DINSD IN WEDS NUMBER OF VERY WELL KNOWN YOUNG FOLKS ARE JOINED IN THE HOLY BONDS OF MATRIMONY. A quiet wedding took place last Wednesday evening in Christ Luth- eran church at Elizabethtown, when Joseph W. Wakley and Miss Clara N. Croman, both of Philadelphia, were united in marriage by Rev. Frank Croman, brother of the bride. Berrier—Woods Mr. John Berrier, of Florin, and Miss Florence Woods, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Woods, of Carl- isle, were married at the home of the bride’s parents last Tuesday. Af- ter the wedding they came here and visited relatives and friends at Flor- in, near Kinderhook and Milton Grove. The groom is a brother of Charles and James Berrier and lived with the former on the Frank farm north of town. The bride's parents were former residents of East Done- gal where they lived on the Duffy farm near Marietta. The newly wedded couple left here Sunday for Towa where they will reside in the future. ee A. Concert at Masonic Homes The Keystone Concert Company will render their annual spring con- cert to the guests of the Masonic Homes on Thursday evening, April twenty-first at eight o'clock. This company has been entertaining the guests of the Masonic Homes since 4ts organization and has always found great pleasure in doing so. This con- cert will be one of the best they have ever given, and will be well worth hearing. The company has been enlarged and presents a program of real merit. One of the features of this comcert will be that of the assistance of Mrs. Van Horn one of the aged guests of the home, who will accompany Mr. Eshleman in his "Cello work. The public is very cordially invited to attend this concert. FUBA at World-Famous (pum. pling Establishment May Be Located on the Island. “The greatest gambling center In the world will be located in the west- ern hemisphere if plans for ‘palaces’ in Cuba develop as given out,” sald Walter P. Harris of Havanna. “Cuba is already beset with the gambling fever, and fortunes change hands there almost every day. “Since the announcement of the prince of Monaco that he Is prepar- ing to close Monte Carlo, there have been extensive preparations for the establishment of great gambling pal- aces designed to attract the sporting element that now visits Monte Carlo to the ‘Pearl of the Antilles.’ Several villages have been surveyed with the view of locating this gambling cen- ter, but so far no definite decision has been reached. “Gambling Is already flourishing in Havana. The Casino de la Playa Is a great garish temple of roulette, where wonderful dinners are served at less than cost. The profit to the house comes from the wheel. The men who take women to the Casino for dinner invariably back them at the wheel “The moratorium now in effect on the island has not affected the crowds at the Casino, because they are most- ly composed of tourists, and the vis- {tor i8 treated to the sight of a coun- try, apparently bankrupt but gambling madly, where fortunes change hands overnight and the beggar of today may be the rich man of tomorrow."— Washington Post. A HL AABLS.PahA>=LUn IIL L6 } Fined For lllegal Fishing Summarily convicted of violating the State fish code by fishing in the Donegal creek on Sunday, sentence was suspended by Squire McCracken, .|of Columbia, until Saturday evening, when Houston Rodgers, G. Maurer and Samuel Maurer were heard before him on Wednesday evening. | The young men were arrested by Private Landon, of Troop E, State Police, on Tuesday. The State Police have received orders to prosecute all persons violating the fish code, either by fishing on inland streams on Sun- —_ As a’”w BSR ibis r©rourv It Will Pay You. The large circulation of the Bul- letin makes it the best advertising medium in this section of Lancaster county. Give it a trial and be con- * winced. tf A In Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. It pays to advertise in the Bulletin Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. BOOOOOODO0 day or by catching game fish out of | season, or using illegal fishing equip- {ment. wn coment Aen i I have a few exceptionally good | bargains in real estate for late buy- ers but you must act at once. J. E. Schroll, Mount Joy. tf. Read the Bulletin. Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. rer OO0000000000000000000000000000O0DDLLLVLLVVIVLILS GROFF & WOLF — REYIGIGUS NEWS IN OUR CHURCHES NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY BORO AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COM- MUNITY Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor. Bible School 9:30 A. M. Morning Service 10:45 A. M. Evening Service 7 P. M. Florin U. B. Church Rev. M. H. Miller, Pastor Sunday School 9:30. Sermon 10:30. C. E. 6:30. Sermon 7:15. Church of God Rev. I. A. MacDannald, D.D., Pastor Sabbath School 9:30 A. M. Preaching 10:30 A. M. Senior Endeavor 6:30 P. M. Preaching 7:30 P. M. Mid-week prayer service Wednes- day 7:45 P. M. Baptismal Service on Sunday even- ing. T. U. Evangelical Church Rev. G. R. Mergenthaler, Pastor Prayer service Wednesday evening :30 "Sunday School Sunday morning :30. Preaching Service Sunday morning 10:30. Preaching Sunday Evening 7:00. Choir practice Friday evening at 8 o’clock. Come and bring your friends to these services. Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Michael Farry Davis, Pastor 9:15 Sunday School. 10.30 Preaching service: Children’s Sermon, The Great Stone Face. Ser- mon The Acceptable Sacrifice. 6:30 Epworth League, Leader, Miss Catherine McCullough, Topic, How can we improve our recreations? 1 Cor. 10:23, 24, 31-33; 11:1. 7:30 Preaching Service. Sermon, What shall we do with the Rib Story? Genesis 2:18-25. Wednesday Evening at 7:30, April 13, 1921. Prayer meeting tonight. Subject, Parable of the Unjust Judge. First Presbyterian Church Midweek prayer meeting, Wednes- day evening at 7:30. Sunday School at the usual hour 9:30 Morning Service at 10:30. Service at Donegal in the .after- noon at 2:30. No service at Mount Joy in the evening. A congregational meeting will be RECORD OF PLAYERS TEAM MADE A VERY CRED- ITABLE RECORD THE PAST SEASON ball team made a very good record during the season just closed. - By the following scores it may be seen that the team scored a total of 1,290 points against 1,088 by its opponents. Thirty-six games were played during the season with teams in the Lancas- ter County League and some of the best independent teams in this see- tion of the state. It can be right- fully said that Mount Joy won the County League Championship. While Hershey scored more victories, that team hails from Dauphin county. Of ythe thirty-six games played, twenty- ‘five were victories with a successive string of thirteen in a row at the beginning of the season. Following are the games played and the scores: 30 43 47 70 34 21 64 30 50 40 35 33 24 Blackie Garvey Reserves... Akron Tarsus of Harrisburg....... Hershey Marietta Columbia Marietta Garnet of Harrisburg Elizabethtown ............. Poss Miller's Ath. Team... Golde Elizabethtown Hershey Hershey Elizabethtown McSherrystown ............ Elizabethtown Hershey .. uc. conic Hershey Golde Elizabethtown Golde Hershey Hershey Elizabethtown Elizabethtown Hershey i Hershey Media Steelton Elizabethtown Reserves ExHigh 27 26 51 26 30 65 The individaal scoring record is also appended. By these figures it may be seen that Joseph T. M. Brene- man led his team mates with a grand total of 407 with ‘“Rube’” Bennett held on Monday, April 18 at 7:30 P. M. for the purpose of calling a pas- tor. Every member of the church and congregation is requested to be present at this meeting. A meeting of the Woman’s Aid So- ciety will be held after prayer- meeting on Wednesday evening for the purpose of holding the annual | L. second at 272. Chas. Bennett finished {third and E. Grissinger fourth, only two points separating them. Games Played Gls. Pts. Fls. Tt (J. Breneman 33 88-166 241-144 407 |R. Bennett..30 129-258 14- 24 272 { C. Bennett.34 6- 20 182 2- 04 180 1: 88-176 89-178 51-102 36- 72 E. Grissinger 28 Ellis... .1b 8S. Barr....29 i OUR BIG FIVE BASKET BALL ALL THE UP.TO-DATE HAF The Mount Joy Big Five basket list. en I » AROUND FLORIN INGS FROM THAT THRIVING AND BUSY VILLAGE v 100 y ) n as a from a ladder while working at th Klein factory, Elizabethtown, Frida severely injuring his right foot. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wittle, daugh- ter Clara and son Harry, Mr. and|! Mrs. John Wittle and daughter Mary | spent Sunday at Lancaster the guests | of the former’s daughter Mrs. Emma Mrs. Cl Fevre h il | Kehl. re. Clayton: LePevre: has: been ‘he following Florin folks spent ith tonsilitis. With Lonsy tas the day in Lancaster on’ rday: Mrs. Wm. Hamilton' and daugh! Viola, Mary, Grace, Annie, Ruth, Miss Dorothy Musselman has hegn Mrs. Dukeman, Martha Kreider, Mrs. Mrs. George Vogel is on the fick employed by Nissly Gingrich. Mr. Harry Stoll is nursing a ve sore hand the result of a nail scratch. | 7 2 son Mr. Fred Roth, of Rheems, made Eichler, Frances Liggins, James a business trip to Florin, on Friday. | Rutherford. 4 Mrs. Ephriam Amdt and daughterr| The following pupils from the Mary spent Wednesday in Lancaster. Florin Grammar school journeyed to Miss Buelah Loraw has been em) Milton Grove on Saturday to take ployed by the Nissly Swiss chocolate) the county examination preparatory factory. {> entering the high school: Esther Mr. Samuel Smith was a Monday | Garber, Ellen Breneman, Ra visitor to relatives at Red Lion, York Rider, Clayton Sprecher, county. Brooks. ‘& Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Read- ae ing, visited the former’s parents on SALE REGISTER Sunday. —————— : and Mrs. Ed Steigerwald of LA publie sales either advertised i sday visitors to our Were prin a office, Rh wae Tuesday advertised in this list FREE every Mr. George Stoll of the Capital | week until day of sale: City, was a Tuesday visitor to rela-| | Friday, April 16—At the Floriy tives here. Hotel, Florin, Pa., 145 head of live Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Garber motored | stock consisting of cows and shoats to Perry County on Sunday to visitiby C. 8. Frank & Bro. relatives. Saturday, April 16—On the prem-. Miss Estella Wachstetter has re-|ises in the village of Florin, house- turned home from a three days visit: hold goods by H. 8. Musselman. to Lancaster. | Vogel, auet, Mrs. John Guhl! and Miss Miriam | Friday, April 22—At their stock Guhl, were shopping in Lancaster on yards, Mount Joy, 85 head of cows, Wednesday. | heifers, bulls and shoats by J. B. Kel- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nissly, Mr. and: ler & Bra, Aldinger, auct. See a4 Mrs. issl spent Sunday in |verfisemen > Jar X Rely pe y | turday, April 23—On the prem- To Primary room of the Florin ise Grai. har School closed for the sum- a lage lot of household goods of the mer on Wednesday. late §irs. Mary E. Pattersn by M. N. Miss Ruth Shelly and Miss Maria Brubaker, agent for Mrs. W. F. Har- Young have started work in the Nis- per. Frank, auct sly Swiss chocolate factory. | _— why Roy Peris, manager of the Fair- They Didn’t Sell. view orchards is busy planting a' MN Bomberger offered the former large number of new fruit trees. George Eichelberger residence in The Mite Society of the United Florin, at public sale on Saturday but Brethren church, held their regular it was withdrawn at $2,850.00. He monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. also offered a number of building lots Harry Stoll on Tuesday evening. ibetween here and Florin, but eyery John Guhl one of the leading to- one was withdrawn. bacco growers of this Section hae just SR ITLING 1% he! finished sowing his tobacco adeatmeBlo —1I have ren i ; {To 8 blacksmith shop lor Taving the - Peds thoroughly. the, Wa distance 4 {f Florin, and