| ] | . Showalter, VOLUME XX NO. 40 If you wail the business you must reach the buyer and in order fo do that the best and most economic way is thru our alvertising column. Try it and convince ours JAKE BROWN HAS A REAL DIAMOND ONE OF THE FINEST ATHLETIC FIELDS IN THIS SECTION AND THE BEST ONE EVER ARRANGED AT MT. JOY V This section has one of the finest and best arranged athletic fields in the county and all credit is due to Jacob G. Brown, proprietor of the confectionery and cigar store at the corner of Main and Manheim streets. “Jake” has always had a ‘“hanker- ing” toward athletics and the past few years has had his own base ball team, always bearing the financial blunt himself. Last year he had a good team, but his diamond was a limited plot. Determined to have a real athletic field this year, he started out by pur- chasing about ten acres of level ground in Mount Joy township, mid- way between here and Florin, and just outside the boro limits. He set aside about six acres of said plot for athletics and now has a real base ball diamond. He built a modern grandstand, un- der roof, for about two hundred peo- ple and has bleachers erected for seating hundred | are two even a for having five about three hundred, capacity for at least people. In addition there ‘pits’ for the players and special box over the grandstand the scorers. A base ball team. has been or- ganized and will be known Brown’s Athletic Club. The team as ‘jover. ENTIRE END OF A STONE | HOUSE FALLS DOWN Shortly after ten o'clock Sunday morning the residence of Mr. George Howard, at Florin, Mount Joy town- ship, resembled a scene in San Fran- cisco after the recent earthquake, when hundreds of Mr. Howard has an ancient stone house and the presumption is that the heavy rains of Friday night and Sat- urday weakened the earth about the foundation and suddenly the entire south end of the dwelling fell out. This occurred while the members of the family were in the house but for- tunately no one was injured. When the neighbors learned of Mr. Howard’s misfortune, they donned their overalls and at noon all his household effects were removed to the hall building there, where he will! reside until the house is rebuilt. He will begin work immediately on razing his present dwelling and will rebuild it. The new dwelling will be located on the west corner of his lot instead of where it is at present. ——— C— eee me MANY ARE ANXIOUS TO KNOW WHO IT WILL BE The term of our postmaster, Mr. J. Willis Freed, expired some time ago. He was an applicant for ment, but for some reason or other was not as yet appointed. Since the presidency has changed, channels for Republicans and while will play its initial gajne here on Sat- urday, April 30 and will have the | Moose Reserves, of Columbia, as the | attraction. In addition there will a flag raising and a band will be in attendance. The following players will partici- pate in the opener, Joe Breneman, Solon Barr, Lee Ellis, G. Milter, Mike A. Myers, G. Dommel, R. Myers, R. Bennett, Roy Pennel and others. Any one in this entire sec- tion thal: wishes to try for the team is welcome to come out. In addition to base ball, there will also be foot ball, tennis, trap shoot- ing, ete. At present Mr. Brown is be having a refreshment stand erected. These grounds are outside the boro and as week-end sports are soy... ;,", ciaple near a cow that had very popular at Marietta, Lancaster, butted the heifer. The heifer’s leg | Reading and nearly all the large... y xon last fall and as the frac cities, it has been : whispered that ture did not heal, the Court advised there will be something doing here. tht she he Killed now. This Leven Whether or no this be true, this ight promised to have done and the field will surely put Mt. Joy, Florin, Court directed that a verdict of not and this entire community on the guilty, with cost on the county be athletic map in the future. rrr AE A rn A LARGE ATTENDANCE AT C. OF G. RECEPTION There was a large attendance at the reception to the new