~ 4 " A DAY, APRIL 20th, 1921 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, f MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. "54 . " | : OUR DEPARTMENT FM uw THC PRODUCE AND er : BR 3 What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To : ranc chock : OF AGRICULTURE Sor Tis, Perk LIVE STOCK MARKET » = n No = PROPER PLANTING OF PEAS CORRECT INFORMATION FUR- eR 2 N 5 ara e - GIVEN ALL-SEASON SUPPLY NISHED WEEKLY BY THE [A » 5 h = In planting garden peas prepare PENNA BUREAU OF ~~ Pe 7 A = @ | the soil the same as for other crops, . Gu : / x = > P R R S . = then scatter a little fertilizer where { MARKETS FOR THE YHE ¥ om ( osite . . ° tation) Bithe row is to be planted and rake BULLETIN % = \ = hig into Wei I'he elton: of i | Here are authentic figures from the Ford factory at Detroit. 2 EB n Ta Son 8 a 1 ty be Ri | Herewith is a corrected weekly re- They showsyou just how many Ford cars and trucks have been built 2 & ® ® | somewhat And not rowed ton Cle. port of the Lancaster markets rela- each month Since January 1, 1921 and how many have been sold to & 1amo ric atteries @m ly together. Scatter the seed in this veto produce snd Jive Stocks retail customeRg, in the United States. i x {furrow 15 or 20 seeds to the foot, Lancaster Retail Produce Market Delivered to > ‘then cover about 3 inches deep and | Trading at the variou rket Yue dh 3 al TA i a B22 fove i es I | : ] ¢ mi Produced Retail Customers Le Ss - | ; ljghuly Arm i? 0 Bi over He eed { ve a 5 MOT { : ! 1 JANUARY 29,883 57,208 3 ., ’ hs oie ot hae, i evel a NR oi; buye: FEBRUARY 35,305 63,603 9 6 » =w Wi zen 1y lapse before A MARCH . ’: i Uni ted Stat s Tires Eons Wl fuss pes if MARCH 61.866 san Te \ I 1 : Fe : Le Ep rroduction® 127.074 Total Retail Sales 208,032 3 ® ALL MAKES OF BATTERIES RECHARGRD and REPAIRED B 3 zl exe . : a pe ! 5 5, \ : he E § i x . ’ g 1DLy B L.e{ us 31d ON Yi ] B =n ® a » ol cer Yer Cyilnady B " 8 i "re B i: Oo AL C4 = EERE RRR EER RE RE RRR REE Eee Pe O Y FN 5% 0% ON ON PY NN : be r oO OC OOO O00 OOO SOOO SOOO x 0G t v Q $3 {late cabiane, spt ; en & 3 ; | un ¢ . h h un Q 2 err smice de far de orma : ’ ( EE ( EN CH IN AY s tat Q & Yl cic 18 slpiy OQ t l rr h { : s y y I ice: Hot house r od hatches may | ent 1s { : yndition Ha } ) - Q renso I XT ted. The size of : > { head H 3 LY OQ t} flock in the fall, however, de- "Ut un Dandeli ( gM \ Rl BL ake your im~ given the chicks during the first six | 10€Kich ie 0 gy Be 1¢ ‘ \ Q weeks of their existence. | der Him n od 1Te | ( an QO The following suecestions for their | C0omed : ket 60e Crysta ( 2 &S care during th neriod ate miven be | Droom saesht du ich bin ne b arlae I rid : ; 1 [dg e ore poultry specialists of United States | 2; I fr 2 hized h \ cul 4 ! bap i ® ® Q Department of Agriculture: 71 eS ch. y Q Start he brooder a r two | Ne 0: Parsnij I & uc & X1inime 1 % before nu Lem trl, Tn Be yeh Co 3 that the heating ipparatus is work- | 1° mna. Par He 1 i DH b i Q ng properly \ 1 a b hu QO — - Broode lamj should be leaned { Y . 3 1.1 “1 : & EE & very “day j : : Everybody is getting by to build, rebuild and repair. ; A ecor 1 sh he ept of ; Ve n the 10 1 WN be « n. [.abor and 1na=- 1 % i Q haten A late set, numl : terials will | tied u \%o0id delavs. worries and Rachman Pho 8 i ns neal if i U ; I pense 1 ) ik ht away y ASUUEEE (ii Wi WE Q Pp ) : 0 Qi ht erinaitgn Use concrete O Man fou Q I verlast g(uires no painting, $y if U il JUV; A 1 Ped 3 Q & Nas $ 1 \ hat wou have to do. = i " - “i Net 1s ¢ 1 setul be ce dheet Ff sugoestions OOO OOOH OOOO A QOH WII - 1 1 FOSTOOOVOOTODGTOVOGIVOSITO00 A Q BE Q ! t als 3 List of Specials | SOME OF THESE TIRES ARE NEW — OTHERS ARE RE- t1 lots the Si) PAIRED. ‘ u \ No Size Make List Sale - Tue pat ean bo ma der a [arch or Am 0 4 32x314 LEE PUNCTURE PROOF new $25.05..$15.00 7 I hy ; : 1 ir 1 32x4 TRIUMPH ,............ new $30.00..$18.00 n June a 2 3334 TRIUMPH .......... ....new $32.00..$19.00 FOLLOW THE ! er 2 34x4 TRIGMPH: .............. new $33.00. .$20.00 AND CUT IR — meses e a SEE : / . ) Have 1 ) \ I ( 1 2 30x3)%; GOODYEAR ..60 p. c. good $20.00..% 3.00 tall, ed Ire on ; 20000QOCI0H000COCO00000CANICOCE0000000000000000000008 1 30x31; PERFEETION ..45 p. c. good $20.00..