died on Wednesday
ing in the hospital at Dayton,
following an operation. She
daughter of the late George W.
dener of Elizabethtown and res
in that borough before her marri
Her husband and one sister,
John Updegrove of Harrisburg,
vive. Her body was brought to E
abethtown and funeral services we
(Continued on page 4)
A law suit to recover $1,000 dam-
ages alleged to have been suffered in
an auto collision, has been instituted





by the Schwarzenbach-Huber Co., of
Columbia, through Attorney J. E.
Senft, in the Lancaster Common
Pleas Court, against Ward Moore, of
that borough. The plaintiff's operafyg
a truck service, carrying their silk
mill employes to and from their place
of business, and allege that on Mare
29, 1920, Moore ran his automobilg
into their truck, wrecking it an
slightly injuring several passenge
Mr. Moore was a former propriety
of the hotel at Ironville.
Niklos Wolf, of
Wolf, little Niklos
happy once more. Separated b
outbreak of war in 1914, whe
mother and two sons were fore
remain in Austria and the h
in America, the little family
gether again in a little Salung
The father has been await
little family for three years.
and Adam
Mt. Joy's Song Writ
After hearing a lecture b
our boys that was “over thy
townsman Frank B. N. Hoff,
inspired that he wrote a
titled, “Daddy Has Come
Me.” Music for same w
by a Chicago publisher
music is now on sale
Strickler’s here.
Will Remodel CI
The old P. R. R. depf®
Market street, is being
renovated and will be u
of worship by the mg
Catholic Church, while
on New Haven street
pairs and extensive
Greider’s Sale
Thursday, June
Greider, Mgr., will
cows at public saly
vards of the Flori
a fine lot of cows,
fancy Jerseys, Al
Our Sum
The Merchan
has adopted a h
for the summen
June 9 and en
ginning tomory
stores will be
day afternoon.


The Wome
A.M E. 3
the home of
on Saturday
corn soup ic