members in the Church of God last Wednesday evening. Refreshments were served and all present enjoyed the occasion. Women’s Society home of Mrs. bethtwn, a few opened by the chairlady, plicant, we have heard these names mentioned as his successor: Mr. J Fred. Fenstermacher, a former post- master; Mr. John W. Eshleman, for merly the head of the Grey Iron Works here; Nr. P. Franck Schock, son of Burgess YI. C. Schock and Mr. C. N. Mumma, {formerly a Council- man from the West Ward. Many of {our citizens are awaiting with in- terest the appointment of Mount Joy's next postmaster. rr al re LEVENIGHT NOT GUILTY OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS The Commonwealth against J. H. Levenight, of Elizabeth- town, charged with eruelty to ani- mals, was heard at the Lancaster court on Wednesday. The testimony of various witnesses for the prosecu- tion was to the effect that Leven- ight had kept a heifer with a broken case of the returned. lf ns MT. JOY TOWNSHIP FARM WOMEN’S SOCIETY MET The Joy township Farm' No. 6 met at the Harry Lehn near Eliza- days ago, and was Mrs. Harry! Mount houses toppled reappoint- | it opened | the present incumbent is still an ap-!g, Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, April 27, 1921 GENERAL NEWS FOR | FROM ALL OVER THE COUN- TRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF BUSY PEOPLE The State Legislature will adjourr tomorrow. Ephrata is planning for a big cele bration on July 4th. Mrs. Alex Kramer is about agair after a short illness. There are 1,801 pupils in the pub lic schools at Columbia. ter being confined to his home. by paying 200 million gold marks. The mercury {day and I hot. | Arthur Hershey {dence { paint. | Five automobiles i Harrisburg last and Sunday. | The Willing jon Tuesday ev | Mrs. everybody thought were Saturday Workers ening at Paul Peifer. the QUICK READING INTERESTING HAPPENINGS Irvin Geistweit is about again af- Germany wants to square its debt reached 05 oy Memn- it was is having his resi- beautified with a fresh coat of stolen at | by evening Society met home of | POLICE CAPTURE PAIR AFTER LENGTHY CHASE Scotland Yard world over, will get you the vanian State constabulary you anywhere in the Keystone State. Witness: Harry E. Eby and wife, lately employed as handy man and cook, respectively, have been arrested in Pottstown after a chase over , | many sections of eastern Pennsyl- vania. Eby and his wife were em- - | ployed at the Sycamore Hotel, Lan- disville, by H. S. Nissley. Several , | weeks ago they took French leave with the better part of the Nissley . | chinaware. Landisville, to Lancaster, to York, to Columbia, to Reading, to Allentown and eventually apprehended them in Pottstown. The couple were traced through a truck which they shipped to the various places mentioned. Corporal Santee,. accompanied by Mrs. Nissley, have gone to Pottstown to identify the couple and bring them to Lancaster. They are being held Troop C police. They will be tried by Alderman Spurrier upon their ar- rival. ——— COMMENCEMENT AT The printers at Lancaster have re- fused to accept a cut in wages and a MILTON GROVE HIGH Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Arntz cele- : br their fifth wedding anniver- — St Wednesday, +. |REV. HAESSLER DELIVERED AN Fouby took - Wis diushter | "pNCFILENY . ADDRESS TO > the St. Joseph's Hospital THE GRADUATES LAST fot dzentmen . THURSDAY EVENING of the mploves of the een —— B: Chocolate Company have Fhe fifteenth annual commence been reduced five per cent. t exercises of the Milton Grove Varren Bentzel was ill several | High School were held in the High lays. He j a bookkeeper at the Scho 1 t Thursday evening Union National De k here | The cho room was beautifully Mr. Philip R. Greiner and son Wa fh rated nd there was a large ter extended the porch on the wes lience present to witness ren- side of the residence of Miss Mary | dition of the following program Kul which was well given: The body fs a mutilated white Overture and March, (a) Come