The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 27, 1921, Image 5

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| Read the Bulletin.
Garman—Murray | Mrs. Sue Miller visited relatives at
Paul H. Garman, daughter of Mr. Roading on Sunday, Ee he
land Mrs. Isaac Garman, of Elizabeth- |, MT. and Mrs. Harry Gutshall of
|town, and Miss Kathryn E. Murray, | Lebanon, were Sunday visitors to our
it 8 B. 2 BY
{daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Figo. Aloors “and
Murray, of Cornwall, were married | . ., - #ibert and 1 a
at the parsonage of Salem United visited friends at the County Seat on
h, Leb: by Rev. 3 sate
|Bretieen Shurch ghanon, 2¥ y Mr. Stanley Bates and family of
| Shiremanstown, were Sunday visitors
Royer—Kramer |to the former's parents. -
John Royer, son of Wesley Royer,| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shoemaker
of Florin, and Miss Katie Kramer, land Mildred Crowl visited relatives
{daughter of Mrs. Mamie Kramer, of |at Harrisburg on Sunday.
| Mount Joy township, were united in| Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Landvator, Jr.,
marriage on Tuesday evening at the accompanied the excursion to Wash-
home of her grandparents, Mr. and ington, D. C., on Sunday.
(Mrs. Jacob Springer. David Kramer, Mr. Irvin Gruber and family of
{brother of the bride, attended the the Back Run, were Sunday visitors
wedding. They intend to make their to Mr. David Martin and family.

Tractor Drill
Accurately sows wheat,
oats, rye, barley, rice, peas,
beans, etc. Furnished in
plain grain or combined

No. 7 Plow
An Oliver Plow for
every farming need
\ also has been de-
“eigned for the



vo or gut grain endl ara anis, {home with their grandparents for| The Brethren in Christ Sewing Cir-
a \ 4 wheels. {some time. cle met at the home of Mrs. Levi
< ; RR RE ET RETR ————————-—— [Musser on Wednesday afternoon.
: \ {MILLIONS OF ANIMALS AND Mrs. Henrietta Gish, Mrs. James!
\ BIRDS KILLED BY HUNTERS Eschbach and Mr. George Barclay
" . | —_— . [motored to Harrisburg on Friday.
® The number of rabbits killed by, Mr. Samuel Farver and family of
{ 3 i eo Oo Son ryac or ® vo hunters in Pennsylvania during the |Palmyra, spent Sunday at the home
° ® hunting season of 1920 is estimated [of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Haldeman.
} w= |by the State Game Commission, on| Mrs. A.J. Rineer has gone to
| The Roderick Lean Disc Harrow [iii sa i 4nd be,
(hunters, at 3,500,000. Reports [several days with Mrs. Blanche Me-
|actually received showed 278,982 Elroy.
The Roderick Lean Automatic Disc Hary matic Disc Harrow was built to work rabbits and 3,965 hares killed but| Mr. and Mrs. Victor Haldeman and
row, built r ly to work with the? with the Fordson to the end of growing these represented only a small per-!daughter of New Jersey, were Sun-

Fordsor considered a most neces- better cr lcentage of the Runters. day visitors to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
eI + by thousands of Amer- ‘ ' | The number of squirrels killed is’, Haldeman.
| ary mf is Oy mousang \Jt provides fast, thorough and deep seed- estimated at 750,000. This is based| My. and Mrs. Frank Riddle and
ican farmers. . bed prepa That is why you will on reports from 7.79 per cent. of tw, children of the Capitol City
Discing with the Fordsen and a Roderick want onc with 3 son, Then, too, Yeensed hunters who reported 89,419 {visited in the home of Mr. Jacob Zel-
? Lean Automatic Disc Harrow, just after thefe are Roderick Leanspike tooth i Sores Milled oS is gh a ler on Sunday.
x SA IgE ANY AE i estime SC 3) ( er AT 2 - hiss i,
/ the harvest, enables the plow to turn all tooth and or hard harrow spe gore shot ineladed: Grouse, 425.000: pir id 3 Taco Li hy Mis
trash well under where it will improve built towork with the Fordson. blackbirds, 175,000; weasels, 53,873; Ruth Evorsole and | E Frank Klug
visited Mr, in Ishler and family a
quail, 48,625; wild geese and ducks,
24,000; ring neck pheasants, 23,000;
the soil. It also prevents the loss of