steamed. Miss Myra Booth has returned af- ter spending a few months visiting relatives at Butler, Pa. Miss Ruth Keener was a Saturdsy visitor to her sister Mrs. Herman EXECUTORS’ NOTICE Brinser at Elizabethtown. | “state of Samuel S. Wolgemuth, Mr. and Mrs. John Raffensberger late ‘of Mount Joy township, am prepared to do all in a satisfactory manner able prices. Horse Shoeing a ty. E. W. Brosey. s of wozky S- peat by p Eges, per { Butter, per. Lard, per Ib Potatoes, pe I. Db. Wheat, per b Corn, per bu \Oats, per buf anted, alesman wh RI ten yi at, in that may lead / able, connection. cheys & Co., Finan pore ks = Is apprentice. PD Shop, Mount RABBITS WANT any | BL 1bs. h 3% 1 mer, Marietta St., ————————————————— NOTICE—AIll cont igacted for by th Weideq, will be comp tate unde Fe eTrson Satisfaction guats sons plepse commu undersigned. H. M. Florin, Pa. WANTED —Maf*ag aged to do general how cooking in Orange, N. this office.’ QR RENT—A house i oY n East Main street, Mount Jogjbing 2; ago at I D. Stehg Truck, the same is borrower please return it. AN"Mdl}y VESTMENT—! of Bachman colate Man ing Company stock. nd the lot hence the low p share. Call or phone Bulle oy, Pa. 0 0 Sa Rang QR JE—Othello er tank warming closet aker skirting and polished } ears, sell for hale nyder. OR SAL b ing stone, cust and lumber. R. 2, Pa. NOTICE OF Fl ; isited ter County, Pa., deceased. : pr gd Mr, Samael Kou vied, COR nary on sid on : tate havingy\'heen granted to the un- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Strickler of go. omeq, en a Maytown, were Sunday visitors to to are reqyested™t ke immediate Christian Malehorn and family. yment. ad thoséd g claims or Mr. Jacob N. Hershey and family | dénrands against the g spent Saturday at Lebanon as guests sent them without d of Mr. Paris Hershey and family. |ment to the undersi a Miss Mary Pershey, a student at WILLIAM Cornell University, spent several days GRAYBLL 1 108 [with her paients, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob 5- 09 77 N. Hershey. { B. Frank Kready, Atty. Notic re y partnership lat . L. Shearer an ! Mount Joy, Pa., do i Mount Joy Auto \was dissolved on the " 1) y n election. The Woman’s Missionary Society | &- Klugh 24- 48 1- 2- 04 Brown...14 0 2 49 | Mr. Jahn Dellinger of Lancaster, | will be held on Thursday evening at | 04 'Mr. and Mrs. John Kern of Landis- * oa Es » * » + £3 * Es £ » » Ea £ od . EB 0 * ES Ey Et L BS ES » » 5 0 0 » 5 0 0 5 » 0 0 » 5 » ROCSOOOO It is bought in great volume at lowest possible price, made still lower by our dis- counting every bill— And because it’s sold in the same large volume it comes to you freighted with the smallest margin of profit. And that’s why you buy Suits here at CLOTHING Offers one concrete channel to cut living costs to meet a reduced income— It’s first of all an ALL-WOOL product— It’s the product of mills that wouldn't think of turning out shoddy-— _ It’s made by tailors who r= fonest ef- . fort into their work and who don’t try to cover up poor workmanship with frills the average man doesn’t want— DOOC VILLLLLLLLLLOOO0O0000OOOOOOO0OOOOOOOCOOOOOON DOOOC WWIII ILLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCTOOOE $20 $30 DOOOOOO00L $35 | that the average store can’t begin to dupli- cate under $35, $45 and $50. Groff & Wolf Co. The Home of Hart, Schaffner and Marx and Fashion Park Clothes. 26--30 North Queen Laacaster’s Fastest Growing Store O00 000OCOO0O00COOOOO0OO00C DOOCOOOO DO | her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry 4 in the west for many years. 