baby, w both arms and one leg | Thou Almighty King. severed, was found in a cesspool at Invocation, Rev. Haessler. Coatesville. Music, High School, Summer, Two hundred acres of timber land | Comes Again. on the Welsh Mountains between Salutatory Oratfon—Preparation Redwell and Greenbank, was burned {the Kevnote to Success, Gertrude over last week. Young. The painters are busy painting the Manheim Male Quartette. W. D. Detwiler property on West Oration, Consolidation of Schools, Main street, which adds much beaaty | 0. K. Young to his residence. “lute Solo, Mr. Haessler, Jr. Joseph Macrino, an expert shoe- Oration, Organizations of Amer- maker, has accepted a position with {ican Women. Harry Laskewitz in his shoe repair- (Class Poem, Paul Earhart. ing department. Several of the Lancaster bakers re- duced bread to 8 cents a loaf and at Harrisburg a number of them are down to 7% cents. J. M. McCaskey is moving from the Scheck property on Marie tta street to the property vacated by L. I. Loghry on Columbia Avenue. Edwin birthday anniversary He accepted a position with Hy M. Seaman, the shoe repair man here. A large auto truck driven by John on Saturday. In addition, the following program Lehn, Mrs. Ezra Martin read the Flory, of Lancaster, rolled down over was rendered: Organ Voluntary, Mrs. Scripture Joeson. Mist Snrsan Engle 2 Steep embankment when th steer- J. K. Stauffer; Hymn 35, Congre-|.. 40.04 an instrumental solo, ‘which Ing apparatus broke at Kissel Hill. gation; Prayer; Solo, Miss Haw-| oe 110ved by a duet by Misses The truck caught fire and was com- thorne; Solo, Miss MacDannald; Re- Dora Harley and Marearet Lehn, (pletely destroved. The driver es citation, Miss Bear; Solo, Mr. H. S. Miss Moc Musser sang a beautiful caped with slight bruises. MacDannald; Det, ig Brapage solo. A very interesting talk was | ——— a; ading, Mrs. R. J. : ge Mrs. Staffer and Mis |€iven by Mrs. Abram Wolgemuth on 4, ANNUAL OBSERVANCE : gardening. The next meeting will be | Shookers; Men’s Chorus; Duet, Mrs. held at the home of Mrs. Allen Coble, oF CHILDREN’S WEEK Shires and Mrs. Shickley; Social PEER Hour. crm ee Gl Ire These Are Real Taxes Some people object to paying an 8 to 10 mill tax in this community and we are sort of anxious to know what they would say if they lived in |; Atlantic City. There the tax rate was increased 58 cents over last year, making it $3.34 per hundred dollars of assessment. The borough y ! of township, and the consideration is Longport, not far distant, is the lg174 50. It was a part of an original highest in the state being $8.47 per |{...t of 236 acres. : hundred. ’ — ta —e— \/ Ladies’ Bible Class Met We Can Beat That y The monthly meeting of the There were 21 applicants for the |y,4ie5 Bible class of the United principalship of the Elizabethtown | pyangelical church was held on High School, which was made vacant by the election of Prof. E. A. Au- miller as one of the deputy county superintendents. When Prof. C. E. Roudabush resigned here several vears ago, Prof. A. P. Mylin was elected as his successor from forty- five applicants. 5 = eee ell Deere \ Hoffman Buys Wagon Works" Bids were submitted to the local east of Elizabethtown, at the Lancaster county court was given March 30, Eshleman to Jacob Shirk, it is for al twelve-acre tract of land in Donegal | Lancaster County Sabbath School As- Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bookman. part of the evening a regular busi- ness session was held. indulged in and an enjoyable evening was spent. of many dainties. { on May 7th. | al Qe eee, + i 100-YEAR-OLD DEED IS RECEIVED FOR RECORD | Among the deeds left for r cord | ouse | ast week is one a century old. It | 1821, by Jacob The early Games were A luncheon was served a, PS -P ~ - BIRTHS ~ - Mr. and Mrs. Newpher Garber on The fourth tal observance of ~{ Children’s week under the direction of the International Sunday School Association and promoted by the | Pennsylvania State Sabbath School Association will be observed on Tues- day