$ 6.00 t a: Tn Mie Danis groppol ; 1 32x4 DIAMONB ....50 p. c. good $32.50..$15.00 them occasionally witl or t . 5 ( p- == @ ~ - 5 fiin will keep them in i 1 WwW o Sewwr 3 rurss sm f rived Bei nitgec 1 37xB UNITED STATES 35 p. c. good $60.00. .$15.00 or i en 4 ( gt y 3 Uv e i. AY i Ive § €}% EKA RICE CSE \ Rusty or dirty irons sl ; Rh as 95 Di Pir P R / 1 31x4 KELLY ...\..20 p.c. good $34.00..$ 8.00 BORE ith sad Sore or natn rik LE a i A ar. Joply 40280 5 o> oe Vv ‘ 1 31x4 GOODRICH .%\.25 p. c. good $28.00..% 8.50 washed, wiped dry, heated, waxed, | ony Fan loss n tr rries: Fla. choice, f 1 Mf OY nev YY Y cay ? 1 33x4 DIAMOND 80 p. c. good $35.00..$15.00 ip rubbed smooth | ang | HE ea 1 d is t } lave clothes 1 ( 1 1 Q y Q n 1 t 1 y (1 ( 2 34x41; GOODYEARS . 98, p. c. good $47.95..$35.00 hn elf i a sD oma he AR 2 34x41, GOODYEAR PLAIN '¢5p.c. good $43.00. .$30.00 : Iron fabric Ty | nee ( vi I I 3 PERSONAL CHECKS TAKEN FOR CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSI \ nread, n 1 { « h 1] » as \ - a space at ble. Most | or oxis g nt! 1 chickens $1 \ materials look best f ironed thoi f W 1 1 A $1.00 { ge Y oughly dry. : I $2.25 ch SECURITY OVER TWO MILLION DOLLARS = Ire yn first the parts that dry out Lane ( 1d Feed Marke MT. JOY AUTO SUPPLY CO. or ot ie Saris hu hy em pau a > Gysin, Sn Ped iintient AAS Fe we hy 1h ird when finis ish d. or nu azed ] 13 208 E. Main Street, MOUNT JOX, PA. Por silis 'wonlors, and colored mio. | x fags; he 00 ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL \ . terials, use medium-hot irons. t npir 1 extr wan I ishel, Ha all these material | wronge \ nrac Fu 1 Of br a—————T—— 2 except aprons children’s dresses |. 1 1 1 0as1s.( tor that need a smooth surface to keep | cover harvested four times a se Selling Price of Feeds i 8 1 clean longer. Silks and woolens may [2 is out at the end of the $30a8$31 ton, Shorts $30a- i JF | AV 10 {J JOT J I mg | 2, EPO ed on the right side if covéred | third year, thus subjecting the soil | $31, Hominy, §34a$35 ton, Middl ) Vi B | U E with dampened cheese-cloth, say | to varving degrees of depletion |$3 y ton, Linseed Meal LE in ; i THE QUESTION household specialists of the United | throueh erosion. ton, Cottonseed Meal 41% { States Department of Agriculture. ! HE CR a , Cottonseed Meal 43% OF FURNITURE OUALITY R RANGE REVEGETATION BASED There are fewthings that quality effects so vitally as furni- ON GRAZING METHODS USED Range depletion is due in a large measure to premature grazing and to lack of uniform utilization of the forage crop, investigations now being | ware. 0 Often things that people buy fo personal wear and for home use are not always expec to last a long time, but this connot be said about furniture. When“gou buy furniture you are buying something you expect to rendéx, you long service. It will if you buy it here, because here we of quality first. All the furni- ture we buy must measure exactly to requirements which we make as to the manner of workmanship. And, after all, in the long run, well-made furniture is the chénpest sort of furniture to buy. We invite comparison, look around, “compare qualities and prices and then come here and see ur vast assortment. rried on at the Great Basin Experi- | the Forest Service of the United | States Department of Agriculture show. These experiments, hich have | = (been conducted over a 4-year period, have been for the purpose of ascer- | taining just how certa iin range b unch | asses are affected by diforer nt sys- | tems of grazing. | 2! . It was found that the yield of ® violet wheat grass when removed by Westenberger, Maley & Myers 128-131 East King Street LANCASTER, PA. m | cutting once in a season, at the time ST LT DED 0) our, | the seed crop matured, was four and [two-tenths times as large as when it was removed four times in a season |and three and eight-tenths times as {large and when the herbage was re- {moved twice in the season. | Native brome grass, on the other thand, yielded six times as much {when harvested twice during the sea- son, but the yield from one cutting {was three and three-tenths times as |much as when it is removed four times. This means in range revegata- tion that the grass native there must be taken into consideration and a sys- tem of grazing used that is suitable to it. \ The experiments also showed the strikin difference in water content in herbage as the season advances. In the leafage of the vielet wheat grass harvested once in a season, just before seed maturity, the water con- tent averaged 41 per cent. Plants jereed twice, late in the season, con- GA OL I 11 RO 1 COAL COAL i = uo 1 ALL SIZES AND # MEDIATE DELIVERY. C TH 11 FETT T1111 1 DS OF COAL ON HAND FOR IM- ARE NOT USED ANY MORE. 1 1 FE / RR LUMBER and GOAL Both Telephones MOUNT JOY, PENNA. I = mmm = = x : : ev v. hprior dry. A ment Station by grazing specialists in |dor10 . 3 th SUMMER CARE OF HEATERS There is danger of rust when stove or furnace stands unused for some time. 1 taken down in the ] spring, cleaneq, | and stored in a dry place. The doors | should be left open to keep the in- | A lump of unslacked lime on the grate w ik collect the moisture and thus prevent rust, nomic specialists in United States De ( 1 nome partment of Agriculture say. Leave | | the boiler of a steam or hot-wa heater ‘filled with water up to af py valve, during the summer. The old adage, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” might well have read “a carrot or an onl a day,” and probably the would be about the same as reg: reducing the doctor’s bill. V tables of all kinds are necessary the diet, but particularly valuable are those available in the spring and summer, say specialists of the United States Department of Agriculture During 1920 the specialists of the Bureau of Markets, United States Department of Agriculture, carried on investigations in handling apples and pears in the course of harvesting, packing and transporting, and the de- termination of the stage of maturity at which they should be picked, also investigations to determine the factors responsible for the decay and deterioration in shipments of these fruits from the Pacific Northwest. A study of the methods of pre- cooling and refrigerating California oranges was undertaken in co-opera- tion with the California Fruit Growers’ Exchange. Smokepipes should be | ton, Dairy Feed 15% Protein $32 t Dairy Feed 1¢ Protein $34a$ mn, Dairy Fec Pro- tein 10 ton, Dairy Feed 24% Protei $44 ton, Bains Feed { | 25 Prot 5a$46 ton rr QQ rere POSITIVE PROOF Should Convince the Greatest Skep- | tic in Mount Joy jt’ x the evidence of a Mt investigated. merit. The best proof. Read it: H. M. Brown, Mt. Joy Street says: | “ had a dull, throbbing ache in my back just over my hips. Soreness _ | settled over my kidneys and my kidneys were so frequent in action and had to get up at night quite often. In the morning I would feel all tired out. I used Doan’s Kidney Pills and they promptly helped me and soon entirely relieved me of the trouble. I haven’t had to use Dpan’s Kidney Pills for quite awhile mow, but I keep them on had to use as a preventive.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—gat Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Brown had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. It Will Pay You. The large circulation of the Bul- letin makes it the best advertising medium in this section of Lancaster county. Give it a trial and be con- vinced. tf ets sees el Qe It pays to advertise in the Bulletin Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin 'ndorsement of | Ri n, ho Capital $50,000.00 Surplus $85,000.00 MICHAEL R. HOFFMAN, SIMON F. SNYDER. President Cashier \: { / ( § NS SMITHS WAGON WORKS RHEEMS, PA. Manufacturer of and Dealer in : i] 7 Light and Heavy Wagons Hay Flats, Tobacco Ladders, Wagon Bodies, Wheelbarrows, Ma- nure Sleds, Wheels cut down,and fit with tires, New Axles, New Tongues, Wagon Hounds, and™all parts of wagons. See Smith’s Steel Wheel Low Down Special $39.00 and up Tobacco Labbers at $1 per foot ; REPAIR WORK OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY TERMS: Cash—Satisfaction Guaranteed J. C. SMITH BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT RHEEMS, PA. | 10 TE I! bY April 13 , TR Tr W i YB 1 LL