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Levi Stauf- fer. A VERY INTERESTING AND INSTRUCTIVE DISPLAY A very interesting and instructive display is on exhibition in the large store window of the Keystone Fur- Lancaster today and all of this week. The exhibit is for the purpose of aid- ing the Pennsylvania Blind, of Philadelphia, in selling some of its surplus stock which has accumulated at the institution. The money derived for the sale of the goods goes direct to the shes? Sp, Keystone §¢x “nating their win- aow space free. A feature of the display is the hand loom in the east window of the furniture store, used by Alexander Warren, a blind inmate of the school. The products of his loom are sold as well as other articles made by other workers at the institution. A toy broom will be given to all visitors, children. The exhibit is very instructive. The blind man works as rapidly as a man with full use of his eyes. Only the best of material is used and spectators stand for hours fascinated as the material slowly winds into a beautiful rug or carpet. Personal Happenings (Continued from page 1) riet Forrest last week. Oreville E. Wilcox the local agent of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company left this place and is tak- ing up the work at Elmira, N. Y. Mr. C. L. Zerphy, who was sta- tioned at American Falls, Idaho, is home with his parents on Manheim street on a three months’ furlough, home in Ironville on Wednesday af- ter spending several days here with Hinkle, sr. Miss Caroline Nissly, of the Hill- side School, Norwalk, Conn., has re- turned to finish the term after spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Nissly. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Carpenter and Mrs. Sybilla Zeller spent Saturday at Lancaster with relations and Sunday went on the excursion to Philadelphia which left from Lancaster. Mr. J. W. Barnhart, president and manager of the Waters-Barnhart Printing Company, of Omaha, Neb., made a pleasant call at this office 'on Monday. Mr. Barnhart is a former resident of this place, but has been He has been quite successful in business and onducts one of the largest plants in hat section. 3 I BAP. An advertisement in these columns is read by many hundreds of people each week. Then why shouldn’t newspaper advertising pay? tf sss tA An sntnrint. ¢ hy Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin 1 i % * 1 Mrs. Frank Haug retumed to her{’ E. Eshleman 1 1- Mr. Benj. Groff very successfully |caster, were pleasantly entertained managed the above team. Farm Women’s Meeting The Rapho Farm Women’s Society | children left Saturday for their new, eir monthly session on {home at Teaneck, N. J., where her niture Company, West King street, Saturday afternoon at the home of husband is employed. No. 2 held th Mrs. Abram W. Wolgemuth east of Mastersonville. a talk to the women folks. rise tl GF 02 ville, spent Sunday with J. Y. Kline Mrs. Ruppin presi- Harry Stoll, Home for dent of society No. 3 of Akron gave |Shelley and Miss Maria Young spent Advertise jpthe WW oby Suiletin. daughter, Helen, and William Mum- and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laube of Lan Spend Your | with your home merc] They help pay the keep up the schools, roads, and make this munity worth while, will find the advertl the best ones at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Roth on Sunday. Mrs. Thomas McElroy and two, Mrs. Andrew Rineer, Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Lutz, Miss Ruth | in Saturday afternoon in Elizabethtown. Mr. and Mrs. Joho Bammer ond hE | ee em———— Isaac R err Harold G. Ripple Attorneys SOQOOOOOOOOOOOTOOIOOCOOOOOIOCOOOOCOOOOOOOOCTOOOOTOOG a 'HAGER'S Anniversary Sale Continues To Be The Most Talked of Even; In Lancaster. Continues Up To and Including April 23rd My what Values and what Crowds! - Folks tell us they have nevex the week it seemed as though every Hager’s. \ N\ New lots of specially bought mereliandige are & we plan to keep the interest high throughout the er Come Saturday, if you possibly can. Come \ day next week. You will find the Values extrag Hager’s just as anxious as ever to give you real se DOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOO0 he f seen anything like it before. Lash Saturday and several days during body in the County was in