evening, May 3rd at 7:30 o'clock in the Pr esbyterian church here. An interesting program has been pre- pared. Prof. Ober, President of the sociation, will conduct a conference with the following outline: The Sun- day School Superintendent, His quali- fications, His Opportunities, His Re- sponsibility. Sunday School Teacher, Qualifications, Opportunities. The Or- ganized Class, The Teacher's Meet- ing, The Sunday school as a factor in community development for Chris- tian citizenship. All Sunday school workers and those interested in Sun- day school work are urged to come. ee rrr \ Many on Excursion J The excursion to Baltimore and Washington, D. C., over the P. R. R. on Sunday was one of the best patronized here for a long time. 0 North Barbara street, announce the [Forty-one tickets were sold to ex- court for the Columbia Wagon [pirth of a son. cursionists and all seemed pleased Works and the award made to the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edwards. on {with the trip which was made via highest bidder, M. R. Hoffman, at his bid of $210,000, the sale to be con- North Barbara birth of a daughter. street, announce the Harrisburg, York and ing and returning via Baltimore go- Havredegrass, firmed in ten days. The sale involves Mr. and "Mrs. Martin Newcomer, | pot Deposit, ColumBia and Diller the plant, the stock, good will and [on North Barbara street, announce ville ? : assets of the plant at Columbia. the birth of a dauchter. 2 — SW Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Hickernell Home From Hospital announce the birth of a daughter, Entertained the Class Mrs. Jno. M. Rhoads of near Hos- sler’s church, whose leg was broken recently, and who had been at the Lancaster General Hospital, is home and getting along very nicely. She is now about on crutches. \ Doris Vivian at the home of Mr. Mrs. H. M. . ie) lems 0 and Seaman. Frank & Bros.” Next Sale Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hoffman, of 3ainbridge, entertained the members the Bainbridge High School several friends on Sunday in celebra- and C. S. Frank & Bro. will hold their|tion of the sixteenth birthday anni- next sale of live stock at the Florin {versary of their daughter, Her Grace. - a ~\ Hotel, Florin, Pa. on Friday, April father presented her with . gots Vestival on. Saturday 29, when they will sell a lot of aka, 2nd Se ) High § e ol Lawn thiste Clab will hold a Lykens Valley and Lancaster County Ve a 20nq1e oF jcarnshions. lg hl it the park here on cove. Also a few stock bulls and |elegant dinner was served. grand stiva ark i G —— Qe A evening, April 30. A band bologna cows. tf will be present and a good time is in . ; : . Will Discuss Warehouse store for all. There will be any and Elizabethtown’s Union Picnic The farmers of Maytown, East everything to eat so come. Tl ————————— Taken to Hospital Jacob Risser, a prominent citizen of Maytown, has been taken to the Lancaster General Hospital for treat- ment. He is associated with his brother, Al Risser, in the leaf to- bacco business. t union picnic to be held on Wednes- day, July P. Hoffman, Landisville. Plans are being perfected for the 13, at Hershey Park, by he Sunday schools of Elizabethtown. rr tee A A Ire Marriage Licenses Frank E. Strohl, Florin, and Edna Donegal and vicinity are asked to as- semble in the this Wednesday evening, April 27th, at which time a number of prominent speakers will be present and it will be decided at this want a bonded house system. Maytown Band Hall time whether they or community ware- Walters celebrated his 21st* Address to Gr: lev, Haess- ler. Manheim Male Valedictory Oration, Louisa Thome. Class Song, Seniors. Class Will, Charles Koser. Granting of C. G. Becker. Benediction. The class graduates Gertrude Young, Louisa zie Stern, Clayton Young, Charles Koser, Paul Earhart. Prof. Charles G. Becker, is principal of the school erent A Qe eee BORO COUNCIL BUYS 500 FEET OF NEW FIRE HOSE wduates, Quartette Self Rel lance, Diplomas, Principal, were: Mjsses Thome, Liz- Thru