\ 1
Oliver Plows and Amsco Tractor Drills, Hummelstown.
moisture by evaporation and makes the built purposely for use with the Fordson, raccoons. 21.000: shore birds. 32 Mr. Joh and daughter
land fit for plowing at any time, are also a pai of good Fordson farming. 000. The hunters reported 1,163 Fannie of Manor, spent several days
Then after plowing the Roderick Lean Like the Rodefck Lean Au deer and 116 bears killed while the |2t the home of his daughter, Mrs.
actual number shot, the commission’s | Christian Malehorn.
records show, was 3,300 deer and 420 Mrs. Elizabeth Sheaffer, son Earl
bears. ind daughter Mary visited her daugh-
—————— ter, Mrs. Ec Harris-
Harrow, they ar8controlled by the oper.
ator from the tractr seat. Sc¢ the Ford.
son Dealer in your tQwn.
Automatic Disc Harrow will make pos-
sible the sort of seedbed that means a
better crop. The Roderick Lean Auto-

Who Wants a Farm burg or
I have for sale an 88iacre farm in
West township, that is, be- | oop
yond a dobut, the best farm of its
samuel Crowl

j . : lay at Landis vith
833-845 South Market Street ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNA. size I have ever offered. Limestone A Gore, y
\ land excellent producer, good build- % : : Ror 5 i ' tout
ings, excellent location. Must be seen Mrs. John Raffensberger received
Bell Phone 77 Ind. Phone 605A. A to be appreciated. J. E. Schroll, Mt. | word from her brother, Mr. Levi Fis-
3 . Joy. ¥¥N sel who resides at Sperting Hill, that
meme== lhe had several ribs broken while do-

ling carpenter work at Philadelphia,
last week for the P. R. R. Co.
A birthday surprise was given in
honor of Mrs. John A. Raffensperger
at her home on Monday evening.


Make your Im—-
provements before
Mildred Booth |



the Rush Comes
Everybody is getting ready to build, rebuild and repair.
Very soon the big rush will be on. Labor and ma=
terials will be tied up. Avoid delays, worries and
expense, by starting your work right away.


And plan to do it right—permanently. Use concrete
—fireproof, sanitary, everlasting—requires no painting,
no repairs.


Come in and talk over with us what you have to do.
Let us give yau a useful Service Sheet of suggestions
and directions for

Driveway Spring House Fence Posts
Small Bridges Manure Pit Garages
Culvert Barns and Silos Porch, Cellar and
Storage Cellar Poultry House Stable Floors
or any one of 20 other improvements.
Call, write or phone us for thie sheet you want.
E. H. ZERCHER, Mount Joy, Pa




Everybody to call and inspect
our new Spring line of
For The Whole Family
Have also'xeceived a fine line of
Ladies’ and Misses’ Waists, Skirts
Dresses, Millinery, Coats and other
wearing apparel.
H. Laskewitz

East Main Street,

8 Yep N —
nelhicksiou've Got E
h more and lose time and money. It
cans right feeding and right digestion—
wih.” And the easy way to be sure
to give them the ideal feed for
“ Buttermilk
P ratts Baby Chick Food

This “baby food for habWwchicks” contains exactly
the things most needed to%uild bone, muscle and
feather, to prevent common chick diseases, to make
chicks live and grow fast.
Prof. of Pogltry Husbandry,
Clemson Collége, S. C., writes
“We have bop using Pratis
Baby Chick Foothand are very
well pleased withige. 1 think
that it 1a the besPhaby chick
mash on the market tolgy

would gl
anyon th
only used it for
Sor those five to seven weeks old.’
Test Pratts Buttermilk Baby Chick Food at our risk
““Your Money Back if YOU Are Not Satisfied’
H. S. Newcomer
Mount Joy, Pa.