Chief of the Department C. N. Mumma, there was a recent re- quest for additional fire hose. A committee was recently appointed by Council to get bids on same and on Friday evening Chairman H. S. New- comer called that body into special session for the purpose of hearing the bids and taking such action as Coun- cil saw fit. Mr. Coffin, of the B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company, quoted $1.15 per foot less a discount of 15 per cent. Also an additional saving of $3.50 per section of 50 feet provided we furnish our own couplings. Mr. Stafford, of the Goodyear Rub- ber Co., quoted $1.15 per foot net. Mr. Smith of the Eureka Hose Company quoted $1.40 per foot. After some consideration council placed an order with the Goodrich Rubber Company for 500 feet of hose of a double cotton jacket and of six-ply rubber construction as per quotation above. The new hose will be immediately shipped ‘which will be in about ten days. = re lA re 25th Anniversary The Missionary Societies of the Lancaster Conference of the Luth- eran Church are making preparations for the celebration of their twenty- fifth anniversary on Thursday even- ing, May the fifth. The service will be held in Trinity Lutheran Church, Lancaster, and the special address will be by Mrs. E. C. Cronk of New York, whose subject will be “Facing the Future.” It May Become a Law The administration fishermen’s li- nse bill providing a one dollar Ii cense with a ten cent issuance fee, one of the much di bills of discussed the session, passed by Ce in the Senate 33 to 15 and was sent to the House concurrence, . wn etl A At \ There May Be More ~ According to the statistics of the state there are 260,760 unemployed men in Pennsylvania. If the printers insist on a 44-hour week there will for be a lot more men out of work af- ter May 1st. a cmt IIa ¢ A Package Surprise A package surprise was tendered Miss Ada Sprout on Tuesday in honor of her birthday. She wishes to thank all who so kindly remermbered her. say Londoners, and Penn- sylvanians can add that the Pennsyl- will get State police traced the couple from | = WOMEN PLAN TO HOLD BIG REUNION OUR WEEKLY CARD BASKET 7 The Farm Women's Society No. 2 Rapho township has been boost- IN THIS LOCALITY ship when many of the former pupils land teachers met and held the first Mr. Thomas Bennett is home after | meeting of its kind in this section. an extensive western trip. : | The reunion proved successful and Mr, Paul Fry visited his parents steps were taken to make this oc- over the week-end at Lititz. | casion a yearly event. Miss Ida Greenawalt spent Sunday The Society arranged a similar at Lancaster with friends. event to take place on May 14th, the Mr. and Mrs. William Weldon | regular date of the Farm Women’s spent Sunday at Washington, D. C. Society when the following program Miss Mary Bender, of Lancaster, [will be rendered: Song, audience; in- [spent Sunday with Fred Bucher and | vocation, John K. Miller; address of family. | Welcome, H. A. Merkey; Roll Call { Miss Rhoda Matteras, of Ivonville, |and reading of the minutes, Secre- spent Sunday with Miss Pauline Mec- | tary; recitation, Benjamin G. Becker; Danans Spon : Pantomime, Alida Meiley; duet, Miss udgar Dyer and brother-in-law of Lydia M. Lawrence and Mrs. Ruth | Lancaster, were Wednesday guests of | Mackey; recitation, Miss Anna Engle, relatives here. aa lof Grantham; Song, “Should Auld = Miss Sadie May of Salunga, spent | Acquaintances be forgot,” Audience: Fhursday evening the guest of Miss address, Prof, H. K. Ober, Elizabeth- Mary Kramer. ; . town; offering; song, “God Be With : H. K. Nissly arrived home from | You till we Meet Again.” Cape Charles, Vir.,, where he visited The Society urges every teacher for some time. [who taught at this school and every County Superintendent Dr. Daniel | pupil who ever attended here to be Fleisher Is visiting our borough | present, bring lunch and make this | S( hools today. : reunion one to be long remembered. Mrs. Emil A, Meye rs of Lancaster, | The program will be rendered in the : the guest of Ber parents, Mr. and | afternoon and at the close a social Irs. C. S. Gingrich. period will be spent during the lunch Miss Louisa Rhoads spent the hout. > : week-end at Middleto , with her sis- a Mrs. G. Plott. Trt ee . . y DATS fv Lo 5 | THIS FLIVVER JUST Mr. John K. Kover, of Route 2, ih " IVS fio oY a TOPPLED UPSIDE DOWN itz, spel several days here with p V and friends. 0 r Geo VI Maric Carson and Mary |p. hio Gh Ut sy Sunday near H Dre A iri ut way down ey n a trip \Y tc Mr. Se Ricker of Philade Ey ] 1 faster th hi: e time with 1 : been ¥ this 106, ou oral tour is on Mr. a Vy Milton Schwanger |. = a. ia an: hiz wif na So Walter and Lloyd pent Fi id : . > Si ig : ) ! jfand son, who refused to give inday at E abethtown. 1 Li eli : | \ , sim 1 that he was Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Greenewalt and | . ‘ i . ; : : | from Harrisburg, went down said ghter Virginia, spent Sunday at 1 . 3} | f : |erade tc fast and in ing the ctown with friends. turn + toto his “Liz 11 1 : . us a : ( etour his Azzie”’ turnec Minnie Kirchland, of Harris- i ! th : nN th : a . )S dow hrowinge all the occu- spent Sunday with her parents, | , a A : ! , hitre out but only bruising them. d Mrs. James Way. Peoy Nor . attracted 1 the 3 " , eople were oon a acte( 0 » i Miss Nedra Diffenderfer spent] 1 : : . : : tid eR | scene, they assisted in turning the car | Sunday at Elizabethtown with her | 1 ' | a : back on its wheels again, the old man { uncle, William Cunningham. ed vied. off went the motor and 8 { . ! ar ( ) ven the 1010 and 1¢ | Mrs. Jacob Nagle and son John of Eran vm led ; thei orn : svi .t arty proceeded on er ney Elizabethtown, spent Friday at the [pan a v for thels Jor > . ) 3 » the worse for elr experience { home of Mrs. Jacob Nagle. are lB ier ¥penl Mrs. Carry Martin, of Philadel- phia, spent Sunday with Della Car-| Held a Social : penter on New Haven street. | A social was held by the Ladies’ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bryan and son |ar d Men’s Bible Classes of the Presby attended the funeral of Mr. Bryan’s|terian church of this place on Thurs- mother at Witmer, on Monday. aa iy evening at the church. Rev. Mrs. Ellen Herr and daughter |Harry Ulrich of the Bethany Presby- Myrtle Armanda and Mrs. Henry |terian church of Lancaster, addressed Wittle spent Sunday at Salunga. the meeting. This is part of a gen- Mr. Clarence Campbell of Lancas-|eral movement instituted by the ter is spending some time with his Men's Federation at their last meet- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Camp- {Ing, to increase the membership of bell. the Men’s Bible Class. There were Mr. and Mrs. John Suydam, of [quite a large number present and all Brooklyn, N. Y., are spending a few |had an enjoyable evening. A special days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lieber- [program was rendered; Miss Mary her. Moyer gave a reading while Miss Miss Louisa Thome, of Milton [Brubaker also rendered several read- Grove, spent the week-end with her |ings. Games were indulged in and uncle, Dr. W. M. Thome and fam- [refreshments served. ily. etl meme Mr. Geo. Groff is spending a few | MAKING GOOD PROGRESS v days on the farm of his brother Mr. Harvey Sheaffer, north of Elizabeth- town. Mr. FOR OUR BIG CELEBRATION The committee of Sons of Veterans and Mrs. Harry Carpenter of |in charge of arrangements for Mem- Lancaster, spent Sunday with Mr. [orial Day are making good progress. and Mrs. Harry Weidman of this|They have secured Burger's Military place. Band of Lancaster, the Manheim Miss Ruth Conrad and Roy Farm-|Band, the Mount Joy Band and the er, of Lancaster, spent Sunday with | American Legion Drum Corps. The her brother, William Conrad and |following bodies have replied to in- family. vitations and signified their intention Dr. and Mrs. W. Wright and son|to be in the parade: American Richard and daughter Helen, of Har-|Legion, Friendship Fire Co. No. 1, risburg, spent