i yl ie TC J
Hay Flats, Tobacte Ladders, Wagon Bodies, Wheelbarrows, Ma-

mfr Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
a . ¥ George Fissel, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph |
> 3 Te > - Horting, of Landis Valley, Mrs. Sue |
l= 4 Fissel of Sporting Hill, Mrs, Mary
Fissel, of Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs
a ; Norman Fissel and daughter Eleanor
Bs of Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. John Guhl
N of Florin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shoe- |
tn maker of Florin, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac |
| Hollinger of ems, Mr. and Mrs, |
OS | Samuel Crowl and daughter Mildred |
+P | Elizabeth of Florin. The evening |
3a 9 i |
| i ; was enjoyed by all and at a reason- |
WW O as qui {able hour a fine luncheon was served.
Bh (hpi. |
@ Hear Heart Yards Away.
5 2 An amplifying appura lescribed
nn Ol if as so delicate as to permit a physician
si | In one city to make a stethoscopl
study of the heart action of a patient
& | hundreds of miles away, was demon-
| strated to a group of army and civil
«= sm [ tan medical men at the army signal
eS : | corps laboratories at Washington, The
r | principle involved is similar to that
| used in transmitting President Hard-
LONG about this time of year a man finds his motor- | ing's Inaugural address,
7 io} : i { { | i amonstratio g directe y
\ ing neighbors getting anxious about their tires. | rts Hn i th ; wa 2 o 4 by
- : : - i“ ” : rig. Gen. eorge Squier, chier sig
\ With folks expecting old tires to “pop” any minute, | oes, The stethoscoplc apoATRFUS, i
there comes the question of what kind of new ones to buy. | with electrical connection, was placed
OQ i : 3 : over the heart of one of the laboratory
U. S. Tires are answering a lot of questions like this : OT
nowadays. THE U. S. NOBBY TREAD | plified mwny Hiousanils’ of foes,
2 % 3 Where the going is specially heavy with snow, | emerging from a Ho horn ang
. ‘ > mud or sand, in hilly country where maximum heard distinctly and studied by the
The U. S. Tire following embraces two kinds of traction on the road is a factor, no other tire | physicians In a room some distance
i 7x 2 tread yet devised is quite so effective, or so | ; that i hich the subject was
fe Dupes saried ith tity Arst. and Rave never Say sopisval by motoring opinion, as the | from 4 wat In wh 1 1b Je
ose who started with quality first, a ve ne . S. Nobby Tread. EL ae
bought anything else but the quality standard tire. A A I Si a eee | Making of a Language.
Those who came to quality first only after dabbling —is the result of all the years of U.S. Rubber ex- That the slang and idioms of today
with “bargains ” “rebates,” “job lot” and “surplus stock” perience with avery typeof road the world over. | will: be correct English tomorrow is
i : ? , | the opinion of Prof. H. Glicksman of
tires. ) the English department, Unlversity of
* % 3 Wisconsin. “Our language is made up
i “\ . . | of what was once slang, idiom, col-
Getting one hundred cents value on the dollar in tire ARETE itd Sri ie SAAT TOY,
buying is a straight-forward business proposition — not | and warned that the only deplorable
guess-work or a game of wits. \ . eats about Rang 75 148 tenancy
. . | to produce mental siove ORS, fe.
The most essential man for you to know today is the | fessor Glicksmun then referred to the
local U. S. Tire dealer who is concentrating ona full, { word “mob” as slang of 200 years ago
i { i ' | and as such denounced in the “Spec-
completely sized line of uU. S. Tires, eX , . tator’” by Addison, “It is an abbrevi-
He gets his U. S. Tires straight from his neighboring | ation of the word ‘mobile.’ Even so
U. S. Tire Factory Branch —-one of 92 such Branches the word ‘pep i Yi and rate and
5 a : \ | will survive with the word ‘smappy.’
established and maintained all over the country by the re apy
U. S. Tire makers. , | free from vulgarity and cheapness,”
: * J * h said Professor Glicksman,
He is the man who can give you fresh, live tires—not |." Lymph tor infectious Pevers,
stuff shipped to him from some point where 1t did not * * | Dr. Artault de Vevey told the Seo
sell, but new tires of current production. | clete de Therapeutique of Paris at a
iors i i "yr | recent meeting that he had had great
Giving the same quality, selectionand price-advantage : EE En Tal
y % * to the owner of the medium weight car as the big car \, os a | cases of Infectious diseases such-as
. . . \ hh essential man Pray
owner gets. With equal service and buying opportunity you to know (oday in the tire | influenza and; puerperal fever by in-
: : iti uSiness is your. Jacal U. 8. | jecting the patient with his own
Tire Dealer. |
whether he lives in the smaller localities or the greater a,
centers of population. y also succeeded with it in rheumatism,
\ | cholera, facial neuralgia, appendicitis
\ { 1 other such troubles
® S \ | anc .
LU y
i el . 4 1 \ {
nN 2 £ 3 | ®
t | \ Patronize Our
nite ates @» Kupper Lompan a"
np || Advertisers
Ed. Ream I . I ranck Schock They are all
boosters and
{ MOUNT JOY, PENNA. deserve your

; || business.


3 Manufacturer of and Dealer in »
Light and Heavy Wagons
nure Sleds, Wheels cuit down and fit with tires, New Axles, New
Tongues, Wagon Hounds, and all parts of wagons.
See Smith’s Steel Wheel Low Down
Special $39.00 and up
Tobacco Labbers at $1 per foot
TERMS: Cash—Satisfaction GuarSuteed
J. C. SMITH "\
RHEEMS, PA. April 3mo.