Sunday here among |Boy Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, Schools, relatives. Red Men, besides the Grand Army Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greenawalt, of |and Sons of Veterans. Several other Harrisburg, spent Sunday the guests |organizations will take action in the of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mar- | near future. tin Strickler. sms vse Mi wmeeasincne Mr. and Mrs. John Sumpman and About Our Fishermen two daughters, of Salunga, spent Messrs. Fred A. Farmer Jos. R. Sunday with Mrs. Cyrus Foreman, |Charles and Benj. Herr spent several of this place. days at Mont Alto at their camp. Mr and Mrs. John H. Stoll who while there they angled for speckeled have been visiting for some time atlpeauties and landed thirteen fine Oak Park, Illinois, returned home [{14ut. last Wednesday. ; Last Wednesday Mr. P. FE. Got Mr. and Mrs. Amos Good and|ang the scribe spent several hours daughter Kathryn and son Clayton, | noling for trout. They caught four, of Naumanstown, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Geib and daughters Anna and Emma, spent Sunday at Milton Grove with William Christ and family. 12, 13 and 16 in- The latter weighing they being 111%, ches in length. two pounds. ~~ +t Farm Women Will Meet granddaughter Marion, snent Sunday | Sam and stationed at Camp Holabird with Roy Hoffman and family, near | Md. town. | Mrs. Philip Deiter, Misses Lizzie Mrs. Sarah Brown, Mrs. Wallace |. and Marian Deiter and Xathry Graham and Miss Ruth Brown, of | Fortenbaugh Mr. Guy Tweed all of Carlisle, spent several days here, the | Lancaster and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur guests of Mr. and Mrs. William | | Hershey and son of this place, spent Brown. | Sunday at Harrisburg, visiting with Miss Bertha Wertz, arrived home | Mr. Roy Deiter. | i) The Society of Farm Women No Mrs. James Fisher and daughter, : y ? Rice ; a {4 will meet at the home of Miss Marie, of York and Mrs. Harry : Yay . a . [Anna Reist, near town, on Saturday Brandt spent Sunday with Mr. and | ’ 3 : : afternoon, April 30 Mrs. Harry Mrs. John Greenawalt. a: a0] vy | Lichty, one of the members, will Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tyson and son . ro Abeta : fo a talk on Objects and Aims of John, Miss Lizzie Fenstermacher Miss rm Wome) 3. m 0 ‘nN Miriam Fenninger motored to Har-| it _— a risburg, Thursday evening. Tt | Den: oto ea ¢ Mr. Clayton Sprout and Miss | urs ave } enyer A % rad the 1a) Sra the winter there. She Bertha Miller spent Sunday at Hum- | ©! Dn De Yinhey od Sh | melstown, the guests of the former's ; Ly he Say Net Hi t 5 Yad ther m 7 rs. Fran} [ershev sister, Mrs. Edward Hassler. ag hyn! ie} \ ! EL ere) . ov " ~~ 3 | *. and ra Jolean Shicklex Miss Anna Shgnk, Mr. Ephraim | 2 an TR Ir 4 a " we daughter a Fls Eshleman, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wit- M igh o ne Ts : . : . and Mrs. x S mer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. bo 1 ey : : : ~ {dunaay with Te na Alvin Shonk, at Washington, D. C. hday wi rs vie Mrs. D. K ar 1beth Misses Gladys Rote and Miriam |, = oy. Fenninger returned home to Lancas- | Mrs. Joh Arndt, Mrs. Alpheus ter after spending some time with | Rh ve and uchter Laura and Mr an Ir Tad ag 5 nt Laura and M Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fenstermacher |M: tin J. Metzler spent Sunday a Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hoffer and | {Baltimore where they ited Ro daughters Anna and Rachel and] | Arndt, who is in the service of Uncle {ing the community since their or- PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE | & nization. Almost one year ago the Society planned a reunion at the MANY COMERS AND DOERS | Chestnut Grove school in that town- | Tuesday from pneumonia, aged T1 | | | | $150 a Year in Advance OUR MORTUARY RECORDINGS MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPLE ——s HAVE PASSED TO THE GREAT BEYOND Abram F. Maze died at Manheim, years. Mrs. Alice, wife of Robert Crane, formerly of Columbia, died at Ger- mantown. - The remains of James McKain, who died at Marietta, were taken to Middletown for interment. Mrs. Catherine L., wife of Charles C. Franciscus of Marietta, died Fri- day evening at the Lancaster General Hospital, aged 66 years. ~~ 7 a James McKain died suddenly on Friday noon at his home in Marietta. He was 70 years old and death was due to neuralgia of the heart. Mrs. Emma C., wife of Harry J. Minnich, formerly of Columbia, died suddenly at Philadelphia. The body will be interred at Columbia. Mrs. Ellen Jordon Word reached Marietta announcing |the death of Mrs. Ellen Jordon, wife f Henry Jordon, which occurred at Zion View on Monday, after’ an ill- ness of about nine days. Her hus- hats d and six children survive as well as her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Breneman, one sister and three brother | George Roland George Roland, of West Donegal wnship, died Monday morning at Lancaster General Hospital, ineral services will be held tomor- POW ernoon at 3:30 o’clock from Bossler’s Church, West Donegal wnship, with interment in the ad- joining cemetery. Mrs. Nora Hill Word reached this section an- nounc ing the death of Mrs. Nora Hill, of Waldon, New York. Deceased was born in Maytown, her maiden name being Buller. She left Maytown about twenty years ago. Death was due to a complication of diseases-af- ter a long illness. Mrs. Sarah Klugh, of Maytown, is a niece and among She was buried in the last the Waldon. survivors. cemetery at Edgar Hershey The body of Edgar Hershey, who killed Sunday morning when struck by an overhead bridge on the Reading railroad, near Maiden Creek, Berks county, was taken to Columbia and removed to the home of his un- was cle, H. J. Freeland. Later the body was taken to Silver Spring, where services were held in the United Brethren church. Interment was made in the adjacent cemetery. rrr rere CASES DECIDED IN COURT OF INTEREST AROUND HERE This is another busy week at Court and cases of local interest that - were settled are as follows: In the case of Ralph Scattergood Tire Company, against John H. Ty- son, of this place, a non-suit was en- tered. Mr. Tyson was formerly in the auto accessory busineis on East Main street here. He bought about $1,000 worth of tires from the above concern with the understanding t} they would guarantee them. Mr. T son sold several tires, which bad” and were returned to him. Hq in turn sent them back to the Scatter good Company but they refused make good. Mr. Tyson then ref to sell any more of the asked them to remove his entire chase. This they refused to do an instead sued for the amount of bill. The plaintiff suffered a tary non-suit. Snyder vs. Schroll Another local case settled out of court was the replevin suit of Harvey K. Snyder who resides on the Mari- etta pike, against Daniel A. Schroll of this place. Some time ago Schroll bought an automobile from Snyder. Over a year thereafter, Snyder is- sued a writ, had the Sheriff come here, break open Schroll’s garage and removed the car. The next day the Sheriff returned the ear, putting it used tires and ~ back into the garage from which it was taken, a bond aving been - Mr. Schroll produced his con- S as receipts fulfilled his its entirety Sny- ] the was sho {1 paid al Surprise Party A surprise J Y Ay nA Mrs street on nary par held at the er Greena- Friday was Oh of Mr. Greenawalt } 2]el d his birthday. Games were plaved and refreshments served Those present were Mrs. Shoop and 1oht Pauline and Iva, Mrs. Mame E. Kover, Miss Mary Myers, Mr. John Kover of Lime Rock, Mr and Mrs. Fred Liebeihier and song __. oe Fred and Kenneth, Miss Helen Kel- ler, Mr. and Mre Oliver Greenawalt and Misses Virginia, Ida and Clara Greenawalt. : DE... ly’ ’lJ/i Keller & Bro’s. Next Sale Messrs. J. B. Keller & Bro. will hold their next sale at their ste vards in this place on Friday, Ma-.28- when they will sell 90 head of Ly’ Valley cows, heifers, bulls and shui See their ad on another page.